Chapter 176 Ten consecutive draws, become holy! (4600 words, second update)
The sudden appearance of the voice not only startled the four aristocratic children, but even these monsters looked at Han Zhao one after another.

"Help us kill these monsters!" one of the family's children shouted loudly.

"10 taels of gold! Or ten pieces of magic gold!"

Han Zhao's hands are trumpet-shaped.

The child of the aristocratic family was startled, and immediately cursed, "Are you fucking poor and crazy?!"

Han Zhao chuckled, and punched the monster attacking him to pieces.

He grabbed a black and translucent rhomboid crystal with both hands, and quickly retreated.

Han Zhao looked at his fist, and saw that the skin on the back of his hand had been scalded off, and the wound was pitch black, numb and itchy, and bursts of black smoke came out.

"Hiss~" He stimulated the innate yang qi in his body to scald all the flesh on it, and then run the Longevity Art to activate the special effect of removing decay and regenerating muscles, and the small piece of flesh re-grew.

"No wonder these people don't dare to fight head-on." Han Zhao looked at the new pink skin on the back of his hand, and his heart shivered.

This weird monster that came out of nowhere, its mucus actually contained such a terrifying toxin that even his physique was tricked.

The children of these aristocratic families are afraid that it will be difficult for them to face more than a dozen monsters.

Han Zhao and Shen Xiao withdrew from the village and went all the way to the stone tablet, and the monsters that had been chasing them retreated back.

"Can't these things go out of the village?" Han Zhao thought to himself.

It is said that there is not much danger in the outskirts of the Zhongzhou Paradox, but even if the children of the aristocratic families who rank high on the Qilin list rashly enter the village and encounter these monsters, if they are not careful, they will be enraged on the spot.

But if these monsters can't leave the village, the threat will be much smaller.

Although Han Zhao killed a monster just now, there are still more than a dozen of them in the field, and the four children of the family soon couldn't bear it anymore.

"Han Zhao! I am Qi Xiu from the Qi family! Help me!" At this time, the young man in purple from the four families shouted.

"Qi Xiu?" Han Zhao frowned. Qi Xiu was Qi Xuanming's cousin, so he couldn't ignore it.

Thinking of this, Han Zhao stretched out his left hand, and a large amount of true energy accumulated in his palm, and finally materialized quickly, turning into a crystal-clear longbow.

Immediately afterwards, he took out three arrows of Wujin arrows from the Sumeru bag.

Whoosh whoosh!
Three arrows are fired together, and the arrows shoot out like a dragon!Arrows circled the wind, icicles and arcs met.

boom! !

The three arrows were like three laser cannons capable of destroying everything, killing the three monsters that turned their heads and attacked in an instant.The violent thunder and the terrifying icicles set off circles of air waves and strong winds, blowing a piece of houses near the entrance of the village tottering.But even so, these houses that look like ordinary wood have not collapsed.

Seeing that the arrows released by Han Zhao were astonishingly powerful and caused huge losses to his side, the monsters that had gathered together quickly dispersed and attacked Han Zhao from all directions.

Whoosh whoosh!
Han Zhao fired three arrows again and killed the three demons.

In addition to the monsters that came to the door at the beginning, he killed seven monsters in a very short time.

"Roar~" These monsters opened their sharp mouths full of fine fangs, and let out a roar like an ultrasonic wave, and the black membrane of the surrounding people's bodyguards rippled and cracked.

But Han Zhao was not affected at all.

This level of sonic attack can't break through the innate yang qi, and his protective qi shield is not affected at all except for a superficial shock.

However, the mucus spit out by the demon quickly corroded the qi shield.

Seeing this situation, Han Zhao also had an intuitive understanding of the monster's attack power. He tapped the ground lightly with his feet, and the whole person did not retreat but advanced, and quickly floated up.

Chi Chi Chi!
More than a dozen streaks of black mucus shot out.

"Three points return to vitality!"

Han Zhao turned his hands in front of him, making a movement similar to that of Tai Chi, and the zhenqi water balloons like water waves gathered in front of him, forming a vortex.

