Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 185 The Secret of Longevity!live forever!

Chapter 185 The Secret of Longevity!live forever! (Add more updates for the lord [Jade Cicada])
"Break through the formula of longevity as soon as the skill is exhausted." He took out a black rhombic spar from the Sumeru bag, which was the magic crystal of the tauren monster that he took away before he fell into a coma.

The magic crystal of a snake-level fifth-level monster has extremely high Yin Qi content.

In addition, there are two giant axes, which are low-level pseudo-divine weapons, and they contain more yin energy.

However, the complete magic weapon has high intelligence, so it can't be hard directly, and it can be discussed later.

Han Zhao began to absorb the yin energy in the magic crystal. At this moment, his body's meridians were damaged, and he was agitated by the yin energy, and suddenly felt chills in his body. However, with the protection of the five-color peacock martial arts will, the injury will not be aggravated.

Soon, he activated the Soul Orb to store the excess Yin Qi in his body.

"System, recharge."

Han Zhao muttered silently, recharging the 100 million taels of gold he got from Shen Xiao and the 50 taels of gold he got from several other aristocratic children into the system together.

[Current balance: Gold 1710000 taels]

【Collect all 420 reminder fragments, whether to synthesize an entry? 】

[Synthesis once, consumption prompt fragment 200, gold 200000 taels.]

"Synthesis, start simulation."

[At the age of 25, you successfully escaped the pursuit of demons and aristocratic families. 】


[At the age of 26, you went to the Holy Palace and received the attention of the palace owner with your superb alchemy skills. 】

【The Palace Master found the blood essence of Suzaku of the same origin in your body. 】

[The pseudo-supernatural ancestor of the Holy Palace killed you in order to seize the blood of the Suzaku in your body. 】

"This..." Han Zhao was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect that he would get huge benefits in the Holy Palace after so many simulations before, and he didn't expect that he would lose his life this time.

"It seems that before the will of martial arts completely refines Suzaku's essence and blood, he can't easily go against the Holy Palace."

Han Zhao pondered.

The big deal is to go to the Holy Palace later, or go to Tianshengzong.

As long as he goes to the outer seas, with his current strength and skills he has mastered, he can make a living wherever he goes.

Anyway, as long as he wants to go to these places, there will be people rushing to ask for them.

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]


[attribute point +1000]

"Synthesis, start simulation."

Han Zhao started the second simulation.

[At the age of 25, you successfully escaped the pursuit of demons and aristocratic families. 】


[At the age of 26, you successfully joined the Martial God League because of your outstanding alchemy skills. 】

[At the age of 33, when you were looking for medicinal materials for alchemy, you encountered a seriously injured dragon in the depths of the sea. 】

[You killed Chilong at the cost of serious injuries, but were attacked by a pseudo-supernatural powerhouse. 】

【you are dead. 】

"Pseudo-supernatural powers sneak attack on me, a martial sage, right? Don't talk about martial arts!" Han Zhao cursed secretly.


[attribute point +1000]

[Attribute point: 3500]

Han Zhao continued to absorb Yin Qi, ready to simulate it again.

At this time, he noticed two powerful auras outside the cave.

"Junior Brother Han!" A familiar voice came.

"It's Qi Yuntian?" Han Zhao's eyes lit up. Although this place is relatively close to Tianxuanzong, there is still a distance. Now that Qi Yuntian has found this place, he is completely safe now.

Han Zhao wakes up Yuniang who is sleeping on the stone pillar.

Yuniang turned into a palm-sized ice-blue bird and got into Han Zhao's sleeve.

Afterwards, Han Zhao walked out of the cave.

Qi Yuntian stood outside the cave, his clothes were torn, and his breath was a little sluggish.

The middle-aged man in coarse linen beside him was indeed Liang Yan, the great elder of Tianxuanzong.

"Junior brother Han, you..." Qi Yuntian stepped forward, looking at Han Zhao with white hair and a worried expression on his face.

"It's just that I used the Kurong style too much and consumed [-]% of my life span. It's not a serious problem." Han Zhao smiled.

Hearing this, Liang Yan stepped forward and grabbed Han Zhao's wrist, his expression froze, and he sighed, "After all, the old man is late."

