Chapter 207

In the center of Beiming Island, Giant Kun City.

Because of the war, the bustling Giant Kun City was no longer as lively as it used to be.

The Beast Soul Department and the Tianyi Department continued to invest in the third-line battlefield, making the people on the island terrified.

Many warriors and business travelers have left recently.

As for the local family, naturally they can't easily drag their families with them, because once they leave, they will automatically be regarded as giving up the local interests, and it will be impossible to come back after the war is won.

However, while they sent their clansmen to the front line to participate in the war, they transferred some of them out, so they were ready for both.

At this time, a dazzling purple light suddenly burst out from the top of a tall tower in the center of Jukun City.

hum! !

A huge beam of light shot up into the sky, creating a big hole in the clouds.


"The cross-domain teleportation array is activated!"

"Could it be that something happened on the front line?"

"Did Neihai send experts to support it?!"

The vision in the sky immediately attracted the attention of the warriors in the city.

Everyone discussed and focused their eyes on the sky.

In the center of the beam of light, a tall, middle-aged man in a purple-gold robe slowly emerged and floated down from above the clouds.

"Purple-gold robe?!"

Xu Kun, the martial sage of the Wusha Realm of the Xu family who flew out of the tower, was shocked.

"It's the Supreme Elder of the Martial God League!"

Only the elders in the Martial God League are qualified to wear golden robes, and the twelve guardian kings with titles are no exception, but their costumes only have some special symbols on them.

This is a symbol of identity and status, and strength is still secondary.

However, there is only one kind of person in the Valkyrie League who can wear the purple-gold robe, and that is the most powerful person in the pseudo-supernatural realm.

I saw the middle-aged man flying in the air, appearing in front of Xu Kun like a flash.

"I've seen the Supreme Elder, and my subordinates have lost their way. Please forgive me."

Xu Kun used the spiritual weapon under his feet, lowered the middle-aged man by two figures, and bowed deeply in mid-air.

"My seat, Hua Yuanwu, this place is Jukun City? Where is Xu Peng?" Hua Yuanwu glanced at Xu Kun. At this moment, he is full of momentum, and he is no longer the appearance in the Palace of Reincarnation.

"Reporting to the elder Taishang, this place is Jukun City, and the Patriarch is in charge of the overall situation at the front line. Senior please go to Xu's house for a while, and the junior will inform the Patriarch immediately." Xu Kun said respectfully.

"No need, the old man went to find him by himself." Hua Yuanwu said lightly.

As soon as the words fell, the whole person turned into a streamer and disappeared at the end of the sky.

Hua Yuanwu's heart was far less peaceful than it appeared on the surface. He didn't hide the inheritance he got from the Hall of Reincarnation, and directly shared it with the high-level officials of the Martial God League.

The power of the regimen made them all scratch their heads, especially the contents of the fifth and sixth layers. They couldn't even understand the intention of God.

Moreover, they were still discussing the distribution of combat power to smash the conspiracy of the Tianyi Department and the Beast Soul Department, but another earth-shattering news came from Dongshengzhou.

The star mirror of the fourth-tier magic soldiers in the Star Pavilion is shattered!
Fei Kun, the first-order holy master who mastered the magic weapon, died on the spot!
This incident alarmed the high-level officials of Zhongxing Pavilion in the outer world, and they went directly to Daliang City of Wei State to question Wang Tengyun, the patriarch of the Wang family, and everyone knew about it.

According to internal sources, it was because Fei Kun was entrusted by Wang Tengyun to use the star mirror to deduce the younger generation who received the inheritance of the True Lord of Longevity. As a result, he deduced the soul of the True Lord of Longevity, which was backlashed by heavenly secrets, causing the star mirror to shatter and the Holy Lord to die .

The last time a peerless powerhouse of this level fell, it dates back to the interface war thousands of years ago.

It is conceivable how shocked the high-level people of the Outer Seas were when they learned of this.

Hua Yuanwu volunteered to go to Beiming Island as soon as he heard the news, and offered to deal with the aliens from the Beast Soul and Tianyi Department.

Of course, everyone knows that his ulterior motive is not to drink, but his real purpose is to rush to find the heir of the true king.

"Is this the magic power of the Supernatural Realm? How strong should a real Martial God be!" Seeing Hua Yuanwu's disappearance was fleeting, Xu Kun's heart was full of longing and yearning.

