Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 195 Buddha and Demon One Body, Vajra Demon Body!

"There is one more thing, the old man needs to ask for your opinion.

Although I could hide the matter of pretending to be Lin Zhan for a while, but I couldn't hide it from the high-ranking martial artist.

So you'd better pass on some of the exercises of the Heavenly Demon Sect to me.

Of course, there is another most direct way, let me absorb the supernatural power seed left by your elder brother.

In this way, the old man will be able to grasp the essence of your Tianmo sect's skills in the shortest possible time.

If you just do this, your eldest brother's body will not be preserved. "

Han Zhao changed the topic.

Although absorbing the seeds of other people's supernatural powers, it is difficult for the power of small supernatural powers to surpass the original body, but that is someone else, not him.

As long as the supernatural powers are raised to the highest level, it is easy to surpass the predecessors.

What's more, in case of a situation where the power cannot be improved, he can completely transfer this little magical power to the clone.

This is an excellent place to practice magic arts. The premise of practicing the Three Spirit Transformation God Art is to have a strong mental and physical body, and he is absolutely satisfied with a strong spiritual power.

Now it is only necessary to upgrade the Nirvana True Devil Art to the first level of perfection, and then you can start practicing the Three Spirits Transforming God Art.

Lin Yu glanced at Lin Zhan's body, with deep reluctance in his eyes.

The demonic energy in the Tianmo Cave is strong and extremely cold, otherwise the elder brother would have been dead for a year, and his body would have decayed long ago, and it would be impossible for him to remain intact until now.As long as he doesn't get out of the Heavenly Demon Cave, the eldest brother's body can be preserved forever, but what's the point of that?

If the eldest brother is still alive, he will definitely take revenge at all costs.

"Everything is according to the instructions of the seniors. The Tianmo strategy passed down from generation to generation in my Tianmo sect is in the sumeru bag of my elder brother." Lin Yu made up his mind that he wanted those people to pay with their blood.

"Okay! The old man saw you right!" Han Zhao smiled happily, "As long as the old man's magic skills are perfect, there is no problem in protecting you as a saint."

"Thank you, senior!" Lin Yu was overjoyed. He believed that Ding Xiu was a man of his word and would never break his word.

"You go out first, starting today, unless it's an urgent matter, don't bother the old man's practice."

Han Zhao threw the demon order to open the dragon-breaking stone to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu took the token, bowed and stepped back. After leaving the Tianmo Cave, he used the token to activate the dragon-breaking stone.

When the Broken Dragon Stone was slowly lowered, he knelt down on the ground, kowtowed heavily at Lin Zhan's body three times, then turned and left resolutely.

At this time, Han Zhao was the only one left in the cave.

"It's really a surprise!"

Han Zhao probed into Lin Zhan's sumeru bag with his mental power, and found in it what Lin Yu called the Heavenly Demon Strategy - three purple-gold jade pages.

Even though he possesses the peerless magic skill of Nirvana True Demon Kung Fu, Han Zhao feels that the Heavenly Demon Kungfu is quite profound. Although he will not modify the Heavenly Demon Strategy, the content in it is very inspiring and of reference value.

It's a pity that this day's magic strategy only has the first half, and lacks the second half. At most, it can only be cultivated to the third level of congealing evil.

When Han Zhao looked at the end of the last page, he found that there was a secret technique that could stimulate the potential - the method of disintegrating the demon!
"You only need to get started with Tianmo Ce to practice!"

What surprises Han Zhao even more is that this secret technique only requires a small achievement of Tianmoce to practice. When it is activated, it can instantly restore the user's spirit, energy, and spirit to the peak. Power, can get a [-]% all-round increase!
After using it, it only loses half of the life span of the current realm.

"In case of encountering the need to use the Kryptonian Dafa, it doesn't seem to make any difference to add a Heavenly Demon Disintegration Dafa."

Han Zhao felt that this evil secret technique was very suitable for him.

He only has one life, but he has many lifespans!
"Magic Crystal!"

