Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 187 5 Super 1 Strong!Alchemist Zhao Han!Titan Auction!

Chapter 187 Five Supers and One Strong!Alchemist Zhao Han!Titan Auction! (9600 words big cup)
Originally, Han Zhao was worried that the penniao with the entry of [One Person, Thousand Changes] could only have two hours to fly across the boundless sea.

As a result, he flew for less than 10 minutes before seeing land.

There is a dock every few tens of miles on the coastline. He flew more than 200 miles around the coastline and saw four docks. Various merchant ships came and went in an endless stream.

"Except for ordinary people, they are all warriors."

Han Zhao sensed the people in the merchant ships below, and he also found master-level warriors in several large merchant ships.

It shows that this place is at least a medium-sized city, and it is impossible for the masters to walk all over the place when they reach the open sea, otherwise the warriors would have counterattacked and returned to Dongshengzhou long ago.

Han Zhao flew another two hundred miles, and landed quietly in a relatively sparsely populated place.

"It's too eye-catching." Han Zhao looked at his reflection in the sea and thought to himself.

His looks are easy to catch people's attention, especially now that he still has white hair.

His skills recovered, and he broke through to the Ersha Realm further, but it may take some time for his hair to turn black.

He probed his mental power into the sumeru bag, and found a gray robe of relatively poor material.

"This dress seems to be..." After Han Zhao changed his clothes, he felt a little tight. He suddenly remembered that this dress was made by Yuniang, and he made the clothes left by his father Han Lin smaller.

At that time, life was not abundant, and this kind of material was already the best that Han Zhao could wear.

Caressing the fine and tight stitches on the clothes, Han Zhao was a little stunned, as if there was a picture of Yuniang sitting on the bench in the courtyard threading needles before his eyes.

"Take care."

Han Zhao looked at the sky, feeling silently in his heart.

"I have to adapt to life in the open sea as soon as possible, and find the most suitable training rhythm for me." Han Zhao withdrew his thoughts, and performed the Hidden Spirit Art and Bone Shrinking and Disguise Technique.

"Crack!" Amidst the sound of bones rubbing against each other, Han Zhao's height shrank from 1.8 meters to 1.7 meters, and his tight clothes became loose again.

At the same time, his originally fair cheeks quickly turned dark, and the tight skin loosened, and obvious wrinkles appeared.

In a few breaths, he changed from a 25-year-old with an ordinary appearance to an old man in his early sixties with a dark complexion and wrinkled face.

Immediately afterwards, Han Zhao thickened the knuckles of his hands, and the originally slender and powerful fingers became thicker in an instant.

In this way, the skin exposed outside the clothes will be the same, and as long as a martial arts practitioner looks at his hands, he will know that he has great skills in his hands, so that unnecessary troubles can be avoided.

Han Zhao stuffed several Sumi bags hanging around his waist into his bosom, and hung the red ring on his hand with a silk thread around his neck.

Then, he took out a mirror, looked at his current appearance, nodded in satisfaction, and immediately walked towards the center of the island.

After walking for more than 100 miles, a town appeared in front of Han Zhao.

After he entered the town, he went into a restaurant, found an empty seat in the corner of the hall on the first floor, called the waiter, and asked, "Brother, I have traveled all over the world. I just arrived in Guizhou. I don't know the biggest city nearby." How should I go?"

Han Zhao spoke very slowly, just like a teacher who pursues cadence and rhythm when teaching people to read and write. When the diners next door heard him speak like this, they couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

He didn't do it on purpose. Although the languages ​​of Nan Zhanhai and Dong Shengzhou were not completely different, there were obvious differences.

The language here is something he has learned in the past [-] days, and he speaks slowly because he is afraid of being heard wrong.

Language is something that you have to communicate with people in order to master it as quickly as possible.

Xiao Er didn't think too much when he heard the words. People come and go here every day, and it's normal for some of them to speak with strange accents. He smiled at Han Zhao:

"Mr., you left the town and went straight north. About [-] miles away, there is a big city called Xibei City, which is the second largest city on Beiming Island.

After arriving at Xibei City, one thousand seven hundred miles to the northeast is the largest giant kun city on Beiming Island.

