Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 199 Take a step back, the more you think about it, the more angry you become!

Chapter 199 Take a step back and think about it more and more! (Large cup please order)
"Sect Master Lin, forgive me. I rushed to the Heavenly Demon Sect as soon as I got the instructions from my ancestor. I didn't expect that I was still a step behind Huo Longteng."

After Huo Longteng and his servants left, Yuan Xiaotian cupped his hands at Han Zhao, showing apology.

"Brother Yuan, you are serious, Master "Ape Demon" can send you here, which is enough to show that he attaches great importance to the Heavenly Demon Sect.I would like to thank Brother Yuan for making the rescue today, otherwise I really don't know how it would end. "

Mo Dao Han Zhao clasped his fists and said.

This Yuan Xiaotian arrived when he entered the hall, and didn't show up until Huo Longteng made a move. He probably wanted to see his strength, and at the same time let him really break with the Huo family and completely join the Yuan family.

Mo Dao Han Zhao didn't care about this, anyway, he was just looking for a backer temporarily to get a buffer time for cultivation.

High risk often means high return, and the scene in front of me has appeared several times in the simulation. As long as a few key points in time are avoided, the risk can be minimized and the return can be maximized.

"Brother Lin, don't worry, in principle, internal fighting is strictly prohibited within the Martial God League, Huo Longteng dare not attack you in the open."

Seeing Lin Zhan being so upbeat, Yuan Xiaotian became more enthusiastic.

"I will rely on Brother Yuan a lot in the future." Mo Dao Han Zhao said, and then changed the topic, "Shi Mingxiao, the great elder of our sect, also disappeared. I don't know why the Huo family pointed the finger at the Demon Sect."

"Cheng Chen is Huo Longteng's cousin, and he has a close relationship with the Dharma Protector "Dragon King" in the alliance.Huo Longteng approached Tian Mozong, indicating that he had already investigated all other suspicious places. "

Yuan Xiaotian pondered, he felt that the disappearance of Shi Mingxiao, Gu Yuanshun, Gu Wugui, and Cheng Chen must be related to Lin Zhan.

But like Huo Longteng, he didn't have any evidence.

Moreover, it is well known that Lin Zhan was seriously injured and retreated. Even if he recovers further and breaks through to the four evil realms, it is almost impossible to kill these four people without anyone noticing, unless he still has a strong body. aid.

However, here in the Northern Territory, any top martial saint above the five evil spirits has a name and surname, so it will be found out sooner or later.

"I, Lin Zhan, can swear with the demons in my heart. If I kill these four people, I will surely descend from the nine gods of the purple sky, and I will die a bad death." Mo Dao Han Zhao swore on the spot, "I hope Brother Yuan can help investigate together, and return them soon." I am innocent."

Yuan Xiaotian's mouth twitched when he heard the words, the oath made by the heart demon is indeed a heavy oath, but Lin Zhan is only in the fourth evil realm, so he may not have the chance to cultivate to the perfection of the seven evil spirits.

But for him, he doesn't care what the truth is.

The "Ape Demon" ancestor and the "Dragon King" are in the same situation, and their relationship is extremely bad. Unless it is about a major issue within the Martial God League, as long as it can cause trouble for the Huo family, the Yuan family is willing to help.

What's more, helping the Heavenly Demon Sect would bring great benefits.

The reason why the Gu family attacked the Tianmo sect was because of the Huo family's behind-the-scenes instruction.

The Huo family's "Dragon Immortal Body", the Yuan family's "Divine Ape Induction Art", and the Yin Yang Temple's "King Kong Immortal Art" are also known as Nan Zhanhai's three great body training techniques.

Although "God Ape Induction Jue" is not a magic skill and cannot absorb the magic energy in the magic pool, it can also use the magic energy to quench the body.

The ancestors of "Dragon King" and "Ape Demon" are both complete with seven evil spirits. Whoever takes the next step first will change the structure of the Martial God League.

