Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 188 3 Spiritualization God Art×1 Gasification 3 Clear√

Chapter 188 Three Spirits Transforming Gods × One Qi Transforming Three Purities√ (Order in the middle cup)

"Go to Zhang Xiaowen's friend first."

Han Zhao returned to the rented house, pondered for a moment, and decided to find someone first.

The more information we know in reality, the greater the impact on the simulation. We don't know yet whether we can get the yin energy needed by the system in the open sea, so we have to save it.

The monsters in the Nanzhan sea area are inexhaustible. As long as there are pills, he can refine countless high-grade pills, and the resources will continuously enter his pocket.

At the level of the Ersha Realm, if there is no system, the effect of gold on him will be greatly reduced, and many resources cannot be bought with money.

There will be a qualitative leap in the price of the top-grade middle-grade elixir and the top-grade low-grade elixir.

Low-level pills are sold by bottle, while some precious middle-rank pills are priced per piece, not to mention top-grade, or even top-grade, which can even be exchanged for resources.

"Let's refine some low-level elixir first." Han Zhao took out the elixir furnace and began to refine the elixir. After all, he promised to give Zhang Xiaowen some benefits.

the next day.

Han Zhao gets up early for morning exercises.

When the sun was over, he went out to find Zhang Xiaowen's friend.

Han Zhao went to Haijiaofang, the easternmost part of Xibei City, and came outside a residential house.

"It should be here, right?"

He stepped forward and knocked lightly on the door.


After a while, the courtyard door was opened, and an ordinary-looking young man with a sullen expression showed half of his face, "Who are you looking for?"

"Old man Zhao Han is a friend of Zhang Guanshi." Han Zhao clasped his fists and said.

"Well, I heard him say, come in." Hearing this, the young man opened the courtyard door, gave way, and motioned for Han Zhao to come in.

"Excuse me." Han Zhao nodded and walked into the yard.

Han Zhao took a look at the yard. The residence looked clean and tidy, but it was not big.

As the steward of Danding Pavilion, Zhang Xiaowen has a lot of money. Since this friend has the qualifications to invite the 'Titan', he must be either rich or expensive. It's a bit abnormal that he lives in an ordinary residence in the outer city.

The young man opened the door of the inner room and walked in.

Han Zhao followed in.

"Sit down." The young man sat in front of the square table, "My name is Tong Li. Since Zhang Xiaowen asked you to come to me, it means that he trusts you very much. You want to be invited to the Titan, just for the middle-level elixir square?"

"Exactly." Han Zhao smiled.

"Actually, there is another method that allows you to obtain more alchemy recipes, and we provide all the demon pills and medicinal materials needed for alchemy." Tong Li said suddenly.

"This old man is used to idleness. He only needs a mid-level elixir recipe to try. He has no plans to join any force."

Han Zhao pretended to be in trouble.

"Hmph!" Tong Li snorted coldly when he heard the words, suddenly a powerful qi erupted from his body, and an astonishing momentum pressed towards Han Zhao.

"Grandmaster?!" Han Zhao's complexion changed drastically, and he stood up abruptly. A force film like water waves appeared all over his body, barely blocking the momentum.

"What do you mean? I don't want this qualification anymore!" Han Zhao was frightened and angry, and he was about to walk out the door.

"Wait." Tong Li let out his momentum and called out to Han Zhao.

"Do you have any advice, Your Excellency? Do you want to attack this old man in the city?" Han Zhao said angrily.

"Mr. Zhao, don't be angry, I just want to test whether you are qualified to trade with me." Tong Li showed a smile on his sinister face.

"What about now? Am I qualified?" Han Zhao's expression softened a little and he asked.

"Practicing strength is naturally not good, but if Mr. Zhao has achieved great success in strength training, then he is qualified." Tong Li chuckled.

"This old man is just an alchemist. Are you testing my strength? Is the content of the transaction asking me to make a move? This is absolutely not possible." Han Zhao 'categorically refused'.

Tong Li's sudden attack just now really shocked him. If he hadn't reacted quickly and suppressed the innate blazing yang qi that was automatically activated, it is estimated that the opponent would have been shocked to death before he even fought back.

