Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 189 Golden Body Pill and Soul Cultivation Wood

Chapter 189 Golden Body Pill and Soul Cultivation Wood

In the following days, Han Zhao practiced as usual every day.

However, it mainly focuses on recovering mental power through running the Sitting Forgotten Sutra·Shenyou Chapter, supplemented by Ningsha.

Then he provided pills to Danding Pavilion on time, and Zhang Xiaowen went on as usual.

In 61 days, Han Zhao's mental strength has recovered [-]%.

[Yang Sha: 100%; the first Tianmai condenses; special effects: the power of Yang attribute exercises increases by 10%, absorbing the power of heaven and earth accelerates by 10%]

[Fire evil: 70%; the second day's veins are not condensed; special effects: the power of fire attribute exercises increases by 14%, and the absorption of the power of heaven and earth accelerates by 14% (the martial arts will increase the effect of the evil energy of the five elements by one time)]

"In about five months, the progress of this cultivation is very good."

After Han Zhao's morning exercise, he stood in the small rented courtyard and checked the progress of Ning Sha during this period.

Even if he didn't take any pills, just relying on the entry effect of [War God of Ten Directions], he could increase the efficiency of absorbing evil spirit by seven times.

The entry effect of [War God of Ten Directions] can also freely transform ten kinds of evil spirits. He absorbs multiple evil spirits at the same time, and then transforms them all into fire evil spirits.

Because the innate blazing yang qi belongs to fire, giving priority to the completion of the fire evil qi can enhance the power of the innate blazing yang qi.

Moreover, because he has condensed the will of the five-color peacock martial arts, when he practices the five-element kungfu, when he absorbs the evil spirit of the five elements, he will get a double increase.

"In about two months, Huo Sha will be complete. At that time, as long as the second Tianmai is condensed, we can start to attack the three evil realms."

Han Zhao thought.

Qi Yuntian, who was 29 years old, was the fastest among the martial artists of the Wei Kingdom to cultivate to the Three Demon Realm.

If Han Zhao can buy pills or elixir that can assist in his cultivation, then he is very hopeful that he will hit the three evil realms before the age of 26.

If this speed is placed on Dongshengzhou, those aristocratic families will probably come to them again.

Fortunately, the outer sea is the world of warriors, and no one here knows him.

The day passed, and it was almost the time agreed with Tong Li, so he went to the north gate of Xibei City to wait ahead of time.

"You came early enough."

About a quarter of an hour later, Tong Li arrived late.

"You can go home early if you finish your work early." Han Zhao smiled.

"That's true, let's go." Tong Li nodded, his feet lightly touched the ground, and his body floated several meters away in an instant.

Han Zhao followed closely behind.

Tong Li quickly used his master-level zhenqi to rush on the road, and Han Zhao also started to speed up when he saw this situation.

But when Tong Li continued to accelerate, Han Zhao couldn't keep up.

"Hmph." Seeing this, Tong Li smiled secretly in his heart, and rushed to the pier on the northern coast of Beiming Island at the speed of a master.

In just one and a half days, the two arrived at the pier and boarded the clipper bound for the Titan.

After Tong Li entered the cabin, he took out a dark blue candle, and when he was about to light it, there was a knock on the cabin door.

He quickly put away the candles, sat cross-legged on the wooden couch, and said lightly, "Come in."


Han Zhao pushed the door open and walked in, cupping his hands at Tong Li, "Brother, I'm sorry for bothering you."

"Mr. Zhao? You didn't rest in the room, why did you come to see me?" Tong Li saw that it was Han Zhao, and a smile appeared on his face.

He got up from the wooden couch and sat down at the table.

"Mr. Zhao, please sit down."

"Little old man wants to inspect the goods in advance." Han Zhao smiled and sat opposite Tong Li.

"What do you mean?" The smile on Tong Li's face faded.

"Brother, can you show me one of the prescriptions first?" Han Zhao said.

"You don't believe me? Then why are you still on the boat with me?!"

Tong Li's face darkened.

"If my little brother doesn't show me the recipe, then I can only leave." Han Zhao said in a deep voice.

"Please." Tong Li stood up and pointed to the cabin door.

"Farewell!" Han Zhao cupped his hands and turned to leave.

"Stop!" Tong Li shouted.

"Brother agreed?" Han Zhao stopped and looked at him with a half-smile.

"What do you think this is a place where you can come and leave whenever you want?"

"I have to go? Can you still kill me?"

"You can try!" Tong Li's eyes were full of murderous intent, and his whole body was full of qi. Although he couldn't kill the opponent directly, breaking his legs still didn't affect alchemy.

"I gave you a chance." Han Zhao sneered.

"What?" Tong Li was taken aback.

