"Wipe away your tears, and then tell me Lin Zhan's speaking habits and style of doing things."

When Han Zhao walked to the entrance of Tianmo Cave, he reached into his arms, took out a black handkerchief, and threw it at Lin Yu.

Lin Yu took the handkerchief, wiped away the snot and tears on his face, and said quickly: "Brother is domineering and straightforward, with clear rewards and punishments. He is usually unsmiling. The elders and disciples respect him very much."

Speaking of this, Lin Yu felt sad. A year ago, his elder brother left the customs and severely injured Gu Yuanshun. He probably had his last breath.

It's a pity that his aptitude is really poor compared to his elder brother, otherwise he could have shared a lot of pressure for his elder brother, so that he wouldn't die alone in this cold Heavenly Demon Cave.

"In this way, it will be easier to handle." Han Zhao said in a deep voice, suppressing his throat. He can use the tortoise breath technique and disguise technique to imitate a person's appearance exactly, but the voice and habit of speaking will not change in a short time. Can imitate to the essence.

According to Lin Yu's instructions, Han Zhao took out a purple-black metal token from Lin Zhan's sumeru bag, injected the stellar energy into it, and the dragon-breaking stone at the entrance of the cave fell again with a roar, separating the inside and outside of the cave. Complete isolation.

The two walked out of the cave and came to the platform on the top of the cliff.

A group of people rushed towards this side quickly.

"Brother ex." Lin Yu's expression tightened and he was a little flustered. He didn't expect these people to come so quickly.

Although Senior Ding is powerful and invincible in the Heavenly Demon Sect, if his identity is exposed, it will be very difficult to take revenge.

Because Tianmozong and the Gu family are both members of the Wushen League, they are nominally protected by the Wushen League, and the guardian elders of the Wushen League generally will not intervene in the battles between the forces within the alliance.

Lin Yu's original idea was to let senior Ding secretly kill Gu Wugui, the elder of the Gu family, and then clean up the traitors in the sect.

Anyway, after getting along for this period of time, Lin Yu also knows that senior Ding is not a person who is greedy for power, and he will never have the idea of ​​seizing Tianmozong. If he can keep him with money and resources and let him stay in Tianmozong, it is equivalent to giving Zongmen recruited a super powerful foreign aid.

But if Senior Ding is exposed in public about pretending to be the suzerain, if someone reports to the Martial God League that an outsider intends to seize the position of the suzerain of the Heavenly Demon Sect, some factions within the Valkyrie League will probably take action. After all, the magic pool of the Tianmozong is for practicing magic The perfect place has long been remembered by interested people.

"It doesn't matter." Han Zhao smiled lightly. He has been the actual power holder in the Nujiao Gang for several years. Let him play facial paralysis. He is a professional.

Feeling the strong confidence of senior Ding, Lin Yu felt a little settled.

After a while, a group of warriors came to the platform on the top of the cliff led by the great elder Shi Mingxiao and the head of the penalty hall Chen Feiying.


"Sovereign! Are you out of customs?"

"See Sect Master!"

When everyone saw the tall figure standing in front of Lin Yu, they were both surprised and happy. The suzerain actually came out of the gate.

The warriors in the arena saluted one after another.

Han Zhao stood with his hands behind his back, staring blankly at everyone.

"Sovereign, subordinates," Chen Feiying saw Lin Zhan's gaze resting on him, and suddenly felt chills in his heart, tremblingly said.

"Chen Feiying, are you convicted?" Han Zhao said calmly, his voice low and hoarse.

Chen Feiying's body trembled, and suddenly he saw Lin Zhan's mouth open, a golden flame as thick as a thumb spewed out from his mouth, and landed on him in an instant.

"Sect Master?! Ah—!" The flames swelled into a large fireball with a diameter of more than two meters in less than a breath, completely covering Chen Feiying's body, and the screams of pain were high-pitched and Urged, and finally stopped abruptly.

Han Zhao opened his mouth and inhaled, and the huge fireball flew towards him again, contracted sharply in mid-air, and turned back into a golden flame as thick as a thumb, which was swallowed by him.


Only a pile of ashes more than three inches high was left on the spot, and as a strong wind from the top of the cliff blew past, it took away the last trace of Chen Feiying in the world.

"Hiss!" The inner disciples in the field suddenly gasped.

The purple-clothed elders also had cold hands and feet and kept silent like cicadas.

"Sovereign, what did Master Chen do wrong? You actually want to kill him directly?!" Shi Mingxiao was also taken aback, and asked in a deep voice.

Han Zhao's lips parted slightly, and an astonishing heat gushed out from his mouth, and the air was slightly distorted by the heat.

Everyone felt that the temperature in the air had risen again, and they all felt awe-inspiring. No wonder the suzerain's voice became so hoarse. It turned out that he had practiced such a terrifying little fire-attribute supernatural power, which was really astonishingly powerful.

Han Zhao looked around the crowd, overjoyed in his heart, and looked at him with reverence, because the Heavenly Demon Sect will rise again, and it will be even better than before.

