Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 181 [Yin-Yang Rotation]!Chengxue dedicated himself!

Chapter 181 [Yin-Yang Rotation]!Chengxue dedicated himself! (Second more)
In Daliang City, the inner city, to the north of the central square where the Qilinbang and Qiantianbang stone steles are located, there is a tower full of red and purple, straight into the sky.

This is the eye of the formation, and also the core of the Feiling Pagoda.

At this time, the hall on the first floor of Feiling Pagoda was crowded with people.

These people are all descendants of aristocratic families who participated in the Zhongzhou Paradoxical Trial.

Today is the last day of the trial. Those who came out early are waiting here. On the one hand, they are watching the battle through the technique of reflection, and on the other hand, they have to wait for the last person to appear.

Among the hundreds of descendants of aristocratic families, nearly one-fifth of them were sent out by Han Zhao himself.

"Damn it! Letting a martial artist win the first place is really a rare occurrence in a hundred years."

"What happens once in a hundred years? For thousands of years, there has been no second person who can do this!"

"Even Cao Wuyu thinks he's no match for Han Zhao, so if he loses, he loses."

"No matter how good she is, what can she do? At most, she's like Yu Chongxiao, just marrying into a family."

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

"The Cao family is doing the same thing again, first Yu Chongxiao, then Han Zhao!"

"Cao Wuyu, you are really shameless!"

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]


As the box was opened, all the children of the aristocratic family focused their eyes, and soon someone recognized the item.

"Damn it!" Han Zhao cursed secretly, why even the ancestor of the Wang family made a move this time.

The crowd separated automatically, and a big bald man with a height of more than two meters came over. It was Cao Wuyu.At this time, there were four servants beside him, carrying two large boxes.

When Han Zhao put the gold and magic gold sent by Shen Xiao into the Sumeru bag, Cao Wuyu pointed to another unopened box and said, "Brother Han, don't you want to know what's in it? "

Seeing this, Han Zhao went back to the room.

What's more, I gave an extra 200 yuan of magic gold, so don't take it for nothing.

However, no matter how many people from the family of the same level come, he is not afraid. Under the light of demons, what he is least afraid of is the power of demons and magic weapons.

Soon, Han Zhao fell asleep.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside.

"You have to agree to Qi Qingchan's conditions." Han Zhao thought to himself, he asked Qi Qingchan for help in the simulation, but the other party just sent someone to escort him. No one can stop the ancestors.

Suddenly, Qi Xuanming's body shook and he raised his head slightly, as if he was listening to something.

[On the way, you encountered an attack from the patriarch of the Wang family, Qi Qingchan rushed to stop him. 】

Han Zhao felt the yin energy from above, "This is?"

"This is the magic gold promised to Brother Han, a total of 400 yuan!" Cao Wuyu pointed to the black gold beads in the box.

"That piece of jade looks familiar!"


[Current balance: Gold 2610000 taels]

"No." Cao Wuyu shook his head, "The patriarch intends to betroth Aunt Lingshu to you, what does Brother Han think?"

"We don't have that life!"

A majestic voice sounded, and everyone felt a blur in front of their eyes, and Qi Yuntian appeared in the field.

"Synthesis of all."

[Synthesis once, consumption prompt fragment 200, gold 200000 taels.]

When Qi Yuntian heard the words, his lips moved lightly, and the voice was transmitted to Han Zhao's ears through the Gang Qi.

All the children of the aristocratic family talked a lot, some were hostile, some admired, and some disdain.But no matter what, even those aristocratic children sent out by Han Zhao did not deny his strength and excellence.

For such a little thing, just put it in the Sumeru bag and give it to him. If you insist on handing it to him in public, you still have to do it with such great fanfare.

"Brother Han's matter is the matter of my Qi family." Qi Xuanming's voice was low, and he looked at Cao Wuyu with a half-smile, "If Brother Han married your aunt, you might have to call him Uncle Han in the future, right? "

After leaving the Feiling Pagoda, Qi Yuntian sent Han Zhao all the way to the restaurant where he stayed.

He took off his clothes and lay down on the bed.


"This high-level pseudo-divine weapon 'panic sword' is the first reward for this trial." Cao Wuyu said with a smile: "As for this high-level spiritual weapon, it is the 'Yang Jue' of Yin Yang Jue. A single piece of Yang Jue is only a high-level spiritual weapon, but if the Yin and Yang Jue are combined into one, it is a spiritual treasure! Its power surpasses that of a first-order divine weapon!"

"Brother Cao, who is this?" Han Zhao clasped his fists and saluted.