The real realm of Tongli is probably around the level of the three qi masters. Objectively speaking, it is considered strong in a big city like Xibei City.

It's just that in front of Han Zhao, he was so weak that the system didn't even bother to remind him.

"Mr. Zhao, don't worry, I haven't said the reward yet!" Tong Li persuaded.

"I have a nemesis who will board the Titan to participate in the auction, and I want to wait until he disembarks to sell.

So invite a master to hold the line, just in case, the old man does not necessarily need to take action.

After the matter is completed, I can give you a prescription for the middle-level elixir. "

"This old man is an alchemist, and he is really not good at these things." Han Zhao pretended to be in trouble. This Tong Li was obviously talking nonsense. Can a martial artist of his level not invite the help of a strong master? ?

Tong Li gritted his teeth, as if he had made a difficult decision.

"Two mid-level pill recipes, plus an invitation to the Titan."

"This..." Han Zhao hesitated.

"Mr. Zhao dares to travel alone. I'm afraid it's not just as simple as practicing strength? Even if it is a low-level elixir, it is not a level that an ordinary casual martial artist can achieve."

Tong Li has a clear face, and has already seen through your details.It's normal to hide one's strength, even if this Zhao Han is a grand master, it doesn't matter.

Because he didn't exert all his strength just now, the strength he showed is only one breath, and his real state is already the perfection of three spirits. With his special secret technique, it is no problem to leapfrog the battle.

Even if Zhao Han still hides his strength, he is not afraid at all.

It can't be that this person is a grand master with perfect five qi, or even a martial saint level powerhouse, right?

Even though Beiming Island is the largest island in the Northern Territory, and there are many masters nearby, but the great masters and martial saint-level powerhouses are not Chinese cabbage, how can they pretend to be a low-level alchemist.

This level can directly board the Titan without invitation qualifications, and come here to trade with him, isn't that sick?
After being silent for a long time, Han Zhao finally made up his mind, "Okay, I agree."

"Then wish us a happy cooperation." Tong Li said with a smile: "61 days later, we will meet at the gate of Beicheng."

"Okay." Han Zhao nodded, "The old man will leave first."

"I'll see Mr. Zhao off." Tong Li sent Han Zhao to the door, watching Han Zhao's back disappear at the end of the alley.

"Who would believe a low-level alchemist?! When you join my Eternal Life Association, give me a proper alchemy."

A strange smile appeared on Tong Li's face.

"I'm so lucky!"

Originally, he was competing with another hall master for the place to enter Jukun City, but now he didn't expect that an outsider suspected of being an intermediate alchemist would come to Xibei City first.

"I'd like to see, what kind of medicine is sold in your gourd?"

When Tong Li closed the door and returned to the courtyard, Han Zhao reappeared in the alley.

In the next second, his figure flashed and disappeared from the alley.


[Current balance: Gold 1610000 taels]

【Collect all 350 reminder fragments, whether to synthesize an entry? 】

[Synthesis once, consumption prompt fragment 210, gold 300000 taels.]

"The Yin energy in the magic crystal is used up, and there is only so much Yin energy." Han Zhao secretly sighed, and the remaining Yin energy had to be extracted from the fragments of the magic weapon and the low-level fake magic weapon.

He suddenly felt that after the realm breakthrough, the increase in simulation consumption was actually a good thing.

Because gold has risen more, Yin Qi has risen less.

Yin Qi is rare, but gold is easy to earn.

Although the number of simulations decreased after the price increase, more attribute points were obtained.

"Synthesis, start simulation."