If the old man is going to Jukun City, it is best to go with the caravan, and he can have someone to take care of him on the way. "

"Thank you, little brother." Han Zhao cupped his hands, it seems that Beiming Island is a super-large island, probably much bigger than Nujiao Island with a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

After Han Zhao asked a few more questions, he didn't ask any more. He ordered some special dishes of the restaurant and started to drink.

Generally, there are places similar to Zangshu Pavilion in big cities, and he can learn more about the local customs and customs at that time.

After dinner, Han Zhao asked for a room in the restaurant, and then walked around the town.

Both sides of the street are full of small vendors with big umbrellas, selling all kinds of food and trinkets. Along the way, there are vendors shouting.

The town is not big, Han Zhao walked around for [-] minutes before reaching the end.

I feel that the law and order in the town should be very good. The police officers patrolling the streets are chatting and laughing with the vendors, and the chief arrester is a martial arts master.

In a daze, Han Zhao had the feeling of visiting a night market in the inner city of Blackstone City.

He thought of Xu Ling and wondered how she was doing.

However, Lu Yingxuan should have become an inner disciple of the Yinyang Palace, and with her care, it should be pretty good.

After thinking about it for a while, Han Zhao no longer wanted to go shopping.

For the time being, he is not planning to go to the Yin-Yang Hall, at least he has to wait until the Four Shades, or the Five Shades, have the strength to fight against the Seven Shades to complete the Martial Saint.

After all, pseudo-supernatural powers are not Chinese cabbage, they are everywhere, as long as they don't provoke them, they won't appear easily.

This is not Dongsheng Continent. Those aristocratic families treat the young warriors as thorns in their eyes, and they will step on them if they have nothing to do.

"Candied haws! Selling candied haws!"

On the way back to the inn, Han Zhao saw a gray-robed man walking down the street holding a straw pole.

"give me one."

"I also want!"

"Mom~ I want to eat candied haws."

Several children with pigtails surrounded them, and then pestered their parents to buy them for themselves.

Han Zhao watched from a distance and chuckled.

He reached into his bosom, took out an ingot of twelve taels of silver from the Sumeru bag, squeezed it lightly, and buckled a corner of the silver.

"Brother, how do you sell this jewelry?" Han Zhao came to a jewelry stall next to him and asked the young man behind him.

"A hairpin costs 150 Wen, and a jade bracelet costs two taels of silver." The young man looked at Han Zhao's clothes with a smile, and then added, "Jade bracelets do not bargain."

"Then I want two hairpins." Han took a look at the fineness of the jade bracelet, and skipped it directly, but the wooden hairpin, although not worth much, is still exquisite in workmanship.

He just came to Waihai, so it's good to buy some small gifts as a souvenir, and it just so happens that he also combed Xu Ling's hair.

"Did the old man buy it for his wife or for his daughter? Let me recommend a style for you." The young man said enthusiastically.

"Both." Han Zhao nodded. He and Xu Ling had played role-playing games before, so it's okay to say that.

"Then the green sandalwood hairpin and the mahogany hairpin are the most suitable." The young man gave his suggestion.

"Okay, wrap it up for me." Caretaker Han looked at it, chose the pattern he was most satisfied with, and handed the broken silver to the young man.

The young man took the broken silver, weighed it with a small scale, asked Han to check the weight, and found him sixty Wen.

"Old man, go slowly!" The young man offered the wrapped hairpin with both hands, and sent Han Zhao away with a smile on his face.

When Han Zhao left, he looked at the hawkers passing by and couldn't hold back. He bought two bunches of candied haws for a penny.

He returned to his room in the restaurant, and after eating candied haws, he sat cross-legged on the bed.


[Current balance: Gold 1110000 taels]

【Collect all 230 reminder fragments, whether to synthesize an entry? 】

[Synthesis once, consumption prompt fragment 210, gold 300000 taels.]

After breaking through to the Ersha Realm, the yin energy of the synthetic entry has increased, and the required gold has also increased by 10 taels.

"Money is easy to get, but what about Yin Qi?" Han Zhao mused, it seems that there is no family of magic soldiers in this outer sea.

He had read the classics about the Nanzhan Sea Area in Tianxuanzong. This is the world of warriors, and the Yinyang Temple is the strongest, followed by the Holy Palace, and finally the Martial God League.

