Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 198 The Valkyrie League Comes!The divine power of the Nether Demon Flame!

Chapter 198 The Valkyrie League Comes!The divine power of the Nether Demon Flame! (4K)

"We have to hurry up and recover."

Han Zhao felt an unprecedented weakness in his body. At this moment, he was only [-]% of his previous state, and the two incarnations were only about [-]%. He had to swallow the elixir as soon as possible, practice exercises, and restore his state.

At this moment, he can be regarded as a real pure martial artist. In addition to the martial arts will of the five-color peacock, the blood of the spirit beast has been transferred into the body of Buddha and Taoism.

"I'm going to practice in the magic pond." Mo Dao Han Zhao said.

"Yeah." Han Zhao nodded, the avatar was connected with him, but he was still the main one.


Mo Dao Han Zhao plunged into the depths of the magic pool. The environment here is most conducive to his cultivation. As long as he stays in this magic pool, his recovery speed can even exceed that of the body using attribute points.

Han Zhao walked to the edge of the magic pool, followed by Buddhist and Taoist Han Zhao.

Han Zhao took out a jade box from the sumeru bag, and took out the soul-cultivating wood that had not been used.

I saw the Soul Cultivation Wood, which looked like stick-shaped charcoal, floating in the air, exuding powerful soul fluctuations, forming substantial black ripples in the void.

The spiritual power recovery speed of Han Zhao and the Buddha and Taoist incarnations instantly increased several times.

The magic incarnation that has entered the depths of the magic pool is also affected.

Immediately afterwards, Han Zhao took out the treasured top-grade Buyuan Returning Void Pill and took it, and then gave two top-grade Buyuan Returning Void Pills to the Buddha and Taoist incarnation.

As the top grade pill enters the abdomen, a powerful medicinal power rises, flows rapidly through the hundred veins, and finally gathers in the sky veins.


Han Zhao's energy and blood surged like ocean waves, recovering from cycle to cycle.

In this way, the medicinal power of a top-quality Buyuan Returning Void Pill lasted for ten days before it was completely digested by Han Zhao.

Qi, blood and stellar energy recovered by more than [-]%, a speed beyond imagination.

"Unfortunately, I am too weak now, if I directly use the bugs of the Kurong Form and the Longevity Art Card, I may die on the spot.

Han Zhao secretly sighed in his heart, and then, instead of swallowing the pill, he took out the pill furnace and refined Qi and Blood Pill by the magic pool.

Although the medicinal power of the Qi and Blood Pill is far inferior to that of the Buyuan Returning to the Void Pill, if you can take the top-grade Qi and Blood Pill as a meal, you can still win by quantity.

With the help of the new entry [Alchemy Master], the worst qi and blood pills refined by Han Zhao are top grade, and nearly half of them are top grade pills.

Moreover, he used the inner alchemy of the third-level monster to refine Qi and blood pills regardless of the cost, making the medicinal power of the top-grade Qi and blood pills catch up with the low-grade Buyuan Returning Void Pill.

The incarnation of Buddhism and Taoism began to swallow the Golden Body Pill refined by Han Zhaoxin after refining the top-grade Buyuan Returning Void Pill.

Under the powerful medicinal power of top-grade and top-grade golden body pills.

In this way, Han Zhao's main body was gradually overtaken by the incarnation of the devil and the incarnation of Buddhism when he was in the lead.

Five months passed quietly.

Except for hunting third-tier monsters that cannot be done by others, Han Zhao has almost never left the Tianmo Cave.

With the support of Tianmozong's resources and his own powerful alchemy, his recovery speed was much faster than expected.


[At the age of 36, you found Feng Qilin in the open sea. You wanted to capture him alive and take him as a mount. Feng Qilin would rather die than surrender, and blew himself up. 】

【you are dead. 】

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

"Sure enough, after practicing one qi and three cleansing, the simulation will be much better in an instant."

