Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 229 [Persistent God of War]!Help Bingfeng!

Chapter 229 [Persistent God of War]!Help Bingfeng! (big cup begging for tickets)

"This kind of guy is not as good as the warrior I killed last time in terms of combat experience." As soon as Han Zhao finished speaking, the voice of Ling Xuanyi, the magic dragon blade, rang in his heart.

"That can't be so weak, can it? And why even the magic weapon was chopped into pieces?"

Han Zhao was a little stunned. It seems that after the realm has been improved, the effect of the entry of "Demonic Light" has become more and more exaggerated.

"I'm an acquired spiritual treasure, a heavy weapon for killing and cutting! What do you mean by comparing me with a trash magic soldier?" Xuan Yi was a little annoyed.

"Boss Xuan Yi, don't get excited, just pretend that I haven't seen the world." Han Zhao hastily smiled apologetically.

"You really have a lot of secrets, boy. The power attached to me just now seems to involve rules, otherwise I wouldn't be able to restrain the light of the divine weapon and make meritorious deeds with one blow." Xuan Yi was a little curious.

"Really?" Han Zhao laughed.

"Don't worry, I've made up my mind to follow your daughter in the future, and I won't betray the Han family. If you don't want to tell me, I won't ask." Xuan Yi said lightly.

"." Han Zhao was silent. You are still in my hands, so you are thinking about changing people. You really don't give me any face.

At this time, Han Zhao mobilized his mana to absorb the corpses, the fragments of the magic weapon, and the sumeru bag floating in the air.

The power of the magic weapon remaining in the corpse lost the control of its master. Under the light of the demon-smothering light around Han Zhao, it melted quickly like the first snow meeting the scorching sun, and the pure yin energy of the magic weapon entered his body.

Then, Han Zhao glanced at the contents of the Sumeru bag with his spiritual sense, but did not look carefully, and transferred everything to his own Sumeru bag.

As for the eyeball-shaped magic weapon that was split in half, he put it away directly.

The three sisters of the Lian family waited and watched not far away.

"Long time no see." Han Zhao grinned at the three girls, showing his white teeth.

"who are you?"

"You recognize us?"

Lian Chengyu and Lian Chengbing were a little puzzled when they heard the young man's deep, hoarse, metallic voice.

Lian Chengxue's eyes widened suddenly.

"Oh, I look like this, no wonder you don't remember." Han Zhao raised his hand and glanced at the golden scales all over his body, and realized that he was going to undo the transformation as soon as he was urged by mana.

Suddenly, an icy-blue ray of light rushed over.

Lian Chengxue threw herself into Han Zhao's arms and hugged him tightly.

Han Zhao was taken aback, and instantly absorbed the magic light into his body.

"Brother Han!" Lian Chengxue was both surprised and delighted.

"I didn't expect you to recognize me like this." Han Zhao chuckled, and the golden scales on the surface of the skin quickly faded away, returning to its original appearance.

Then, he threw the magic dragon blade in his hand behind him, opened the Xuanling battle box, and put it in.

"Mr. Han? It's you?!" Lian Chengyu and Lian Chengbing didn't expect that the person who killed Xiang Kang with this blow turned out to be Han Zhao.

Although they had already set the highest expectations for Han Zhao's strength, they still greatly underestimated him.

They can become first-level military commanders, mainly relying on the shadow of their ancestors. As long as they are recognized by the three strange spirit arrows, and they have cultivated to the seventh level of the snake level, it is not particularly difficult to become a first-level military commander.

After all, the Lian family has been destroyed, and there are not many Lian family's children to choose from in the San Qi Ling Jian, so the difficulty for them to become military envoys has been greatly reduced.

"This is not a place to talk, talk while walking!" Han Zhao said.

"Okay!" Lian Chengyu and Lian Chengbing nodded.

However, Lian Chengxue still hugged Han Zhao and did not intend to let go.

Seeing this, Han Zhao put his arms around her body with one hand, activated his mana, and his whole body turned into a golden light, flying towards the southwest.