Compared with the former two sect-type forces, the Valkyrie League is a relatively loose alliance.

Under the circumstances that he could not easily go to the Yin Yang Temple and the Holy Palace for the time being, Han Zhao was going to get in touch with the Martial God League.

Of course, although the outer sea is the world of warriors and a restricted area for the family of divine soldiers, warriors are not without enemies.

The countless monster races in the sea, as well as the witch race who regard the human race as their mortal enemies, are all enemies of warriors.

"I don't know if the Yaozu's Yaodan contains yin energy, and there is also the Wuzu." Han Zhao thought to himself.

Of course, even if these don't provide Yin Qi, he is not in a hurry.

The current root bone is already the top dragon's body in the super root bone. Even if he has no attribute points, his cultivation speed will not slow down just by relying on entry bonuses and alchemy.

What's more, there are a few fragments of the magic weapon that I carry with me, as well as a complete low-level pseudo-god weapon.

"I don't know if the Dragon Blade is considered a magic weapon?" Han Zhao thought of the Dragon Blade he got from Yamaha.

The Dragon Blade, which looks like a dagger, seems to have no advantages except for its eye-catching shape and the yin energy inside. It is just a weapon made of ordinary iron.

However, the information in the simulation told him that the Dragon Blade is definitely a big killer.

Although Han Zhao was able to kill the Nine Nether Mansion Dharma Guardian Xingchen who was a snake-level double mirror with the Kurong Style when he was in the Grandmaster Realm, it was because the opponent had no magic weapons.

The power of Kurong's nirvana will be greatly weakened when it encounters a snake-level powerhouse who has a complete divine weapon.That's why Han Zhao's later leapfrog battle was so difficult, the magic weapon is too strong!
In the simulation, he was recognized by the Demon Dragon Blade when he was in the Eight Fiends Realm, and with the help of the Demon Dragon Blade, he leapfrogged and killed a genuine soldier, which is enough to show the power of the Demon Dragon Blade.

"Look at the gold mine Xiao Su gave me." His thoughts returned to reality, and Han Zhao took out the gray Xumi bag that Su Tianqi gave him.

Spiritual power penetrated into it, and saw dozens of large boxes stacked in the Sumeru bag.

"Such a large sumeru bag can be sold for a lot of money, it really is rich and powerful." Han Zhao sighed at Su Tianqi's generosity, he took out a large box, and put it on the floor of the room steadily with his aura.

Han Zhao opened the box, and there were fist-sized gold ores inside. The surface of the stone was bumpy and golden.

[Gold ore with high gold content can be directly extracted from the gold for recharge. 】

A system prompt appears.

Han Zhao thought that the service of this system was not bad, otherwise it would be quite troublesome for him to extract the gold by himself.

"It would be great if the total weight of the ore can be included, then I will have to find a chance to grab a gold mine."


[The current extraction of gold is 23333 taels. 】

A system prompt appeared, and the gold ore piled up in the box in front of Han Zhao sank and turned into crushed stones.

Then, Han Zhao took out the boxes one by one, the whole process lasted dozens of times, and he didn't bother at all.

Looking at the rising balance, a full of kryptonian smile appeared on his face.

[Current balance: Gold 1910000 taels]

All the gold mines given by Su Tianqi were extracted into gold, a total of more than 80 taels, which was more than 800 million taels when converted into silver.

Han Zhao put together the whole thing and charged 80 taels.

Save so much money, it is enough for a martial artist to cultivate from the leather training level to the first level of condensed evil spirit.

Of course, the premise is that the aptitude is good enough, otherwise the aptitude below the upper level is easy to be stuck by the bottleneck when breaking through.

The later the martial artist reaches the later stage, the slower the cultivation speed, and the more difficult it is to break through the bottleneck. In many cases, the time to break through the realm is much longer than the time to cultivate to perfection in the current realm. This is a common phenomenon among warriors.

"This favor must be paid back in the future."

Han Zhao put away the off-white Xumi bag again.

As a sacred place for martial arts, the outer seas should be rich in resources, and the money Han Zhao kept was going to be used to buy medicinal materials.

His first job was alchemy.

At present, we have to see if this place is suitable for long-term stay.

