Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 204: Secrets of Heaven Cannot Be Revealed! Tier 4 Magical Soldiers Star Mirror Broken!

Chapter 204 Secrets of the Heavens Cannot Be Revealed!Tier [-] Divine Soldiers, Star Mirror Broken!
"If you comprehend the true meaning of longevity and practice the formula to the sixth level, you can prolong your life for thousands of years." Han Zhao said calmly, and he handed over the first six levels of the formula deduced systematically to Hua Yuanwu.

Because as long as the level of martial arts of the Longevity Jue is not as high as his, they will be subject to him.

After the seventh layer of the Longevity Art, the special effects of the Qi Seeding Technique have been raised to a whole new level.

He believed that no one could resist the temptation to live for thousands of years.

Of course, Han Zhao practiced the Longevity Jue, adding a little bit would paralyze others. If these people practiced by themselves, it would take a little more time.

"What?!" The others were shocked when they heard the conversation between the two.

Lifespan is determined by God. Apart from practicing special exercises and taking natural treasures, most people have a lifespan limit.

This is a lifespan shackle that cannot be broken apart from breaking through the realm. Now the exercises taught by the True Lord of Longevity can prolong life by 3000 years, or even 1 years. This is simply a fantasy.

However, at their level, life extension is sometimes even more attractive than breaking a realm, because unless one breaks through a big realm, the increase in lifespan is very limited.

As soon as the Yuan Soul Orb came out, the world was in chaos, just to enter the Hall of Reincarnation to compete for a place in the "Reincarnation Edict". In the final analysis, I still hope that the next life can go further and live longer.

Add 4000 years of life span, live longer than the gods and gods.

"Thank you, senior, for your generosity!" At this time, several pseudo-supernatural power realm warriors who were still watching before also imitated Hua Yuanwu, and knelt down and kowtowed to Han Zhao three times and nine times.

Han Zhao taught them the exercises.

"This, this, this! How can this be called a formula for health preservation? This is clearly a formula for longevity!" The pseudo-supernatural power realm warrior who obtained the technique widened his eyes, and suddenly realized that his words offended Han Zhao, and quickly bowed to apologize: " Senior atones for his sins, junior Meng Lang."

They don't need to confirm the authenticity of this exercise, because this exercise is more than ten times more complicated and profound than the exercises they majored in up to the Dao of Shentong.

Just by imagining the divine intention of the last few layers of exercises, they feel the powerful vitality directly hitting the depths of their souls.

At this level, they will not be easily deceived. This technique is probably true.

This time, the others couldn't help it anymore. Although they are basically people with the blood of spirit beasts and members of the family of magic soldiers, who would think that they live too long!
Seeing the looks of these high-ranking strongmen in the past wanting but embarrassed to beg, Han Zhao chuckled and said:

"Those who are willing to accept the inheritance of this seat can take a step forward."

The Martial God of Tianshengdongtian stepped forward immediately, and the others also stepped forward one after another when they saw this.

Seeing this situation, several pseudo-supernatural warriors who had been inherited before felt a little complicated, and no one wanted to enjoy the benefits to themselves.

It's just that this peerless magical skill may be just an ordinary skill in the eyes of Zhenjun Changsheng, so he doesn't care at all, otherwise he wouldn't even bother to get a decent name.

Health regimen, sounds really common.

But the cultivation method that can prolong life for thousands of years, throughout the ages, is the only one!
Han Zhao copied the exercises one by one, each with a copy.

Even if these people don't practice, it doesn't mean that their descendants don't practice.

One year, ten years, or one hundred years from now, there will be countless people in the upper class of this world practicing the formula of longevity, and everything will be under his control at that time.

The whole world is accumulating longevity true energy for him.

"Drinking the longevity wine by yourself, who knows if you are free and unrestrained. Sit and listen to the music without strings, and you will understand the machine of good fortune."

As Han Zhao's voice faded away, his phantom soul disappeared from the purple pillar in the hall.

"Senior Longevity!!" The warriors who had been inherited wanted to ask to stay.

If the two parties leave their soul breath, they can communicate over a long distance through the spiritual power connection of the Yuan Soul Orb. If they can get the guidance of this senior, wouldn't they be able to save hundreds of years of detours.

If he is favored by the seniors and accepted as a disciple, it is like stepping half a foot into the Hall of Longevity.

"Drinking the longevity wine by yourself, who knows if you are free and unrestrained. This senior Zhenjun lives forever and sees for a long time, playing in the world, it is really enviable."

Everyone looked at the soul that disappeared on the purple pillar, and they were a little lost.

After a long time, the phantoms on the purple pillar disappeared one after another.

Because there are still decades before the opening of the Reincarnation Hall, this time it is just a gathering of everyone in advance, and at the same time, the redistribution of the Soul Orbs will be carried out by the way. Some people who are not qualified to master the Soul Orbs will naturally have to hand them over obediently.

It's just that this time a true monarch appeared, so instead of looking for the lucky junior with a lifespan of only 400 years as before, everyone returned to the present world to study the formula of health preservation.

Daliang City, the imperial city.

In the apse of the luxurious palace, a young man in a dragon robe and a purple gold crown opened his eyes.

"Where did this person come from? If he intervenes in the big plan, wouldn't it affect the situation."

Cao Mengxuan frowned, the lifespan shown in the Hall of Reincarnation was infallible, and this regimen of health preservation was indeed a peerless magic skill, but he always felt that something was wrong.

Thinking of this, he ordered his attendants to summon a bald young man over two meters tall, and his explosive muscles could not be concealed even by a loose top.

This person is obviously Cao Wuyu, but his aura at this time is several times stronger than that during the Zhongzhou trial, because he has become a strong man who has awakened his blood three times, and has become the master of the younger generation of the Cao family second only to Cao Xuan .

