Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 178 The gold content of No. 1 in the Kirin list! ! !

Chapter 178 The gold content of the number one unicorn list! ! ! (Second more)
Han Zhao stretched out his left hand, and the Zhanye Knife, together with its sheath, flew out of the Xuanling battle box behind him and landed in his palm.

Seeing Qi Xuanming and Su Tianqi stunned, Han Zhao smiled and waved at them, "Brother Qi, Brother Su, I didn't mention you! Come here quickly."

Seeing this, the two ran to Han Zhao's side.

"I'm relieved to see that you are all right." Han Zhao breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the deal has been concluded, Liang Yan said that even if the mission fails, he will not get back the 200 million taels of silver, but Han Zhao has always kept his promise, especially when he received money. reputation.

It's just that he has been paying attention along the way during the ten days since he came in, and he didn't find Qi Xuanming and Su Tianqi at all. Now that he found them, he felt relieved.

"Where did the insanity come from?!" Seeing Han Zhao chatting with Qi Xuanming and Su Tianqi like no one else, these aristocratic children felt insulted.

"I know you, you are the fifth Han Zhao on the Kirin list!"

Someone recognized Han Zhao.

"So what if it's fifth in the Kirin list? Can it win so many of us?"

Although everyone knows the gold content of the fifth place in the Kirin list, but they have the number one Cao Wuyu by their side, so a mere fifth place is nothing.What's more, he is just a warrior, why is he so arrogant, they can solve it together without Cao Wuyu's action.

"If you don't pay, you will die! I'm not joking!" Han Zhao said seriously.

"I'll fucking kill you first!" A child from an aristocratic family was enraged first, with murderous intent in his eyes.

He suddenly closed his hands, and a huge two-meter-long saber flew out of his body and landed in his palm.

A black metal fragment the size of a goose egg was inlaid on the handle of the knife, and as he held the knife in both hands, a mass of black mist that looked like a substance emerged, completely covering the sword.The scorching breath in the air seemed to have been dissipated a lot, and his whole body was filled with cold air.

"Die to me!" He raised his saber with both hands, flew up into the air, and slammed it down fiercely with the force of a thunderbolt.

Seeing this, Shen Xiao who rushed from behind closed his eyes.

Han Zhao stood motionless on the spot, and when the saber was approaching, he suddenly pulled out the Zhanye Dao, and swung it diagonally from bottom to top.

clang! !

Accompanied by the huge roar produced by the collision of gold and iron, the saber broke from the middle, and the broken blade hit the ground with a 'bang'.

The child of the aristocratic family opened his eyes wide, and a line of blood appeared on his body from the center of his eyebrows to his crotch.

There was only a puff, and his body split open from the middle, blood and internal organs spilled all over the floor.The arresting force worked quickly, causing his broken body to gradually draw closer, and the wound healed.

However, when the two parts of the body were rejoined together, a faint golden aura emerged from the wound, blocking his body and making it impossible to fully recover.

"Ah!" The child of the aristocratic family wailed in pain, as if the golden aura had brought him unspeakable pain.

The wailing didn't last for a few moments, and the opponent's body shrank rapidly. After the force disappeared, the body split in two again.

"Li Run!!" The faces of the other aristocratic children were horrified. Although Li Run broke through to the Ju-level Qiwen not long ago, he was also the strongest in the team after Cao Wuyu, and he couldn't even catch Han Zhao with a single blow?

"I really want money, not my life!" Han Zhao stepped forward cursing.

In the process of groping the corpse, he absorbs the Yin Qi remaining in the opponent's body, then takes away the sumeru bag, and buckles the fragments of the magic weapon inlaid on the handle of the knife. The whole action is done in one go, as if it has been done countless times.

Seeing Han Zhao's skillful movements, the few people who were clamoring just now fell silent, and all focused their attention on Cao Wuyu who was standing aside.

It wasn't until Han Zhao slashed Li Run to death that Cao Wuyu's calm expression changed a bit. He stepped forward slowly and said:

"Your strength is very strong. Maybe you can catch up with Yu Chongxiao and Qi Yuntian back then. I approve of you. If you want, we can go in together in this Demon Martial God's Mansion."

"Young Master Cao?!" The other six people were stunned. They didn't expect that Cao Wuyu had no intention of avenging Li Run at all.

Cao Wuyu glanced at the six people, five of them immediately lowered their heads and did not dare to speak, but one of them shouted out of righteous indignation.

"My lord! Li Run has been with you for eight years! There is hard work without credit, how can you?"

A cold light flashed in Cao Wuyu's eyes, he opened his right hand and made a fist violently.His already strong and powerful right arm swelled in an instant, and its circumference directly exceeded the waist of an adult. The black hair growing on it stood upside down like steel needles.He punched out, and the air was squeezed and exploded in an instant. The son of the family who spoke out against him was blown away by his punch, and his body turned into flying pieces of meat, and the blood mist filled the sky.

"There's no place for a slave to speak." Cao Wuyu said flatly, shaking off the blood stained by his fist.

He didn't want to confront a strong enemy like Han Zhao when he was about to enter the Martial God's Palace, but he still had to give him the power to dismount.

"I hope you will carefully consider my suggestion just now." Cao Wuyu turned to look at Han Zhao, smiling unabated.

"It's okay to go in together." Han Zhao nodded slightly.

"This..." Shen Xiao hesitated to speak, he didn't really want to go with Cao Wuyu, but after hesitating for a while, he still didn't say it.