"With our relationship with the Yuan family, Huo Longteng doesn't dare to be presumptuous. It's just that there are some things that I don't feel comfortable explaining clearly. I hope you will be careful." Yuan Xiaotian pointed out.

"Thank you, Brother Yuan. If any of the members of the Yuan family need to use the magic pool in the future, all you need to do is notify me in advance, and I will personally arrange it."

Mo Dao Han Zhao said sternly.

Anyway, he also needs to go out to hunt third-order monsters every once in a while. The main body and the avatar have to go together to ensure the strongest combat power to prevent accidents. It is okay to borrow the magic pool during this period.

He possesses two top magic skills, Heavenly Demon Strategy and Nirvana True Demon Kung Fu, and his physical body is extremely strong, and he has only dived about 500 meters below the magic pool. He doesn't reach half the depth.

Even if he stayed at the bottom of the magic pool and used the hidden spirit art to restrain his breath, the other party would not be able to find out.

"From now on, our Yuan family's children will have to get closer to the Heavenly Demon Sect." Yuan Xiaotian said with a smile.

Among the children of the Yuan family, there are not many who are qualified to practice the "Divine Ape Induction Art", and in fact, not many people need to use the magic pool.The most important thing is not to let the "Dragon King" enter the magic pool to practice. When the ancestor of the "Ape Demon" finishes his retreat, he might come to the Heavenly Demon Sect.

"Definitely." Mo Dao Han Zhao clasped his fists and saluted.

"Since that's the case, I won't bother you again when I need to use the magic pool in a few days." Yuan Xiaotian said before leaving.

"I'll send Brother Yuan off." Mo Dao Han Zhao sent Yuan Xiaotian all the way down the mountain.

"Brother Lin, take this opportunity and make more preparations. The sky in the Northern Territory is about to change!" Yuan Xiaotian looked up at the clear sky and sighed.

"Thank you, Brother Yuan, for your suggestion." Mo Dao Han Zhao said seriously.

"Farewell." Yuan Xiaotian left with a smile.

"All your tricks, I'll break them all by myself!" Mo Dao Han Zhao was full of confidence.

On the other side, the middle-aged man who was injured by Mo Dao Han Zhao caught up with Huo Longteng, and just boarded the big boat, he fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

"What a terrifying ghost flame!"

Huo Longteng probed his true energy into the unconscious Long Wei's body, and found that his meridians were torn apart by the devil's energy, and his internal injuries were severe. The most important thing was that his soul was greatly damaged, and his mental power was severely lacking.

After a while, under the nourishment of his true temperature, Long Wei woke up.

"grown ups."

"You were injured by the Nether Demonic Flame, you should rest for a while." Huo Longteng said lightly.

"Thank you sir for saving me, Long Wei has shamed you, please punish me!" Long Wei knelt down on the ground.

"I don't blame you, it's that Lin Zhan's strength is too strong. If he goes one step further and cultivates to the five evil realms, even I can't underestimate him."

Huo Longteng frowned slightly.

"This Heavenly Demon Sect really has some skills! But the current Heavenly Demon Sect is not the Heavenly Demon Sect hundreds of years ago. Going against our Huo family will only lead to death."

"My lord, Mr. Cheng's death must have something to do with Lin Zhan! Maybe he used some despicable means to kill Mr. Cheng."

Long Wei said bitterly, this time his soul was injured, even if he can recover, the hope of breaking through the four evil realms in the future is slim.

"The matter has come to this point, whether he did it or not, it doesn't matter anymore! If I want him to die, he must die!" Huo Longteng showed murderous intent.

The Huo family was bound to win the demon pool of the Heavenly Demon Sect, but they didn't want to look too ugly. Now that Lin Zhan is so ignorant, he doesn't have so many scruples.

"But the Yuan family." Long Wei hesitated, although he wished to kill Lin Zhan now, but in case the Huo family and the Yuan family turned against each other, the people under them would be the first to bear the brunt.

