Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 202 Sitting in the Lunzhang Palace, the True Monarch Comes to Heaven!

Chapter 202 Sitting in the Temple of Reincarnation, the True Monarch Comes to Heaven!
[Dragon Transformation Dacheng (4396/10000); special effects: power of nine yuan, affinity of thunder and lightning, dragon chant)]

After the incarnation of Buddhism and Taoism refined the dragon blood in Huo Longteng's body, the dragon transformation also reached the stage of great success, and his power also skyrocketed because of this.

Because of Han Zhao's breakthrough memory, the difficulty for him to break through the four evil realms has been greatly reduced. The question now is when will he practice the King Kong Immortal Art to the third level.

"If it is the current combat power, if we join forces with 'King Kong', it is estimated that we can defeat Huo Longteng without consuming lifespan to activate the Kurong style."

Han Zhao looked at the incarnation of Buddhism who had just swallowed a top-grade golden body pill, and thought to himself.

It's a pity that some time ago, I went to the Titan to participate in the auction and didn't buy a better pill furnace, which made Han Zhao very disappointed.

【Will of Martial Arts·Five-Colored Peacock: Tier 5210 (10000/[-]); Can be upgraded; Special Effects: Gathering Spirit Form, Five-Element Balance, Five-Color Divine Light】

"Now there are more options."

After such a long time, Han Zhao finally refined all the Suzaku blood absorbed in his body. In this way, if he went to the Holy Palace according to the trajectory he had simulated many times before, he would be able to flourish.

If there is the Holy Palace as the background, Han Zhao's demonic incarnation can no longer be suppressed by the Huo family because of his relationship.

Of course, this is just an option.

Exposing the relationship between the demonic incarnation and him may cause unexpected troubles.

"Let's simulate it, System."

Han Zhao muttered silently.

The yin qi accumulated for so long is not enough for two simulations, but the incarnation of the magic way has exchanged for a magic crystal with his combat achievements, so the yin qi is enough.

【Collect all 800 reminder fragments, whether to synthesize an entry? 】

[Synthesis once, consume 250 prompt fragments, 50 gold beads or magic gold, and you will definitely get the one-time basic entry 'life simulation'. 】


[There is a 5% chance of getting a 'fate entry', and the fate entry can take effect in the simulation. 】

【10% chance to get a one-time fusion entry, upgrade entry, and specified accumulation entry of the corresponding quality. 】

"System, recharge 150 gold beads."

[Current balance: 150 gold beads. 】

"Synthesis, start simulation."

[At the age of 27, the Beast Soul Division of the Witch Clan and the Tianyi Division of the Monster Clan invaded Beiming Island, and you broke through to the Four Demon Realm. 】

【Your magic incarnation performed well in the defensive battle of Beiming Island, killing all directions, and made great achievements. 】

[However, the incarnation of Demon Dao wanted to return to Demon God Island, but was blocked by the Huo family. 】

[After another three months, the Beast Soul Division and the Tianyi Division launched a massive attack, and the incarnation of the Demon Dao was encircled and suppressed. 】

[Shortly after, the purpose of the Beast Soul Department and the Tianyi Department was finally exposed. The head of the Tianyi tribe, Blood Mosquito, had reached the peak of Tier [-]. In order to hit the big bottleneck of Tier [-], he set off a big battle and created a blood sea formation to assist in crossing the catastrophe. 】

[The blood mosquito successfully crossed the catastrophe, and tens of millions of living beings on Beiming Island became extinct. The blood mosquito destroyed Beiming Island and released Tu Nuer, the ancestor of the Beast Soul Department who had been suppressed under Beiming Island for thousands of years. 】

[The actions of the Beast Soul Department and the Tianyi Department caused the high-level human race to be furious, and many ancestors of the pseudo-supernatural powers were dispatched. . 】

[Tianshengdongtian Martial God came to the world, and reached an agreement with Blood Mosquito and Tunuer, and the two agreed to leave the open sea and go to the outer world. 】

[At the age of 28, you went to the Holy Palace with the incarnation of Buddhism and Taoism. 】

[You gained attention in the Holy Palace by virtue of your alchemy skills, and gradually became a high-level person. 】

