Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 208 4-Level Thunder Calamity Debuff!Congenital Lingbao

Chapter 208 Quadruple Lightning Calamity Debuff!Innate Lingbao (10003000000)

Mo Dao Han Zhao walked into the big tent, and came to everyone with a calm expression.

"Sect Master Lin, please speak carefully!" Xu Peng stepped forward and reminded in a low voice.He had a good impression of Lin Zhan, so he was worried about his reckless behavior.

Few of these ancestors of the human race had a good temper. Offending the Huo family still had a way of life, but offending these ancestors would really lead to death.

"You are?" Hua Yuanwu raised his brows, his divine sense swept across Mo Dao Han Zhao's body, and his pupils shrank immediately.

"Reporting to the Supreme Elder, this person is Lin Zhan, the suzerain of the Heavenly Demon Sect. He didn't know that all the Supreme Elders were here, and he was rude. Please forgive me." Xu Peng saluted respectfully and smoothed things over.

"The so-called one who doesn't know is not guilty, how can this old man care about these things." Hua Yuanwu smiled lightly, and immediately waved his hands to everyone in the field, "The person this old man is looking for is not waiting for you, everyone go down."


The warriors in the arena were at a loss, but they didn't dare to be dissatisfied, and bowed to retreat outside the tent.

Noticing Hua Yuanwu's eyes, Mo Dao Han Zhao reacted, and followed the crowd, walking outside together.


At this time, Huo Lingtao, who was sitting in the armchair, suddenly spoke.

Everyone shook their bodies and stopped.

Hua Yuanwu's expression changed slightly, but he soon returned to normal, and he asked doubtfully, "Brother Huo doesn't have the same knowledge as the younger generation, does he?"

"Hua Yuanwu, you don't think we are all blind, do you want to get away with this trick?"

Huo Lingtao's words were blunt.

Hua Yuanwu's expression became a little unnatural.

"Okay, Lin Zhan stays here, and the juniors go out." The elder of the Holy Palace, a middle-aged woman in a purple palace attire, waved her hand.

Hearing this, Mo Dao Han Zhao stopped in his tracks.

Seeing that neither Hua Yuanwu nor Huo Lingtao spoke, the others obeyed the order.

"It's the same with you, all go out." The middle-aged woman glanced at Ying Yun, the lord of the Holy Palace beside her.

"Yes, Patriarch." Ying Yun bowed and walked out of the tent.

Seeing that their ancestors had no objection, several Dharma Protector Heavenly Kings of the Martial God League and the Hall Masters of the Yin Yang Hall also left the big tent together.

Soon, only the pseudo-supernatural power realm elders from the Martial God League, the Holy Palace, and the Yinyang Palace were left in the tent.

"Old man Yingxuan, since fellow daoist showed up on his own initiative, you should know why I am looking for you, right?" The middle-aged woman looked at Han Zhao of the Demonic Dao, and saw that there was a lot of demonic energy in his body, which seemed to have nothing to do with the health-preserving formula taught by the True Monarch of Longevity. Related, some doubts.

"Is this what the ancestors want?" Mo Dao Han Zhao reached into the sumeru bag and took out a bead as black as ink.

"Sure enough, it's the Soul Bead! And the true energy inside it" Hua Yuanwu stepped forward, feeling the powerful true energy in the Soul Bead that was in line with the health-preserving formula, his eyes lit up.

In terms of power, this zhenqi was nothing compared to the mana he possessed, but the vitality contained in it was astonishing.

Just a ray of soul that has existed for an unknown number of years can leave behind this quality of infuriating energy, truly worthy of the Dao name of 'Longevity'.

"Senior Emperor calculated that all the ancestors would gather here, and it would be more beneficial for the younger generation to hand over the Yuan Soul Orb in exchange for some treasures. If the ancestors want this Yuan Soul Orb, you can take it." Mo Dao Han Zhao continued road.

"True Monarch, I am waiting to be called an ancestor." A trace of greed flashed across Hua Yuanwu's eyes, but he showed a very friendly smile instead.

If there is no lesson learned from Zhongxing Pavilion, someone will definitely take the risk and take away the soul pearl, and even control Lin Zhan, and obtain his memory through the soul search secret technique.

However, no one dares to do so now.

Even if Lin Zhan had another inheritance from the True Monarch in his memory, it was one thing to get it, but another thing to learn it.

They don't know how much time it will take to practice the health-preserving formula alone. Even if there are stronger exercises, they are not as attractive as life extension.