During the flight, Lian Chengxue let go of Han Zhao, and suddenly said seriously: "Brother Han, first check to see if there is a bow-shaped magic weapon in the sumeru bag of the man you beheaded just now."

"Okay." Han Zhao didn't ask any further questions, and directly put his spiritual thoughts into the Sumeru bag. Besides the broken eyeball magic weapon, there was also a long spear magic weapon.

"There is no magic bow, only this." He took out the magic spear.

"This is troublesome!" Lian Chengxue frowned.

When Lian Chengyu and Lian Chengbing heard the words, their faces darkened.

"Is it possible that the bow-shaped magic weapon and your three magic arrows can sense each other?" Han Zhao asked.

He recalled being inexplicably found by the second elder of Corpse Soul Valley in the simulation, and looking at the expressions of the third daughter, he had already guessed the reason.

"Yes!" Lian Chengxue nodded: "The ancestor gave the Hao Xing bow to our cousin Lian Chengjue, who violated the agreement and handed the Hao Xing bow to Xiang Chengyun, the second elder of Corpse Soul Valley.

The person you beheaded just now was Xiang Kang, the son of Xiang Chengyun. We lured him out just to get back the Hao Xing Bow from him, but he did not bring the Hao Xing Bow with him.This is troublesome. "

"Then how far can the Hao Xing Bow detect you? Can it be accurately positioned?" Han Zhao asked again.

"Within five thousand miles, the approximate position can be sensed. The farther away, the weaker the sense is. If it exceeds one hundred thousand miles, only the direction can be sensed."

Lian Chengxue explained.

"So that's the case, then there is a solution. Let's leave Qi State and go to Wei State." Han Zhao pondered, as long as it is not precise positioning, there is still a solution in reality.

"Mr. Han, it's useless. The news of Xiang Kang's death will be known to Xiang Chengyun soon. At that time, he will definitely find a way to refine the Haoxing Bow as soon as possible, so as to increase the sensing range. use."

Lian Chengyu sighed, Han Zhao's strength far exceeded their expectations, but it was not enough to fight against Xiang Chengyun and Soul Valley.

They originally waited until they confirmed that Xiang Kang was carrying the Hao Xing Bow, but they didn't expect an accident.

"At the level of military envoys, high-level officials from various countries will know each other. As long as Xiang Chengyun greets the high-level officials of Wei State, he will not be hindered when he goes to Wei State. This is troublesome!" Lian Chengbing added.

Lian Chengxue gritted her teeth, as if she had made some important decision, she suddenly raised her head and said:

"Brother Han, let's go separately, it will be easier to get out."

"You don't have much confidence in me, do you?" Han Zhao smiled.

Even if he achieves supernatural powers, it would be unwise to confront Corpse Soul Valley head-on, after all, the opponent still has the existence of the Holy Lord.

But he is not without support now, as long as the immediate troubles are solved, the pressure from the upper management of Corpse Soul Valley does not need him to bear alone.

"Is that Xiang Chengyun the second-rank military envoy, or the third-rank?" Han Zhao asked seriously.

"Tier two." Lian Chengxue responded: "The Great Elder of Corpse Soul Valley is a Tier [-] military envoy, but he has already gone to the outer world with the ancestor of the Holy Lord of Corpse Soul Valley. He will not return in a short time."

"As long as it's not a third-tier military envoy, then there is a way." Han Zhao mused, this is also in line with the situation he encountered in the simulation. Can't hurt each other.

Now he has three first-level envoys on his side, and he is supporting him from the sidelines, so he still has a chance of winning against Shangxiang.

What's more, he has just acquired a large amount of Yin Qi, which has not had time to transform it into combat power.

"It's been less than two years since we became a first-level military envoy, and this person has been immersed in the second-level for hundreds of years. Even if we directly use the original power of the divine weapon, we have little chance of winning against him, unless..." Lian Cheng Rain is worried.