"Puff puff!"

The slime was swept into the invisible vortex by the three-point Gui Yuan Qi released by Han Zhao, and then turned around and flew back towards the monsters.

"Pfft!" Han Zhao held the karma-slashing knife and brushed past the oncoming monster, a line of blood appeared on the monster's neck.In the next second, a huge head fell, and a green blood sword soared into the sky.

In just twenty breaths, Han Zhao killed all these dozen or so monsters.

"This Gold-armored Monster Lizard is full of treasures, this time it will make a lot of money!"

Looking at the corpses of monsters all over the place, the four of them were overjoyed.

The young man in purple at the head stepped forward and saluted Han Zhao, "Han Zhao, thank you very much. I am Qi Xiu from the Qi family. I often hear Xuan Ming mentioning you."

"Brother Qi, you're being polite, it's just a matter of raising your hands." Han Zhao smiled.

Qi Xiu saw that Han Zhao was doing so well, and said with a smile on his face: "The poison sac of the monster lizard is useless to warriors like Brother Han, so it's better to just use it."

"[-]% off for acquaintances!" Han Zhao stretched out his hand.

Qi Xiu tilted his head and was stunned for a moment, suspecting that he had heard wrong.

"Also, were you the one who scolded me just now? You pay 15% more! 15 taels of gold, or [-] yuan of magic gold!"

As he said that, Han Zhao pointed to the young man who was collecting poisonous sacs of monster monsters at the back of the street.

"What did you say?! Why didn't you go grab it!" The young man was furious when he heard the words, "You are just from the Qi family."

Han Zhao's blade at his waist suddenly came out of its sheath, and the scarlet red light flashed past, and a large amount of energy quickly condensed. He swung the knife lightly, and the terrifying blade, which was more than ten meters long, fell down with a bang.


The young man didn't expect Han Zhao to shoot directly without saying a word. He raised the spear in his hand, the black light on the tip of the spear rose sharply, and stabbed fiercely at the knife.

Accompanied by an earth-shattering bang, a huge gully appeared on the street in the center of the village, crisscrossing the north and south, and the young man just now had disappeared, and died instantly under the innate yang energy.

"Tsk tsk." Standing at the entrance of the village, Shen Xiao shook his head, what do you think you want to provoke him?
But it's cool to see the 'victim' from the perspective of a bystander.

"I hate people who prostitute me for nothing." Han Zhao put the knife back into its sheath, glanced at a man and a woman on the roof with horrified expressions, and then at Qi Xiu.

"." Qi Xiu was silent for a long time, and he didn't dare to speak harshly. The man just now was his personal friend, and he came from a powerful family of powerful soldiers.

The person who came in was the main body, but Han Zhao broke the black membrane with one move, leaving no bones left.

After all, there is no need to fight against Han Zhao for a dead person, especially in this kind of place.

"We'll buy this poison sac with money." Seeing Han Zhao waving at them, a man and a woman on the roof rushed to him.

"10 taels of gold per person, plus the money for the poison bag." Han Zhao nodded, suddenly contemplating his face, and looked up and down, "Are you the one who came in?"

The two were terrified by Han Zhao's 'bad' gaze, and they all showed Qi Xiu a look of asking for help, but the other party looked up at the sky and nodded from time to time, as if saying that the weather was fine.

"15 taels, we will offer 15 taels!" The two quickly swore with their demons in front of Han Zhao.

"Very good, deal." Han Zhao smiled and let go of the handle of the knife.

"I'm not the real person here, I'll give you the money, and I'll use my heart demon now." Seeing Han Zhao looking over, Qi Xiu said seriously.

"No need, I can still trust Brother Qi's character!" Han Zhao waved his hand, signaling Qi Xiu not to swear, if he doesn't give it, he will ask Qi Xuanming to ask for it.

"Thank you, Brother Han!" Qi Xiu's expression relaxed.

"Brother Qi is really lucky to meet such a warm-hearted and good man like Brother Han." Shen Xiao stepped forward with a sour tone, Han Zhao didn't want Qi Xiu to swear, he felt a little unbalanced.