In the eyes of ordinary warriors, martial saints are superior and powerful, but only those who have achieved supernatural powers can be truly immortals.

"So fast! This kind of escaping speed. The Martial Saint who has completed the seven evil spirits is not so fast, is he?!"

"Could it be those high-ranking elders!"

The warriors below were shocked when they saw the speed at which Hua Yuanwu left.

This is a strong man like a fairy!
"A strong man of this level may not be able to see him in his whole life. He is too far away from me." Xu Kun tried to calm down after looking away.It is of no benefit to a martial artist to aim too high, he should aim at the Seven Fiends Realm as well.

When Xu Kun returned to the tower, he had just calmed down, when he heard the beam of light from the cross-domain teleportation array in the tower, and the purple beam of light shot up into the sky again.

"Another person came from the inner sea?!"

Xu Kun flew out of the tower and looked up.

I saw a young man who looked seventeen or eighteen years old appearing in the beam of light, with a handsome appearance and an extraordinary bearing, he was wearing a standard golden robe exclusive to the elders of the Valkyrie League, but there was a Yinglong embroidered on the left sleeve that was about to fly, full of arrogance .

"Golden Robe Embroidered Dragon, is this person the "Dragon King" who is one of the twelve guardian kings of the Martial God League? "

Xu Kun's face showed shock. The ancestor of the pseudo-supernatural power realm is naturally superior, and his status and strength are both above the Dragon King. However, the powerhouse at this level is too far away from him, and he feels a little illusory.

On the contrary, "Dragon King" Huo Qianren, a peak martial saint with the perfection of seven evil spirits, feels more majestic.

"See "Dragon King". "Xu Kunfei stepped forward, clasped his fists and saluted.

Huo Qianyan glanced at Xu Kun, then raised his head to look at the sky, ignoring him.

Seeing this situation, Xu Kun stood in mid-air, not daring to ask questions.

Although the Seven Demons Realm is also the category of Martial Saints, strictly speaking, it is a brand new level compared with the Six Demons Realm, and there is a huge gap in strength.

What's more, Xu Kun is only in the five evil spirits, and he is not at the same level as Huo Qianren.

A more dazzling purple beam of light pierced into the sky, penetrating the sky and the earth.

An old man appeared from the beam of light. His cheekbones were high, his temples were gray, his face was dull and wrinkled, and the wrinkles made his face as rough as bark, giving him an appearance of vicissitudes.

At first glance, he looked like an ordinary old man on the verge of death, but his fluorescent purple-gold robe had already revealed his identity—the Supreme Elder of the Martial God League.

"Qian Ren welcomes the ancestor." Huo Qian Ren saluted the old man respectfully.

"I have met the Supreme Elder!" Seeing this, Xu Kun bowed deeply.

"Old man Huo Lingtao, is Hua Yuanwu here?" the old man asked.

Xu Kun bowed and said, "Report to the Supreme Elder, Patriarch Hua has just left."

"So that's the case, his movements are fast enough." Huo Lingtao smiled lightly, waved his sleeves, and a ball of golden light shot up into the sky, bringing him and Huo Qianren together, turning them into a pair of horses that went deep into the clouds and headed for the North Sea go.

"What the hell is going on?!"

"I am not wrong, right?"

"In addition to the "Dragon King", did another Supreme Elder of the human race appear? ! "

"You read that right, it's true!"

The high-level warriors in the city were stunned. They didn't know what happened. The Northern Territory, which is usually invisible to the Seven Fiends Realm, suddenly came to two strong men of the pseudo-supernatural power realm.

Could it be that the Witch Clan and the Monster Clan have bigger plans, so these powerful people have insight into the opportunity and want to kill the danger in the cradle?
"It seems that the sky in the Northern Territory is about to change!" Xu Kun looked up at the sky and muttered to himself.

At this moment, before he came back to his senses, he saw another beam of light appearing on the tower in front of him.

"No way? Come again?!" Xu Kun was shocked.

"What's coming again?"

A gloomy and hoarse voice sounded in Xu Kun's ears, and he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and a middle-aged woman in a purple palace dress appeared in front of him.

