Chapter 191
Han Zhao still kept a smile on his face, and just looked at Lin Yu so straightly that his scalp was numb and his vest was sweating.

"Mr. Ding Ding, if you are not satisfied with the price, we can still discuss it, you see." Lin Yu said in a panic.

"Dan Fang." Han Zhao grinned, showing his white teeth.

"Oh! Oh! I'm sorry, I almost forgot!" Lin Yu hurriedly took out two prescriptions from Sumeru's bag. Ding Xiu's terrifying strength just now shocked him so much that he only remembered the most Here comes the precious soul-nourishing wood.

"Brother, don't panic! I, Ding Xiu, are very trustworthy in my work. You should go quickly. No one will dare to come here for the time being."

Han Zhao opened the pill recipe and checked it roughly. After confirming that it was correct, he said to Lin Yu with a smile on his face.

As he spoke, he glanced at the sea in the distance, where there were a few small dots.

"Okay, okay! There will be a period later." Lin Yu nodded again and again as if he had been pardoned, and saluted Han Zhao respectfully, and immediately circulated his true energy to push the fast boat under his feet.

"and many more!"

Just as Lin Yu was about to sail away, Han Zhao suddenly made a sound, which shocked him.

"What's Mr. Ding's order?" Lin Yu bowed deeply.

"Brother, just now I heard someone call that red-haired man Ren Boss, does he come from some powerful force?" Han Zhao asked with a smile.

Hearing Han Zhao's question, Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and explained, "That man's name is Ren Zhiqiang, and he is a pirate leader in the vicinity, who specializes in blackmailing some caravans with no background."

"So that's it. I said that this person has a vicious face, his face is black, and he has a treacherous air all over him. He really is not a good person!"

Han Zhao looked solemn and upright.

"Please, brother, tell me where the pirate gang is entrenched, so that I can do justice for the heavens and get rid of the evil!"

When he collected the red-haired man's Xumi bag just now, he quickly checked it with his mental strength. Except for some gold beads, there was nothing of value.

It is impossible for a Martial Saint who is perfect in the Second Shade Realm to be so poor, and the other party still has a medium-grade fire-attribute supernatural power seed, so he will obviously prepare various resources to attack the Three Shade Realm.

Once they break through to the Three Shade Realm and develop small supernatural powers, there will be a huge gap in combat power between the First Shade Realm and the Second Shade Realm, otherwise there would not be so few Martial Saints in the Three Shade Realm.

Originally, Han Zhao was just planning to search the red-haired man's inheritance, but now it seems that this pirate gang has no conscience, and it is obviously reasonable for him to collect some money for doing good deeds.

"Those pirates are entrenched in Feipeng Island, which is about three thousand miles away, to the east of Beiming Island." Lin Yu said respectfully.

Sure enough, it's better to be careful when going out, and don't easily provoke people who don't know the basics.

Who would have thought that a small supernatural martial sage with astonishing strength would pretend to be a master of five qi, and be scolded by a martial sage in the second evil realm whose strength is far weaker than his own, and he didn't care at all.

"Thank you little brother for showing the way." Han Zhao arched his hands and said, he was going to use his true energy to push the fast boat under his feet.

Before the pirates noticed the death of the red-haired man, they had to land on the island early, otherwise these people might disperse and take away the money that should have belonged to him.

"Old Mr. Ding! The second leader on Feipeng Island is also in the second evil realm." Lin Yu reminded him aloud, but then stopped, even the boss couldn't handle the opponent's two moves, and the second leader might take every move No more.

"Thank you brother for reminding us that our deal is still valid. I will pay a visit after three months."

Han Zhao smiled calmly, and immediately came to the long-bearded old man who was killed just now, took away the sumeru bag from his body, and sucked up his energy and blood.

The clipper under Han Zhao's feet flew out like an arrow off the string, and disappeared in front of Lin Yu in an instant.

"This man is decisive in killing and attacking! Thunderbolt method! He keeps his promise again." Lin Yu sighed in his heart.

In fact, there is a larger piece of soul-cultivating wood in his sumeru bag.In addition, there are some elixir and gold beads, all of which are ready to be purchased and exchanged for elixir for healing.

Ding Xiu is greedy for money on the surface, but he is actually warm-hearted and chivalrous!Otherwise, he can wait for Boss Ren to kill him before making a move, and then all the property will be in his pocket.

