Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 197 [Alchemy Master]! 1 vaporize 3 clear!Great progress!

Chapter 197 [Alchemy Master]!All in one go!Great progress! (4K)

"[Gandi]?" Han Zhao looked at the new entry of fate, surprised and delighted.

The ability to refine the data is very practical, but it is not a big change, but it is too exaggerated to comprehend the limit-breaking skills, and it can be used together with the avatar and the avatar. This is paired with the Three Spirits Incarnation Art, and the short-term effect may be It's not obvious, but after a long time, his improvement is very huge.

"Let me see how it actually works?"

Han Zhao focused his attention on the martial arts column, and soon found the data of the Three Spirits Transforming Gods.

[Three Spirit Transformation Art: The first level (0/4000), can be improved; can be deduced; deduction progress (0/8000)]

"From percentages to specific data, it is more accurate to see."

In this way, when he usually accumulates attribute points, he can allocate them more clearly.

"The Three Spirits Incarnation Art has deduction options. Could it be that there is a part of this secret art that is not suitable for human cultivation, or is there a hidden danger?"

True Monarch is the title of the most powerful person in ancient times, and every powerful race has a true king-level supreme person, so it is very likely that this practice was not created by the true king of the human race.

The deduction attribute points required for the Three Spirits Incarnation Art are as high as [-] points, second only to the [-] points of the Longevity Art, which is enough to show the power of this secret art.

It's just that the Longevity Jue is his exclusive skill, and there is no follow-up content, so it has to be deduced. The Three Spirit Transformation God Jue has a second layer of content, which also has to be deduced, which surprised Han Zhao.

Because according to the analysis of the content of this secret art, the founder of this secret art, "Three Spirits True Monarch", should be closely related to the human race, even if he is not a human race, so the exercises created are very suitable for human race cultivation.

"System, if you don't deduce the first layer of the Three Spirit Transformation God Art and practice it directly, will there be any hidden dangers?"

After thinking about it for a while, Han Zhao decided to repeat the old trick and use the system for free.

If the extra prompt cost of the general system is too high, it means that there is a huge problem with the secret technique

[Practice the three spirits transforming the gods directly, and you will have huge hidden dangers when you reach the second level of perfection. If you meet someone who also practices the three spirits transforming the gods, once the other party's realm is higher than yours, you will be stronger reduce. 】

[System currency upgrade, this article is free. 】

"There is indeed a problem!"

Han Zhao's heart shuddered, it seemed that the Three Spirits True Monarch was not a highly respected senior, and he deliberately left it to pass on to those who were destined.

It is estimated that there will be the most critical third layer in the follow-up of the three spirits and gods, which can suppress other practitioners.This is raising leeks and harvesting a crop when they are mature.

Thinking of this, Han Zhao muttered silently.


[At the age of 26, you practiced in the Heavenly Demon Cave and killed the invaders. 】

[Because of the hidden dangers of the 'Three Spirits Transforming the Gods', you decided to put the exercise on hold for the time being. 】


[At the age of 27, the Beast Soul Division of the Wu Clan and the Tianyi Division of the Monster Clan invaded Beiming Island, and a great battle broke out in the Northern Territory. 】

【You were targeted by the "Dragon King" of the Martial God League, and the Demon Sect was sent to join the battle. 】

[At the age of 30, your strength has continued to grow in battle after battle, and you have killed a large number of powerful witches and monsters. 】

[With the help of the magic pool in the Heavenly Demon Cave, you broke through to the second level of the Nirvana True Demon Art, and your cultivation level broke through to the five evil realms, and your strength has greatly improved. 】

[The hidden dangers of the Nirvana True Devil Art appeared, and your spirit began to have problems, but because of the soul nourishment of the Shenmu, your mental problems were greatly alleviated. 】

[At the age of 31, you were ambushed by the head priest of the Beast Soul Department during a battle against the Wu Clan, and you died. 】

"The pseudo-supernatural powerhouse behind this "Dragon King" is not a spy of the witch clan and the monster clan, right?Why are you clinging on to such a trivial matter? "

Han Zhao frowned slightly.

"Forget it, run away if it's a big deal, and don't have to stay in Tianmozong."

Han Zhao changed his mind and didn't go into the details anymore. In the simulation, he needs to use the magic pool of the Heavenly Demon Sect to practice, so he has to stay here. In reality, he can use attribute points to shorten the training process, and he can leave early.

It is the same for him to practice in another place, the key is to see how to maximize the benefits.

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]


[attribute point +2000]

"Simulation." Han Zhao muttered silently, and started the third simulation.


[Civil turmoil in the Eternal Life Association, you are dead. 】

[attribute point +2000]

Fourth simulation.


[Fighting in Yin Yang Hall. 】

[You were sent to fight in the outer world, and you died. 】

[attribute point +2000]

Fifth simulation.


