Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 193 Spirit Point?Magic pool?Heavenly Demon Sect Master!

Chapter 193 Spirit Point?Magic pool?Heavenly Demon Sect Master! (Large cup please order)
Han Zhao let out the fire in his heart and calmed down. The visitor had been reduced to ashes, leaving only a Xumi bag.

With a snap of his right hand, he sucked the Sumeru bag into his palm, and his mental power penetrated into it, his face turned black immediately.

Another short-lived ghost who doesn't take all his wealth with him when he goes out!

There are dozens of gold beads inside, some daily necessities, and nothing else.

Han Zhao stuffed the Xumi bag into his arms, then turned to look at Lin Yu behind him.

This person seems to be attracted by him.

"Who is this person and why did he attack you?"

"Senior, this person's name is Gu Yuanshun, and he is the head of the Gu family on Shengui Island." Lin Yu came back to his senses a little bit, and saluted Han Zhao respectfully, keeping his posture very low.

"The Gu family? This old man has a bit of an impression that there seems to be a great elder in the fourth evil realm. I didn't expect that the head of the Gu family is also in the third evil realm. The strength of the Gu family should not be underestimated."

Han Zhao pondered.

In the previous information, he saw the name of Gu Wugui, the elder of the Gu family, the Four Evil Realms.

not bad.

After all, among martial saints in this realm, very few of them with deep foundations will practice the second kind of small supernatural powers, and their strength will be greatly enhanced.

"Senior, in fact, this Gu Yuanshun is also in the realm of the four evil spirits." Lin Yu's voice was a little dry, but his heart was still full of shock.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! This person is at most at the level of entering the three evil realms." Han Zhao waved his hand and said solemnly.

In his rage just now, he released the small supernatural power of 'True Sun Gang' with all his strength, but he only broke through to the three evil realms last month, and the time for condensing the small supernatural power of 'True Sun Gang' was only about a month.

Although he has the strength to leapfrog fighting, he won't be able to kill a martial saint of the four evil realms in a single blow.

[True sun qi: the scorching true qi condenses into qi, which erupts in an instant at a terrifyingly high temperature, which can approach the surface temperature of the sun; through the condensing of supernatural powers into small supernatural powers, the power can be greatly enhanced. 】

[Seed of supernatural power: Ultimate (2000/2000), cannot be upgraded; Small supernatural power: True Sun; Special effect: The power of small supernatural power is doubled]

At this point, a system prompt appears.

"." Han Zhao fell into a short silence, thinking: "It seems that after the breakthrough, my strength has been greatly improved with the increase of the double small supernatural power, exceeding my expectations."

"Senior, this person..." Lin Yu didn't know what to say.

His elder brother Lin Zhan is regarded as the first genius of the Heavenly Demon Sect in a hundred years, and he has cultivated to the three evil realms at the age of 32.

Two years ago, Lin Zhan fought with Gu Wugui, the elder of the Gu family, and lost both sides.

A year ago, when Gu Yuanshun visited the Demon God Mountain at night, he was severely injured by Lin Zhan's method of disintegrating the demons. However, he himself fell into a coma due to the aggravation of his injuries.

Now this Gu Yuanshun has also broken through to the Four Demon Realm, even if his strength is not as good as Gu Wugui's, it is not something that ordinary martial saints can match.In the end, who would have thought that Gu Yuanshun would be instantly killed by this senior Ding.

"Actually, the old man was joking with you." Looking at Lin Yu's expression, Han Zhao knew that the strength he had just exposed was too amazing, so he quickly found a reason.

"The strength of this person is indeed astonishing. The old man was interrupted in alchemy just now, and he directly used a life-consuming trick in a rage, so he killed him with serious injuries."

Han Zhao covered his chest and coughed lightly.

"." The corner of Lin Yu's mouth twitched, watching him talking nonsense seriously.

"This person is looking for death, I won't take your money, but this is the loss of alchemy." Han Zhao changed the topic and changed the topic.

"The junior will do his best to meet all the alchemy needs of the senior!" Lin Yu said respectfully.

