Chapter 228: Killing the Soldier! (super large cup)
The empty mountain is silent, and the cold moon is like a hook.The cold stars float above the sky, like dots of light, like a chessboard.

At the junction of the northeast border between Wei and Qi, there is a huge canyon named Sanghun Gorge.

The jungle is densely covered here, poisonous insects and beasts are everywhere, and there are few people.

A khaki beam of light suddenly rose from the peak of Sanghun Gorge, which was particularly conspicuous in the dark night.

It's just that this beam of light was only on for a moment, and then disappeared without a trace. Except for the nearby wild beasts, no one noticed it at all.

At this moment, with the disappearance of the beam of light, three figures appeared in a cave on the peak of Sanghun Gorge.

It is Han Zhao, "King Kong" and "Magic Flame" two clones sent from Nanzhanhai Neihai.

"Are you there?" Han Zhao looked around the cave, which was less than [-] square meters, and the teleportation array under his feet occupied more than half of the area.

Han Zhao walked out of the cave, but was immediately blocked by a translucent film-like restraint.

He spurred his stellar qi to stab, and then pierced a gap in the restriction, and passed the restriction with the two clones.

As soon as Han Zhao came outside the restriction, he saw that the restriction that had been stabbed out quickly returned to its original state.

He released his divine sense to sweep across the restriction, the original cave seemed to have disappeared, and there was no trace of the restriction.

"Although the defense of this prohibition is not very good, it is estimated that a warrior in the first evil realm can break through it, but the concealment ability is really strong." Han Zhao was surprised.

If the brothers of the Zhao family hadn't told him this secret, even if he came here by chance, he still wouldn't be able to find the location of the teleportation array.

As for the others, it is even more difficult to find that there are restraints and teleportation arrays here.

"It can be used as a backup when necessary."

Han Zhao was sure, anyway, he remembered the specific location of the teleportation array, and if he really encountered an invincible enemy, this was also a way out.

Anyway, as long as you can keep your name on the Qiantian Ranking and enter the top 72, no matter where you are, as long as you go above the Nine Heavens, you can be taken into it by Qiantian Palace.

It's just that when it comes out, it will be placed near Zhongzhou by Qiantian Palace.

Han Zhao went around in a big circle before passing through the narrow and cramped cave and came outside.

There is a huge canyon in front of me, with steep peaks and some uneven mountains in front of it. Unknown wild flowers and grasses are blooming on the mountains, accompanied by birds in the forest, bringing some vitality to this quiet canyon.

It's just that under the surface, Han Zhao's strong hearing heard a slight sound, as if a large number of insects gathered here.

Soon, dense black beetles crawled out of the bushes in front of them. At first glance, they looked like beetles. Their sharp and huge mouthparts accounted for more than half of the body, and there was a faint purple light on them, most of which were poisonous. .

With so many poisonous insects, even a martial artist who has practiced strength will have a headache when encountering them.

"Qiqi, I'll leave it to you." Han Zhao patted the imperial animal bag, and a colorful python over ten meters in length flew out and landed in the swarm.

It was the Mitsubishi Viper that Han Zhao had bred for more than six years, and he named it Qiqi.

"Crack!" There was a fine and sharp rubbing sound, and the poisonous insects raised their huge mouthparts, biting the scales on Qiqi's body with all their strength.

Chi Chi Chi!
Even if these poisonous insects bite their mouthparts so that sparks scatter everywhere, they can't hurt Qiqi at all.


Qi Qi spit out a mass of translucent liquid, and when these poisonous insects touched the liquid, black air burst out, and it instantly turned into pus.

After a while, the poisonous insects that swept from all directions were all wiped out by Qi Qi with venom.

"Hiss~" After Qi Qi wiped out all the poisonous insects, her body quickly shrank into a colorful snake less than one meter long, climbed onto Han Zhao's body, and finally stopped at his shoulder, pointing at his face Intimately spitting snake letters.

Han Zhao stretched out his fingers and poked Qiqi's head lightly, and said with a smile, "It seems that killing poisonous insects will be of some help to you."