"You can have a try." Lin Yu watched Han Zhao's back disappearing quickly and the warriors watching from a distance, and immediately used his true energy with all his strength, and urged the fast boat to leave this sea area.

He wanted to collect as soon as possible the elixir formula that could fully exert the medicinal power of Buyuanzhi, as well as the auxiliary medicine needed for alchemy.The Tianmo sect has gradually declined in recent years, but the emaciated camel is bigger than a horse, so there is still some foundation.

It's unbelievable to learn the refining of a high-level elixir in three months, but Lin Yu has a hunch that the other party can do it.

Not long after Lin Yu left the sea, the four warriors urged the fast boat to arrive. Looking at the calm sea, the four of them looked at each other, unable to calm down for a long time.

"Boss Ren just died like this?!"

One of them gasped.

"What kind of boss! He's just a pirate leader. He's domineering on weekdays, but he's kicked the iron plate today! Die well!" Another person sneered.

Despite all the talk, Ren Xeon is actually not an unknown person.

Within a radius of several thousand miles of Feipeng Island, apart from those powerful merchant ships, even if a seagull flew in the sky, two hairs would have to be plucked off as tolls.

"There are people beyond people, and there is sky beyond the sky. The water in the Northern Territory is too deep."

A Martial Saint who was in the first stage of Concentrating Shade sighed.

The expressions of the four of them were a little sad.

These are two warriors
It turned out to be like paper.

They didn't even have time to see each other's moves clearly.

Han Zhao urged the clipper to sail on the sea for more than 200 miles, and then gradually slowed down.

While refining the huge stellar qi and qi and blood absorbed in his body, he refined the evil energy at the same time.

At the same time, he began to carefully examine the spoils this time.

"This person should be a lone ranger." Han Zhao opened the mustache bag of the long-bearded old man, which contained treasures such as exercises, pills, silver notes, gold beads, and even clothes and daily necessities. Bring everything with you.

When he arrived at Lin Yu's place, he deliberately passed by the long-bearded old man. The other party was deterred by his strong energy and did not leave. He stayed on the sidelines not far away, obviously thinking of picking up the loopholes.

Then Han Zhao can't let him go.

The long-bearded old man's skills were not bad, but Han Zhao didn't like it, and the elixir was only low-grade and middle-grade, so he just took a look and put it away.

"45 gold beads and 200 million taels of silver notes."

Han Zhao counted the money inside, and the ratio of gold beads to gold was one to ten thousand.Of course, no one would be so stupid as to exchange gold beads for gold.

"With Ren Zhiqiang's sixty gold beads, this trip is really rich!" Han Zhao's eyes lit up.

As for the dozen or so fighters who robbed him at the beginning, he didn't bother to take it lightly, they were just poor ghosts with more than 200 million taels of silver notes.

"From this point of view, it is really abnormal for Tong Li to bring four hundred gold beads."

Han Zhao recalled that Tong Li, who was killed by him, was just a master of the four qi, and he had so much money on him, it is very likely that there will be a master to take care of him.

Maybe there are other people besides the one in the simulation.

"Anyway, Zhao Han killed the person, and it has nothing to do with Han Zhao. As for Ding Xiu, he is just a passer-by." Han Zhao smiled easily.

When he boarded the boat, although his head was still full of white hair, his appearance and aura had been changed through the turtle's breath technique, and he did not participate in the bidding for the treasure map fragments, so they could not be found on his head.

"This open sea is really suitable for me!" Han Zhao was so happy in his heart that he couldn't help but want to shout.

When he was inland, killing someone had to be simulated several times. If he was looking forward and backward, how could he want to be in the open sea, as long as he took the initiative to provoke the door, he would go up and do it.

Gouguigou, when it's time to do it, do it!
Vajra Immortality (86% for the second floor, can be improved)

【Fire: 85%】

"The conversion rate of one-twentieth of the evil spirit is still too low, but the progress of 15% increase in one breath is not bad."

After Han Zhao refined the stellar qi and baleful qi in his body, the progress of the Vajra Immortality Magical Art has greatly increased, and the improvement of baleful qi has also saved him more than a month of hard work.

"There is also a Martial Saint on Feipeng Island who is in the second evil realm, and he can increase his progress by 10%. It is hopeful that he can condense the second sky pulse and hit the third evil realm within half a year. Got it."

For ordinary people, it is more difficult to break through the realm than to accumulate in the same realm, but for Han Zhao, as long as there are enough attribute points, any bottleneck is a thin film, which can be broken at once.

