Chapter 196 Fate entry [Liver Emperor]! (Order for a medium cup!)

"It seems that he didn't betray me."

Han Zhao probed his true energy into Lin Yu's body, and found that his hands and feet were broken, and his dantian qi sea was also punctured. He was seriously injured.

Under the powerful special effect of longevity zhenqi, decrepitation and muscle growth, Lin Yu's broken arm bones and leg bones were quickly connected, but his dantian was too seriously injured to recover in a short time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Han Zhao used the method of absorbing energy, and with a powerful zhenqi shot, he sucked the three assailants who hadn't cooled off.

The bodies of the three were spinning and floating around him, and they were quickly sucked dry.

Since he had absorbed too much energy this time, he quickly sat down cross-legged and began to concentrate on refining.

[Yang Sha: 100%]

【Fire: 100%】

[Yin Sha: 65%]

This time, Han Zhao's speed of refining stellar qi, strength, qi and blood, and evil spirit was much slower.

After refining the evil spirits in the three people, Han Zhao transformed all the evil spirits into Yin evil spirits, and obtained a 60% increase in one breath, saving nearly half a year of condensing the evil spirits.

As the bodies of the three of them turned into dust, four seeds of supernatural powers of different colors flew out and fell into his palm.

"One low-grade, three medium-grade, the power of the little magical power inside is really weak!"

Han Zhao probed with his mental strength, and the system displayed the data of the four supernatural powers.

In fact, he doesn't value the quality of the supernatural power seed so much now, anyway, he can rely on attribute points to improve it.

But in his opinion, there is really no need for refinement of the small supernatural powers condensed in these four supernatural power seeds.

"If you sell it, you should be able to sell it for a good price." Han Zhao stored the four supernatural power seeds separately in a sumeru bag. He felt weak, but there would always be someone who needed them.

Those geniuses would definitely look down on this kind of supernatural power that has been used by others, but it is a rare treasure for those martial saints in the Ersha Realm who have no background and inheritance.

Many of them can't get the supernatural power seed at all, and if they get one by chance, they have to pay the price of losing their freedom to join a certain force.

Or it is to use a low-grade supernatural power seed, maybe that supernatural power seed is not suitable for the exercises he is practicing.

Therefore, when they don't have many choices, they will never dislike a good-quality middle-grade magical power seed. The ready-made small magical powers in it can save a lot of trouble.

"It just so happens that the little supernatural powers that Gu Wugui and that whoever condensed are relatively popular, and the little supernatural powers of boxing and palm techniques should be sought after by many martial saints!"

Han Zhao thought to himself, thinking that the middle-aged man seemed to be Gu Wugui, the elder of the Gu family.

As for the old man who sneaked up on him, he had no memory.

However, the Martial Saint of the Five Demons Realm possesses two small supernatural powers, so he is definitely not an unknown person.

In order to defeat him, Han Zhao not only did not use krypton life, but also exerted all his strength, fighting fiercely for nearly 3 minutes before killing him.

Just now when Han Zhao was in the middle of the magic pool, he was practicing at a critical moment, when he was suddenly attacked. The Vajra Immortal Art and the Nirvana True Devil Art were strangely combined, and his attack and defense power increased greatly.

However, the mind seems to have been affected a little bit, and it doesn't look very smart.

Thinking of this, Han Zhao looked at the martial arts bar on the system panel, and dense reminders appeared on it.

Nirvana True Devil Kung Fu (the first level is 100% complete and cannot be upgraded; the upgrade condition has not been met: the body is infused with magic energy; special effect: Nirvana Body·Elementary)
Vajra Immortality Divine Art (the second level is 100% perfect, cannot be improved; the promotion condition has not yet been met: the four evil realms; special effects: quenching stellar energy, opening up all channels, vajra body protection, congenital stellar energy, golden muscles and jade bones, congenital Body·Advanced)
[The entry proficiency of 'martial arts wizard' has increased! 】

[The Nirvana True Demon Art and the Vajra Indestructible Magic Art have reached the limit of your current body's compatibility, and continuing to practice concurrently will increase the risk of becoming obsessed. 】

[Proposal [-]: Deduce Nirvana True Demon Kung Fu, transforming from demon kung fu to human race kung fu. 】

[Advantages: Reduce the risk of becoming obsessed, and reduce the difficulty of cultivation. 】

[Disadvantages: Decreased power, decreased thunder resistance. 】

[Scheme [-]: Practice the Three Spirits Incarnation Jue, condense the incarnation, transfer the magic energy cultivated from the main body to the incarnation body, and use the incarnation to specialize in magic skills. 】

[Advantages: The main body and the incarnation do not affect each other, and the short-term combination can obtain the body enhancement of the Buddha and the devil, without the risk of going crazy, and at the same time, it will not reduce the power of the exercises. 】

[Disadvantage: Separating the magic energy cultivated by the main body will lead to a small decrease in the explosive strength of the main body. 】

"It seems that I have to practice the Three Spirit Transformation Art!" Han Zhao frowned slightly.

