Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 219 Nine Heavens Lei Peng!The dragon chant is perfect, flawless!

Chapter 219 Nine Heavens Lei Peng!The dragon chant is perfect, flawless!

The top of the mountain is shrouded in mist and mist, and pavilions and pavilions pop up. White cranes hover above the mist, and occasionally stop and stay on the eaves of the pavilions.

At this time, a gray cuboid spiritual weapon over ten meters long passed over the clouds.

At first glance, it looks like a magnified brick flying in the sky.

In front of the spirit weapon, stood a middle-aged man in purple clothes. His height was estimated to be just over 1.6 meters. He had a shiny head, a short stature, a chubby face, with curved eyebrows and slender eyes. , resembling Maitreya Buddha.

Such an unattractive middle-aged man who looks like a good-natured man at first glance is actually a pseudo-supernatural powerhouse standing at the top of the entire Nanzhan Sea Area, Zhao Wuxiu, one of the two great elders of the Yinyang Palace.

Standing behind him was a handsome young man, wearing a robe with a white background and gold silk embroidering, showing a slender and tall figure. The robe made a shrill sound under the strong wind, like a fairy.

This person is Han Zhao.

After seeing the two brothers Zhao Wuji and Zhao Wuxiu, he was taken to the spiritual cave near the top of Tianjie Mountain to practice.

The spiritual acupoint is a rare holy place for cultivation in a world, where the power of heaven and earth gathers.

In less than a month, Han Zhao 'practiced' the regimen to the fourth level.

Originally, Zhao Wuji and Zhao Wuxiu two brothers wanted to bring Han Zhao into the door, but now they have lost their minds.

Because Han Zhao's savvy is too good, it has far exceeded their expectations.

"Han Zhao, when I see the teacher later, don't lose your manners." Zhao Wuxiu kept flying the spiritual weapon to a higher place, and at the same time turned around, repeatedly urging.

"Yes, Patriarch." Han Zhao saluted respectfully, lowering his eyebrows pleasingly.

"There is no need to be too polite, if the teacher is willing to accept you as a registered student, we will be brothers in the future." Zhao Wuxiu laughed.

The regimen of health preservation is bestowed by the true king.Even their master, Yuan Xiyu, the lord of the celestial sage and the cave of heaven, the great power in the realm of heaven and man, also said that this exercise is mysterious and unparalleled, and it coincides with the way of heaven.

The regimen of health preservation starts from the fourth level, which is purely based on understanding and has little to do with aptitude.

So when Han Zhao comprehended the formula of health preservation to the fourth level, what they thought was to accept disciples on behalf of the master.

"Thank you, Patriarch." Han Zhao said seriously.

Seeing that Han Zhao's expression was tense, Zhao Wou-ki said in relief: "With your understanding, even if the teacher doesn't accept you, your future is limitless. Just calm down."

They are well aware of how harsh the training environment for warriors in Dongshengzhou is.Han Zhao was born in a humble family, and was able to win the first place in the Zhongzhou Trial in the hands of the children of a wealthy family. His character is definitely not as greedy and lustful as the outside world said, but more likely to be clumsy.

After he rebuilt, his foundation was damaged, and his supernatural powers were hopeless, but if he could worship under Master Yuan, it would not be difficult to restore his foundation.

Zhao Wuxiu continued to use the brick spirit weapon to climb continuously, and wisps of bluish-white wind appeared in the void, crunching the mana shield, making a sound like metal cutting.

"This is the Nine Heavens Stellar Wind, which cannot be resisted by non-law power. Above ten thousand feet, only the real supernatural powers can block it with the power of great supernatural powers."

There was a hint of envy in Zao Wou-ki's voice.

"This is where the spirit pond is, and it is also the entrance to the heavenly cave." Zao Wou-ki flew up a hundred feet, and then stopped in the void.

"Here?" Han Zhao was stunned for a moment, looking around, there was nothing but wisps of bluish-white wind from the nine heavens.

Zhao Wou-ki didn't explain any more, but took out a jade talisman from his bosom, and sat cross-legged on the brick-shaped magic weapon.

As mana was poured into the jade talisman, a golden light shot straight into the sky.

In an instant, a gigantic sky gate phantom with a height of thousands of meters appeared.

Han Zhao looked intently, and saw that after the Tianmen appeared, the power of heaven and earth flowed into the gate like sea water.

At the same time, a powerful fluctuation of spiritual power gushed out from the Tianmen.