[A 27-year-old girl in red came to the Heavenly Demon Sect. Her husband's residual poison has not been completely eliminated, and the poisonous injury has recurred. She wants to exchange for more high-level detoxification pills from you. 】

[You give the elixir to the woman in red, and ask her to take you to the cave guarded by Mitsubishi Viper. 】

[You were attacked by another adult Mitsubishi viper in the cave, and the woman in red died on the spot. 】

[You fought hard with the Mitsubishi Viper and killed it at the cost of serious injuries, but you were also deeply poisoned. 】

[After three months, you eradicate the toxins, but your vitality and blood are greatly reduced, and your lifespan is shortened. 】

[In order to restore your peak state as soon as possible, you decided to take the initiative to enter the 'reincarnation period'. 】

[Reincarnation period No. 20 days, you are attacked by warriors under the command of "Dragon King". 】

【you are dead. 】

"An adult Mitsubishi Viper has such strength?!" Han Zhao couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw the information in the simulation.

After reaching the seventh floor of the Longevity Art, he was extremely resistant to poison, and even got poisoned, which shows that the Mitsubishi Viper at least has the strength close to the six evil realms, so the toxicity is so strong.

"From this point of view, the cave guarded by the Mitsubishi Viper is no small matter."

Some time ago, in order to concentrate on breaking through the three evil realms, and at the same time pay close attention to alchemy, although Han Zhao did not forget about this matter, he was not in a hurry, because the red-clothed woman and her husband had a good reputation and good reputation, so he was going to wait until it was done. For important things, go to them again.

"After you become an incarnation, you can go explore the cave."

After having an incarnation, even if he takes the initiative to enter the nirvana period, he doesn't have to worry about being taken advantage of by others.


[attribute point +2000]

[Attribute point: 8570]

"Deduce the Three Spirits Transforming God Art first, and then practice in the simulation after solving the hidden dangers."

Han Zhao did not continue the simulation, but silently recited in his heart.

"System, deduce the Three Spirit Transformation God Art!"

[Three Spirit Transformation Art: The first level (0/4000), can be improved; can be deduced; deduction progress (0/8000)]

【Attribute points: 8570→570】

[Three Spirit Transformation Art: The first level (0/6000), can be improved]

[The entry proficiency of 'martial arts wizard' has increased! 】

[The three-spirit transformation technique that belongs to you alone, while retaining the original advantages of the secret technique, eliminates subsequent hidden dangers. 】

"In this case, it can no longer be called the Three Spirits Transformation God Art. System, name this secret art 'One Qi Transforms Three Purities'!"

After pondering for a moment, Han Zhao directly made a decision. Since he wanted to change his name, he had to change it to the strongest one. As long as he continued to deduce and improve it, this secret technique would reach the level of the legendary 'one energy transforming three cleansing' sooner or later.

Sixth simulation.


[At the age of 31, you will complete the first level of one-qi transformation and three-purity cultivation, and split into two clones. Your mental strength and blood will be greatly damaged, and you will enter a period of weakness. 】

【You were attacked by the "Dragon King" and you died. 】


[attribute point +2000]

Seventh simulation.


[At the age of 30, you have become a high-ranking member of the Eternal Life Association. 】

[At the age of 31, you refined the Beast Soul Pill, and then you were imprisoned by the pseudo-supernatural powers of the Immortal Society and forced to make alchemy. 】

[At the age of 32, you were about to escape from the Eternal Life Society, but you were discovered. 】

【you are dead. 】

[[-]. Obtain entry (optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

"Is there an entry?!"

Han Zhao's eyes lit up when he saw the entry in the options.


[Get 'Platinum Upgrade Entry']

[Platinum Upgrade Entry]: One-time high-level entry, which can upgrade the entry whose upper limit is lower than the platinum quality to a platinum upper limit entry, and at the same time improve the quality of the entry lower than the gold quality.

Looking at the newly obtained one-time advanced entry, Han Zhao's attention turned to the entry column.

Among the entries he currently has, the upper limit is lower than that of platinum, there are four kinds: [Pill Saint Reincarnation], [Wizard of Martial Arts], [Seven Ultimate Martial Saints], and [Training Body to Become God].

"[Training the Body to Become a God] can assist the cultivation of the body training technique, but after practicing the one-qi transforming three cleansing skills, the Nirvana True Demon Kungfu can allow the incarnation of the devil to practice."

"Wizards in martial arts need to break through the upper limit of their skills to take effect, and attribute points are not always available."

"Seven Martial Saints. The cultivation of swords, fists, palms, legs, fingers and claws is also effective in the later stage."

"From this point of view, upgrading [Pill Saint Reincarnation] can immediately increase my success rate of refining high-level pills, and the price is the most cost-effective!"

The main body is already progressing fast enough to practice the Immortality of Vajra, and it will take a long time to practice to make a significant difference simply by adding entries. Moreover, the improvement of the Golden Body Pill to the body training method is comparable to attribute points, so Han Zhao thought After a while, a decision was made.

