Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 180 Suzaku Essence and Blood!Fate entry!

Chapter 180 Suzaku Essence and Blood!Fate entry!
In the next second, Han Zhao appeared under the steep mountain wall just now.

It's just that the original scarlet "magic" character on the mountain wall seems to have faded, and the light has dimmed a lot.

"The mountain wall on the right."

At this time, the weird female voice came from Han Zhao's ear again.

This time, without hesitation, he flew up, cut his palm, poured blood on the mountain wall, and entered it.

Han Zhao felt a trance in front of his eyes. He appeared in a narrow and cramped cave, and suddenly there was an extremely hot feeling in the air.

He walked forward, and the temperature was getting higher and higher.

When he walked out of the cave, he found that there was a cliff in front of him, and there was no way.

"No wonder it's so hot."

He lowered his head and looked down the cliff, and saw a long river of magma in his eyes, and the air was distorted by the astonishing heat.

[Current balance: Gold 1610000 taels]

"There are four days left, and the trial is due. Now that the purpose is clear, if we go back the same way, it will only take less than a day."

Suddenly, Han Zhao felt his brain "buzz", as if it was about to explode.

Firebird's voice sank, with a hint of sarcasm.

"Yes." Han Zhao said solemnly, "I swear, if so"

"With this kind of benefit, the junior will naturally not disappoint the kindness of the senior." Han Zhao cupped his fists and saluted. In the simulation, the other party did not give him the blood of Suzaku. Yamaha gave him magic skills, and this patriarch of heaven and man also changed.

"Thank you."

In the next second, Han Zhao came back to his senses, and the huge golem turned into the intention of God, impacting his heart.

"Brother Han, my trip has come to an end and I'm about to leave this place. I wonder what your plan is next?" Su Tianqi said.

As soon as the fire bird finished speaking, it opened its mouth, and a fiery red ring flew straight towards Han Zhao.


"Where's Brother Qi?" Han Zhao looked at Qi Xuanming who was at the side. He looked like he was thinking at the moment, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Could she turn her target on me?" Han Zhao suddenly thought of this possibility.

"You don't have to try it out. This seat recruited you because of the five-color peacock martial arts will in your body. This seat didn't like the few people who entered the cave before you."

Han Zhao took out the black-golden scales that Yan Maha gave him from the sumeru bag.

"Yes." Han Zhao nodded.

In addition, there are still many children from aristocratic families who did not give money, and he sent them away directly. Even if the other party was a projection, it brought him a lot of yin.

"Only the blood of the survivors of the Ying family in the Condensation Realm can break the restriction on the ring, otherwise it will cause the ring to self-destruct. Of course, if you can obtain Tianfeng Zhenyin, I will consider myself unlucky."

Immediately afterwards, the introductory chapter of Nirvana Magic Art came into his eyes.

"Me too." Cao Wuyu agreed again.

"Is this person reminding me on purpose to provoke me?" After leaving the cave, Han Zhao thought to himself.

Firebird said lightly.

The other party had no good intentions in giving her the blood of Suzaku.

"When you have cultivated to the three evil realms, drop your blood into the ring, and you will be able to draw out the blood of Suzaku and temper your martial will."

The fire bird flapped its wings lightly, and Han Zhao felt the fiery red color in his palm suddenly heat up.

"Senior really has sharp eyes, and he can see through the details of this junior at a glance." Han Zhao's heart shuddered. Even Yamaha didn't see his condensed martial arts will, but he didn't expect to be seen by this fire bird Yes, it is worthy of being the great power of Heaven and Human Realm.

"Probably before a stick of incense." Han Zhao opened his eyes and replied, looking at the expressions of the four people, they should have gained something.

"Brother Han, please."

"Then I'll see you off first, I'm going to leave on the last day." Han Zhao said seriously.

She specifically mentioned the blood of the Great Qin survivors in order to break the prohibition, obviously with ulterior motives.