【You have rejected the Cao family and the offers from many aristocratic families. 】

"I heard that her beauty surpasses that of the ancient immortals? Is it true?"

Hundreds of children from aristocratic families formed a circle around him, their eyes were all focused on him, anyone would be startled.

The children of the aristocratic families in the field were shocked when they heard the words.


Cao Wuyu took a deep look at Han Zhao, then turned and left.

"Eldest brother, I..." Qi Xuanming broke out in a cold sweat. He didn't expect that he would blurt out such words in a moment of excitement. If that hot-tempered aunt heard this, he might not be able to bear it and walk around.

The original commotion in the arena suddenly quieted down.

"Squeak!" With a sound, the door was pushed open.

"Could it be Yin Yang Jue?!"

"You!" Qi Xuanming was furious, and blurted out: "My aunt is not yet married, so it might be possible to marry her to Brother Han!"

I thought it would be a wave of innocence, and I wouldn't have to encounter a fake divine soldier at the snake-level ninth-level realm, but in the end, a spirit caller who was more fierce than the real soldier came.

Then, Shen Xiao appeared.

"Han Zhao, you go back to rest first, I will inform you of your next move within ten days, the Cao family won't be so talkative." Qi Yuntian looked serious.


He also appeared with four servants, carrying two large boxes.

"Brother Han, what was my proposal just now?" Cao Wuyu stepped forward, but was interrupted by Qi Xuanming, who was not afraid of death, he almost forgot the business.

"Come again!"

The two servants opened one of the large boxes, and saw black-golden beads the size of a fist inside.

"Your aunt?" Han Zhao was taken aback when he heard the words, thinking he heard it wrong.

"Come in." Han Zhao responded.

Qi Yuntian signaled Han Zhao to leave with him.

"Without Brother Han's help, I would not be able to get the guidance of the ancestors in the trial, and I would not be able to complete the tasks assigned by the ancestors. The extra magic gold should be considered as a little thank you." Cao Wuyu laughed.

"So what!" Cao Wuyu laughed, "Brother Han and I can go our separate ways. I'll call him Uncle, and he can call me Brother Cao!"

"Brat! What are you talking about?!"


Seeing Qi Xuanming's expression, everyone wanted to laugh but didn't dare to.

【you are dead. 】

"A high-level pseudo-divine soldier?!"

"Brother Han, I'm leaving first." Qi Xuanming cupped his hands at Han Zhao, his face turning pale.

"Turtle turtle!" As soon as Han Zhao appeared, he felt a strong yin energy blowing towards his face, and almost subconsciously urged the turbulent demon light.

Cao Wuyu said.

"Since that's the case, then I'll be disrespectful." Han Zhao looked around and understood Cao Wuyu's intentions.

Cao Wuyu's face twitched, and he wanted to sarcastically, but he didn't have the guts.

As the teleportation array under his feet burst into light, Han Zhao's figure appeared in the center of the teleportation array.

Han Zhao muttered silently with great perseverance, and his eyes returned to Lian Chengxue.

"This Yang Jue is my Cao family's dowry!"

【Collect all 2222 reminder fragments, whether to synthesize an entry? 】

"For a talent like Brother Han, my Cao family is very sincere in order to win him over. He married my aunt, and he can be the emperor of Wei in the future! And Lingbao, as well as spirit beast blood are all ready for him, how about your Qi family?" Cao Wuyu said loudly.

"Qi Xuanming, it's not your turn to dictate the Cao family's affairs, you're not qualified enough." When Cao Wuyu faced Qi Xuanming, he lost the politeness he treated Han Zhaoshi.

[On the way, you encountered an attack from the ancestors of the Wang family. 】

[attribute point +1000]

He fell asleep straight into the next night.

"Heavenly and human guidance?! Cao Wuyu entered that celestial and human cave?"

Cao Wuyu smiled and waved at the servants behind him.

Han Zhao recharged all the gold, and there are still a few descendants of the aristocratic family, and it is estimated that the money will be collected and sent in the next few days.

With a flick of his sleeve, Han Zhao put the 400 yuan magic gold together with the box into the sumeru bag.

The attribute points were kept just now because they couldn't solve the problem of the ancestor of the Wang family, no matter how much he added, it was useless.But as long as Qi Qingchan can be persuaded to stop the patriarch of the Wang family, then the remaining problems can be solved by adding points.

[[-]. Obtain entry (optional)]

Lian Chengxue lowered her eyes, and closed the door again shyly.

"There are also high-level spiritual weapons!"