In just six years, Qiqi swallowed a large amount of top-grade and top-grade feeding pills.

He has evolved from a first-order monster with ordinary strength training to a second-order peak, whose strength is comparable to that of a grand master with perfect five qi.

The poison contained in its fangs, even ordinary martial arts saints would have to avoid the sharpness temporarily when encountering it.

If it goes one step further, it can become a third-rank monster. At that time, the poison in its body will rise to another level, enough to knock down high-rank martial saints.

After killing so many poisonous insects just now, Han Zhao sensed that Qi Qi's breath had improved a lot through his mind.

"Since you like this place, you can stay here temporarily and help me guard the teleportation array here."

Han Zhao continued.

"Hiss~" Qiqi spat out the snake letter, a little bit reluctant to part with Han Zhao.

"Don't worry, I'll come to you when I'm done." Han Zhao smiled.

"Hiss." Qiqi nodded, agreeing.

Then, it fell from Han Zhao's body and crawled deep into the bushes.

"Try to contact Cheng Xue first." Han Zhao found a relatively flat open space nearby, and let "King Kong" and "Magic Flame" guard the spell.

Lian Chengxue once told her about the secret technique of the Divine Weapon Art Sacrifice in her body, that Han Zhao could set up a magic circle and use the method of sacrificing monsters to communicate with her from a long distance.

Han Zhao took out a bottle containing the monster's blood from the Xumi bag, and used the monster's blood to draw an oval-shaped magic circle on the ground.

It took a full quarter of an hour before Han Zhao carved a huge magic circle with a diameter of more than 20 meters on the open space.

"Phew~ Making talismans and drawing magic circles is not an easy task, it's not as easy as alchemy and weapon refining."

Han Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, the stronger the monster sacrificed, the more obvious the effect, but the more complicated the magic circle needed.

In most cases, when receiving the sacrificial offering, the divine soldier directly devours the sacrificial offering through the body, and it is only in this kind of long-distance communication that it is necessary to draw the magic circle.

After all, the secret technique of the divine weapon sacrifice is related to the core secret of the divine weapon. Once you know this method, you can find a targeted countermeasure.

It's not a good thing for soldiers in charge.

What Lian Chengxue did was to show him no reservations.

Others may not be able to do this.

"Bah!!" After the magic circle took shape, bursts of purple smoke rose immediately, and the whole magic circle exuded a cold and terrifying aura.

Han Zhao released another 15-meter-long third-tier monster golden-backed mantis from another beast-controlling bag.

This golden-backed mantis was something he had encountered on the outskirts of the Inner Sea before he came. At that time, he wanted to sneak attack him, but he subdued him with one move.

It happened to be used as a sacrifice for the Dharma Festival.

"****" Han Zhao placed the golden-backed mantis in the center of the formation, made a formula with both hands, closed his eyes, and uttered a special incantation.


The purple smoke in the middle of the magic circle suddenly exploded, turning into a translucent flame.

The originally unconscious golden-backed mantis suddenly woke up, trembling all over, struggling violently, but was soon swallowed by the flames, and disappeared without a trace.

After a long time, the halfway bright flames in the magic circle disappeared, and the purple smoke gradually faded.

"Huh?" Han Zhao opened his eyes, but he didn't have any contact with Lian Chengxue.

"At this point in time, they must still be alive." Han Zhao frowned slightly.

As long as the magic circle of the Divine Soldiers Art Sacrifice is successfully set up, the divine soldiers can receive the power of the sacrifice no matter how far away it is. The disappearance of the sacrifice just now shows that Lian Chengxue's ice spirit arrow has digested the sacrifice.

"It seems that it's because of the distance." Han Zhao thought about it and figured out the key to the matter.

Among the Three Kingdoms of Wei, Qi and Chu, Wei State has the strongest overall strength, but Qi State has the largest territory, and there are two large islands along the coast.

According to the information in the simulation, Han Zhao can know that he is now at the junction of Wei and Qi, so it is roughly located in the southwest of Qi.

