Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 183 Fighting spirit body takes effect x Protagonist halo takes effect√

Chapter 183 Dou Zhan Spirit Body Takes Effect x The Protagonist Halo Takes Effect√(6600 words big cup)
As one of the five surnames of Wei State, the Qi family is a real wealthy family at the top of billions of living beings.

Millennium aristocratic families, ten thousand years rich families, are talking about families with five surnames and ten wealthy families.

Qi Qingchan is less than sixty years old, and she is still a young man to the older generation of powerhouses.

But the cultivation world has always respected strength, especially among aristocratic families.

At a young age, Qi Qingchan cultivated Youying's bloodline to the high level of five bloodline awakenings, making her one of the peerless powerhouses, and many of the older generation's powerhouses were no match for her.

She is gentle on the surface, but fierce in her bones, so even if she is a military envoy and spirit caller who are both of the five surnames and the ten rich families, generally few people would dare to provoke her.

The residence of the Qi family is located in Daliang City, but Qi Qingchan likes to be quiet, so her place of practice is not in the city, but in Longyuan, five hundred miles north of Daliang City.

The northern part of Daliang City is surrounded by mountains, and among these dozens of peaks, there is an endless lake.

In the middle of the lake, a towering mountain peak pierces the clouds like a pillar of the sky. This is Longyuan Mountain.

Han Zhao followed Qi Yuntian to the edge of the big lake and looked at the giant peaks in the middle of the lake. He felt that the air here was fresh and refreshing, and the power of heaven and earth was extremely active.

"What?! Five-color divine light! You kid can actually use the innate ability of five-color peacock bloodlines?!"

Han Zhao taunted while beating.

For snakes of the same level, monsters are generally stronger than children of aristocratic families, not to mention the pseudo-divine soldiers among the monsters.

Five days later.

"Yes." Cao Wuyu saluted respectfully.

Martial Arts Will Five-Colored Peacock!

"It's a pity that only Martial Gods in the Supernatural Realm can use their great supernatural powers to transform the spiritual land, turn it into a spiritual acupoint, and condense the spiritual pool. Otherwise, the power of heaven and earth here will be more than ten times more active."



"Me?" Cao Wuyu was taken aback for a moment, and immediately replied: "This person is amazingly talented, even if he is a warrior, I admire him very much. At the same age, only my cousin can compete with him. If If possible, I would like to make friends with him."

Han Zhao climbed the white jade steps tens of meters wide, and came to the entrance of the main hall. Just as he was about to speak, he heard a majestic female voice next to his ear.

"The junior agrees." Han Zhao said seriously.

"Please." Han Zhao clasped his hands, he felt that it was much smoother than expected, a little unreal.

Five-color divine light! !
With a "whoosh", the two giant axes froze for an instant under the five-color light, and flew towards the martial arts will behind Han Zhao. When they were swept by the peacock's wings, the two giant axes disappeared without a trace.

The young man took a picture of his right hand, and two cup stems appeared in his palm. The cup stems were covered with cracks, the air was dim, and it looked like it was about to be destroyed.

As soon as Han Zhao stepped onto the stone ladder, he felt his feet sinking, as if his body was being pulled by an invisible force.

"So that's it." Han Zhao's heart moved. It seemed that Qi Qingchan's strength and status were even higher than he had imagined, and he was able to monopolize a spiritual land as a training place.

Han Zhao's complexion turned pale. Although the Martial Dao will no longer consumes blood power after upgrading, Han Zhao felt that more than half of the Gang Qi in his body had been consumed when he directly swiped down the complete low-level pseudo-divine weapon in one go.

"Go if you have the guts." Han Zhao smiled disdainfully, the property of the Angry Jiao Gang has been entrusted to the Qi family, as long as he can get away, Jiuyou Mansion dare not directly anger the Jiao Gang.

"Go and inform Xiaoxuan that you can start your journey." The young man said lightly.

When the smoke and dust cleared, Han Zhao, whose upper body was torn and his mouth was bloodied, came out, holding a scarlet long knife in his hand.

Han Zhao bowed to Qi Yuntian, and immediately ran towards the stone stairs.

Qi Yuntian sighed.

"Come to the side hall on the right side."

If Han Zhao strikes again, he may not be able to catch it.

The second time, Er Yang Nian.

The young man waved his hand, signaling him to back down.

"It's really a treasure land of cultivation."

In an instant, the void behind Han Zhao was slightly distorted, and the power of heaven and earth gathered around him, forming a lifelike peacock.

"The last two conditions, if you can enter the supernatural powers, you will have the opportunity to fulfill the promise, let's not mention it for now." Qi Qingchan said.