"The old man starts to like you a little bit." Han Zhao is also very pleased that Lin Yu is so kind.

"Senior, this junior can give you half of the soul-cultivating wood first, just ask the senior to refine the essence-returning void pill as soon as possible!"

Lin Yu gritted his teeth and made a decision.

Hearing this, Han Zhao shook his head: "No need, the old man has improved his alchemy skills recently, and he will soon be able to refine the Buyuan Returning Void Pill. At that time, you can just offer the complete Soul Cultivation Wood."

This soul nourishing wood is already in his pocket, there is no need to cut it off and affect its efficacy.

He had opened the furnace three times before, and the three furnaces of Buyuan Returning Void Dan had failed, but he had summed up a lot of experience, so he began to refine the Golden Body Pill to practice his hands again, and almost made a top-grade pill just now.

"Before the transaction is completed, if you have trouble, you can come to the old man." Han Zhao added.

"Thank you, senior!" Lin Yu showed joy. Now that his elder brother is seriously injured, he has already thought of the worst possibility. Now that there is such a principled master by his side, he decided to hold this thigh tightly.

"Of course, brothers have to settle accounts clearly. Helping you is something other than a transaction." Han Zhao emphasized: "We need to pay more!"

"Yes!" Lin Yu bowed deeply.

"Someone is here. You can handle it yourself. The old man has gone to the back room to make alchemy." Han Zhao waved his hand, and disappeared in front of Lin Yu in a flash.

Not long after he left, a group of warriors dressed in standard purple and black clothes came outside the courtyard holding torches and lanterns.

The scorching air of the sun's true star dissipated still remained in the air.

Compared with the collapse of the walls of the wing rooms in the courtyard, the black pit outside the courtyard, a large piece of bluestone slabs completely disappeared, and the land at the edge turned into a black-red fluid, like rolling magma, exuding terrifying heat.

"Nephew Yuxian, are you okay?! What happened?"

A purple old man with a dove-shaped face stepped forward to inquire. He was extremely thin and haggard.

This person is Shi Mingxiao, the Great Elder of the Heavenly Demon Sect. The current strength of the Heavenly Demon Sect is second only to Lin Zhan's Martial Saint powerhouse.

Lin Yu glanced at him, then looked around at the people in the field, and said calmly: "Someone broke into my study just now and tried to harm me, but he was beheaded by my elder brother."

"What? The suzerain is out!"

"The suzerain is not"

"Great! The suzerain master has achieved great success! We don't need the bird spirit of the Gu family anymore!"

When the warriors in the arena heard the words, most of the warriors in black showed joy on their faces.

Black clothes are the standard attire for inner disciples at the level of practicing energy.

And the ones in purple clothes are the elders of the visceral training grandmaster realm and the condensed evil martial saint realm.

Shi Mingxiao said in a deep voice: "Since the suzerain personally made the move, where is the suzerain now?"

"After recovering from the injury, the eldest brother has made great progress and just broke through to the realm of the four evil spirits. Now the realm is not yet stable, so he has returned to the Tianmo Cave. He will not officially leave the level until he has thoroughly practiced the second small supernatural power! "

Lin Yu said lightly, now that he has Ding Xiu's backing, he is full of confidence. When Ding Xiu refines the Buyuan Returning Void Pill, his eldest brother's injury will be healed, and there is no need to be afraid of Shi Mingxiao by then.

During this period of time, Shi Mingxiao pressed on every step of the way, he had already reached the limit of his endurance, and now he finally let out a fierce breath of anger.


"Sect Master has broken through!"


"When the sect master masters the second small magical power, our Heavenly Demon Sect will definitely be able to take it to the next level and become the top power second only to the Xu family of Jukun City and the Lan family of Xibei City."

"This time, we must remind Parent Gu to remember!"

Hearing Lin Yu's confident words, the disciples of Tianmo sect in the field looked excited.

"The suzerain really made a breakthrough?!" Shi Mingxiao's expression was a little uncertain.

"If Elder Shi doesn't believe it, you can go to the Tianmo Cave to find out." Lin Yu smiled.