But those with different intentions are afraid and afraid to look directly. Some of them already have the idea of ​​changing their family and have already put it into action.

In the end, Han Zhao looked at Shi Mingxiao, and said in a hoarse voice, "While my suzerain is in seclusion and cultivating small supernatural powers, eating inside and outside, colluding with outsiders, should I die?"

"Evidence is necessary for everything, the suzerain has not yet." Shi Mingxiao stopped suddenly in the middle of speaking.

"It seems that Elder Shi has remembered." Lin Yu stepped forward and said coldly: "The iron law of the sect, no one is allowed to come to the top of the Demon God Mountain without the permission of the suzerain.

Lin Feiying, as the head of the penalty hall, knew the law and broke the law, and the crime was aggravated.As for the evidence of his collusion with outsiders, does Elder Shi really know nothing about it? "

"Nephew Yuxian was joking. The old man was also deceived by Lin Feiying. He notified the old man that someone with a plot to sneak into the Heavenly Demon Cave, so he asked the old man to call the disciples of the sect to protect the suzerain." Shi Mingxiao's thoughts changed sharply. According to the principle, he immediately gave in and pushed all the blame on Lin Feiying.

Although doing so couldn't completely remove him, Lin Zhan couldn't directly attack him now that someone was taking the blame, not to mention he had a backer behind him.

"You!" Lin Yu clenched his fists, his body trembling with anger. What happened last time made him certain that Shi Mingxiao was inseparable from Gu Yuanshun's sneaking into Demon God Mountain a year ago.

"Capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes cannot be escaped." Han Zhao said calmly.

"What the suzerain said is that although the old man trespassed on the top of the Demon God Mountain because he was worried about the suzerain's safety, he violated the rules after all. I will go to the penalty hall to receive the punishment."

Shi Mingxiao said in a deep voice, the situation is stronger than others, and he doesn't want to give the other party a reason to make trouble now.Especially the news from Gu's family made him fear that Gu Yuanshun had disappeared.

This made him think of an amazing possibility.It was Gu Yuanshun who visited Demon God Mountain that night, but he was killed by Lin Zhan.

"No need." Han Zhao chuckled.

"Thank you, suzerain, suzerain." Shi Mingxiao was overjoyed when he heard the words. It seems that this retreat has made Lin Zhan grow a lot. He knows that even if he breaks through, he will have to rely on his assistance to restore the Tianmo sect to its former prestige quickly. A few more soft words, and this is over.

"It's right here." Han Zhao added.

"Sect Master?" Shi Mingxiao was startled, suspecting that he had heard it wrong.

"Lin Yu." Han Zhao didn't turn his head.

"The subordinate is here!" Lin Yu behind him responded loudly.

"From now on, you are the head of the Punishment Hall. Tell me, what kind of punishment should I receive for trespassing on the top of the Demon God Mountain?" Han Zhao said lightly.

"Trespassing on the top of the Demon God Mountain without permission, according to gang rules, should be punished with death! But the law does not punish everyone, so he should be punished with a broken arm. Elder Shi has a reason for the incident, so he can be punished lightly, so he should be sentenced to whipping? What does the suzerain think? ?”

Lin Yu stared at Shi Mingxiao bitterly. Since he couldn't kill him now, he would humiliate him severely.

"Yes." Han Zhao replied.


Hearing the words, the warriors in the field all changed their complexions, especially some warriors who had been whipped turned pale. This is not an ordinary punishment.

The rattan used for whipping was specially made, soaked in the water of the magic pool in the Tianmo Cave, and contained pure cold and evil energy.

The tortured can't resist with true energy and strength, but can only resist with physical strength. With a whip, even the master of Henglian will be bruised and bruised.

However, the warriors of the Heavenly Demon Sect basically practice magic skills, so the cold and cold devil energy in the rattan entering their bodies will not bring them substantial harm, but will slowly refine the magic energy during the recovery process, allowing them The cultivation base has made a small improvement.

Of course, no one would be willing to be whipped for this bit of devilish energy.

It hurts so much!
Moreover, if you are spanked in public, even if you become an elder in the future, there will be a saying among the disciples of future generations——

'Hey, new junior brother, you don't know yet, don't look at the majestic appearance of a certain elder now, he violated the rules of the school when he was young and ignorant, was whipped in public, and his ass was beaten into eighth grade! '

All in all, whipping is not less harmful and extremely insulting punishment.

"Scholars can be killed, but not humiliated! This old man is willing to suffer the punishment of breaking his arm!" Shi Mingxiao gritted his teeth and said, being whipped in public, even if he took revenge afterwards and ascended the position of suzerain, this incident will be a lifetime of shadow.

"You have no choice." Han Zhao glanced at him indifferently.

"Sect Master! Elder Shi has worked so hard! You can't treat him like this!"

"Elder Shi is still the foster brother of the old suzerain, he is your elder!"

"Sovereign, you can't treat meritorious ministers like this!"