After Han Zhao put away his things, he began to exercise his energy and adjust his breath.

He has just broken through the double mirror of condensing evil spirit. Although the foundation is deep, it is still necessary to consolidate it.

Han Zhao kept adjusting his breath until night, and asked Xiaoer to deliver a large table of vegetables to the room. After eating, he took a nice bath, and then fell asleep.

He spent the next three days like this.

Occasionally, it's quite cool to 'lie down' to relax the tense nerves.

When he was inland, he had almost no such opportunities. The most important thing was that he couldn't relax his mentality. After he came to the sea, it was different.

On the fourth day, Han Zhao got up early to check out, twirled ten bowls of wonton noodles at the roadside stall, and embarked on a journey to Xibei City contentedly.

As for the Giant Kun City, as the largest city in Beiming Island, it is not easy to mix at first glance, and there must be a lot of masters.

So Han Zhao is going to adapt to Xibei City for two and a half years first.

For a distance of [-] miles, even a warrior would need to ride a fast horse for more than a day. For an ordinary person without martial arts, he would have to ride and rest for a while. As for a caravan, it would take at least ten days and a half a month.

After Han Zhao became a saint, his speed increased greatly. In addition, he practiced body training techniques. In terms of endurance alone, he can be called a humanoid dragon.

It took him just over three hours to run the [-]-mile distance. This was the result of not exerting all his strength. After running, his body didn't even shed a drop of sweat, which was at most a warm-up level.

"When improving Luanfeng and Minggong in the future, it seems that it is best to add body training effect, otherwise my endurance is too strong, and it is not a good thing from a certain level."

Looking at the outline of the big city in the distance, Han Zhao suddenly had a strange idea in his heart.

He walked towards the south gate of Xibei City.

I saw six soldiers in light blue armor at the gate of the city maintaining order. Pedestrians came and went, there were caravans and bodyguards transporting goods, farmers pushing large carts to transport vegetables into the city, and some Ordinary people, as well as warriors, are entering the city in an orderly manner.

Warriors are dressed in different styles, monks and Taoist priests are relatively rare in the inland, but there are many here.

Many people were wearing weapons. Apart from crossbows, there were other kinds of weapons. Han Zhao even saw a warrior carrying a three-section cudgel on his back.

When it was Han Zhao's turn, the soldiers guarding the city held an octagonal mirror, took a picture of his body, and then waved his hands to signal him to enter the city.

At first, he thought it was to prevent people from entering the city in disguise, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that it was not, because the photo was of the body.

"It seems that this place is not as peaceful as I imagined." Han Zhao thought to himself, this thing is probably used to illuminate foreigners.

After entering the city, among the pedestrians coming and going, the proportion of warriors is extremely high, almost half of them possess martial arts, and there are quite a few quasi-martial masters who practice blood.

But at the level of practicing martial arts masters, the number dropped sharply.

He inquired with passers-by, walked the street from the beginning to the end, and came to a place called 'Tianyalou'.

Han Zhao entered the building. It was just like the library in his previous life. Many people were sitting at wooden tables reading books quietly.

However, there were a few youths with skinny cheeks and sunken eyes in the corner, who from time to time heyed and smiled strangely.

Han Zhao paid one hundred Wen and walked to the second floor. Halfway up the stairs, he glanced at the laughing young man curiously, and his eyes fixed immediately.

What those young people were looking at turned out to be exquisitely painted pictures of erotic palaces, and there were texts underneath, which turned out to be eclectic novels!

In broad daylight, he actually made this kind of painting. Not to mention, the painting style is quite standard.

From an objective and critical point of view, Han Zhao is indeed very interesting and full of lust, and the author knows how to be more lustful with clothes than without clothes.

After those young people turned the page, Han Zhao looked away and walked up to the second floor.

He found a 'Xiangdi Ji' and a 'Nan Zhanhai Who's Who', and went to a secluded place in the corner to check.

"Beiming Island, the largest island in the Northern Territory of Nanzhanhai, has been harassed by the "Beast Soul Division" of the witch clan and the "Sky Wing Division" of the monster clan all year round."

"In the year 1017 of the Martial God Calendar, the Chief Priest of the Beast Soul Department led a thousand beast soul warriors to invade Beiming Island. The Tianyi tribe launched a wave of monsters, and [-] monsters landed."

