Chapter 200 That's it? (medium cup please order)

Devil Island.

When Mo Dao Han Zhao returned to the main hall of Demon God Mountain with a solemn expression, the hearts of all the elders and disciples of Tianmo Sect sank.

"Brother, what did Elder Huo's emissary say?" Lin Yu stepped forward and asked.

"He wants my Heavenly Demon Sect to hand in [-]% of its profits every year before he is willing to notify Elder Huo, and there is no guarantee that the Heavenly Demon Sect will not be a pioneer."

Mo Dao Han Zhao said in a low voice, with a tense face, trying not to reveal his happy mood at the moment.

"What's the point?! This is simply a bandit!"

"We will never agree to such a condition!"

"Be a pioneer and be a pioneer! There is nothing to be afraid of!"

"That's right! I'd rather die on the front lines than suffer such birdishness!"

The following disciples and elders shouted outraged.

"I've already rejected him, so let's go back and make preparations. We will set off for Beiming Island in an hour, and the suzerain will personally lead the team. In addition, the participants in this battle are all voluntary!" Mo Dao Han Zhao said.

"The suzerain goes directly to the front line. Who will sit in the Demon God Mountain? What if those young people who covet the Heavenly Demon Pool invade, what should I do? And if I volunteer, I'm afraid it will be" an elder in purple changed his face slightly, hesitating, if it is true If it is voluntary, I am afraid that not many people are willing to go.

"If people lose their land, they will all survive; if they lose their land, they will lose all their land." Mo Dao Han Zhao said flatly, "These disciples are the future of the Heavenly Demon Sect, and they cannot be easily lost on the front line."

"Well said! The disciple is willing to follow the suzerain to Beiming Island."

"Disciples are willing too!"

"Count me in."

"And I!"

The disciples of Tianmo Cave, who were still a little worried at first, immediately boosted their morale when they heard that Lin Zhan was going to lead the team himself.

The only thing they are afraid of is going to the front line to die in vain, being cannon fodder, while the people above are sitting in the rear, but now that the suzerain is personally leading the team, they have no reason to be afraid.

In the so-called wealth and danger, warriors must have the courage to move forward. Being a pioneer is indeed dangerous, but it is also a good opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

"The Heavenly Demon Sect has been silent for too long. People outside may have forgotten the prestige of Nether Demon Flame and Heavenly Demon Ce." Mo Dao Han Zhao stood proudly. After saying this, he left the hall with his hands behind his back.

"If you save people and lose land, all people and land exist." Lin Yu savored this sentence carefully, and looked at the back of Han Zhao's departure, and couldn't help but look forward to it. He really looks like a big brother!
"Brother! Wait for me!"

Lin Yu quickly catches up.

The disciples behind also chased him out.

Less than half of the disciples remained in the hall, and everyone couldn't help but look at each other, a little ashamed.


Under the disdainful eyes of the disciples outside the hall, many people rushed out with enthusiasm.

Mo Dao Han Zhao came to stand on the platform outside the hall, and soon, all the disciples of the Tian Mo Sect got the news.

The phrase "If you save people and lose land, all people and land will survive; if you lose land and lose people, all people and land will be lost." It also made many people's blood surge.

Although the suzerain acted domineeringly and harshly, he was clear about rewards and punishments, and he took the lead in doing things. It was their honor to follow such a suzerain on the battlefield.

They didn't go to the battlefield for the so-called righteousness of the human race, but for the prestige of the Heavenly Demon Sect!

"Sovereign, the disciples for the expedition have been assembled, please review by the Sect Master!" An elder in purple came to the front of the crowd and bowed to the Demon Dao Han Zhao.

The disciples from the inner sect accounted for less than half of the team, while the elders from the sect were all present.

It's not that the elders are highly enlightened, but that the disciples can choose voluntarily, but as elders, if they are afraid of dying when the suzerain takes the lead, even if the suzerain doesn't pursue it afterwards, they will have no place in the Tianmo sect in the future .

I really can't afford to lose this person.

"I am willing to follow the suzerain!" The uniform voice of thousands of disciples resounded throughout the platform.

"Next, let the foreign race remember the name Lin Zhan well." Mo Dao Han Zhao sighed inwardly.

Looking around the field, he said loudly: "Disciples below the level of training strength come out."

"Yes!" The disciples lined up in an orderly manner, and the team of nearly 1000 people lost four-fifths in an instant.

Even though the outer seas are a paradise for warriors, with abundant resources for warrior cultivation, and the Heavenly Demon Sect is a once glorious sect with a profound foundation, there are only about 200 Lianjin martial arts masters, and less than ten masters.

"You stay in the sect." Mo Dao Han Zhao continued.



"We want to follow the suzerain!"

The disciples said excitedly.

Mo Dao Han Zhao frowned, the sect was indeed much more cohesive than the gang!

