Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 186: The Dragon Enters the Sea!Continuous breakthrough!

Chapter 186: The Dragon Enters the Sea!Continuous breakthrough! (8600 words big cup)
At the foot of Tianxuanzong Mountain, in a box on the top floor of a luxury restaurant in Tianhai City.

Cao Xuanduan was sitting at the table, drinking by himself, enjoying the special drunken wine with a calm expression.

"Young Master, this Han Zhao really doesn't know how to flatter you!"

The door of the box was pushed open, and Cao Zhengchun walked in angrily.

"Why is Eunuch Cao angry?" Cao Xuan said lightly.

"This three-orifice golden elixir is a rare treasure. We don't even want to send it to our door. We have to wait for three days in vain! I heard from the inner disciple of Tianxuanzong that this person is still outside Liang Yan's cave every day as usual. Bask in the sun and sleep until sunset. In my opinion, I’m afraid I gave up on myself.”

Cao Zhengchun said in a deep voice, when he was rejected three days ago, he suggested that Cao Xuan return the same way, but Cao Xuan said he would wait, so they stayed in Tianhai City.

In the past three days, Cao Xuan ordered him to go to Tianxuanzong to find the inner disciples to inquire about Han Zhao's movements, and the result was as he expected.

He said it with a high ambition, but the result was simply to lie flat and die.

"Oh?" Cao Xuan stopped drinking, and suddenly felt that Han Zhao was really not simple.

He stayed a few more days to give Han Zhao a chance to regret.

In addition to the ancestor's explanation, Cao Xuan wanted to see if there were really people who would rather die than surrender in this world.

A peerless genius suddenly exhausted his skills, cut off his vitality, and died soon. Can he really accept his fate?
Or did he have other plans?It's just that apart from the Three Aperture Golden Elixir, it is almost impossible to heal this kind of injury, even if there are other methods, they are definitely more harsh.

"Life is precious, freedom is priceless. If such a person can survive, it may be better than death."

Cao Xuan sighed inwardly, raised his wine glass, and drank it down in one gulp.

As for Cao Zhengchun's ridicule towards Han Zhao, he turned a deaf ear to it.

Four days later.

Cao Xuan and Cao Zhengchun left Tianhai City and returned to Daliang.

Han Zhao was lying on the rattan chair, blocking the glare of the sun with one hand, squinting through his fingers, looking up at the clear sky.His other hand grasped falsely, as if he wanted to hold the sun in his hand.

"It's just a little bit of wind and frost on the road to longevity. My path is determined by myself."

On the seventh day of the cycle of reincarnation, he has recovered seven years of skill.

However, it seems that because of his lack of full recovery, he still has gray hair and looks like he has lost all vitality.Although the damage to the meridians in the body has recovered somewhat, from the perspective of outsiders, the degree of recovery can basically be ignored.

Even if Cao Xuan came to check his physical condition again, he couldn't find anything unusual.

"For so many years, I have never felt so comfortable basking in the sun." Han Zhao felt completely relaxed from the inside out.

This moment of time belongs to him completely, and he doesn't have to think or do anything.

In this way, Han Zhao lay down until the sun went down, and then slowly got up.

"I have to find some books to read tomorrow to pass the time."

Han Zhao stretched vigorously. In the simulation, he had been in the sea for an unknown number of years, but in reality he had never been there.

Even if there is some memory, it is all about cultivation and martial arts, and there is no memory of life.

So you can take advantage of this time to find some classics about the sea in Tianxuanzong. These things should not be secrets, and it will definitely be no problem to borrow them.

"If you are still in this state in a few days, you can wait until No. 20 four days before leaving."

When Han Zhao returned to the room in the cave, he suddenly changed his mind.

In this way, when he reaches the open sea, his skills will be fully recovered the next day, which is safer.

"I really miss the days in Black Rock City."

Han Zhao secretly sighed in his heart, this time he went to the outer sea, he must develop steadily like he did in Black Rock City.