"Senior, you are serious. This junior is very grateful for you coming here to support me." Han Zhao clasped his fists and said, Liang Yan did not promise him anything, and it was out of affection, not duty, to come to help.

"Follow the old man back to the gate of Tianxuanzong. With the help of the power of heaven and earth accumulated in the Tianxuanzong formation, it may be able to slow down your speed of dispersing kung fu and prolong your lifespan." Liang Yan said hastily.

"Old Liang, could it be?" Qi Yuntian's eyes changed slightly, and he also stepped forward to use his true energy to check Han Zhao's physical condition.

"All veins are damaged!" Qi Yuntian's face darkened, "Murong Family! Jiuyou Mansion!"

If Han Zhao is only wasting his life, there is still a way to find some life-extending geniuses and treasures to extend his life.

With Han Zhao's aptitude, as long as he continues to break through, every time he breaks through, he can add another ten years to his lifespan.

At least for Han Zhao, the loss of life and blood is not an irreversible problem.

However, at this moment, all his veins were damaged, and his skills dissipated.

Injuries to the meridians are the most difficult internal injuries to heal, not to mention that Han Zhao urgently needs to swallow the elixir to prolong his life and restore Qi and blood. It is difficult for him to refine the power of the medicine because of the damage to the meridians, which is too fatal!

"Junior Brother Han, you go to Tianxuan Mountain first, and I will inform Auntie right away." Qi Yuntian said solemnly, then turned and left.

"Senior Brother Qi, thank you very much." Han Zhao cupped his fists and watched him leave.

In this battle, Qi Yuntian was not seriously injured.

Except for the five days of rushing to get along this time, the two had only met three or four times before.

Qi Yuntian can be handed over to this person.

This favor, Han Zhao can only wait until he enters Qiantian Palace to return it.

He is never stingy with those who are sincere.

"Han Xiaoyou, let's go to Tianxuan Mountain first." Liang Yan said in a deep voice.

"Senior, please." Han Zhao responded.

Liang Yan couldn't help sighing when he saw that Han Zhao was in such a difficult situation, but he still looked calm.

With this kind of heart alone, if you can overcome this hurdle, your future will be limitless!
Tianxuan Mountain is located on the peninsula in the southeast of Cangzhou, backed by the sea.

Under the leadership of the Great Elder Liang Yan, Han Zhao climbed up Tianxuan Mountain unimpeded all the way to the gate of Tianxuanzong.

Here, as Liang Yan said, the power of heaven and earth is strong.

Among the places Han Zhao has been to before, it is only inferior to Longyuan Mountain, and it is probably also a spiritual place.

Liang Yan brought Han Zhao to the cave where he practiced. The power of heaven and earth is so strong that it is like substance, almost foggy.

However, Liang Yan exhausted all methods, but did not stop Han Zhao's internal energy from dissipating.

Seven days later, Han Zhao's inner strength was only [-]% left.

"There are three more days, when all the skills are exhausted, you will be able to improve the formula of longevity." Han Zhao walked out of Liang Yan's cave, and walked along the stone steps to the front of the mountain, ready to get some air.

This Nirvana True Demon Art strengthens the physical body and tempers the body beyond his expectations. Originally, when a warrior breaks through the Sha Ning Realm, his body will be strengthened by the power of heaven and earth. Unexpectedly, in the past few days, his body has been tempered by San Gong. Eliminates a lot of dirt.

As a result, he had to bathe several times a day, but fortunately he lived in Liang Yan's cave, and there was no shortage of servants to serve him.

The Tianxuan Mountain Range covers an extremely wide area, and it looks like a city inside. There is a big city on three sides of the Tianxuanzong.

There are as many as ten thousand disciples of Tianxuanzong, and the three big cities have a population of over one million.

The people living in the city are all the family members and servants of the outer and inner disciples of Tianxuanzong.

After all, warriors who can worship Tianxuanzong are either rich or noble, apart from having good bones.

Therefore, when one person learns martial arts, there may be several, ten, or even dozens of people as followers, working hard for him.

Han Zhao just wandered around the back mountain and Dongfu, but didn't go to the front of the mountain, let alone the big city below the mountain.

Because the news that he was attacked by the Murong family and Jiuyou Mansion has spread all over the world.

The news that he was seriously injured is well known.

