Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 190 Ding Xiu Reappears!Fire attribute god species!The soul-cultivating wood is here!

Chapter 190 Ding Xiu Reappears!Fire attribute god species!The soul-cultivating wood is here! (8K Big Cup)

The so-called independent box is a compartment of less than four square meters, which is only as big as a toilet, but it costs 600 taels of silver for a quarter of an hour, which is really an inch of time and an inch of gold.

Of course, this independent box is mainly expensive because of the soundproof array.

After entering the room, Han Zhao tried to get his mental power out of his body. As soon as his mental power touched the wooden wall of the compartment, he felt a resistance.

"In addition to sound insulation, the magic circle that can even isolate the perception of spiritual power is really amazing."

Han Zhao thought to himself, if he breaks through forcefully, he can break through the barrier of the magic circle, but it will definitely attract attention.

This magic circle can probably block the detection of Martial Saints below the Sansha Realm. Even if the mental power is stronger, they can't eavesdrop without anyone noticing, so the price is not expensive.

"From this point of view, formation mage is also a profession that can make a lot of money, and both offensive and defensive formations are suitable for casual practitioners like me."

Han Zhao was a little moved. If he could get the [Range Designation Entry] and formation auxiliary entries, he could use his free time to learn the formation method.

Or wait until he reaches the first level of the Three Spirit Transformation Art and let the avatar learn the formation, which will not affect his own cultivation progress.

"Old sir?" The man in the tauren mask saw Han Zhao staring at the wall in a daze, and finally couldn't help but speak first.

He originally planned to sit on the ground and raise the price, ordering more high-grade Qi and blood pills, so when he came in, he turned his back to Han Zhao and wanted him to speak first.

However, I didn't expect that Han Zhao was an old Jianghu, so he was not in a hurry at all, and even stared at the wall pretending to be curious.

"Huh?" Han Zhao came back to his senses and looked at the man in the tauren mask.

Judging by the look in his eyes under the mask, he seemed in a hurry.

"This is Danfang, you have to look at it first." The tauren masked man took out a folded animal skin from his arms, and moved it in front of Han Zhao.

Han Zhao looked intently.

The content recorded on the animal skin is exactly the prescription of the 'Golden Body Pill'. The various medicinal materials needed for alchemy are described in detail, and even the medicinal effects corresponding to specific years are involved.

However, the most important alchemy process in the back could not be seen, and was folded by the tauren masked man.

The pills of the same type and grade are fine, and the alchemy techniques are similar.But different types, especially high-level pills, may have obvious differences in alchemy techniques, or even completely different.This is also the reason why every low-level, middle-level, and high-level alchemist is judged by mastering several pills of the same level, not all of them.

The color, weight, order of addition, heat, and timing of congealing pills of medicinal materials will all affect the success rate.Only Han Zhao dared to practice a lot of refining of various middle-level pills because he had the entry bonus of [Pill Saint Reincarnation].

His aptitude for alchemy itself is average, and his aptitude for alchemy has increased by more than 20 times. Not to mention a peerless genius for alchemy, but he is not far behind.

Even if it's a brand-new mid-level elixir, he naturally has an [-]% chance of success.

"What do you mean?! Are you kidding me?"

Han Zhao's expression darkened suddenly, and he said angrily.

The man in the tauren mask was taken aback by Han Zhao's sudden change of face, and quickly said, "Ah? What? This recipe is absolutely true! It can't be fake!"

"As an alchemy master, I can naturally tell the authenticity of the alchemy formula, but the main material for refining this golden body pill is actually a monster pill of a third-order monster. Are you sure you didn't make fun of the old man?" Han Zhao looked gloomy , face sinking like water.

"Here you want the body-refining alchemy, and I am only responsible for providing the alchemy. Although the third-order monsters are powerful, if you want the demon pill, you don't have to go to fight it? You can go to the auction or buy it from a big business. "

Speaking of the latter, the tauren masked man himself felt embarrassed.

The third-tier monsters are further subdivided into levels one to seven, corresponding to the warrior's Condensed Sha Realm, and the weakest ones are all powerful existences comparable to the First Shade Realm Martial Saints.

