Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 192 Breaking through the 3 evil realms!The sun really shows its power!

Chapter 192 Breaking through the three evil realms!The sun really shows its power! (Large cup supplement)
The next day, Han Zhao went to Duobao Pavilion in the inner city to buy information about third-tier monsters near Beiming Island.

"Chenghui accepts three gold beads from you"

Manager Li of Duobao Pavilion presented a jade slip with a smile, and then took three gold beads from Han Zhao who had transformed into a young version of Ding Xiu.

In the case of monsters alone, he is not afraid even if he encounters monsters comparable to the five evil spirits, but if he is unlucky and strays into the territory of the monster group, even if he has to use krypton life.

Therefore, the money for purchasing information and maps must not be saved.

Han Zhao put the jade slip on his forehead and began to investigate with his mental strength.

Soon, he nodded in satisfaction.

It not only records various types of monster groups, but also the corresponding monster species, general ranks, and talent attributes.

Among them, there are bright red texts marking several dead places in the Northern Territory, where there are either the settlements of the Beast Soul Department and the Tianyi Department of the Wu Clan, or the top monster beasts comparable to the Seven Evil Realms live alone.There are also sea areas suspected of being haunted by fourth-order monsters.

"Just as long as the customer is satisfied." Li Guanshi said with a smile on his face. He completed a big order as soon as he opened the door, and he got a lot of commission.

"By the way, Manager Li, I don't know if there is any way to attract third-tier monsters as soon as possible." Han Zhao continued.

"This shop sells a special 'Yao Yin Incense', which is enough to attract most second-level monsters, and a few third-level monsters will also be attracted by the incense. A 'Yao Yin Incense' can burn for twelve hours. It can be reused for a long time, and only five gold beads are needed."

The smile on Li Guanshi's face became brighter and brighter.

"Is there any way to be sure to attract a third-tier monster?" Han Zhao asked again. The second-tier monster inner alchemy can be used to refine middle-tier pills, but what he needs urgently is the third-tier monster inner alchemy.

"Well." Li Guanshi was startled, took a deep look at Han Zhao, and said immediately: "I dripped the juice of the 'Three Leaf Bodhi Flower' rhizome on the demon-inducing incense, which can definitely attract third-level monsters."

"The rhizome juice of the three-leaf bodhi flower?" Han Zhao was taken aback when he heard that. Among the elixir he got from Murong Qi was a complete six-leaf bodhi flower.

He kept the six-leaf bodhi flower and prepared to use it in the bottleneck period, or find an opportunity to refine it into a elixir to strengthen its power.

"Then what if we use the rhizome juice of six-leaf bodhi flower?"

"Six-leaf bodhi flower?!" The smile on Li Guanshi's face froze.

"Your honored guest was joking, the six-leaf bodhi flower is ten times more effective than the three-leaf bodhi flower, and it can purify the blood of spirit beasts.

Not only spirit beast bloodlines and spirit beast fighters regard it as a treasure, but monsters are even crazy about it.

If the rhizome juice of six-leaf bodhi flower is dripped on the demon-inducing incense, it may attract many third-level monsters.

Rumor has it that if the petals of the six-leaf bodhi flower are crushed into powder and sprinkled on the demon-inducing incense, it can even attract the fourth-level great demon king. "

"It's a pity, it would be great if there was the rhizome juice of the six-leaf bodhi flower." Han Zhao looked regretful.

"Honored guest, do you want more of this fragrance?" Li Guanshi asked quickly.

"Yes, of course!" Han Zhao took out five gold beads from the Sumeru bag and handed them to Guanshi Li.

"Guest, please wait a moment, I will send someone to fetch the Yinyao incense." Li Guanshi took the gold beads with both hands, and immediately ordered the waiter to go to the treasury to get the Yinyao incense.

The two stayed in the private room and chatted, and when the waiter got the Yinyao incense and handed it to Han Zhao, he got up and left.

"My dear guest, apart from buying and selling all kinds of treasures, this pavilion is also willing to buy monster inner alchemy at a high price!" Li Guanshi took Han Zhao all the way to the door of Duobao Pavilion.

