Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 184 Break and Stand!Tianfeng is really yin!The body of Nirvana!

Chapter 184 Break and Stand!Tianfeng is really yin!The body of Nirvana! (4200 words in the cup)
The sound of water droplets rang in his ears, and Han Zhao's body felt cold for a while, which was a rare physical sensation after he entered the body.

"It's so cold."

Han Zhao slowly opened his eyes and found himself lying in a dimly lit cave with his coat under his body and a long silver-white gown that radiated a chill.

His body was gloomy and cold, most likely due to the cold air from the silver shirt.

He remembered that as soon as his fighting spirit body took effect, he was swallowed by Yu Xuanji, and then he didn't remember anything.

"You're awake." A cold voice sounded from beside him.

Han Zhao followed the prestige.

Yu Xuanji was wearing a tunic, showing his graceful figure, sitting cross-legged not far from him.

"Senior, please help me take off the clothes on my body, I feel like my body is about to freeze."

Han Zhao felt so weak all over, he didn't even have the strength to raise his hand, so he could only ask Yu Xuanji for help.

"This phoenix feather garment has the effect of calming the mind and strengthening the vitality. What a ignorant boy!" Yu Xuanji said coldly.But seeing that Han Zhao's face was pale and his body was trembling, but the qi in his body had stabilized, she still took away the silver-white gown and put it on her body.

"Thank you, senior." Han Zhaoqiang said energetically.

"Your injuries are serious, especially the damage to the meridian, which is very serious. And the stellar energy in your body is too much and too strong. If you don't dissipate most of it, your life may be in danger. I don't know how young you are. , how do you possess multiple advanced martial arts?" Yu Xuanji said solemnly.

When Han Zhao was in a coma, she checked Han Zhao's body, and found that the stellar energy in Han Zhao's body was far higher than that of the same level. In terms of condensed level alone, it had already surpassed the general three evil spirits.

The most important thing is that Han Zhao's aura is numerous and mixed.

If it was in the past, it would naturally have no effect on him, but now he is seriously injured, so he is no longer able to control so much stellar energy.

"This junior understands." Han Zhao smiled wryly.

In fact, he felt it when he woke up. There was more stellar energy in his dantian than it was in its heyday. It was probably due to the Dou Zhan spirit body taking effect.

However, Yu Xuanji interrupted his 'Protagonist Halo' at a critical moment, causing him to fall into a coma, unable to control the surge of Gang Qi, which aggravated his injuries.

Of course, Yu Xuanji also kindly rescued him.

If she didn't make a move, Han Zhao probably would have a hard time defeating the high-ranking pseudo-divine soldier at the seventh level of the snake level.

In fact, the Kurong style that he used for more than 4000 years of life can kill even a genuine soldier. However, the magic weapon can resist the power of nirvana, so it often cannot hit the opponent directly.

Only when there is not much difference in realm, can the kryptonian style of fighting truly defeat the enemy with one blow.

In a previous simulation, he broke through to the supernatural realm, and when he crossed the catastrophe, he knew that he couldn't resist the Zixiao divine thunder behind him, so he directly used the withering style to consume all his life span, and killed many genuine soldiers with one blow.

The main reason is that the difference in realm is not large, so that the true power of the power of nirvana can be truly exerted.

"You don't understand! The biggest trouble now is that your body is exhausted, and the dry form is too evil." Yu Xuanji frowned slightly, and his tone softened a lot, as if he was worried about Han Zhao.

"I'm afraid you don't know what you look like now, do you?" Yu Xuanji took out a bronze mirror and put it in front of Han Zhao.

The man in the mirror has a handsome appearance, with deep tiredness in his eyes, and his white hair tied up in a white jade hair crown, like a fairy.

"It seems that my white hair looks better than black hair." Han Zhao mused.

"At this time, I still have the mood to joke!" Yu Xuanji was angry and funny, thinking that this kid's mentality is so open-minded, and this life-threatening matter can be used as a joke.

Han Zhao rolled his eyes at her, and felt that the beauty in the world was nothing more than that, and the style of the cold beauty was really extraordinary.

In fact, it's not that he has a good mentality, but that he still needs to practice Nirvana True Demon Kungfu anyway, and the dispersal of the stellar energy has no effect on him at all.

As for the damage to the meridians, it would be fatal to most warriors, but as long as he deduced the Longevity Art to the seventh level, the special effect of exterminating decay and regenerating muscles would quickly restore his meridians.

And the loss of life span, he didn't care at all.

To him, a lifespan of hundreds of years is like a small wound that loses a little blood. This time, more than [-]% of his lifespan was consumed, but it was just like being cut with a knife.

"Senior, I would like to ask you to do me a favor." Han Zhao pondered, the only thing worth paying attention to at the moment is that his body is extremely weak, and he may not be able to bear the huge gain from the breakthrough of the Longevity Art.

After all, 7500 attribute points were consumed just to deduce the skills this time. It is conceivable that the longevity formula will definitely undergo a qualitative change when it reaches the seventh level.

