Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 182 Fate entry [Fang Wushen]!God-killing style!

Chapter 182 Fate Entry [Ten Fang War Gods]!God-killing style! (5800 words big cup)
At this time, in the next room.

The two sisters, Lian Chengyu and Lian Chengbing, lay side by side on the bed, staring blankly at the beam through the gauze.

Seeing that the movement next door finally stopped, Lian Chengyu spat softly, "Second sister is really shameless, why are you so loud?!"

"Sister, is this kind of thing really so happy?" Lian Chengbing was silent for a long time, then turned to look at her.

"How do I know! Don't you know when your second sister gets up and ask her?" Lian Chengyu said angrily.

"Eldest sister, are we leaving soon, that's why second sister..." Lian Chengbing's voice suddenly faded.

"The spirit of the magic weapon of Fenglingjian woke up and found that other envoys of the Lian family were approaching here. We didn't deliberately hide our presence in Daliang, and it was inevitable that we would be discovered, so we must set off immediately and head to the country of Qi .” Lian Chengyu sighed.

"I'm kind of... reluctant to leave here." Lian Chengbing murmured.

"Me too, I can't bear it," Lian Chengyu said, his voice gradually faded.

She didn't know if Sanmei thought the same as her.

[At the age of 36, you have cultivated to the perfection of the seven evil spirits and the first level of perfection in the Nirvana True Devil Art, and then you will stop practicing. 】

Han Zhao showed joy, and quickly started the tenth simulation.

It was only when she was about to leave that she realized how stable her life had been during this period of time.

As soon as Han Zhao finished speaking, the entries he selected quickly merged, and then became

[Obtain 'Platinum Fusion Entry']

Han Zhao gave it off easily, and Lian Chengxue got on the horse successfully.

[37 years old, on your way to Qiantian Palace, you were ambushed by a first-level envoy from the demon side. 】

After memorizing the opponent's trick, Han Zhao sped up the screen.

Longevity formula (sixth floor completes 100%, deduction progress 100%; can be improved)

Longevity formula (the sixth floor is 100% complete, and the deduction progress is 80%; it can be improved; special effect: life extension 4800 years.)

Ever since Han Zhao went into the wrong room and touched her innocent body, and saw the third sister in obscene clothes, the two sisters intentionally distanced themselves from him.

He can only hint to himself in his heart.

"Continue." Han Zhao quickly started the eighth simulation.

Soon, the screen came to the scene when he was practicing the Nirvana True Demon Art.

[The people from the Cao family are willing to give you a "Three Orifices Golden Pill" that has been treasured for hundreds of years to help you recover from your injuries. Everything ordered. 】

[One month later, you encountered a demon with pseudo-supernatural powers. 】

Even for these powerhouses who are close to immortal gods in the eyes of ordinary people, it is the same.

"Now, it's time to make the last effort."

[At the age of 36, you broke through to the realm of the five evil spirits, and your Nirvana True Devil Kungfu practiced to the second level, your strength increased greatly, and you won the first place in the grand competition of true disciples. 】

[On the way, you encountered an attack from the patriarch of the Wang family, Qi Qingchan rushed to stop him. 】

Lian Chengxue took the box and put it away.


The last of the three god-killing moves, he finally comprehended it in the Nine Shade Realm, so one can imagine how difficult it is to practice.

The arrow pattern on Han Zhao's palm disappeared in a flash.

[You obtained Tianfeng True Yin from Yu Xuanji, successfully absorbed the blood of Suzaku, but unexpectedly became a spirit beast warrior. 】

"Finally, it can be opened and hung in the simulation!"

Lian Chengyu's figure gradually drifted away, and became difficult to find under the cover of the trees beside the road.

"Yin-yang, three wonders, five elements, is this trying to make me cultivate to the realm of ten evil spirits?"

Hidden Spirit Jue (55% success, can be improved; hold breath and hide spirit)
Finally, it is the "God Killing Style" which is the last of the Three God Killing Styles!
Killing God Three Styles Killing God Style (small success 95%; minimum requirements for use: both internal and external training, seven evil spirits are perfect; forcibly using the killing spirit style below the seven evil spirits will cause mental damage)
Since he didn't have attribute points and entry bonuses other than [War God of Ten Directions] in the simulation, he didn't practice any other martial arts.

