Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 218 Reach the sky in one step!Airborne True Inheritance!Cave quota!

Chapter 218 Reach the sky in one step!Airborne True Inheritance!Cave quota!
After Zhu Yongning dealt with Lu Jin and killed the four shop assistants who were eating inside and outside, he returned to the small courtyard in the outer city to report.

"You have done a good job. From today onwards, you and your wife will be the guest ministers of Lingyun Trading Company. As for the remuneration."

Han Zhao's slightly pondering voice came from the room.

"My husband and I were saved by the Lord. It is our honor to do things for the Lord. We dare not ask for reward." Zhu Yongning said respectfully.

"Squeak!" The door was blown open with a burst of energy, revealing the scene inside.

Han Zhao stood in the middle of the room, with a silver three-legged alchemy furnace floating in the air, spinning continuously under the heating of the true energy, and as he controlled the output of the true energy, wisps of faint fragrance overflowed.

"Whether you want it or not is your business, and whether you give it or not is my business. When I do things, rewards and punishments are clearly defined. If you have merit, you will be rewarded, and if you make mistakes, you will be punished."

Han Zhao said without turning his head.


At this time, there was a muffled sound from the pill furnace.

"Tsk." Han Zhao's spiritual power penetrated into the alchemy furnace, smashed his mouth, and sighed:
"too difficult."

Zhu Yongning just glanced at it, then immediately lowered his head, not daring to look any further, lest he get hurt.


A piercing sound came quickly, and finally stopped in front of Zhu Yongning.During the whole process, he didn't move.

Han Zhao pointed his fingers, and seven round and plump pills flew out of the pill furnace, floating in mid-air, and the rich and strange fragrance filled the whole room.

Han Zhao waved his hands like sweeping garbage, and three bright red pills flew to Zhu Yongning.

"Put it up yourself, these are your rewards."

Han Zhao's voice carried a hint of depression.

"A lingering fragrance, qi and blood tulle? This is the ultimate Qi and blood pill?!" Zhu Yongning raised his head, looked at the three elixirs floating in the air, and was startled.

He quickly grabbed the porcelain bottle in front of him, and carefully put away the three pills.

Although the Qi and Blood Pill is only a middle-rank pill, the best Qi and Blood Pill is much more precious than many high-rank pills.

Even if he is a Martial Saint of the Three Evil Realms, the best Qi and Blood Pill will have a relatively obvious improvement in his blood, not to mention that if this pill is left to her wife, the success rate of breaking through the Evil Condensation Realm will be greatly increased.

"I'll give you these three high-grade ones too."

With a trace of resentment in Han Zhao's voice, with a light wave of his hand, he gave the remaining three pills to Zhu Yongning, leaving only the last mid-grade Qi and Blood Pill, which was packed in a porcelain bottle.

"Why do you go back more and more? It's too much work to produce a middle-grade product in this furnace."

"My lord?" Zhu Yongning was stunned. Although when he was poisoned, he took the elixir given by the lord to get rid of most of the remaining poison, but he didn't expect the lord's alchemy to be so good.

Even a senior high-level alchemist needs luck if he wants to refine a top-quality middle-level elixir.

Judging from what the Lord meant, it was clearly annoyed because the quality of the pill was too high.

Zhu Yongning quickly reacted, because the business scope of Lingyun Trading Company's Baodanju is mainly low-grade pills, and the middle-grade pills are rarely sold.

Now even if it is a higher-level middle-level alchemist who can refine middle-level middle-level alchemists, it is considered to be of a higher level.

If you sell the top grade and the best grade directly, it will be too eye-catching!

"At a young age, the Lord has the strength to rival the realm of the seven evil spirits, and the level of alchemy can be called the reincarnation of alchemy gods. It's true." Zhu Yongning suddenly felt a little lost in his heart.

He is nearly middle-aged, and he has cultivated to the three evil realms. He was once a genius in others' mouths, but compared with the master, it seems that he is not qualified to compare.

With peerless talent, plus a martial artist from a top force, if there is no shortage of training resources, it is possible to cultivate to the Seven Shade Realm at this age.

But even if you start learning alchemy in the womb, you can't reach the level of a high-level alchemist.

"Loyalty to the lord may be the greatest opportunity for my husband and wife in this life!" Zhu Yongning thought deeply.

"You go out first, I have to work overtime in the last few days to refine the elixir, you take the elixir above middle grade and don't let outsiders know about it."

Han Zhao turned his back to Zhu Yongning and waved at him.

"Yes, my subordinate will leave." Zhu Yongning bowed deeply and retreated outside the courtyard.

Looking at Han Zhao's lonely back with one hand on the table, Zhu Yongning had mixed feelings in his heart.

Perhaps for the master whose alchemy talent is almost monstrous, not being able to control the quality of alchemy as he likes is a huge failure.

