Chapter 230 Add Points!Fill me up! (Large cup begging for tickets)

"Is it possible that it's Brother Han?" Yuniang's voice was full of surprise.

"It seems that there is only one time when this kind of true energy suddenly increases greatly. But..."

Yu Xuanji had a thoughtful look on his face, it was already ten years ago.

At that time, when Han Zhao taught her the formula of health preservation, the true energy of health preservation in her body suddenly increased just like this time.

"Unless he has achieved supernatural powers, it is impossible for such a long distance to transmit true energy to my body even if there is a blood connection."

Yu Xuanji thought about it for a second, shook his head, and ruled out this possibility.

"There will be no one else except Brother Han. If I went to the sea with Brother Han back then," Yuniang's voice faded, but she still insisted that it was Han Zhao.

"Let's go to the outer sea together, and Yu Sheng has found it long ago! And I, Yu Xuanji, have been acting all my life and never rely on others!"

Yu Xuanji said proudly.

Han Zhao rescued her and helped her again, she also rescued Han Zhao, and sent Tianfeng Zhenyin away, both sides owed nothing to each other.

"Health-preserving formula has reached the bottleneck, and we are only short of a breakthrough. If we can break through to the sixth floor, the period of nirvana will be greatly shortened. When I pass the period of nirvana, it will be time to settle the score!"

Yu Xuanji looked cold.

The temperature in the entire cave plummeted, and even the hoarfrost on the surface of the mountains became thicker.

"But this health regimen was originally created by Brother Han. How easy is it to break through the sixth floor?" Yuniang was a little worried.

"It's not that I haven't done anything in the past few years! I have already penetrated the mysteries of the fifth level, and I have roughly clarified the context of the sixth level of exercises. It may not be impossible to create the sixth level by myself."

Yu Xuanji pondered.

"This place is about to be exposed, we can't stay any longer."

After speaking, Yu Xuanji got up from the futon and walked out of the cave.


Before leaving, she used her magic power to transform into a huge ice sword, stirred in the mountainside, and dug away a large piece of ore.

The stacked ore is faintly golden.

Yu Xuanji took one last look at the mine that was about to be hollowed out by her, put all the ore into a separate Xumi bag, and immediately turned into an ice-blue bird and flew above the clouds.

In southern Xinjiang, there are lofty mountains, dense trees, and endless mountains. It is said that there are hundreds of thousands of mountains.

Poisonous insects and ferocious beasts are everywhere here, except for the barbarian aborigines, if ordinary people enter it, it is very likely that they will not be able to get out for the rest of their lives.

According to legend, in the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, there is a group of spirit beasts.

Even the powerhouse standing on the top of the source world would not dare to penetrate into the hinterland of southern border easily, let alone fly in the air at will.

Although the mountains covered by frost are very conspicuous, but placed among the entire hundred thousand mountains, it is also commonplace.

However, on the third day after Yuxuanji flew away from the mine, a cloud like a flame stopped in the sky above the mine.

Standing on the clouds was a woman in a red dress, a scarlet silk dress with a very low neckline, exposing a large piece of white skin on her chest.

Her face is like a lotus, her eyebrows are like willow leaves, her eyes are more charming than peach blossoms, her bright red lips are slightly raised, her black hair is tied into a high bun, and her pearl phoenix crown is shining fluorescently in the sun.

If Yu Xuanji personally feels like Wannian Xuanbing, cold and glamorous, then this woman feels like a ball of flames with a charming aura.

"Senior sister, I didn't expect you to hide in such a ghostly place! It seems that the experience of these years has changed you a lot."

The woman in the red dress looked at the mine below with great interest, feeling the extremely familiar breath in the cold air.

The person who came was Yu Xuanji's younger sister Yusheng, the current suzerain of Bailingzong, the second-order peak spirit caller, and the owner of the blood of Suzaku.

Yusheng fell into the red cloud and entered the mountainside.

Looking at the mine that was about to be hollowed out and the little gold ore left, she was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed out loud.

"Senior sister, senior sister, it seems that you have fallen to the point where you want to use gold. Is this still my all-powerful, arrogant senior sister?"

Wei and Qi, at the junction of the northeast border, Sanghun Gorge.

Han Zhao and the three sisters of the Lian family descended from Duanguang and entered the Sanghun Gorge.

"Brother Han, what are you doing here? Aren't you going to the Kingdom of Wei?" Lian Chengxue looked around the canyon full of poisonous miasma, feeling a little puzzled.

