Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 217 I Don't Like That Person, Make Him Disappear!

Chapter 217 I Don't Like That Person, Make Him Disappear!

The next day, Han Zhenyuan brought a reply.

"The head of the Han Academy said that I can enter the inner courtyard, but the Five Elements Academy doesn't accept me? Is this true?"

After hearing Han Zhenyuan's report, Han Zhao was surprised, and almost blurted out the word "great", trying not to laugh out loud.

If there is a Martial God in the Supernatural Realm to give advice, he is still very willing to listen to the teachings of his predecessors. As for the Martial Saints of the Seven Fiends and the False Supernatural Realm, if you want to teach him, it depends on whether he is willing to listen.

"Being forced to scatter kung fu really hurts the foundation of a warrior! However, Nephew Han is a super-rooted person. He once defeated a lot of children from aristocratic families to reach the top in the Zhongzhou Trial. That's all.

Notice 30 years, 30 years in Hedong and Hexi in [-] years.These heads of the academy do not choose you now, and sooner or later they will regret their choice today.

Being in trouble is not a shame.If you can bend and stretch, you can be your husband!Nephew Han, don't be discouraged! "

Han Zhenyuan said with a sincere expression, he accepted two golden beads from Han Zhao, but the matter was only half done, and he was still a little bit sorry, so he could only say more good things.

Han Zhao looked at Han Zhenyuan in a daze, and after a moment of silence, he cupped his fists and said, "Chief Han, the disciple has been taught."

"Mr. Nephew Han, please come with me, and I'll take you to the inner courtyard." Seeing that Han Zhao had accepted the reality so quickly, Han Zhenyuan's impression of him improved a bit, and his tone of voice became more kind.

"I invite you first." Han Zhao cupped his hands.

"By the way, Martial Nephew Han, recently the elder Taishang passed down a practice named Health Preservation Jue.

Any disciple, as long as he can practice to the third level, can become an inner disciple, and the Five Elements Academy can choose one of them.

If you can practice to the fourth floor, you can directly become a true disciple, and have the opportunity to receive personal guidance from the two hall masters and the elders.

If Martial Nephew Han is interested, he can try to practice the formula of health preservation, which is also a way to become a true disciple. "

When Han Zhenyuan led Han Zhao to the gate of Yinyang Palace in Tianjie Mountain, he suddenly said.

"What? Health regimen?!" Han Zhao was taken aback when he heard the words.

"Although this regimen sounds mediocre, it is said to be a profound art handed down by a senior who has been involved in good fortune, but the real power will not be revealed until the fourth level is practiced.

Even the head of the Five Elements Academy, the masters of the two halls, and the Supreme Elder have only reached the third level, and no one has broken through to the fourth level so far. "

Han Zhenyuan continued.

He has also practiced the health-preserving formula. For a Martial Saint-level powerhouse like him, the first three levels can be practiced in less than a month. As long as there are enough resources, the third level is a bit difficult.

Starting from the fourth floor, the difficulty of this exercise is somewhat unreasonable.

Purely by understanding!
"Thank you, Han Yuan, for your point. The disciple has been taught." Han Zhao cupped his hands and said, it would be much easier in this way.

In terms of longevity formula alone, even the great powers of heaven and man in the cave world will not understand better than him.

When he wants to become a true disciple depends entirely on when he is willing to expose it.

"You go to the inner gate to register your information first, because you don't belong to any hospital, so your movements are not restricted, and you can freely enter and leave the mountain gate." Han Zhenyuan continued.

With his leadership, Han Zhao finished the chores in only one hour.

In the center of Liangyi Island, at the foot of Tianjie Mountain, there is a big city with its back on Tianjie Mountain, named Dengtian City.

Most of the people living in this city are the family members and servants of the disciples of the Yin-Yang Hall. Many children from rich and noble families are proud to worship in the Yin-Yang Hall.

Even if it is only to become an outer disciple of the Yin Yang Palace, it is still a matter of honoring the ancestors.

The word "Dengtian" in Dengtian City means reaching the sky in one step.

Although the disciples of the Yin-Yang Hall are divided into three grades: True Biography, Inner Sect, and Outer Sect, there is actually a fourth grade, which is the handyman disciples who are not recognized by the Yin-Yang Hall, but actually exist.