"That's it!!" Han Zhao suddenly looked at the window behind the wooden couch with a look of horror.

"Children's tricks, do you think I will turn around and give you a chance to attack me?" Tong Li sneered.

"It's Lian Dongting!" Han Zhao exclaimed.

"The leader?!" Tong Li was startled when he heard the name of the leader of the Eternal Life Society, and subconsciously turned around.


Tong Li felt a sharp pain in his heart, but the scream was stuck in his throat and could not be uttered.

He looked down and saw that Han Zhao's palm had inserted into his left chest, holding his heart.

"Gang Qi?! Are you the Great Master of Five Qi? No! Martial Saint!!" Tong Li looked at Han Zhao in horror, and could only squeeze out a little sound from his throat.

"I said, I gave you a chance." Han Zhao said lightly, the reason why he made a detour was to have a clear conscience.

Some things that happen in the simulation don't happen in reality.

He killed Tong Li because the other party wanted to attack him, not because the other party had a lot of money on him.

If there is no bottom line in doing things, then sooner or later he will kill innocent people for money.

"Why?" Tong Li had an unbelievable expression on his face. He didn't understand why a Martial Saint would go out of his way to sneak attack on him, a Grandmaster. It's so disrespectful of martial arts!

"I ask, you answer, this is your only chance to survive." Han Zhao said in a deep voice, using the longevity energy to maintain Tong Li's life.

"Yes!" Tong Li said with difficulty.

"Have you brought Dan Fang?"

Han Zhao asked.

Tong Li's expression froze, and he said hesitatingly: "No."

Han Zhao sneered, and changed the topic: "The next question, what is your purpose?"

"Recently we."

Under the threat of death, Tong Li is like a bamboo tube pouring beans, knowing everything and talking endlessly.

"Very well, I can let you die without pain." After Han Zhao asked, he started to use the method of absorbing energy.

"You don't keep your promise!" Tong Li was furious, staring at Han Zhao.

"Zhao Han's dishonesty has nothing to do with Han Zhao, let alone you lied to me first!" Han Zhao sneered.

In an instant, Tong Li's body was intact, leaving only a set of clothes and a Xumi bag on the ground.

Han Zhao clasped his fingers with his right hand, and with a light tap, he sucked the sumeru bag into his palm, and his spiritual power penetrated into it.

"Turtle! Get rich!"

Han Zhao's eyes widened.

There are four hundred gold beads inside!
"It seems that Zhao Han's identity will disappear from today on."

Han Zhao put away the sumeru bag, then turned Tong Li's clothes into fine powder with the qi, and flew out of the window with a flick of his sleeves.

"Plop!" Han Zhao jumped through the window, turned into a Kunkun and dived into the sea, speeding up to swim towards the Titan.

With so many gold beads coming in, he couldn't believe that he couldn't buy pills and elixir to restore mental power.

On the endless sea, a kun fish leaped out of the sea and turned into a white-haired old man in a cloud of dim light.

"Is this the Titan? What a monster in the sea!"

Han Zhao looked to the northwest, with shock in his eyes.

I saw a huge silver-white ship with a length of nearly a kilometer and a width of more than 200 meters heading southeast.The bow of the iron-clad boat rides the wind and breaks the waves, layers of sea waves pass by the side of the ship with silvery white spray, and then merge into rough waves at the stern of the boat, leaving a shining water band, with waves of light.

"This is simply a mobile island, a sea city."

Han Zhao was a little speechless, the biggest boat in his previous life was probably not half as big as this one.The height from the waterline to the deck alone is estimated to be [-] meters, which is too exaggerated!
He didn't even know what power source such a big ship relied on.

Han Zhao turned on his strength, stepped on the sea, and ran towards the Titan.

When he ran 200 meters away from the Titan, he took out a silver-white token that was the same color as the hull from the Sumeru bag.

With the injection of true energy into the token, the token immediately made a high-frequency clear sound, and the silver-white light quickly enveloped Han Zhao's whole body.

In the next second, Han Zhao's figure disappeared in a flash, disappeared from the sea, and appeared on the front section of the Titan's deck, with an octagonal array pattern under his feet.

This silver-white token is impressively the teleportation array leading to the deck of the Titan.

"Are you alone?" A young man wrapped in a blue armor came to Han Zhao.

"Yes." Han Zhao nodded.

"The stall fee on the deck is 1000 taels of silver for one day. The admission fee for the auction is 20 taels of silver, and the admission fee will be refunded when you disembark. Fighting is strictly prohibited on board, and those who violate it will bear the consequences. Masters of the Five Qi and Martial Saints can get admission for free .” The young man spoke extremely quickly, as if following a procedure.

"Understood." Han Zhao replied, he had learned the basic information about the Titan from Tong Li.