Moreover, the third-tier monsters in the Nanzhan sea area are basically in the sea, and the martial saints do not have an advantage over the monsters of the same level. Kill third-tier and first-tier monsters without injury.

Monster beasts of this level either belong to a large group of monster beasts, and it is easy to kill one and attract more than a dozen.Or they live alone, but their talent and bloodline are extremely strong, and they have the strength to leapfrog fighting.

The Martial Saints of the Three Evil Realms are in the Northern Territory, and each of them is a big man with a name and surname, so they cannot move easily.As for the purchase of demon pills, if alchemy fails, the upfront cost will be too high.

Although the tauren masked man is not an alchemist, he also knows that this golden body pill is good and bad, and its practicality is not high.

"One price, ten high-grade Qi and Blood Pills." Han Zhao gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind.

The market price of ten high-grade Qi and blood pills is only 10 taels of silver, and there is no way to buy high-end pills. However, the reality is that you can buy them with gold beads, and it depends on whether others are willing to sell them.

"No, this is too little! At least fifteen!" The tauren masked man said excitedly. Even if the formula of top-grade pills is not used for refining, the alchemy technique alone has a certain value for alchemists. The reference value, the price given by the other party is too low.

"Forget it, the old man is going to save some more high-grade Qi and blood pills to exchange with you for the soul-nourishing wood. Since you are not sincere, the old man will leave." Han Zhao cupped his hands, turned his head and left.

He didn't have many high-grade qi and blood pills left, only fifty or so, and the top-grade ones were only five. They were all refined recently, and he used up all his remaining stock of elixir.It's not that he is reluctant to part with these pills, but the focus is on the soul-cultivating wood at the back.

"Wait!" Seeing Han Zhao directly opened the door of the private room, the man in the tauren mask quickly stopped him.

"Twelve, no less!"

Hearing this, Han Zhao turned around, paused, nodded slightly and said, "Deal."

As he spoke, Han Zhao reached into his clothes and took out a porcelain bottle. He uncorked the bottle, glanced at it, and handed it to the man in the tauren mask.

"Test it."

"Okay!" The tauren masked man took the porcelain bottle carefully, and slowly poured the elixir inside into his palm, and the plump and round red pills fell into his palm. When he sniffed lightly, he felt a strong smell. The fragrance of the medicine enters the nasal cavity, and the blood in the body is also activated.

"Eighteen?! This... this." The tauren masked man widened his eyes and found that there were six more high-grade Qi and blood pills.

"Oh, the porcelain bottle is not enough, so I put a little more in one bottle. The extra six will be counted in the subsequent transaction. If the transaction fails, you can just return it to the old man." Han Zhao explained.

"." The tauren-masked man fell silent. Top-grade Qi and Blood Pills are sold by the pill. Even if you don't put one in a bottle, it won't fill up a bottle.

"Let's get down to business, give me Dan Fang." Han Zhao stretched out his hand.

"Oh, good!" The tauren masked man came back to his senses, and handed over the animal skin that recorded Danfang to Han Zhao.

Han Zhao took the animal skin and inspected it. There was no problem with the alchemy technique in the follow-up. The golden body alchemy formula was intact, and there was no trace of tampering.

"With this elixir formula, the golden body elixir can be refined, and the cultivation progress of the King Kong Indestructible Magic Art and the Nirvana True Devil Art will definitely be greatly improved."

Han Zhao was overjoyed in his heart, but on the surface he kept his expression on. He folded the animal skin casually a few times, stuffed it into his bosom, and put it in the Sumeru bag.

"How are you going to trade the soul-raising wood?" Han Zhao took the initiative to ask. The soul-raising wood is a treasure that nourishes the soul and strengthens the spiritual power, but the effect is notable until the age of the thing is high enough, and the size is also critical.

"At least thirty top-grade Qi and blood pills, or two top-grade Qi and blood pills, before I can consider trading with you." The tauren masked man said in a deep voice.

When Han Zhao heard the words, his heart moved, and he asked, "I hear what you mean, the age of your sacred tree is quite high."

The ultimate qi and blood pill is something that can make the small supernatural powers and martial sages of the three evil realms envious.