"Disciple Zhao Wuxiu, please see the teacher." Zhao Wuxiu stood up and bowed towards the gate of heaven.

Seeing this, Han Zhao also bowed his head and bowed in salute.

Suddenly, Han Zhao felt an extremely sharp cry coming from his ear. He was caught off guard, and felt his whole head was shaken, and the world was spinning for a while.

If Zhao Wuxiu hadn't supported him, he would almost have fallen directly on the brick spirit weapon.

When he looked at Zhao Wuxiu beside him, he was looking at the Tianmen with a horrified expression.

"Crack crackle crackle!"

There was an explosion in Han Zhao's ears. He looked up and saw that the sky became golden, and a huge white demon bird hundreds of meters tall stood on the gate of heaven, with golden arcs of feathers shining all over its body.

"Wuxiu has seen the third senior brother! I haven't seen you in just 200 years. Senior brother has made great achievements. It's really gratifying!" Zhao Wuxiu hastily saluted the white demon bird loudly.

"You are still the same as before, without any progress." The white demon bird spoke out in a harsh tone.

"The third senior brother is the teacher's direct disciple, and I'm just an incompetent registered disciple, really." Zhao Wuxiu said with a smile.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, why did you activate the Tianmen Talisman?" The white demon bird interrupted him.

"There is a disciple in the hall who has cultivated the health-preserving formula to the fourth level, so he wants to see the teacher all the time, and ask him to enter the spirit pool. If he is lucky enough to worship under the teacher and listen to his teachings, he is considered to be very lucky. "

Zhao Wuxiu was not annoyed, and said respectfully.

"Health-preserving formula?" The tone of the white demon bird was slightly surprised, and he glanced at Han Zhao, "Is this the kid?"

"Exactly, this person's name is Han Zhao." Zhao Wuxiu explained.

The white demon bird glanced at Han Zhao.

Han Zhao suddenly felt an invisible pressure flooding his whole body.

"Brother Zhu Yuanzhu is the teacher's third personal disciple. He was able to reach the first level of supernatural powers 200 years ago, but now he should have broken through to the second level.

He has the blood of Nine Heavens Lei Peng in his body, and few people under heaven can keep up with his speed.

Brother Zhu is more irritable, so be careful. "

At this time, Zhao Wuxiu's exhorting voice suddenly sounded in Han Zhao's ear.

Han Zhao turned his head slightly, and found that Zhao Wuxiu looked at his nose with his eyes, his heart with his nose, and the old god was there.

Obviously, just now he used the sound transmission of divine sense.

"Senior Arranger, you should be punished." At this moment, Zhu Yuan's green vertical pupils froze slightly.


A golden arc came in an instant and landed on Zhao Wuxiu's body.

Zhao Wuxiu let out a muffled snort, resisting the thunder forcefully, his body turned black, and white smoke came out.

"The tribulation of supernatural powers is more than twice as strong as my thunder. If you don't want to die under the tribulation of thunder, you should worry about your own affairs." Zhu Yuan's tone contained a hint of a lesson.

"Thank you, brother, for your guidance." Zhao Wou-ki circulated his mana, and his body quickly recovered. If it wasn't for the smoke still rising from his head, it would have been as if he wasn't the one who was struck by lightning just now.

"I've seen Master Zhu." Han Zhao lowered his head and bowed in salute.

"You guys are late, Master has already retreated." Zhu Yuan said.

"When will the teacher leave the customs?" Zhao Wuji asked.

"I don't know." Zhu Yuan said lightly: "As for the quota of entering the spirit pool, I can decide for him."

"Thank you Third Senior Brother." Zhao Wuxiu hurriedly said, while winking at Han Zhao.

"Thank you, Master Zhu." Han Zhao saluted respectfully.

"I have something else to do here." Zhu Yuan looked at Han Zhao.

"Please congratulate the ancestor." Han Zhao said.

"I have a karma with the Zhu family that needs to be settled. If you are willing to give up your true inheritance position and help me settle the karma, I can make the decision and let you enter the spiritual pool to practice for three days." Zhu Yuan said.

True disciples have only one chance to enter the spiritual pool to practice, and only for one hour.

It is not unattractive to practice directly for three days.

"Han Zhao, don't agree." Zhao Wuxiu hurriedly sent a voice transmission to Han Zhao through his spiritual thoughts.

Han Zhao fell into silence.

Zhu Yuan glanced at Zhao Wuxiu, but didn't speak.

