Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 179 Demon Dragon Blade and Nirvana True Demon Art!

Chapter 179 Demon Dragon Blade and Nirvana True Demon Art!
"Is the Martial God's Mansion here?"

Han Zhao looked at the misty basin in front of him, and glanced at Cao Wuyu behind him.

"Exactly, this is the first test leading to the Demon Martial God's Mansion, and the fog in this valley is the phantom array.

After the phantom formation, there is a restriction on the entrance of the Yifu, which needs to be poured with the blood of warriors to break the ban and enter the Yifu.

Brother Han, don't worry, I brought the talisman given by the ancestors, which allows us to easily break through the magic formation. As for breaking the restriction, we need to work hard Brother Han. "

Cao Wuyu explained with a smile on his face.

At this time, he was completely convinced by Han Zhao.

From childhood to adulthood, he has never encountered any setbacks at all. Wei, Qi and Chu have a population of tens of billions, and among his peers, there are only a handful of people who can fight against him.

Since he learned the secret technique taught by his ancestors and became a spirit beast warrior, his strength has increased dramatically. He once transformed into a spirit beast and personally killed a snake-level monster at the second level.He even fought against Captain Wan of the Purple Flame Army, and endured for a hundred breaths under the hands of the little supernatural martial sage in the Sansha Realm.

For the last 200 years, the top of the Qilin list and Qiantian list has been continuously dominated by members of the Cao family, relying on the ancestor's secret technique to become a special spirit beast warrior.

"Why should I listen to you?" Han Zhao communicated with him through spiritual power.

He drew out the long knife at his waist and cut open the skin on his palm. After the blood gushed out, he covered his palm on the stone wall.


The old man also encountered a celestial patriarch in the battle. At a critical moment, the old man injured him severely with his great magic skills, but he was also seriously injured.

"By the way, you showed me the sumeru bag just now, but I didn't see any talismans, did you hide something?" Han Zhao just took a step forward, suddenly stopped, and looked at Cao Wuyu suspiciously.

After the stone wall absorbed Su Tianqi's blood, it glowed red, and sucked Su Tianqi into it with a whoosh.

"Every time I feel that I overestimate Brother Han's strength enough, he will immediately make an astonishing move, which is beyond the scope of my cognition." Su Tianqi sighed.

I don't know how long it took.

Han Zhao's body was sucked in by the vortex.

So at this moment, he only has awe for Han Zhao, without any other emotions.

"Who is it?!" Han Zhao was stunned.

The demon said in a low voice.

"Go!" Han Zhao beckoned to Qi Xuanming and Su Tianqi who were behind him, then grabbed Cao Wuyu by the collar and lifted him up like a chicken, his body floated tens of meters away in the air.

"Or I can take off my pants!"

"What is recorded here is the kung fu created by the old man's whole life - Nirvana True Devil Kung Fu!" said the demon.

In the middle of the basin, there is a river running from north to south, like a dividing line, dividing the basin into east and west parts. The west bank of the river is full of peach trees, peach blossoms are in full bloom, and the pink smoke is shrouded There is a peach blossom forest.

Fortunately, Cao Wuyu is of the blood of the spirit beast just now, and his entry of "Smite the Demon God" cannot be effective, otherwise, with the increase of the light of the Smite Demon, even if he only used [-]% of his strength, it is estimated that Cao Wuyu will be beaten to pieces There are none left.

"This is." Han Zhao looked at the scales in front of him, a little dazed.

To the north is a high mountain, and the source of the river is the valley between the two mountains.

Soon, they came between two mountains.

"The number one grandmaster since the millennium!" Qi Xuanming said suddenly, his voice dry.

"I don't really want to know."

"No, brother Han, don't get me wrong, we can all use this talisman, and it can only be activated with the blood of the Cao family's spirit beast. It's useless to give it to you, so I didn't take it out."

Han Zhao took all the money, elixir, and valuables from his Xumi bag, but did not find anything like talismans in it.

"Brother Han, if you don't believe me, touch it!"

"The mountain wall on the right."

He couldn't figure out how other warriors survived the catastrophe before, but now he understands.