As long as the accumulation of evil energy is complete, it is not difficult to condense the Tianmai, the resources are sufficient, and the body is strong enough to withstand the pain of the force of heaven and earth pouring into the body, and the Tianmai can be condensed as quickly as possible.

"Huh?" Han Zhao finished liquidating his belongings, refined his evil spirit and stellar energy, and was about to leave when he found someone driving a boat towards him.

"is her?"

Han Zhao gathered the longevity zhenqi in his eyes, his eyesight greatly improved, and he realized that the person who came was the woman in red who wanted to exchange high-level detoxification pills at the auction.

"Senior, please wait!"

The woman in red came not far from Han Zhao, bowed her hands and bowed, with an extremely respectful expression.

"What are you talking about with this old man?" Han Zhao said calmly.

"The little girl wants to ask senior for a high-level detoxification pill. I am willing to offer all my wealth, even if I am a slave." Some flattery, but the bitterness in the eyes is hard to hide.

"I don't have a high-level detoxification pill on me." Han Zhao looked up and down at the woman in red. She was good-looking, but he was not a thief, not to mention that cultivation and making money were much more important than sex.

"Senior! Little girl." The woman in red was anxious.

"I'm not interested in you, don't bother me." Han Zhao's face darkened.

"The little girl knows a warrior's cave, and there may be treasures inside. The little girl is willing to lead the way, and all the treasures in the cave belong to the seniors." The woman in red said quickly.

"Why do you think that the old man will trust a person who doesn't know the details and go to a place where he doesn't know the details."

Han Zhao said coldly.

"Your husband must have been poisoned by the Mitsubishi Viper in that cave, right?"

"The little girl and her husband are definitely not evil people. If you don't believe me, senior, you can ask about it. This Mitsubishi Viper is one of the top [-] strange poisonous things on the list of strange insects and beasts. Even martial saints can't completely resist this poison. Warriors who use this kind of poison to guard the cave are definitely not idle people. If seniors don't believe me, the little girl is willing to be a pathfinder, and her wealth and life are completely in the hands of seniors." The goddess in red is sincere.

"Even if the old man has the ability to refine high-level detoxification pills, he can't make pills without pill formulas."

Han Zhao pondered, the woman in red didn't look like she was telling a lie.

He had also heard about the strange insects and beasts list when he was in the interior, and the red python that Xue Han raised was the Fire Lin snake that ranked last on the strange insects and beasts list.

He was roasted and eaten.

When he was practicing in Zhongzhou, he also got the method of refining beasts with blood from the sumeru bags of some aristocratic children, but he had no chance to use it.

This Mitsubishi Viper can poison Wu Sheng, which makes Han Zhao very interested.

His current physique has surpassed the category of a body that is invulnerable to a hundred poisons, but when encountering some strange poisons, he will still be attacked, but it is much better than ordinary people.

"Little girl has pills! My husband was busy collecting pills and elixir in the cave, and was attacked by Mitsubishi Viper."

The woman in red explained.

"Go back and collect the medicinal materials needed for alchemy. After three months, go to Tianmozong to find me." Han Zhao said calmly, the most important thing at present is to break through the realm and practice, not treasure hunting.

What's more, the agreement with Lin Yu is more important, and the soul-cultivating wood is what he needs urgently.

"Senior, my husband has been poisoned for more than a year, and the poison has penetrated deep into the bone marrow. I'm afraid it will take less than three months. Moreover, the inner alchemy of a third-level monster cannot be bought in a short time."

The woman in red was so anxious that her voice choked up, she immediately untied the sumeru bag from her waist, and offered it with both hands.

"Here are the pills and elixir we got from the cave, as well as the entire net worth of my husband and I."

Han Zhao glanced at the red-clothed woman's sumeru bag, and said in a deep voice, "I haven't died from the poison for a year, which means the poison is not that terrible. The old man said that it can last for three months, and it can last for three months!"

As he spoke, he took out a porcelain bottle from his pocket and threw it over.


The woman in red frantically caught the porcelain vase.

"This is a mid-level detoxification elixir, high quality, more than enough to keep your husband alive for three more months." Han Zhao said lightly. After he was poisoned by the black membrane of Zhu Gangman that time, he specially refined the anti-drug elixir. Poison pill.

However, after the progress of the Vajra Art has greatly increased, even if he is still poisoned, he can circulate his true energy once with the effort of taking the detoxification pill, and the recovery speed is faster than taking the medicine.