Zhu Yongning felt the unevenness of the world.

the next day.


The East Wing is the exclusive courtyard of Zhu Zihua, the most talented third son of the Zhu family.

At this time, in the study in the East Wing, Zhu Ziframe was sitting behind the pear blossom wooden table, listening to the report of his subordinates.

"You mean Lu Jin is missing?"

"Third Young Master, someone saw Lu Jin returning to the mansion last night. When I went to Lu's mansion today, Lu Jin mysteriously disappeared, and the four apprentices from Baodanju were also missing." The subordinate said respectfully.

"It seems that Han Zhao is really not a simple character." Zhu Ziframe frowned slightly, and there was a thick stack of information on the table in front of him, which was filled with tiny words, and detailed information such as Han Zhao's portrait.

"If the newcomer Han Zhao did it, then he is really daring! He didn't take the Zhu family seriously at all, so we can't let him go lightly!" the subordinate said in a deep voice.

"How can I allow you to criticize what I do?" Zhu Zijiao squinted.

"This subordinate is guilty, please punish the third son." The subordinate quickly knelt down on the ground.

"This Han Zhao has become an inner disciple. Even if the Five Elements Academy doesn't want him, do you think he can be compared to a small role like Lu Jin as an inner disciple of the Yinyang Palace? Lu Jin is still worth living, and he is dead when he dies." What does it have to do with me." Zhu Ziframe looked indifferent.

"What the third son said is that this subordinate has been educated." The subordinate said quickly.

"When my son becomes a true disciple, Lu Yingxuan's Tianfeng spiritual body will be of great use. As long as this person does not compete with me, then he is my friend, not my enemy.

Starting today, let the family take care of Lingyun Trading Company more.Han Zhao was also close to the peak, and now he is at the point of despair when he is re-cultivating. "

Zhu Ziframe said lightly.

"The head of the Jinling Academy is your uncle. Whether Han Zhao can enter the Five Elements Academy is a matter of your own words. The third son will give you charcoal in a timely manner, just to subdue his heart. With his help at that time, it will be easy for you to get Lu Yingxuan Things. The subordinate admires it!" The subordinate smiled obsequiously.

Zhu Zihua glanced at his subordinates, and suddenly his face darkened: "Get out!"

"This subordinate talks too much! This subordinate knows he's wrong!" The subordinate turned pale with shock, he didn't know which sentence he said wrong, kowtowed his head like pounding garlic, and was sent flying out of the study by Zhu Ziframe's palm.


"Thank you, Third Young Master, for your mercy."

The subordinates scrambled and left the yard.

"I wish Ziframe doesn't need to rely on anyone, and anyone who stands in my way will die!" Zhu Ziframe's feminine face was full of hostility, and he grabbed the file on the table, and turned into powder with his true anger.

For the next ten days, Han Zhao stayed in the room to practice alchemy, and finally refined the first batch of intermediate-level elixir.

All are mid-grade, not a single low-grade.

He tried his best.

During the period, the Yin Yang Temple and the Law Enforcement Hall of the Titan Business League in the city sent people to inquire about Lu Jin's disappearance.

After Han Zhao was asked for a few words, the matter was settled.

Since he does not belong to the Five Elements Academy, nor does he belong to the Hall of True Yang and the Hall of Taiyin, even though he is an inner sect disciple, he can stay in Dengtian City at the foot of Tianjie Mountain for a long time, which saves him a lot of trouble and worry things.

He didn't even bother to listen to the martial arts lectures given by the leaders of the five major courtyards and the masters of the two halls.

After all, he also cultivated to the level of supernatural powers in the simulation, although most of the memories are not left, but unless the pseudo-supernatural powers and the level of supernatural powers are taught martial arts, he will not be interested at all.

The inner disciples of the Yin Yang Hall were not very concerned about the addition of an inner disciple.

Of course, for the few disciples who know Han Zhao's identity and know that he is Lu Yingxuan's junior brother, they really want to make friends with him.

However, after learning that Han Zhao spends most of his time at the foot of the mountain instead of cultivating on the Tianjie Mountain where the power of heaven and earth is strong, many people's desire to make friends has weakened a lot.

Lu Yingxuan's younger brother is not Lu Yingxuan himself, especially Han Zhao who is not enterprising, but also very cold and arrogant, most of the time he shuts the door to thank guests.

Dongshengzhou's first place in the Zhongzhou Trial is a thing of the past after all.

However, in just five months, this situation has undergone some changes.

Lingyun Trading Company started selling middle-grade pills five months ago, and almost all of them are middle-grade pills of fairly good quality.

This made the status of Lingyun Trading Company, which could only be regarded as a third-rate force in the Titan Business Alliance, skyrocket.

The continuous supply of mid-level and middle-grade pills shows that there is a very good middle-rank alchemist behind Lingyun Trading Company.