"Unless you blew yourself up as a magic soldier." Lian Chengbing added.

"If he is a second-level spirit summoner, or a second-level supernatural power, then I really can't help it, but if he is a second-level military commander, as long as you trust me and listen to my arrangements, I guarantee that you will be safe and sound!"

Han Zhao's words are full of strong self-confidence.

"I believe it!" Lian Chengxue stared at Han Zhao with scorching eyes. The worst result would be a self-destructed magic weapon, and if Han Zhao didn't come, the odds of winning would be even lower. She has no regrets to meet again.

"I'll listen to your arrangement." Lian Chengbing nodded. Judging from the way Han Zhao killed Xiang Kang just now, he obviously has a special secret technique to fight against divine soldiers.

And since Han Zhao's appearance, under close contact, the Thunder Spirit Arrow in her body has been emitting a feeling of repulsion, and even a trace of fear.

"The three of us sisters must do everything together!" Lian Chengyu suddenly showed a relieved smile.

The appearance of Han Zhao brought a glimmer of light to the originally gloomy road ahead.

If there is someone she can rely on, she doesn't want to be the big sister who makes decisions anymore.

"That's good! Come with me, and stay away from Taizhou as much as possible first." Han Zhao speeded up his escape.

The time for the unity of the three spirits is coming to an end, so you have to stay as far away from the base camp of the Valley of Souls as possible, and then increase your combat power through Yin Qi.

Gold, blue, blue, and purple rays of light pierced the sky and galloped towards the border of Wei State in the southwest.


Hongye Mansion.

To the west of Jingtian City, the capital of the State of Qi, there is a valley that stretches for tens of thousands of miles.

This is where the Mountain Gate of Corpse Soul Valley, one of the four major powers in Qi State, is located.

Not long after Han Zhao and the three sisters from the Lian family left Luohe Mansion, a black beam of light the thickness of a water tank suddenly rose from the Valley of Corpse Souls, and a mournful roar came from it.

"Ah! Kanger!"

"Who killed my Kang'er!"

A middle-aged man with thin body and pale complexion appeared from the black beam of light. His face was full of resentment and hatred.

There is a ghostly shadow of a ferocious monster faintly condensed behind, and a huge Yin Qi radiates from the whole body, stirring the Yin Qi above the valley, forming a whirlwind composed of pure Yin Qi, sweeping across the entire mountain range.

The huge movement immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the Valley of Souls.

"what's going on?"

"It's the second elder. What did he say? Was Deacon Xiang killed?"

"Deacon Xiang is a first-rank envoy, how could someone kill him?"

"Who dares to mess with our Corpse Soul Valley in Qi State? It won't be people from the other three major forces?"

"The internal competition among the four major forces is constant, but it never involves the level of commanders. Don't talk nonsense if this is not conducive to unity!"

The disciples in the Valley of Souls talked a lot.

At this time, the other five envoys in charge of the army in the valley were also alarmed, silently watching Xiang Chengyun make the entire valley chaotic, and no one stepped forward to stop him.

Xiang Chengyun acted domineeringly, and now that the Great Elder and Supreme Elder are not in the valley, he is the strongest in the valley.

Now that Xiang Kang has been killed again, no one wants to run up to trouble at this time.

Two of them came out to take a look, then returned to the cave.

The other three envoys gathered below, and one of them, a middle-aged woman, suddenly said, "The world of Qi is about to change!"

"Although Xiang Kang is at the bottom of the first-level army commander, the magic weapon he masters is the number one Yuhunmu among the first-level magic soldiers. Those who have the ability to kill him, and dare to kill him, are the only ones in the Qi Kingdom. countable."

The bearded man at the side said.

"Isn't Xiang Kang pursuing the three foreign sisters recently? Could it be they did it?" The last dove-faced old man said in a deep voice.

There are dozens of Xiang Chengyun's sons and daughters, more than half of them are Ju-level, and there are five or six of Snake-level, but there is only one Xiang Kang who has become a military envoy.