"The disciple is willing to give up the position of True Inheritance." Han Zhao said seriously.

But if you stay in the cave world for a long time, you will be gradually assimilated, and then you will be rejected by the will of the world in the source world, and it will be difficult to survive the supernatural calamity in the source world.

Going to the Tiansheng cave to cross the catastrophe is a dream for [-]% of the seven evil martial saints, but he is an exception.

"The Spirit Pond is at the entrance of the Tianmen. The Tianmen will not be closed for the next three days." After Zhu Yuan left these words, it turned into a golden light and flew into the Tianmen.

"Brother Zhu once promised three things to the ancestors of the Zhu family, and he must not violate his heart. This time, someone from the Zhu family must be begging him, so he will come in person."

After Zhu Yuan disappeared, Zhao Wuxiu sighed.

"Brother Zhu, although he has a rather irritable personality, he never embarrasses the younger generation. This matter has gone against his heart, so he will never force you."

Only true disciples have the opportunity to enter the Heavenly Sacred Cave to practice. As long as Han Zhao can recover his foundation, even if he can't become Master Yuan's disciple, there is still a good chance of cultivating to the pseudo-supernatural realm in the Cave World.

The spiritual energy of the source world is continuously drawn away by the major cave worlds, and it is really too difficult for warriors to enter the realm of supernatural powers here.

"One hour is not enough to fully restore the disciple's foundation, the disciple can only choose this way." Han Zhao said.

"Nine-turn pseudo-supernatural powers are the lower way to achieve supernatural powers. Breaking through the catastrophe in the cave world is the middle way, and achieving supernatural powers in the source world is the best way. It is as difficult as climbing to the sky!"

Zhao Wuxiu shook his head.

"My only wish in this life is to become a martial god in this world. If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent." Han Zhao said firmly.

"Everyone has their own ambitions, I won't force you. Hurry up to the Spirit Pool, I will protect the Dharma for you here." Zhao Wuxiu nodded.The imperial emissary flew outside the gate of heaven with a brick-shaped spiritual weapon.

"Thank you, master!" Han Zhao bowed deeply, thanking Zhao Wuxiu sincerely.

Zhao Wuxiu mobilized his mana, wrapped Han Zhao's body, and sent him into the gate of heaven.

Han Zhao felt his body passed through an invisible barrier.

In the next second, a white world appeared, and the sky and the earth seemed to be connected together.

In front of him was a huge stone chamber. Through the open door of the stone chamber, one could see a milky white pool with a diameter of less than ten meters. The white mist was lingering, wet, warm, and with a faint fragrance.

[Spiritual Pond - built by the god of war, it is formed by gathering and condensing the aura of heaven and earth, which has many miraculous effects such as healing injuries, nourishing the soul, improving physical fitness, and enhancing the affinity of the power of heaven and earth. 】

Han Zhao looked around, but there was no one around, and the visibility was extremely low.

"It's not much different from the simulation." Han Zhao thought to himself, he simulated once before the health formula 'broke through' the fourth floor, otherwise he wouldn't have taken such a big risk to enter the spirit pool.

Han Zhao walked into the stone room, took off his clothes, and walked into the spirit pool.

"Hiss~" The power of heaven and earth seemed to have become a living thing, scrambling to enter his body, sending bursts of tingling pain.

Soon, his body was flushed red, the speed of Qi and blood circulation in his body was greatly increased, and the medicinal power of the three aperture golden elixir accelerated.

[Dragon Yin Body: Dacheng (12080/50000)]

At this time, Han Zhao turned his attention to the system panel, and the progress of the body of the Dragon Yin increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

[Zu Wang Sutra·Spiritual Journey Chapter: Second Floor (9527/100000); can be upgraded]

At the same time, Han Zhao's mental strength also began to increase accordingly, and the progress of the second floor of the Zuowangjing·Shenyou Chapter began to increase slowly.

"This is an exaggeration!" Han Zhao's eyes widened.

[Thunderbolt: 35%]

Even the evil spirit began to grow.

Moreover, the fifth celestial meridian that had not yet been condensed was also faintly visible under the gathering of spiritual energy.

Han Zhao sank his mind, and his body was like a bottomless pit, continuously inhaling the spirit energy from the spirit pool into his body.