"We don't need to take action. The spies from the Valkyrie League who have infiltrated the witch and monster races have already sent back news that the Beast Soul Department and the Tianyi Department will invade the Northern Territory on a large scale in the near future, and Beiming Island will become the main battlefield for tens of thousands of miles. Lin Zhan is not Just made a breakthrough, has your strength improved? Just let Tian Mozong be the striker."

Huo Longteng sneered.

He didn't need to do it himself at all, he only needed to use the forces behind him and the power he possessed to kill Lin Zhan like crushing an ant.

The Martial Saint of the Four Evil Realms is an unattainable existence for ordinary warriors, but for him, it is just a plaything in the palm of his hand.

"Your Excellency is a good plan! In this way, the Yuan family will have nothing to say!" Long Wei was overjoyed.

"Yuan Family?! If Master "Dragon King" didn't take care of the overall situation, the Yuan Family would be nothing.Give the old guy some face and call him "Ape Demon", sir, if you don't give him face, I will let him go to the ground! "

Huo Longteng pursed his lips, as if he was very disdainful towards the "Ape Demon", who was also the Twelve Guardian Heavenly Kings of the Martial God League.

Hearing this, Long Wei smiled approvingly, but he dared not answer, after all, "Ape Demon" was a strong man he looked up to.

"Wait, I want Lin Zhan to beg me to let him go." Huo Longteng said lightly.

"When the time comes, please ask your lord to let your subordinates act as envoys. I can't wait to see Lin Zhan begging!"

Long Wei smiled obsequiously, he had already thought about what he would say when he came to see Lin Zhan.

"Go." Huo Longteng waved his hand, no one dared to provoke him for a long time, so that he even became a little interested in Lin Zhan, who was in the four evil realms.

"Yes! This subordinate will go back to recuperate!"

Four months later.

A hundred miles away from Demon God Island, there was a large dragon-headed ship parked. The iron-wood hull was painted with gold paint. From a distance, the whole large ship looked like a dragon about to take off.

The entire Nanzhanhai will use this kind of big ship, only the Huo family of the Martial God League.

As soon as this boat leaves, it represents the top management of the Huo family and the Martial God League.

When the nearby merchant ships saw the dragon-headed ship, they all avoided it far away, and some fast ships speeding on the sea also slowed down, not daring to overtake it.

In the box on the top floor of the dragon head ship, Long Wei leaned against the window, sitting in a position that Huo Longteng could only do in the past, while drinking and drinking, overlooking the magnificent sea, watching the passing ships slow down, he couldn't help sighing :

"A man should be like this!"

As a person with a foreign surname, only by cultivating to the realm of the four evil spirits and mastering the second minor supernatural power, can he have the opportunity to become the elder of the Huo family, from a follower to a master.

"If I can kill Lin Zhan, take the seed of supernatural power from him, and use the Nether Demonic Flame as my own little supernatural power, maybe I can completely restore the trauma on my soul."

"You can make good use of this opportunity."

Long Wei sneered in his heart.

When Lin Zhan wants to see Mr. Huo, he can take the opportunity to get some benefits from Lin Zhan. Anyway, he cheated first, and then even if he cheats and fails to fulfill his promise, what can Lin Zhan do?Don't you have to beg for mercy obediently!
For the next seven days, the dragon-headed ship sailed around Demon God Island like this. Although it did not make any provocative actions, Demon God Island is the territory of Tianmo Sect, and this behavior of sailing around the island itself is a kind of provocation. .

Everyone in the Tianmo sect was very angry, but no one dared to offend the Martial God League and the Huo family.

"Damn it! I joined the Demon Sect just for the sake of happiness and hatred, but I didn't expect it to be the same."

"Who says it's not! Although I know that the situation is stronger than the people, it's too fucking aggrieved!"

The disciples of the inner sect talked a lot. They thought that after the suzerain left the customs, the Tianmo sect would do a big job to restore the power of the past and make it to a higher level, but they did not expect this to be the case.

Some time ago, the Great Elder disappeared inexplicably, and for some reason, he got into trouble with the Huo family of the Martial God League, so now he is being provoked at the door, so he can only watch.