If the three sisters were in the north and east of Qi, they would be very far away from him.

As long as he rushed to the center of the Qi Kingdom and found the Valley of Souls, he would definitely be able to contact the three sisters.

"Look for a place with people first, and confirm the exact location." Han Zhao made up his mind, since there is still more than a year left anyway, so there is no rush.

"Whoosh!" He pinched his sword finger, and a ball of white light flew out from the Xuanling sword box behind him.

When the white light group stopped in front of him, the light dimmed slightly, revealing the white Sword of Rebirth inside.

As Han Zhao's true energy poured into it, the Sword of Rebirth suddenly trembled and let out bursts of joyful chirping.

Since Han Zhao focused on sword skills, Zhanye Dao has played much more times than it. It can appear, which makes Xiangshengjian very happy.

"Don't worry, there will be time for you to play in the future." Han Zhao smiled, patted the blade lightly, and then he jumped, and the Sword of Rebirth suddenly multiplied dozens of times, turning into a giant 30-meter-long sword. The sword fell to his feet.

"King Kong" and "Magic Flame" on the side also flew down behind Han Zhao.

The Rebirth Sword turned into a mass of white sword light, soaring straight into the sky, and left the canyon in an instant.

——Sword of Rebirth·Spiritual Weapon
Grade: Advanced

Spirituality: 100% (can be improved)

Sword intent: 88%
Special effect: Jianxin is transparent (70%)

——Knife and Spirit Weapon
Grade: Advanced

Spirituality: 100% (can be improved)

Sword intent: 96%
Special Effect: Blood God (100%)

"The next step of the Sword of Rebirth and the Zhanye Dao is the Lingbao." When Han Zhao Yujian was flying, he looked at the data of the Sword of Rebirth and Zhanye Dao, thinking to himself.

After obtaining the entry of [Destiny Refining Artifact], he recast both the Zhanye Dao and the Sword of Rebirth, and both spiritual weapons have been upgraded to high-level, and after several years of cultivation, they have both reached high-level spiritual device limit.

It's just that it is not an easy task to become a Lingbao and surpass the existence of ordinary magic soldiers.

Continuing to improve spirituality requires 30 attribute points, which Han Zhao cannot afford.

After all, he has not yet reached the supernatural realm, and his mana is limited. With the Houtian spirit treasure killed by the dragon blade master, and the life-saving spirit treasure Li Tiansuo, it is more than enough.

One or two more spirit treasures will not improve his combat power in any way.

"The next step is the Thunder Tribulation Refiner."

In the remnants of weapon refining that Zhu Kangsheng gave him, in addition to "sacrificing one's life for refining", there is also a piece of "Tianlei refining". .

In the process of crossing the catastrophe, let the two spiritual weapons absorb the power of the thunder catastrophe, so that they can be transformed into spiritual treasures, and they are even more powerful than those that have been upgraded.

Of course, the actual operation is much more difficult than the theory. If he is not careful, his two natal spiritual weapons will be damaged, or even directly destroyed by the thunder.

After Han Zhao found the first town, he disguised himself as Ding Xiu and entered it to inquire about news.

He only has a general map of Qi, and as for the detailed map, even Zhongxing Pavilion will not sell it.

After Han Zhao confirmed that his location was Juanren Mansion in Qinzhou in the southwest of Qi State, he flew to the northeast, Qinzhou City, which was three thousand miles away.

Several hundred miles away from the city of Qinzhou, Han Zhao found a place where no one was around, lowered the sword of death, and walked with "King Kong" and "Magic Flame".

The Divine Sense of the Supernatural Realm can cover a radius of a hundred miles when fully deployed, and the palm of the hand is much weaker, which is only seventy or eighty miles away.

Han Zhao's mental strength has been greatly enhanced because of his practice of sitting and forgetting the Sutra·Shenyoupian, so the full release of his spiritual thoughts can cover fifty miles.

Using the three spirits in one, plus the bonus of the avatar, it probably has the power of a normal first-level soldier.