Han Zhao quickly found the information of Beiming Island from Xiangdi Ji. The calendar used in this outer sea is the same as the Dawei calendar, but the name is different.

It is now the year 1023 of the Martial God Calendar, and the last war was just six years ago, not far from now.

"Beast Soul Warrior." Han Zhao went on to search for information about the witch clan and the monster clan.

The witches and monsters are divided according to their ranks. The first rank corresponds to the martial artist's strength training and mastery of strength training, and the second and third ranks correspond to the visceral and evil spirit training.

"Beast soul fighters are born with divine patterns, they can refine monster inner alchemy and demon crystals, inherit [-]% to [-]% of the opponent's strength, and perform beast soul transformation."

Looking at the information recorded in Xiangdi Ji, Han Zhao couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"This is too outrageous!"

If this beast soul warrior refines the monster inner alchemy that is comparable to the perfection of Qisha, he doesn't need to practice.

But soon Han Zhao saw the flaws of the Beast Soul Warrior. The divine pattern was born, and it seemed that it could not be improved through the day after tomorrow.

Therefore, those who are born with a divine pattern can only be at the first level in their whole life, and their background determines everything.

Moreover, there are many risks in the refining process, the complete spirit of the monster must be left in the inner alchemy of the monster, otherwise, even if the refining is successful, the strength will be greatly reduced.

The same is true for the demons.

"This is similar to directly seizing the house, except that there is no need to rebuild it." Han Zhao understood, but he didn't understand how such a beast soul clan could unite with the monster clan. It should be regarded as a deadly enemy by the monster clan.

If this is born with four divine patterns, it will take off directly.

Although it is not an easy task to refine the inner alchemy of a monster of the Martial God level, it is indeed a shortcut to reach the sky in one step.

Then, Han Zhao began to check the information about the Tianyi Department, and found that it was a group of monster beasts derived from the descendants of monster birds and spirit birds.

"Xu Peng—the lord of Jukun City, the Realm of the Six Demons, and the honorary elder of the Martial God League."

"Lan Caiyi—the lord of Xibei City, the five evil spirits, the honorary elder of the Holy Palace."


Nan Zhanhai's Who's Who records a lot of martial saint-level powerhouses, but basically there are only names and realms.

"As expected of the Holy Land of Martial Dao, there are many more Martial Saint-level powerhouses than inland."

After reading the who's who, Han Zhao couldn't help sighing.

Of course, there should be a lot of martial saint level powerhouses that were not included in it. For example, the lord of the Holy Palace who became his mother-in-law many times in the simulation has only one name, Ying Yun, and no other records.

The Nanzhan sea area is much larger than Dongshengzhou, but the total land area is not as large as Dongshengzhou. So many martial arts are scattered everywhere, but in fact there are not many top masters in each place.

This Beiming Island is the largest island in the Northern Territory, and the owner of the island, Xu Peng, is a high-ranking Martial Saint in the Six Demon Realm, which is normal.

Next, Han Zhao found some miscellaneous books to read.

The structure of the Nanzhan sea area is similar to what he learned in Tianxuanzong. The Yinyang Temple, the Holy Palace, and the Martial God League compete with each other internally, but they are consistent with the outside world when facing the Yaozu and Wuzu.

In addition, the Holy Palace and the Martial God League originally belonged to the Great Qin Empire.

The Holy Palace was created by the survivors of the Ying family.

The Martial God League was established by the descendants of the twelve Heavenly Kings of the Great Qin Empire.

In the last hundred years, besides the human race, the monster race, and the witch race, another organization called the Eternal Life Society has emerged.

As long as this organization is willing to join, anyone is accepted, regardless of race.

In terms of subdivision, the entire Nanzhanhai is the five superpowers, plus a new Immortal Society.

The main reason is that there are shadows of pseudo-supernatural powers behind these five major forces, and no one knows the direct line of the Immortal Society for the time being.

Han Zhao didn't leave Tianya Building until the next morning.

After he found a restaurant with a good environment to live in, he fell asleep and woke up naturally.

After getting up, he sat cross-legged on the bed and muttered in his heart.

"Systems, Synthesis, Simulation."