Although Qi Xuanming and Su Tianqi were besieged by Cao Wuyu's men, they knew that Han Zhao was judging the situation, so they didn't object.

"A person who understands current affairs is a brilliant person. I like to talk to a smart person like you." Cao Wuyu's mouth curled up, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

As soon as his words fell, Han Zhao added: "The money still has to be given."

"What did you say?" The smile on Cao Wuyu's face froze.

"10 taels of gold per person, the one you killed just now has to be counted on your head." Han Zhao stretched out his hand and said solemnly: "In addition, if you want to enter the Martial God's Palace with me, you have to pay more! Give an extra 10 taels of gold."

"Good! Very good!" Cao Wuyu laughed back angrily.

Without saying a word, he raised his head to the sky and roared furiously, beating his chest vigorously with both hands. The violent sound waves shook the minds of the people around him and turned their eyes white.

"So angry?" Han Zhao was taken aback when he saw this, he didn't expect Cao Wuyu to be so angry that he would hit himself.

As the best child of the Cao family's generation, Cao Wuyu didn't even know his name as a layman who added money. Is he the kind of person who can joke about money?

Cao Wuyu's body swelled and twisted at a speed visible to the naked eye as if inflated with air, his hands and feet became thicker and longer, and he instantly turned into a muscular giant with a height of five meters.

Thick black hair grows from all parts of his body. At first glance, his figure resembles the panda in his previous life, but the key parts of his body are covered with golden armor, which exudes an amazing aura, especially the eyes, which burst out The fierce killing intent instantly destroyed the honest and lovely temperament of the giant panda.

"Dare to play me! Go to hell!" Cao Wuyu laughed wildly, his feet slammed on the ground, the earth shook violently, his figure appeared in front of Han Zhao across a distance of more than ten meters like a flash.

Bang! !

The black-haired fist the size of a water tank rapidly enlarged in Han Zhao's sight, and he punched violently.Two fists whose sizes were completely out of proportion collided.

Under the majestic force of Cao Wuyu's angry blow, Han Zhao's body sank, the ground under his feet shattered, and he took two steps back.

He looked at Cao Wuyu, who had turned into a Jiuli war beast, with a startled look on his face, "It actually blocked [-]% of my power, what a huge power!"

"Good! Good!" Cao Wuyu was shocked and angry.In order to open the Demon Martial God's Remains Palace, the blood of the warrior is needed, so he kept his hand just now, fearing that he would be killed with a single punch, but Han Zhao's strength is still higher than he expected. It is absolutely impossible to take it unscathed.

"You are stronger than I imagined, and I will be serious next time." Han Zhao said lightly.

"Looking for death!" Cao Wuyu was furious, and rushed out, both fists out.Qi Xuanming and Su Tianqi are enough for the warriors, now he just wants to tear Han Zhao into pieces.

Three points to vitality, three elements to one!

Han Zhao took a sudden step, and the Gang Qi accumulated rapidly in the naturally hanging hands, like a vortex condensed Gang Qi ball wrapped his fists.

Han Zhao stood where he was, punched his fists, and the Gang Qi poured out.

"Gang Qi? But huh?!" Sensing the oncoming majestic Gang Qi, Cao Wuyu sneered, but when the Gang Qi touched his fist, he instantly felt something was wrong.

However, it was already too late, fierce, cold, and long, the three conflicting characteristics of terrifying power and stellar energy were perfectly integrated, and then erupted from his fists like a wave of continuous power.

"Ah!!" Cao Wuyu roared up to the sky, pushing the power of the blood to the extreme, but in the next second, he was drowned by a loud noise.

He watched with his own eyes that after he transformed into the Jiuli War Beast, his fist, which was harder than fine steel, was chopped into minced meat, and bone dregs splashed out.

The three-point return to vitality continued unabated, and hit him hard in the chest.

Cao Wuyu's body flew upside down like a cannonball at several times the speed. Amidst the jaw-dropping sound of bones breaking and metal rubbing, a large hole in the golden armor on his chest appeared in a whirlpool shape. The flesh and blood on the chest disappeared, revealing white ribs and a beating heart.

"As expected of the bloodline of the Jiuli War Beast!" Han Zhao's eyes lit up.

Although he didn't use a small supernatural power for the blow just now, he used nearly [-]% of his strength.

This Cao Wuyu was able to bear it, even though his armor blocked most of the power of Sanyuan Guiyi, it was amazing.

"Wait! Wait a minute!" Cao Wuyu's body quickly returned to its original shape, and the terrible injury just now disappeared, but his face was pale, and his breath was extremely weak.Seeing Han Zhao approaching, he no longer had the momentum he had just now, and panicked to death.

What he came in this time was the main body, if he died, he was really dead!

"You made a move on me, you have to pay more." Han Zhao pointed at Cao Wuyu's nose and said.

"Good! Good!" Cao Wuyu squeezed out an ugly smile on his face, and then he was sure that Han Zhao really wanted money, and he wasn't playing tricks on him.

If I had known earlier, I would have paid the money directly.

In the end, Cao Wuyu gave Han Zhao all the valuables in the sumeru bag, and then swore with his heart demon, promising to give him 200 yuan of magic gold after he got out.

The other five children from the aristocratic family were so frightened that their faces turned pale. They hurriedly lined up to pay the money, fearing that they would be killed by Han Zhao if they were too late.

"Okay, everyone, let's go and explore this Martial God's Remains together."

With a big wave of Han Zhao's hand, a group of people rushed towards the Demon Martial God's Mansion in the direction directed by Cao Wuyu.

(End of this chapter)

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