"Are you that senior demon warrior?" Han Zhao asked seriously.

Some martial artists who practice special skills will have even stronger supernatural powers. "

"Wow!" As soon as Han Zhao finished speaking, he felt as if sand and gravel had fallen from the top of his head. He looked up and saw that the golem, which was more than [-] meters high, was covered with cracks and began to shatter inch by inch.

"Bian Chen."

At this time, the head in the middle of the golem suddenly trembled slightly, a diamond-shaped imprint appeared between the eyebrows, and a black-golden scale flew out suddenly and landed in front of Han Zhao.

The thick fog that originally shrouded the basin was quickly dissipated by the golden light, and the scene in the entire valley also came into everyone's eyes.

When a person is excellent, some people may be envious, jealous, or even hate, and may want to slander him.But Han Zhao gave Cao Wuyu an overwhelming feeling, even Han Zhao probably didn't try his best just now.


"That's right." Han Zhao nodded. He didn't have a strong sense of race. Anyway, no matter if it was a demon or a human, he would kill anyone who had a grudge against him.

"No, no, no! I believe in you." Han Zhao was startled, and quickly withdrew his hand.

In the next second, Han Zhao appeared in an underground cave that could not be seen at a glance.

"Back then, the old man and Bian Chen obtained the remnants of the secret technique of the Holy Spirit True Monarch. Bian Chen used this remnant to create his own 'True Spirit Body Refining Art', and finally succeeded in breaking through the heavens and humans, and ascended to the heaven.

Noticing Han Zhao's eyes looking up and down, Cao Wuyu gritted his teeth and opened the front of his front, revealing his muscular chest muscles and sharp-edged eight-pack abs.

Maybe this gap has to wait until he reaches four bloodline awakenings before he can catch up.

As long as there is no deep hatred, in Han Zhao's opinion, it is enough to give more money. After all, he is not a stingy person who holds grudges.

"Brother Shen, wouldn't you be too?" Su Tianqi looked gossiping.

"Senior, how courageous!" Han Zhao sincerely admired, the cultivation base of the supernatural power state will disappear as soon as it is said, it is really astonishingly courageous.

Han Zhao nodded and watched Qi Xuanming leave. When the red light on the stone wall disappeared, he still stood where he was.

In the middle of the altar stands a towering golem. This golem is [-] meters high and has three heads and six arms. It looks full of evil and domineering power.

"Senior, what do you mean?" Han Zhao asked.

"The entrance is on the top, and only the pure blood of warriors can open the restriction to enter." Cao Wuyu was put down by Han Zhao, and pointed to the center of the mountain wall.

Hearing Han Zhao's answer, the strange voice suddenly fell silent, as if he never thought that he would meet a warrior like Han Zhao.

"This senior's master has lived to this day, I'm afraid he is the ancestor of the celestial being?" Han Zhao twitched his mouth, went to the Tiansheng Cave to find the ancestor of the celestial being, and asked him why, isn't this courting death?

"Go to Tianshengdongtian, find my master Yuan Xiyu, and ask him why?" The demon's voice was full of anger.

Anyway, this trip has gained enough benefits, even if Cao Wuyu really hid something, he doesn't want it anymore, just now he just wanted to take the opportunity to ask for more money.

"You are interesting, kid. You have two bloodlines of spirit beasts, no! Three kinds! It reminds me of someone." There was a hint of surprise in the demon's voice.


The demon continued.

The dagger was as thin as a cicada's wing, and a ferocious black dragon was carved on the hilt.

"That's right, you possess the indestructible power of Vajra, which should be related to the Heavenly Sacred Cave.

Just when the old man returned to this world to recuperate, he was suppressed by the suzerain, that is, the old man's master. "The demon said slowly.

"After the re-cultivation, in just a hundred years, the old man not only recovered all his cultivation bases, but also went one step further, reaching the perfection of the third level of supernatural powers."

"Just as the old man was preparing for the catastrophe of heaven and man, the Great Qin Empire and the Heavenly Sacred Sect joined forces and suddenly launched a war against all the families of the gods in Dongsheng Continent.