"Mr. Han was born in a humble family, so he is not a good match, and I have already been engaged, so..." Han Zhao thought about his words.

Qi Xuanming's aunt turned out to be the patriarch of the Qi family, Qi Qingchan, who is currently the strongest person in Wei who has the greatest kindness towards warriors.

"What is it?" Seeing that Cao Wuyu proposed, Han Zhao couldn't pretend he didn't see it.

[When you and Qi Yuntian entered the sphere of influence of Tianxuanzong, they were ambushed by Bailingzong and the Murong family. 】

【You were seriously injured and died shortly after arriving at Tianxuanzong. 】

Under the dim and flickering candlelight, Lian Chengxue was dressed in lavender tulle, with tall peaks, and the narrow silk underwear could only cover half of it, and her waistline as thin as a willow branch perfectly outlined her beautiful figure .

At this time, Qi Xuanming suddenly came from behind the crowd and scolded.

"So it's Han Zhaoye"

Han Zhao returned to the courtyard of the restaurant.

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

"Brother Cao, what do you mean?" Han Zhao had roughly guessed what the Cao family was thinking.

Listening to everyone's discussion, Han Zhao felt that he had heard something extraordinary. He pondered for a moment, not knowing how to reject Cao Wuyu.

"System, recharge."

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

"Thank you, Brother Qi."

[At the age of 25, you won No. 1 in the Zhongzhou Trial, and your reputation shook the world. 】

Even the three sisters of the Lian family went out, leaving only a message.

"Come with me."

Qi Xuanming is really brave enough to arrange for her.

"This road works!" Han Zhao's eyes lit up.

When Han Zhao heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched.

【you are dead. 】


"Brother Han." At this moment, a voice came from behind the crowd.

In the past half month, his spirit has been highly concentrated, and he basically rests by adjusting his breath. Now he just wants to have a good sleep.

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

Wouldn't Wang Xueji's projection be kicked out? Is it necessary to be so stingy?

[Get the one-time entry 'Life Simulation'] X11
[Ten consecutive synthesis, in ten simulations, high-quality entries above 'red quality' will be produced. 】

"Dong dong!"

"Brother Han, this is the 100 million taels of gold that I promised to give you, and the 200 yuan of magic gold. If there is too much, it can be regarded as a little bit of my heart." Shen Xiao smiled all over his face.

[Attribute point: 5000]

Cao's soft rice was too hard for him to eat.And if he really got married into these aristocratic families, he can't control what happens then.

"Thank you." Han Zhao cupped his fists and accepted the prize. He thought that there would be a ceremony held by a group of strong men, but he didn't expect it to end like this.

"Brother Han deserves this high-level pseudo-divine weapon and Creation Pill, please accept it."

"Understood." Cao Wuyu smiled, not angry at all.

"Start the simulation."

As soon as Qi Xuanming finished speaking, the faces of everyone in the field changed suddenly, and Qiqi gasped.

【you are dead. 】

"Thank you." Han Zhao cupped his hands. Anyway, he was already in the limelight, but he was very calm.

"Cao Lingshu, the widow of the Cao family who has awakened the blood of the 'Colorful Spirit Moth'?"

"One." [Obtain auxiliary fate entry 'yin and yang rotation']

"If I remember correctly, what you promised me should be 200 yuan of magic gold?" Han Zhao looked at the twice as much magic gold in the box, and felt that Cao Wuyu had malicious intentions.

Qi Xuanming was stunned for a moment, and said with a sneer, "You really have a thick skin!"

"You want me to join the Cao family?" Han Zhao frowned.

"The moves are not new, as long as they are useful, will you eat this soft meal?"

Cao Wuyu presented the panic knife, and at the same time took out a jade box.


After five simulations, no matter whether he changes paths or accepts the aristocratic family's wooing, the final result is the same, the gap between early death and late death.

"Senior Brother Qi, who is Brother Qi's aunt?" Han Zhao asked Qi Yuntian in a low voice, cupping his fists and saluting.

"I see." Han Zhao saluted respectfully.

Cao Wuyu clapped his hands, and the two servants behind him opened the box, only to see the dazzling golden light and red light shining together, and the powerful force of the magic weapon rushed towards his face.

[Seven days later, Qi Yuntian notified you to leave, and you all rushed to Cangzhou Tianxuanzong together. 】

"Cheng Xue, what are you doing?"

"Ask knowingly!" Lian Chengxue scolded.

"I" Han Zhao was about to speak, when a gust of fragrant wind rushed towards his face.

He was pushed down on the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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