[At the age of 25, you came to the Nanzhan sea area through the ultra-long-distance teleportation array of Tianxuanzong. After your skills recovered, you worked hard for ten days to break through the double mirror of condensing evil. 】

[You decided to live in Beiming Island temporarily. With your superb alchemy skills, you have a good life in Xibei City. 】

[At the age of 27, you broke through to the Sansha Realm, your brain area was developed, and your spiritual power increased again. You decided to condense the second small supernatural power. 】

[One month later, not long after you stabilized your realm, a non-attribute mid-grade god-seeded appeared in the deep sea east of Beiming Island. 】

[Nearby martial saints swarmed to compete for the god seed. 】

[You arrived first and won the God Seed with your amazing strength.At this time, a martial saint from the five evil realms came to snatch the god-seed. 】

【Just when you were about to lure him to a place where no one was around to kill him, Xu Peng, the lord of Jukun City, appeared and stopped the dispute. 】

[Witch Clan and Monster Clan invade Beiming Island, the nearby Martial Saints are not allowed to continue fighting, otherwise it will be regarded as collaborating with the enemy. 】

[In the end, Xu Peng ruled that the God Seed belongs to you. 】

[Xu Peng invites you to defend against the attacks of the witch clan and the monster clan, and promises to give you a high-grade water-attribute god-seed after it is done. 】

[If you kill enough high-level witches and monsters in the battle, he can recommend you to go to the Martial God League and get the opportunity to soak in the spirit pool to improve your physique. 】

【After thinking about it again and again, you agreed to Xu Peng's condition. 】

[After more than half a year of stalemate, the Witch Clan and the Monster Clan launched a general attack. 】

[You show off your might in the battle, and you are targeted by the high priest of the witch clan and the third-rank demon king. 】

[A bloody battle, you use the withering style to consume lifespan against the enemy, and after consuming thousands of years of lifespan, you will kill both of them at the cost of serious injuries. 】

[You were forced to enter the reincarnation period, and your skills quickly disappeared, so you hid with your spoils. 】

[On the tenth day of the reincarnation period, the Martial Saint of the Five Shades who competed with you for the god seed came to your door. 】

【you are dead. 】

"It really is that people die for money, and birds die for food."

Han Zhao looked at the information in the simulation and felt a little emotional.

This benefit is too tempting!

The middle-grade gods are all strategic resources controlled by wealthy families in Dongshengzhou, and they will not flow into the market at all.

It seems that in a holy land of martial arts like the Outer Sea, middle-grade god seeds are also extremely precious treasures, otherwise they would not attract martial saints to fight for them.

As for the top-grade divine species of the water attribute, they can be used to condense the small supernatural power of 'Mountains and Rivers Boundless'.

The top-grade gods can double the power of small supernatural powers, and the spirit pool can only be built by the gods of war who gather the power of heaven and earth.

Even in reality, it would be difficult for him to refuse the conditions of the owner of Beiming Island.

"From the current point of view, you can practice safely in Beiming Island for two years, and then you can take the middle-grade god-seed and leave."

Anyway, regardless of whether it is a middle-grade god-species or a top-grade god-species, Han Zhao can be upgraded to the best grade through attribute points.

If the risk is controllable by then, he will stay and fight.

If it's too dangerous, just pack up and leave.

In reality, stability is still the main thing.

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]


[attribute point +1500]

No entry appeared, so Han Zhao directly selected the attribute point.

"System, upgrade the supernatural power seed."

After pondering for a while, Han Zhao decided to upgrade the quality of the supernatural power seed, because this can increase the power of the small supernatural power and immediately improve his combat power.

It happened that there were 300 attribute points left in the last simulation.

[Seed of supernatural powers: Ultimate (1320/2000), can be upgraded]

【Attribute points: 1800→1120】

[Seed of supernatural power: Ultimate (2000/2000), cannot be upgraded; Small supernatural power: three points return to vitality; Special effect: The power of small supernatural power is doubled]

Han Zhao felt his dantian warm up, his stellar qi was further condensed, and the three-point return of vitality was raised to the extreme of the current state.

For the time being, he doesn't want to experience how much the increase in actual combat is, he just wants to live a stable life of cultivation.

"System, improve the hidden spirit art."