"Understood, we will definitely cooperate if we have the opportunity." Han Zhao nodded and left quickly.


After Han Zhao returned to the rented yard, he prepared to simulate a simulation.

If the effect of the three-leaf bodhi flower is sufficient, then there is no need to use the six-leaf bodhi flower.

Although only the juice of the rhizome is used, it has little effect on the potency of the medicine, but Han Zhao still doesn't know when he can use the six-leaf bodhi flower, so it is best not to reduce the potency of the medicine.

【Collect all 280 reminder fragments, whether to synthesize an entry? 】

[Synthesis once, consumption prompt fragment 210, gold 300000 taels.]

"Synthesis, start simulation."

[At the age of 25, you bought Yaoyaoxiang from Wanbao Pavilion. 】

[Five days later, you rushed to the east of Beiming Island, near the sea area where the Snapping Turtle tribe is located, and ignited the demon incense on the isolated island. 】

[In just one hour, many second-order snapping turtles arrived and were killed by you. 】

[The next day, seeing that the demon-inducing incense was about to burn out, and there were no third-order monsters, you took out the juice from the rhizome of the six-leaf bodhi flower and dripped it on the demon-inducing incense. 】

[In just half an hour, four third-tier monsters appeared. 】

[Just as you killed all the monsters, a water dragon that is comparable to the perfect martial saint of the seven evil spirits appeared. 】

【You tried your best, but you were still invincible, and you were severely injured by the water flood. 】

[At a critical moment, you were rescued by an old man passing by. He forced the water flood back, and you were seriously injured and unconscious. 】

[26 years old, you recovered from your injuries under the care of the old man. 】

[After some conversation, you learned that he is Li Hentian, the vice president of the Eternal Life Association. Seeing that you are young and powerful, you came to rescue him. 】

【At his strong invitation, you joined the Eternal Life Association and used alchemy to repay Li Hentian for saving his life. 】

【With your amazing level of alchemy, relying on Li Hentian's relationship, you gradually came into contact with the core secrets of the Eternal Life Society. 】

[The Supreme Elder of the Eternal Life Association created a 'Secret Art of Controlling Spirits' based on the divine lines of the Wu Clan Beast Soul Division and the bloodline martial arts of the spirit beast warriors. 】

[This secret technique can be combined with alchemy to refine a special medicine called 'Beast Soul Pill', allowing warriors to obtain abilities similar to beast soul warriors. 】

[At the age of 27, you successfully broke through to the realm of the three evil spirits, and began to practice the small supernatural power of the sun. 】

[Eternal Life Club head coach Dong Ting hopes you can become his confidant and monitor Li Hentian's every move.You refused on the spot, so you lost the qualification to participate in refining the 'Beast Soul Pill'. 】

[Lian Dongting and Li Hen Tianshi are in the same boat. 】

[At the age of 28, you have cultivated to the perfection of the three evil realms, and when you were about to hit the bottleneck, you suddenly received bad news that Li Hentian was poisoned and died while going out to hunt monsters. 】

[You feel that this matter is strange, so you decide to pretend to seek refuge in Lian Dongting, and secretly investigate the truth. 】

[At the age of 29, you have cultivated to the realm of the four evil spirits, and you are trying to condense the third small supernatural power. 】

[At the critical moment when you were concentrating your little supernatural powers, you suddenly encountered a sneak attack from Lian Dongting. 】

[After a bloody battle, more and more martial saints from the Eternal Life Society appeared, and you were framed as a traitor by Lian Dongting. 】

[Seeing that there is no way to retreat, you resorted to the Kurong Style and the Killing God Style, and died together with Lian Dongting. 】

"Li Hentian?" Han Zhao looked at the information in the simulation and murmured in a low voice.

Because of the simulation before, he had a very bad impression of the Immortal Society, but he didn't expect that this simulation would be rescued by Li Hentian, the vice-chairman of the Immortal Society.

"What Li Guanshi said is not an exaggeration at all."

Han Zhao came back to his senses and remembered the original purpose.He didn't expect that with just a drop of the rhizome juice of the six-leaf bodhi flower, he would be able to attract the perfect water dragon from the seven evil spirits.