Han Zhao put Tian Moce into the sumeru bag, took out Lin Zhan's items and checked them one by one, and soon found two thumb-sized black diamond-shaped crystals from a jade box.

It contains pure Yin Qi, which can be used as a simulated energy source.

Han Zhao's eyes lit up, and he immediately picked up the magic crystal to absorb the yin energy inside.

"This Heavenly Demon Sect is really my blessed land!"

After absorbing all the yin energy in the magic crystal, he couldn't help sighing.

According to the system's reminder, it seemed that the depths of the magic pool also contained pure yin energy, so his energy source would be endless.

Thinking of this, Han Zhao came to Lin Zhan's body and said to him:
"Don't worry, I will take care of your brother and Tianmozong for you."

After finishing speaking, Han Zhao clasped his fingers with his right hand and absorbed Lin Zhan's body with a powerful shot. A purple-black light ball also entered his body, which was the seed of Lin Zhan's supernatural power.

[Seed of supernatural powers: top grade (310/1000), can be refined, but cannot be upgraded; the promotion conditions have not yet been met: Heavenly Demon Strategy has cultivated to a small success, absorbs Yin Qi from Jiuyou Underworld, and condenses it into Yin Demon Flame; Small supernatural power: Netherworld Magic Flame; special effect: the power of small supernatural powers is increased by 0.31 times]

[Ghost Demon Flame: Heavenly Demon’s supreme supernatural power, absorbing the Yin Qi overflowing from the Nine Nether Underworld and condensing the most Yin Demon Flame. Until the soul is devoured by the magic flame. 】

"This Nether Demon Flame is so powerful? It can devour mental power!"

Han Zhao was awed in his heart, since ancient times, spiritual power cultivation techniques have been the rarest ones, and spiritual power defense secret techniques and treasures are also the most precious ones.

"Unfortunately, it seems that the quality of Lin Zhan's supernatural power is not enough, so he can't exert the strongest power of the Nether Demon Flame. Otherwise, he wouldn't be unable to fight beyond the first level."

Han Zhao sighed.

The system will never exaggerate the power of exercises, so the power of this Nether Demon Flame is definitely not weak. Lin Zhan can't kill the four evil realms with the strength of the Three Shade Realms. kind of.

"There is no need to rush to practice the Heavenly Demon Strategy and improve the quality of the supernatural powers. First, you can practice the Nirvana True Demon Art to the first level of perfection."

Han Zhao came back to his senses, he had only recently broken through to the realm of the three evil spirits, and the second small supernatural power, Sun Zhengang, had not been condensed for a long time. The reason why his power was so terrifying was mainly due to his background far surpassing the same level, and the supernatural power Twice the increase in the power of small magic powers.


Han Zhao jumped into the magic pool.

The water in the pool full of magic energy is so cold that it can be frozen to death by the strength of the martial artist's body protection.

There is a dark piece of water under the pool, like a bottomless pit with no bottom.

Han Zhao continued to dive, and the temperature was getting lower and lower in the tens of meters below the water. Neither the strength nor the stellar energy of the body was urged, but purely relying on the physical body to resist.

However, when he reached a position about [-] meters underwater, he couldn't bear it anymore, and finally used the real body protection.

In this way, he continued to dive.

200 meters, 300 meters, 350 meters, 400 meters!He couldn't take it anymore.

"It's so cold!"

At a position 400 meters underwater, a bone-piercing extreme cold entered his body through his protective qi.

[Continue to dive, there is a risk of soul injury. 】

A system prompt appears.

Han Zhao turned around and swam up.

He went back to the magic pool, took out a medium-grade Buyuan Huixu pill and swallowed it, then dived to a position about 200 meters underwater, sat cross-legged, and began to absorb the magic energy in the pool water. The extremely cold pool water and the huge amount of magic energy tempered the body and practiced Nirvana True Demon Kungfu.