Song Que, Ding Xiu, and Xiong Ba's vests can be used freely in the open sea.

Han Zhao no longer wants to live a famous life.

Knowing that Han Zhao was seriously injured, Su Tianqi, who was traveling abroad, rushed back to Tianxuanzong without stopping. After checking Han Zhao's injury, he found Liang Yan.

"Great Elder, is there really no way to heal brother Han's injury?"

Su Tianqi felt a little heavy.

His previous experience made him regard Han Zhao as a friend long ago.Had it not been for Han Zhao's help during the trial, he would not have gained many benefits from the Celestial Man's Cave.When he suddenly heard that Han Zhao was attacked and became a cripple, he found it hard to accept.

"There is little hope." Liang Yan sighed.

"Then can the Cao family's Three-Aperture Golden Pill be exchanged with other conditions? Or find a way to refine another one." Su Tianqi said hastily.

Liang Yan smiled helplessly when he heard the words: "Not to mention that the elixir for refining the three-hole golden elixir is almost extinct, and super-level alchemists alone are even rarer than the elixir itself.

The Cao family's three-orifice golden elixir should have been obtained from the treasure house of the Great Qin Empire thousands of years ago, and Dongshengzhou may be the only one.

Its medicinal power is effective even for martial gods in the Supernatural Realm, what do you want to exchange for it?Are you a third-tier soldier of the Su family?Or the Zhenpai Lingbao of Tianxuanzong? "

"." Su Tianqi remained silent. Although the Su family is one of the three great families in Yunzhou, there is only one third-tier magic weapon, which is still in the hands of the ancestor.

As for the Zhenpai Lingbao of Tianxuanzong, it is the foundation of the formation protecting the mountain. It is the key to communicate with the heaven and the cave, and handing it over is equivalent to seizing the foundation of Tianshengzong.

"Unless Han Zhao agrees to the Cao family's conditions, there is no need to think about the Three-Aperture Golden Elixir." Liang Yan said in a deep voice.In fact, when he first saw the Three Orifices Golden Pill, he was also taken aback. He didn't expect Cao Mengxuan to value Han Zhao so much.

The healing effect of this three-orifice golden elixir is only the weakest of its many effects, and the most important thing is that it has the miraculous effect of reborn warriors.It can be said that with Han Zhao's previous aptitude, as long as he swallowed the three-orifice golden elixir, coupled with the resources of the Cao family, it would not be difficult to cultivate to the perfection of Qisha within 12 years.

At that time, Han Zhao will enter the Qiantian Palace and win the "Qiantian Jingqi" and "Tianwai Xuanying", breaking through the pseudo-supernatural realm is guaranteed, and it is not impossible to directly achieve the Martial God.

And with the support of the behemoth Cao family, most aristocratic families will not embarrass Han Zhao anymore.In today's world, the aristocratic family does not allow Martial Gods to appear among warriors, but disobedient Martial Gods are not allowed to appear.

After the great war thousands of years ago, it was difficult for warriors to appear as war gods, not only because of the suppression of the aristocratic family, but also because of the great changes in the world here, and the power of supernatural powers doubled.Although it is said that the stronger the power of the catastrophe, the greater the improvement the warrior will get, but the supernatural catastrophe is a narrow escape, and the power is doubled, which simply does not give the warrior any hope of success in crossing the catastrophe.

It has been a few years since Liang Yan practiced to the perfection of Qisha, but he has never dared to try to break through the supernatural power realm. Apart from the risks of breaking through the realm, the supernatural power catastrophe is the most terrible thing.

So he is going to practice all the exercises to the extreme. When there is no way to advance, he will try to break through the pseudo-supernatural realm, and then communicate with the heaven and the holy cave, and enter the cave world to practice. The power of the catastrophe there will be much weaker.