"Where are you seniors?" Mo Dao Han Zhao turned his attention to the others.

Huo Lingtao, Yingxuan, as well as the two brothers Zhao Wuji and Zhao Wuxiu, the elders of the Yinyang Palace, all focused their eyes on the Yuanpo Orb in his palm, but no one dared to reach out to catch it.

In case the souls of the real kings are still there, if you want to severely injure or take their bodies, it is a breeze, it all depends on your mood.

Just because of the calculations of Zhongxing Pavilion, the fourth-level magic weapon Qun Xingjing was destroyed, and Fei Kun died.

This real gentleman has a temper!
"Fellow Daoist Lin, no one can take away the opportunity. I waited here to smash the conspiracy of the witch clan and the demon clan, and secondly, to confirm who the fellow daoist who received the inheritance of the true king is."

Huo Lingtao smiled, and the wrinkles on his old wrinkled face were squeezed together.

"So that's the case. It seems that the younger generation is too wary and rude." Mo Dao Han Zhao saluted, even if the main body hadn't been imitated, he didn't believe that these old guys were good at anything.

The five people in the field looked at each other, each with their own thoughts.

"This old man is here to invite Lin Daoyou to officially join the Martial God League and become an elder of the Valkyrie League. If Lin Daoyou is interested, it is also possible to add a guardian king to the league."

Hua Yuanwu arched his hands and said enthusiastically.

With his appearance, he completely regarded Mo Dao Han Zhao as his peer.

Although force cannot be used, if they can make friends, there will definitely be a lot of benefits in the future.

In the final analysis, Yuan Soul Orb is not a treasure of space, it can only store some tangible and intangible things in it, and it cannot hide any treasures, so it is not worth taking risks.

"Fellow Daoist Hua and I want to go together." Huo Lingtao chuckled.

"If Fellow Daoist Lin is willing to join the Huo family, I can let Qian Ren give up the title of "Dragon King". "

Hua Yuanwu was born as a casual cultivator. Although he is the Supreme Elder of the Martial God League, his power in the league is far inferior to that of the Huo family.

Huo Lingtao felt stable!
"The two of you can speak beautiful words!" Ying Xuan continued: "Compared to these empty positions, if Fellow Daoist Lin joins the Holy Palace, he can directly become the Deputy Palace Master. I guarantee that you will have real power!"

"If Fellow Daoist Lin joins the Yin-Yang Palace, the two of us can guarantee that you will enter the Spiritual Pool to temper your body, and at the same time, you can practice near the Spiritual Pool all year round. Afterwards, Daobi, the true disciple, will also give you a place to go to the Heavenly Sacred Cave. .”

Zhao Wuji pondered.

As soon as he said this, the expressions of Huo Lingtao, Hua Yuanwu, and Ying Xuan all changed.

During the battle of Dongshengzhou and the invasion of the heavenly demon cave, the losses of the high-level officials of the Great Qin Empire were much more serious than those of the Tianshengzong. Occupy, the Valkyrie League and the Holy Palace share a spiritual cave.

Thousands of years have passed, and the spiritual acupoints used by their two families have dried up decades ago because there is no enlightenment from the Martial God of the Supernatural Realm.

The spiritual pool is most effective for the martial saints in the condensed evil realm. They can cultivate false supernatural powers, relying on soaking in the water of the spiritual pool, and then rebuilding it three times when the seven evil spirits are perfect, condensing the eighth heavenly vein, and accumulating mana little by little. Open the catastrophe.

"Thank you for your attention, seniors. Since the Heavenly Demon Sect belongs to the Martial God League, the juniors naturally can't vote for others." Mo Dao Han Zhao clasped his fists and said solemnly.

The magic pool of Demon God Mountain is no less effective than the spiritual pool for practitioners of magic kung fu, especially the magic pool is almost bottomless, and the devil energy and yin energy inside seem to be inexhaustible, so he does not ready to leave.

"If that's the case, then..." Hua Yuanwu looked happy when he heard this, and he wanted to offer better conditions.

"Brother Hua, don't be impatient. How to choose depends entirely on Lin Daoyou's own wishes." Huo Lingtao interrupted him, showing a smile of victory.

"The junior chooses the senior Hua." Mo Dao Han Zhao said seriously.

Huo Lingtao's smile faltered, he didn't understand why Lin Zhan also chose to be the direct descendant of the Martial God League instead of the Huo family.