Xiang Kang was killed, even if Xiang Chengyun turned the entire Qi country upside down, he still wanted to find the murderer.

Although the three of them had no friendship with Xiang Kang, and even disliked him, but as the envoys of Corpse Soul Valley, they were killed inexplicably, and this matter must be investigated to the end.

"Liancheng Jue! Come out!" At this moment, Xiang Chengyun's voice came from the sky.

On a mountain peak at the front of the valley, a handsome young man flew out of the cave.

His facial features are sharp and angular, under the straight sword eyebrows, there are a pair of slender and charming peach blossom eyes, coupled with a tall nose and moderately thick lips, even wearing the black student uniform of Soul Valley, he can still make people look He was singled out from the crowd at a glance.

However, the young man with a frightened expression on his face flew to five meters in front of Xiang Chengyun and bowed.

"Meet the second elder!"

"Lian Chengjue, Kang'er is dead! The three sluts from the Lian family must have done it. The others don't have the guts." Xiang Chengyun seemed to have recovered from the rage at this moment, but the killing intent in his eyes couldn't be suppressed, Lian Chengjue still felt uneasy.

"These three bitches, how dare they?!" Lian Chengjue cursed angrily.

"You come with me, use the blood of your Lian family to activate the magic soldiers, find them for me, and I will spare your life. Otherwise, you are ready to be buried with my Kang'er." Yin Qi surged all over Xiang Chengyun's body .

"Yes!" Lian Chengjue quickly bowed his head and replied, his face was full of unwillingness and humiliation.

the other side.

When Han Zhao just flew out of Luohe Mansion and entered Qingyuan Mansion, the time for his three spirits to unite ended, and he divided into three again.

Afterwards, the Sword of Rebirth was driven by "King Kong" and flew with Han Zhao's body and "Magic Flame".

It's just that because the magic dragon blade was used when using the three spirits in one, a lot of mana was consumed, so the flying speed slowed down.

Since the three women are all of their own, Han Zhao also explained the situation to the three women.

After that, he sat cross-legged on the Sword of Rebirth and began to count the gains of this trip.

"The envoy is really rich!" Han Zhao put his divine sense into the sumeru bag, and found more than 2000 pieces of magic gold in a large black box.

In addition, several other boxes contained a complete pseudo-divine weapon, which was a shield-shaped high-level pseudo-divine weapon.

Han Zhao's harvest from the first time he obtained the fragments of the divine weapon did not add up to as much as this time.

"What's there to be afraid of!" Han Zhao was determined.

He grabbed the spear magic soldier in his hand, trying to absorb the yin energy in it.

Immediately, the magic spearman burst into a dazzling cyan light, and fiercely resisted.

"Sure enough, it still doesn't work." Han Zhao felt the will of the Divine Soldier to resist, and stopped absorbing Yin Qi. He still couldn't fight the complete Divine Soldier.

However, this does not mean that he cannot absorb Yin Qi from it.

"Chengxue." Han Zhao called out to Lian Chengxue who was flying in the sky beside him.

"Brother Han?" Lian Chengxue looked at him.

"Can the three strange spiritual arrows in your body devour this complete divine weapon?" Han Zhao asked.

"It's possible, but if you devour a complete divine weapon, you will be desperately resisted by the divine soldier. It will take us a long time to digest the power in it. At this time, if half of it is digested and we are caught up by Xiang Chengyun, our strength will be greater Discounted, even backlashed by this force." Lian Chengxue murmured.

"As long as you can, I have a way to help." Han Zhao said seriously.

If the three sisters of the Lian family used the three strange spiritual arrows to suppress the spearman, and then he used the light of demons to weaken the light of the spearman, then it would be much easier for them to devour them.


Hearing several people plotting loudly to devour it, the magic spear in Han Zhao's hand suddenly trembled, as if to run away.

It's just that there is no magic weapon controlled by the commander, and it is impossible to exert its full power.