[At the age of 37, you and the incarnation of Buddhism and Taoism have both cultivated to the perfection of the Seven Demons Realm. You swept your contemporaries in the Qiantian Palace, obtained a large amount of "Qiantian Jingqi" and "Tianwai Xuanying", and finally broke through to the Eight Demons Realm in one fell swoop . 】

【As soon as you left Qiantian Palace, you were surrounded and suppressed by the family. 】

[Yu Xuanji rescued you, but was caught up by Bailingzong and the Baihu family. She cast her Tianfeng real body, activated her supernatural powers, and finally died with the enemy. 】

[You escaped with serious injuries, and returned to the open sea after passing the reincarnation period. 】

[At the age of 50, you and the incarnation of Buddhism and Taoism have cultivated to the perfection of the ten evil realms, and start to hit the supernatural realm. 】

[At the age of 51, you broke through the realm of supernatural powers and the catastrophe came. After surviving 27 divine thunders from the heavenly sky, you have survived four divine thunders from the purple sky. The incarnation of Buddhism and Taoism has been integrated into the body, and its strength has greatly increased. 】

[You have carried the seventh purple sky divine thunder in a row, but because of the lack of the demonic incarnation, the power of the three spirits in one is greatly reduced, the fusion time is shortened, the Buddhist incarnation is forced to separate, and your spiritual power is greatly damaged. 】

【In the end, you were killed by the eighth purple sky thunder. 】

"The Huo family!!" Zhao Han looked at the information in the simulation, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]


[attribute point +2500]

"Again, simulation."

[At the age of 27, the Beast Soul Division of the Witch Clan and the Tianyi Division of the Monster Clan invaded Beiming Island, and you broke through to the Four Demon Realm. 】


[The incarnation of Demon Dao wanted to return to Demon God Island, but was blocked by the Huo family.In a fit of rage, you let the incarnation of Mo Dao join the Eternal Society. 】

[Afterwards, the incarnation of Demon Dao was hunted down by the Martial God League. 】


[At the age of 50, you have cultivated to the realm of ten evil spirits, and at the same time let the incarnation of Buddhism and Taoism break through the realm of false supernatural powers. 】


[At the age of 60, you broke through the realm of supernatural powers and began to cross the catastrophe. 】

[Because of the difference between you and the incarnation of Buddhism, your spiritual power was greatly damaged during the process of the unity of the three spirits. In order to save your life, you let the will of martial arts and the five-color peacock take the place of robbery, and became a pseudo-supernatural realm. 】

[Taking advantage of another battle between the witch clan and the monster clan and the human race, you go to the Huo family, wipe out the whole family of the Huo family, and dig the graves of the eighteen generations of the Huo family. 】

[In the end, the ancestor of the Huo family's pseudo-supernatural power realm appeared, and was killed by you and the incarnation of Buddhism and Taoism. 】

【Your actions have caused a shock in the entire Nanzhanhai, and you have been encircled and suppressed by the Martial God League. 】

[After you killed many pseudo-supernatural powers, you were seriously injured and died. 】

"It seems that obtaining the spiritual power method is the most important thing." Looking at the information in the simulation, Han Zhao no longer cared about how he died, he just wanted to find useful information.

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]


[attribute point +2500]


[At the age of 27, the Beast Soul Division of the Witch Clan and the Tianyi Division of the Monster Clan invaded Beiming Island, and you broke through to the Four Demon Realm. 】


[The demonic incarnation was seriously injured and killed by the Huo family. 】

【You decided to join Yin Yang Hall. 】

[When you enter the Yinyang Palace, you will find that Lu Yingxuan was taken by a pseudo-supernatural powerhouse from the Heavenly Sacred Cave, and brought her back to practice in the Cave. 】

[At the age of 28, you start to emerge and become a true disciple. 】

[At the age of 30, you have cultivated to the perfection of the five evil spirits, won No.1 in the true biography competition, and gained the opportunity to enter the heavenly cave. 】

[At the age of 31, you found the clue to obtain the second layer of the Zen Forgotten Sutra·Shenyou Chapter in Tianshengdongtian. 】