Countless demonic energy in the demonic pool began to gather towards his body, and a darker and darker purple phantom gradually appeared in the middle of the originally dark pool.

At the foot of the Demon God Mountain, Shi Mingxiao was lying on the bed after waking up, his waist and buttocks were wrapped in thick gauze, especially the buttocks, blood was slowly oozing out all the time.

"It must be that damned alchemist. I underestimated Lin Yu too much!"

Shi Mingxiao's face was full of killing intent. It would be great if he killed that alchemist earlier. Who would have thought that Lin Yu could really find a high-level alchemist to heal Lin Zhan.

"No matter what, I must get this soul-cultivating wood! Just wait!"

Shi Mingxiao's face was distorted. Originally, he wanted to become the suzerain of the Heavenly Demon Sect, but now he just wanted to take revenge, and then he took the soul-cultivating tree away, and went to a place where no one knew him to practice and become stronger.

Based on his understanding of the Heavenly Demon Sect, it would not be easy to bring outsiders to sneak into the top of the Demon God Mountain, but it is not difficult.

No matter how heavy the dragon-breaking stone is, can it still stop the martial saints of the five evil spirits and the six evil spirits?

He wants Lin Yu and Lin to fight to death!

Two months passed quietly.

During this period of time, although Han Zhao has been cultivating in the Tianmo Cave and never left, the atmosphere of the Tianmo Sect is still far better than before.

Lin Yu, the acting suzerain, finally felt proud.

However, this evening.

The same apse, the same study, the same night attack happened again.

Lin Yu was caught off guard by Shi Mingxiao's sudden attack, and was directly captured by the first recruit.

"Shi Mingxiao! Are you courting death?!" Lin Yu glared at him without any fear.


"Little bastard! Who's looking for death?!" Shi Mingxiao grinned grimly, gathered his true energy in his palm, grabbed Lin Yu's arm, broke his forearm abruptly, and turned it over.

"Please! Please forgive me and I will let you go!"

Lin Yu's body convulsed from the pain, but he gritted his teeth, held back and looked at Shi Mingxiao mockingly.

"I want to see how hard your bones are!" Shi Mingxiao was furious.

With a few clicks, Shi Mingxiao broke Lin Yu's arm bones and leg bones one after another.

"You don't have the strength to beat people, you are such an old waste!" Lin Yu spouted a mouthful of blood from the corner of his mouth, and laughed.

"I'll kill you!!" Shi Mingxiao was so angry that he pulled out the long sword on the shelf next to him, and raised the sword to chop Lin Yu into meat paste.


The long sword broke from the middle, and the half-cut sword fell to the ground.

A middle-aged man in a Confucian shirt walked into the room.

"Gu Wugui, what are you doing?" Seeing the middle-aged man interrupting his shot, Shi Mingxiao couldn't help but his face darkened.

"Keep this kid, so that Lin Zhan can be cautious. It is more convenient to enter the Heavenly Demon Cave with the Heavenly Demon Order. After you kill Lin Zhan, you can deal with Lin Yu as you like." Gu Wugui said lightly.

"Didn't you say that you invited a master of the five evil spirits? The Broken Dragon Stone couldn't stop him at all, so he didn't come?!" Shi Mingxiao frowned.

"Cheng Lao has already gone to the Tianmo Cave."

"then you."

"I just like to do a little more preparation."

Gu Wugui was expressionless, flicked his fingers, and a force flew out, sealing Lin Yu's acupoints that were about to bite his tongue to commit suicide.

Then, holding Lin Yu's collar, he ran to the top of the demon mountain cliff.

Seeing this, Shi Mingxiao had no choice but to follow.

The words are divided into two ends, the other side.

The old Cheng that Shi Mingxiao was talking about came to the outside of the Heavenly Demon Cave. His whole body was filled with energy and blood, and his muscles swelled. With a sudden force, he lifted the Broken Dragon Stone.

He dodges and enters the hole.

"Where's the person?" Cheng Chen looked at the empty cave and was taken aback for a moment.