Nirvana True Demon Kung Fu is a demon clan kung fu. His body is so weak now, even with the entry effect of [Training the Body to Become a God], he probably can't bear it, so he has to let his body recover first.

"Tell me, as long as I can do it." Yu Xuanji nodded, she promised to take a shot when Han Zhao was in crisis, but it was still a bit late, and she felt a little guilty.

"I want the Tianfeng Zhenyin in your body." Han Zhao said seriously.

"What?!" Yu Xuanji's gaze narrowed, and the temperature in the entire cave dropped instantly.

Hearing Han Zhao coughing from the cold, Yu Xuanji calmed down and said in a deep voice:
"Even if I am willing to give you the Heavenly Phoenix True Yin, your current body simply cannot bear it, let alone refine it."

"Senior, be safe, and let me explain." Han Zhao took a breath and explained, "This junior met someone during the Zhongzhou Trial."

"Suzaku's blood essence?!" Yu Xuanji widened her beautiful eyes and said in surprise, no longer the calmness she had before.

Phoenix has five colors, red is Suzaku.

The phoenix mentioned here is the ancestor of the phoenix when the world was first opened in the legend.

Strictly speaking, the later Suzaku has become a separate race, equal to the Phoenix, and even surpassed in strength.

Yu Xuanji has the bloodline of Bingfeng, which is a branch of Phoenix. Compared with the bloodline of Suzaku, her bloodline is one level lower from the source.

She is currently in the critical period of the sixth nirvana, if she can absorb the blood of Suzaku and stimulate the blood of the Phoenix in her body, it is very possible to speed up the completion of nirvana.

If this is the case, not only can she return to the top and regain the Bailingzong, she even has the hope of going further.

When it comes to the Dao of Heaven and Man, she can't help being excited.

"This junior feels that the senior celestial man should have bad intentions, but at this moment I need to absorb the blood essence of Suzaku to strengthen my martial arts will, and then drive my physical body to recover, so I need senior's Tianfeng Zhenyin as an introduction." Han Zhao explained.

"I understand. No wonder I feel a familiar aura in your body. It turns out that your martial arts will is actually a five-color peacock." Yu Xuanji suddenly understood.

"Senior agreed?" Han Zhao asked.

"Suzaku's blood essence is the supreme treasure to me at this moment, and I have no reason to refuse." Yu Xuanji said frankly.

"The Suzaku blood essence is in the ring on my hand, senior, please take it off."

Han Zhao raised his head slightly, he didn't even have the strength to raise his hand now.

"En." Yu Xuanji seemed to have thought of something, her voice suddenly became low, she grabbed Han Zhao's hand, and took off the crimson ring on it.

Han Zhao stared at Yu Xuanji.

Yu Xuanji looked at the ring in his palm, and suddenly said to Han Zhao: "You should rest for a while."

"Ah?" Han Zhao was taken aback, not understanding what she meant.

"Your body is too weak, you can't bear Suzaku's essence and blood, you should rest first." Yu Xuanji said lightly.

"Okay." Seeing Yu Xuanji's insistence, Han Zhao could only agree.

Neither of them spoke, and the cave fell silent for an instant.

Yu Xuanji took out firewood from the Xumi bag and lit a bonfire beside Han Zhao.

Roasting on the fire, Han Zhao felt much warmer in his body.

For a long time, he was drowsy and his eyes were slightly closed.

At some point, the bonfire had burned out, and the cave was dimly lit. Han Zhao felt something touch his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he found that his vision was blocked, and his face was covered with a layer of ice blue silk.

"Front" Han Zhao was about to ask aloud, when he suddenly felt his waist and eyes go numb, his body completely lost strength, his lips opened and closed, but he couldn't make a sound.

Suddenly, a pair of slightly clenched hands pressed on both sides of Han Zhao's shoulders.

Wet, ice-cold lips were lightly printed on the tip of Han Zhao's nose, and they retreated as soon as they were touched.

In the darkness, Han Zhao felt his cheeks being scratched by his fingertips, and finally landed on his lips.

"Am I pushed backwards?!" Han Zhao suddenly came to his senses.

In the next second, a cold breath entered his body continuously.

Han Zhao felt that his body was about to freeze, and he could only chase after that one point.

Suddenly, Han Zhao felt a sharp pain from the tip of his tongue, and a taste of rust rippling in his mouth.

A violent breath swept over.

Han Zhao heard a bird cry in a trance, and quickly lost consciousness.

"Hmm!" Han Zhao opened his eyes suddenly, his upper body stretched like a sit-up.

"I'm okay? It's so warm!"

Han Zhao found that the chill in his body had basically disappeared, and his whole body was warm.

Under the skin, there are five-color halos faintly lingering.

[Martial Arts Will Five-Colored Peacock: Second Level (2250/10000); can be upgraded]

Martial arts will directly strengthened by more than double.

Han Zhao checked his physical condition. Although the injury did not recover, at least it did not affect his actions.