"Do you have the ultimate Qi and Blood Pill?!" The tauren masked man lifted his mask, revealing a dark and rough face with sharp edges and corners. He looked like he was 28 or [-] years old.At this moment, his face was full of shock, but his eyes were full of hope.

"Answer my question." Han Zhao frowned.

"You don't know me? My name is Lin Yu."

"Are you famous?"

Han Zhao asked back.

"It's not very famous." Lin Yu's expression froze, and he added: "But people of the nearby generation know me. The Qi and blood pill you gave me was not refined by the alchemy method commonly used in the sea. The main material is elixir. It's not the inner alchemy of the monster beast. In addition, you don't know me, so you should be an outsider, right?"

"Does this have something to do with our transaction?" Han Zhao raised his brows. Anyway, he took out the pill to trade, so he was naturally ready to be seen through.

"Please don't get me wrong, I have no malice. It's easier to trade with outsiders." Lin Yu said quickly.

"The soul-cultivating mummy is a treasure handed down from generation to generation by our Heavenly Demon Sect. It has been 600 years."

"600 years?!" Han Zhao's expression changed slightly, and he couldn't keep calm anymore.

After more than a thousand years of nourishing soul wood, the effect of nourishing the soul will increase greatly.The soul-nourishing wood of this year is also very useful for martial saints above the three evil realms.

If he practiced the Three Spirit Transformation Art normally, two clones would have to be separated from the body in turn, and he would have to cultivate for about half a year for each clone.

Two clones will keep his body in a relatively weak state for a year, delaying his cultivation.

Of course, once the avatar splits up and starts to practice, it will greatly increase his strength and improve the efficiency of his practice.There is no need to wait until the later stage to take effect. Basically, in about one or two years, the avatar can play a huge role.

With Soul Cultivation Wood, the cultivation time will be greatly shortened.

"Looking at you, you haven't even heard of Tianmo sect. You're really an outsider." Lin Yu was a little helpless. Their Tianmo sect was a first-class sect, even if they were outsiders, they should have heard of it.

Han Zhao smiled. It can't be said that he just remembered the power of having the Martial Saints of the Four Evil Realms, right?
"How to trade, you tell me." Han Zhao said seriously.

"Thirty top-grade Qi and blood pills, or two top-grade Qi and blood pills, we can exchange them for such a big soul-cultivating wood." Lin Yu pinched the second joint of his little finger with his right thumb.

"Too little." Han Zhao shook his head. Such a big soul-cultivating wood will only be effective if worn for a long time. What he wants is immediate results.

"This is the greatest sincerity given by Zongmen, and there is no need to discuss it. If you don't want to, six top-grade pills will be returned to you." Lin Yu had a firm attitude, and then poured out six Qi and blood pills from the porcelain bottle Return Han Zhao.

"Wait a minute." Han Zhao stopped him, "What the old man means is, use more Qi and Blood Pills to exchange for a bigger Soul Cultivation Wood."

"Top-grade qi and blood pills are enough, and there is no point in adding more, unless you can provide more top-grade qi and blood pills." Lin Yu shook his head.

"Is someone in the Tianmo sect seriously injured? The energy and blood are greatly damaged, and the best energy and blood pills are needed to replenish the energy and blood?" Han Zhao asked suddenly.

Lin Yu's pupils tightened, and he took a deep look at Han Zhao, "You think too much."

"I have a 200-year-old Buyuanzhi plant here. Even if it is swallowed directly, it can greatly increase the blood of a martial saint-level powerhouse, and the medicinal power is still higher than the top-grade Qi and blood pill. It has a miraculous effect on recovering from injuries. I wonder if you are interested?"

Han Zhao said lightly.

After he got Buyuanzhi from Murong Qi's sumeru bag, he has been searching for a pill that can perfectly bring out the medicinal power of Buyuanzhi, but he has not found it.

If you use the power of local forces, you may be able to find the alchemy, especially because Lin Yu can even produce the alchemy of high-level pills.

"Bu Yuan Zhi?!" Lin Yu was startled, "If you are willing to exchange Bu Yuan Zhi, I can give you an extra piece of Soul Cultivation Wood."