As the No.1 in the Zhongzhou Trial, he also broke through the Shade Condensation Realm. His reputation is too great. It is estimated that some people will want to take this opportunity to step on him and take the opportunity to make a name for himself.

After all, not all warriors talk about martial arts anymore.

But there is no problem here in Houshan, all the inner disciples who live here know that he lives in Liang Yan's cave, and no one will challenge him for the sake of fame.

But if you go to the front of the mountain, you might meet a challenger coming up the mountain.

Now that his skills have dissipated, just relying on the increase in physical body of a few skills and the remaining [-]% of his skills, it is the same as playing a master martial artist, but he can't make a move.

Outsiders thought he had become a useless person, so that the aristocratic family could relax their vigilance.

After all, Han Zhao didn't want to be greeted by a few military envoys and spirit summoners when he came back from the sea.

After wandering around, Han Zhao returned to Liang Yan's cave.

Two days later, Han Zhao only had half of his skills left.

People from the Cao family came, and Qi Yuntian also arrived together.

At this time, Han Zhao was lying on a rattan chair basking in the sun.

"Mr. Han is really an extraordinary person!"

A slightly shrill voice sounded, neither male nor female.

Han Zhao followed the prestige, and saw Liang Yan and Qi Yuntian coming, beside him was a white-haired old man dressed like a eunuch, and a handsome man in his early thirties.

"Senior Liang, Senior Brother Qi." Han Zhao stood up and saluted, then looked at the white-haired old man and the handsome man, "Who are these two?"

Han Zhao felt that the handsome man was very familiar, and the aura on him was as deep as the sea, extremely powerful.

"I'm Cao Xuan, I've met Brother Han." The handsome man clasped his fists in a salute, showing a kind smile.

"I've met Mr. Cao." Han Zhao's heart shuddered, and the number one in the Qiantian list had come.

[Cao Xuan—a spirit beast warrior, has awakened his bloodline three times, completed the five evil realms, and is extremely powerful. 】

"Our family Li Zhengchun, thanks to the favor of our ancestors, gave us the surname 'Cao'. Our family is now the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you can call our family's position." The white-haired old man said.

[Cao Zhengchun--a martial sage in the realm of five evil spirits, with the vitality of Tiangang in his body, the boy's skills are profound. 】

"Eunuch Cao?" Han Zhao was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately reacted, cupping his hands and saying, "I've seen Director Cao."

"We are here on the orders of our ancestors." Cao Xuan chuckled.

Manager Cao took out a jade box from his pocket, opened it, and saw a golden pill inside, with three round holes the size of rice grains.

As soon as the box was opened, a strong medicinal fragrance came over my face.

"Three Aperture Golden Pill!!"

Seeing this golden pill, Qi Yuntian and Liang Yan were both shocked.

"All veins are damaged and vitality is cut off. It is a fatal injury for all warriors. But as long as the heart is still there, after merging into the three-hole golden elixir, even if the head is chopped off, it can be revived. As for recovering your injuries, it is even more important. No problem."

Cao Xuan explained that when he saw the ancestor take out the three-hole golden elixir, his expression was the same as that of Qi Yuntian and Liang Yan.

Han Zhao's eyes were fixed, and he didn't expect that the ancestor of the Cao family, whom he had never met, would value him so much.

Others might have agreed, but he was an exception.

"If I accept it, what will I have to pay?" Han Zhao asked after a pause.

"Join the Cao family, and make an oath of heaven, always loyal to the Cao family, and obey all orders of the Cao family." Cao Xuan said.

"." Han Zhao pretended to ponder, and after a long time, he replied, "Thank you for your love, I can't accept it."

"What?!" Director Cao exclaimed.

Even Qi Yuntian and Liang Yan didn't expect Han Zhao to answer like this.

Qi Yuntian didn't want Han Zhao to join Cao's family, but he couldn't stop him from choosing this only way of life.

The last bit of smile on Cao Xuan's face disappeared, he reached out and grabbed Han Zhao's wrist, checked his body, and said: "This three-hole golden elixir is a treasure treasured by our ancestors for a long time, it can be called a masterpiece, There is only one in the world."

"I made an oath that in this life, I only wish to reach the pinnacle of martial arts and travel freely in the world." Han Zhao said sadly.

"If life is gone, everything is gone." Cao Xuan said in a deep voice.