It's just that if you let go of your spiritual thoughts casually, you will definitely be discovered by a strong person of the same level, so in most cases, no one will let go of your spiritual thoughts at will near the big city.

"Collect more information about the four major forces, and find a way to get some magic crystals by the way."

Han Zhao rushed towards Qinzhou City.

The Qi State is controlled by four major forces, the Jiang family of Qi State, and the three major sects of Soul Valley, Taiyin Sect, and Sanyang Sect.

These four major forces spread over most of the entire territory of Qi State, and basically everywhere are branches of these four major forces.

Han Zhao in Corpse Soul Valley must be provoked, so the other three major forces can't afford to conflict if they can't, and if they conflict, they will kill them all, leaving no future troubles.

In short, let's catch a sheep in Corpse Valley and pluck its wool first.

After Han Zhao entered Qinzhou City, he went to Tianji Building to check the information of the four major forces, but the recorded content was relatively general, similar to what he saw in Yinyang Palace.

So, Han Zhao found an inn to settle down.

"System, simulation." Han Zhao thought over and over again, preparing to use up the second precious opportunity for simulation.

[At the age of 35, you went to Qinzhou City of Qi State through the teleportation array. 】

[By using a Tier [-] monster four times in a row to perform ritual sacrifices, you roughly determined Lianchengxue's position. 】

[After more than three months of searching, you finally found the three sisters of the Lian family in Luohe Mansion, Taizhou, Qi State. 】

[The three of them have become first-tier envoys, and the second elder of Corpse Soul Valley is plotting their magic soldiers, and is being monitored by the second elder's son. 】

[After another month of preparation, you all set up an ambush to besiege the son of the second elder of Corpse Soul Valley. After a great battle, he blew himself up as a first-tier magic weapon and severely injured you. Lian Chengxue was even more seriously injured in order to save you. 】

[You fled to the direction of Wei State, and were found by the second elder of Corpse Soul Valley half a year later. 】

[The three daughters of the Lian family blew themselves up and severely injured her, but you are still invincible. 】

【you are dead. 】

"Found it!" Han Zhao's expression froze, and finding the three women was the key.

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]


[attribute point +6000]

[Vajra Immortality Magic: The third level (35000/50000), can be improved; special effects: tempered stellar energy, hundred pulses, diamond body protection, congenital stellar energy, golden muscles and jade bones, congenital body Dacheng】

"Fighting against the family of divine soldiers is my strong point, so it's time to improve my Vajra Immortal Ability."

Han Zhao looked at the attributes of King Kong's indestructible magic skill, and felt that he could directly use attribute points to improve it.

"Simulation." Han Zhao used up the last chance to simulate.

[At the age of 35, you went to Qinzhou City of Qi State through the teleportation array. 】


【you are dead. 】

"This Second Elder is really difficult, and his son is not easy!" Han Zhao frowned, imitating the final result. They still died at the hands of the Second Elder. It seemed that they could find each other wherever they went.

The key point is that the second elder's son actually had two first-tier magic weapons, the first one blew up and didn't hurt them, and the second one blew up and hurt Lian Chengxue.

"It doesn't matter, as long as there is enough yin energy, even if the second-level commander comes, you have to touch it first!"

Han Zhao didn't care so much, he directly chose the attribute points, as long as he can kill the soldiers and get the magic soldiers, the situation in the simulation can be avoided.


[attribute point +6000]

[Attribute point: 18000]

"System, improve the magic power of indestructibility."

【Attribute points: 18000→0】

[Vajra Immortal Art: The third layer (50000/50000), can be deduced (3000/30000); Body Dacheng, False Golden Body]

The whole body of "King Kong" was full of golden light, Han Zhao and "Magic Flame" saw it, and quickly used Gang Qi to cover it.

[Pseudo-golden body: In a short period of time, the strength of the physical body can be greatly strengthened, and it can be transformed into an arhat golden body after the supernatural catastrophe. 】

"Pseudo-golden body" Han Zhao looked at the special effects of the pseudo-golden body, and when "King Kong" digested the benefits brought about by the improvement of his skills, he immediately set off for Luohe Mansion in Taizhou.