"The power of extinction!"

There was a roar under the water, and the water under the originally calm Daze surged up, setting off huge waves.

The convex surface of the cup is called "Yin", and the flat surface is called "Yang".

The young man let go of his divine sense, and soon sensed the battle five hundred miles away.

Han Zhao remained silent, even if there was a Valkyrie, he might be attacked by the family.

"The first condition is that when the Qiantian Palace is opened, you must fully assist Yuntian to obtain the "Qiantian Jingqi" and "Tianwai Xuanying". "Qi Qingchan said.

"If you don't surrender, I will personally go to Qi to find the three sisters of the Lian family, hehe." The tauren laughed lewdly.

"too slow!"

The humanoid monster drew out its short sword and smiled coldly: "Can a mere human race stop us and the saints from attacking together?"

He brushed the five feathers in his hand, and the light of blue, yellow, red, black and white flashed past.

"Boy! The entire human race can't find another one who can hold on for a stick of incense under Master Niu's hands! Now you kneel down and surrender, and follow me back to Jiuyou Mansion to enter the Demon Pool for blood, and you will still have a chance of survival. "

"What about your women? The three sisters of the Lian family, do you think I can't find them?" The tauren grinned, showing his fine fangs.

An ax slashed across, and the sharp air piercing sound wanted to pierce the eardrum.

"It took half of the stellar qi to come up. I'm afraid that the general Condensation Realm will have weak legs and feet after walking two-thirds of the distance." Han Zhao thought to himself.

"Is this what the clan elders mean?" The young man glanced at him meaningfully and asked, "What do you think?"

With the spirit boat flying in the sky, Baili Daze was also trampled underfoot, and the two soon arrived at the foot of Longyuan Mountain.

After failing to succeed in one blow, the tauren immediately launched a stormy attack on Han Zhao.

King Kong's body was like paper, and his defenses were broken in an instant.

After Han Zhao landed, he beheaded the tauren with a single knife, and stared at the humanoid monster not far away with serious eyes.

An indifferent voice sounded in the ears of the two demons.

In the inner city area of ​​Daliang City, the entire imperial city area accounts for a quarter of the inner city area.

"Wow! Master Niu is so pissed off!" The tauren monster roared to the sky, its whole body was congested and swollen, and its size skyrocketed again.

Qi Yuntian's exclamation came from above the cliffs of the valley.


"You're in a hurry." Han Zhao showed a relaxed smile while supporting himself.

Cao Wuyu walked in, bowed to the young man, and then stood with his hands down, with an obedient expression like a child.

"Haha! Hit you!"

The tauren screamed in shock. He found that his connection with the low-level pseudo-soldier had suddenly weakened, and he had lost control of the magic soldier.

As a martial arts sect that inherited part of Tianshengzong's heritage, Tianxuanzong's power dominates the entire state, and no one can match it. Even the local family of magic soldiers will not easily provoke Tianxuanzong.

"This is." Han Zhao was taken aback.

Suddenly, Han Zhao's whole body burst into golden light, and the severe pain in his body weakened rapidly at this moment. The dantian, which was almost dry before, burst out with a large amount of stellar energy.

"The junior is thinking, what if after breaking through the supernatural powers, what should I do if I can't fulfill the conditions agreed to by the seniors?" Han Zhao explained, he is still very confident in breaking through the supernatural powers.

Less than a quarter of an hour after the two left, there were bursts of thunderclaps on the clouds above Longyuan Mountain.

"Han Zhao! Be careful!"

"Thank you, Senior Brother Qi, for your suggestion." Han Zhao bowed his hands. He came here to ask for help, so he would naturally pay attention, not to mention that the other party was a peerless warrior comparable to a martial god.

"If you have the ability to fight head-on with me! You will be as unlucky as the Nujiao Gang if you leave!" Niutou yelled in anger.

"Worthy of being a super god!" Han Zhao felt relieved, the power of the super god has more than doubled except for the three-point return to vitality.The key is that after practicing the small supernatural powers, the consumption of stellar energy is much less than before.

"Yu Xuanji should have received my summons, why hasn't he arrived yet?" Han Zhao retreated violently, dodging the blow.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Qi, for clarifying the confusion." Han Zhao said respectfully, because of the precious mental power, he didn't have many memories in the simulation. Although this kind of thing will be known sooner or later, Qi Yuntian did let him know a lot of information in advance.

Apart from the legendary supernatural powers like the five-color divine light, he couldn't think of any other abilities that could take away his divine weapons when his realm was far lower than his own.

"You shouldn't have messed with me." Han Zhao's eyes were cold.