Once the big forces checked, they would know that the extra alchemist was Han Zhao himself.

This made some people want to make friends with Han Zhao again.

Tianjie Mountain, halfway up the mountain, the main hall at the head of the courtyard.

The heads of the Fifth Academy gathered here again.

"I didn't expect to be mistaken at the beginning." Li Xiuqi, head of the Earth Spirit Institute, looked at the latest information about Han Zhao, and broke the silence first.

"If I had known that he had such a level of alchemy, the old man would have included him in the door." Chen Tian, ​​the head of the Muling Academy, did not hide his regret.

If Han Zhao had taken the initiative to reveal the level of alchemy before, they would definitely be willing to take him under his wing.

"Yes." Qin Yuan, the head of the Water Spirit Academy, was a little emotional.

Although Han Zhao's foundation has been damaged after re-cultivation, and he can't go far on the road of martial arts, he is already an intermediate-level alchemist at this age. If he is trained well, he will definitely have great achievements in alchemy.

Even if Han Zhao's future realm stays in the Yisha realm forever, he still has a lifespan of 300 years.

If Han Zhao can become a high-level alchemist, the elixir he refines will be effective for them, the peak martial saints in the Seven Shark Realm.

A high-level alchemist is enough to sit on an equal footing with them.

If he can refine a high-level pill like the 'Dujue Pill' that assists in the restoration of the Seven Demon Realm and accumulates mana, his status in the future may be higher than them, and he can compete with the two palace masters who are about to achieve pseudo-supernatural powers. on a par.

"The exercises of the Fire Spirit Academy are most suitable for alchemists to cultivate, and there is no need for that boy Han Zhao to waste his time practicing some health-preserving formulas. Just let him enter my Fire Spirit Academy. The old man can accept him as his own disciple."

Goldman Sachs, the head of Huolingyuan, is a direct dignitary.

"This person deliberately hides the level of alchemy. I'm afraid he has the idea of ​​becoming a blockbuster. The spirit of a young man is too bad, and it is difficult to become a master. Brother Gao, be careful. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment."

Nie Bai, head of the Jinling Academy, said indifferently.Han Zhao only has the hope of becoming a high-level alchemist, and it's not that he is already a high-level alchemist.

He has practiced for only one year so far, and he has already achieved the perfection of the seven evil spirits. Even without external help, he is [-]% sure of achieving false supernatural powers.

"Don't bother Senior Brother Nie, you were the one who disliked Han Zhao the most at the beginning, and you won't regret it now, so you want to grab it from Junior Brother?" Gao Sheng showed displeasure.

Although he is the weakest among the leaders of the five courtyards, he has a good brother Gao Qiang who is the master of the Taiyin Palace, so his actual status is no worse than Nie Bai.

"It's all up to his own choice, and the head of the court will not interfere." Nie Bai said indifferently.

"Hmph!" Goldman snorted coldly.

"They're all brothers in the same sect, why bother to hurt peace because of a disciple." Chen Tian acted as a peacemaker and smoothed things over.

"Han Zhao is greedy for money and lustful, and there are many female disciples in our Water Spirit Academy. If this is used as a bargaining chip," Qin Yuan thought to herself, and she didn't care about Han Zhao's character when it came to whether she could cultivate false supernatural powers in the future.Anyway, if Han Zhao can become a high-level alchemist, those female disciples will take advantage of her by following her.

The matter of Han Zhao was just an episode, and the five began to discuss business.

After the next arrangement was agreed upon, Goldman Sachs left in a hurry, obviously going to act.

Qin Yuan and Li Xiuqi followed closely behind, leaving only Nie Bai and Chen Tian in the hall.

"Senior Brother Nie, if you open your mouth to invite, I believe Han Zhao will definitely be willing to join Jinlingyuan. Otherwise, the cheap price will be given to Senior Brother Gao and the others." Chen Tian persuaded.His relationship with Nie Bo has always been very good, so he doesn't have many scruples when speaking.

"No need." Nie Bo interrupted: "The future is illusory, mid-level alchemists are nothing but tasteless to me. Becoming a high-level alchemist is not so easy."

"Okay. Then I'll let the kid from Zhu's family visit, that's fine too."

"Whatever." Nie Bo said lightly, turned around and walked outside the hall.

That night, Zhu Ziframe sent someone to the Han Mansion to send a greeting card, explaining the situation.

The words in the greeting card may seem polite, but they have a condescending meaning.

Han Zhao pinched it lightly, and the greeting card turned into powder.

"My lord, this subordinate dares to speak up." Zhu Yongning stepped forward and saluted respectfully.

"Let's talk." Han Zhao nodded.

"The Zhu family is not weak, and they are very powerful in the Titan Business Alliance. Zhu Zijian is the nephew of the head of the Jinling Academy. If the master doesn't want to reveal his true strength, he can pretend to be a snake." Zhu Yongning said seriously.