"The Heavenly Demon Sect had some conflicts with the Huo family before. Today, Senior Huo is here, and I also ask the Huo family to raise their hand and let the Heavenly Demon Sect go." Mo Dao Han Zhao lowered his posture in order to retreat.

"What? What happened?!" Huo Lingtao was startled.

"I've heard about this. That kid Huo Qianren has taken a fancy to the Demon Pool of the Heavenly Demon Sect. If Fellow Daoist Lin hadn't asked the Yuan family for help, that kid would probably have succeeded." Hua Yuanwu sneered, and he and Yuan I have a good relationship with my family, but I also know something about "Ape Demon".

"I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding in this matter, I will definitely let Qian Ren explain it clearly." Huo Lingtao laughed, and seeing Lin Zhan's attitude, he knew that the matter was true.

He never expected that the Huo family not only failed to win over Lin Zhan, but formed a relationship with him early in the morning.

Although Huo Lingtao is only showing courtesy to Lin Zhan for the face of Zhenjun Changsheng at this moment, if this kid rises up in the future, if he wants to get revenge, he will be in big trouble!

"Brother Huo, don't worry. Fellow Daoist Lin is a member of the Martial God League, so he doesn't care about the previous holidays with the Huo family." Hua Yuanwu was a little proud. He and Huo Lingtao had always been at odds, and he was naturally very pleased when he saw the other party being deflated. .

"In the future, I will ask the two seniors to take care of me a lot." Mo Dao Han Zhao clasped his fists and saluted, not wanting to quarrel with Huo Lingtao for the time being.

As long as Huo Lingtao doesn't bother him in the future, and when digging the Huo family's ancestral grave, he can keep his line.

Seeing that Lin Zhan's joining the direct lineage of the Martial God League cannot be changed, Ying Xuan and the two Supreme Elders of the Yin Yang Palace no longer fight for it.

The five of them began to exchange their experience in practicing health-preserving formulas with Mo Dao Han Zhao.

Mo Dao Han Zhao has nothing to hide, and he gives it all
After half an hour.

Nu Jinhong, the suzerain of Tianlei Sect, Gu Changxiu, Elder Sun and Gu Hongyan, the suzerain of Shuiyun Sect, arrived late. On the way back to the camp, they encountered scouts from the Beast Soul Department of the Witch Clan.

After a lot of effort, everyone captured the scout alive and brought him back to the camp.

Suddenly, Elder Sun pointed at the gate of the camp and exclaimed: "Sect Master, look at the big tent of the Chinese army! That one seems to be Master "Ape Demon"!" "

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw several luxuriously dressed warriors standing outside the large tent of the Chinese army, each of them exuded an astonishing aura.

The old man that Elder Sun pointed to was wearing a golden robe and was two meters tall. On the sleeve was embroidered a vivid golden ape with fiery eyes. His long arms hung down naturally. The length of the arms alone was comparable to the height of ordinary warriors. .

"It's really "Ape Demon"-sama! "Gu Changxiu's eyes widened. The Yuan family is the best family in the Martial God League for the people below. The "Ape Demon" is a decent person and hates evil like a hatred. Otherwise, he would not be in the same situation as the Huo family.

"My lord "Dragon King" is here too! "Nu Jinhong's gaze immediately shifted to the "Dragon King" Huo Qianren who was opposite the "Ape Demon".

"And that one is "Poison God" Shao Yundong!Ying Yun, the lord of the Holy Palace!The two masters of Yin Yang Hall? ! "

Angry Jinhong was shocked.

"They are all outside the big tent. Could it be that they are standing guard?!" Gu Changxiu couldn't believe it, wondering if there was something wrong with his eyes.

At this time, Wu Sheng, who had entered the tent just now, stepped forward to explain.

"Patriarch Xu, what did you say?!" Nu Jinhong was stunned after hearing Xu Peng's explanation.

"Several supreme elders of my human race left Lin Zhan to ask questions alone in the big tent?" Nu Jinhong didn't understand what Lin Zhan could do.

"It seems that in many cases, you can't talk too much!" At this time, Gu Hongyan who was on the side said in a strange way.

"Maybe it's just to requisition the Demon Pool of the Heavenly Demon Sect. Lin Zhan, how could he be valued by the elders?" Nu Jinhong muttered to himself, as if trying to convince himself.

The ancestors of the Huo family were also inside, and it was obvious that they were bound to win the Demon Pool of the Heavenly Demon Sect.