Han Zhao was silent and motionless, he felt that every cell in his body was howling, it was too painful!
"With that level of attack, it seems that you can't make a second strike." The humanoid demon noticed that Han Zhao's state was wrong, "You have too many secrets, rather than killing you, you should be captured alive .”

"Thank you for your magic weapon!" Han Zhao chuckled.

However, many things in the world are like this, the true is too false, and the false is too true.

"Let's go." Qi Yuntian didn't ask further.

"What? You don't have the confidence?" Qi Qingchan's voice sank.

"My aunt is in the Tianze Palace on the mountainside of Longyuan Mountain." Qi Yuntian pointed to the stone ladder that stretched from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, and explained to Han Zhao. Judging by his appearance, he didn't seem to intend to go with Han Zhao go up.

"A test?"

Han Zhao quickened his pace, and when he reached the thousandth level, he finally felt that his body was a bit heavy, and he couldn't rely on his physical body to resist the gravity, so he mobilized his true energy and strength to resist.


"The younger generation rejected the Cao family's solicitation, and also severely offended the Wang family during the trial, the two families may not be able to tolerate me." Han Zhao said seriously.

The deafening sound of gold and iron strikes sounded, Han Zhao couldn't dodge in time, he raised his white tiger golden crystal sword to resist the Tauren's axe, and his body flew out.

At this moment, Qi Yuntian faced the Murong family's three-time blood awakener, as well as a high-ranking pseudo-soldier commander of the snake-level seventh-layer realm, so he was at a loss.


"When you reach the realm of the five evil spirits, you can also activate the spirit weapon to control the sky." Qi Yuntian explained: "At this level, warriors can truly display the full power of the spirit weapon. If there is a spirit weapon that fits your own skills, It will not lose at all to the children of the Shenbing family and those with the blood of spirit beasts in the same realm. In addition, after the seven evil spirits are consummated."

"Let's wait for the next day."

Han Zhao's eyes were fixed, and he seized the opportunity to punch him flying.

In the Sha Ning Realm, the martial artist's practice is often counted in years, and [-]% to [-]% is an extremely exaggerated bonus.

"Han Zhao is a person with great luck. If he can really grow up, he is expected to conspire with great things."

I saw that the mist in the hall was diffuse, surrounded by fresh air, and the heaven, earth and earth were almost as real.

Han Zhao boarded the boat.

At this time, in the apse of the luxurious palace, a young man wearing a dragon robe and a purple gold crown opened his eyes.

As far as the eye can see, there is a majestic and majestic hall in front of it, covering an extremely wide area, and birds and spirits can be seen everywhere on the eaves of the corridor.

"Arrogant boy!" Qi Qingchan said coldly, then chuckled, "You are very confident, don't worry, I won't let you do what you can't do."

Two thousand steps, three thousand steps, six thousand steps, Han Zhao felt the feeling of body load appeared again.

In an instant, Han Zhao felt scalp trouble, and he stepped back, but there was a sharp pain like tearing from his back, and a sword mark that was so deep that his spine was almost severed appeared on his back.

A purple dagger as thin as a cicada's wings pierced Han Zhao's heart.

At this time, in a valley hundreds of miles away from Tianxuanzong, a shocking battle broke out.

Qi Yuntian used the spirit boat to fly with Han Zhao Yukong and headed straight for Cangzhou.

Two shrill screams came from the white light.

The young man threw the cup whisk, and the two cup whiskers spun irregularly in the void, finally showing a yin and a yang.

He took dozens of steps in a row, feeling his body getting heavier with each step. Although the feeling was not obvious, he looked up at the thousands of steps above, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

"I've met Senior Qi." Han Zhao saluted respectfully.

"Death!" The tauren held up the two axes and threw them at the same time, shooting towards Han Zhao.

If it weren't for the imitation, he wouldn't have come to Qi Qingchan either.

"Yes." Han Zhao responded and entered the hall on the right.

Above the clouds, a woman in fluttering white clothes, like an exiled fairy, held a three-foot long sword, looked down upon Wushuang, and slashed it down again.

And the humanoid monster knelt on one knee, the dagger in his hand glowing with purple light, which offset most of the power of Nirvana, but he was still seriously injured.He felt that the body of the monster, which was full of vitality, was getting old now, as if hundreds of years had passed in an instant.


So, he activated the innate qi in his body to protect his body.

Han Zhao knew very well that the tauren monster was extremely powerful, so he didn't dare to take his attack head-on.

"With Yuntian's help, you will be safe." Qi Qingchan said lightly.

And the tauren monster that Han Zhao faced was a snake-level fifth-layer realm, and a pair of giant axes were low-level pseudo-divine weapons.