"You are? Shen Xiao?!" Qi Xiu noticed Shen Xiao only now, and his eyes froze immediately.

Although Shen Xiao didn't make it to the list, his real strength was at the top ten of the Kirin list.

Why did he get mixed up with Han Zhao, and when did the two get along so well?
"Brother Han, please!"

The man and woman put away the venomous lizard's poison sac just now, then collected the magic crystal and offered it with both hands.

"Thank you." Han Zhao put away the magic crystal and smiled at the two of them.

"Don't dare dare." The two hurriedly returned the salute, fearing that something might not be done well, which would give Han Zhao a chance to get mad.

Han Zhao wandered around the village, carefully searched the village with his mental strength, and bid farewell to Qi Xiu without finding anything.

"Since that's the case, brother Qi, let's go first, and there will be a period later."

"Brother Han, go slowly." Qi Xiu and the three bowed together, hoping to see each other again.

ten days later.

Han Zhao and Shen Xiao came to a cold mountain range.

Tomorrow, there were two rounds of high sun, and the temperature was not low, but after entering the mountains, the temperature dropped sharply. Even with Han Zhao's current state, he also felt an unusual chill.

"The Martial God's Mansion is in this mountain range?" Han Zhao said in a deep voice.

"Yes, the general location is here, but the exact location is still unclear, because the environment here will change every 20 years?" Shen Xiao said.

"There is such a thing?" Han Zhao was surprised.

"I don't know, I heard from the seniors in the family that there was someone who didn't leave here after the trial ended, and when the trial was opened again, this person was already crazy when he came out, and he kept mentioning the mountains here After more than a hundred years of investigation, it is finally confirmed that there is the Martial God's Remains Palace here." Shen Xiao explained.

"I see." Han Zhao nodded.

To be honest, the estimates he has accumulated in the past few days are enough to perform ten simulations.

He even had an urge in his heart not to go out after the trial was over, but to stay here to accumulate Yin Qi.

The only thing that makes him hesitate is that the next time the Paradise Realm opens, it will take 20 years, which will cause him to miss Qiantian Palace.In addition, there is enough Yin Qi here, but if the money is used up, it is useless to have more Yin Qi.

Hearing what Shen Xiao said, the last thought in his heart was also stifled.

"Brother Han, let's go quickly." Shen Xiao hurriedly said.

"Go and check the area first, I will adjust my breath for a while to restore my state, so as to prevent a fight later." Han Zhao pondered.

"Okay." Shen Xiao felt that what Han Zhao said was reasonable. After all, it was a thigh. If he met Cao Wuyu, he would definitely not be an opponent in a single fight, and he would have to rely on Han Zhao.

After finishing speaking, Shen Xiao rushed towards the depths of the mountains.

When he completely disappeared from sight, Han Zhao searched around for a while, and sat down cross-legged behind a big tree as thick as two people hugging each other.

"Crack crackle crackle!"

Accompanied by the roar of thunder and lightning, a flood dragon condensed by platinum arcs appeared out of thin air, patrolling and guarding within ten meters around Han Zhao.


Han Zhao sank his mind and read aloud silently.

【Collect all 1700 reminder fragments, whether to synthesize an entry? 】

[Synthesize once, consume prompt fragments 160, gold 40000 taels, and you will definitely get the one-time basic entry 'Life Simulation'. 】


【5% chance to get a one-time fusion entry, upgrade entry, and specified accumulation entry of the corresponding quality. 】

[Current balance: Gold 1010000 taels]

"Will the improvement of martial arts will also cause a price increase?"

Han Zhao looked pensive, but he lacked everything now, except money.

There is still 100 million taels of gold in Xumi's bag, and the extra money he earned from Shen Xiao and the other aristocratic children is absolutely enough.

"Synthesis of all."

[Get the one-time entry 'Life Simulation'] X10
[Ten consecutive synthesis, in ten simulations, high-quality entries above 'red quality' will be produced. 】

"Start the simulation." Han Zhao couldn't wait to start the simulation.