[At the age of 25, you met Tong Li through Zhang Xiaowen's relationship, and after reaching a deal with him, you were invited to participate in the auction on the Titan. 】

[After 61 days, you will meet at the North Gate. 】

[Three days later, you boarded the Titan. 】

【At the auction, you didn't buy Danfang. 】

[The final auction item is a fragment of a treasure map. It is said that the treasure is a cave left by a certain Martial God in the open sea. 】

[In the end, the remnant picture was bought by Tong Li at a high price. 】

[After the auction is over, you leave with Tong Li. 】

[After you found Tong Li's 'enemy', Tong Li suddenly joined forces with him and invited you to join their organization. 】

[You categorically refused, and the two immediately attacked you, but you easily countered and killed them. 】

[You left Xibei City and went to settle in Giant Kun City. 】

[At the age of 27, you have cultivated to the three evil realms. 】

[A non-attribute mid-grade god-species appeared in the deep sea to the east of Beiming Island, and was taken away by you. 】

[Witch Clan and Monster Clan invaded Beiming Island, you rejected the conditions of the owner of Jukun City, Xu Peng, and set off directly to leave Beiming Island. 】

[On the way, you met the Martial Saint of the Five Demon Realm who robbed you of the God Seed before, and the other party also had a helper, who was also in the Five Demon Realm. 】

[The two cooperate closely and are strong.Just when you were about to use your full strength, Xu Peng appeared. During the period of foreign invasion, martial saints were forbidden to fight among themselves. 】

【You escaped smoothly and went to Jilei Island in the Inland Sea. 】

[At the age of 31, you have cultivated to the five evil realms, and you have cultivated the Nirvana True Demon Art to the first level of perfection. 】

[In the same year, Dongting, the head trainer of the Eternal Life Association, the top martial saint with the perfection of Qisha, found you. 】

[It turns out that Eternal Life has collected the other two remnants of the treasure map, and determined your location through the induction between the treasure maps. 】

[After a big battle, you are tied.Lian Dongting invites you to go treasure hunting together, and he will share the treasure equally with you. 】

[After thinking about it again and again, you agreed to the other party. 】

[32, you found the place marked on the treasure map in the endless sea. 】

【After entering the cave, Lian Dongting got a piece of jade slip. After checking the jade slip, he turned against you on the spot. 】

[At this time, the other two vice-chairmen of the Seven Evil Realms of the Eternal Life Association appeared. 】

【One against three, at the cost of serious injuries, you first use the God-killing style to injure the three of them, and finally use the withering style to consume thousands of years of lifespan to completely kill the three of them. 】

[As a result, you have entered the reincarnation period ahead of time, and you are trapped in the cave and cannot leave. 】

【You are about to check the jade slips, but you find that your mental strength is insufficient. 】

[After 32 days, your reincarnation period is over, your injuries have recovered, and you will go further. 】

[At this time, the mental strength recovered, and I began to look at the jade slips, only to find that there was a secret technique called "Three Spirits Transforming Gods" recorded in it, and the person who left this secret technique was the "Three Spirits True Monarch" in ancient times '. 】

[After viewing the jade slips, you have exhausted nearly half of your energy. 】

[Because you can't enter the cave without a treasure map, you decided to stay in the cave and practice this secret technique. 】

[At the age of 34, you have been cultivating in the cave for two years, and you have successfully broken through to the six evil realms, but you still haven't mastered the secret art of 'Three Spirits Transforming Gods'. 】

[The power of heaven and earth in the cave is basically exhausted, and the resources you carry with you are also exhausted, so you decide to leave. 】

【However, as soon as you left the cave, you were attacked by two pseudo-superior elders from the Eternal Life Association. 】

【you are dead. 】

"True Monarch Three Spirits?!"

Han Zhao's eyes widened with disbelief.

Not everyone dares to use the title of 'Zhenjun'.

That is a title that can only be obtained by the ancient powers above the heaven and man realm.

The reason why the Soul Orb appeared in this world attracted a crowd of peerless masters who stood at the top of all living beings to compete for it. It is precisely because the Orb of Soul is the 'ticket' to enter the Hall of Reincarnation.

This hall of reincarnation is a treasure left by the "True Lord of Reincarnation". Those who have obtained the "Reincarnation Edict" can be reincarnated with their memories.

Zhenjun is an existence comparable to a fairy in ancient times. Even in the heyday of martial arts, he is also a legendary peerless power.

"Three Spirit Transformation Art! It turned out to be a secret art left by a true king!"

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]


Looking at the options in front of him, Han Zhao made a choice without any hesitation.

As the selection ended, a picture appeared in front of his eyes like a movie.