Everyone was depressed, so they could only reflect to Lin Yu, the suzerain.

Lin Yu was so annoyed that he simply hid in the room and practiced behind closed doors without seeing anyone, and handed over the affairs of the sect to the elders in the sect.

When he couldn't take it anymore, he could only go to Tianmo Cave to find Han Zhao who was practicing in seclusion with everyone's wishes, hoping that through Han Zhao's relationship, the Yuan family could come forward to make things right.

Otherwise, if it goes on like this, the reputation of the Heavenly Demon Sect will be greatly damaged, and there will be no new disciples willing to join in the future.

"Let him go, don't bother."

Han Zhao opened the Broken Dragon Stone and walked out. The demonic incarnation is in the critical period of breaking through the first level of the Nirvana True Demon Art. He is making alchemy for the demonic and Buddhist incarnations every day, and he is almost too busy to touch the ground. Where is the mind to take care of this kind of thing.

"Yes, my lord." Although Lin Yu had expected this answer in his heart, he was still a little disappointed.

If it is the eldest brother, he will definitely not be subdued even if he fights all the way.

It's just that Han Zhao's choice is indeed the best choice from a practical point of view.

Forbearance a moment, calm, take a step back, a brighter future.


"There's nothing important, don't bother me any more." Han Zhao added, and then activated the Broken Dragon Stone and returned to the Heavenly Demon Cave.

"Yes!" Lin Yu saluted respectfully, with a wry smile on his face. Han Zhao could hide in it, but they couldn't help it.

"If I'm strong enough, I don't need to endure such anger. I really wish I could kill the old thief of the Huo family!"

Thinking of the Tianmo sect, which his father and brother guarded with their lives, being trampled like this, Lin Yu felt sad and angry, and turned around quickly to leave.

In the Heavenly Demon Cave, Han Zhao returned to the side of the magic pool. The pill furnace had not cooled down yet, so he immediately used the innate yang energy to heat the pill furnace and continued to make alchemy.

After successfully refining another batch of golden body pills, Han Zhao threw five high-grade golden body pills into the middle of the magic pool.


A huge vortex suddenly appeared in the originally calm magic pool, and an astonishing suction appeared in the depths of the magic pool. The five top-grade golden body pills were wrapped in magic energy and sent into the depths of the magic pool 600 meters underwater .

The incarnation of Mo Dao opened his mouth, and five top-grade golden body pills were swallowed by him.

The demonic energy on the surface of the demonized body became more and more solid, and suddenly a cloud of dark purple flames sprang out from his body, and the ghostly demonic flames were blazing. His whole body was like a killing god returning from the Nine Nether Hells, and his demonic power was overwhelming.

"This Nether Demonic Flame has been absorbing the demonic energy in the demonic pool for the past few months, and there are faint signs of evolution."

Han Zhao looked at the magic flame on the surface of Mo Daohua's body, and his pupils shrank. Although the magic power was separated, he had brought him a strong spiritual force from the "Zuowangjing · Shenyou Chapter", which made him have a strong mental power against the soul-attacking little soul-attacking ghost like Nether Demon Flame. Supernatural powers are extremely sensitive.

Nether Demon Flame is now in the process of quantitative change about to lead to qualitative change.

"What about mine?"

The voice of the incarnation of Buddhism and Taoism sounded beside Han Zhao.

He turned around and saw the incarnation of Buddhism stretching out his hand to him.

"Am I not refining?" Han Zhao couldn't help but roll his eyes. Although this alchemy furnace uses the inner alchemy of a third-level monster in exchange for a high-level alchemy furnace, according to the frequency of refining high-level pills, I'm afraid It can't be supported for long.

"Oh." The incarnation of Buddha and Taoism responded, and sat down cross-legged on the futon beside him.

"We have to find a way to get a higher-quality alchemy furnace, preferably a spiritual weapon." Han Zhao thought to himself that the Titan will appear in the northern waters of Beiming Island after a while.