[Will of Martial Arts Five-Colored Peacock: Tier 10001 (10000/[-]); Cannot be upgraded; Can Break Limits; Special Effects: Gathering Spirit Transformation Form, Five-element Balance, Five-Color Divine Light, Dharma Aspect Void Form]

After an unknown period of time, he felt a halo of five colors spinning around him.A system prompt appeared in sight.

"Even martial arts will can be improved?!" Han Zhao was surprised and delighted. This should not be just the effect of the spirit pool, but the limit-breaking effect of the [Lan Emperor] entry.

"Break the limit for me!"

Han Zhao roared in his heart.

A lifelike peacock condenses behind Han Zhao.

Martial Arts Will Five-Colored Peacock!

I saw the peacock flapping its wings lightly, with five three-foot-long feathers growing out of its tail, like a sword with a handle, each with its own color, divided into blue, yellow, red, black, and white, faintly flowing.

The five sword-like tail feathers quickly turned into substance under the infusion of heaven and earth spiritual energy.


As if something was broken, the void above his head was distorted, and the power of heaven and earth was like substance, forming a funnel-shaped spiritual vortex, pouring into the five-color peacock.

In an instant, a five-color peacock with a height of 30 meters raised its proud head and spread its wings to fly.

The five-color tail feathers shine brilliantly.

As the five-color peacock spread its wings, a peerless spiritual bird suddenly appeared in the world, and a cry resounded in Han Zhao's mind.

A steady stream of spiritual energy from heaven and earth poured in here.

"what happened?!"

Three hundred miles away, a white demon bird hundreds of meters long turned its head and looked behind it.

"Is it the direction of the spirit pool?"

I saw a spiritual vortex connecting heaven and earth appeared at the top of the sky.

"That kid turned out to be."

Zhu Yuan turned into a human form, turned into a young man with strange appearance, and opened his mouth wide.

"According to this method of inhalation, wouldn't he use up the spirit pool's hundreds of years of spiritual energy alone?!"

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuan turned into Nine Heavens Lei Peng again, and his figure swelled to thousands of meters in an instant.

I saw him flapping his wings vigorously, and there was a strong wind between the sky and the earth, and the spiritual energy with a radius of hundreds of miles was blowing away in the direction of Han Zhao.

In this way, in the next two days, Zhu Yuan gathered the aura of thousands of miles around the Lingchi, and opened the gate of the cave to attract the aura from the holy cave.

"Damn it! Why did I say it for three days!" Zhu Yuan wanted to slap himself twice.

Another day passed, until the spiritual vortex shrunk, and Zhu Yuan's dull bird eyes regained their spirit.

"Crack crackle crackle!"

The sound of thunder resounded in the air, and his whole body turned into an afterimage, and he came to the top of the spirit pool in an instant.

Sitting cross-legged in the middle, Han Zhao suddenly felt a huge shadow enveloping him, so he looked up at the sky, and what he saw was a white demon bird covering the sky and the sun.

"Bless the ancestors?"

"Three days are up, come out!" Zhu Yuan urged.

"Isn't there still a quarter of an hour before three days? Disciple"

"Let's go!" Zhu Yuan flapped his wings suddenly, setting off a hurricane, and swept Han Zhao out of the gate of heaven.

"It's over, it's over." Zhu Yuan looked at the Lingchi that was about to bottom out, wanting to cry but no tears.

This place is the intersection of the source world and the heavenly cave. If the aura is sucked dry, let alone the spiritual pool, this place will even collapse, and he will be in big trouble at that time.

"You wait for me! How stingy!"

Han Zhao cursed secretly in his heart, and was thrown out from the Heavenly Gate amidst a whirl of dizziness.

Zhao Wuxiu caught him in mid-air with his power.

"Hurry up and take him away!" At this moment, Zhu Yuan's angry voice came from Tianmen.

Zhao Wuxiu was stunned, and ordered Brick to drop the spiritual weapon.

[Dragon Yin Body: Dacheng (50000/50000)]

[Flawless Body: Elementary (100/300000); Special Effects: Resistance to Thunder Tribulation, Flawless and Flawless]

[Zu Wang Sutra·Spiritual Journey Chapter: Second Floor (35589/100000); can be upgraded]

[Will of Martial Arts Five-Colored Peacock: Tier 15002 (200000/[-]); Cannot be upgraded; Special Effects: Spirit-gathering Transformation Form, Five-element Balance, Five-Color Divine Light, Dharma Aspect Void Form, Peacock True Body]

"This trip is really a step up to the sky!"

Taking care of Han looked at the data on the system panel and was overjoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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