Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 203 The Secret of Longevity, Everyone Gets Longevity!

Chapter 203 The Secret of Longevity, Everyone Gets Longevity!

A group of strong men also looked at each other, feeling a little confused.

They are all people standing at the pinnacle of the world. Although there are differences in strength between them, the difference in status is not that big.In particular, the Hall of Reincarnation is opened once every 600 years, and some of them have even entered the Hall of Reincarnation more than twice, and are already familiar with entering the Hall of Reincarnation.

In most cases, the strong people who come in know each other. Even if the soul body does not show the specific appearance and cultivation, but through the way of speaking and behavior, you can roughly judge who the person is.

In the past, at most one or two celestial beings and holy masters who were about to end their lifespans came in, but this time a real king came in? !

"What is the concept of 10 years?!"

"Is there anything wrong with the Hall of Reincarnation?"

"Samsara True Monarch has already ascended to the heavens, he is a man among immortals, he lives the same life as heaven and earth, as long as the "Samsara Dharma Edict" does not fail, there will be no mistakes in this Samsara Palace! "

"It's really the real king face to face!"

There was a lot of discussion among the people. The ancestors who were usually aloof have become juniors. They came to Han Zhao's soul body and saluted respectfully.

"I've been waiting to meet the True Monarch of Longevity!"

Han Zhao sat on the pillar and said lightly, "Excuse me."

The person who spoke out and scolded just now lay motionless on the spot, not daring to get up at all.

Through the way of speaking, everyone knew that this person was Wang Tengyun, the ancestor of the Wang family, and he was the top powerhouse in the Great Wei Kingdom, second only to Cao Mengxuan.However, he didn't have the demeanor of his predecessors, he acted domineeringly and recklessly. He didn't expect to offend the real king this time, but it made the few people who didn't deal with Wang Tengyun feel happy.

The reincarnation hall only shows the number of lifespans, not in order of strength.

Even if it is the great power of the warrior system and the holy master of the divine weapon system, the lifespan may be significantly different because of the difference between the cultivation method and the mastery of the divine weapon. More than 2000 years.

As for the Holy Master, if he masters some special divine weapons, he can even have a lifespan of nearly 4000 years.

Without considering the suppression of the plane, the Celestial Man must be stronger than the Holy Lord of the same level, so the lifespan is only part of the strength, not all.

However, a lifespan of 10 years is really too exaggerated!

Only a peerless powerhouse at the level of a true monarch can live longer than 3 years.

What is even more frightening is that the lifespan of 10 years is the limit that the Hall of Reincarnation can display, but it may not be the limit of this 'Di Shitian' senior.

This person is probably in the true monarch class, and is also the top powerhouse.

The only good thing is that because of the repulsion of the planes, the real king-level powerhouses cannot enter the 'source world' where they are, and the avatars can send out at most the third-level supernatural power.

However, a true king-level powerhouse has comprehended the existence of laws. Even if it is just a clone who comes into the world, under the pressure of the plane, it is afraid that it can burst out the strength of the heavenly realm for a short time.

"Get up too." Han Zhao glanced at Wang Tengyun.

"Thank you, Zhenjun!!" Wang Tengyun stood aside with lowered eyebrows as if he had been pardoned, for fear of being noticed again.

"This seat is just a ray of soul that was awakened by someone at this moment, so it appears in this hall of reincarnation. You don't have to be so afraid, this seat will not send a copy to the lower realm for you." Han Zhao looked at Wang Tengyun with a half-smile.

"Senior." Wang Tengyun was already anxious. Hearing what he said, he panicked to the point of death. He almost knelt down after speaking, and interpreted the word bully and fear to the extreme.

Seeing this, Han Zhao waved at him.

When the so-called strong face the stronger, that is the face, too real!
"The sub-hundred spirits of this seat have traveled here in the early years. This world seems to be mostly warriors. Why do you have such a strong aura of heavenly demons? Besides, it is the blood of spirit beasts with mixed blood." Han Zhao frowned. pick.

When everyone in the field heard this, their hearts suddenly skipped a beat.

True Monarch Longevity meant that he seemed to have a good impression of warriors.

The most frightening thing is that they enter from the soul body. If they deliberately hide their breath, it will be extremely difficult to find out their footsteps even among the same ranks, but this immortal king can see through their details at a glance.

"Senior, junior Hua Yuanwu, all warriors in this world have been driven to the outer seas by the family. Most of the warriors who survived the war have entered the cave world and will no longer set foot in this world."

At this time, a tall phantom of the soul stepped forward from behind the crowd.

Han Zhao looked at this person, and saw the number of life span above his head - 900 years.

"Are you a martial artist in the Supernatural Realm? No, it's a bit weird without the aura of Heavenly Tribulation." Han Zhao pondered, pretending to be puzzled.

"The younger generation's strength is low, even if they enter the cave world, there is no hope of successfully crossing the catastrophe, so in order to cultivate false supernatural powers, they think about living for hundreds of years, and put the hope of entering the supernatural powers in the next life." Hua Yuanwu said respectfully.

Pseudo-supernatural powers are also top-notch powerhouses comparable to first-level military commanders, but compared with higher-level military commanders and spirit summoners, they are naturally at a disadvantage.But facing a True Monarch, it is even more insignificant.

"So that's it." Han Zhao nodded, and immediately made a gesture of pinching his fingers and contemplating.

Everyone didn't dare to show their anger, and stood motionless.

After a while, Han Zhao smiled lightly and said, "I made some calculations and found an interesting thing."

Hua Yuanwu bowed and said, "Please show me, senior."