With Han Zhao's aptitude, he might be able to achieve the Martial God Way in this world.At that time, it is estimated that the big cave worlds will beat their heads and scramble to get him.The Martial God who breaks through in this world will not be suppressed by the rules of the world in any world of the same level. For the major cave forces, it is the top combat force for the new cave world.

After all, many worlds cannot accommodate the coming of holy masters and heavenly beings, even soldiers in charge and war gods will be greatly suppressed.

If Han Zhao breaks through to the Supernatural Realm in this world, he will have no problem with one-on-three combatants of the same level.And when fighting for the cave world, facing other envoys and warriors who are suppressed by the world, one or seven of the same level is probably enough.

Winning a cave world means that our forces will have at least one more power in the realm of heaven and man.

This is also the reason why Han Zhao has been targeted and co-opted by so many powerful forces.

Join or destroy him.

"Is there no other way besides the Three-Aperture Golden Elixir?" Su Tianqi said unwillingly.

"Unless he can go to Tianshengdongtian, or Yinyang Temple, and learn the "Taiyi Nine Beginnings Manual", it will be even more difficult to recover his skills. "Liang Yan said.

"That..." Hope was rekindled in Su Tianqi's eyes.

"Before Han Zhao was injured, even if he didn't have a recommended spot, it would be a breeze to join the Yin Yang Temple, but now it is impossible.

Yin Yang Hall will not gamble that a martial artist who has lost all vital energy and vitality will be able to practice the "Tai Yi Nine Beginnings Manual", let alone invest resources in him. "

Liang Yan said in a deep voice.

"Are these people so short-sighted?! With Brother Han's aptitude, as long as he can recover from his injuries, he can definitely soar into the sky and climb to the top!" Su Tianqi said with righteous indignation.

"It's easy to add flowers to the cake, but it's hard to send charcoal in the snow! You know, the elders in the sect recently objected to lending the teleportation array to Han Zhao."

Liang Yan sighed a little, he had lived a long time, and he knew the hardships and dangers of this world, and the hardships of warriors.

"How could this be?!" Su Tianqi's eyes widened.

"Dongshengzhou is millions of miles away from the Nanzhan Islands, and there is a Nanzhan Sea in the middle. There are monsters and beasts in the ocean, and even military envoys and fake supernatural powers dare not fly across at will.

Therefore, it is safest to use the ultra-long-distance teleportation array. However, every time the teleportation array is turned on, a large amount of gold beads will be consumed, which is very expensive.

Originally, Han Zhao could be teleported directly to the big city near the Yinyang Temple. As long as he gets started successfully, the Yinyang Temple will pay us for the transfer fee, and there will be other rewards at the same time. "

Liang Yan explained.

He didn't go on with what he said later, but Su Tianqi still didn't understand, which meant that it was not only useless for Han Zhao to use the teleportation array now, but also had to be borne by Tianxuanzong.So these elders in the sect began to object.

"The majestic Tianxuanzong, how can he not keep his promises, and go back on his promises!" Su Tianqi said angrily.

"The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the chaos of the world is for profit. It is human nature to strive for fame and profit." Liang Yan said quietly.

"Great Elder." Su Tianqi was anxious.

Liang Yan waved his hand, signaling him to be calm, "This old man has always been chasing big profits, and he doesn't care about these petty profits."

"You mean to insist that brother Han use the teleportation array?" Su Tianqi relaxed.

"It's not me, it's you." Liang Yan pointed at Su Tianqi.

"Me?" Su Tianqi was startled.

"You have to give him this favor." Liang Yan said patiently.

"This..." Su Tianqi felt it was unnecessary.

"What do you think of Han Zhao?" Liang Yan changed the topic.

"Emphasis on love and righteousness, one promise, one promise!"

Su Tianqi pondered.

"Don't you think he is greedy for money?" Liang Yan asked again.

"Some people like gorgeous clothes and beauties, while others like money and silk. It's human nature."

Su Tianqi said frankly that as long as a person has desires, it is perfectly normal.