He was going to find Qi Yuntian, and ask Qi Yuntian to introduce him to Qi Qingchan.

[You were seriously injured and arrived at Tianxuanzong smoothly. Due to the loss of all your veins, your skill quickly dissipated. In order not to waste your skill, you decided to practice the Nirvana True Devil Kungfu and use the lost skill to strengthen your body. 】

"It seems that it is difficult to solve the problem of the conflict of exercises in the simulation."

Han Zhao watched silently until Lianchengxue disappeared into the horizon with the setting sun.

"Why does the same family, with the same blood shed, still kill each other? The one who can treat us sincerely is a foreigner." Lian Chengbing's eyes darkened, but when she said the word outsider, she paused.Han Zhao should be able to become her brother-in-law.

[Three Oddities Guiyuan]: Red entry, the five elements derive the power of the three oddities of wind, ice, and thunder. force.

【During the process of besieging Qilin, you won the blood of Qilin. In order to practice Qilin Transformation in one fell swoop, you wanted to kill Feng Qilin directly, but was severely injured by Feng Qilin. 】


【you are dead. 】

"Goodbye." Lian Chengbing said softly when passing by Han Zhao, and immediately chased after him.

There were three women and a man standing beside the forest trail a hundred miles north of Daliang City.

After returning to the inn, Han Zhao calmed down and turned his attention back to the entries on the system panel.



Seeing an invalid prompt appearing in the system, Han Zhao cursed secretly.

"I only absorbed half of Suzaku's blood, will there still be problems later?"

The three sisters got on the horse, Lian Chengxue stepped on the stirrups with her little feet in white boots, and staggered, as if she didn't even have the strength to get on the horse.

In this way, these aristocratic families can also think that he is completely useless.

(It can be upgraded to a golden entry through practice, and the upper limit is platinum)

[Non-homologous entries of the same type cannot be merged. 】

Lian Chengxue shook her head and refused to let him help her.

"There is."

"This Nirvana True Demon Art is so strong?" Han Zhao was stunned, but soon figured it out.


[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

Because mental power is limited, it cannot be wasted here.

[After half a year, your body recovers and begins to rebuild. 】

After all, as long as a person stands tall enough, it is really difficult to maintain the original mentality. He can only ensure that he does not inflate, but he is out of control in the simulation.

[On the way back, you encountered a robbery in the realm of false supernatural powers. 】

[attribute point +1000]

[One year later, you finally woke up, and because you had consumed [-]% of your life span, all your veins were damaged after waking up, and you could no longer practice. 】

【You were sent to the forefront of the battlefield by the new suzerain. 】

[Current balance: Gold 210000 taels]


To be more precise, it was the sense of security that he could not bear to stay by Han Zhao's side.

Han Zhao secretly sighed, people have limits, it is already a special case that he can practice so many magical skills with his own efforts and the help of the system, but no matter how hard he strengthens his body and mind, he will always reach the upper limit.

[The family has sent masters to encircle and suppress you. 】

[At the age of 30, Suzaku's blood came back, and you died. 】

Next, simulation No. 11 is started.

"Did Cheng Xue give me the original power of the divine weapon?" Han Zhao looked at the information in the simulation and spread his left hand.

Han Zhao bowed his hands and returned the gift.

"After the family is destroyed, everyone wants the three strange spiritual arrows in our body, and people's hearts can't bet on it!" When Lian Chengxue talked about everyone, Han Zhao was ruled out by default.

But with the Hidden Spirit Art and the Killing God Style, Han Zhao's confidence has increased.

Vajra Indestructible Divine Art (the fifth level has not been entered, and cannot be improved; the practice requirements have not been met: the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art has been cultivated to the fourth level)

Han Zhao muttered silently and started the seventh simulation.

[At the age of 45, you have cultivated to the Nine Shade Realm and learned the 'Slaying God Style', your strength has greatly increased. 】

[When you completely absorbed the remaining Suzaku blood, the will of heaven and man appeared and wanted to take away your body. 】

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

Lian Chengxue was taken aback, took a deep look at him, took out a silk scarf embroidered with the word 'Snow' from her bosom, laid it flat on his palm, and then stepped on it with her little foot.