"Hmph! That's not necessarily true, some" "Swan Goose!"

Just as Gu Hongyan was about to let out this breath, Gu Changxiu stopped her, and Elder Sun at the side also shook his head, motioning her to stop talking.

Although they had a good relationship with Lin Zhan, there was no need to offend Nu Jinhong.


Gu Hongyan stared at the big tent, only to see Lin Zhan lift the curtain and come out.

Immediately afterwards, there was a tall middle-aged man, followed by an old man with gray temples and wrinkled face, followed by a middle-aged woman in a purple palace dress, and finally two youths with similar appearance.

Lin Zhan talked and laughed with the five of them, and they looked like they were having a good time.

"How is this possible?!" Nu Jinhong stood there dumbfounded. He didn't know any of the five people, but each of them exuded an astonishing aura.

"I knew Sect Master Lin was extraordinary!" Gu Hongyan's eyes were full of brilliance, and it was definitely not a rare thing to be able to chat and laugh happily with the Supreme Elder of the human race.

As she said that, she looked at Gu Changxiu and Elder Sun with some complacency, as if saying that she had the most discerning eyes.

"Friend Daoist Lin, let us go and negotiate with the old ghosts of the witch clan and the demon clan first, and we will go back as soon as we go."

After Hua Yuanwu came outside the tent, he smiled and cupped his hands.

Lin Zhan's experience in practicing health-preserving formulas was of great benefit to him, and it looked like the experience he had gained from the True Monarch's Fenhun.

Huo Lingtao smiled and nodded at Han Zhao, and then took the bewildered Huo Qianren aside.Although he used divine thoughts to transmit sound, but looking at his expression, one could tell that what he said was not pleasant.

When Hua Yuanwu, Ying Xuan, Zhao Wuji, and Zhao Wuxiu turned into light and flew into the clouds, Huo Lingtao used his mana to chase after them from a distance.

Not long after the five left, Huo Qianren came to Han Zhao and bowed deeply.

"Sect Master Lin, the people below are ignorant and have a misunderstanding with the Heavenly Demon Sect. Please take care of Sect Master Lin."

"My lord "Dragon King" is serious. Mo Dao Han Zhao said with a smile.

"From now on, you will be brothers in the same robe, and you don't need to see outsiders." Huo Qianyan was extremely polite, even flattering.

"Then I won't meet Brother Huo anymore." Mo Dao Han Zhao looked indifferent and cupped his hands.

Sure enough, with the background, it will be different in an instant!

Huo Qianren had been harmed by this Huo Qianren many times in the previous simulations, so he had to find a way to kill him and vent his anger.

Immediately afterwards, "Ape Demon", Ying Yun, the owner of the Holy Palace, the owner of the Yinyang Palace, and others all came forward to chat with the demon Han Zhao, and the friendship was beyond words.

When he expressed a little tired, these people left consciously, saying that they would have more opportunities to communicate in the future.

Mo Dao Han Zhao turned and left, and rushed to the camp where he was resting, heaving a sigh of relief.

He admitted that there was a gambling element, but the bet won.

Zhenjun's deterrence is far beyond his expectations.

"Sect Master Gu, Elder Sun, Miss Hongyan, you are only coming back now?"

When passing by the three of them, Mo Dao Han Zhao was very polite, and he got along with them relatively well in recent months, and the relationship is not bad.

As for Nu Jinhong at the side, Han Zhao selectively ignored him. This person was close to the Huo family, and he was quite distant from him before.

He is giving Huo Qianren face now, for Huo Lingtao's sake. As for the angry Jinhong, he doesn't bother to pay attention.

"I've met Sect Master Lin." Gu Changxiu, Elder Sun, and Gu Hongyan all smiled.

Angry Jinhong's face twitched.

Seeing Huo Qianren approaching, he hurried up to meet him, and asked tentatively:

"Lord "Dragon King", Lin Zhan him."

"Presumptuous!" Huo Qianren yelled loudly, "Sect Master Lin has become the No. 13 Dharma Protector King of the Martial God League from today! What is your identity, dare to call Sect Master Lin's name directly?!"

After finishing speaking, Huo Qianren snorted coldly and walked away.

Nu Jinhong stayed where he was, his face turned blue and red, thinking that he was a mighty Wusha Realm Martial Saint, a well-known top warrior in the Northern Territory, when did he suffer from such anger, the previous Huo Qianren was also polite to him, He didn't expect to scold him like a servant this time.