"Senior was just joking. If this junior can cultivate to the level of supernatural powers, then he is really blessed by the ancestors. How dare he ask for more." Han Zhao laughed.

"I have gained a lot of benefits, but I feel that there are many risks." Han Zhao pondered, and could only try and make mistakes through simulation.

"I trust the two of you, please." Han Zhao chuckled, the oath of the demon can be big or small, both of them are children of rich families, and they will not break their promises for this little money, which will create hidden dangers for future cultivation.

"With our relationship, it doesn't have to be like this." Han Zhao smiled.

"Me too." Cao Wuyu echoed, feeling very uncomfortable following Han Zhao.

Su Tianqi saw Han Zhao sitting cross-legged on the big rock with his eyes closed, and asked, "Brother Han, when did you come out?"

"I originally wanted to teach you the secret technique of condensing the 'martial arts will'. If you can't survive the supernatural catastrophe in the future, you can use the martial arts will to replace the catastrophe and step into the pseudo-supernatural realm. But since you have already condensed the martial arts will, you can Save a lot of trouble." Firebird said lightly.

"Brother Han, I won't be with you anymore. I have other tasks." Seeing that Han Zhao's gaze shifted to him, Shen Xiao quickly replied.

He stuck the scales between his eyebrows and penetrated his spiritual power.

A day later, Han Zhao sent Qi Xuanming and Su Tianqi to the base one after another, and watched them leave.

"Fate entry?! It will take effect in the simulation!" Han Zhao's eyes lit up.

"You call monsters seniors? Don't you know that people who are not of my race must have a different heart?" Firebird's voice fell, and the flames burning all over his body suddenly rose up, releasing amazing heat.

In addition, although that Yan Maha didn't seem to have any scheming, he probably wasn't innocent enough to break through to the realm of supernatural powers.

"I'll be with Brother Su, too." Qi Xuanming came back to his senses. Although he didn't get any treasures this trip, he got precious cultivation experience and gained a lot of insights, so he just wanted to leave this place immediately and go back to the family for retreat. Impact Condensation Sha Realm.

"Let's go too." After the two left, Han Zhao looked at Qi Xuanming and Su Tianqi.

"I only know that senior is good to me." Han Zhao said seriously, although the fire bird in front of him is amazing, but it is not strong, he is not afraid.

"Phoenix has five colors, red is Suzaku, and five-color peacock is the descendant of Phoenix's bloodline. Although this legend may not be true, there is indeed a connection between Suzaku and five-color peacock. The five-color peacock martial arts will that you have condensed, the blood is extremely heterogeneous, if you do not purify , the Divine Ability Realm is your pinnacle."

The two motioned for Han Zhao to go first.

"You are honest enough." Huo Niao was stunned for a moment, then sneered, "Since that is the case, then I will cut to the chase. I will teach you the secret method of breaking through the realm of supernatural powers and the realm of heaven and man, as well as your cultivation experience. Help me find Daqin The survivors of the Ying clan of the empire, give me something."

[There is a 1% chance of getting a 'fate entry', and the fate entry can take effect in the simulation. 】

Firebird snorted lightly.

Then, he began to search for strange monsters and demons, and he didn't return to the stone house stronghold until the afternoon of the last day.

【7% chance to get a one-time fusion entry, upgrade entry, and specified accumulation entry of the corresponding quality. 】

At most, he believed half of what this fire bird said, even if what he said was true, if he could really survive the supernatural tribulation, wouldn't he be unable to solve the hidden danger of martial arts will?
"." Firebird was silent for a moment, seemed to be blocked by Han Zhao's answer, and didn't know how to answer it for a long time.

"There is a saying among mortals, "If you have milk, you are a mother. It seems to be true."

[Synthesize once, consume prompt fragments 200, gold 200000 taels, and you will definitely get the one-time basic entry 'Life Simulation'. 】

During these eleven days, although Han Zhao didn't deliberately look for ghosts and monsters to kill, all the sources of Yin Qi that appeared in his sight were collected by him.