[Alchemy Reincarnation]: Red entry; alchemy qualification increased by 25 times; the success rate of refining low-level, middle-level, and high-level pills increased by 60.00%, 30.00%, and 15.00% respectively; After the refinement of high-level and high-level elixirs, there is a [-]%, [-]%, and [-]% probability of refining high-quality and super-quality Chengdan (the current entry limit has been reached)

"Use [Platinum Upgrade Entry] to upgrade [Dansheng Reincarnation]"

Han Zhao muttered silently in his heart, and the original red entry suddenly glowed with platinum and gold.

[Obtain the entry 'Dan Dao Shengshou']

[Alchemy master]: golden entry; alchemy qualification increased by thirty times; the success rate of refining low-level, middle-level, and high-level pills increased by 90.00%, 60.00%, and 30.00% respectively; After the refining of middle-level and high-level elixirs, there is a [-]%, [-]%, and [-]% probability of refining high-quality and super-quality Chengdan (can be upgraded through practice, and the upper limit is platinum entries)
"This success rate!" Han Zhao said with joy on his face, and with his own level of alchemy, the success rate of refining high-level pills such as Golden Body Pill and Jiedu Pill is [-]% from the very beginning.

After Han Zhao calmed down, he started the eighth simulation.


[You have joined the Yin Yang Palace. 】


[Because you were on the wrong team, you were sent to the outside world to participate in the battle. 】

【you are dead. 】

[attribute point +2000]

Ninth simulation.


[In order to make the dragon grow into a great success, you participated in the siege of the dragon, but died in the melee. 】

[attribute point +2000]

After the attribute points exceeded [-], Han Zhao didn't continue the simulation. He was going to practice one qi and three cleanses first. In this way, after his strength increased greatly, there might be new gains in the simulation.

It just happened to be nearly half a year before the high-level officials of the Martial God League will investigate the head of the Tianmozong.


Han Zhao took off his coat, only wearing a pair of shorts, and jumped into the magic pool.

[One gas and three cleansing: the first layer (0/6000), can be upgraded]

"System, improve the three cleans in one breath!"

【Attribute points: 6570→570】

With the rapid consumption of attribute points, Han Zhao felt an indescribable tearing pain emerging from his body.


Even after experiencing the pain of practicing the Vajra Art, Han Zhao couldn't help crying out in pain. This is a feeling that is completely different from physical pain. The soul seems to have turned into a body, split into three parts by two knives.

"Congenital and old, born after birth, borrowed Li Chengcheng to get his name. Once he worshipped Hongjun to cultivate morality, he knew that one gas could be transformed into three cleans."

This sentence resounded inexplicably in Han Zhao's heart.

At the same time, Han Zhao's mental power, qi and blood, stellar qi, and vitality rapidly decayed.

His body slowly surfaced from the middle of the magic pool. Obviously he didn't use his energy and strength, but his body seemed to be lifted by an invisible force, floating directly above the middle of the magic pool.

After an unknown amount of time, Han Zhao's whole body trembled slightly, and two blood-colored phantoms loomed around his body.

Two bloody figures separated from his body.

Han Zhao seemed to have suffered some kind of unspeakable pain, the veins on his forehead were bulging, he was sweating profusely, and his complexion became paler and paler.

However, as the two blood-colored figures gradually solidified under the support of his mental power, blood, energy, and vitality, and became exactly like him, the aura of the three became stronger and stronger.

Han Zhao opened his eyes suddenly, and the other two figures also opened their eyes at the same time. Gold, purple, and white lights flashed in the eyes of the three, and their eyes met in the void above the magic pool.

Han Zhao smiled and said to the two avatars, "Han Zhao."

The incarnation of the evil spirit lingering around him said: "Add more money!"

And the incarnation of Buddhism and Taoism with surging energy and blood in his body clasped his hands together: "Believe in what you say."

[Mo Dao Han Zhao——Three Evil Realms, practicing Nirvana True Demon Art, with a strong physical body, possesses the small supernatural power of 'Ghost Demon Flame', and masters the great method of disintegrating demons.]

[Buddhism and Taoism Han Zhao——Three evil realms, practicing the indestructible magic of King Kong, mastering the transformation of the dragon and the transformation of the white tiger]

[One qi transforms three cleanses: the first level (6000/6000), cannot be upgraded; the promotion conditions have not yet been met: the completion of the seven evil spirits, the transformation of spiritual power into divine thoughts; special effect: three spirits in one]

"Although there is such an expectation, it is indeed too exaggerated to have two avatars with similar realm and strength in an instant!"

Looking at the system prompt, Han Zhao was amazed.

It is worthy of being improved according to the peerless secret technique mastered by the true king, and his strength has directly increased by two times.

Although the power of the main body was separated from the magic way and the Buddhist way, the strength was slightly weakened, but his two avatars are connected with the main body, and the increase in actual combat power is 1+1+1, which is far greater than 3 Effect.

And at critical moments, the avatar can be temporarily fused with the main body through the "three spirits into one", which greatly enhances his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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