How can a normal martial artist practice a bunch of skills like stacking buffs like him, and now he has to practice separately.

"It just so happens that the Yin Qi that has been stored for so long is useless. During the two months of cultivating in the magic pool, the body has absorbed a lot of Yin Qi. It should be fine to find a way to make ten consecutive draws."

Now that the troubles of the Tianmo Sect and the Gu family have been basically solved, it is time to retreat and improve their strength.

Han Zhao opened the sumeru bags of the three of them, and Shi Mingxiao saw that he had brought all his wealth with him, including a hundred gold beads, exercises and elixir, and a short sword with a low-level spiritual weapon .

As for Gu Wugui and the old man who didn't know his name, the two together only brought 120 gold beads. With their strength, it is impossible for them to be so poor.

"The elders of the Martial God League?! This is a little troublesome."

Han Zhao found a golden token from the old man's sumeru bag, with the word 'War God' written on it.

This token is the status symbol of the official elders of the Valkyrie League, not those honorary elders, but just a name in the Valkyrie League.

"Anyway, no one knows my real identity, so I run away at worst, and as an elder of the Martial God League, it is impossible to directly attack the suzerain of the sect under his command. power."

Han Zhao didn't panic at all.

This is not inland, and there is no huge gap in the cultivation system. As long as there are enough interests, they can cooperate.

"It is also feasible to take the Heavenly Demon Sect to completely rely on a certain Dharma Protector King of the Martial God League."

The weakest of the twelve Dharma Guardian Heavenly Kings of the Martial God League are all consummated in the realm of six evil spirits, and several of them are perfect in the realm of seven evil spirits.

With Han Zhao's level of alchemy, he only needs to expose part of it to be able to flourish in the Martial God League.

"Simulate and see first."

Han Zhao continued to send true energy to Lin Yu.

Soon, Lin Yu woke up from the coma.

"Senior!" Lin Yu said excitedly when he saw 'Lin Zhan' in front of him.

"Don't worry, the trouble has been resolved." Han Zhao said in a deep voice.

"Dead?!" Lin Yu had an unbelievable expression on his face. Although he knew that Ding Xiu was powerful, he didn't expect the battle to end so quickly.

"Dead." Han Zhao nodded.

"Great!" Lin Yu looked excited and his eyes were red: "Brother! Your spirit in the sky can rest in peace!"

"Senior, I have become a useless person now. I don't think I will die soon. From now on, the Heavenly Demon Sect will be entrusted to you, Senior." After Lin Yu calmed down, he said solemnly. He wanted to punch Han Zhao, but found that his arm bones had just recovered His arms didn't even have the strength to lift them up.

"You can't die." Han Zhao said lightly.

"Senior?" Lin Yu's eyes lit up. If possible, he naturally didn't want to die.

"I can save your life, but your dantian may be difficult to recover. Of course, there is no way. If I pour a lot of my true energy into your body, it can restore your dantian, but at that time your life and death It's just in my mind." Han Zhao explained.

"Senior, please help me recover my dantian. This junior is willing to follow senior!" Lin Yu struggled to get up.

"No regrets?"

"I will never regret it!"

"Okay, you won't regret your choice today." Han Zhao smiled, a large amount of longevity zhenqi gathered in his palm, and the milky white light cluster shone brightly, and he patted it into Lin Yu's dantian with his palm.


Longevity Zhenqi quickly repaired Lin Yu's dantian, and penetrated some clogged meridians near the dantian. The severe pain instantly made Lin Yu's body convulse, and he couldn't hold back the unbearable pain.

I don't know how long it took, but just when Lin Yu felt that he couldn't hold on, the restoration was over, and a wave of vital energy circulated in his meridians, slowly growing, although every Zhou Tian grew stronger. It's very small, but it's no small thing if it continues like this.

"This is?!" Lin Yu's eyes widened. He had never heard of any kind of exercise that would have such a miraculous effect.

"This is my self-created exercise, called Longevity Jue." Han Zhao explained.

"Senior, your voice?" Lin Yu was taken aback when he heard the words. He knew that Ding Xiu was proficient in the disguise technique, but he also had expectations in his heart. A strong man like him with superb alchemy skills must be not young, but the other party's voice just now , clearly a young man.

"Since I'm my own person, then I won't pretend anymore. Let me introduce myself, my name is Han Zhao." Han Zhao chuckled lightly, the bones all over his body creaked, his body quickly rose, and he quickly returned to his original shape appearance.

