Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 177 Entries Upgrading [Body Refinement to God]

Chapter 177 Entries Upgrading [Body Refinement to God] (First update)
[Golden upgrade entry]: One-time advanced entry, which can upgrade the entry whose upper limit is lower than the gold quality to a golden upper limit entry, and at the same time upgrade the quality of the entry lower than the red quality by one.

"Does the system imply that the entries for improving quality imply that I want to hold on to development?"

Han Zhao thought to himself.

After successfully heading to the open sea this time, he must cultivate to the perfection of the seven evil spirits, and then find a way to survive the catastrophe of supernatural powers.

He never wanted to live a life like this being hunted down everywhere.

After thinking for a while, Han Zhao came back to his senses and chose among the entries he had obtained.

Recently, with the increase of krypton gold, the quality of the entries he obtained is relatively high, but few of them can be improved, but some developmental entries obtained before are very necessary to improve.

Improving the quality of [Dansheng Reincarnation] will allow him to get along better after going to the open sea.

And [Wizard of Martial Arts] is to allow him to practice faster, and his skills have a chance to break through the limit.

Finally, there is the entry of [Body-training Madman], which improves the qualifications for practicing body-training exercises.

During this period of time, Han Zhao obtained a large amount of yin energy one after another, but made fewer breakthroughs through self-cultivation, and added more points to increase the number of times.

It's just that every time I tried my best in simulation and reality, I solved the powerful enemy again and again.

"Things that are settled are settled, and they cannot be changed casually. We will definitely not cause so much trouble when we go to the sea."

Thinking of this, Han Zhao made a decision.

Among the exercises he is currently majoring in, the Vajra Immortality Magical Art is both internal and external, but it is more of a magical exercise for exercising the body, while the Nine Transformations of the True Spirit is a pure body training exercise.

[Body training maniac]: purple entry; the limit of body training exercises is reduced by [-]%, the pain is reduced by [-]%, and the cultivation qualification is increased by ten times (it can be upgraded to an orange entry through cultivation, and the upper limit is a red entry)
"System, use the one-time 'golden upgrade entry' to improve the quality of [Body Refining Madman]."

Han Zhao muttered silently, and the entry [Body Training Madman] in the system bar suddenly glowed like gold, with a luxurious aura full of money.

[Obtain the entry 'Refining the body to become a god']

[Body training to become a god]: orange entry; the limit of body training exercises is reduced by [-]%, the pain is reduced by [-]%, and the cultivation qualification is increased by [-] times; when practicing foreign body training exercises, some racial differences and restrictions can be ignored (you can Upgrade to a red entry through practice, and the upper limit is a golden entry)
"It's better to reduce the pain." Han Zhao looked at the upgraded entry and felt relieved.

Even with the use of attribute point enhancement techniques, the pain during breakthrough is unavoidable. Normal people would not want to experience this kind of inhuman pain.

Reducing pain is what Han Zhao needs most. With various body refining pills, even if he doesn't need attribute points, he can practice on his own without any problem.

Moreover, the improvement of aptitude will directly affect the attribute points and elixirs. With the same amount of attribute points and elixirs, the higher the aptitude, the more obvious the improvement effect will be.

"The next step is to condense the little supernatural powers."

Han Zhao sensed the god-seed rooted in his dantian, and as he stepped into the realm of martial sage, his body seemed to be integrated with the heaven and the earth, and the god-seed seemed to absorb the power of heaven and earth all the time.

The dantian has expanded by more than three times, and the dantian that was originally crowded with all kinds of true energy and stellar energy has also become empty at this moment.


Han Zhao stretched out his hand, and a large amount of Gang Qi gathered in his palm, like a river returning to the sea, a ball of Gang Qi was formed in an instant.

"The stellar qi is more solidified, and the speed of operation has more than doubled. I really don't know how those martial saints lost to me back then?" Han Zhao felt the increase in strength after the breakthrough, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

It can only be said that the Martial Saint who did not condense small supernatural powers is still a little bit short.

"According to the intelligence in the simulation, the top masters sent by the enemy are mainly pseudo-soldiers from the family of gods. It seems that we have to change our thinking."

Previously, the small supernatural power that Han Zhao was going to condense was 'True Sun Astral', because from the current point of view, the True Sun Astral is the most explosive power in an instant among the auras he has mastered.

But in the simulation, the enemies he encountered were all pseudo-divine soldiers who were several times higher than his level. No matter how powerful the explosive power of the real sun is, no matter how he can leapfrog, the difference in level is too big to cause damage to the enemy. Substantial blow.

Therefore, in order to go to Tianshengzong smoothly, one should change to a small magical power.

"It's more suitable to return to the three-point vitality that integrates offense and defense!" Han Zhao circulated the perfect three-element energy in his body, and poured it towards the top-grade divine seed located in the dantian.

With the blessing of the god-seed, the three-point return to vitality can be cultivated into a small supernatural power, and its decomposition ability can be greatly improved. In addition, the weakening effect of the light of demons on demons and the children of the divine soldier family, under the superposition of the two, as long as there is With strong help, he can drag on, and saving his life should not be a problem.

A large amount of Sanyuanjin entered the pure white top grade god-seeding, and soon, this god-seeding transformed from pure white to light blue.

When Han Zhao put all the Sanyuan Jin in his body into the God Seed, nearly half of the Longevity Qi was consumed.

The most important thing is that his mental power is rapidly consumed, but the god seed is still not filled.

Seeing this, he stopped moving.

If it was in the outside world, he could directly retreat and condense small magical powers, but now he is in a strange realm and cannot consume too much zhenqi, especially the consumption of mental power, which is the most difficult to recover.