What they were reluctant to part with was not Daliang City, but Han Zhao.

"Can't you?"

【You were seriously injured and fell into a coma shortly after arriving at Tianxuanzong. 】

The evening wind blows slowly, sending waves of fragrance mixed with flowers and trees.In the past, Han Zhao might have enjoyed the leisurely moment, but at this moment, he only felt that the fragrance lingering on the tip of his nose was too much.

[Attribute point: 6000]



Lian Chengxue is leaving.


Han Zhao didn't ask too much, he only knew that the three sisters were determined to leave.

"Second Sister!" Lian Chengyu smiled apologetically at Han Zhao, and rode his horse to chase him out.

Han Zhao calmed down, these things are still far away from him.

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

"Mr. Han, there will be a date later." Lian Chengyu cupped his fists at Han Zhao and saluted.

【Attribute points: 3000→1500】

Han Zhao muttered silently.

"System, continue to deduce the longevity formula to 100%."

"At least there is one more development route to choose from, and there is also a god-killing style!"

After the memory picture disappeared, Han Zhao felt that his mental strength was exhausted by nearly half.

[Two months later, on the eve of going to the Heavenly Sacred Cave, the three cultivation techniques of Dao, Buddha, and Demon in your body backfired, and you became mentally disturbed. 】

[46 years old, Tianshengdongtian and Tianmodongtian fought in the outer world. 】

Han Zhao stepped forward and supported her.

"It seems that even if you are strong, you can't expand!" Han Zhao looked at the information in the simulation, feeling helpless.

Han Zhao frowned slightly, but as time went by, he couldn't control his behavior in the simulation. It's hard for anyone to resist the temptation of such a powerful technique.

[Obtain the fate entry 'Shifang Wushen']

[In an accident, you used the natal spirit technique to awaken the spirit of the soul orb, and at the same time got the approval of the magic dragon blade spirit. 】

[attribute point +1000]


"The trinity of Dao, Buddha, and demon is indeed prone to problems. It would be great if we can practice great supernatural powers similar to incarnations outside the body."

A complete and unowned high-level pseudo-divine weapon is very precious to her, but at this moment, Lian Chengxue's heart is full of sadness of parting.

(Can be upgraded through practice, the upper limit is golden entries)

Under the control of his mental power, he soon 'saw' the master who ambushed him.

The wave-like true balloon flew out, and instantly expanded into a giant water balloon with a diameter of more than ten meters.

[Yin and Yang Rotation]: red auxiliary fate entry; a single yang does not grow, and a single yin does not grow; all things in the world are originally one, and yin and yang alternate and restrain each other. Comprehend the way of yin and yang, the principle of heaven and earth; it can transform the balance of yin and yang. (Can be upgraded through practice, the upper limit is golden entries)

Seeing this, Lian Chengyu raised his hand to stop him, but after a pause, he still didn't step forward.

"I'm willing to exchange my 2000 years of life for a good entry, please." Han Zhao said silently in his heart.

"Brother Han." Lian Chengxue grabbed Han Zhao's hand, and slowly drew an ice-blue arrow pattern on his palm.

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

[At the age of 38, you were accepted as a registered disciple by the Patriarch of Heaven and Human Realm, and became the first holy son of the Heavenly Sacred Cave. 】

[After a fierce battle, you cleared her will out, but you also wounded yourself, physically and mentally decaying at the same time. 】

He withdrew his gaze, turned and left, his steps becoming more determined.

[After two years, you feel that your qi and blood are beginning to decline, and you start to absorb the remaining Suzaku blood. 】

[In order to restore your vitality, you are ready to risk absorbing the blood of Suzaku. 】

This time the simulation was smoother than the last one, and he didn't absorb all of Suzaku's blood, so something went wrong later on.

The corner of Han Zhao's mouth curled up, and he started the ninth simulation.

【Attribute points: 6000→0】

Lian Chengxue's figure reappeared in his eyes.

Han Zhao's eyes widened.