"I'm going to Wei, but I need to pick up a 'person' first." Han Zhao nodded.

"Seven seven!"

Han Zhao shouted into the valley.

The sound was not loud, but soon there was a loud noise.

The big tree in the distance collapsed suddenly, as if it was broken by something, and there were bursts of noise in the bushes.

Suddenly, a seven-colored python more than ten meters long sprang out from the front, and slammed into Han Zhao's body.

The three sisters of the Lian family were startled, and were about to unleash the power of the magic weapon to fight back. Seeing that Han Zhao was smiling, and that giant python was only at the peak of the second-order strength, they reacted.

When the Mitsubishi Viper was about to overwhelm Han Zhao, its body shrank rapidly and turned into a miniature snake more than one meter long. It landed on Han Zhao's shoulder and wrapped itself around his neck.

"Did you miss me that much after only being separated for more than a month?" Han Zhao stroked Qiqi like a cat, feeling its excited and happy emotions, and the sense of urgency in his heart was also relaxed at this moment.

"Hiss!" Qiqi spat out the snake letter affectionately.

"It seems that you are about to break through the third level. It seems that the environment here is very suitable for you." Han Zhao said with a smile.

"Hiss~" Qiqi's voice changed.

"Don't worry, I will definitely take you away, and I won't leave you here alone." Han Zhao took out a cyan pill that was glowing with light from the sumeru bag, and stuffed it into Qiqi's mouth.

Qi Qi swallowed the Holy Spirit Feeding Pill in one gulp, and soon, her eyelids kept opening and closing, looking very sleepy.

"Go in, when you wake up from sleep, you'll probably be a third-rank monster!" Han Zhao opened the beast-controlling bag, and he kept this holy-grade feeding spirit pill for Qi Qi to use when he was about to advance.

Qiqi nodded and went into the Sumeru bag.

"Brother Han" Lian Chengxue also wanted to be slapped when she saw Han Zhao's gentle look.

"Let's rest here for a few days." Han Zhao looked at the three girls.

For three days in a row, I was basically on my way.

The entry of [Persistent God of War] cannot take effect in non-combat situations, and he will not be able to hold on any longer.

After all, the source of his mana comes from the blood mosquito totem, not from his own cultivation, so it is not good for the endurance.

"Okay." The three women replied, although this place is covered by poisonous miasma, the envoy is not afraid of poisonous miasma at all, even if he stays here every day, he will not be poisoned. Just looking at the scenery, it is not bad.

Han Zhao brought the three girls to the mountainside, and used the Sword of Rebirth to open up a temporary cave.

After the four of them entered the cave, Han Zhao took out three futons and put them on the stone bed, then took out the small mat that he had used for many years, and sat opposite the three girls.

"Taking advantage of this time, you devour the magic weapon." Han Zhao took out the magic spear weapon from the sumeru bag.

"Now?" Lian Chengyu was stunned. Although they ran in a hurry and ran hundreds of thousands of miles away, Xiang Chengyun, as a second-level military envoy, had stronger mana and faster escape speed than them. quick.

With this kind of distance, even if you look in the wrong direction to the carrier, it will take a few more months to find them.

You should run a little farther now, wait until you reach a relatively safe place, and then slowly devour the magic weapon.

"It's okay, with my help, it will be fine if you bear with it." Han Zhao said seriously.

In the process of divine soldiers devouring each other, the first step is the most dangerous.

Because many divine soldiers would rather self-destruct than surrender easily, they would almost desperately try to devour them forcibly.

Passing the previous test, the first-level magic soldier is at the same level as his pseudo-supernatural power state in the state of three spirits in one without the control of a soldier.

In this way, the Light of Spelling Demons weakens the Light of Divine Soldiers of Tier [-] Divine Soldiers by as much as [-]%.

With his suppression, the three daughters of the Lian family will be able to devour the magic weapon in a short time.

"Then let's start now." Lian Chengxue replied, her trust in Han Zhao was almost blind.

Seeing that Han Zhao and Second Sister insisted, even Cheng Yu couldn't say anything, but was a little worried.

Lian Chengbing on the side stared at Han Zhao closely, not understanding why he always seemed to be so confident and wise in his hands when he was being hunted down.

very attractive.

"Get ready." Han Zhao reminded.

The three girls stood up and surrounded him in the formation of three talents.