Qi country.


Hongye Mansion, the capital of Qi State, the largest mansion of Qi State where Jingtian City, the capital of Qi State, is located.

The Jiang family, the royal family of Qi State, and the headquarters of the three major sects, Soul Valley, Taiyin Sect, and Sanyang Sect.

In the westernmost part of Hongye Mansion, there is a big city near Luohe Mansion, named Jiehe City.

At this time, the three sisters of the Lian family that Han Zhao was thinking about were in a luxurious restaurant in the inner city of Jiehe City.

The three women were no longer dressed in fancy clothes as in the past, but wore the same style of black slim-fitting clothes with black gauze covering their faces.

These extremely ordinary clothes, worn on their bodies, still set off their slender, curvaceous figures. Coupled with the three almost identical charming faces, people will definitely be impressed once they meet.

It's just that the faces of the three women are not very good at the moment.

"Sister, if that Xiang Kang keeps pestering her, I won't be able to bear it anymore!"

Among the three women, the woman sitting on the left raised her eyebrows coldly, and suddenly said.

When she squeezed her right hand, the teacup in her hand turned into powder, and the tea in it also spilled out, but before it left her palm, it turned into solid ice, and the cold air overflowed.

The three girls looked almost the same, but this girl had a tear mole at the corner of her left eye. Even though her face was frosty at the moment, the tear mole still made her charming and charming, with a different kind of beauty.

If Han Zhao were here, he would probably be able to recognize her as Lian Chengxue at a glance.

Not only because of the tear mole in the corner of her eye, but also because of her demeanor when she spoke, and her extremely hot temper towards other people.

"Second sister, don't act rashly." Lian Chengyu frowned.

"It's all the fault of Lian Chengjue, a villain! He even brought Hao Xing Bow to join Soul Valley, otherwise we wouldn't have to tie our hands and run away, I don't believe Xiang Jia can find it!" Lian Chengxue sullenly.

Lian Chengjue is their cousin. When the Lian family was destroyed, the strongest third-tier magic weapon of the ancestor of the Lian family was divided into four. Lian Chengjue took the Hao Xing bow to the Lian family's secret force in the country of Qi, while the three sisters were Fleeing to Lianjia's garrison in Wei State with the three strange spiritual arrows.

The reason why the troops were divided into two groups was also to prevent being overtaken by the Bailingzong and Murong family's pursuers, causing the last bloodline of the Lian family to perish.

When they left, the four of them made an oath in front of the ancestor together.

If one day whoever is the first to be recognized by the Divine Soldier will be able to dedicate another part of the Divine Soldier to reunite the strongest Divine Soldier of the Lian Family.

After the three girls broke through the snake level, they have already been recognized by the three strange spirit arrows.

They found Lian Chengjue after five years of searching in Qi State through the general contact of Shenbing.

In the end, Lian Chengjue procrastinated in every possible way, unwilling to hand over the Haoxing Bow.

In fact, if Lian Chengjue really didn't want to, although the three girls had already cultivated to the snake-level ninth level and were far stronger than Lian Chengjue, who was in the snake-level eighth level, they would not force them because they were all a family.

However, after being rejected by Hao Xinggong one after another, Lian Chengjue joined Corpse Soul Valley without authorization.

Not only that, he also took the initiative to reveal the secrets of the Sanqi Lingjian and Haoxing Bow, hoping to exchange them for a first-tier magic weapon and become a soldier in charge.

It's just that when Xiang Chengyun, the second elder of Corpse Soul Valley, found the three daughters under the leadership of Lian Chengjue, the three daughters had already been fully recognized by Sanqi Lingjian and became the first-level military envoys.

Although the three girls are just entering the realm of the first-order soldiers, and the three strange spirit arrows lack the support of the Haoxing bow, the power of the third-order magic weapon, even if it is incomplete, is twice as strong as the first-level magic weapon .