So he has never refined the detoxification pill since then, and naturally he doesn't have much in stock.

"Thank you, senior, for giving me the medicine!" The woman in red opened the cork to check, and after confirming that the pill was correct, she held the porcelain bottle tightly with both hands, her knuckles turning white.

"This is the pill and elixir, please accept it, senior."

The red-clothed woman put the porcelain vase into a sumeru bag, and then took out a simple animal skin and a two-foot-square jade box.

"Hmm." Han Zhao took the animal skin and jade box and looked at it twice, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"The third-level monster Neidan who refines the high-level detoxification pill will prepare it. You can gather all the other auxiliary medicines." Han Zhao added.

After finishing speaking, he directly urged the Clippers to leave.

"Thank you, senior!" The woman in red came from behind with a crying voice.

Han Zhao followed the prestige.

The woman in red knelt down on the boat and made a big salute to him.

Han Zhao sighed in his heart and left quickly.

The expression of the woman in red reminded him of his former self. Maybe he was in the same state of mind when he came to beg Lu Yi.

"The teacher should be doing well."

The image of Lu Yi lying on a rattan chair and eating melon seeds appeared in Han Zhao's mind, and he couldn't help smiling.

In less than a day, Han Zhao traveled more than 3000 miles a day and finally arrived at Feipeng Island.

He turned the island upside down and returned with a rewarding experience.

After changing his appearance, he drove non-stop for three days, returned to Xibei City, beat Zhang Xiaowen in the alley at night, and asked him if he knew the details of Tong Li.

After confirming that Zhang Xiaowen didn't know much, Han Zhao left him the healing elixir and the hush money, then packed up and left overnight to go to Giant Kun City.

The next day, Han Zhao rented a separate small courtyard in the outer city of Jukun City, and one of the rooms was specially used as an alchemy room.

During this trip, I obtained high-level pills such as Jinshen Pill and Jiedu Pill, intermediate pills such as Qixue Pill, Shuining Pill, Zengyuan Pill, and Tusha Pill.

As long as you have the monster inner alchemy of the corresponding level, it will be much more convenient to refine the elixir.

From the perspective of alchemy, Waihai is indeed more suitable for Han Zhao.

At least equivalent to the monsters in the first, second, and third realms, he would kill one-on-one at will.

Han Zhao went to the 'Duobao Pavilion' in the city to buy a second-level monster inner alchemy and some auxiliary materials, which were used to refine new Qi and blood pills.

Han Zhao preheated the alchemy furnace, and then used the purchased second-level monster inner alchemy to refine the outer sea version of Qi and blood pill.

In less than 10 minutes, there was a popping sound from the pill furnace, and Han Zhao used his true energy to lift the lid, only to see five round red pills lying inside.

"There is actually a medium grade?! It seems that this brand-new alchemy system is a bit tricky." Han Zhao suddenly felt full of challenges.

In the past, when he refined Qi and blood pills, there were at least six pills in one furnace. This time he tried a new alchemy method, not only one was missing, but also a middle-grade pill appeared.

"If you use the innate strong yang energy to refine alchemy, this alchemy furnace may be damaged. It seems that to refine high-level elixir, you have to replace it with a better alchemy furnace."

Han Zhao closed his eyes and recalled the alchemy process just now. After summarizing his experience and learning lessons, he looked at the four-legged alchemy furnace in front of him and felt that the quality was a bit low.

Although a different method of alchemy was used, there would not be such a big gap, and the quality of the alchemy furnace would directly affect the success rate of alchemy and the quality of the elixir.

His alchemy furnace might not be able to withstand the temperature of refining the third-order demon pill.

"The most urgent task is to hunt and kill the third-order monsters."

Han Zhao put away the Qi and Blood Pill, then cooled down the furnace of the Pill, and put them together in the Sumeru bag.

A high-quality alchemy furnace can be called a second life for an alchemist. I'm afraid it can't be bought with money, even with gold beads.

However, if it is bartered, the probability of changing to a high-quality alchemy furnace is very high.

It is not so easy to obtain the inner alchemy of the third-order monsters. Unless it is a top-notch force, or generally has the power of a martial saint, it is impossible to hunt the third-tier monsters stably.

Fortunately, a third-level monster's inner alchemy is normally enough to refine ten furnaces of high-level elixir, and high-level elixir is extremely precious, even high-level alchemists do not often open furnaces for refining.

(End of this chapter)

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