"Could it be that Yu Xuanji refined the Suzaku blood for me?" Han Zhao recalled the scene before he fell into a coma, and couldn't help but feel agitated. The pain on the tip of his tongue reminded him that everything just happened was real.

Han Zhao looked around the cave, but found that there was no trace of Yu Xuanji at all.

He got up to look for it, but as soon as he reached the entrance of the cave, he saw Yuniang walking in with a pile of firewood.

"Brother Han, you're awake! How's your body?" Yuniang said excitedly.

"It's much better." Han Zhao smiled, and then hesitantly asked, "How is Senior Yu?"

"Sister Xuanji is resting. She just said that she would do her best to heal your injuries. In order to concentrate on it, she didn't let me watch it. It made me worry to death." Yu Niang breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good." Han Zhao was also relieved, as long as Yu Xuanji didn't care about it.

"Brother Han, you haven't recovered from your injury, you should rest more." Yuniang looked at him with concern.

"it is good."

Han Zhao turned around and went back to the cave. He took out some top-grade Qi and Blood Pills and top-grade Healing Pills from the Sumeru bag, and poured them into his mouth.

These elixirs melted in the mouth, entered the abdomen, and then turned into streams of heat, spreading all over the body.

However, since Han Zhao's veins are all damaged at the moment, most of these medicines will be wasted, but it is enough to make him feel better.

Han Zhao told Yuniang that he had to adjust his breathing for a while, and told her not to disturb her, then took out the black-gold scales that recorded the Nirvana True Demon Skill, and stuck them on his forehead.

Although the previous simulation allowed him to obtain the first level of training memory of the Nirvana True Demon Art through the memory option, but this exercise is too complicated, and the intention of God is extremely profound. Visualizing directly through the memory screen will consume more mental power , so Han Zhao directly visualizes through the demon scales at this moment to save his mental energy.

The huge golem appeared in his heart, and Han Zhao put down his hands, sat cross-legged, with his heart turned to the sky, and the black-gold scales fit between his brows.


As Han Zhao performed the first layer of San Gong formulas of Nirvana True Devil Art, the power in his body was quickly dissipated, and at the same time merged into his skin, muscles, blood essence, and bone marrow.

A layer of purple-black light flickered, gradually covering Han Zhao's figure, his five senses disappeared, and the whole person entered a mysterious and mysterious state.

"Crack crackle crackle!"

The subtle crackling sound of burning firewood continued to sound, and when Han Zhao opened his eyes again, the bonfire beside him was burning and flickering, and the bright moonlight shone in from the entrance of the cave.

[Nirvana True Demon Skill: 55% of the first level, which can be improved; special effect: Nirvana Body·Elementary]

[Nirvana Body: Legend has it that the supreme physique that practitioners of magic arts dream of, is a must-have physique for cultivating the body of a true devil.The body of nirvana is great, and after completing the first nirvana, one can enter the state of nirvana for a short time.In the Nirvana state, your martial arts, martial arts, secret techniques, true qi, stellar qi, small supernatural powers, etc., will gain [-]% increase in power; your thunder resistance will increase by [-]%. 】

[The current exercises are affected by the effect of the entry of 'Training the Body to Become a God', and some of the content deviates from the original route. During the cultivation process, you will no longer be limited by race. 】

"It's no wonder that Yamaha can defeat heaven and man at the third level of supernatural powers. This Nirvana body is too outrageous!" Looking at the introduction of Nirvana body in the system prompt, Han Zhao couldn't help being a little speechless.

[Light of Demon Slayer] is only effective for the power of monsters and magic soldiers, and its status bonus cannot be effective for warriors and those with the blood of spirit beasts.

But the nirvana state of this nirvana body can directly increase itself and can deal with all enemies.

The key is the increase in resistance to thunder disaster, which is especially important for Han Zhao.

[Light of Slaying Demons] plus [Nirvana State], in the future, encountering monsters and children of aristocratic families, I am afraid it will be as easy as killing a pig.

If Han Zhao obtained the [Flawless Body] by practicing the Immortal Art of Vajra, plus the [Nirvana Body] of the Nirvana True Devil Art, and the double physique weakens the Thunder Tribulation, he would not believe that he would not be able to survive this supernatural tribulation.

"It's just 27 divine sky thunders and nine purple sky thunders, just wait."

At this moment, Han Zhao has the feeling of seeing the blue sky through the clouds and mists, and he already knows what the road ahead is.

"You have to wait until the remaining half of the power in your body dissipates."

Han Zhao closed his eyes and looked inside. When he released his kung fu just now, half of his kung fu had been used to quench his body, and the remaining half of his kung fu was still slowly dissipating. This was because his meridians were damaged. stay.

But he wasn't worried. Anyway, all the kung fu had been exhausted, so they all dispersed, and they were all used for body tempering.

Han Zhao felt that his strength had increased a lot, so he allowed the rest of his skills to slowly strengthen his physique.


PS: There is still a chapter being revised.

(End of this chapter)

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