"It's just an appearance." Liang Yan shook his head, "Do you know what he said when he rejected the Cao family?"

"What?" Su Tianqi was puzzled.

"He said, 'In this life, I only wish to reach the pinnacle of martial arts and travel freely in the world. Freedom is priceless'." Liang Yan said.

"Such ambition! Such courage!" Su Tianqi couldn't help admiring. No one would want to be at the top of martial arts, but Han Zhao can still say such words under such circumstances, and he feels sincere admiration.

"Such a person is free and unrestrained, Zhibi Kunpeng, how can he care about mere gold and other treasures!
A martial artist who has no background but overwhelms a crowd of peerless geniuses is terrifying if he has no weaknesses.

Han Zhao is a man with the heart of martial arts, he is indomitable and in line with the way of heaven. "

Liang Yan said solemnly, if it wasn't for Han Zhao being too monstrous, to the point where the aristocratic family would not tolerate him, he would definitely try his best to protect Han Zhao.

"It's because I'm too superficial!" Su Tianqi looked ashamed, he really thought that Han Zhao liked gold.

This time, in order to thank Han Zhao for his help in the trial, when he went out to travel, he dug a lot of ore in the Su family's gold mine and prepared to give it to Han Zhao.

Thinking about it now, I underestimate Han Zhao too much.

"For Han Zhao, this catastrophe cannot be overcome. Naturally, the body dies and the path disappears. After passing through, the hidden dragon ascends to heaven. Therefore, this moment is the time to send charcoal in the snow.

If he is really reborn as a phoenix, today's contribution is a small profit, and future favors are priceless! "Liang Yan said seriously.

"But is this?" Su Tianqi hesitated.

"You think it's a scheming move?"


"You're making a fool of yourself." Liang Yan said calmly, "This will benefit both others and me. But just be ashamed of yourself."

"Disciple. You have been taught." Su Tianqi saluted respectfully, but he still didn't want to use this method to gain Han Zhao's favor.

In fact, Liang Yan didn't say anything else. The reason why he valued Su Tianqi so much was not only his own talent and character, but also because his grandmother was an old acquaintance with him, and he wanted to make up for some debts that he owed back then.

The 24 days passed more smoothly than Han Zhao expected.

Su Tianqi often came to see him these days, even when he went for a walk, Su Tianqi would follow him.

When some inner disciples approached, Su Tianqi was like guarding against thieves, for fear that someone would take the opportunity to trouble Han Zhao.

In fact, Liang Yan had already said hello, all of these disciples who could enter the inner sect were like human spirits, even if there were a few stupid ones, they would not dare to offend Su Tianqi and Liang Yan at the same time.

For Su Tianqi's intention, Han Zhao accepted it frankly.

No.20 On the morning of the fifth day, Han Zhao stood outside the cave, rarely basking in the sun.

"Hoo-!" Han Zhao whistled towards the sky.

After a while, a palm-sized ice-blue bird flew from a distance and landed in Han Zhao's palm.

"Yu Niang, I'm going to the sea today, would you like to come with me?"

Han Zhao talks to Yuniang through spiritual power.

Yu Xuanji is now in a critical period of Nirvana, it may be safer if he goes to the open sea to hide for a period of time.

In addition, with Yu Niang, a person who can be completely trusted, by his side, he can relax a lot.

"Brother Han, I..." Yu Niang hesitated, she really wanted to go with Han Zhao, but Yu Xuanji had to decide this matter.

"Boy Han, don't think about it, Yuniang won't go with you. You chose this path yourself, so you should walk on it yourself." Yu Xuanji interrupted Yuniang's words.

After a moment of silence, Yu Niang whispered, "Brother Han, take care all the way."

"Take care." Han Zhao didn't say anything more.

Yu Niang wanted to say something more, but Yu Xuanji controlled her body, fluttered her wings, and disappeared into the clouds after a while.