"Nephew Yuxian was joking." Shi Mingxiao's expression froze. Once the Broken Dragon Stone fell, unless it was opened from the inside, it would be impossible to lift it without the strength above the Four Demon Realm, and he didn't dare to try.

He knows much more about what happened tonight than others, because he secretly informed the Gu family to send someone to kill Lin Yu, and then he took the opportunity to take the position of suzerain.

It's just that what happened tonight was completely beyond his expectations.

Judging from the traces left at the scene, the battle lasted very short and should end soon.

"This damned Gu Yuanshun, who has broken through to the realm of the four evil spirits, is still so timid." Shi Mingxiao cursed inwardly.

He felt that the Gu family must have only sent a martial sage who was in a bad state to assassinate Lin Yu, otherwise the battle would not have ended so quickly and the excellent opportunity he created was wasted.

If Gu Yuanshun came in person, even if Lin Zhan broke through to the realm of the four evil spirits, his realm would definitely be unstable, and he would definitely not be Gu Yuanshun's opponent.

"Where are the disciples in charge of the night watch tonight?" Lin Yu changed the subject.

"Reporting to the suzerain, the disciple in charge of the night watch is gone!" An elder in purple said respectfully. Before Lin Zhan retreated, Lin Yu was appointed as the acting suzerain. Lin Zhan has been in retreat for the past two years, and many people are not convinced, but now Lin Zhan Zhan not only recovered from his injuries, but also made great progress in his skills. It would be too late to show his loyalty at this time.

"These dog things that eat inside and out! They even colluded with outsiders!"

Lin Yu said coldly, and glanced at Shi Mingxiao from the corner of his eye.

Lin Yu felt that what happened tonight must have something to do with Shi Mingxiao, otherwise even Gu Yuanshun would not be able to sneak into the study in the apse without anyone noticing.

He really didn't expect Shi Mingxiao to do this. He was rescued by his father at the beginning, and the two became brothers with different surnames later.

Lin Yu has always regarded Shi Mingxiao as a respectable elder, but now Shi Mingxiao wants him to die in order to win the suzerain position!
"Can't let these people go, kill them!"

The inner disciples were furious.

"Elder Chen, I'll leave this matter to you." Lin Yu said to a bald man in the crowd.

"Yes, acting suzerain, this subordinate is on a mission now!" Chen Feiying saluted respectfully, and immediately left with a few punished disciples.

"It's all gone, remember! Before my elder brother leaves customs, don't leak what happened tonight. Everything will be discussed after my elder brother leaves customs."

Lin Yu said solemnly with his hands behind his back.

"Yes! I'll take my leave!" Everyone saluted in unison.

Before Shi Mingxiao left, he looked at the collapsed wall of the wing room in the courtyard.

After he walked out of the apse and returned to his room, he immediately summoned his confidant warriors.

"You immediately find an opportunity to go to Gu's house, inform Gu Yuanshun to ask him why he didn't come in person, and give Lin Zhan and Lin Yu a chance to breathe! Tell him to act early, otherwise this elder will have to change people to cooperate!"


Shi Mingxiao waited until his confidant warrior left, and recruited another person. The other person was tall and strong, with a bald, shiny head. He was Chen Feiying, the head of the Punishment Hall.

"Elder Shi, this is different from what you said before!" Chen Feiying asked Shi Mingxiao before he could speak.

"How does this old man know that Gu Yuanshun is so unreliable!" Shi Mingxiao's expression darkened.

"Now that the suzerain has broken through the four evil realms, it is estimated that he will leave the customs soon. At that time, we will not be able to please any of us." Chen Feiying said worriedly.

"What are you afraid of! Even if Lin Zhan really breaks through, the Gu family still has two Martial Saints of the Fourth Shade Realm, plus the old man and you cooperate internally and externally, no matter how strong Lin Zhan is, he will have to drink his hatred on the spot."

Murderous intent flashed in Shi Mingxiao's eyes.

"I hope so." Chen Feiying sighed, looking a bit lacking in confidence.

When Lin Zhan used the method of disintegrating the demon to fight against Gu Yuanshun, he was also on the scene. The deterrence Lin Zhan gave him was too strong!If Shi Mingxiao hadn't repeatedly assured that Lin Zhan was seriously injured and died, he would not have dared to betray.