Then, Han Zhao used up all the yin energy accumulated in his body, and started the No. 12 simulation.

"One last time, simulation!"


[At this time, there was turmoil inside Tianshengdongtian, and the power was changing. You were in the wrong team and were interrupted during the retreat. 】

Dealing with Ji Zhuling and Kong Yi earlier consumed a total of 1600 years of life.

[At the age of 36, you have cultivated to the realm of the eight evil spirits, and the Nirvana True Demon Art has reached the first level of perfection, and you will no longer practice. 】

Sure enough, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Three points return to vitality!
After becoming a saint, he used his small supernatural power for the first time.

[You went crazy because of the conflict of exercises, and you fought against the pseudo-supernatural powers all day and night, and you died. 】

"Just recording these magical skills at one time consumes so much, really."

There is nothing to hesitate about the choice of this simulation.

"Don't forget me!" After Lian Chengxue left these words, she turned her back and left, returning to Lian Chengyu and Lian Chengbing's side.

"Crack!" Lian Chengxue flicked the whip vigorously.

[One year later, your skills recovered, and you decided to go to the outer sea and join the Yin Yang Hall. 】

After that, it is a more brilliant technique of restraining breath.

"Another entry?"


But no matter what emotions they had in their hearts, they didn't hate it, and even enjoyed being by Han Zhao's side.

He looked around in the entry column of the system panel, and immediately made a decision.

Nirvana True Devil Kung Fu (the first level has not been entered, and cannot be improved; the cultivation requirement has not been met yet: San Gong hardens the body)
A lot of experience in the practice of Nirvana True Demon Art entered his mind.

[[-]. Obtain entry (optional)]

[In a critical moment, an ice arrow flew out of your body, blocking a crucial blow for you. 】

Although this cannot save him from the training process, gaining training experience and improving aptitude can both increase the effect of attribute points.

[attribute point +1000]

[At a critical moment, Tianshengdongtian sent a high-ranking Martial God of the third level of supernatural powers to come to the world, and drove back most of the soldiers with the imperial order of the ancestors of heaven and humans, and then broke out of the encirclement and brought you back to the cave at the cost of minor injuries. 】

"As long as you can reach Tianxuanzong safely, nothing else is a problem." Han Zhao felt relieved.

Han Zhao grasped with all his fingers, gathering a lot of strength and true energy, and smashed his palm.

"In reality, I have a way to solve it. It's not a big problem."

Thinking of this, Han Zhao said silently:

【At the age of 36, you broke through to the realm of seven evil spirits.】

[attribute point +1000]

Han Zhao walked out of the inn and rushed to the Qi family's residence in the city.

【In your madness, you killed innocent people indiscriminately. You beheaded all the nine true disciples in the sect. The two masters of the seven evil spirits joined forces to perform a combined attack, but you were severely injured. 】

[In the same year, you became the preparatory Son of the Heavenly Sacred Cave.The news of Feng Qilin's appearance spread across the sea. 】

As the sun sets, the sunset glow in the sky is red, and the clouds are gorgeous, like fire.

[War Gods of Ten Directions]: Red fate entry; metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, ice, thunder, yin, yang, five elements, three wonders, yin and yang, the ten evil spirits are united, and the evil spirit can be transformed into any A kind of evil spirit, the efficiency of absorbing evil spirit is increased by seven times.

(It can be upgraded to a golden entry through practice, and the upper limit is a platinum entry)
"System, integrating [Yin-Yang Rotation], [Three Oddities Returning to Yuan], [Five Elements in One]"

In addition to the Nirvana True Demon Art, the Nine Transformations of the True Spirit, the Vajra Indestructible Magic Art, and the Jue of Longevity, each is a top-level magical skill that can only be practiced by a peerless genius.

He also thought about not breaking through to the seventh floor in one go, otherwise there would be no way to get stuck in the bug of the kung fu. Now it seems that he was thinking too much.

[Half a year later, you went to the Yinyang Hall and were admitted into the gate wall, but because you had the blood of a spirit beast, you were excluded by both the master-student line and the spirit beast family line. 】

However, according to past experience, the harder the cultivation method is to improve, the stronger it will be after upgrading.