Under the control of his mental power, the screen quickly skipped.

Soon, the screen came to the scene where he obtained the Jade Slip, and the complicated content of the secret art of "Three Spirits Transforming Gods", including formulas, mental methods, and divine intentions, appeared one after another.

Han Zhao felt that his mental power was being consumed rapidly.

When the Three Spirit Transformation Art was completely imprinted in his mind, Han Zhao finally couldn't hold on anymore, and the picture in front of him quickly disappeared.

"If I hadn't mastered the first level of Zuowangjing·Shenyou Chapter and doubled my mental power, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to fully remember this secret technique."

Han Zhao's complexion turned pale and he was dizzy.

[Three Spirit Transformation Art: Not yet started, can be improved]

But when he saw the exercises that appeared on the system panel, his expression relaxed.

Just looking at the complexity of the formulas, mental methods, and God's intentions, he believed that this secret technique was left behind by a peerless power at the level of a true king.

The divine intent of the Nirvana True Devil Art is extremely complicated, but compared with the Three Spirit Transformation Divine Art, it is not even one-third of the level.

"Where is this 'Three Spirits Transforming God Art', it's clearly 'One Qi and Three Cleansing'!"

Cultivation takes the lowest state of the kung fu as the first evil state, and it needs to consume [-]% of the current state's spiritual power, blood, stellar energy, and vitality to get started.

The first layer is complete, and can be differentiated into two clones.The transformed body has the same strength and potential as the main body, and can continue to practice and grow.The avatar and the mind are one, but there is a distinction between primary and secondary. The subject can control the avatar in one thought.

The second layer is complete, and the avatar reintegrates into the main body, which can greatly enhance the strength of the main body and increase the probability of breaking through.At the same time, the success rate of crossing the tribulation can be greatly improved, and the increase in mana obtained after the successful crossing of the tribulation will also increase greatly.

"If I have two avatars who are perfect in the seven evil spirits, or even in the ten evil realms, then my strength will skyrocket. Wouldn't it be safe to survive this supernatural calamity?"

Han Zhao's eyes lit up. If there are other people to help him when crossing the catastrophe, the power of the catastrophe will increase accordingly, but the avatar cultivated by these three spirit transformation techniques is also a part of him, and it will not increase the power of the catastrophe.

When he crossed the catastrophe, the power of the catastrophe was based on his body, and the two clones would not be counted together.

But in the process of crossing the catastrophe, he can completely integrate the clone into the main body, greatly improving his strength.

If this fails to overcome the catastrophe, I am afraid that no one in the world can survive the catastrophe.

"Unfortunately, there is no third level of skill." Han Zhao looked at the records of the secret art of the three spirits, and it seemed that there was a third level, but there were only the first two levels in the jade slip.

Perhaps when the Three Spirits True Monarch ascended, he might not have created the third floor.

"In this way, there are two avatars to protect the body. Even if I enter the nirvana stage, there will be people who protect the way."

Han Zhao suddenly discovered that as long as he mastered the three-spirit incarnation formula, he could even use the "immortality" special effect card bug of the longevity formula.

After all, no one can be trusted by himself.The avatar will not betray, it is equivalent to another self, which can be controlled with a single thought.

"It doesn't matter the consumption of Qi, blood, stellar energy and life force, but the recovery of mental power consumption is very slow, so we have to find a way to speed up the recovery speed."

Han Zhao thought to himself, the treasures and elixir that can restore spiritual power are extremely precious, even comparable to the seeds of supernatural powers, I am afraid it will be difficult to get them.

At this moment, his mental strength is greatly damaged, but in the case of not fighting, the impact is not great.

"From this point of view, this Tong Li seems to belong to the Eternal Life Society."

"Why do you have to mess with me!"

Han Zhao's face darkened, and he hoped that when the auction started, the other party would bring what he wanted with him.

 PS: That's all for today. I have to go out tomorrow, and I may come back very late, so I have to save a chapter for the manuscript to prevent interruption.The addition of [Yu Chanming] for the leader of the alliance was completed yesterday, and today there are [-] words missing, so I will make it up at home.

(End of this chapter)

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