Under the cooperation of the three women, Xiang Chengyun, the second elder of Corpse Soul Valley, did not dare to act rashly.

What Corpse Soul Valley wants is a complete magic weapon, even if it is captured by force, the three strange spiritual arrows are broken, and the Haoxing Bow alone is barely close to the power of a second-order magic weapon.

Even if the masters of the second-tier soldiers are stronger than the first-tier magic soldiers, the difference in strength between the two sides is only about twice as high.

The gap between the third order and the second order will not exceed twice.

Only the Holy Master can truly display the [-]% power of the divine weapon.

Therefore, even though Xiang Chengyun is a second-tier military envoy, he can't guarantee that he can win the complete three strange spirit arrows in a one-on-three situation.

In case of being injured in battle, it is even more worthless.

So Xiang Chengyun changed his strategy and asked his son Xiang Kang to pursue the three sisters of the Lian family. He wanted to get the three daughters to join the Soul Valley through marriage.

And he also promised to Chengyun that as long as the three girls join Corpse Soul Valley, he will return the Haoxing bow to them.

However, this condition is difficult for the three women to accept.

Lianchengxue's heart is for Han Zhao, while Lianchengyu and Lianchengbing don't want to engage in such a marriage of benefits without emotion, and there is also a vague figure of a person in their hearts.

The most important thing is that the Supreme Elder of the Holy Lord Realm of Corpse Soul Valley is guarding the outer sky at the moment. Once the guarding period of Jiazi is over and the Holy Master of Corpse Soul Valley returns, life and death will be all in the mind of others up.

"Xiang Kang has bad intentions towards us, I agree with the second sister's opinion, kill Xiang Kang!" Lian Chengbing, who had been silent all this time, nodded.

"Third sister?" Lian Chengxue was taken aback, her idea was to teach Xiang Kang a lesson.

Lian Chengbing showed killing intent on his face, and said decisively: "If we go directly, Xiang Kang will probably catch up with the Hao Xing Bow. By then, wherever we run, the Xiang family will be able to sense the direction. Why don't we find a way to catch up with Xiang Kang?" Take back the Hao Xing Bow in your hand!"

"With the strength of the three of us sisters, it is possible to kill Xiang Kang, but we can't make a quick decision. Once we enter the tug-of-war, the three strange spirit arrows are not supported by the Haoxing Bow, so we can't afford them. And here It is the core sphere of influence of Soul Valley, if we start here, the support of Soul Valley will arrive soon."

Lian Chengyu was a little hesitant. In the past, she was the one who made up the general direction, but this matter was related to the lives of the three of them, so they couldn't make a wrong move.

"So we have to sacrifice a little bit of color, and stabilize Xiang Kang first. It's best to take him in the direction of Wei State, and attack halfway." Lian Chengbing said in a deep voice.

"Seduction? Eldest sister should go." Lian Chengxue covered her chest with a look of disgust.

"Why me?!" Lian Chengyu was taken aback.

"I don't know how to act." Lian Chengbing said calmly, taking it for granted.

"What about you?" Lian Chengyu looked at Lian Chengxue again.

"I'm already Brother Han's man! I will enter the Han family's ancestral grave even after I die." Lian Chengxue was serious.

"But me too." Lian Chengyu hesitated to speak.

"You what?" Lian Chengxue leaned closer, with a gossip expression.

"It's nothing." Lian Chengyu was momentarily at a loss for words, and sighed resignedly: "Forget it."

"Actually, I was joking." Lian Chengbing said suddenly.

"Me too." Lian Chengxue added.

"You two?!" Lian Chengyu's eyes widened, and he said with a stern face: "When is it? Are you still in the mood to joke!"

"Elder Sister, there is actually something else?!" Lian Chengxue was about to explain, but her face suddenly changed.

"what happened?"

Lian Chengyu and Lian Chengbing looked at her.

Lian Chengxue stretched out her right hand, and saw the pattern of an ice crystal arrow appear on the palm of her right hand, and there was an ice blue shimmer.