"Extreme God Seed is good, but it's too difficult to feed." Han Zhao frowned, his face turned pale.

With the completion of the process of condensing the small supernatural powers of the three-point return to vitality, he found that the top-grade god-seed in his dantian had an extremely close connection with him.

The God Seed is like an extended part of his body.

"Adjust your breath first."

Han Zhao sat cross-legged on the ground, performing exercises.

His whole body gradually became hazy, as if covered by a layer of red tulle.

He began to consume the energy and blood in the dragon's blood sac, replenishing the consumed energy and stamina.

After an unknown amount of time, Shen Xiao's figure appeared in the perspective of Lei Jiao's avatar.

"Crackling!" A platinum arc flashed slightly, and Lei Jiao's incarnation spanned a distance of more than ten meters like a flash, appearing beside Han Zhao, and submerged into his body in the next second.

Han Zhao suddenly opened his eyes, there was a flash of lightning in his eyes, and he returned to normal immediately.

At this time, the sky was already a little dark.

Han Zhao stood up and walked towards the direction where Shen Xiao came back.

"Brother Han, didn't you adjust your breath? Why doesn't your complexion look very good, and your breath is also a little disordered." Shen Xiao was a little surprised when he saw Han Zhao.

"It's okay, it's just that something went wrong in the practice and I lost a little blood." Han Zhao smiled.

"Brother Han is really hardworking, and he is still practicing in this environment." Shen Xiao's mouth twitched, and he laughed.

He felt that Han Zhao's answer was quite outrageous, but Han Zhao's aura was indeed unstable, as if something went wrong with his practice.

"Brother Shen, how is your investigation going?" Han Zhao changed the subject.

"About [-] miles to the north, there is a valley, which is very similar to the place described in the clan. However, many children from aristocratic families have gone there. Several of them are not weak, and they are all ranked high on the Qilin list. I will come back Inform Brother Han, we are going to go together." Shen Xiao explained.

"That being the case, let's go." Han Zhao nodded, and just continued to consume the energy and blood of the dragon's blood sac to restore his state during the journey.

"Okay." Although Shen Xiao felt that Han Zhao's condition had not recovered, he was also anxious to find the Demon Martial God's Abandoned Mansion.

For Han Zhao and Shen Xiao, the [-]-mile journey arrived in just one stick of incense. If it wasn't for some strange creatures and low-level demons blocking the way, it would have taken even less time.

As they went deeper into the mountains, the road became narrower. The stone walls on both sides were high and steep, and they seemed to have entered a narrow and narrow valley.

"Valley of Demon Town!"

And at the entrance of the valley, there is a black stone tablet with three big scarlet characters written "Suppressing Demon Valley", which looks extremely strange.

It was still a bit chilly to enter the mountains, but the further you went into the valley, the air gradually exuded a scorching heat.

The two came to the edge of a cliff, only to see the bottom of the valley more than [-] meters deep in front of them, and there was a fierce fighting sound from below.

Han Zhao looked intently, and saw that Qi Xuanming and Su Tianqi were being besieged by seven or eight children from aristocratic families.

A bald young man with a height of [-] meters stood aside, did not make a move, but folded his arms and watched the battle with great interest.His explosive muscles were like pouring fine steel, and a terrifying aura rushed towards his face.

It can be seen that the children of these aristocratic families did not want to kill the two of them, it seemed that they wanted to capture them alive.

"Brother Han, that big bald head is Cao Wuyu!" Shen Xiao pointed at the bald young man at the bottom of the valley with a solemn expression.

Unexpectedly, Cao Wuyu arrived first, and it seemed that the entrance of the Demon Martial God's Abandoned Mansion was nearby.

"Cao Wuyu is really strong." Han Zhao nodded.

The Qi and blood in Cao Wuyu's body was so strong that it was comparable to a Martial Saint. If he didn't break through, the opponent should be regarded as a formidable opponent.

"This person brought the bloodline of the Jiuli War Beast to the extreme in the second bloodline awakening stage, even better than Cao Xuan back then. I heard that he deliberately suppressed and did not break through, just to make his background deeper, and at the same time he cultivated." Shen Xiao Quickly explain.

It's just that when he turned his head, Han Zhao who was standing in his ear and talking just now had disappeared.

When he looked into the valley, Han Zhao jumped down the [-]-meter-deep valley.

"Brother Han?!" Shen Xiao was stunned, at least he had to wait for someone to beat him for a while before making a move, isn't he looking for death if he goes down now?

However, for the sake of the mission, Shen Xiao still bit the bullet and followed.

It's all here, he can't retreat.

boom! !

Accompanied by a loud bang, the sky was filled with smoke and dust, gravel splashed, the whole valley seemed to tremble, and there were bursts of real ripples in the air.

The people fighting in the field looked at the reputation, and saw a figure gradually appearing in the smoke. The man knelt on one knee, stood up slowly, and walked out of the smoke.

With him as the center, dense cracks stretch out from the ground under his feet, like a spider web.


The highly condensed Gang Qi buzzed, and Han Zhao's figure appeared.

The children of the aristocratic family who besieged Qi Xuanming and Su Tianqi also subconsciously stopped.

"Brother Han!" The two were overjoyed when they saw Han Zhao appearing like a divine soldier. With Han Zhao's arrival, self-protection should not be a big problem.

However, Han Zhao's next sentence made the two of them pause.

"Everyone line up for me and pay in turn!" Han Zhao shouted loudly.


The children of the aristocratic families in the field were all dumbfounded, thinking that there was something wrong with their ears.

(End of this chapter)

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