"Old Ancestor." Cao Wuyu entered the apse and saluted respectfully.

Cao Mengxuan pondered over and over again, and pondered: "Go to the Wang family and inform the ancestor of the Wang family, and say that there may be doubts about that person's identity."

"Yes." Although Cao Wuyu was a little puzzled, he didn't ask too much.

"Let Wang Tengyun and Zhongxing Pavilion test the details of that one." Cao Mengxuan was sure that with Wang Tengyun's character, he would definitely not be able to resist trying.

The Star Pavilion is transcendent, its background spans several planes, and there are also powerful people at the level of true kings.

He didn't dare to test, but Zhongxing Pavilion definitely dared.

Wang's residence.

"Cao Mengxuan, do you really think I'm a fool?! Let Zhongxing Pavilion deduce the identity of that person. If something goes wrong, I will be the unlucky one."

After meeting Cao Wuyu, a middle-aged man with a sullen face showed a sneer.

This person is the patriarch of the Wang family, Wang Tengyun, the top powerhouse who has awakened his bloodline six times.

"Although I can't offend that one, the junior who got the Yuan Soul Orb can make a move." Wang Tengyun's face revealed a look of deep thought.

True Monarch Changsheng didn't seem to be very concerned about the junior who got his inheritance. Let Zhongxing Pavilion determine the approximate location first. It would be best if he could seize the inheritance.

Thinking of this, Wang Tengyun took out a mirror from the Sumeru bag and poured mana into it.

Soon, a golden light piercing the sky pierced into the sky from the mirror.

At the same time, in the deep sea to the east of Dongshengzhou, there is a sea area surrounded by mist, which is known as the East Sea Wonderland. It is said that there is a Penglai fairy island deep in the mist, and immortals live in it.

Although all immortal seekers never return, this does not stop people's enthusiasm for seeking immortality. Countless mortals have entered the fairyland of the East China Sea one after another.

In fact, there is a Penglai Island here, but that is where the headquarters of Zhongxing Pavilion is located.

At this time, a golden beam of light descended from the sky, hitting the golden tower in the center of Penglai Island.


On the top floor of the tower, an old man in white with long eyebrows was sitting cross-legged on the ground as smooth as a mirror. As the golden beam of light entered the tower, he suddenly opened his eyes.

"It's you?"

A simple stone mirror flew out of the tower, revealing Wang Tengyun's face.

"Brother Fei." Wang Tengyun smiled at the old man.

"What advice do you have, Your Excellency?" the old man said lightly.

"I would like to ask Brother Fei to use the star mirror to confirm the position of the last Soul Orb." Wang Tengyun said seriously.

"Didn't the Wang family already get one Soul Orb, is it necessary to pay such a high price for the second Soul Orb?" The old man was surprised.

"There is a need for this. That person is a warrior, and his location is roughly on Beiming Island in Nanzhanhai." Wang Tengyun nodded.

"A superb golden bead!"

"it is good!"

Seeing that Wang Tengyun agreed so straightforwardly, the old man felt a little strange, but Zhongxing Pavilion has never been involved in the affairs of aristocratic families, and they only charge money to do things, so it is not difficult to use the star mirror to find the soul pearl.

"Wait a moment." The old man said, the simple stone mirror dimmed, and Wang Tengyun's face disappeared.

The next moment, the old man clasped his hands together, and dazzling starlight bloomed all over his body.

At this time, a huge mirror that seemed to enclose the entire starry sky flew out of the old man's body. It was the fourth-level magic weapon "Star Mirror" of the Star Pavilion.

Immediately afterwards, a blue vertical pupil appeared in the middle of the mirror.

"What are you doing?" The vertical pupil suddenly opened and made a suspicious voice.

"The last Soul Orb fell into the hands of a warrior. He found him on Beiming Island in Nanzhanhai," said the old man.

"Oh." The vertical pupil opened and closed slightly, and then closed again. At the same time, the stars on the surface of the mirror began to shine, and the picture inside fell rapidly. Soon, the picture was transferred to Nan Zhanhai.

"Continue! Narrow down the scope!" The old man continued.

The picture quickly shifted towards Beiming Island and became clearer at the same time.

However, after the screen circled around Beiming Island, it began to shift to the south.

"Not in Beiming Island? This Wang Tengyun even got the approximate location wrong." The old man frowned slightly, planning to ask Wang Tengyun for another top-quality golden bead later.

Heavenly Demon Cave.

[Currently there is a mysterious force deducing the Soul Orb and your specific location, do you want to block it? 】

Han Zhao, who was practicing on the second level of Zaowangjing·Shenyou Chapter, received a reminder from the system.


[Need to pay 1000000 taels of gold, or 100 gold beads.The current balance is insufficient, please recharge. 】

"Recharge." Han Zhao recharged the 100 million taels of gold returned to him by the system.

【Start shielding the secret.】

the other side.


The old man suddenly heard a crisp sound from the star mirror, he looked up and saw that the mirror was covered with cracks.

"What's going on? Qunxingjing?!" The old man was shocked.

The blue vertical pupil blinked twice, then closed completely, without breath.

The breath of the old man weakened rapidly, and his whole body instantly aged several decades.

He immediately picked up the simple stone mirror and activated it.

Soon, Wang Tengyun's face appeared on the mirror.

"Brother Fei, did you find it so soon? Qun Xingjing is sure enough, Brother Fei, what's wrong with you?" Wang Tengyun noticed that the old man's breathing was disordered, and he was a little puzzled.


The old man spat out a big mouthful of blood, and roared at Wang Tengyun: "Wang Tengyun! I'll fuck you!"

After finishing speaking, the old man fell on his back and passed out.


The star mirror on the side suddenly shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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