An indomitable giant golem stands above the clouds, with six huge arms holding different weapons, facing the overwhelming monsters, roaring and punching out, the space seems to be shaken out like a cobweb Cracks, countless strange things turned into powder, and more strange things were torn into pieces by the cracks in space.

"You can only practice Sangong, what if there are hidden dangers in this technique?" Han Zhao showed a thoughtful look on his face.

"Thank you." Su Tianqi was not polite, he knew that Shen Xiao and Cao Wuyu were so polite to him, it was entirely Han Zhao's force deterrent.Once separated, if they meet two people again, life and death may be unpredictable.

"You made an oath to heaven, if you break the promise, you will die from the nine lightnings of the purple sky god when you cross the catastrophe." Huo Niao said in a deep voice.

"You have the breath of Yamaha on you."

【Collect all 1250 reminder fragments, whether to synthesize an entry? 】

After a long time, Huo Niao finally opened his mouth and said: "This seat bestows you the blood essence of Suzaku, which can make your martial arts will more condensed, and you only need to complete this seat's entrustment."

I don't know if the Demon Dragon Blade is a magic weapon, but the demon scale that recorded the 'Nirvana True Demon Art' contains high-quality Yin Qi.

In the previous simulation, he was sucked dry by the mother-in-law of the Holy Palace because of this Great Qin Heavenly Man.

"What I promised to Brother Han, I will immediately report to the family for preparation after I go out, please wait for Brother Han." Shen Xiao added without waiting for Han Zhao to ask questions.


"The junior didn't say he was a gentleman." Han Zhao said frankly, not caring about the other party's irony.

"Go." With a wave of the firebird's wings, Han Zhao exited the cave and reappeared at the bottom of the mountain wall.

"I have to find a way to make another ten consecutive draws."

Shen Xiao and Cao Wuyu cupped their hands at Han Zhao, and quickly left the arena.

This Great Qin Heavenly Man certainly didn't know that he knew a Yu Xuanji who had the blood of Tianfeng, and Yu Xuanji also promised to give him Tianfeng's true yin.

After he memorized the details of the exercises, he began to absorb the pure yin energy contained in the demon scales.

"So that's the case. Speaking of it, I have to thank Brother Han." Su Tianqi nodded and didn't ask any more.This time his purpose has been achieved, as to whether other people get better things, it has nothing to do with him.

"Okay, I'll take you out first." Han Zhao said.

A little flame appeared in the void in front of him, and in an instant, the flame exploded and turned into a fire bird more than ten feet long.

"You're talking about that senior Martial God?" Han Zhao responded and asked.

If you really want to count, whether you can be regarded as a human being after a certain level of strength is not judged by appearance.

Around Han Zhao's sleeves, the three-point Gui Yuan Qi moved at will, forming a vortex of true energy in front of him, dissipating the amazing heat attached to the ring, and then stretched out his hand to catch it.

"Senior was joking, but this junior doesn't want to be subjected to the nine lightning bolts." Han Zhao smiled wryly, but he had a countermeasure in mind.

I don't know how long it took, the sun went down, and when the moon was in the middle of the sky, Qi Xuanming, Su Tianqi, Cao Wuyu, and Shen Xiao appeared one after another.

After thinking about the next plan, Han Zhao sat cross-legged on a big rock, waiting for Qi Xuanming and Su Tianqi to leave the cave. After all, he had accepted the commission and had to send them out safely.

The fire bird flapped its wings lightly, floating in the void in front of Han Zhao, and suddenly spoke words.

"If you go out, you have to collect the debt immediately."

The current money is not enough for ten consecutive draws, so Han Zhao is going to go out and ask for the money before simulating.

Taking a last breath of the air that contained a faint yin energy, Han Zhao reluctantly forgot to glance at the two big suns in the sky. One day he will gain supernatural powers and must settle here.

Han Zhao returned to the middle of the stone room and sat cross-legged. As his true energy poured into the magic circle under his feet, his figure flashed and disappeared completely.

(End of this chapter)

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