Most of these people are warriors who want to get started but don't even have the qualifications to become outer disciples.

It may be due to reasons such as savvy, root, or age, background, etc., and the minimum requirements are not met, so you are not allowed to enter.

However, they were also unwilling to leave Yin Yang Hall, the holy place of martial arts, so they voluntarily stayed to serve the inner and outer disciples and undertake daily chores for free.

The purpose is to be able to listen to the monthly public lectures given by the heads of the five major courtyards of the Five Elements Academy and the masters of the Yin and Yang Halls.

Among these seven people, Chen Tian, ​​the head of the Wood Spirit Academy, Li Xiuqi, the head of the Earth Spirit Academy, and Gao Sheng, the head of the Fire Spirit Academy, are all top martial saints in the six evil realms.

Qin Yuan, the head of the Water Spirit Academy, was in the Qisha Realm, and Nie Bai, the head of the Jinling Academy, was in the Qisha Realm.

Qin Qing, the master of the Zhenyang Hall, and Gao Qiang, the master of the Taiyin Hall, are both Martial Saints of the Seven Fiends who have been rebuilt twice. As long as they are rebuilt once more, they will be peerless powerhouses in the realm of false supernatural powers.

The gold content of these seven people's martial arts is high enough to attract ninety-nine percent of the warriors, especially those warriors who volunteered to become the children of handymen.

Before Han Zhao went to Tianjie Mountain, he asked Liang Wan and Zhu Yongning to rent a small courtyard in the outer city of Dengtian City, and then asked them to inquire about Xu Ling and others.

After Liang Wan and Zhu Yongning spent a day inquiring about information in the inner city, they returned to the courtyard in the outer city.

"My lord, we have heard about Lingyun Trading Company." Liang Wan said respectfully.

"Well, let's talk about it." Han Zhao said calmly, with some anticipation in his eyes.

"Spiritual Rhythm Trading Company came to Dengtian City more than a year ago, and the owner of the trading company is exactly what the Lord said, Xu Ling." Liang Wan explained.

"Spiritual Rhythm Trading Company joined the 'Titan Merchant Alliance' half a year ago, and now the person in charge has been replaced by a warrior named Su Yun. In addition, Zhao Yuantu, whom the Lord mentioned, is now serving as the director of Lingyun Trading Company."

Zhu Yongning added.

"Well, I see." Han Zhao nodded.

"It's a little troublesome to rent a shop in the inner city." Zhu Yongning said in a deep voice.

Han Zhao was surprised, "With your cultivation base of the three evil realms, will you encounter resistance when renting a shop in the inner city?"

"Actually, renting a shop is not a problem, but Liangyi Island must have the permission of the Titan Chamber of Commerce to operate elixir, medicinal materials, spiritual tools, formations, martial arts, etc., otherwise it may encounter some troubles." Zhu Yongning explained.

"Isn't the lord hoping to become an inner disciple of the Yin Yang Palace? Your face should be given by the Titan Merchant Alliance, right?" Liang Wan suggested.

Zhu Yongning on the side heard her words and gently tugged on her sleeves.

Liang Wan reacted and quickly fell silent.

The main reason is that Han Zhao has to hide his strength, otherwise, facing a strong man who can kill the Seven Demons Martial Saint, no matter how powerful the Titan Merchant Alliance is, it will not be easily provoked.

Han Zhao waved his hand and said, "The Titan Merchant Alliance dares to blatantly monopolize these industries. Apart from their own strength, it is estimated that there is also the acquiescence of the Yin Yang Temple. Matters related to interests cannot be resolved by the face of an inner disciple."

Liang Wan and Zhu Yongning fell silent when they heard the words.

"Since we all want to join the Titan Merchant Alliance, why don't we go directly to the old friend." Han Zhao mused.

He came to Inner Sea to use the richer resources in Inner Sea to speed up his cultivation progress.

After speaking, Han Zhao took Liang Wan and Zhu Yongning to the inner city to find Su Yun and Zhao Yuantu.

As the main city of Liangyi Island, Dengtian City is big and prosperous, needless to say, but there are so many people in the inner city, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is crowded.

It wasn't so crowded until Han Zhao walked to the largest Tianyuanfang in the inner city. The warriors here are basically above the level of blood training, and martial arts masters who practice strength can be seen everywhere.