"It's still not enough." Han Zhao shook his head.

Seeing this, Lin Yu hesitated.

"Why don't we change the transaction method." Han Zhao suggested: "You help me collect a pill formula that can match Bu Yuanzhi, and give the pill recipe to me, and then I will refine the pill and exchange it with you. how?"

"Could it be that you are a high-level alchemist?!" Lin Yu completely lost his composure at this moment. Those who can have such confidence are most likely high-level alchemists.

However, he quickly came to his senses, and continued, "Even if you are a high-level alchemist, you can't say that you will be able to refine a finished pill with just one elixir, especially if you use a brand-new alchemy formula."

"How about this, I will give you time to prepare, and you will inform the person behind you who can be the master. Three months later, I will take out a golden body pill to prove my level of alchemy." Han Zhaoshen soundtrack.

"All of you are ready to raise the soul tree, and the six extra pills will be my meeting gift, and I will leave."

After finishing speaking, Han Zhao directly opened the door of the private room and walked out without looking back.

"Wait, how can I contact you!" Lin Yu shouted hastily.

"Isn't your sect very famous? I will find you when the time comes."

Han Zhao's voice condensed into a line and reached Lin Yu's ear.

Lin Yu's heart shuddered. The one who could do this was definitely a great master with perfect five qi, maybe even a martial sage.

After leaving the private room, Han Zhao returned to the deck at the stern.

He took out the wooden sign, took a close look at the animal skin that recorded the golden body Dandan recipe, and continued to set up a stall.

The time soon came to the morning of the fifth day, and yesterday Han Zhao collected another mid-level Shui Yuan Dan formula.

Shui Yuan Pill can assist in the cultivation of water-attribute strength and true energy, and speed up the absorption of water energy, which is effective for both strength and visceral practitioners.It is also one of the few pills with the lowest difficulty in refining among the middle-level pills. Han Zhao has fully mastered the Shuiyuan Pill early in the training period.

However, the Shui Yuan Pill in Outer Sea was renamed as Shui Ning Pill, and its efficacy was basically the same as Shui Yuan Dan, but the main medicine was replaced with the first- and second-order water-attribute monster inner alchemy.

With Han Zhao's level of alchemy, he already knew how to refine the water condensate pill by looking at both sides. He was going to hunt monsters after getting off the boat.

"The auction is about to start, let's go and have a look."

After Han Zhao closed the booth, he walked to the high-rise building in the middle of the Titan.

The entrance fee of 20 taels of silver can stop most martial artists who want to join in the fun, but it can't stop the real rich people.

After Han Zhao paid the money, he just entered the auction hall on the third floor when he saw a familiar figure in front of him wearing a tauren mask.

The structure of the hall is a bit like a lecture hall, the seats are distributed in a fan shape, there are probably hundreds of seats, except for those who are familiar with each other who will sit together, most warriors will sit a few seats apart.

There are a few martial saint-level powerhouses with Meiji waiting on them, pinching their waists and beating their legs, feeling very happy.

These beauties are all wearing various tulle skirts, revealing a large area of ​​white and delicate skin, and each of them has a flattering smile on their face.

Not only that, Han Zhao also saw a few female martial saints, and there were also handsome butchers serving them.

"Ordinary people in Nanzhan Sea Area may not have an easier life than ordinary people in Dongshengzhou." Han Zhao felt emotional and chose the last row where no one was seated.

After a while, warriors who came to participate in the auction entered the hall one after another, and the seats that seemed to be sparsely populated at first became crowded.

"It's not easy for the owner behind the Titan to gather so many high-level fighters here." Han Zhao thought to himself.

At this time, Han Zhao noticed that Lin Yu stood up in the front seat, glanced at his seat, stood up, and seemed to want to speak, but finally held back.

"Old man, if there are so many empty seats in front of you, get out of here!"

Just when Han Zhao was in a daze, there was a loud shout from beside him.

Han Zhao looked back and saw a middle-aged man over two meters tall standing behind the seat.He has red hair, his upper body is bare, his muscular chest muscles and eight-pack abs are like knives and axes, and the circumference of his arms even exceeds the waist of an ordinary adult.