Within a few breaths, the ice-blue shimmer quickly turned red, bloody, and the aura became stronger.

Lian Chengxue's eyes widened.

"Is this the Divine Weapon Art Festival?" Lian Chengbing's eyes were fixed.

"It's indeed a ritual sacrifice! It's just that you are here, Sanmei, who will perform the ritual sacrifice for you, and who knows your secret technique?" Lian Chengyu was puzzled.

After the ancestor's death, the three sisters only knew their own magic sacrifice secret technique, and they didn't even know the other party's magic sacrifice secret technique. How could someone suddenly make a magic sacrifice ice spirit arrow, and it was a long-distance magic sacrifice.

Surprised and delighted, Lian Chengxue raised her head and looked at the two sisters: "I once told Brother Han about the secret art of the Ice Spirit Arrow."

"What?! You told him all the secrets of the Ice Spirit Arrow Ritual?" Lian Chengyu exclaimed.

"It really looks like something that the second sister can do." Lian Chengbing nodded.

"No wonder, only someone like you can do that." Lian Chengyu's voice faded.

"The point now is that Big Brother Han suddenly wanted to contact me. He went back to Dongshengzhou?!"

Lian Chengxue suddenly felt that the long gloomy mood before had been swept away.

"Back then, he was hunted down by members of the Bailing Sect and the Murong family. He lost all his skills and fled far away. How could he return to Dongshengzhou now?" Lian Chengyu sighed.

When they heard the bad news at the beginning of the year, it was like a bolt from the blue, and the second sister even clamored to go back to the Wei country, but at that time they had just arrived in the Qi country, and it was too late to leave, so the second sister finally stopped the second sister.

"I suddenly had an intuition, do you think there is a possibility? In fact, Big Brother Han had already predicted everything, so he deliberately hid his clumsiness, pretended to be abolished, and then went to the holy place of martial arts in the outer sea to concentrate on training. He came back this time to find Revenge for the enemies from back then!" Lian Chengxue's eyes lit up, and the more she spoke, the more excited she became.

"Even if it is a secret technique, there is a high probability of making mistakes. He is not a god, how can he predict what will happen in the future every time."

Lian Chengyu sighed, although she hoped that what Second Sister said was true, it was obviously impossible.

"This time, I choose to trust my second sister's intuition." Lian Chengbing responded.

"You guys, if there are so many miracles in this world, can even the family be destroyed? The ancestor was half a step away from the realm of the Holy Master, and in the end, it was not because of this half step that he died and the family was wiped out?
Even if Mr. Han really predicted everything back then, with the speed of martial artist's training, he can now cultivate to the perfection of the seven evil spirits, and he is already a peerless genius. Could it be that he is still capable of commanding soldiers? "

Lian Chengyu smiled helplessly.

The only miracle in her life was that she was captured by bandits during the period of blood decline, and Han Zhao miraculously appeared and rescued them like a divine soldier.

Everything after that was almost all based on strength.

"The power obtained through the ritual sacrifice is at least the sacrifice of a third-level monster or a snake-level monster. If Brother Han is really looking for me, he will definitely continue to sacrifice."

Lian Chengxue firmly believed in her own thoughts. In her opinion, the fact that Han Zhao came to find her as soon as he returned to Dongshengzhou made her feel elated and overjoyed.

"If Mr. Han has now reached the perfection of Qisha, based on his previous combat power, he should have the combat power of entering the pseudo-supernatural power realm, which can be regarded as a strong support." Lian Chengbing mused.

"Okay, then take a gamble on Mr. Han."

Seeing that the two sisters believed in Han Zhao, Lian Chengyu finally agreed, because there was really no other better solution.

A month later.


In the sky above the river to the west of Luohe Mansion, above the clouds, there were bursts of loud noises.

Gust, ice, thunder and lightning, the power of three attributes appeared one after another.

"Interesting, I never imagined that the three of you sisters would like this tune!"

At this time, a wild laugh appeared in the clouds.

A giant wrapped in golden armor emerged from the clouds. His figure was more than ten meters high.