Han Zhao stopped at the corner at the end of the street, where there was a shop named 'Baodanju'.

"You wait for me here." Han Zhao told Liang Wan and Zhu Yongning, and walked forward by himself.

"Guest officer, what kind of medicine do you need?"

The waiter at the door greeted him.

"I'm looking for Director Zhao of your store, please inform me that Junior Brother Han is visiting." Han Zhao cupped his hands.

"Please sit down, I'll inform Director Zhao right away." The waiter saw that Han Zhao was well-dressed and had an extraordinary bearing, so he didn't dare to neglect him, invited him to the lobby to take a seat, and immediately went up to the second floor.

"It seems that this place is mainly for low-level warriors." Han Zhao looked around the hall. Although the store is not big, there are not a few warriors who come and go. They mainly focus on blood training, and occasionally a few martial arts training. The business is good.

Deng Deng Deng!
Soon, there was a rush of footsteps upstairs.

A dark, tall and strong bald man appeared at the stairs on the second floor, walked down the stairs quickly, and came to the hall.

He looked like he was in his 30s, wearing a black slim-fitting suit, and his explosive muscles were undoubtedly prominent.

[This is a middle-aged man who has suffered from hair loss since his youth. Baldness is a taboo word. 】

A system prompt appears.

Han Zhao felt emotional, time flies so fast, Zhao Yuantu is almost middle-aged.

It has been 11 years since he first met Zhao Yuantu at Shaanshan Boxing Academy.

"Junior Brother Han?! It's really you!!" Zhao Yuantu was surprised and delighted.

"Eldest brother." Han Zhao smiled all over his face.

Zhao Yuantu looked at Han Zhao's familiar voice, face and smile, and his usual address, strode forward, hugged Han Zhao directly, and slapped Han Zhao's back.

"Junior Brother Han, you are so worried about me!"

The loud voice alarmed the warriors who were buying the elixir, but when they saw Zhao Yuantu's body as strong as a bull and his fierce bald head, they turned their eyes away again.

'Mountain Shaking Fist' Zhao Yuantu, the director of Baodanju, has a great cultivation base and is considered a figure in a few streets around here, so they naturally dare not provoke him.

"Brother, this is not a place to talk, let's change to another place." Han Zhao said with a smile.

"Okay! Come with me!" Zhao Yuantu grabbed Han Zhao's hand and pulled him up to the box on the second floor.

After the waiter brought hot tea and left the box, Zhao Yuantu couldn't help but said:
"Junior Brother Han, when we first heard that you were severely injured by the family, all your veins were damaged, and your cultivation base was lost, we were really anxious.

We would have gone back to you long ago if we hadn't been able to make up the cost of the teleportation.If Junior Sister Lu, Junior Sister Xu and Master are still here, they will definitely be very happy. "

"Senior sister and master," Han Zhao asked.

"Junior Brother Han, you don't know, Senior Sister Lu is a big shot now! It took her less than a year to cultivate to the Condensation Shade Realm, and she became a true disciple of the Yin Yang Palace, and was even favored by the Supreme Elder after that." , and take it to the cave world to practice, and in the future, the Martial God is in sight, and he will become a man among gods!"

Zhao Yuantu said enviously, but he was more sincerely happy.

"The true disciples who entered the cave world still have two entourages, so Junior Sister Lu brought Junior Sister Xu and Master along."

"How is master's health recently?" Han Zhao was already mentally prepared for this matter, so he was not surprised.

"Master heard the news of your serious injury before, and he fell seriously ill immediately, and his vitality and blood were greatly damaged. After a year of cultivation, he basically recovered." Zhao Yuantu said in a deep voice.

"Master." Han Zhao was touched in his heart.

"But you don't have to worry too much. The cave world is full of aura, and with Junior Sister Lu taking care of you, as long as Master can break through to the Grandmaster Realm, there will be no physical problems."

Zhao Yuantu said in relief.

"Speaking of which, Junior Brother Han, how far has your cultivation level recovered?" Zhao Yuantu changed the subject and changed the subject on his own initiative.

"I just arrived at Grandmaster Yiqi." Han Zhao replied, he couldn't tell Zhao Yuantu for the time being.