The whole body of Han Zhao was full of purple light, and the light of dispelling demons directly reflected on the body of the spearman.

The light of the divine weapon on the surface of the divine spear quickly dimmed.

There were bursts of wailing.

"Now I know I'm afraid! It's too late!" Han Zhao released the light of demons to temporarily suppress the spearman, and then put it back into the Xumi bag.

The three sisters of the Lian family quickly distanced themselves from him by taking advantage of the light as if they were avoiding the plague god.

Although the purple light didn't target them, they still felt their hearts jumping. The magic weapon in their bodies seemed to have encountered a nemesis, urging them to stay away.

Han Zhao raised his head and found that the three women were all a hundred meters away from her.

"Hey? Why are you so far away from me?"

"Oh, right."

Han Zhao came to his senses and quickly dissipated the demonic light.

"Master Han" Lian Chengyu looked at Han Zhao with a complicated expression.

Every time we meet again, he seems to do amazing things, I really don't know where he got so many cards.

The four of them flew for a day and a night, flying a hundred thousand miles away.

The main reason is that they can't fly in the air with great fanfare in the territory of Qi, so they can bypass some big cities, save a long way, and can run farther.

The four fell to the field to rest, and Han Zhao took advantage of the gap to recharge all the more than 2000 magic gold into the system.

[Current balance: 2400 magic gold, 800 gold beads]

At the same time, he had already absorbed all the yin energy in the high-level false magic weapon and the broken eyeball magic weapon on the way, turning them into reminder fragments.


[Collect all 5860 prompt fragments, whether to synthesize an entry? 】

[Synthesis once, consume 500 prompt fragments, 300 gold beads or magic gold, and you will definitely get the one-time basic entry 'life simulation'. 】

"If the eyeball magic weapon is not broken, it is estimated that it can provide nearly ten thousand Yin Qi." Han Zhao thought to himself.

But if that divine weapon hadn't been cut off by the Demon Dragon Blade, the complete divine weapon would not easily absorb Yin Qi for him.

In general, it's better to cut it off.

"When I enter the realm of supernatural powers, I guess I won't be afraid of the threat of the self-destruction of the magic soldiers."

The spear magic weapon can be slowly absorbed by the three sisters of the Lian family, and then transformed into Yin Qi for him.

Han Zhao can directly absorb the Yin Qi in Lian Chengxue's body through Luanfeng and Ming Gong, which can improve the utilization rate of Yin Qi and help her digest the power of the magic weapon in her body as soon as possible.

Anyway, in the simulation, the second elder from Soul Valley didn't come to the door immediately, and ran away first.

"System, synthesize ten times." Han Zhao said silently.

[Get the one-time entry 'Life Simulation'] X10
[Ten consecutive synthesis, in ten simulations, high-quality entries above 'golden quality' will be produced. 】

"The duration of the fusion of the three spirits will directly affect my peak combat power. It is necessary to deduce the second level of the three spirits into one spirit to transform the three cleans into one."

[Three Spirit Transformation Art: The second level has not been started (0/10000), can be improved; can be deduced; deduction progress (0/12000)]

Han Zhao turned his attention to the martial arts column.

Before achieving the Supernatural Realm, he currently has a very single means of fighting against the Soldier Master, which is to consume mana to activate the Demon Dragon Blade.

As for the increase in physical body, it is very useful to increase his resistance to the power of the divine weapon and improve his defense.

However, improving the physical body is not so useful for enemies who are much stronger than him.

In the case of insufficient mana, no matter how high the defense is, he cannot fight a protracted battle.

Only by improving the spiritual power and strengthening the divine sense can the mana be further improved.

However, the second level of Zuo Wang Jing · Shen You Pian needs nearly [-] attribute points to improve, and it can only enhance his spiritual power.

Han Zhao is only in the Nine Shade Realm now, he hopes to be promoted to the Ten Shade Realm, and then transform his spiritual thoughts into mana.