"Sister Xuanji, why are you leaving in such a hurry? Follow Brother Han." Yuniang asked with some reluctance.

"If you want to kill him, you can follow him." Yu Xuanji said coldly.

"What do you mean?" Yu Niang was puzzled.

"The outer seas are suppressed by the demon-killing seal, and the family of magic soldiers in Dongshengzhou dare not set foot, but those with the blood of spirit beasts are not affected. Maybe the Bailingzong and the Murong family will not go to the outer seas for a Han Zhao, but if I go together Now, at least that bitch Yu Sheng won't give up easily." Yu Xuanji said in a deep voice.

"I understand." Yuniang was stunned.

"There are quite a few former members of the Bailing Sect who were loyal to me, but now they only respect her as the suzerain because of Yusheng's coercion.

If I go to the outer sea, after Yusheng subdues these people, even if I recover my mana, it will be extremely difficult to regain control of Bailingzong.

Your Brother Han has my Tianfeng True Yin, and has refined the Suzaku essence and blood, so nothing will happen, don't worry. "

Yu Xuanji continued, compared to Han Zhao's affair with Yuniang, it is more important to restore mana and return to the peak.

Feelings are just a temporary throbbing, only long-term vision is eternal.

"Yes." Yuniang replied, still worried about Han Zhao.

In the afternoon, under the leadership of Su Tianqi, Han Zhao came to the main hall of Tianxuanzong - Feiling Hall.

This is the base of the ultra-long-distance teleportation array, and Han Zhao wants to teleport to the outer sea from here.

As soon as he entered the top floor of the main hall, he heard a noise coming from inside.

The general meaning is that it is wasteful for him to use the teleportation array, and there is no need for it.

Su Tianqi, who was at the side, heard the discussion, and rushed in angrily.

Seeing this, Han Zhao followed closely.

I saw a huge circular array engraved on the ground in the hall, covered with purple array patterns, so complicated that Han Zhao felt a little dizzy when he just used his mental power to explore it. Even if he withdrew his mental power .

Liang Yan stood in the center of the circle, and beside him stood two old men in purple robes.

It was these two old men who were speaking. Those who are qualified to wear purple robes in Tianxuanzong must be strong in the Martial Saint Realm, so the identities of these two people are clear at a glance, they are both elders of Tianxuanzong.

[Little Avatar Martial Saint of the Three Evil Realms]

A system prompt appears.

Both of them are in the three evil realms, and their strength is strong.

If Han Zhao recovers his skills, if the two cooperate with each other tacitly, it is estimated that they can last a cup of tea under his hands.

"Senior." Han Zhao saluted Liang Yan respectfully. As for the other two, he just bowed his hands. These two could not be called seniors.

"Let Han Xiaoyou laugh." Liang Yan smiled gently.

"Senior is serious, he has been bothering you for a long time, and today he has to borrow the teleportation formation of the noble sect. It seems that this junior has taken advantage of it." Han Zhao looked as usual, he just said a few words, and he didn't care at all.

Saying that, Han Zhao took out two porcelain bottles from the sumeru bag, and handed them to Su Tianqi, "I hope this pill can offset part of the funds for teleportation."

"Do you know how much material it takes to teleport millions of miles? Just a one-time small transfer order, even tens of millions of taels of silver can't buy it."

"What's more, the small transfer order can only be traded with gold beads. What kind of medicine can compare with gold beads?"

The two elders on the side looked disdainful, with guns and sticks in their words.

"Han Xiaoyou doesn't need to be like this. Since the old man agreed to use the teleportation array, he will naturally not break his word." Liang Yan glared at the two of them, said solemnly to Han Zhao, and at the same time winked at Su Tianqi.

However, Su Tianqi stood there in a daze, without any reaction at all.

"smell good!"

"This is the scent of the pill!"

The two elders sniffed and felt a strange fragrance permeating the hall.

"Great Elder, extremely...Extreme Qi and Blood Pill!" Su Tianqi opened the porcelain bottle and handed it to Liang Yan, stuttering a bit.