As soon as Han Zhao finished speaking, before Shi Mingxiao could speak, three elders in purple clothes from the gang came forward to intercede.

Judging by the suzerain's appearance, it was clear that Shi Mingxiao was going to make a name for himself. They didn't want to stand out at this time, but they boarded Shi Mingxiao's boat, and it was impossible to get off the boat. They had to go all the way to the dark.

"It's not your turn yet, but you jumped out in a hurry!" Han Zhao sneered.

"Sect Master?!" The three were taken aback.

Han Zhao stretched out his right hand, which was carried behind his back, and grasped it with his fingers. With a light shot, everyone felt a terrifying suction force.

"Ah!" The three purple-clothed elders who were in the center of the suction force felt his murderous intentions, and immediately shouted angrily, their feet slammed on the ground, and the ground was stamped out of two pits like tofu, and their calves sank deeply into it.

Immediately afterwards, their whole body's qi and blood surged, and their true qi and strength were excited to the extreme, forming a protective film of qi on the body surface, resisting this true qi.

The corner of Han Zhao's mouth was raised, showing a hint of sarcasm, and his right hand was slightly retracted, and the suction suddenly increased sharply.


The protective energy on the bodies of the three master-level powerhouses broke instantly, and they were sucked to Han Zhao's front. Immediately afterwards, the bodies of the three twisted quickly under the horrified eyes of everyone, surrounding Han Zhao's body Move and spin quickly.

In less than two breaths, the clothes of the three fell to the ground, and the bones were not damaged.

"This suzerain here, there is no saying that the law does not blame the public." Han Zhao said lightly.

Everyone was completely overwhelmed by his thunderous tactics one after another. It seems that the suzerain's retreat this time not only greatly improved his strength, but also changed his mind, making him more domineering than before.

But for these disciples, what they value when they join the Heavenly Demon Sect is that the Demon Sect does not stick to trivial matters.

The essence of the world of warriors is that the weak eat the strong, but the magic gate is more naked and undisguised.

As long as the suzerain can continue to be rewarded and punished, they don't care about these changes at all.

"Senior looks like elder brother, it's not acting at all!" Lin Yu's heart was touched.

"The old man is willing to be whipped." Shi Mingxiao squeezed out the words through his teeth with a twisted face.

When Han Zhao heard this, his face was expressionless, and he glanced at Lin Yu beside him.

"Yes!" Lin Yu bowed slightly, walked to Shi Mingxiao's side, and sneered, "Elder Shi, I've offended you!"

As he said that, he said to the disciples behind him: "Hurry up and move a bench for Elder Shi, do you want him to lie on the muddy ground?!"


Immediately, some disciples went to fetch the bench.

"Ah!" Soon, from the top of the Demon God's cliff, there were several suppressed screams from time to time.

Even though Shi Mingxiao gritted his back molars, he still couldn't help crying out.

The piercing pain in his body was not worth the humiliation he suffered in his heart.

Lin Yu's face was full of joy, whip after whip, but he deliberately took some time between them to let Shi Mingxiao savor the pain carefully, so as to relieve his pain of losing his dear one.

"Take it away." After Lin Yu beat Shi Mingxiao to pieces and passed out, he waved his hands at the disciples below.

"In the next period of time, the suzerain will continue to retreat, and all affairs in the sect will be handled by brother Yu, and you should do your best to help."

Han Zhao ordered.

"Yes!" Everyone dared not neglect in the slightest.

"Brother Yu, come with me." Han Zhao walked back into the Tianmo Cave, followed by Lin Yu.

When the two came to Broken Dragon Stone, Lin Yu bowed deeply to Han Zhao, "Thank you, senior!"

"These are the contents of the transaction, and I should do it." Han Zhao replied, and while speaking, he lifted the Broken Dragon Stone with one hand.

"To tell you the truth, the old man wants to retreat in the Heavenly Demon Cave and use the yin energy here to cultivate, is it convenient?" Han Zhao felt that Lin Yu would not refuse, but he still had to ask for his opinion.

"Senior, you can take everything from the Heavenly Demon Sect!" Lin Yu said seriously: "If possible, this junior would like to ask you to be the guest elder of the sect. Of course, if you are willing to pretend to be my eldest brother to take over the authority of the suzerain, this junior is also very happy." pleasure."

"It's okay to be the suzerain, the old man's ambition is not here, after helping you solve the current troubles, the suzerain position will be returned to you.

However, it is fine to be an elder of Keqing. For a long period of time, I am afraid that I will have to stay in this cave and cultivate quietly. "

Han Zhao said in a deep voice, power is only temporary, but strength is the foundation of eternity.

"The old man's ugly words are up front. If the enemies of the Demon Sect are too strong, I can only guarantee your safety. If there are enemies that the old man can't deal with, the old man will give up on you and escape alone if necessary. At most, I will avenge you in the future!" Han Zhao added another sentence.

"Thank you, senior." Lin Yu said sincerely. In this world, there are not many good people like Ding Xiu.

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