The red-haired man opened his thick, long and strong arms, holding four beauties in his arms, his face full of contentment.

'Two evil realms. '

Han Zhao saw through the red-haired man's background with just a glance.

He stood up expressionlessly, found an empty seat in the middle and sat down.

"Hey, this little old man definitely doesn't know that the back is the exclusive seat of Boss Ren."

"Even if he has some eyesight, otherwise it will be miserable."

When Han Zhao sat down, he could still hear whispers.

Soon, the auction began, and one item after another was auctioned, from exercises to weapons, from elixir to demon pills.

Later, a middle-grade spiritual artifact was even put up for auction, and it was finally sold for a high price of two hundred gold beads.

But what disappointed Han Zhao was that there was no Dan formula.

In the end, it was the treasure map that recorded the cave of the 'Three Spirits True Monarch', which attracted a lot of bids from martial saints, and was finally bought by a female martial saint with 390 gold beads.

Han Zhao didn't make a move. There are still some treasures such as elixir and spiritual weapon in the cave of the three spirits, which he can't bring back in the simulation, but this cave is not so easy to find.

When he has the strength to deal with the pseudo-supernatural powers, he can sneak into the Immortal Society directly, but there is no need to worry now.

"Damn it! I've come here for nothing, I don't have any good things!"

A big red-haired man cursed and cursed from behind.

"The next free trading time, everyone can go on stage to explain your needs and exchange conditions." The steward of the auction put down the auction hammer, said to everyone in the venue, and walked off the platform.

"Then I'll come first!"

At this time, a beautiful red-clothed female warrior came onto the stage, "I need a high-level detoxification elixir, preferably one that can detoxify Mitsubishi Viper's poison."

"Being poisoned by the Mitsubishi Viper, even a martial sage can't live long. You have to go to the Martial God League to find the alchemy king Xu Feng for this level of medicine. How can ordinary people have such a level of medicine."

As soon as the woman in red finished speaking, a warrior sighed.

"As long as there is a high-level detoxification pill, I can give everything!" The woman in red said in a deep voice.

However, her words did not have any effect. Unless she could offer substantial treasures in exchange, even if there was a high-level detoxification pill, most warriors would not exchange it for mere female sex.

Seeing that no one answered, the woman in red returned to her seat with red eyes.

"Red Lady, don't waste resources. When your husband dies, I will take you as my concubine!" The red-haired man laughed from behind.

The woman in red dared not speak out, and lowered her head.

Soon, warriors came to the stage one after another, showing off their treasures.

After half an hour, finally no one came to the stage.

Han Zhao stood up and walked up.

"Two top-quality Qi and blood pills, and replace them with the middle-level pills. Spirit-rejuvenating and condensate-type pills are given priority!"

"Extreme Qi and Blood Pill!!"

"real or fake?!"

Hearing the words, the warriors in the field exploded instantly. Although there were many treasures in this auction, and there were also a lot of middle-level pills to assist cultivation. Qi and blood pills are very ordinary, but the top-quality ones are not ordinary!

Han Zhao uncorked the bottle, and a strange fragrance quickly filled the small half of the hall.

"This old man has been stuck in a shady state for more than [-] years, and this top-grade Qi and Blood Pill has arrived so timely! Can the twenty golden beads be sold?" An old man with a long beard shouted loudly.

"Only change the pill formula." Han Zhao shook his head and refused.

"I want this elixir! Fifty gold beads!" The red-haired man stood up suddenly, his eyes fixed on the porcelain bottle in Han Zhao's hand.

"Only change the prescription!" Han Zhao emphasized his tone.

"You!" The red-haired man was furious, and he gave Han Zhao a hard look, then sat down angrily, reached into Meiji's lapel beside him, and kneaded vigorously.

"I have the recipe!" Lin Yu stood up excitedly and walked onto the stage.

"I don't have pill recipes for cultivating spirits and condensing evil spirits, but I can give you two pill recipes."

Han Zhao took the alchemy formula he handed over, examined it carefully, and then nodded. Lin Yu actually has two intermediate alchemy formulas!
"Deal." Han Zhao stuffed the porcelain bottle to Lin Yu.