"Hmph! Whether Lin Zhan has really made a breakthrough or not is something to talk about!" Shi Mingxiao sneered.

"You mean?" Chen Feiying's expression changed.

"The old gang leader is my righteous brother. No one knows the secrets of the Lin family better than me. It is possible to survive after using the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Dafa, but it is absolutely impossible to recover from injuries and break through to the Four Evil Realms!" Shi Mingxiao said in a deep voice. road.

"Then who is the person who shot tonight? The traces left on the scene are definitely caused by the little supernatural power!" Chen Feiying was puzzled.

"Lin Yu has been secretly looking for the alchemist for more than half a year. He thought I didn't know. It must be that Lin Zhan's injury has reached a serious level, otherwise he wouldn't be in such a hurry. He secretly brought it back some time ago An old man lives in the courtyard where the battle took place tonight, so." Shi Mingxiao explained.

"You mean, the person who shot tonight is not Lin Zhan, but the old man?" Chen Feiying was stunned.

Shi Mingxiao was a little speechless. He didn't understand why Chen Feiying only had muscles but not brains. He said in a deep voice:
"That alchemist should have concocted some kind of elixir that can alleviate the injury or stimulate vitality. Tonight may be the last time Lin Zhan appears."

"So, Lin Yu is bluffing!" Chen Feiying understood.

This makes sense.

It was indeed Lin Zhan who made the move, but he probably did it forcefully. In order to frighten everyone, he tried his best to create a false impression of his great strength.

"Anyway, I underestimated Lin Yu before, and he really found a mid-level alchemist. Go and investigate the details of that alchemist, if necessary." Shi Mingxiao put his hand on his neck and swiped hard .

"Don't worry, this matter is on me." Chen Feiying smiled easily, this matter is simple.

"Go get ready, keep quiet for a while, and wait for the Gu family's reply. The next shot will definitely be a thunderbolt!" Shi Mingxiao ordered.

"Okay!" Chen Feiying left the room.

In the empty room, Shi Mingxiao whispered.

"Brother Yi, don't blame me. The soul-cultivating wood will not be of much use to Lin Yu. Why don't you give it to me, and I will definitely carry forward the Tianmo sect!"

Ten days after the night attack, the Heavenly Demon Sect was still investigating the traitor, but found nothing.

After Han Zhao changed to a wing, Lin Yu directly lived in the room opposite him, saying that he wanted to protect the law for him and prevent anyone from disturbing his alchemy.

Han Zhao knew what Lin Yu was thinking, but he didn't expose it.

Anyway, as long as you add more money, even if you are a martial saint in the five evil realms, Han Zhao is willing to meet him for a while.


In the room, a purple-gold three-legged alchemy furnace floated in the air. As Han Zhao continued to inject fiery qi, the temperature in the furnace rose sharply. When the temperature reached its peak, there was a muffled sound from the alchemy furnace. There was a sound, and then, wisps of white mist overflowed.

The room was quickly enveloped by a strong medicinal fragrance. Seeing this, Han Zhao waved his sleeve robe, and his true energy set off wisps of breeze, gathering the white mist.

"Good! Great!"

Han Zhao opened the pill furnace with true energy, and looked at the three round and full milky white pills inside, with a happy expression on his face.

A plant of Buyuanzhi, a third-order monster inner alchemy comparable to a martial saint in the three evil realms, plus other auxiliary medicines, can only refine ten batches of Buyuan Returning Void Pill at most. Han Zhao failed four batches in a row, and finally this The fifth furnace was a success.

And among the three pills, one is low-grade, and the other two are middle-grade.

"This is me. If it were any high-level alchemist, it would be impossible to succeed so quickly."

Han Zhao felt very happy in his heart.

"Come again!"

Han Zhao skillfully put in various medicinal materials, waited until the power of one medicinal material was brought into full play in the tempering of the furnace fire, and then put in the next medicinal material.

In this way, he practiced alchemy from the afternoon until late at night, and finally used up the remaining five medicines.