If the petals of the six-leaf bodhi flower are used, it is really possible to attract the fourth-rank great demon king.

"It seems that the rhizome juice of the six-leaf bodhi flower must be diluted before it can be dripped on the Yinyao incense."

[Current balance: Gold 1010000 taels]

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]


Without an entry, and without the memory of key recipes and secret techniques, Han Zhao chose attribute points.

[attribute point +1500]

[Seed of supernatural powers: mid-grade (270/300), can be refined, can be improved]

"System, upgrade the supernatural power seed." Han Zhao said silently in his heart.

Anyway, it's not far from the three evil realms, and this period of time is just the time to refine the supernatural powers. When they break through the three evil realms, they can directly condense small supernatural powers through the top-grade fire attribute god seeds.

In terms of explosive power alone, if the true sun scorpion is condensed into a small supernatural power, its power will definitely exceed the three-point return to vitality and Kurong style.

【Attribute points: 2300→570】

[Seed of supernatural powers: Ultimate (2000/2000), can be refined and improved; Small supernatural powers: None; Special effect: The power of small supernatural powers is doubled]

Han Zhao didn't use the remaining attribute points, and he planned to save them until he hit the bottleneck.

Three months passed quietly.

In the first ten days, Han Zhao dripped the rhizome juice of six-leaf bodhi flower, which had been diluted ten times, onto the demon-inducing incense. After consuming a drop of rhizome juice and ten incense-inducing incense, he finally killed six third-level monsters.

Among them, the strongest one is a little martial saint with supernatural powers comparable to the three evil realms.

Han Zhao exchanged one of the third-level monster inner alchemy for a high-quality alchemy furnace.

In the following time, Han Zhao basically practiced alchemy behind closed doors.

Eight days before the appointment to go to Tianmozong.

Han Zhao's batch of golden body pills finally yielded a mid-grade one.

At the same time, a prompt appeared on the system panel.

[The entry proficiency of 'Dansheng Reincarnation' has increased! 】

['The reincarnation of the Dansheng' entry has been improved in quality! 】

[Alchemy Reincarnation]: Red entry; alchemy qualification increased by 25 times; the success rate of refining low-level, middle-level, and high-level pills increased by 60.00%, 30.00%, and 15.00% respectively; After the refinement of high-level and high-level elixirs, there is a [-]%, [-]%, and [-]% probability of refining high-quality and super-quality Chengdan (the current entry limit has been reached)

"This golden body pill is really difficult to refine!" Han Zhao let out a long breath.

Before the entry was upgraded, he didn't have the success rate bonus of high-level pills, and he also increased the refining success rate of Golden Body Pill to [-]%.However, it has been unable to refine the middle-grade Golden Body Pill.

This Golden Body Pill is quite difficult to practice among high-level elixirs. It only took him ten days to refine the middle-grade high-level detoxification elixir, while the middle-grade Golden Body Pill took a month.

This is still in the case of using the third-level monster inner alchemy regardless of the cost.

Vajra Immortality (Second-level Dacheng 96%, can be improved)

"Difficult to practice is difficult to practice, the effect of the medicine is really strong!" Looking at the progress in the martial arts column, Han Zhao's eyes lit up.

Recently, alchemy has been the main focus, supplemented by cultivation, but this golden body pill has a very strong effect on improving body training techniques, second only to attribute points, and his diamond indestructibility supernatural power has directly improved from a small to a great level.

Most of the second Tianmai has been condensed.

As long as the Tianmai is completely condensed, it can start to attack the three evil realms.

At that time, his strength will be greatly improved.

"I really want to keep practicing like this."

Han Zhao put the elixir and the elixir furnace into the Sumeru bag, and was about to set off for Tianmozong.

Only by getting more Yangshenmu to help him practice the Three Spirit Transformation God Art can he truly improve the efficiency of his cultivation to the extreme. He must help in this field of Tianmozong.

The Heavenly Demon Sect is located on Demon God Island, four thousand miles south of Beiming Island.