"Are you crazy?!"

"Qingchan's Taiyigeng golden sword is becoming more and more proficient, it seems that the old turtle is no match."

This time, he walked up the remaining [-] steps in one go, and landed on the large platform on the mountainside.

This time Qi Yuntian took him to hide his tracks and rushed all the way to a place that was only a few hundred miles away from Tianxuanzong. Just when Han Zhao thought he could avoid the battle, the demon party actually ambushed in the valley in advance and sent Qi Yuntian's flying boat shoot down.

Han Zhao circulated his true energy subconsciously, and he felt as if the forces of heaven and earth were vying to enter his meridians.

It is almost impossible to take away the magic soldier without killing the envoy, but Han Zhao did it.

"Qi Qingchan"

"My body has already gone to the outer world, and this place is just an incarnation. Why did you come to find me?" Qi Qingchan said in a deep voice.

The two axes fell at the same time, blasting the air, and a large amount of high-pressure air shook Han Zhao away.

"Yes." Cao Wuyu replied, he hesitated to speak.

"Go to hell!" Han Zhao felt that the blood in his whole body was boiling.

This kind of ordinary martial artist might be killed by a single blow, but Han Zhao easily blocked it with the Sangui Yuanqi.

Accompanied by a burst of golden sword light penetrating the sky and piercing through the clouds, a huge black turtle with a size of several hundred meters was chopped down and fell into the big swamp.

But even so, if one can practice in this kind of place all year round, even without taking pills, the speed of cultivation can be increased by about [-] to [-] percent.

"Just say what you want." Seeing his appearance, the young man smiled.

The humanoid monster felt chills in his heart when he saw it.

When Cao Wuyu left, the young man's hand was full of fresh air, and finally turned into two cups.At first glance, the cup stem looks like two pieces of crescent-shaped wooden blocks, with the outer and inner sides protruding from the outside and flat from the inside.

The three-point return to vitality is endless, unless the monster is desperate, it will not be able to cause substantial damage to him.


However, this majestic force was quickly weakened by more than [-]% under the true qi vortex of the three-point return to vitality.

"Get up!" Qi Yuntian lightly raised his hand, and the boat swished, like an arrow off the string, and flew obliquely upwards, flying rapidly at a position ten meters above the Daze.

"This..." Han Zhao hesitated.

Qi Yuntian nodded slightly, and with a flick of his sleeves, a palm-sized white mini boat landed on the ground, surrounded by fluorescent light in an instant, and turned into a sailless boat over three meters long.

Han Zhao's body hit the stone wall like a cannonball, the gravel splashed, and the sky was filled with dust.

Han Zhao's heart trembled when he heard the words, and he hurriedly said, "Senior, please help me reach Tianxuanzong safely."

This piece of sky was stirred by sword energy and golden light, and the huge movement soon alarmed the peerless powerhouses in Daliang City.

After he finished taking the oath, the light and shadow that had been sitting cross-legged on the futon disappeared at some point.

At this moment, Han Zhao had a killing intent towards the tauren monster.

This kind of cultivation treasure land, the family will not let it out to the Valkyrie, and the Valkyrie probably will not bother to enlighten the spiritual land for the family.

The tauren who came from behind flashed, clasped his hands tightly, and pinched Han Zhao's body tightly, "Boy, are you running away?!"

"Crack!" He had just taken two steps when a layer of frost suddenly formed on the ground where the valley was located.

Han Zhao made an oath of heaven.

Han Zhao in front of the two of them suddenly turned into a phantom and disappeared without a trace. Just as the two were about to raise their heads, a white sword light piercing the sky lit up, covering their sight.

He opened his five fingers wide and punched out, countless air currents were instantly exploded, and the huge force crazily oppressed the air, forming an astonishing high-pressure shock wave.


"Pfft!" Han Zhao felt a sharp pain in his viscera, even the body of King Kong couldn't bear the giant strength of the tauren.

If it weren't for the blessing of the entry effect of [War God], which reduced the [-]% influence of the power of demons and magic weapons on him, and at the same time increased his strength by [-]% in all aspects, he might have supported it long ago. Can't stop.

The giant ax was approaching, but seeing that Han Zhao didn't panic at all, the peacock behind him burst into light, and the five sword-like tail feathers quickly materialized and flew into his palm.

"The gap is too big. My current strength is equivalent to that of a small supernatural martial saint in the third evil realm. With all means, I can only fight against the fourth evil realm at most. It's too much."

"This is." Han Zhao's eyes widened, "Dou Zhan's spirit body has taken effect?!"