"Extreme product?!" Liang Yan was taken aback when he heard the words, and quickly took the porcelain bottle, poured out the medicine pills in the porcelain bottle, six red pills the size of broad beans rolled into his palm, and two of them were so bright that they were lingering around. There is a layer of red mist, which condenses and does not disperse.

"Four top grades, two top grades!" Liang Yan exclaimed in shock.

The Qi and Blood Pill is basically only effective for warriors at or below the Grandmaster Realm, but top-grade Qi and Blood Pills are also effective for Wu Qi Grandmasters and warriors who have just entered the Martial Saint Realm.

The Ultimate Qi and Blood Pill even helped the warriors in the first and second evil realms to break through the realm. With some other pills, it has a very strong effect on the small supernatural powers and martial saints in the three evil realms.

There are as many as 12 Martial Saints in Tianxuanzong, but there are only four Martial Saints with minor supernatural powers, including Liang Yan. One can imagine how difficult it is to break through the bottleneck from the second evil realm to the third evil realm.

Although the Qi and Blood Pill is only a medium-difficulty one among the middle-level pills, it is rare to find the middle-grade ones, and the top-grade ones are rare.If you want to refine the best, you will need a high-level alchemist.

One top-grade Qi and Blood Pill can be said to be luck, but there is absolutely no element of luck in two.

"Is it the best?!"

The two elders also stared wide-eyed, staring at the pill in Liang Yan's palm.

Just by smelling the strange fragrance of the top-quality Qi and blood pill, one can feel the blood in the body becoming more active, one can imagine how powerful this medicine is.

They have been stuck in the realm of the three evil spirits for many years. Although they have little hope of cultivating to the perfection of the seven evil spirits in their lifetime, every time they break through a realm, the increase in lifespan is real. Who wouldn't want to live for a few more years?Especially their kind.

Ultimate Qi and Blood Pill is actually far inferior to a one-time small transfer order, but in many cases, the value is based on demand.

You can't buy top-grade pills in the market, and alchemists can make top-grade pills, so they basically keep them for themselves.

No matter how many gold beads there are, there is no breakthrough in the realm, and it is tempting to live for another ten years.

"Han Xiaoyou, what is this elixir?" Liang Yan asked subconsciously, and immediately realized, "If it's not convenient for you to say it, then just pretend you're an old man and didn't ask."

Han Zhao smiled, and glanced at the two elders who spoke rudely just now.

"You two go out first!" Liang Yan said in a deep voice.


"Yes, Great Elder."

The two of them hesitated a bit, and walked towards the outside in a dragging manner, wishing their eyes could be glued to the elixir.

When they passed by Han Zhao, the two smiled awkwardly and tried their best to appear kind.After all, there are only two elixirs. Although Han Zhao sent them out, his attitude can obviously affect the ownership of the elixirs.

They just don't know where this kid got this top-quality elixir, and they are not allowed to listen in, and the two of them feel as uncomfortable as a cat's paw scratching their hearts.

"This elixir was given to me by a senior. I went to the sea to seek his help." After the two left, Han Zhao explained in a low voice.

"Can you tell me the name of this person, please?" Liang Yan asked curiously. The person who can refine this quality of elixir is at least a high-level alchemist, maybe a super-level alchemist. The probability of Han Zhao recovering from his injury is almost Huge.

"That senior claimed to be the 'Top Ten Warriors', called Wu Wudi." Han Zhao said nonsense.

"Wu Wudi?!" Liang Yan's complexion changed slightly when he heard the words. Although he had never heard of it before, this name was too arrogant, and ordinary warriors would not dare to take such a name.

"Senior, this junior knows that this elixir is far from being used as a means of teleportation, but this junior doesn't need to go directly to the big city where the Yin Yang Temple is located, just go to the inner sea. In this way, the consumption of gold beads will also be greatly reduced .”