Therefore, it is the best choice to upgrade the second level of Zaowangjing · Shenyou Chapter to perfection when hitting the supernatural powers.

So now it is the best choice to improve the one qi transforming the three cleansing.

"System, start the simulation."

Thinking of this, Han Zhao directly started the simulation.

[At the age of 35, you killed Xiang Kang, the son of Xiang Chengyun, the second elder of Soul Valley, and reunited with the three sisters of the Lian family. 】

【It took you a month to escape to the border of Wei State. 】

[Afterwards, he entered Wei State and hid for more than half a year. 】

[The three sisters of the Lian family sensed Xiang Chengyun's approach, and you fled to Chu State again. 】

[At the age of 36, you have cultivated to the perfection of the Nine Shattered Realms while fleeing. 】

[During your assault on the ten evil spirits, chase after Chengyun. 】

[The three women used the three strange spiritual arrows to meet the enemy, but were restrained by the Hao Xing bow brought by Xiang Chengyun, and retreated steadily. 】

[In the end, the three women blew themselves up as magical soldiers and severely injured Xiang Chengyun. 】

[You successfully broke through, using the three spirits in one to fight with Xiang Chengyun, and you died together. 】

"It can be delayed for more than a year, but there is a turning point." Han Zhao's eyes lit up, and he looked at the options immediately.

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]


[attribute point +6000]

"Come again." Han Zhao started the second simulation without interruption.

[At the age of 35, you killed Xiang Kang, the son of Xiang Chengyun, the second elder of Soul Valley, and reunited with the three sisters of the Lian family. 】


[At the age of 36, the three daughters created a way out for you at the cost of their lives. 】

[At the age of 37, you were besieged by the five major forces of Corpse Soul Valley, Longevity Sect, Jiuyoufu, Bailingzong, and Murong Family after the trial in Qiantian Palace. 】

【you are dead. 】

"One less is a failure this time." One of Han Zhao's main goals this time is to save the three sisters of the Lian family, even if one is missing.

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]


[attribute point +6000]

"Yu Xuanji also showed up to help in the simulation before, so I should ask her for help in advance this time, it should be fine."

Han Zhao thought to himself, and then started the third simulation.

[At the age of 35, you killed Xiang Kang, the son of Xiang Chengyun, the second elder of Soul Valley, and reunited with the three sisters of the Lian family. 】


[At the age of 36, you contacted Yu Xuanji in Chu State. 】

[One month later, Xiang Chengyun chased him. 】

【The five of you joined forces to attack Xiang Chengyun. 】

[Yu Xuanji used the power of his bloodline to act forcefully, and used his supernatural power to freeze thousands of miles, severely injuring him. 】

[In the end, Xiang Chengyun was defeated, and before he died, he blew himself up as a magic weapon, and died together with Yu Xuanji. 】

[Because Yu Xuanji used the power of blood to attract the attention of Bailingzong and the Murong family. 】

[At the age of 37, on the eve of the opening of Qiantian Palace, Yu Sheng, the patriarch of Bailing Sect, chased after him. 】

【you are dead. 】


[attribute point +6000]

"Has Yu Xuanji not passed the nirvana period for so long?!" Han Zhao was taken aback.

He turned his attention to the system panel, and found the attribute of Yu Xuanji at the bottom of the densely packed data column.

【Name: Yuxuanji·Yu Niang (Bingfeng)】

[Cultivation method: Tianfeng Qiwu Gong, the sixth Nirvana awakening period; anode generates yin; innate supernatural power: frozen thousands of miles]


"Why is it so slow to practice a health formula?!"

Looking at Yu Xuanji's cultivation progress like a turtle crawling, Han Zhao couldn't help being a little speechless.

"Yu Xuanji was a Tier [-] Spirit Caller before, if she can pass through the nirvana period, wouldn't it be an extra thigh?" Han Zhao's eyes lit up.

Not to mention allowing her to pass through the sixth Nirvana awakening period and become a peerless powerhouse like a third-order spirit summoner, just by restoring her strength, it is estimated that Xiang Chengyun can be solved by herself.