"Life is precious, freedom is priceless." Han Zhao shook his head with firm eyes.

"What a priceless freedom!" Cao Xuan was stunned, with an inexplicable smile on his face, he didn't know whether it was admiration or ridicule.

He took a deep look at Han Zhao, then turned and left.

Manager Cao followed closely behind.

Qi Yuntian stood on the spot, opened his mouth, seemed to have thought of something, and quickly chased him out.

Liang Yan stood up and saw them off.

After everyone left, Han Zhao continued to bask in the sun.

When the sun went down, neither Liang Yan nor Qi Yuntian came back.

Han Zhao returned to the cave and sat cross-legged on the futon until late at night.

"System." Han Zhao waited until the last sliver of power was gone, and said silently in his heart.

"Improve the longevity formula."

【Attribute points: 3500→0】

Longevity formula (sixth floor completes 100%, deduction progress 100%; can be improved)

On the skill bar of the system panel, the skill data of Changsheng Jue was blurred for a while, and when it finally stopped, it showed that there was no breakthrough.

"After 9500 attribute points, there is still no breakthrough?" Han Zhao was stunned. What special effects will appear on the seventh floor?
"System, synthesis, start simulation."

Han Zhao immediately prepared attribute points.



[attribute point +1000]

"System, improve the longevity formula."

【Attribute points: 1000→300】

At this time, Han Zhao suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling all over his body, as if his body had merged into the heaven and the earth.

A large amount of power from heaven and earth rushed into his body.

[The entry proficiency of 'martial arts wizard' has increased! 】

['Martial arts wizard' entry quality improved! 】

[Wizard of Martial Arts]: Orange entry; the practice speed of basic, primary, intermediate, advanced, and top martial arts is increased by eight times, six times, four times, twice, and one time respectively, and the probability of breaking the upper limit is increased by seven times, respectively. Five times, three times, two times, one time (can be upgraded through practice, the upper limit is a red entry)

"There are even more top-level martial arts training bonuses!"

"Immortal! I'm a turtle!"

Looking at the special effects of the seventh layer of the Longevity Art, Han Zhao took a deep breath.

Longevity Jue (seventh floor; cannot be upgraded; special effects: Immortality, Innate Pure Yang, Technique of Seeding Qi, Eliminating Decay and Regenerating Muscle, Returning Three Elements to Yuan Qi, Returning Three Elements to One)

[The unique formula of longevity, the current practice has reached its peak at this stage. 】

['Immortal' special effect touches the level of world rules, in order to avoid being targeted by the world will, it will be subject to certain restrictions]

[Immortality: Your lifespan is endless, the world changes, and the sea changes, but you live forever;

When your lifespan reaches the lifespan limit of the current realm, you will be forced to enter the 'reincarnation period';
During the reincarnation period, you will lose all your skills. If you want to recover your skills, you need to rebuild them every day, and every day is a year;
When the repair period reaches the current lifespan, all skills will be restored and enhanced, and the chance of breaking through the realm will be doubled;
When one-time consumption of life exceeds 3240 years, it will enter the reincarnation period in advance. 】

[The current one-time consumption of life exceeds 3240 years, you will enter the reincarnation period in advance, and after 25 days of penance, you will recover all your skills. 】

[Yang Sha: 100%]

"Is my yang evil spirit full?"

Caretaker Han looked at the system prompt and immediately sensed the body through mental power.

The breakthrough of the formula of longevity directly absorbed his yang evil energy to 100%.

In this way, after 25 days, when his skill is fully recovered, he can try to attack the second level of Condensation Evil.

If people knew that he had been a saint for less than a month, and that he would have a chance to break through next month, he would probably be arrested and sliced ​​up for research.

The ancient warriors would condense the will of martial arts when they became holy, but today's warriors mainly focus on the secret art of opening veins.

Each level of realm, through absorbing the power of heaven and earth, condenses a "Tianmai" in the body to speed up and strengthen the power of heaven and earth.

While cultivating the will of martial arts, Han Zhao is also preparing to condense the Tianmai together, but his breakthrough time is too short, so he has not had time to condense the first Tianmai.

At this moment, the yang evil in his body is perfect, and the difficulty of condensing the first Tianmai is greatly reduced.

"Wait for another half a month, and then set off for the open sea when most of the skills have recovered."

(End of this chapter)

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