Han Zhao changed the subject and returned to the topic.

The consumption of the teleportation array, in addition to the one-time small teleportation command, also requires gold beads to provide energy for the array. The farther the distance is, the more gold beads will be consumed.

Han Zhao is going to the edge of the Inner Sea, which can save the cost of teleportation.

In addition, the more important point is that there are strong men with pseudo-supernatural powers in the Yin-Yang Temple.

Wei Guo's experience made him not want to get in touch with people who are much stronger than him.

Although the open sea is a paradise for warriors, it doesn't mean that there are no fights.

In the simulation, Tianshengdongtian was able to send him, the holy son who was in sight, to die because of factional struggles, not to mention that the resources in the outer sea were not as large as Tianshengdongtian.

"It doesn't have to be like this. Since the old man agreed to you, I won't discount this matter." Liang Yan said solemnly, and he gave Su Tianqi a look, but the other party ignored it.

"Senior, don't worry, the junior didn't try to be brave, but just made an appointment with that senior." Han Zhao insisted.

"Okay." Seeing this situation, Liang Yan agreed, looking at the porcelain bottle in his hand, "You should take these pills back."

"There is absolutely no reason to take back what I send out, and please accept it, senior." Han Zhao said seriously.

"Then the old man will accept it." Liang Yan was not polite, and chose to accept the pill. This top-quality Qi and blood pill is useless to him, but if it is given to Su Tianqi, it will allow him to strengthen his Qi when he breaks through to the Martial Saint Realm. Blood.

"Thank you, senior." Han Zhao clasped his fists and saluted.

"You take this little teleportation order, and the old man will adjust the teleportation distance." Liang Yan threw a purple token to Han Zhao, and immediately activated the gang energy to adjust the magic circle.

"Brother Han, take care." Su Tianqi stepped forward and was sincerely happy to hear that Han Zhao knew a senior who was proficient in alchemy.

"Brother Su, take care too. Let's see you again when Qiantian Palace opens." Han Zhao said with a smile. There were no outsiders here, so he didn't hide it.

"Okay, it's a deal!" Su Tianqi said firmly.

After a while, Liang Yan finished adjusting the magic circle and signaled Han Zhao to stand in the middle.

"Be sure to hurry up on the small shift order!" Liang Yan urged.

"Yes." Han Zhao held the purple token tightly.

As if thinking of something, he waved at Su Tianqi.

"Brother Han?" Su Tianqi stepped forward.

"This is for you." Han Zhao took out another porcelain bottle and stuffed it into Su Tianqi's arms.

Liang Yan activated the magic circle slowly, pretending he didn't see it.

"Brother Han, I... I didn't prepare anything, this..." Su Tianqi felt ashamed.

"It's okay, it's just a thought before parting, you can open it when you go back." Han Zhao chuckled and waved his hands, looking indifferent.He didn't plan what kind of gift Su Tianqi could give in return. There were only two top-quality Qi and blood pills in it, and he had a lot of them.

"Oh, I thought Brother Han liked gold, so I went home and dug dozens of boxes of gold ore. I really can't give away such things." Su Tianqi sighed.

"Han Xiaoyou, get ready, it's coming soon." "Wait!"

Liang Yan's reminder was interrupted by Han Zhao's exclamation.

"You said dozens of boxes of gold ore?!" Han Zhao's eyes lit up, and he held Su Tianqi's arm tightly.

"Yes." Su Tianqi was taken aback.

"Where is it? Give it to me quickly! I have no other hobbies, but gold! The more the better!" Han Zhao looked extremely serious.

"I brought it." Su Tianqi took a gray Sumi bag from his waist and handed it to Han Zhao.

Han Zhao took the bag and probed into it mentally, with a happy expression on his face, wishing he could hug Su Tianqi and kiss him.

"Brother Su, I will remember this favor! There will be a big reward in the future!" Han Zhao saluted solemnly.