Although I don't know whether the future war will affect the appearance of the Titan, but when a war starts, merchants will definitely try to increase prices, and it will be much more expensive to buy things at that time.

You have to attend the next auction.

After regaining consciousness, Han Zhao stepped up alchemy.

In this way, Han Zhao spent the next month like this.

boom! !

A huge wave more than ten meters high suddenly exploded in the magic pool, and the incarnation of the magic way flew out together with the water in the magic pool.

But seeing the dark purple magic flame on his body jumping out more than a foot high, the purple light was released, his body swelled as if inflated, and dark golden scales emerged from the skin.

In an instant, he turned into a first-born unicorn, covered in dark golden scales, and a ferocious monster with monstrous flames.

Even if it were a genuine monster here, I'm afraid they would mistake him for the same kind.

[Nirvana True Demon Skill: Second Level (1/4000), can be improved; special effect: Nirvana Body·Intermediate]

"Ha..." the avatar of the Demon Dao opened his mouth, and spit out a burst of extremely cold magic energy, and the water vapor in the air quickly condensed into ice flowers.

"It seems that the strongest one is the magic flame now!" Han Zhao said with emotion, this Nirvana true magic skill is really powerful, if there is no one energy to transform the three cleans, it is necessary to make such a pure magic energy not conflict with other skills , it is too difficult.

"It's true before the third level of the Vajra Indestructible Magical Art." The incarnation of Buddhism and Taoism nodded.

"You're coming too." Han Zhao pondered.

[Yang Sha: 100%]

【Fire: 100%】

[Yin Sha: 100%]

During this period of time, most of Han Zhao's energy was spent on alchemy, but his progress in practice did not fall behind. Now that the three evil realms have been completed, he only needs to fully condense the third heavenly vein to break through the bottleneck of the four evil realms.

Although Han Zhao's breakthrough cannot directly allow the incarnation of Buddhism and Taoism to break through together, but the insights in it can benefit the incarnation of Buddhism and Taoism.

When the incarnation of Buddhism and Taoism breaks through the realm of the four evil spirits, it will be able to hit the third level of the Vajra Indestructible Magical Art.

"Let me adjust my breath first." The scales on the surface of the demonized body quickly receded, recovering from the state of surging demon energy when he broke through.

For the next half a month, the incarnation of the magic energy stayed by the magic pool, and did not continue to go deep into the magic pool to absorb the magic energy.

And Han Zhao also took advantage of this time to concentrate on cultivation, and the third celestial vein was about to condense.

At this time, Lin Yu came to the outside of Tianmo Cave again.

Mo Dao Han Zhao walked out.

"What's the matter?"

"My lord, something is wrong! The Beast Soul Department of the barbarians and the Tianyi Department of the Monster Race invaded the Northern Territory. Now the Martial God League is recruiting warriors to guard Beiming Island. Huo Longteng, an old man, appointed the Heavenly Demon Sect as the vanguard. Now the Zong The cauldron has exploded inside the door. His envoy sent out a message, asking the Lord to board the ship and speak."

Lin Yu's face turned pale. He wasn't afraid of death, but as the vanguard of Tianmozong, he would definitely suffer heavy losses, and if he made a wrong move, he would be in a state of eternal doom.

"It's really a trouble, I'll go meet him." Mo Dao Han Zhao pondered.

After finishing speaking, he used the hidden spirit formula to disguise himself as Lin Zhan, put on a black robe, and walked out of the Heavenly Demon Cave.

"My lord? Hey——!" Lin Yu sighed, Huo Longteng had little hope of raising his noble hand.

On the sea thousands of miles away from Demon God Island.

"My lord, Lin Zhan, the lord of the Heavenly Demon Sect, asks to see you."

In the box on the top floor of the Longshou ship, Long Wei sneered when he heard the announcement from his attendants.

"Tell him I'm sleeping and tell him to wait outside."


The servant walked out of the box and came to the corridor.

Mo Dao Han Zhao stood tall, standing on the deck, his body was as straight as a javelin.