There is a ferocious metal giant eye inlaid on its forehead, which is a first-order magic weapon.Moreover, it is also an extremely rare spirit-enhancing divine weapon.

The three strange spiritual arrows released by the three women came, but they were instantly melted by the light of the blue magic weapon released by the giant metal eyes.

"Xiang Kang! Don't bully me too much! Do you really think my three sisters are serious?"

There was a shriek in the clouds.

It was Lian Chengxue, the second sister of the three sisters in the Lian family.

After receiving Han Zhao's offerings one after another, and sensing that his distance was getting closer, the three women decided to set off to meet Han Zhao.

It's just that before he left Luohe Mansion, he was caught up by Xiang Kang.

The three daughters were scruples about Xiang Chengyun, so they didn't make any serious moves towards Xiang Kang, but they didn't expect that the other party would be relentless and pursue them desperately.

"You can give it a try, I'm just going to play with you." Xiang Kang's smile remained unchanged. With the magic weapon of Yuhunmu, he might not be the opponent of the three women, but he was safe to protect himself.And the other party didn't want to kill him, naturally because he was afraid of the forces of Corpse Soul Valley.

"Young Master Xiang, the three of us sisters are only out on errands, and we will return as soon as we go. As for joining Corpse Soul Valley, we still need time to consider."

Lian Chengyu didn't want to tear up his face on the spot, so he spoke out to mediate.

"That's just right. If you want to do something, it will be much more convenient for you to follow me." Xiang Kang said.

"Get lost!" Lian Chengxue urged the Bingling Arrow with all her strength.

In an instant, a half-meter-long arrow rose against the wind, turning into a huge ice arrow tens of meters long, and the air above the entire cloud layer plummeted.

"How dare you?!" Xiang Kang's expression changed slightly, he didn't expect Lian Chengxue to be really moved.

However, seeing that Lian Chengyu and Lian Chengbing did not make a move, he was relieved.

"Buzz!" Xiang Kang's figure quickly shrunk from more than ten meters to the size of an ordinary person, and the God of Soul and Eyes on his forehead shot out a blue aurora, immobilizing the huge ice arrow.

"I said to play with you, but you are still impatient, and I haven't done it yet," Xiang Kang grinned.

Before he could finish speaking, he heard a strange noise above his head.


Looking up to Kang, a golden light group descended rapidly from above.

I saw a tall young man surrounded by the golden light cluster.

He had a single horn on his forehead, and densely packed golden scales covered his entire body, covered with fine purple-black patterns, which shone coldly under the refraction of the golden light.

This weird sound was exactly the sound made by the scales on his body being blown and rubbed by the strong wind.

The young man held a black dagger as thin as a cicada's wing, and with a light swipe, a [-]-meter-long black light came in an instant.


Xiang Kang only felt his whole body tense, his hair stood on end, and his figure swelled again, surpassing 20 meters in an instant, and the huge magic weapon of the soul and eyes released a blue light of the magic weapon as thick as a water tank.

However, before the divine soldier's light touched the [-]-meter black light, it was illuminated by the purple light surrounding its surface, weakening it by more than [-]% in an instant.

"how is this possible?!"

Xiang Kang was frightened by this weird scene.

"Do not!!!"

In an instant, Wumang split the light of the divine weapon from the middle, and it fell on his body. The purple light burned the power of the divine soldier on his body like a flame.


Under the blessing of the light of the divine weapon, Xiang Kang's body was harder than a high-level fake divine soldier, but at this moment, it was like paper paste. The whole body was evenly divided into two from the forehead to the crotch. All the magic weapons were split into two halves.

"What?! How is this possible?" The three daughters of the Lian family looked shocked at the scene.

At this time, the young man who was surrounded by golden light and looked like a demon god looked at Xiang Kang's corpse, but scratched his head with doubts in his voice.

"Is this really a Tier [-] Commander? Why is it so weak? It's not true in the simulation"

 PS: 6000 guarantee, 3000 plus change, and 25000 words still owed.

(End of this chapter)

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