Looking at the information in the simulation, Han Zhao couldn't help feeling emotional.


[attribute point +2000]

[Seed of supernatural power: top grade (310/1000), can be improved; small supernatural power: Nether magic flame; special effect: power of small supernatural power increased by 0.31 times]

After more than five months of practice, Mo Dao Han Zhao has long since returned to his peak state, and has cultivated Tian Mo Ce to a small success, successfully refining the supernatural power seed in Lin Zhan's body.

Mo Dao Han Zhao specializes in magic skills, so after the massive amount of magic energy in the magic pool poured into his body, the bottleneck of Nirvana true magic skills has been loosened.

[Nirvana True Demon Skill: First Level (2000/2000), can be improved; Breakthrough Progress (200/3000); Special Effect: Nirvana Body Primary]

Since the entry of [Liver Emperor], Han Zhao can directly see the attribute points needed to break through, so even if he doesn't have attribute points, he is still full of energy.

"The magic energy in the magic pool feels inexhaustible, but there is no need to use attribute points to improve it, just stay in the demon cave."

After pondering for a moment, Han Zhao decided to improve the quality of the supernatural power seed first, so as to immediately increase the combat power of the demonic avatar.

"System, upgrade the supernatural power seed."

【Attribute points: 2000→310】

[Seed of supernatural power: Ultimate (2000/2000), can be improved; Small supernatural power: Nether magic flame; Special effect: The power of small supernatural power is doubled]

"Crack!" The bones of Mo Dao Han Zhao's body rubbed against each other, and his body was raised, turning into a mature man with a height of nearly 1.9 meters.

"It is indeed the 'Hidden Art' after spending 570 attribute points to upgrade." Han Zhao looked at the incarnation of Mo Dao and turned into Lin Zhan, and couldn't help but sigh that this attribute point was worth the money.

Under the influence of Tian Mo Ce and Turtle's Breathing Technique, the aura of Nirvana True Demon Art even imitated Lin Zhan's aura.

The demonic incarnation spread his hands, and two dark purple flames ignited from his palms.

It looks like a small flame that can be blown out by a breeze, but it gives people a feeling of icy cold from the bottom of my heart, as if it can freeze the soul.

"The power of this ghost flame is really impressive."

Han Zhao was a little speechless. When the Nether Demon Flame came out, it gave him a creepy feeling, and the power was still higher than he expected.

Of course, the twice the power increase of the super god-species is also the key.

"The depths of the magic pool can absorb the Yin Qi overflowing from the Nine Nether Underworld, which can be used to strengthen the Nether Demon Flame. In this way, the power of this Nether Demon Flame can continue to increase!"

Lin Zhan's supernatural power seed, as well as his little supernatural power Nether Demon Flame, are probably also left by the powerful ancestors of the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Anyway, with Han Zhao's current strength, he can't go down to the depths of the magic pool and absorb the yin energy overflowing from the Nine Nether Underworld.

"When the Nirvana True Devil Kungfu breaks through to the second level, it will be able to go down to a deeper level. Maybe there is a chance."

Han Zhao really wished he could stay in this Heavenly Demon Cave for several years.

The magic pool has greatly improved the incarnation of the magic way!
In the next ten days, the incarnation of the Demon Dao completely mastered the Nether Demon Flame, and then dived deeper into the Demon Pool to practice.

The incarnation of Buddhism and Taoism also entered the magic pool together. Although he could not absorb the magic energy in the magic pool, he could temper his body through the cold air in the magic pool.

Another ten days passed.

"Huh?!" Han Zhao was making alchemy when he suddenly sensed that Lin Yu's aura was greatly damaged through his longevity zhenqi.

"Looks like a bad guy is coming."

Han Zhao speeded up the progress of alchemy, and not long after he finished refining this batch of golden body pills, Lin Yu came outside the Tianmo Cave.

"Mo Yan, go and have a look."

Han Zhao thought silently in his heart.