Zhao Yuantu was stunned.

Seeing this, Han Zhao smiled and said, "Elder brother, don't worry, I will continue to work hard."

"I know that junior brother, your talent is amazing, but I didn't expect to exaggerate here. It has only been more than a year, and you have recovered to the cultivation level of the master, and it will take less than two or three years to become a saint again." Zhao Yuantu couldn't help feeling. The gap between people is greater than that between humans and dogs.

His lifelong goal is the Grandmaster Realm. Xu Ling didn't want to go to the Heavenly Sacred Cave, but was persuaded by several people on the grounds that he would live longer if he broke through the realm and waited for Junior Brother Han to return.

Junior Brother Han's meridians were all damaged, and he had to recover to the cultivation base of the Grandmaster in such a short period of time after re-cultivation of Sangong, plus the time to heal his wounds and restore his meridians. It seems that he was worried for nothing.

"Then let me borrow a good word from senior brother." Han Zhao smiled, "I think senior brother's cultivation is almost at the bottleneck, are you ready to hit the grandmaster realm?"

With his current level of alchemy, as long as there are enough alchemy materials, martial artists at the master level can mass-produce it, but it is a bit difficult at the condensate level.

Of course, as long as one can refine a high-level elixir, the chances of those close to him becoming a saint must be much higher than other warriors.

"With my roots and savvy, I'm afraid there is little hope of entering the grand master realm." Zhao Yuantu sighed, which warrior would not want to break through the realm.

"Eldest brother, have you forgotten that although my cultivation has regressed, my alchemy has not regressed. I am [-]% sure that you will succeed in breaking through." Han Zhao said firmly.

"Junior Brother Han!" Zhao Yuantu reacted. When he was in Yuanchang Mansion in Yunzhou, Junior Brother Han became the young master of the Nujiao Gang because of his excellent alchemy talent. Now he probably has a middle-level alchemist. Level up.

"Great! With you here, we don't have to be bullied by outsiders anymore!" Zhao Yuantu blurted out.

"Brother, what's wrong?" Han Zhao asked.

"The firm has hired a mid-level alchemist, who usually only refines low-level elixirs, and the middle-level elixirs will only be the simplest three types, and will secretly withhold a lot of medicinal materials and elixir. Although our treasure alchemy house does business Not bad, but basically not much profit." Zhao Yuantu sighed.

"If that's the case, then why didn't you take him?" Han Zhao was puzzled.

"We can't do anything about it, it's better to earn less than nothing, so we can only turn a blind eye.

This middle-level alchemist is willing to sign a contract with our firm because of the face of Sister Lu's true disciple.

If he is dismissed, there will be problems with the supply of low-level pills in Baodanju.Now there is too much competition and business is hard to do. "

Zhao Yuantu smiled wryly.Intermediate-level alchemists can get along wherever they go, and even the biggest trading houses of the Titan Merchant Alliance will not be indifferent to an intermediate-level alchemist.

"It's okay, he can be dismissed now." Han Zhao smiled lightly. Pretending to be a middle-level alchemist was already his limit. No matter how low he was, he really couldn't pretend, and his ability didn't allow it.

He started refining low-level elixir now, and most of them were top-grade.

As for the refining of middle-grade pills, under his deliberate control, he could still refine middle-grade pills.

"Then let's go find Junior Sister Su now! She went to attend a meeting at the business alliance's residence, which is on the main road of North Street." Zhao Yuantu stood up with a happy face.

"it is good."

Han Zhao nodded, it could be seen that Zhao Yuantu was quite dissatisfied with that alchemist.

The two left Baodanju.

Liang Wan and Zhu Yongning came up to meet them.

"Brother Han." Zhu Yongning clasped his fists in a salute, and outside he showed himself as Han Zhao's friend.

"Junior Brother Han, who are these two?" Zhao Yuantu was taken aback for a moment, feeling that the middle-aged man and the woman in red in front of him were not simple, they were masters.

"These two are my friends. This is my elder brother Zhao Yuantu." Han Zhao introduced.

The three simply greeted each other.

Liang Wan and Zhu Yongning looked at Zhao Yuantu curiously, they didn't understand why Han Zhao was so strong, why the big brother didn't even have the cultivation level of the Grand Master, they were all taught by the same master, why the gap was so big.