"It's indeed a good idea. However, I want to modify it a little bit." Han Zhao smiled.

After speaking, he put his hands behind his back and walked out of the yard.

He went straight to Tianjie Mountain.

Standing under the mountain gate, he looked up at the giant peak piercing the sky in front of him with a calm expression.

"never mind."

On Beiming Island, "King Kong" pretended to be the high priest, and had completely controlled the Beast Soul Department, and agreed with the Tianyi Department on the date of the next battle, which will be half a year later.

Han Zhao didn't want to waste too much time in Yin Yang Hall.

There are still many places waiting for him to go, such as the wind unicorn in the endless sea area, the water flood dragon, and the cave of the three spirits.

Han Zhao went to the main hall of the outer court at the foot of the mountain, found Han Zhenyuan, the head of the outer court, and explained his situation.

"What?! Are you kidding me?" Han Zhenyuan was shocked when he learned that Han Zhao had cultivated the regimen to the third level.

"It's absolutely true, how could this disciple make such a joke with the head of the school." Han Zhao said seriously.

"This matter is very important, I have to confirm it." Han Zhenyuan was both surprised and happy, because if this matter is true, he also has credit for being the person who reported it.

"Please." Han Zhao stretched out his hand.

Han Zhenyuan grabbed Han Zhao's wrist and sent true energy into his body.

After a while, Han Zhenyuan looked at Han Zhao in shock, "Nephew Han, you really only took five months to cultivate the health regimen to the third level?! And you've already achieved perfection!"

"I don't know why, but I feel that this exercise seems to be very suitable for me. I basically broke through naturally during the cultivation process." Han Zhao was a little puzzled.

"Of course, I also took a lot of qi and blood pills to assist in cultivation."

"Nephew Han, please stay here and don't leave. I'll inform the Lord Zhenyang immediately." Han Zhenyuan said excitedly.

"Yes." Han Zhao cupped his fists and saluted.

In less than an hour, Han Zhenyuan returned to the main hall of the outer courtyard, but he stood at the door and bowed to wait, and did not enter the door.

At the same time, two old men dressed in purple Taoist robes and who looked about seventy-eight percent similar entered the hall.

The person who came was not Qin Qing, the lord of the True Yang Palace, but two brothers Zhao Wuji and Zhao Wuxiu, two supreme elders who were in the pseudo-supernatural realm.

the next day.

A news that everyone did not expect spread throughout the Yin Yang Hall, and swept across the entire Liangyi Island like a whirlwind.

Han Zhao became a true disciple!

In half a month, it will be the Zongmen Dabi in Yinyang Palace.

The outer court disciples want to take this opportunity to stand out. If they rank high and perform well, they have a chance to be favored by the Five Elements Court and enter the inner court.

And the disciples of the inner court have been preparing for a long time, wanting to compete for the position of the top ten true disciples.

After Lu Yingxuan entered the Heavenly Sacred Cave, a seat was vacated for the top ten true biographies.

Instead of challenging those powerful true disciples and directly competing for this vacancy, the chances of winning are greater.

However, on the eve of the start of the Zongmen Grand Competition, someone was promoted directly to the True Inheritance.

If you want to become a true disciple, you must become a saint before the age of 30, and cultivate to the three evil realms before the age of 35.

And Han Zhao is just a 28-year-old Erqi master.

Soon, Han Zhao's past deeds were uncovered.

At the age of 25, he beat the son of a wealthy family to win the first place in the Dongshengzhou Zhongzhou Trial. It is indeed quite dazzling, but he can only say that he was very strong when he was in the master state.

Even if all his veins were damaged and he had already cultivated to the first evil state before re-cultivating Sangong, but now he only has the cultivation level of a master of second qi.

The most difficult thing for everyone to accept was that the disciples of the inner sect were not allowed to challenge Han Zhao this time, and had to wait until two years later.

There was a lot of discussion in the door, and many people were dissatisfied.

Even the two hall masters of Zhenyang Hall and Taiyin Hall do not have this privilege.

However, when the inside news broke out, everyone fell silent.

The quota of Han Zhao's true disciples was hand-picked by the two Supreme Elders.

Whether or not a true disciple can enter the cave to cultivate, in addition to a competition, requires the approval of the two elders.

Now, the other nine true disciples couldn't sit still anymore.

For a while, those who wanted to make friends with Han Zhao directly stepped through the threshold.

It's just that after Han Zhao became a disciple of Zhenchuan, he didn't live in the hall of Zhenchuan, but was brought into the spiritual cave on the top of Tianjie Mountain, where he was personally guided by the elder Taishang.

When Han Zhao could not be seen, everyone flocked into Dengtian City to visit Zhao Yuantu and Su Yun at Lingyun Firm.

(End of this chapter)

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