[Platinum Fusion Entry]: One-time advanced entry, which can integrate the entry with the upper limit of Platinum and the same entry with the upper limit lower than Platinum, and inherit the advantages of the entry (up to three types of entries can be merged, It can be combined with the fate entry to form a new fate entry)
"Can a new fate entry be formed?!"

"System, deduce the longevity formula, but don't break through the seventh floor."

[Three days later, your lifespan will end. 】

Then, Han Zhao skipped a lot of daily chores.

[You flatly refuse. 】

As the selection ended, a picture appeared in front of his eyes like a movie.

Although he has now cultivated to the Martial Saint Realm, he can use the Kurong Style without consuming his lifespan, but consuming his lifespan can greatly increase the power of the Kurong Style. Facing enemies whose realm is much higher than his, sometimes he has to consume his lifespan.


[In the end, the elder Taishang, who is a pseudo-supernatural power who practiced hard in closed doors, shot you and killed you after an hour of fierce fighting. 】

[Eight months later, your strength has basically recovered, and you go to the outer sea through the teleportation array of Tianxuanzong. 】

Anyway, after it is exhausted, it can break through immediately, and the life span can be restored.

Soon, the fifth level of the Vajra Immortal Kungfu, including formulas, mental techniques, visualization diagrams and other details, were deeply imprinted in his mind.

【Ten days later, the Great Sage Covering the Sea in the Heavenly Demon Cave will personally strike and kill you. 】


[Yin-Yang Rotation] Although it can take effect in the simulation, the first problem that Han Zhao has to solve at this moment is how to overcome the current difficulties.

Wherever it passed, the trees silently turned into dust and drifted away with the wind.

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

He took out a long box from Xumi's bag, and presented it with both hands.

"This is the high-level pseudo-divine weapon I obtained after the trial."

Seeing this, Han Zhao crossed his hands, palms up, and placed them parallel to the stirrup.

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

"System, simulation."

[Five elements in one]: red entry; Yin and Yang of the human body, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, five elements and five elements in one, can evenly transform one five-element evil spirit into five five-element evil spirits, and increase the efficiency of absorbing five-element evil spirits by seven times.

"In the simulation, I only have a lifespan of 3200 years, and I can get through the difficulties smoothly. Let me restore my lifespan first, and the power of the Kurong style will be stronger. When the time comes."

"." Han Zhao didn't know what to say.

"Don't waste my Yin Qi, okay?"

Han Zhao found two other entries, plus the entry of [Yin and Yang Rotation], as well as [Five Elements in One] and [Three Oddities Returning to Yuan], he had no problem even if he cultivated ten evil spirits.

Han Zhao frowned.

[You use all means, with the help of the magic dragon blade, to kill him at the cost of serious injuries, and the world will be shocked. 】

[At the age of 49, the sad news came that the patriarch of heaven and man fell in the sky outside the world, and was besieged by ten holy masters and died. 】


Longevity formula (the sixth layer is 100% complete, deducible; special effect: life extension 3200 years.)

After all, after some deduction, the life span was restored to 1600 years, so the power of Kurong style can be improved to a higher level.

[You use all means to kill him, and his name will be passed down to the outside world. 】

"Xi Lulu!" The red wildebeest under her was in pain, raised its hooves and galloped out.

[When you and Qi Yuntian entered the sphere of influence of Tianxuanzong, they were ambushed by Bailingzong and the Murong family. 】


"You have to make up for the 1600 years of life lost first." Han Zhao focused on the formula of longevity in the martial arts column.

"Will there be any powerful special effects on the seventh floor? The 6000 points are only deduced to 80%?" Han Zhao was stunned.

"Chengxue." Han Zhao opened and closed his lips slightly, not knowing what to say.

Wait until Qiantian Palace opens, and then catch them by surprise.

"The system uses platinum-gold fusion entries to integrate [War God], [Body Refinement], and [Yin-Yang Rotation]."

If Qi Qingchan could get more help, this trip to Tianxuanzong should go much smoother.

"In order to save my life, it's a big deal to pay a little more."

Han Zhao gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

 PS: Good night everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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