"You? Senior?!" Lin Yu was stunned when he looked at the handsome young man in front of him. He looked about 25 or [-] years old, right?
At this moment, Lin Yu felt that the thinking in his brain was stagnant, because his heart could continuously increase Ding Xiu's strength. Even if he was one-on-three, he killed three martial saints unscathed, and one of them was a top expert in the five evil realms , but he can think that Ding Xiu is hiding his strength. He may be a hidden master in the realm of the six evil spirits, but the seven evil spirits.

But at this moment, Ding Xiu turned from a five or sixty-year-old man into a young man, and Lin Yu was stunned.

Even if he started practicing from the mother's womb, he wouldn't have such exaggerated strength at the age of 25 or six.

Even peerless geniuses from the top forces such as the Martial God League, the Holy Palace, and the Yinyang Palace can possess such strength at this age, but what about alchemy?How did it reach this level?
The level of alchemy that can refine the essence-returning emptiness pill is also the top class among high-level alchemists.

"You don't know me?" Han Zhao was stunned for a moment, the unicorn list is actually number one, plus the defending champion of the Zhongzhou Trial, plus money layman!No one in the open sea knows?

"Please excuse my ignorance and ignorance, junior." Lin Yu bowed respectfully, showing doubts in his eyes. He had never heard of the name Han Zhao.

"." The corner of Han Zhao's mouth twitched, and an embarrassed smile appeared on his face. He remembered that when he met Lin Yu for the first time, what the other party said to him had returned to him so quickly.

It seems that he thinks too much.

The Kirin Ranking has no reputation in the overseas seas.

"No matter what, only you know my true identity. What happened tonight will be treated as if it never happened. I believe that the people behind it will not dare to say anything." True identity as well.

"Yes! The subordinate understands." Lin Yu said seriously.

"Your dantian and meridians have just recovered, and you still need to get used to it. Go down and adjust your breath first. I'm going to continue retreat." Han Zhao waved his sleeve robe.

"Subordinates retire."

"and many more."

Han Zhao took out a porcelain bottle and threw it at Lin Yu.

Lin Yu took the porcelain bottle, opened it, and found that there was a pill to replenish the essence and return to the void.



"Thank you senior!"

Lin Yu bowed and stepped back.

After Lin Yu left, Han Zhao put down the broken dragon stone in Tianmo cave again.

Then, he took out two axes from the Sumeru bag, which were complete low-level pseudo-divine weapons obtained from the Tauren.

Han Zhao held the twin axes in his palm and said in a deep voice:
"I know you can understand what I'm saying, now I need you to provide some Yin Qi, it shouldn't be a problem, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the two axes in his hands suddenly glowed black, and an astonishing force burst out.

"You still dare to resist?!" Han Zhao was furious, he was not at the Grandmaster level now, and the mere low-level pseudo-divine soldiers actually resisted.

boom! !

The light of the divine soldier exploded, blasting towards Han Zhao with astonishing power.

The purple light filled Han Zhao's whole body in an instant, and when the light of the magic soldier touched the purple light, it weakened rapidly like morning fog meeting the scorching sun.

But even so, Han Zhao was blown away by the huge impact of the light of the magic soldier, and his body hit the stone wall like a shell, stirring up dust all over the sky.

The dual-axe soldier floated in mid-air.

Puff puff! !

Amidst the loud trampling sound, Han Zhao's figure appeared. He once again combined the Vajra Immortal Art with the Nirvana True Demon Art to activate the Vajra Demon Body.When he was furious, the golden scales all over his body trembled slightly, and his aura was extremely strange.

Han Zhao flashed, his body turned into an afterimage, and his palms wrapped in scales grabbed the twin axes.

crackle crackle!

Platinum electric arcs gushed out from his body, followed by astonishing heat waves, and the air around his body rose under the high temperature.

A strange scream came from Han Zhao's ear, as if the spirit of the divine soldier was wailing.

"You disobedient magic weapon, just die!" Han Zhao pinched the magic weapon with both hands, and under the tremendous force, the two axes trembled violently. .

"Damn! I don't believe it!"

Sensing the fierce resistance of the divine soldiers, Han Zhao opened his mouth suddenly, and activated the Jiaolong transformation on the basis of the vajra demon body. His teeth became as sharp as a sword at a speed visible to the naked eye. The Yang Gang Qi was concentrated in the mouth, and he bit the ax body with one bite.

Chi Chi!
"Crackling!" Sparks from the divine soldier splashed in all directions, making a sound like it was about to shatter.

The twin axes trembled violently, and the black light on the surface dissipated immediately.