"This is my stall fee." Han Zhao took out 5000 taels of silver bills from the sumeru bag and handed them to the young man.

The Titan's auction will be held every six months for ten days, and the treasures needed by high-level warriors will be auctioned from the fifth day.

Before that, Han Zhao was going to set up a stall on the deck to see if he could buy the prescriptions of middle-level pills.

"This is your booth number." The young man put away the banknote and took out a white token with three big characters "[-]" written on the front.

"If you want to continue setting up a stall when the time comes, remember to renew the fee. If you leave early, the stall fee will not be refunded."

The young man urged with genuine energy, and a red "five" appeared under the token, and then handed the token to Han Zhao.

After Han Zhao took the token, he walked towards the stern of the boat.

The deck near the stern of the Titan is a simple open-air market. Every five meters on the deck, there is a box drawn with black lines as a simple stall.

When Han Zhao came to booth No. [-], there were already dozens of warriors setting up stalls nearby. The weakest of them were martial arts masters who practiced strength. Master of the Five Qis.

More than half of the people here are wearing various masks, including leopard heads, tauren heads, and dog heads, which are also allowed in the auction.

"The high-level warriors nearby are probably gathered here."

Han Zhao took out a wooden board from the sumeru bag, and put it upright in front of the booth, with the words on it—purchasing middle-level pills at a high price, giving priority to body training, spiritual cultivation, and condensing evil.

Then, he took out a small mat and sat down. This was what he used when he was in Black Rock City. He took it with him when he moved, and kept it until now.

As the sky was getting darker, more and more people were on the deck. When passing by Han Zhao's booth, many people just glanced at it and left.

Han Zhao was not in a hurry, he just sat on the mat and closed his eyes to rest.

Until the next day, no one came up to ask. After visiting other people's booths, he made a change.

He added another sentence on the wooden board-you can exchange the pill formula with the middle-level Five Elements Pill and the Qi and Blood Pill, the top quality!

This time, just in the afternoon, people came to his booth to inquire.

But they all had to be bought with money. The grand master who set up the stall even offered to pay for gold beads to buy them, but Han Zhao refused.

A single golden bead is worth more than ten thousand taels of gold, which is more than enough to buy high-grade Qi and Blood Pills, but Han Zhao has just made a fortune, and he has no shortage of golden beads, as long as the pills are formulated.

The market price of a low-grade Qixue pill is 1000 taels, and a middle-grade Qixue pill is worth about 3000 taels.As for the top-grade Qixue Pill, the lowest price is 1 taels of silver, but there is no price in the market, and the demand is so high that no one sells it at all.Because the top-grade pill has almost no impurities, as long as conditions permit, no amount of erysipelas will accumulate in the body.

Even if you spend a lot of money to invite mid-level alchemists to refine Qi and blood pills, no one can guarantee that you can refine mid-level alchemists, even high-level alchemists are the same, and even if you can refine high-level alchemists, most of them will keep it for themselves. Down.

Anyway, an alchemist of this level, either has a deep background or is powerful, and they are all begged by others to make alchemy. You are not willing to accept this kind of condition. Some people come to beg, and you are not afraid of offending others.

"I have the pill formula you want, how many top-grade Qi and blood pills do you have?" A warrior wearing a tauren mask stepped forward and asked.

The four atmospheres are complete.

Relying on his powerful spiritual power, Han Zhao saw through the details of the Tauren, and said calmly, "It depends on the value of your pill."

The other party estimated that they would need several high-grade Qi and Blood Pills to hit the bottleneck.

Seeing Han Zhao's confidence, the tauren stared.

He looked around, did not speak, but took out a piece of wood, covered it with his hands and wrote, and quickly handed it to Han Zhao after finishing writing.

Han Zhao took the wooden board and looked at the content on it, his pupils suddenly dilated.

"Advanced elixir, golden body elixir, an auxiliary elixir for condensing a pseudo-golden body into a body training method"

"Soul-nourishing wood, spiritual wood that nourishes spiritual power, has a miraculous effect on warriors below the three evil realm martial saints"

"You should know that there is a price to pay for playing tricks on a grand master with perfect five qi."

Han Zhao released a powerful qi, and stared at the tauren with cold eyes. The aura had just risen, and then disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The tauren's body trembled, and he immediately stabilized his mind. He said in a deep voice: "I can trade pills with you first, and the follow-up cooperation will depend on whether your pills can meet my needs."

Han Zhao stood up, waved his sleeves, put away the planks, and pointed at the tall building in the middle of the deck.

"Go! Follow me into the house!"

There is a soundproof circle in the independent box, which is suitable for trading.

 PS: People are outside, the update will be added tomorrow, this chapter is a draft.

(End of this chapter)

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