When he was inland, many disciples of aristocratic families could use divine weapons to find out the details of his realm. With all warriors in the outer seas, this secret technique should be able to exert real effects.

Hidden Spirit Jue (55% success, can be improved; hold breath and hide spirit)
【Attribute points: 1120→800】

Hidden Spirit Jue (100% perfect, can be deduced; tortoise breathing technique)

[Turtle breath technique: Imitates the habits of spirit turtles. In non-combat situations, it can reduce your breath and all aspects of vital signs to the extreme. In the same large realm, it is difficult to perceive the characteristics of your blood and true energy. 】

"The turtle's breath technique is practical!" Looking at the new special effects of the [turtle's breath technique], Han Zhao couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Those magical skills have improved so much that he no longer pays attention to the hundred and ten attribute points.Only when these low-level secret techniques are improved, can one feel the power of attribute points.

"It seems that we have to reserve some attribute points to improve these secret techniques in the future."

Han Zhao went through the attribute panel once, and the remaining attribute points are going to be kept for now.

After regaining consciousness, he took out a silver elixir furnace from the Sumeru bag, took out the medicinal materials one by one, and began to refine the elixir.

Because Nanzhan Haiyu's alchemy system is different from Dongshengzhou's, he couldn't sell mid-level pills from the beginning.

The inland is vast and abundant, and the main ingredients of the elixir are mainly elixir, and many big families will open up special medicine fields.

The land in Nanzhan sea area is scattered, the ocean is vast, and there are almost endless monsters in the sea, so the main material of the elixir is the inner alchemy of monsters.

Starting from middle-level pills, the gap between the two alchemy systems is very large.

"Let's refine some low-level pills first."

Han Zhao didn't warm the stove either, and directly heated the alchemy furnace with Gang Qi, and then didn't process the medicinal materials, just put them in order.

After half an hour.


There was a muffled sound from the furnace.

Han Zhao lifted the lid of the alchemy furnace, looked at the six bright yellow pills lying inside, and his face sank.

"Damn! Why is it either top grade or top grade!"

Blood-enriching elixir is already the most difficult to refine among the low-level elixirs. He refrained from using the crudest method to refine it. As a result, he refined ten furnaces of elixir, but there was not a single low-grade elixir, and more than [-]% of the elixirs were unrefined. It is top grade.

The last three furnaces of pills are all top grade, plus one top grade in each furnace.

Even a high-level alchemist can only guarantee a [-]% to [-]% success rate when refining low-level pills, and there is no guarantee that they will be able to refine high-grade pills.

Unless Han Zhao directly disrupted the order and made the alchemy fail, as long as he refined the low-level elixir in the normal order, he would definitely become a elixir, and most of them were high-grade.

"It's so annoying! How can I sell this!" Han Zhao couldn't help pulling his hair.

At this time, he really hoped that there would be no bonus for the entry of "Pill Saint Reincarnation" for the time being.

He was going to pretend to be a low-level alchemist with a good level, and then cooperate with a big business house in the city to buy the formula of middle-level elixir.

Otherwise, if you just buy the pills of middle-level pills, not to mention the high price, almost no place sells pills of this level. I am afraid that you have to exchange them with gold beads, but he must have to buy such precious resources. used in more important places.

He just came here, and he didn't want to leak money and cause unnecessary trouble.

Anyway, there is no family here to chase him down, so there is no need to worry.

In 5 minutes, Han Zhao refined another batch of blood-enriching pills.

This time there were two middle grades, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Come again!"

The next day, Han Zhao followed the content recorded in the classics, and then asked Xiao Er to inquire about it, and decided to go to the 'Dan Ding Pavilion' in the inner city.

"Mister, what can I do for you?"

As soon as Han Zhao entered the hall of Danding Pavilion, the waiter at the side greeted him with a smile.

The waiter sized him up and added: "We have recently bought a batch of high-quality low-level elixirs and some precious middle-level elixirs. I don't know about you."

"Do you collect pills here?" Han Zhao said in a deep voice.

"Our Danding Pavilion has our own alchemist. In principle, we don't buy elixir from outside unless the quality is high. And the purchase price will be [-]% lower than the market." The waiter still kept a smile on his face, but there was no Just so enthusiastic.He knew all the famous alchemists nearby, keeping a smile was just out of caution.