Zhao Yuantu exchanged pleasantries with the two of them, then took Han Zhao straight to North Street.

Soon, the two came to the Taita Business Alliance resident on North Street.

In front of Han Zhao was a huge white-gold stone building, which looked a bit like a pointed auditorium at first glance. On both sides of the gate stood two 20-meter-tall Cyclops statues.

Zhao Yuantu took Han Zhao to the gate, and when he passed two guards in black, he showed a token engraved with a Cyclops.

"The meeting is in progress. The two of you can go to the lobby on the first floor and wait for a while." The guard took the token and checked it, and then let it go.

Han Zhao followed Zhao Yuantu into the building, stepped on the white floor tiles, walked through the hall, and entered the backyard, where there were lush flowers and plants like a park, and metal benches were placed at intervals.

There are quite a few men and women walking and talking leisurely as if they are outing.

The overall architectural style is quite different from what Han Zhao usually sees.

"It's my first time here, and I also feel that this place is very strange." Zhao Yuantu whispered, and took Han Zhao to find a bench and sit down.

Liang Wan and Zhu Yongning stood aside, seemingly looking at the scenery, but they were actually standing guard.

Zhao Yuantu pointed to a high-rise flat-roofed building at the end of the backyard and said, "That's where the meeting will be held. Let's wait."

"it is good."

Han Zhao nodded.

"Junior Sister Su is here!" After a while, Zhao Yuantu stood up and pointed forward.

Han Zhao looked intently, and saw a woman in purple with a graceful figure and a good face walking over, it was Su Yun.

And there was a man on her left and right, a man in his early thirties, with a delicate and handsome appearance, chatting with Su Yun with a smile on his face from time to time.

Another young man is even more eye-catching. He has long purple hair, and his appearance can be described as beautiful. His long eyebrows are like willows, his body is like a jade tree, he is dressed in white, and he has an extraordinary bearing.If you have to talk about the shortcomings, it is that the temperament is a bit feminine and lacks the masculinity of a man.

"The one on the left is the alchemist of our firm, named Lu Jin. When Junior Sister Xu was in charge, he pursued Junior Sister Xu, and now he has his eyes on Junior Sister Su. He probably covets the firm's property." Zhao Yuantu whispered.

"Huh?!" Han Zhao frowned.

"The person on the right is an inner disciple of the Yinyang Palace, named Zhu Ziframe. The Zhu family is very important in the business alliance. We can gain a firm foothold in the business alliance because of the help of the Zhu family. The main reason for the Zhu family to do this is to Make friends with Senior Sister Lu. So far, Zhu Ziframe is not bad." Zhao Yuantu continued.

Han Zhao looked at Zhu Ziframe. Compared with Lu Jin's courteous attitude towards Su Yun, Zhu Ziframe seemed calm and calm, just communicating normally, keeping a certain distance from Su Yun.

"Let's go over there."

Zhao Yuantu went up to meet him.

"Junior Sister Su!"

"Senior brother Zhao, why are you here?" Su Yun was annoyed by Lu Jin's chattering words, when she heard Zhao Yuantu's voice, she rushed to meet him.

As soon as she took a few steps, she saw the young man in white beside Zhao Yuantu.

"Han Han. Junior Brother Han?!" Su Yun's eyes widened with disbelief.

"Senior Sister Su, long time no see." Han Zhao nodded.

Su Yun stepped forward quickly, surprised and delighted: "It's really you!"

"It's guaranteed to be a fake." Han Zhao felt her happiness and smiled.

"Miss Yun, is this your junior brother? Why haven't you mentioned it before?"

At this time, Lu Jin, who was on the side, stepped forward, seeing Han Zhao's handsome appearance, suddenly felt hostile in his heart.

"This is my junior brother, Han Zhao, we came from the same place." Su Yun frowned slightly, but still answered his question.

"I see." Lu Jin looked condescending, he knew that Su Yun and the others had moved from Dongshengzhou.

"Miss Su, I won't bother you when you meet again after a long time." Zhu Ziframe cupped his hands.

"Please, my lord." Su Yun bowed with a bow.

Then, a group of people walked out of the business alliance's residence and came to the bustling street.