"Master is taking a nap, wait here." The servant raised his head with an air of domineering, a martial sage and a master of a sect should bow their heads in front of power.

Mo Dao Han Zhao frowned.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the servant came out of the room again, looked down, and said, "Master is awake, come up."

Mo Dao Han Zhao heard the words and walked towards the stairs.

When he entered the box on the top floor, Long Wei was sitting in front of the table, gnawing on a chicken paw. There was a pile of chicken bones piled up in front of the table, and it looked like he had eaten it for a while.

"Isn't this Sect Master Lin? Sorry to keep you waiting!"

Seeing Han Zhao coming in, Long Wei expressed embarrassment, but he didn't even let go of the chicken feet.

"What is Sect Master Lin doing here?"

"About the Tianmo sect being sent to Beiming Island as a vanguard." Mo Dao Han Zhao cupped his hands.

"Oh! This is the time to serve the human race. The fact that the Heavenly Demon Sect can become a vanguard is enough to show how much the league values ​​you, but you must not let down the trust of the league." Long Wei gloated and said. The words in Li are righteous.

"Working for the human race is naturally what we should do, but the strength of the Demon Sect may be insufficient, so please invite Elder Huo." Mo Dao Han Zhao continued, he is not afraid of being a pioneer, but the disciples of the Demon Sect may not necessarily up.

"Elder Huo? Which Elder Huo? Can Sect Master Lin recover?"


"I still like your rebellious look before." Long Wei sneered.

"?" Mo Dao Han Zhao was taken aback.

"It's very easy to survive. Go to Mr. Huo's door and ask for your guilt. Maybe Mr. Huo will show mercy and forgive your previous offense." Long Wei said lightly.

"If the master is willing to say a few good words, this matter will definitely be accomplished." The servant beside him echoed.

"Hmph!" Long Wei snorted lightly.

"Farewell." Mo Dao Han Zhao cupped his hands, turned around and walked out of the box.

Long Wei said calmly: "The vanguard must arrive at the front line within half a month, and you don't have much time left."

Mo Dao Han Zhao turned around, took a deep look at Long Wei, and nodded: "It's really not many."

After finishing speaking, Mo Dao Han Zhao left straight away, leaped forward, and flew directly into the sea, using his qi to ride the waves on the sea surface.

"This man really doesn't know how to flatter him! Next time he comes again, the master will definitely treat him well." The servant looked at his back as he left gracefully, envious in his heart, and the words he said were also tinged with sourness.

"Talking!" Long Wei snorted lightly.

"Master atones." The servant quickly knelt down on the ground.

"Get up." Long Wei waved his hands, he had to make Lin Zhan kneel in front of him, so as to eliminate the hatred in his heart.

"Master, your wine is finished, I'll go get it right away." The servant breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly went to the cabin to get the wine.

When the servant prepared a large table of food and drink, and was about to exit the box, he saw the Mo Dao Han Zhao flying over the sea, and said in surprise: "Master, look quickly, that man is back!"

"Oh?" Long Wei was surprised and was about to get up when he suddenly sneered and sat back down again.

Seeing this, the servant also came to stand behind Longwei, with a look of watching the excitement on his face.

Soon, Mo Dao Han Zhaofei got on the boat and walked into the box.

"The so-called one who knows the current affairs is a hero. It is rare for Lin Zongzhu to communicate so quickly, as long as you"

"Indeed, the more I think about it, the angrier I get." Mo Dao Han Zhao closed the door behind him.

"What?" Long Wei was taken aback when he heard this.

"I went shopping around, and it's really only the two of you." Han Zhao grinned, showing his white teeth.

"You?!" Long Wei's expression changed suddenly.

Accompanied by an earth-shattering explosion, the entire dragon head ship exploded.

At the same time, Han Zhao in the Tianmo Cave secretly left the customs with the incarnation of Buddhism.

 PS: [-] is guaranteed today, the cat has been making trouble all night, I haven't slept well, and I have a headache. I just finished writing this plot.

(End of this chapter)

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