The entire Demon God Island looks like a ring-shaped mountain range, like a dormant volcano.

The same is true.

Legend has it that the volcano leads directly to the underworld, which can induce Jiuyou demonic energy to fill the body.

At the beginning, the ancestor of the Tianmo sect founded the sect here for the purpose of the evil spirit at the bottom of the dormant volcano.

The last two suzerains of the Tianmo Sect are both minor supernatural powers and martial saints in the three evil realms, with strong strength.

However, in the past ten years, the two suzerains have been closed one after another, and outsiders have rumored that the two are dead, so that the Tianmo sect is declining day by day, and the rumors have become reality.

When the appointed time came, Lin Yu boarded the big ship in person to welcome Han Zhao.

"Mr. Ding, I finally expect you to come!" Lin Yu said excitedly.

"The old man arrived as promised." Han Zhao smiled, flew onto the boat, and followed Lin Yu into the cabin.

Afterwards, he took out a porcelain bottle containing the Golden Body Pill.

Lin Yu took it carefully, and opened the porcelain bottle to inspect the goods.

"It really is a golden body pill! And it's still a middle grade!" Lin Yu showed a look of horror, "The old man's alchemy is amazing, and the younger generation admires it!"

"Now we can continue to discuss cooperation." Han Zhao said lightly.

"This is the prescription of Buyuan Returning to the Void Pill." Lin Yu offered the prescription.

Han Zhao took the alchemy recipe and checked it out. The cumbersome alchemy techniques and harsh requirements made him frown slightly.

"Of course I want this soul-cultivating wood, but the refining difficulty of this pill is too high. It can be called the most difficult to refine among high-level pills. This old man is only [-]% sure, so it's hard to guarantee it."

Seeing his expression, Lin Yu said quickly: "Mr., as long as you can refine a pill to replenish the essence and return to the void, the complete soul-nourishing wood will belong to you."

"Okay! It's a deal! This matter is left to the old man, even if you use up this Buyuanzhi, you must refine a Buyuan Returning Void Pill!"

Han Zhao took out a Ganoderma lucidum the size of a white radish from the Sumeru bag, and patted his chest to make a promise.

"Thank you, senior!" Lin Yu bowed deeply.

"Don't thank me in a hurry, everyone gets what they need. It's just that the old man hates people who don't believe what they say. When the old man refines the Buyuan Returning Void Pill, you won't be unable to do this as the soul-nourishing wood Lord?"

Han Zhao's face darkened, and his whole body released an astonishing aura.

Lin Yu's heart was awe-inspiring, and he said seriously: "Don't worry, senior. My elder brother is not here. I may not be the master of the Tianmo sect, but this soul-cultivating wood is my Lin family's thing. I am the master!"

"That's good, otherwise it will be ugly to tear your skin apart."

Han Zhao nodded, he likes to put ugly words first.

"Yes!" Lin Yu replied.

"I need at least three months, can you wait?" Han Zhao's expression softened.

"Can't wait!" Lin Yu said quickly, even half a year or a year, he would have to wait, because he put all his hopes on the other party.

"Well, just arrange for me a room where I won't be disturbed, and I will make alchemy here with you."

"it is good!"

Lin Yu was overjoyed and immediately ordered the boatman to speed up to Demon God Island.

"By the way, there is something I need your help with." Han Zhao said suddenly when he landed.

"Senior, please tell me." Lin Yu said respectfully.

"In the last few days, that girl in red, Jiang Tan, will go to the Heavenly Demon Sect, so you give her this high-grade detoxification pill." Han Zhao took out another porcelain bottle, which contained a high-grade low-grade detoxification pill.


Three months later.

late at night.

Lin Yu was pacing back and forth in the study room of the apse on the halfway up Moshen Mountain.

"Brother has been locked up for so long, I don't know how his injury is doing?"

"Once the Dragon-Breaking Stone falls, at least a martial sage practicing martial arts in the Four Shalls Realm can lift it up. What if he is seriously injured and unconscious inside?"

Lin Yu's face was serious. If Ding Xiu successfully refined the Buyuan Returning Void Pill but couldn't send it in, wouldn't it be a waste of work.