"If no one continues to come on stage, then this auction will end!" said the manager of the auction, his eyes resting on Han Zhao.

Han Zhao and Lin Yu walked out of the auction hall on the third floor together.

After Lin Yu came to the deck, he quickly boarded the boat and left.

Han Zhao also disembarked at the same time.

Driven by true energy, the boat galloped across the sea.

But soon, Han Zhao discovered that someone was chasing after him in a small boat.

"Fishing is a matter of paying attention to one willing person taking the bait. Since you are greedy yourself, you can't blame me."

Han Zhao's eyes were cold.

When the person behind him approached, he looked back, but there was no red-haired man just now.

"A lot of people came! But there is not a single Martial Saint, which is unreasonable."

Han Zhao frowned slightly.

"Everyone, are you catching up to buy medicine pills from the old man?" Han Zhao smiled warmly at the crowd and cupped his hands.

The process still has to go.

"Stop talking nonsense, hand over your Sumeru bag, and we will let you go!"

A master of four qi shouted sharply.

"There are so many of you, I'm afraid my elixir is not enough." Han Zhao said lightly.

"Kill him first, and then we'll share the pill equally!" the four-qi master yelled, and the others responded one after another.

The corner of Han Zhao's mouth curled up.

With a "whoosh", his body disappeared on the spot.

"Where are people?" The four-qi master suddenly felt a sharp and domineering air piercing sound coming from his ears. His eyes flashed, and his entire head burst instantly, blood and brains poured into the sea like raindrops.

The head completely disappeared, and the strong vitality of the Grandmaster Realm prevented his body from dying immediately. He raised his hands and touched his neck, as if he was looking for his own head.


When everyone saw the master of the four qi being killed with a single punch, they were frightened out of their wits and felt chills all over their bodies.

"Forgive me!"

"We're just passing by!"

Immediately, some people knelt on the boat and begged for mercy, while others ran away.

It's just that the result is the same, and you have to pay the price of your life for greed.

"It's really not even an appetizer."

After Han Zhao sucked up more than a dozen warriors, he curled his lips.

Except for the two masters, the others are all martial artists. This amount of true energy and blood is not enough for him now.

"Looks like I have to protect my client." Han Zhao suddenly remembered why Wu Sheng didn't come after him.

He found the right direction, jumped up, turned into a seagull, and flew quickly to the place where Lin Yu left.

"Boss Ren! I'm Lin Yu from Tianmozong, please show me some face and let me go."

On the vast sea, Lin Yu urged his true energy to speed up the boat, but was blocked by a red-haired man. He took off the tauren mask and revealed his original appearance.

And not far behind him was the long-bearded old man who had been stuck in the Yisha Realm for many years.

"Lin Yu?" The red-haired man frowned, showing a sneer, "If your father and elder brother were alone, the name of the Demon Sect was really bluffing people that day, as for you."

"You have a fart face!" The red-haired man laughed.

"You?!" Lin Yu's expression tightened, and he tightly pinched the Xumi bag at his waist.

"Hand over the sumeru bag, and I can give Tianmozong a face and let you live!" The red-haired man's face darkened.

"I'll give you one at most!" Lin Yu took out a short sword spirit weapon.

"No one can bargain with me! Or..." The red-haired man's eyes sharpened, and the crimson strength and true energy quickly condensed on his body surface, forming a three-inch thick armor of true energy, which was continuously transmitted. There was a crackling sound like a burning flame, and his red hair danced under the drive of his true energy, and his whole body was like a god of fire descending into the world.

"You can choose to catch Laozi's trick, and I will let you go!"

"I..." Lin Yu was in despair. He lost his Sumeru bag, which was no different from death.

"Looks like you need a little help."

At this moment, a deep voice suddenly sounded beside the red-haired man.

"It's you?! What's your name?" Lin Yuxun looked at the reputation, only to see that the person who came was the white-haired old man with whom he had traded just now, and then he remembered that he didn't ask his name.