"Brother Han is serious." Su Tianqi was a little confused, and glanced at Liang Yan. Didn't it mean that Brother Han's liking for gold was just a cover-up?How come he looks so happy.

The muscles in Liang Yan's forehead twitched slightly, speeding up the input of Gang Qi.

The teleportation array suddenly burst into dazzling khaki-yellow light, and a huge beam of light soared into the sky.

Su Tianqi quickly backed away.

Han Zhao held the small moving order tightly, his body flashed, and disappeared into a purple light.

"Great Elder?" Su Tianqi looked at Liang Yan suspiciously, why was he so anxious all of a sudden.

"Han Zhao really values ​​love and righteousness. Even when he is parting, he still thinks of you." Liang Yan twisted his beard and said meaningfully.

"So it turns out, I misunderstood Brother Han again."

Su Tianqi suddenly realized.

Nanzhan Sea, a million miles away.

A handsome young man with white hair in a blue robe suddenly appeared above an isolated island.

Seeing the young man falling vertically from a height of tens of meters, and about to fall headlong into the mud in the shallows, he suddenly pushed his palms flat, and there was a loud explosion in the air, and then vortex-shaped true energy appeared around him, replacing him Stabilized his figure.


Han Zhao clutched his chest and retched twice, the feeling of motion sickness was doubled.

"Crack!" There was a crisp sound, and a crack appeared in the small teleporter in his hand, and then shattered into two halves.

Han Zhao put away the fragments of the small moving order.

Looking around, you can see the boundless sea, and there is a salty smell in the sea breeze.

"The taste of freedom." Han Zhao opened his arms and took a deep breath.

Then, he checked his surroundings.

After going around in a circle, the entire island is only three miles around.

"Wait until the power is fully recovered."

Han Zhao came to the center of the island, set up a tent, and then sat cross-legged in the middle of the tent, closing his eyes and meditating.

In this way, until late at night.

Han Zhao, who was motionless, suddenly trembled.

"Clatter~!" There was a sound of surging waves in his body, which was caused by the overflow of a large amount of Gang Qi.

"Crack crackle crackle!"

Han Zhao walked out of the tent, stretched his muscles and bones, and there was a burst of fried beans all over his body.

"Excellent!" Han Zhao's face was beaming, his meridians had fully recovered, and he was obviously much stronger than before the San Gong. His body felt full and swollen, as if there were signs of a breakthrough.

After re-adapting to the changes in his body, he returned to the tent, took out the Qi and Blood Pill from the Sumeru bag, and swallowed it.

He originally planned to leave after recovering his skills, but now he is going to try to hit the bottleneck.

ten days later.

There was a sudden tearing sound from the tent in the center of the isolated island.

Immediately afterwards, there was a bang, and the dazzling golden light passed through the gap in the tent, and the entire tent exploded. The dense and terrifying strength and aura were like a hurricane, setting off a violent airflow, and the ground seemed to be plowed. Rakes and plows are common, and ravines are vertical and horizontal.

"The double mirror of congealing evil, but that's all."

Han Zhao, who turned into a statuette, clasped his hands tightly, and the air exploded.

Vajra Immortality (the second level is 3% small, can be improved; special effects: hardening the qi, opening up all the veins, innate body · intermediate level)
[Physique: Dragon Yin Body (Advanced)]

"This longevity formula is really outrageous!"

Taking care of Han looked at the properties in the system panel and couldn't help but sigh.

King Kong's indestructible supernatural power has broken through, and his innate body has been upgraded to the intermediate level.

The body of the dragon chanting has also broken through to a high level, and it will be a spirit body and a flawless body if it is upgraded after Dacheng.

"Now you can go and see where there are people."

Han Zhao jumped, and his body turned into a roc with a wingspan of more than four meters, flapping its wings and flying high.

 PS: A little late, sorry.The extra 2600 words is considered to be an update for the leader Yu Chanming, and I still owe 3000.
(End of this chapter)

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