"Since I'm Miss Yun's younger brother, I'll be the host tonight. Let's go to Tianxiang Tower to get together."

Seeing that Su Yun was asking about Han Zhao along the way, Lu Jin suddenly spoke, acting like a master.

"No need." Zhao Yuantu said suddenly.

"Huh?" Lu Jin frowned. Although Zhao Yuantu had objections to him, it had never been so obvious.

"Alchemist Lu, from today onwards, the contract between the firm and you is void, please find another job!" Zhao Yuantu said in a deep voice.

"What did you say?!" Lu Jin's complexion changed.

"Eldest brother?" Su Yun was also taken aback.

"I can't take this as a joke! I hope you don't beg me to come back!" Lu Jin sneered.

"Alchemist Lu, senior brother." Su Yun said hastily.

"We have no shortage of middle-level alchemists." Han Zhao said lightly.

"What a big tone!" Lu Jin glanced at Han Zhao, seeing that he looked like he was in his early twenties, and said disdainfully, "Could it be that you can still be an intermediate alchemist at such a young age?!"

Han Zhao ignored it.

"Alchemist Lu, it's good for everyone to get together and get together. When you were the exclusive alchemist of our chamber of commerce, you withheld so many pills and medicinal materials. You don't want to make a scene known to everyone?" Zhao Yuantu said in a deep voice.

"You better not fall into my hands!" Lu Jin was furious, and after putting down a harsh word, he walked away.

"Brother, there's no need to make such a scene. Lu Jin has a good relationship with many alchemists in the city. If he..." Su Yun showed anxiety, when she saw Han Zhao with a calm expression, she suddenly realized that there must be one Ready-made alchemist?
Han Zhao looked at Lu Jin's leaving back, and waved gently behind him without looking back.

Zhu Yongning stepped forward.

"I don't like that person just now, let him disappear." Han Zhao remained expressionless.

"Yes! My lord." Zhu Yongning stepped back and disappeared at the end of the street.

"?" Zhao Yuantu was confused.

Didn't you just say friends?

Grandmaster realm warriors don't have such an exaggerated speed!
"Let's talk when we go back." Han Zhao smiled.

Su Yun looked at Zhu Yongning's leaving back with a thoughtful expression.

into the night.

Lu Jin quietly entered Zhu's mansion.

After about half an hour, he left through the back door.

"Offend me, Lu Jin, and I'll make you go all the way!"

Lu Jin came to the end of the street and took a deep look at the gate of Baodanju.

He returned to his house in the inner city.

After a while, four young men covered in black robes entered the backyard study of the Lu residence.

These people were all newcomers trained by Lu Jin in Baodanju, two of them were his apprentices, and the other two were his assistants who withheld medicinal materials.

"Go to Baodanju's warehouse and mix these elixirs into those low-level elixirs. Don't put too much, one or two per bottle is enough."

Lu Jin took out several porcelain bottles and put them on the table.

"This" one of the apprentices showed hesitation.

This evening he learned the news that Lu Jin was fired. Now that Lu Jin asked them to do this, the purpose was obvious.

"I, Mr. Lu, have a lot of friends in the city! I have passed the Danding Pavilion today. If you are willing to be my friend, Mr. Lu, it will be of great benefit. If you are an enemy."

With that said, Lu Jin gently pinched the corner of the table.

"Ka Ka!" He easily pinched a corner of the solid wood table, and it turned into powder with the urge of true energy.

"I am willing to follow Master Lu!"

"I would too."

"Count me in."

Now the apprentice remained silent.

"I agree." The apprentice finally couldn't bear the pressure.

After the four of them left with the pill, Lu Jin stood at the window on the second floor, with his hands behind his back, looking down.

"Dare to fight with me!" Lu Jin sneered.

"What's wrong with fighting with you?"

Suddenly, a deep voice sounded behind him.

Lu Jin's scalp was troubled, and the hairs all over his body stood on end. He turned his head abruptly.

I saw a middle-aged man dressed as a Confucian scholar standing behind him.


Lu Jin suddenly lost his voice, but found that there was no way to resist.

"Gang Qi?! The power of a small supernatural power! Are you a Martial Saint of the Three Demon Realms?!"

Lu Jin was terrified and swallowed by a ball of white light.

(End of this chapter)

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