"I have five bottles of blood-enriching pills, four high-grade ones, and 21 middle-grade ones. Do you accept them?" Han Zhao asked.

"There are top-grade ones?!" The waiter was startled, and a warm smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he hurriedly said, "What is the name of the old man? Did he travel here or live here?"

"Old man Zhao Han, I have traveled here so far. But I will live here for a year or two, so I can provide medium-grade blood enriching pills for a long time." Han Zhao twirled his beard and smiled.

"Old man, please sit down for a while, I'll go ask our steward Zhang right away."

The waiter nodded and bowed and invited Han Zhao to the box on the second floor.

If what Zhao Han said is true, then he is at least a senior low-level alchemist, and he may even be a middle-level alchemist. This level is above the middle level in a big force like Danding Pavilion.

After a while, a short, fat middle-aged man with a mustache entered the box, cupped his hands at Han Zhao, and said, "I am Zhang Xiaowen, the director of Tianju Danding Pavilion, Mr. Zhao has been waiting for a long time."

"I met Director Zhang." Han Zhao stood up.

"I don't know the elixir Mr. Zhao is talking about," Zhang Xiaowen said with a smile.

"Please." Han Zhao took out five porcelain bottles from the Sumeru bag.

Zhang Xiaowen glanced at Han Zhao's chest, knowing it clearly.

He took the porcelain bottle, poured out the medicine inside and looked at it.

"Sure enough, as Mr. Zhao said, apart from these four high-grade pills, the other few are almost top-grade. As long as Mr. Zhao can provide pills of this quality for a long time, Dandingge is willing to buy them all, and the price is negotiable. "

"Okay, then it's a deal." Han Zhao smiled.

Soon, Zhang Xiaowen sent someone to send the contract.

During the process, he just politely asked about Han Zhao's background, and then started a warm conversation without asking any other questions.

After the contract was signed, Han Zhao got the money for the 25 pills, a total of 1000 taels, not much money.

That's because the Enriching Blood Pill is not expensive in the first place, it's just that its quality is high, otherwise it would be less than 200 taels.

Zhang Xiaowen sent Han Zhao to the gate all the way. He heard that he had just arrived here and was still living in the inn, so he immediately dispatched the waiter who had just received him, and led Han Zhao to rent a house in the outer city with one entry and one exit, including household registration and identity. There is no need for Han Zhao to prepare the proof.

In this way, Han Zhao spent one or two hours a day refining pills for Danding Pavilion, and spent three months peacefully.

"Guard Zhang, the old man wants to try to refine middle-grade pills. I wonder if there are any middle-grade pills for sale in your pavilion?"

On this day, Han Zhao asked after delivering the elixir.

"This..." Zhang Xiaowen pondered: "The alchemy formulas in this pavilion are generally not for sale. If Mr. Zhao is willing to become our exclusive alchemist, this pavilion can give you three middle-level alchemy formulas for free."

"The old man will stay here for two years at most." Han Zhao looked puzzled.

"Actually... there is a place where you may be able to buy elixir, even high-level elixir." Zhang Xiaowen suddenly whispered.

"I would also like to ask Manager Zhang to enlighten me. I will definitely reward you generously." Han Zhao's eyes lit up, and there was indeed a secret location known to locals.

"Brother Zhao is serious." Zhang Xiaowen said with a smile: "In fact, every six months, a huge ship named 'Titan' will appear on the sea nine hundred miles north of Beiming Island.

An auction will be held above, and apart from warriors, even foreigners will participate.I heard they sell everything there.

The next auction is just two months away, and I know a friend who has access to invite tokens.”

"So that's it, thank you, Manager Zhang." Han Zhao cupped his fists and said in a low voice, "The price of the pills I sell every month will be [-]% cheaper."

Zhang Xiaowen smiled all over his face, then leaned into Han Zhao's ear and said, "You just need to go"

"So that's it, thank you!" Han Zhao got up and saluted.

"Mr. Zhao is polite, we are all friends! Just report my name."

Zhang Xiaowen sent Han Zhao to the door and watched him leave.


PS: Sorry for being late again.There will be no chapters during the recommendation period, and the chapters will be divided when the recommendation is over.

(End of this chapter)

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