"Second Lin, it seems that your eldest brother is in a very bad situation." Just when Lin Yu was at a loss, a mocking voice sounded from his side.

"Who?!" Lin Yu was shocked.

I saw a middle-aged man with a fair complexion and a Confucian shirt on the armchair at the back of the study.

"Gu Yuanshun?!" Lin Yu's complexion changed drastically when he saw the middle-aged man.

"You didn't die?! Are you not afraid of my elder brother?"

"Your elder brother used the method of disintegrating the demon, and he probably died a long time ago!" Gu Yuanshun sneered.

"I escaped death by a narrow margin. It was a blessing in disguise, and I broke through to the realm of the four evil spirits. No, I came to seek revenge on your elder brother just after I stabilized the realm!"

"You can try." Lin Yu was horrified and could only hold on.A year ago, when Gu Yuanshun visited the Demon God Mountain at night, he was severely injured by his elder brother.I didn't expect that he was injured so badly and he was still alive.

Hearing this, Gu Yuanshun's expression changed slightly. A year ago, he was severely injured by Lin Zhan and fell into the sea. Not only did he not die, but he accidentally swallowed an elixir from the sea. Not to mention his recovery, there were faint signs of a breakthrough.

So he retreated and practiced hard, and finally broke through to the Four Demon Realm recently, and his strength increased greatly.

However, in order to stabilize his hand, he endured until recently before making a move.

"Senior Ding!" While Gu Yuanshun was in a daze, Lin Yu circulated his whole body's true energy, rushed out of the study, and ran to the backyard.

"How dare you lie to me?!"

Gu Yuanshun was furious, flew to smash the window, and chased after him in the backyard.

Seeing Lin Yu running into a small courtyard, he punched out with both fists, bursting out with energy and strength, and two huge fist marks with a diameter of more than five meters flew straight to the wing.

Amidst a huge roar, the wall on the front of the wing room collapsed, sand and gravel were everywhere, and dust was flying.

Suddenly, a white-haired old man with a gloomy complexion sprang out.

Seeing Gu Yuanshun making a fist-retracting movement, he cursed loudly:

"You fucking!"

"Old man, are you looking for death?!" Gu Yuanshun was furious. If he didn't want to capture Lin Yu alive, he only used [-]% of his strength in the attack just now. How could the old man have the opportunity to speak out here.

"You'd better give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise I'll be mad." Han Zhao was so angry that he just felt overwhelmed, and when he finished a batch of golden body pills, he felt that he could at least have a top grade, when suddenly two huge fist marks blasted the wall It collapsed, and although he was unscathed, all the pills were destroyed.

"Get out!" Gu Yuanshun yelled angrily, and punched out suddenly, the double-sized fist print just now flew out suddenly, and bursts of black ripples rippled out from the fist print.

"?" Han Zhao was confused.

"Old." Gu Yuanshun sneered and watched Han Zhao being swallowed by the fist seal, however, the next second, he saw a strange scene, his little supernatural power 'Wu Shuang Fist' was dissipated in a whirlpool of qi.

The air in the backyard heated up rapidly in a very short period of time, and Gu Yuanshun felt that the air was heated and distorted.

Han Zhao's whole body was covered in scorching flames, and a fireball the size of a human head quickly condensed.

"Wait! It's a misunderstanding!!" Gu Yuanshun was shocked.

The sun is so bright! ! !

What responded to him was a giant fireball that rapidly expanded in size.

"Flee!" Before the fireball approached his body, the qi on Gu Yuanshun's body twisted. He punched out, and the fist mark collapsed before it was formed. He lost the will to fight instantly and ran away.

However, as the fireball expanded, its speed also increased sharply, hitting Gu Yuanshun's body like a flash.


The shrill screams stopped abruptly.

"It's all three evil realms, are you pretending to be your mother?!" Looking at the middle-aged man who had been reduced to ashes, Han Zhao cursed at his ashes.

Unhappy, he spit on it again.

Behind him, Lin Yu slapped himself hard.

After confirming that it was not a dream, he froze on the spot:
( ̄□ ̄)! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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