There was a burst of ten-meter-high waves in the magic pool, and the figure of the incarnation of the magic way flew out, and the whole body was full of magic energy, with an astonishing momentum.

The two incarnations were given names by Han Zhao. He named the incarnation of Mo Dao Demon Flame, and the incarnation of Buddha Dao named King Kong.


Mo Dao Han Zhao used the Hidden Spirit Art and Turtle Breathing Art to transform into Lin Zhan's appearance, and then took out a black long robe from the Sumeru bag and put it on.

"Bring the knife." Han Zhao took off the knife and threw it over.

Mo Dao Han Zhao took the Zhanye Dao and put it in the Sumeru bag.

Although the main training method is divided into three, these martial arts, which are mainly based on perception, can be used by both the body and the incarnation.

Mo Dao Han Zhao can also use the God Killing Three Forms, but his lifespan is not nearly unlimited like Han Zhao, so he can only use the conventional Kurong Form.


The dragon-breaking stone at the entrance of Tianmo Cave opened slowly, Mo Dao Han Zhao walked out with his hands behind his back.

"Brother? No, my lord."

Lin Yu outside the Tianmo Cave was startled when he saw Mo Dao Han Zhao, but he quickly realized that his elder brother was dead, and only the disguised Han Zhao was in front of him.

Mo Dao Han Zhao glanced at Lin Yu, and found that his face was pale, his breathing was disordered, and he looked like he had suffered internal injuries.He circulated the pure magic energy in his body and sent it to Lin Yu's body.

Although Lin Yu had absorbed Han Zhao's longevity true energy, he was still majoring in Tianmo Strategy, so after accepting the pure magic energy from Mo Dao Han Zhao, his condition quickly improved.

"Who injured you?" Mo Dao Han Zhao said calmly.

"People from the Martial God League have found the head of the Heavenly Demon Sect. The person who came here is a subordinate of the Guardian Heavenly King "Dragon King" of the Martial God League. He is very powerful. Please be careful, my lord. " Lin Yu said quickly.

"Go and see."

Mo Dao Han Zhao walked outside unhurriedly.

Lin Yu followed closely.

Soon, the two arrived at the main hall halfway up the mountain from the top of the Demon God Mountain.

I saw an old man with white eyebrows in a golden gown sitting on the main seat in the main hall, and beside him stood a middle-aged man with a gloomy face.

"He's a master." Mo Dao Han Zhao's eyes met those of the white-browed old man instantly, and his heart shuddered.

The white-browed old man sipped his tea calmly, while the middle-aged man beside him saw the two entering the hall, stepped forward and questioned, "Lin Zhan, you are so arrogant that you let Elder Huo wait until now."

Mo Dao Han Zhao narrowed his eyes, and what the other party said reminded him of some bad memories: "You hurt my brother?"

"So what? Let's ask him from the Martial God League, he." The middle-aged man said proudly.

"Go to hell!" Mo Dao Han Zhao's eyes flashed red, and a flame pattern appeared on his forehead in an instant. He clenched his right fist tightly and punched it out violently, and a huge fist mark of demonic energy flew out.

The white-browed old man frowned, then relaxed it again, drinking tea calmly.

"How dare you?!" The middle-aged man's complexion changed. He didn't expect that Lin Zhan would dare to attack him with his master on top.


The middle-aged man's whole body was filled with qi and blood, his figure swelled rapidly, his exaggerated muscles were constantly congested and swollen, his slim black robe was torn apart, and his entire upper body swelled in a big circle, presenting a terrifying inverted triangle shape, full of blood. The power of the explosion.

"Roar!" He threw out both fists, and the golden qi condensed in both fists. Surrounding the huge fist mark was a ferocious flying dragon. As the fist mark flew out, the flying dragon roared and opened its mouth, as if to Instantly devour Mo Dao Han Zhao.

Three fist marks with huge differences in appearance and momentum collided together.