[At the age of 25, you participated in the Zhongzhou Trial. 】

【You cooperated with Shen Xiao during the trial to find the Demon Martial God's Abandoned Mansion. 】

[After a big scuffle, you were slightly injured and successfully entered the Demon's Abandoned Mansion. 】

[You found the 'Magic Blade' possessed by the demon's remnant soul. 】

[After the trial is over, you will bring out the 'Magic Blade'. 】

[Two months later, you were ambushed on the way to Tianxuanzong. 】

【you are dead. 】

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]


[attribute point +400]

"It seems that you have to break through to the Martial Saint Realm to find a way to break the game."

Han Zhao thought to himself, as long as he can go to the sea smoothly and stay away from the wealthy family, he will come back one day.

Tiansha King, Killing King, Bailingzong, Murong Family, he will come back one by one to take revenge.

Now that his San Qi Qi has also been completed, he can hit the bottleneck of the Sha Ning Realm on the spot.

Vajra Immortality (the first level is 100% complete, can be improved; special effects: hardening the qi, opening up all the veins)
"System, upgrade the Vajra Indestructible Magical Art, and attack the Sha Ning Realm!"

【Attribute points: 400→0】

"Huh?" Han Zhao felt that the stellar qi had become more solidified, but there were no more changes in his body. It seemed that this big bottleneck could not be easily broken through with 400 attributes.

"Come again."


[attribute point +400]

【Attribute points: 400→0】

"Come again."

【Attribute points: 400→0】

Four simulations, 1600 attribute points are used up.

Han Zhao's body was full of golden light, and he felt an extremely tyrannical force in his body, which he couldn't suppress at all.

Vajra Immortality (2% entry level, can be improved; special effects: hardening qi, opening up all veins, innate body · primary)
boom! !

The violent Gang Qi spewed out, and his body instantly turned into a diamond body, and a steady stream of power poured out.

[Physique: Dragon Yin Body (Intermediate)]

With Han Zhao's breakthrough, the yang energy in his body quickly accumulated, and the level of the Dragon Yin Body increased accordingly.

"Is this the realm of Martial Saints?" Han Zhao felt as if his body had a closer connection with the space.

It was an indescribable feeling, like entering a whole new world.

"Simulation." After getting used to the changes in his body, Han Zhao started the simulation again.

Only by practicing small supernatural powers can the combat power be greatly improved.

[At the age of 25, you participated in the Zhongzhou Trial. 】


[After becoming a saint, your strength has greatly increased. Outside the demon warrior's residence, you have killed all directions, and no one is your enemy. 】


[One month later, you were ambushed on the way to Tianxuanzong. 】


【you are dead. 】

"Why is the enemy stronger this time?" Han Zhao was confused.


[attribute point +400]

the sixth time.


[attribute point +400]

[Attribute point: 2000]

[Seed of supernatural powers: top grade (320/1000), can be improved]

【Will of Martial Arts·Five-Colored Peacock: Level 101 (1000/[-])】

"Improve the seeds of supernatural powers and martial arts will."

【Attribute points: 2000→0】

[Seed of supernatural powers: Ultimate (1320/2000), can be improved; Small supernatural powers: None; Special effect: The power of small supernatural powers increases by 1.32 times]

【Will of Martial Arts·Five-Colored Peacock: Tier 1101 (10000/[-]); Can be upgraded; Special Effects: Gathering Spirit Form, Five-Element Balance, Five-Color Divine Light】

tenth time.


[You spent ninety-nine percent of your lifespan to break out of the siege, and at the critical moment, Yu Xuanji appeared and sent you to Tianxuanzong. 】

[The enemy chased outside the gate of Tianxuanzong Mountain, Liang Yan shot and forced the enemy back. 】

【You lost too much lifespan, your qi and blood decayed, and you were in a coma for more than a month. 】

[One year later, you died on the sickbed. 】

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[[-]. Obtain entry (optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]


[Get 'Golden Upgrade Entry']

(End of this chapter)

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