The key is thousands of attribute points, Han Zhao doesn't care at all now.

"System, increase the progress of Yuxuanji's health formula." Han Zhao immediately recited silently.

【Attribute points: 18000→15000】


"Yu Niang, can you hear me?"

After the promotion, Han Zhao communicated with Yuniang through blood.

"It seems that the distance is too far, we have to be close to Chu State." Seeing that there was no response, Han Zhao raised his eyebrows.

"System, deduce that the second layer of the Three Spirits Incarnation Art is the second layer of One Qi Transformation and Three Purifications!"

【Attribute points: 15000→3000】

[One gas and three cleansing: the second floor (0/20000), can be improved; deduction progress (12000/12000)]

"Simulation." Fourth simulation.

[At the age of 35, you killed Xiang Kang, the son of Xiang Chengyun, the second elder of Soul Valley, and reunited with the three sisters of the Lian family. 】


[At the age of 37, on the eve of the opening of Qiantian Palace, Yu Sheng, the patriarch of Bailing Sect, chased after him. 】

[Yu Xuanji and the three sisters of the Lian family are in the rear, let you escape. 】

[After the trial, you were besieged by five major forces and died. 】


[attribute point +6000]

Fifth simulation.


【you are dead. 】


[attribute point +6000]

Sixth simulation.


【you are dead. 】

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[[-]. Obtain entry (optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

"I choose. Huh?" Han Zhao suddenly found that there was an entry option.

"Father, brother, bless me!"

Han Zhao muttered silently.


[Get the entry 'Persistent God of War']

[Persistent God of War]: Golden entry; you can restore a small amount of consumed divine sense and mana during the battle, the more divine sense and mana you have consumed, the faster the recovery speed;
When you run out of mana for the first time in battle, you can restore all mana instantly; if you are out of battle for more than three days, it will take effect again.

(Golden unlimited entry, proficiency can be improved through battle)
"This is really long-lasting! Thank you dad, thank you brother." Han Zhao's eyes lit up.

It can be seen that the system should like the pure yin energy of the real magic soldier.

Han Zhao quickly started the seventh simulation.


【you are dead. 】


[attribute point +6000]

"System, upgrade the second layer of Yiqihuasanqing!"

【Attribute points: 21000→1000】

[One qi transforms three cleansing: the second floor (20000/20000), cannot be upgraded; cannot be deduced; the deduction condition has not been met: supernatural powers; special effects: three spirits in one, three cleans and one qi]

With the completion of the promotion, Han Zhao was surrounded by fresh air, and the "King Kong" and "Magic Flame" standing behind him turned into two fluorescent lights and escaped into his body.

[Three Purities and One Qi: The avatar reintegrates into the main body in a short period of time, which can directly upgrade the avatar to the same level as the main body; the complete fusion of the avatar and the main body can increase the probability of breaking the realm, greatly increase the resistance to thunder disasters, and strengthen mana absorption. 】

"That's great!" Han Zhao's eyes lit up when he saw the special effect of the second layer of Yiqihuasanqing.

In this way, "King Kong" and "Magic Flame" can be directly upgraded to the same Nine Shade Realm as the main body, and the power of the unity of the three spirits will be further improved.

When he breaks through the realm of ten evil spirits, "King Kong" and "Magic Flame" can also break through directly.

The success rate of hitting the supernatural power realm in Qiantian Palace is even higher.

Chu country.

Southern Xinjiang, deep in the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Just when Han Zhao added points to Yu Xuanji.

A mountain range that was originally lush and verdant suddenly became cold.

Hoarfrost covered the entire mountain range in a very short time.

"Why did the regimen suddenly break through?"

In the cave in the center of the mountain range, the beauty in the silver shirt sitting cross-legged opened her eyes suspiciously.

 PS: Publish first and change later, 6000 words are guaranteed, and 1800 additional words will be added.

(End of this chapter)

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