There was a sneer on the face of the middle-aged man. Although he was only in the realm of the three evil spirits, what he practiced was the "Dragon Force Wuxiang Fist" bestowed by the "Dragon King". Not necessarily an opponent.

However, his smile froze before it lasted for a moment.

The Demon Qi Fist even opened its five fingers, as if pinching a loach, and smashed the middle-aged man's 'Dragon Force Wuxiang Fist'.Immediately afterwards, he blasted at the middle-aged man and the white-browed old man sitting beside him unabated.

"Ah!" The middle-aged man was shocked, and it was too late to fight back.

At this time, the white-browed old man suddenly moved.

With the same move, he just sat on the spot and punched with one hand, a golden fist that was only the size of an ordinary fist came first, and hit Han Zhao's demonic fist.

Boom! !
The two forces collided together, and the violent force and the stellar energy spread wildly. Countless air currents swept the entire hall centered on the two of them. The bluestone floor was torn apart by this huge force. burst.

Deng Deng Deng!
"Six Evil Realm?!" Mo Qi Han Zhao's figure was forced back seven or eight steps by the air current, and each step left footprints more than two inches deep on the spot.

The magic fist seal persisted for less than a breath before it was broken.

Seeing this situation, Han Zhao opened his hands, and two groups of dark purple flames sprang out at once, and the temperature of the whole hall seemed to drop suddenly.


Amidst the loud trampling sound, Han Zhao's figure advanced instead of retreating, and the two ghost flames actually directly penetrated the white-browed old man's Longli Wuxiang Fist, and directly hit the middle-aged man's body.


The middle-aged man fell to the ground, as if he had been tortured, and rolled on the ground howling and wailing in pain.

"Stop!" The white-browed old man withdrew his anger and stopped attacking.

"Do you know what will happen if you attack my people?" The white-browed old man looked at Mo Dao Han Zhao with a gloomy expression.

"Traveling into the Heavenly Demon Sect Master's Hall without permission and attacking my younger brother, when did the elders of the Valkyrie League have such power?" Mo Dao Han Zhao sneered.

"Do you think this old man dare not attack you?" Murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the white-browed old man.

Mo Dao Han Zhao's whole body was tense, and against the Six Demons Realm, he might be able to fight with the combination of three spirits, and the odds of winning were not high.

Of course, he is not without back tricks.

The people who should come have already come, but they are still watching the show.

"Hahaha, Elder Huo calmed down, why should he be as knowledgeable as the younger generation!"

At this time, there was a burst of angry laughter from outside the hall.

A man about 30 years old walked into the hall quickly. His appearance was handsome and majestic, and he was dressed in a luxurious black brocade dress, showing his dignity and grace. His black eyes were sharp and deep, like lightning flashes, making people afraid to look directly at them.Compared with his appearance, what is more conspicuous is his pair of arms that are longer than his knees, and his huge fists are covered with golden gloves, exuding a powerful aura.

"Yuan Xiaotian, what are you doing here?!"

The white-browed old man frowned when he saw the man in brocade.

"Elder Huo, you don't know yet. Sect Master Lin wrote to the ancestor to attach himself to my Yuan family. Do you think I should come?" Yuan Xiaotian clasped his hands.

"Master "Ape Demon" asked you to come? "The complexion of the white-browed old man changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "Then I will give you this face today!" "

"Old man Huo Longteng, remember this name, don't let it fall into the hands of this old man!"

The white-browed old man got up and walked outside. When passing Mo Dao Han Zhao, he made no effort to hide his malice.

As he said that, he ignored the middle-aged man lying on the ground crying, and left the hall directly.

Seeing this situation, Mo Dao Han Zhao took back the Nether Demon Flame in his body.

The middle-aged man got up, looked at Mo Dao Han Zhao with hatred and deep fear in his eyes, and fled the hall in embarrassment.


PS: I still owe 31000 words.

(End of this chapter)

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