[At the age of 35, after four years of searching, you finally found the second floor of Zaowangjing · Shenyou Chapter in a cave in Jiewaitian. 】

[Although you have the foundation of the first floor of the Zaowangjing·Shenyou Chapter, you still cannot break through to the second floor. 】

[At the age of 37, the Qiantian Palace was opened. After you absorbed a large amount of "Qiantian Jingqi", you broke through to the second floor independently. 】

[At the moment of the breakthrough, your spiritual power actually showed signs of materialization, followed by a sharp consumption of mental power, and your soul was wrapped in a cocoon of spiritual power. 】

[During the recovery process of your mental power, you lost the ability to move. 】

【you are dead. 】

"The second floor of the Sutra of Sitting Forgotten Spiritual Journey!!"

Han Zhao was overjoyed, he hadn't found the second layer of Zaowangjing·Shenyou Chapter in the previous [-] or [-] simulations, but he finally found it this time.

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]


Without hesitation at all, he made a choice.

As the selection ended, a picture appeared in front of his eyes like a movie.

In the end, his attention was highly concentrated, and the mantra of Zuowangjing and God's intention were firmly imprinted into his mind.

[Zu Wang Sutra·Spiritual Journey Chapter: Second Floor (0/100000); can be upgraded]

"The current problem is to keep the demonic incarnation. Although I don't know how many Zixiao Shenlei have, but if the three spirits are united, they will definitely be able to resist more."

Han Zhao pondered.

He lacks a strong enough backer, otherwise the Huo family would not dare to deal with him.

Thinking of this, Han Zhao took out a black bead from the Sumeru bag.

"Yuanpozhu, the Hall of Reincarnation, since there is no backer, then I will create one myself!"

Han Zhao's heart turned, and he entered the Hall of Reincarnation with his current lifespan. He would be an unimaginably strong man.

After activating the Yuan Soul Orb in advance to open the Reincarnation Hall in the previous simulation, he also relied on the fictional backer to avoid being hunted down in the interior, but the reality is very different from the simulation, and he dared not risk himself.

But if this backer is the incarnation of the Demon Dao, then it will be different.

"Even if there is a problem with the incarnation of the devil, in reality, I can also re-repair the one-qi transforming three cleansing and Nirvana true devil skills, and it will not affect the final tribulation."

Han Zhao made up his mind. Although he would inevitably fall into disputes if he wanted to fight for resources, he didn't come to the outer sea to be angry.

Sitting Wangjing can improve spiritual power, as long as one can get started, even if one has not cultivated to perfection, the spiritual power will be doubled again, which should be enough to activate the Yuan Soul Orb.

Thinking of this, Han Zhao held the Yuan Soul Pearl tightly in his hand, and said silently in his heart:

"System, upgrade the second layer of Zaowangjing · Shenyou Chapter."

【Attribute points: 5000→0】

[Zu Wang Sutra·Spiritual Journey Chapter: Second Floor (5000/100000); can be upgraded]

With the end of the ascension, Han Zhao's spiritual power quickly disappeared, and his soul was wrapped in a cocoon of spiritual power.

At the same time, the Yuan Soul Pearl in his palm burst into purple light, but it was blocked by the Heavenly Demon Cave and did not spread out.

At the same time, Han Zhao's soul was sucked into a mysterious palace.

There are 36 purple-red pillars standing in the hall of the palace, and the phantom of the soul on each pillar exudes a powerful aura.

"The last Soul Orb finally appeared!"

"Junior with a lifespan limit of 400 years? Get out!"

A cold and piercing words suddenly appeared in Han Zhao's ears. He was startled, and looked around, only to see a phantom of a soul next to him angrily yelling at the soul on the opposite pillar.

Hearing this familiar voice, Han Zhao frowned, and scolded, "Noisy!"

"Who dares to scold me for ten, ten, ten thousand years?!"

The man was about to scold Han Zhao angrily, but when he saw the number of lifespan above his head, he was so startled that he couldn't speak clearly, so he bowed down.

"True King forgives sins!!"

Han Zhao said calmly: "This seat is Emperor Shitian, and the Taoist name is 'Longevity'."

(End of this chapter)

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