I saw the peacock flapping its wings lightly, with five three-foot-long feathers growing out of its tail, like a sword with a handle, each with its own color, divided into blue, yellow, red, black, and white, faintly flowing.

"Go to hell!" Han Zhao jumped up in the air, turned around and slashed at the humanoid monster that was attacking him.

However, without the blessing of the divine weapon, although his attack power is still astonishing, it cannot pose a fatal threat to Han Zhao.

"Junior Brother Han, my aunt has been in a bad mood recently. When I see her later, I hope you choose your words carefully." Qi Yuntian warned.

"This is a test. It's his chance to pass, but it's his fate to pass." The young man seemed quite satisfied with Cao Wuyu's answer.

"Old Ancestor, I don't understand, Han Zhao has already rejected the Cao family, why didn't he just send someone to destroy him, but asked his cousin to notify the Bailingzong and Jiuyoufu and other forces." Cao Wuyu bowed.

He found that after walking through the ten thousand steps, the stellar qi in his body became much more condensed, and the long-lived true qi that had not been completely transformed into stellar qi also quickly condensed towards the stellar qi.

"Looking for death!" The tauren was furious, a pair of giant axes burst out with strange black light, his whole body was once again raised by one meter, and his strength increased dramatically.

"What's going on? You actually!" The face of the humanoid demon suddenly changed. As a high-ranking pseudo-soldier commander at the seventh level of the snake level, he was afraid of a martial saint at the first evil level for the first time.

"Huh?!" Han Zhao's expression froze, and he suddenly grinned.

"Use some force!"

Han Zhao saluted the futon, then turned and left.

"Too light!"

"If you promise me three conditions, I can help you." Qi Qingchan was silent for a long time.

Han Zhao's face was solemn, and his vital energy quickly protected his five internal organs, and his pain was greatly relieved.

Even if it is a divine soldier, it is not willing to resist too much power of nirvana.


Chi Chi!

It's just that he has not yet condensed the 'Tianmai' after breaking through the Sha Ning Realm, so the conversion rate of the power of heaven and earth is extremely low.

Niutau was so angry that he wanted to go crazy. He didn't understand why his attack would weaken out of thin air when it hit Han Zhao.Moreover, the aura on this kid's body is like that of a loach, slippery and unrestrained, he didn't feel it clearly when he had a magic weapon in his hand before, but now he is fighting close to his body, he has nowhere to use all his strength.

The young man's lips moved slightly, and after a while, there was a sound of footsteps outside the back hall.

"Consume you to death!"

"This place is one of the four great spiritual lands in Tianzhou, so it can naturally be called a treasure land for cultivation. Thousands of years ago, this place was also the dojo for the high-ranking members of the Ying family of the Great Qin Empire to practice." Qi Yuntian who was on the side explained.

After pondering for a moment, Han Zhao saluted again, "Please, senior."

The tauren monster fell to the ground first, and its originally terrifying figure of more than five meters tall had shrunk into a dwarf less than 1.2 meters high, and its body twitched.

"Then my 4000-year lifespan, can you stop it?"

I'm so aggrieved!

While suppressing Han Zhao, the tauren monster persuaded him to surrender.

"Sure enough, the fate of this person is unpredictable and difficult to calculate."

Born in a wealthy family, some are arrogant and dissolute, while others are strict with themselves and stick to their hearts. Cao Wuyu and Cao Xuan were both trained by him, so he has high hopes for them.

"Follow me." Qi Yuntian stood on the bow of the boat and smiled gently at Han Zhao.


And on the futon in the open space of the hall, a woman with an indistinct appearance sat cross-legged. The light and shadow around her were erratic, like a virtual image.

The soft soil was blasted out one big hole after another. A tauren monster with a height of five meters, holding two giant axes, suppressed a young man with a whole body of red gold.

The third time, the second negative side.

This is the smallest prefecture among the twelve prefectures of the Great Wei Dynasty, with a dense network of rivers and a well-developed water system.

At worst, he broke through to the Martial God Realm directly in Qiantian Palace, and then he would not be chased by people like today, and he would have to come to ask for help.

When he got down to the foot of the mountain, Qi Yuntian was still waiting in place.

It was really wise to choose the three-point return to vitality as the first small supernatural power. If it were the real sun, it might be able to hurt the tauren, but he would definitely not be able to last for so long.

In the sky, an ice phoenix with a wingspan of more than 20 meters fell.

In an instant, the entire valley became a world of ice and snow.

Qi Yuntian, who was about to rescue Han Zhao, suddenly changed his expression and retreated quickly.

Bingfeng swallowed Han Zhao who had been frozen into an ice sculpture in one gulp, then spread her wings and flew high into the clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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