Of the remaining five potions, four pots succeeded and one pot failed.

Altogether five batches of Buyuan Returning Void Pills were refined, a total of [-] pills, five low-grade, eight middle-grade, three high-grade, and one top-grade.

After putting away the alchemy stove, Han Zhao took out a low-grade Buyuan Returning Void Pill and swallowed it into his stomach. A powerful medicinal power rose from the lower abdomen, flowed rapidly through the hundreds of veins, and finally gathered in the Tianmai. Han Zhao's originally condensed two heavenly veins became more solid, and the foundation became deeper and deeper.

The energy and blood in his whole body surged like ocean waves, growing stronger in cycles.

At the same time, Han Zhao's gray hair, which had not recovered for a long time, finally completely returned to its original black and beautiful appearance.

"The medicinal power of this Buyuan Returning Void Pill is beyond my expectation."

Han Zhao's eyes lit up. In this way, he can start to practice the Three Spirit Transformation Art. The sooner he can condense two clones, the sooner he can increase his practice speed.

With this nourishing essence returning to the void pill, the recovery process of his stellar qi and qi and blood will be greatly shortened.

Coupled with the 600-year-old complete soul-cultivating wood, the recovery speed of mental power has greatly increased.

"Get the soul-cultivating wood first."

Han Zhao stored each Pill of Buyuan Returning to the Void separately in a porcelain bottle. For this level of pills, several pills should not be placed together, as it would affect the efficacy of the medicine.

He definitely wanted to stay on his own.

According to the agreement, he has completed the transaction for Xiapin Dan.

But he is not the kind of person who cares about every detail. As long as he is not facing the enemy, he has to fulfill his promise without any compromise.

So if the low-grade pill can't cure Lin Yu's elder brother, then Han Zhao will give a middle-grade pill, and if it doesn't work, give him a high-grade pill.

If the top-grade pill is not good, there is probably no need to give the top-grade pill.

Judging from the potency of the lower-rank Buyuan Returning Void Pill just now, if it is an injury that even the top-rank pill can't cure, it is estimated that Lin Zhan's elder brother will not be able to survive this time.

Han Zhao walked out of the yard, came to Lin Yu's room opposite, and knocked on the door.

When Lin Yu heard the knock on the door, he opened the door without wearing shoes.


"The old man has refined the elixir. Do you give it to your elder brother yourself, or do you want me to go with you!" Han Zhao took out a porcelain bottle from his arms.

"It's been refined?!" Lin Yu was surprised and delighted, and took the porcelain bottle in Han Zhao's hand with both hands.He opened the cork, and inside the bottle was a milky white pill.

He just sniffed it lightly, and he felt faint signs of the blood in his body growing.

"What a powerful medicine!"

Lin Yu is overjoyed, just smelling it will have this effect. If he swallows it directly, he may be able to break through to the five-qi realm soon. The realm-breaking pills that are the bottleneck of entering the sage are completely fine.

Of course, he just thought about it. Healing the eldest brother is the key.

"This is the soul-nourishing wood promised to seniors." Lin Yu took out a long jade box from the sumeru bag and offered it with both hands.

Even with the barrier of the jade box, Han Zhao felt a strong wave of mental power.

He took the jade box and opened it, only to see a long strip of black wood in the jade box, which at first glance looked like a round stick of charcoal.

"It really is the soul-cultivating wood!" Han Zhao put the jade box away again and patted Lin Yu on the shoulder.

"Senior, please go to the Tianmo Cave with me. If there is no token, if you want to open the broken dragon stone at the entrance of the cave from the outside, you need at least a martial sage who has completed the four evil realms." Lin Yu saluted respectfully.

"That's another price." Han Zhao pondered: "But for the sake of being so straightforward, I will help you with this job for free."

"Thank you senior, after you give the medicine to my elder brother, you can go to the heaven-level treasure house in our sect to choose freely, the key is in my elder brother's hands." Lin Yu said seriously, although Han Zhao didn't want it, but such a powerful man He is a high-level alchemist who keeps his word, and he really wants to make friends with him.