At this time, he looked under the magic pool in the cave, and saw a purple-black figure inside. He sneered, "It turns out that I was hiding at the bottom of the pool to practice, which just saved the old man a lot of trouble."

Thinking of this, Cheng Chen stretched out his palms, one white and one black, and two highly condensed evil spirits, one yang and one yin, converged in his palms.

Immediately afterwards, the Gang Qi quickly turned into palm prints.

boom! !

Cheng Chen slammed his palms into the magic pool, and the two palm prints hit Han Zhao on the back of the head in an instant, causing his body to spin under the magic pool.

"Hmph! That's all!" Cheng Chen snorted coldly.


At this time, bubbles continued to emerge from the bottom of the magic pool, and the water in the pool seemed to be heated and boiled, and it began to roll.

At the same time, a ball of golden light became brighter and brighter at the bottom of the magic pool, and finally slowly floated up.

Seeing this situation, Cheng Chen kept using his little supernatural power to release the 'Palm of Life and Death'. Countless palm prints shot out like a series of cannonballs, and all of them hit the light ball.

However, his attack has no effect at all except for its great momentum.

"Hiss!" Cheng Chen looked at the ball of light emerging from the water, and immediately gasped.

A tall young man was surrounded by golden light clusters. He had a single horn on his forehead, and his upper body was naked. Including his face and arms, all exposed skin had dense golden scales, and each piece was exactly the same as a copper coin. Size, whole body golden.In the middle of the scales, there is also a fine purple-black pattern printed on it. Under the refraction of the golden light, there is a cold light, and the whole person is like an invincible King Kong body.

When the sideways young man turned his head, his eyes fell on Cheng Chen.

Cheng Chen suddenly felt his whole body tense, as if the air had condensed.

"Why did you hit me on the head?" Han Zhao's deep voice sounded.

Outside the Tianmo Cave, there were bursts of earth-shattering bangs, and the entire cave was shaken.

"It's up!"

Shi Mingxiao and Gu Wugui rushed to the top of the Demon God Mountain.

"Listening to this news, it seems that Lin Zhan is quite powerful, and he can fight against Cheng Lao!" Gu Wugui was a little surprised.

"Go in and help."


The two entered the cave and quickly came to the outside of the Tianmo cave. As soon as they entered the cave, Shi Mingxiao and Gu Wugui were shocked by the scene before them.

"Why are you hitting me on the head?"

"Why are you hitting me on the head?"

I saw a young man whose whole body was covered with golden scales, like a demon god, pressing on Cheng Lao's body, punching Cheng Lao on the head with one punch after another, knocking his protective energy into a loud bang.


Another punch, Cheng Lao's protective energy couldn't bear it, his head was blown off like a watermelon, blood and brains sprayed all over the floor.

With a loud noise, the young man's head tilted, and his whole body was blown away by a huge fist mark, and his body was embedded in the stone wall.

"Did you kill it?" Shi Mingxiao stared at the dust flying all over the sky with wide eyes.

Suddenly, a dazzling golden light bloomed in the dust, and the thick and terrifying strength and stellar energy swept through like a hurricane, setting off a violent stream of demonic energy.

"You two?!"

Han Zhao tilted his head and looked at the two of them. He was using both the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art and the Nirvana True Devil Art at the same time. He was now in a mysterious and mysterious state, and he couldn't explain clearly.

"I..." Gu Wugui, who had just retracted his fist, tightened his expression.

"I have a hostage, your brother Lin"

Before Gu Wugui finished speaking, his body flew out of the cave.

"Sovereign, subordinate"

Another punch.

The cave regained its calm.

"This kind of feeling. Should it be called the Vajra Demon Body?!" Han Zhao burst out with dazzling golden light, and laughed loudly.

It wasn't until he saw Lin Yu who was lying on the ground with only one breath left that he quickly released the transformation.

"I'm sorry, I'm excited!" He quickly injected the longevity zhenqi into Lin Yu's body.

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