I think when I was in the Angry Dragon Gang, those disciples would push each other whenever they encountered a problem, and when they wiped out the pirates, it took a lot of effort to get together a few hundred people. They were obviously forced by external forces, but in the end they came to him Take the blame.

Of course, this also has something to do with Lin Zhan's charisma. Shangguan Yunfei failed as a leader.

The two are not comparable at all.

"There are too many people, the suzerain can't take care of them." Mo Dao Han Zhao said lightly.

"Below training strength, too weak!" After finishing speaking, he added another sentence.

When the disciples heard the words, many people turned red. They were not angry, but felt ashamed, especially those who did not practice hard enough on weekdays, and felt remorse in their hearts.

A martial artist who has not experienced wind and rain and fighting, even if his aptitude is excellent, will have limited achievements in the future. This is an excellent opportunity.

Especially with a top expert like the Sovereign taking care of him.

"Let's go." Mo Dao Han Zhao swung his sleeves and flew down the mountain with devil energy lingering around him.

"Haha! Second brother, I told you not to work hard in cultivation. The elder brother will leave first, so you can stay behind!"

Before leaving, a young man laughed loudly at his younger brother, gloating in his voice.

"Brother! Be careful!"


The fleet carrying the flag of the Tianmo Sect headed north in a mighty way, actively responding to the battle to defend Beiming Island. Their behavior was admired by many warriors along the way. There were also warriors from several sects on the road who expressed their willingness to follow the Tianmozong. Mo Dao Han Zhao readily agreed.

Two days later.

Yulan Island, a small island located at the southernmost tip of the Northern Territory, four thousand miles away from Demon God Island.

The island is full of white magnolia flowers, which look like blooming lotus flowers from a distance. The petals spread in all directions, and the whole island is green and white. Under the sunlight, the white light is dazzling.

The rich magnolia fragrance is fresh and sweet, refreshing.

The right to use the island originally belonged to a firm specializing in flowers. Because Huo Longteng liked magnolia flowers, the people below tried their best to obtain the right to use the island, and then transferred it to Huo Longteng.

All the islands in the inner sea of ​​the Nanzhan Sea Area belong to the tripartite forces of the Martial God League, the Holy Palace, and the Yinyang Palace.

Everyone only has the right to use the island. If they want to use the island, they must either join the three parties to become an elder, or pay money and resources for lease.

Of course, the islands where the Zongmen family lived for generations belonged to the three parties in principle, but they would not be leased to other people by the three parties, they just had to pay the fees on time.

A firm specializing in flowers is naturally very powerful, but it can't offend the Huo family of the Martial God League, so when someone came to the door, it naturally gritted its teeth and transferred the right to use the island out at a loss.

In the center of Yulan Island, there is a large area of ​​elegant pavilions and pavilions, and large areas of white magnolia flowers decorate it like a fairyland on earth.

In an attic in the middle of the pavilions, Huo Longteng sat at the table, leisurely tending a pot of purple magnolia flowers.

Everyone has their own little hobbies, and he likes to play with flowers and plants, especially magnolias, which can relax his mood.

Although the Beast Soul Department of the Witch Clan and the Tianyi Department of the Monster Clan are about to attack Beiming Island, but as the elder of the Martial God League, he occupies a high position, and with the support of the Huo family, a tree that supports the sky, even if Beiming Island falls, he can still Get out of the way.

The matter of beating life and beating to death can only be handed over to the people below.

"Sir, it's not good!"

At this time, an attendant hurriedly came to the attic.

Huo Longteng's face sank, and he reprimanded: "You're in a panic, what's the point?!"

"My lord, Lord Longwei is missing, and the dragon head boat he was riding on was also destroyed!" the attendant hurriedly said.

"What?!" Huo Long stood up vigorously, with a strong hand, the magnolia flower in front of him was turned into powder by his agitated aura, but he was not in the mood to serve the magnolia flower at the moment.

As his emissary, Long Wei went to the Heavenly Demon Sect to issue his orders, and even the dragon head ship that symbolized his identity was destroyed, it was a slap in the face for him.

"It is said that Lin Zhan, the suzerain of the Heavenly Demon Sect, broke up with Lord Longwei shortly after he boarded the big ship, and then returned to the Heavenly Demon Sect to summon his disciples to the front line of Beiming Island. He was responded by many warriors along the way." The attendant explained.

"Child Lin Zhan would have such guts?!" Huo Longteng's eyes were fierce. Last time he went to Tianmozong, Longwei injured Lin Yu. It was understandable for Lin Zhan to make a move.

But this time it was different, even if he directly killed Lin Zhan, Yuan Xiaotian had no reason to intervene.

"I thought you were a hero, but I didn't expect you to be a fool!" Huo Longteng sneered.

He felt that this matter had something to do with Lin Zhan.