It's just that he couldn't afford to offend Huo Qianren, let alone Lin Zhan who even wanted to please Huo Qianren.

Seeing the eyes of the warriors around him focus on him, Nu Jinhong wished he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in. He also lost the joy of catching the scout of the Beast Soul Department, and left the scene in embarrassment.

"Elder Sun, are you still thinking the same as before?" Seeing Nu Jinhong running away in a hurry, Gu Hongyan looked at Elder Sun with a smile.

"Hongyan, why are you so big or small? That's Elder Sun." Gu Changxiu said in a deep voice.

"The suzerain doesn't have to be like this." Elder Sun was not annoyed, instead he twirled his beard and said with a smile: "In terms of people's eyes, the old man is indeed not as good as the young suzerain!"

Before Gu Hongyan took the initiative to befriend Lin Zhan, he was still a little worried, but now it seems that it is really a wise move!

He didn't really care about how Lin Zhan became the No. 13 Dharma Guardian King of the Martial God League. What he cared about was that Lin Zhan needed to cultivate his own direct lineage in the league.

The time for the rise of the Shuiyun Sect is at hand!

The next five days were the most relaxing days for the warriors of the entire frontline battalion in recent months.

They don't have to fight at all.

In the distant sky, in the depths of the sea, earth-shattering battle fluctuations are constantly coming.

The waterspout piercing the sky can be clearly seen hundreds of miles away.

These Supreme Elders acted in person, and it was simply not their turn to play.

The warriors who were idle, naturally discussed the battle situation first.

Secondly, there is Lin Zhan, the suzerain of the Heavenly Demon Sect who has suddenly become very popular.

Inexplicably, he became the No.13 Dharma Guardian Heavenly King of the Martial God League, and this matter was hand-picked by the two Supreme Elders of the Martial God League. It is said that in the future, the entire Northern Territory where Beiming Island is located will be assigned to the Heavenly Demon Sect. .

Lin Zhan directly became the top-ranked real power protector king in the Martial God League, and it is not so outrageous to reach the sky in one step!
However, there are even more outrageous things.

Millions of miles away, the Cao family and the Wang family, the two giants of spirit beasts, even sent the best disciples of the younger generation to the outer seas, just to see Lin Zhan and convey the goodwill of Cao Mengxuan and Wang Tengyun, two peerless powerhouses.

Although there are suspicions of spoiling one's prestige by overpowering others, warriors outside the sea know that both Cao Mengxuan and Wang Tengyun are third-level spirit summoners, and Cao Mengxuan is even known as the contemporary No. 1 in Dongshengzhou.

Even if the five pseudo-supernatural power realm elders were added together, they might not be Wang Tengyun's opponent, let alone Cao Mengxuan.

Everyone wanted to break their heads, and they didn't understand how Lin Zhan was related to the two giants Cao and Wang.

Mo Dao Han Zhao's tent.

The arrogant Cao Zhengchun and Cao Xuan were standing in the tent with lowered eyebrows.

Next to her was a normal-looking woman with a cyan birthmark on her face, who was also an acquaintance of Han Zhao, Wang Xueji, who was punched by him during the strange trial in Zhongzhou.

"This is an apology from the Cao family. One piece of the Three-Aperture Golden Elixir, brother Lin please accept it with a smile." Cao Xuan offered the jade box containing the Three-Aperture Golden Elixir with both hands.

"This is an apology from the Wang family. Innate Thunder Gourd Vine, Wanwang Sect Master Lin, don't refuse." Wang Xueji was dragging a black stone box in his hand.

"I feel the sincerity of the Cao family and the Wang family." Mo Dao Han Zhao got up from his seat and took the two boxes.

At the beginning, the Cao family wanted to exchange him for a lifetime of slavery with a three-hole golden pill, but they probably never expected that they would beg him to accept it today.

"I will definitely convey the meaning of Sect Master Lin." Cao Xuan said respectfully. Before he came, the ancestor had repeatedly told him to lower his posture. He has always been obedient, so he gave enough face.

Cao Zhengchun stood beside Cao Xuan, not even qualified to speak.

After the two left, Mo Dao Han Zhao opened the stone box left by Wang Xueji.

A section of emerald green vine lay in the middle of the stone box.

"Crack crackle crackle!"

Mo Dao Han Zhao reached out to touch it, and when he was still three inches away from the vine, a green arc flashed out, instantly crushing his protective magic energy, making his entire arm numb.