Seeing Cao Wuyu's two-meter-tall stature hunched over, scratching his big bald head and showing a naive smile, Han Zhao couldn't help but laugh.

Since the outbreak of the Great War thousands of years ago, the world has changed drastically. Today, if a warrior wants to break through the realm of supernatural powers, the power of the Heavenly Tribulation must be at least double that of a thousand years ago.

It is conceivable that Han Zhao's strength should surpass that of ordinary little supernatural martial arts saints. Even if he reaches the bloodline awakening stage three times, he is probably not an opponent.

However, Han Zhao hit him hard just now, even the battle armor given to him by the ancestor was broken.

As he said that, Cao Wuyu grabbed Han Zhao's hand and stuffed it into his clothes.

Fighting and killing all day long, it's not polite.

too strong!
This is a desperate gap.

The old man thinks that your bone age should be less than thirty, so you entered the Condensation Shade Realm, no wonder the old hag wants to find you on her own initiative. "

The entire cave began to shake violently, as if it was about to collapse.

"Senior, what you said." Han Zhao was full of doubts and wanted to continue asking.

In the middle of the cave, there is a circular altar.

After thinking for a moment, Han Zhao chose to agree.

As for the east, there is a piece of green grass, and hares run on the grass from time to time.

Qi Xuanming and Su Tianqi saw that Cao Wuyu, No. 1 on the Kirin list, was forced into this by Han Zhao, they couldn't help but look at each other, feeling a little unreal.

"Yes." Han Zhao did not hesitate.

"Brother Han, I'm not polite anymore." Qi Xuanming followed closely behind.

"Actually, I still like your rebellious look just now, you recover."

Only in this way can one practice the body of a real demon at the last moment.At that time, the old man was already at the second level of supernatural powers. In order to practice this magic art, he resolutely decided to disperse it. "

"I didn't let you go now, so what can you do if you become a real demon body!"

However, the old man has calculated that if he wants to master this magic skill, he needs to completely dissipate all the skills at the beginning of learning, and use it to strengthen the physical body.

"Aren't you here just to find the old man's cave? And ask who the old man is?" There was a hint of teasing in the deep voice.

"Okay, let's go." Han Zhao nodded. It seems that in the future, unless it is necessary to kill someone who is lower than him, he has to be gentler.

There was an extremely weird voice next to his ear, which was very similar to an electronic female voice synthesized by a computer.

As soon as the demon's words fell, a dazzling golden light appeared on the stone wall with the magic characters printed on it, and then a huge vortex appeared on the entire stone wall.

Cao Wuyu was so frightened that he quickly took out a golden talisman from the front of his shirt.

At this time, Cao Wuyu, who was standing on the edge of the basin, bit his finger and quickly wrote tadpole-like characters in the void. These blood-written characters floated up and quickly fell on the talisman.In an instant, the golden talisman glowed and floated into the air.

"Bian Chen?!" Han Zhao's eyes narrowed. Bian Chen was the ancestor of the Heavenly Sacred Cave Heaven, and he created the True Spirit Body Refining Technique.

These scales contained extremely strong Yin energy, whether he practiced magic skills or not, he definitely wanted this Yin energy.

The old man combined this secret technique with his own innate supernatural powers to create the Nirvana True Demon Art.

At this moment, the two of them seemed to have thought of something, and at the same time turned their heads to look at Shen Xiao who was behind them.

The demon did not answer Han Zhao's question, but said to himself:
"Half of the content of this Nirvana True Devil Art is suitable for human cultivation, as long as you can practice this half, entering the state of supernatural powers is as easy as eating and drinking water.

In the previous ten simulations, the demon did not harm him, but it seemed that the other party had nothing to give him except to let him take away the magic blade.

I saw the steep mountain walls with a height of one thousand meters on both sides as smooth as a mirror. On the left mountain wall was written a huge "seal" character, and on the right mountain wall was a "magic" character.

"We won in the end, but the warrior lost, right?" Han Zhao asked.

It's just that he was not dazzled by the benefits, and immediately asked: "What does the senior want the junior to do?"