Xu Kun looked at the Saint Palace logo on the middle-aged woman's clothes, and was startled. The aura on her body was stronger than that of Huo Lingtao and Hua Yuanwu.

"I have seen the elders too."

"Did anyone else come here before I came?" the middle-aged woman asked.

"Patriarch Hua came here first, followed by Patriarch Huo and the "Dragon King". "Xu Kun said respectfully.

"These two old fellows are quite fast." The middle-aged woman said coldly, and then turned into a light and left.

Immediately afterwards, an event that was enough to make the onlookers unforgettable for a lifetime happened before their eyes.

Many people have not seen as many strong men as they have seen today.

In the past, the guardian king of the Martial God League, whom everyone could only look up to, has also become a supporting role.

One after another, the pseudo-supernatural powers came to Jukun City through the cross-domain teleportation array.

Northern Territory, the frontline camp.

"What is the urgent matter, the Xu family wants us to assemble urgently?"

"Could it be that the Witch Clan and the Monster Clan are doing something big?"

Following a commotion outside the tent, the martial sages and masters who participated in the battle entered the tent one after another.

As soon as everyone entered the big tent, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

"Why is Patriarch Xu standing?"

"Why do those few look so familiar?"

"The Dharma Guardian Heavenly King "Dragon King" and "Ape Demon" of the Martial God League are here! "

"There is also the Palace Master of the Holy Palace!"

"The Lord of the Yin-Yang Palace!"

Xu Peng, who was originally the commander of the front line, could only stand by at the moment, not even qualified to sit down.

Like him, there are several Dharma Protector Kings of the Martial God League, the Palace Master of the Holy Palace, and the Palace Master of the Yin Yang Palace.

These peak warriors who were only seen in portraits before, are not even qualified to sit down at this moment.

The few people sitting on the chairs are unknown to everyone, but the aura emanating from their bodies is as deep as the sea, unfathomable.

"These are all the Supreme Elders of my human race. I called you here to inquire about something, so don't be nervous."

Under Hua Yuanwu's signal, Xu Peng stepped forward to explain.

Looking at the shocking expressions of everyone, he felt that it was quite normal, but when the elders appeared in the big tent just now, they scared his soul out.

"The Supreme Elder?!"

"Supernatural powers!"

Although everyone had already guessed it through their momentum, they were still shocked when they heard Xu Peng's confession.

For them, there is no difference between the pseudo-supernatural powers and the supernatural powers, they are all immortals.

Seeing so many strong men standing on the top of the clouds suddenly felt a little unreal.

"The fighters in the condensate state step forward." At this time, Hua Yuanwu said.


Fifteen people walked out of the crowd.

Under Hua Yuanwu's scrutinizing eyes, everyone felt that the void seemed to be frozen, and they had no ability to resist at all.

"You don't need to be nervous, the old man is just looking for someone." Hua Yuanwu smiled lightly.

Everyone suddenly felt that the pressure disappeared instantly.

After a while, Hua Yuanwu waved his hand, signaling the fifteen martial saints to retreat, and then asked the masters behind to step forward. He sensed the fluctuations in the spiritual power of these people, trying to find the aura similar to the real king's split soul.

This breath will not stay for too long, so it must be done as soon as possible.

After sensing everyone's aura, Hua Yuanwu frowned. It was very difficult to find the person that Zhenjun valued by conventional means.

Because they can't use methods similar to the soul search technique, after all, they have the lessons learned from Zhongxingge, they just want to find that person, absorb him into their own forces, and form a good relationship.

But if the other party doesn't want to reveal their identity and hides the Soul Orb, it will be difficult to find it.

"Xu Peng."

Hua Yuanwu said lightly.

"My subordinate is here." Xu Peng stepped forward and saluted respectfully.

"Are all the Grand Master Realm and Martial Saint Realm here?" Hua Yuanwu asked.

Only in this way, it will be more difficult to find the other party.

"The comrades in the Northeast and Northwest battlefields have not yet returned." Xu Peng responded, and the notification also takes time.

"This is a little troublesome. How to convey our goodwill and let that fellow daoist show up?"

Hua Yuanwu murmured, he was wondering whether to include martial arts master Lianjin, after all, such things as luck are hard to say.

"The younger generation has already felt the kindness of the seniors."

At this time, a deep voice came from outside the tent.

(End of this chapter)

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