"Are you the alchemist just now?" The red-haired man's eyes were fixed. The reason why he was looking for Lin Yu was because the white-haired old man had unknown origins. Although he gave up his position after being scolded by him, it is also possible that the other party did not want to cause trouble .He prefers stability to uncertainty.

"Old man Ding Xiu." Han Zhao ignored the red-haired man, but bowed to Lin Yu, "If you are willing to pay a small amount, I can help you solve this trouble."

"I still have two prescriptions for middle-level pills!" Lin Yu didn't know Ding Xiu's strength, but at the moment he just wanted to hold on to this life-saving straw.

"Not enough." Han Zhao shook his head and said seriously, "We need to add more!"

"I can give you some of what you want first!" Lin Yu said quickly.

"Deal." Han Zhao showed a satisfied smile.

"You two really treat me like nothing! You even started haggling!" the red-haired man roared angrily.

"Get lost." Han Zhao said calmly.

"Looking for death!" The red-haired man was furious. His body flashed and appeared in front of Han Zhao. Wriggling earthworms are generally ferocious.

Seeing this, Han Zhao also waved his fist.

Two fists of completely disproportionate sizes collided.

The majestic Gang Qi and strength gushed out, and the countless air currents around the two of them were instantly exploded, and the huge power and Gang Qi crazily oppressed the air
boom! !

Han Zhao showed surprise, the other party was equal to him in terms of strength, although he only used [-]% of his strength.

"Old and immortal, there are even more powerful ones!" The red-haired man laughed wildly, and the red true energy on his body quickly condensed and turned into extremely hot stellar energy.

The stellar energy on the red-haired man's body exploded and exploded close to Han Zhao.

The surrounding sea suddenly set off a huge wave of 30 meters high.

The aftermath of the explosion sent Lin Yuzhen flying.

In a flash of bright red light, he narrowed his eyes.

"No way?!" When the waves cleared, Lin Yu saw the red-haired man still standing there, his body completely covering Ding Xiu's figure.

At this time, there was a strange smell of meat and burnt in the air.

"Plop!" The red-haired man fell on his back, his entire frontal body was charred and beyond recognition.

Han Zhao shot with his right hand and sucked the red-haired man dry. Fortunately, he held back and only showed a little of the power of the real sun, otherwise the other party would probably have no scum left.

At this time, a reddish white light group flew out from the red-haired man's dantian.

"This is?!"

Han Zhao stared.

[Seed of supernatural powers: middle grade (270/300), can be refined and improved; small supernatural powers: none; special effects: power of small supernatural powers increased by 0.27 times]

"A magical seed with a fire attribute? It's basically unrefined!" Han Zhao was overjoyed.

"Senior Ding Ding." Lin Yu stepped forward with a look of fear on his face.

Han Zhao raised his hand to interrupt him, stretched out his right hand, and a scarlet long knife appeared in his palm.

Dry style!
With a wave of the long knife in his hand, a 40-meter-long white knife lighted up.

"Ah!" There was a scream from a hundred meters away, and the long-bearded old man died instantly under the force of Nirvana.

To deal with warriors of the same level who do not have self-defense weapons, Han Zhao's Nirvana Power is a great weapon, and there is no need to consume lifespan to increase the power at all.

"This is a gift, no money is charged." Han Zhao smiled, after all, this is for the follow-up cooperation.

Lin Yu watched Han Zhao's body-touching action in one go, and quickly took out a jade box from the sumeru bag, and offered it with both hands.

"Senior Ding! This is the soul-nourishing wood that I promised you!"

Han Zhao took the jade box, opened it, and saw a piece of black wood as thick as a little finger lying inside. At first glance, it looked like charcoal, but the spiritual fluctuations coming out of it allowed Han Zhao to confirm that this was the cultivation of the soul. No, just the contact of mental power made him feel refreshed for a while.

Han Zhao put away the soul-cultivating wood, saw Lin Yu's face turned pale, went up and patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, brother, I never do anything to my relatives and friends!"

"Friend?!" Lin Yu was taken aback.

He didn't know when he became Ding Xiu's friend, but he didn't dare to ask, so he could only grin and try to maintain his enthusiasm as a friend.


 PS: make up for yesterday

(End of this chapter)

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