"Valkyrie is just Valkyrie, there is no distinction between humans and demons." The low voice suddenly became serious.


"Why don't you believe it?" Han Zhao asked back, laughing: "Some people have a human face and a beast's heart; some people have a beast's face and a heart. What is the difference between a human and a demon?"

"The junior agreed."

"Who are you?" Han Zhao frowned.

"Have you heard his name?" The demon was taken aback.

"Whether you mean it sincerely or falsely, this old man likes to hear it. It's a pity that the old man didn't think so at the beginning." The demon sighed a little.

"Let me come." Su Tianqi responded, his feet lightly tapped the ground, and he flew to the smooth mountain wall on the left. His body was at right angles to the mountain wall, and he galloped away as if walking on flat ground, and soon came to the middle of the mountain wall. .

"With a small success in magic skills, you can develop a Nirvana body, and your resistance to thunder calamity is more than [-]% higher than that of the same level. You promise me one condition, and I will give you everything I have learned in my life. In addition, This Demon Dragon Blade also belongs to you." The demon said in a deep voice.

Han Zhao was a little moved when he heard the words.

"No, brother Han is much gentler to me, it's just that Wang Xueji, who was with me, was more unlucky." Shen Xiao quickly said, although he was also beaten to death by Han Zhao, but he would not be as shameless as Cao Wuyu.If Han Zhao asked him to take off his pants, he would definitely fight on the spot.

"On the eve of the victory of the war, the alien race put all their eggs in one basket and sent many celestial ancestors to invade, while the aristocratic family side was passive and idle, and the warrior side suffered heavy losses.

"Since you believe in the old man, then come in."

"Brother Han is really..." Su Tianqi didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment.

However, even he doesn't dare to say that he will definitely reach the stage of four bloodline awakenings. This is comparable to a warrior's supernatural powers and a martial god, a realm that can reach the sky in one step.

"How could this be?" Han Zhao was dumbfounded.

Anyway, when he is strong enough, he will go to Tianshengdongtian.

At the foot of the golem, in the middle of the altar, was a dagger.

Each of these geniuses is a proud son of heaven. It's normal to have a little temper. It's understandable. Just educate them.

"Quick! Go directly to the source of the river now, and take the waterway!" Cao Wuyu pointed to the valley between the two mountains and shouted loudly.

"Boy, the old man gave you a big chance, do you want it?" The demon changed the subject.

The current situation is slightly different from the simulation, so he wants to hold Cao Wuyu to prevent him from playing tricks.

"Hahaha, old witch, I'm dying of laughter!" At this moment, a thick and deep laughter reached Han Zhao's ears.

Seeing this situation, Cao Wuyu glanced at Han Zhao, and seeing that he didn't respond, he flew up and entered the stone wall before the red light disappeared.

"Surpassing the supernatural tribulation and becoming a martial god, don't you want to know the secret?"

"Do you believe in this old man? This old man is a demon, and that old witch just now is a real human celestial being!" The demon was puzzled, but he didn't expect Han Zhao to agree so simply.

No wonder Shen Xiao and Han Zhaohui appeared together, now they understand.

"Brother Han was joking." Cao Wuyu smiled smugly. Hearing Han Zhao's teasing, he had no temper at all. Who would let him be so much stronger than him!

In order to save his life, Cao Wuyu handed the Sumeru bag directly to Han Zhao.


At that time, the old man was the head of the Law Enforcement Hall under the Tiansheng Sect, and he participated in the battle with the Sect.In that battle, the old man killed as many as ten supernatural power realm monsters and envoys!
As a result, the foreign tribe invaded the outer world, the warriors and the family ceased fighting, and the old man went to the outer world to sit in town. "

"No wonder." Han Zhao came to a sudden, although he didn't have an emulator to activate in the simulation, and he didn't have entry bonuses, but he was still much stronger than the Seven Fiends Martial Saints of the same level, and he was struck to death by lightning every time.

"not good!"

With a flash, Han Zhao put the dagger stuck on the altar into the Xuanling battle box.


PS: It's my birthday, so I'll take a rest.

(End of this chapter)

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