"Hmph!" Seeing that the divine soldier gave up resistance and gave in, Han Zhao snorted coldly, and let go of his mouth, feeling the pain in the root of his teeth.

"Could it be because of the conflict between the two techniques of the Buddha and the Demon? How come my brain doesn't seem to be very bright when I use the Vajra Demon Body?" Han Zhao thought to himself, under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for him to speak directly , it seems that before solving the problem of the conflict of skills, you can no longer use the diamond body casually, otherwise it is very dangerous to rush forward in the battle.

A stream of pure Yin Qi gushed out from the twin axes and was immediately absorbed by Han Zhao's body.

Immediately afterwards, he began accumulating hints.


【Collect all 2400 reminder fragments, whether to synthesize an entry? 】

[Synthesis once, consume 230 prompt fragments, 30 gold beads or magic gold, and you will definitely get the one-time basic entry 'life simulation'. 】


[There is a 3% chance of getting a 'fate entry', and the fate entry can take effect in the simulation. 】

【8% chance to get a one-time fusion entry, upgrade entry, and specified accumulation entry of the corresponding quality. 】

[Current balance: 1010000 taels of gold, 0 gold beads, 0 magic gold]

"?" Looking at the text displayed on the system panel, Han Zhao was stunned.

Han Zhao didn't expect to use golden beads and magic gold to simulate after the three evil realms.

"Then what about the gold I recharged?" Han Zhao cursed secretly.

[The gold in the balance is refundable. 】

A system prompt appears.

"Okay, it's good if you can get a refund. It's just a change of currency, and the essence is to make money!" Han Zhao curled his lips.

Although the exchange ratio between gold beads and gold was one to ten thousand, no one exchanged gold for gold beads at all.

However, the purchasing power of gold is not low, and many cultivation resources can still be bought with gold.

[There are always more ways than difficulties, there are thousands of ways to make money. 】

"It's alright, it's alright, stop brainwashing, return the gold to me!" Han Zhao cursed.

Soon, at his request, the gold in the system balance was quickly returned to him, and all of them were turned into ten taels and one ingot.

Han Zhao put the gold into a Xumi bag alone.

"System, recharge 300 magic gold."

Outer sea gold beads are a common currency, so Han Zhao filled the system with the magic gold obtained from the children of the aristocratic family. Anyway, he still has more than 300 magic gold left.

"Synthesis of all!"

[Get the one-time entry 'Life Simulation'] X10
[Ten consecutive synthesis, in ten simulations, high-quality entries above 'golden quality' will be produced. 】

"It's worthy of being filled with money, and the entries obtained by ten companies are even better."

Han Zhao's eyes lit up.


[At the age of 26, you practiced in the Heavenly Demon Cave and killed the invaders. 】

[You start to practice the 'Three Spirits Transforming God Art'. 】

[Half a year later, during the critical period of your cultivation, the envoys from the high level of the Martial God League found the head of the Heavenly Demon Sect. 】

[The elder who was killed by you is backed by the "Dragon King" who ranks in the top three among the twelve guardian kings of the Martial God League. 】

【Although the Dragon King didn't take action directly, it caused a lot of trouble for you and the Heavenly Demon Sect. 】

[At the age of 27, facing the pressure of the "Dragon King", you decided to take refuge in the "Ape Demon" who is opposed to the "Dragon King", and the pressure was greatly reduced. 】

[At the age of 28, the Immortal Society secretly sent someone to contact you, and wanted you to help the Immortal Society in alchemy. 】

[Facing the personal invitation from Vice President Li Hentian, you decide to cooperate. 】

[At the age of 29, you finally practiced the first level of the Three Spirit Transformation Art, and you separated into two incarnations. 】

【Three months later, when your soul was weak, you were attacked by the "Dragon King". 】

【you are dead. 】

"It's a lot of trouble."

Looking at the information in the simulation, Han Zhao couldn't help curling his lips.

"It seems that the waters of the Eternal Life Society and the Martial God League are also very deep, it is better to go to the Holy Palace!"

Han Zhao thought to himself that the attribute points could speed up the refining of the Suzaku blood in the will of martial arts. As long as the aura of the Suzaku blood was eliminated, he would not be targeted by the pseudo-supernatural powers when he went to the Holy Palace.

Of course, this is just an option.

[[-]. Obtain entry (optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

"Is there an entry in the first place?"

Han Zhao made a choice without hesitation.


[Obtain the fate entry 'Liver Emperor']

[Liver Emperor]: Golden auxiliary fate entry; digitize your cultivation progress, and when the data limit is exceeded, there is a certain probability of comprehending limit-breaking skills; this entry can take effect on avatars, clones, etc. (cannot be upgraded)
 PS: Today is an update, let's take a rest and sort out the details.

(End of this chapter)

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