"What does the Wang family mean?" At this time, Han Zhao, who was far away in the Tianmo Cave on Demon God Island, saw this emerald green vine through his mind-to-heart communication.

"System, did you really kill the Holy Master who deduced me?" Han Zhao was still a little dazed.

100 million taels of gold to kill a holy master is really outrageous, no wonder these strong men who used to stand on the top of the clouds have come to befriend him.

[As long as you have enough money, there is nothing you can't think of, but nothing you can't do. 】

[3 minutes from Hedong, 3 minutes from Hexi. 】

[Young and strong don't charge money, the boss is sad. 】

"Awesome!" Han Zhao gave a thumbs up.

"With this three-orifice golden elixir, my physique can finally improve!"

Han Zhao immediately asked the Buddha and Taoist incarnation to return to Demon God Island with the Three-Aperture Golden Elixir and the Innate Thunder Huteng.

Five days later, the incarnation of Buddhism and Taoism rushed to Demon God Island thousands of miles away.

[Three-Aperture Golden Pill: Life and death, the magic medicine of flesh and bones, can cut hair and wash marrow, improve physical fitness; method of use: Open a hole in the heart, stuff the golden pill into it, let the qi and blood wash away the medicinal power day and night. 】

[Congenital Thunder Gourd Vine: An innate spiritual creature born at the beginning of a world, blooms in millions of years, bears fruit in millions of years, matures in millions of years, and can directly give birth to the innate spirit treasure with the power of law—the Thunder Gourd; Refining the congenital thunder gourd vine into a natal spiritual object through the natal spirit technique, can weaken a purple sky divine thunder when facing a supernatural catastrophe. 】

After getting the Three-Aperture Golden Pill and the Xiantian Thunder Huteng, Han Zhao was stunned when he saw the system's prompt.

"The Three-Aperture Golden Elixir is already perverted enough, I didn't expect this innate Thunder Gourd Teng to be even more exaggerated!"

"Attribute points can enhance the spirituality of the natal spirit weapon, and maybe it can strengthen the power of thunder spirit in the innate thunder gourd vine, and resist multiple purple sky god thunders."

Han Zhao looked happy.

The Cao family and the Wang family gave him these two treasures because they were afraid that he would not be able to survive the catastrophe of supernatural powers?

When he upgrades the Dragon Yin Body to the Dacheng stage, he will be able to obtain the 'Flawless Body' to reduce the power of the supernatural tribulation.

In addition, the Nirvana True Devil Art can also weaken the power of the catastrophe. Under the four methods, not to mention the reality, even in the simulation, there is hope to survive the supernatural catastrophe.

Thinking of this, Han Zhao put his index finger on his heart.


Stellar Qi turned into a sword and pierced his heart. Han Zhao took out the three-hole golden elixir, stuffed it into the wound, and then controlled the muscles to move, and sent the three-hole golden elixir into the heart.

"Fortunately, I move fast, and the wound will heal if I slow down."

Seeing his heart recovering as before, Han Zhao mused, the special effect of removing decay and rejuvenating muscle is too strong, especially after he practiced Yiqi Transformation and Sanqing, and his body majored in Longevity Jue, the effect was brought to the extreme.

With the blood flowing, Han Zhao felt as comfortable as soaking in a hot spring.

[Dragon Yin Body: Dacheng (2/50000)]

Every time the blood circulates for a week, the progress of the dragon's body will automatically increase by 1. The key is to continue, whether it is eating, sleeping, or practicing, the progress will increase by itself.

Moreover, as Han Zhao speeds up the flow of Qi and blood, the progress will also increase.

After getting used to it for a while, Han Zhao bit his finger and dripped blood on the Xiantian Thunder Gourd Vine.

"Crack crackle crackle!"

The emerald green arc evaporated Han Zhao's blood.

Han Zhao frowned, and dripped the blood again, this time he protected the blood with the energy of longevity.

After a tug-of-war, the blood essence finally entered the Xiantian Thunder Gourd Vine.

Han Zhao began to refine the innate thunder gourd vines by using the natal spirituality technique.

In this way, he really sat for ten days before refining the congenital Thunder Gourd Vine.

[Innate Spirit Treasure: Thunder Gourd (1000/3000000); can be upgraded]

"It can be improved with attribute points?!"

Han Zhao's eyes widened. For him now, 300 million attribute points are naturally an astronomical figure, but when he achieves supernatural powers, or even a celestial being, it will not be impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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