"Don't worry, your business is mine! I promise to heal his injury!" Han Zhao said with a smile on his face.

"It's not too late for this matter, let's go!"

Saying that, Han Zhao took the lead to walk out of the yard.

Seeing this, Lin Yu hurried forward to lead the way.

The two took advantage of the night to go to the Tianmo Cave on the top of the mountain.

A tall man in night clothes is far behind him.

Although Han Zhao found out, he ignored it.

Since you want to help, let's do it once and for all.

Soon, the two of them came to the top of the Demon God Mountain. On the cliff, a cave with a height of only three meters stood there alone.

After entering the cave, the width is barely enough for two people to walk together.

After walking down for about a hundred meters, it suddenly became clear in front of him. In front of the huge stone wall, there was a huge stone gate about ten meters high and five meters wide.

"Senior, this is the Broken Dragon Stone. It is an extraterrestrial meteorite discovered by the ancestors of the Heavenly Demon Sect. However, it cannot be forged, so after cutting it, it is used as a stone gate. The Dragon Broken Stone is one piece and heavy."

Lin Yu stands in front of the stone gate.


A loud bang cut him off.

I saw Han Zhao put his left hand into the circular hole at the bottom of the stone gate, and with a fist punch, the huge stone gate was lifted up by him.

"." Lin Yu rubbed his eyes.

He raised the Broken Dragon Stone with one hand, is this a humanoid dragon? !

Seeing Lin Yu's stunned look, Han Zhao smiled and said, "Actually, I am born with supernatural power!"

Seeing that the other party still didn't move, he urged: "I can't lift it anymore!"

Lin Yu glanced at Han Zhao's right hand behind his back, twitched the corner of his mouth, and walked into the cave.

After Han Zhao lifted the Broken Dragon Stone, the entire huge stone gate was sucked into the groove on the top.

Entering the cave, the whole cave is not big, only less than [-] square meters, and there is a dark pool in the middle, occupying three quarters of the cave.

[The magic cave that has not yet been enlightened, the depth of the magic pool contains a large amount of magic energy and a small amount of pure yin energy, it is a holy place for practitioners of magic skills. 】

A system prompt appears.

"Magic pool? Could it be that this is also a spiritual place?! There is still pure yin energy!" Han Zhao's eyes widened.

At this time, he noticed that on the other side of the magic pool, facing the entrance of the cave, there was a man in his 30s sitting cross-legged on a futon.

This man has a majestic and resolute face, but he has no breath. It is obvious that Lin Yu's elder brother Lin Zhan has been dead for a long time.

"Brother!!" Lin Yu knelt down in front of the man, crying loudly.

"Hey, the true energy in his whole body has dissipated, and even the power in the supernatural power seed has begun to decline. He has been dead for at least ten months." Han Zhao sighed, there is no way out.

"Senior! I'll give you everything from the Heavenly Demon Sect! I just ask you to avenge me!" Lin Yu's eyes were red and his face was contorted. He took off the Xumi bag from Lin Zhan's waist and offered it with both hands.

"I can keep you safe and help you quell the civil strife in the Heavenly Demon Sect. As for revenge, I will accept Gu Wugui's life!"

Han Zhao said sternly, he is bound to obtain the demonic energy and pure yin energy in this demonic pool, even if he uses the kryptonite method, he will not hesitate.

Bang bang bang!
"Thank you, senior!" Lin Yu kowtowed three times.

Seeing Lin Yu crying and sobbing, Han Zhao thought of his elder brother whom he had never met.


Han Zhao took a closer look at Lin Zhan's appearance and figure, and amidst the sound of bones rubbing against each other, he changed into Lin Zhan's appearance.

"From today onwards, I will stand in place of your eldest brother!"

Han Zhao patted Lin Yu on the shoulder and comforted him softly.

"Senior. Big brother!" Lin Yu fell to the ground, a tough man, crying convulsively.

"Follow me! Big Brother vents your anger on you!"

Han Zhao waved his sleeve robe and walked out of the Heavenly Demon Cave.

 PS: My hand hurts today, so I will update it with a guarantee

(End of this chapter)

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