Of course, it doesn't matter if Lin Zhan didn't do it, as long as he said yes.

This Lin Zhan couldn't hold his breath at all, as long as he had this excuse, he could handle Lin Zhan casually.

"I won't let you die so easily, anyone who offends the old man will have to."

"My lord! My lord!" At this moment, another attendant ran out of the attic.

"What's the matter?!" Huo Longteng glared at the attendant.

"Lord Longwei is back." The attendant said cautiously.

"What? He's not dead?" Huo Longteng was taken aback, he dared to destroy the dragon head ship, how could he let Long Wei go, especially since his injuries have not fully recovered.

"What about others?"

"It's just outside."

"Let him in." Huo Longteng sat back on the chair again.


"what sound?!"

A fine and sharp voice rang in Huo Longteng's ear.

"not good!"

A scarlet sword aura descended from the sky, and the 40-meter sword gang was like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, and the attic where Huo Longteng was was exploded.

The violent knife energy set off a terrifying high-pressure shock wave, which sent Huo Longteng flying. The protective energy on his body made a "creaking" sound under the vibration of the shock wave, as if it would explode in the next second.

"The rats who only dare to sneak attack, but."

Vajra Bodyguard! !
Dazzling golden light rose above Huo Longteng's head. The thick and terrifying strength and stellar energy swept through like a hurricane, setting off a violent air current. The whole body of the pure gold Buddhist Han Zhao shone with platinum arcs all over his body.

Han Zhao of Buddhism punched Huo Longteng's protective energy from above, and the majestic force poured down.

"Hmph! The three evil realms dare to be enemies with this old man!"

Huo Longteng's whole body was full of stellar qi, and seeing the three-color evil aura surrounding Buddhist Han Zhao, he couldn't help sneering, even a sneak attack couldn't do anything to him.

At this moment, the corners of the Buddhist Han Zhao's lips curled up.


The innate sharp gold aura carried by the white tiger was like a sharp sword, piercing through Huo Longteng's protective aura.

boom! !

In an instant, a cloud of air blasted in the void, and the air swept all directions, turning into a strong wind and raging across the audience. Huo Longteng's body was smashed into the ground as if hit by a shell, forming a huge crater with a diameter of more than 30 meters. Appeared suddenly, surrounded by cobweb-like cracks.

"Pfft!" Huo Longteng spat out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale, and the qi, blood and stellar qi in his body were in disorder. He didn't expect that a warrior in the three evil realms would have such terrifying explosive power.

"Six evil spirits. I'm here!" The usually calm Buddhist Han Zhao's complexion changed drastically, and he retreated sharply.

"Sword Intent?!!" Huo Longteng felt a chilling knife energy coming from behind him. Before the sharp knife energy came to him, he had a feeling that he was about to tear him apart, and his skin felt a tingling sensation. .

A piercing white light filled Huo Longteng's eyes.

"The power of extinction?! No!!" Huo Longteng was terrified.


A terrifying aura suddenly rose from his whole body, and the roar that he gave was not a human voice at all, but a roar like a dragon's roar.

The golden energy twisted in the void, causing waves of rippling ripples.

"Ka Ka Ka!" Huo Longteng's bones crackled and exploded, and his whole body swelled like it was inflated!

In the blink of an eye, he turned into a giant over three meters tall, with veins all over his body, and explosive muscles all over his body!The surface of the skin is covered with golden lines, and the whole body is full of explosive power.

He clenched his fist with five fingers, and punched out!
"Longli Wuxiang Fist!"

Huo Longteng turned around and turned into a golden flying dragon more than two feet long. Surrounding the fist mark, he ascended to the sky vertically and bumped into the light of the nirvana released by Kurong Style.

boom! !

After the earth-shattering noise ended, the large pavilions and pavilions in the center of Yulan Island disappeared completely, leaving only a piece of ruins.

When the billowing dust and smoke cleared, in the center of the huge pit, Han Zhao tilted his head slightly while leaning on the knives.

He looked at Huo Longteng, who was lying motionless in the middle of the pothole, with a puzzled expression.

"Six evil realms, is this all?"

"." The corner of Han Zhao's mouth twitched, your knife has a lifespan of thousands of years, and there are only a few people who can withstand it.

"Hey~ I just want to practice quietly, why do you have to force me!" Han Zhao sighed, feeling the rapidly dissipating power in his body, turned around and walked out of the pit.

This time the reincarnation period is over, and it is estimated that they will be able to break through the four evil realms.

Seeing this, Han Zhao of the Buddhist sect operated the Dafa of absorbing energy and sucked Huo Longteng dry.

His stellar qi, qi and blood, strength, and evil spirit, as well as the Huo family's dragon blood, were all inhaled into his body and quickly refined.

"Absorb a few more Huo family members, maybe the dragon transformation will become a big one!"

(End of this chapter)

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