"The warrior who awakened this ray of soul in this seat is in the open sea you mentioned. He is currently fighting with aliens. It seems that there is one person under the island. For you, the strength is not bad." Han Zhao continued.

When the others heard the words, they immediately had their own thoughts. No wonder it took so long for the last Soul Orb to appear. It turned out that it was transferred from Yunzhou to the outer sea.

It's just that this person's luck is too bad!
The 36 Yuan Soul Orbs were awakened by him to awaken the soul of the true king.

"Senior said it should be Beiming Island, and the suppression under the island is Tu Nuer, the ancestor of the beast soul tribe of the Wu Clan. Could it be that the war between the Wu Clan and the Monster Clan is to save him from trouble?!" Hua Yuanwu was startled.

Back then, Tunuer refined a fourth-order monster with an indestructible body, and the Martial God of the Cave Heaven did not kill it, so he could only use a large formation to suppress it.

If Tu Nuer gets out of trouble, he will be in big trouble!
"According to my calculations, after three months, the demon clan and the witch clan will launch a general attack to form a large formation, and that junior will die in battle.

In half a month, the blood mosquito from the Yaozu will use the big formation to survive the catastrophe, slaughter the entire island, and release the suppressors.

After that, you wait for heavy casualties. "Han Zhao said lightly.

"What?!" Hua Yuanwu's expression changed drastically. If what True Monarch Changsheng said was true, it would be a catastrophe for the human race in the outer sea.

It's just that even the master of the deduction technique can't predict the future, and the time is so accurate, it's a little unbelievable.

"Could it be that the law that the predecessors cultivated is the law of time or the law of destiny?!"

At this time, a person behind couldn't help asking, it was Cao Mengxuan.

Warriors and those with the blood of spirit beasts can comprehend the power of rules when they reach the realm of heaven and man, and the system of divine weapons reaches the realm of holy masters.

If you make a breakthrough on this basis, you will start to practice the law.

However, most people comprehend the five-element rule, and then continue to comprehend the five-element rule.

No matter what system you take, the law is a force that cannot be ignored.

Among the three thousand laws in the cultivation world, nine of them are known as the original laws.

Time, space, reincarnation, fate, karma, destruction, five elements, yin and yang, power.

And among the nine original laws, there is a saying that 'when time does not come out, space is king;

True monarchs who practice the five laws of time, space, reincarnation, fate, and karma are each the strongest among the strong.

If this True Monarch of Longevity practiced the Law of Time or the Law of Destiny, then his body might be comparable to the True Monarch of Reincarnation.

"What I am correcting is the law of destiny." Han Zhao nodded with a smile.

Although everyone was mentally prepared, they couldn't help being shocked by his personal acknowledgment, and couldn't calm down for a long time.

If you can form a good relationship with such a peerless powerhouse, wouldn't it be beneficial in the future.

"Senior, is this junior destined to die in this battle?!" Hua Yuanwu said anxiously.

As a senior member of the Martial God League, if such a big event really happens in Beiming Island, he must go to the front line to participate in the battle. If the blood mosquito succeeds in surviving the catastrophe, plus an equally troublesome Tunuer, he may have to ask for help Only in Tiansheng Cave.

Before the Martial God of the Heavenly Sacred Cave Heaven came to the world, they were afraid that they would be in danger.

Although knowing the future fate through the True Monarch of Longevity in advance may be able to change the temporary result, but if his fate is fixed, if he escapes this catastrophe, he may not be able to escape the next catastrophe.

"Fate is unpredictable. Even this seat cannot see through its own destiny. Every decision at this moment will affect the future destiny." Han Zhao said frankly.

"The younger generation has been taught." Hua Yuanwu saluted respectfully. If someone else said such words to him, he would definitely feel that he was talking nonsense, but when he spit it out from the mouth of the real king, he only felt that it was infinitely useful.

"If you turn around early, your fate can be changed, and the fate of the younger generation will be the same," Han Zhao continued.

"I don't know who the junior the senior is talking about." Hua Yuanwu asked cautiously.

"Sometimes you have to have something in your life, but there is no time in your life. Don't force it. Other people's chances have nothing to do with you." Han Zhao looked at him with a half-smile.

"Senior misunderstood!!" Hua Yuanwu hurriedly saluted. Although he had an evil thought about the martial artist who received the inheritance of the real king just now, when he thought of the consequences of offending the real king, he only wanted to find the lucky one. The younger generation made friends with him.

"If you meet me today, it's a fateful opportunity. I can give you a copy of the health regimen that that junior got." Han Zhao smiled faintly.

Health regimen?

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words.

It doesn't feel like a powerful skill just by hearing the name.

In particular, this senior seems to have a lot of connection with martial artists. If the regimen of health preservation is pure martial arts, although those with the blood of spirit beasts and descendants of aristocratic families can also practice, the speed of cultivation will definitely be affected.

So after he finished speaking, only a few pseudo-supernatural power realm warriors in the field were tempted, and one of the warrior gods from the Heavenly Sacred Cave Heaven even wondered if the True Monarch was making fun of them.

"Thank you for the generosity, senior!" Hua Yuanwu knelt down three times and kowtowed nine times on the spot, and performed a great gift.

"Children can be taught." Han Zhao stretched out a finger, and his mental power quickly materialized, condensing into a silk thread and entering Hua Yuanwu's body.

Because force cannot be used in the hall of reincarnation, and even an attack cannot cause damage, so Hua Yuanwu is not afraid at all.

As the memory of the exercises entered Hua Yuanwu's soul phantom, he froze in place as if petrified.

"4000 years?!!"

Hua Yuanwu exclaimed.

"Senior, practicing this health regimen to the sixth level can prolong life by 4000 years?! Is this true?"

(End of this chapter)

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