Han Zhao put away the little horse.

Then take out the spearman.

The moment the spear magic soldier left the Sumeru bag, he seemed to feel something was wrong, and suddenly burst into a dazzling cyan light of the magic weapon, trembling violently.

At the same time, the spearman turned red, and the temperature rose sharply.

Even though Han Zhao possessed the small supernatural power of the real sun and was extremely resistant to high temperatures, he felt that the extreme heat coming from his palms made him a little unbearable at this moment.

The divine soldier's light on the surface of the spear divine soldier expanded rapidly in a very short period of time, spreading out in circles in all directions like water waves, and immediately set off a violent air current in the cave.

This force seems to explode in an instant.

"Give it to me!" Han Zhao yelled angrily, using the Three Spirits in One.

After one qi transforms the three cleans into the second level of perfection, the two incarnations of "King Kong" and "Magic Flame" can be directly integrated into his body. As long as the power of the two incarnations is not used, the incarnations can always be in a fusion state.

In this way, when using the three spirits in one, his strength will skyrocket instantly, and it will be easier to catch the enemy by surprise.

Of course, after using the Three Spirits in One, the avatar will still be forced to leave the body.

If the avatar continues to be fused, the avatar will be completely integrated into the body, which will affect Han Zhao's supernatural power, so he will not do this.

At this time, Han Zhao tightly grasped the spearman with both hands, and a group of purple fluorescent lights emerged out of thin air.

The light of the divine weapon on the surface of the spear divine soldier disappeared like a scorching sun in the first snow, and suddenly dissipated for a little bit.


In the violent tremor of the spearman, a hair-thin crack appeared on the gun body.

"It's now!"

Han Zhao mobilized the demonic light to the extreme, instantly suppressed the spear magic weapon, and then threw the magic weapon upwards suddenly, and his figure flashed out.



"Crack crackle crackle!"

The three women simultaneously released the body of the three strange spiritual arrows from their bodies, and the three forces of wind, ice and thunder filled the entire cave.

The light of the blue, blue, and purple magic soldiers condensed like a ribbon, tightly entwining the magic spears.

The three female generals continuously invaded the magic weapon with the spear and brought back more power and magic power of the magic weapon.

The light of the magic weapon of the three strange spirit arrows became stronger and stronger.

The whole process lasted two days and two nights.

The three women remained motionless the whole time.


Accompanied by a crisp sound from the spear magic weapon, the whole magic weapon was divided into three and assimilated by the three strange spirit arrows.

"Is this the mutual engulfment between divine soldiers?" Han Zhao was a little speechless.

The three women kept absorbing the power and pure yin energy of the magic spear, and the magic spear was strongly resisting the whole process, ready to explode at any time.

If he hadn't used the magic light to greatly weaken the light of the divine weapon of the long spear in the first place, even if the three women could devour the long spear, it would never be so smooth.

Even so, when the three women retracted the three strange spiritual arrows into their bodies, Han Zhao could still feel the fluctuations of Yin Qi emanating from their bodies.

"Did it work?" Han Zhao reconfirmed.

"It was initially successful, but it will take at least two or three months to completely devour the power of the alien soldier.

During this period of time, we have to use most of our mana and magic power to refine the magic weapons, and we cannot fight between the same ranks.

Even if the power of the divine weapon is refined, it will take longer to digest. "Lian Chengxue explained.

"Does that mean you won't be able to fight for nearly half a year?" Han Zhao pondered.

It is not difficult to procrastinate for more than half a year, and there will be Yin Qi supplementation in the follow-up.

Now you just need to find a way to get more money and supplement the magic gold and gold beads for simulation.

"At least half a year!" Lian Chengyu added: "In fact, starting from the first-level magic weapon, if you want to completely swallow all the power of a magic weapon without affecting the subsequent advancement, it will take more than ten years, or even several years. ten years.

"However, the San Qi Ling Arrow itself is half a third-tier magic weapon, so it doesn't take so long to devour this first-tier magic weapon." Lian Chengxue said again.

"For a first-tier military commander, the magic weapons used are higher than their own level, but they cannot exert the strongest power of the magic weapons. Because the magic soldiers are not willing to consume too much power to help us leapfrog the battle." Lian Chengbing have no choice.

"It's also for this reason that the three of us teamed up are only equivalent to two first-tier military commanders. There is basically no chance of winning against a second-tier military commander like Shangxiang Chengyun who has been with divine soldiers for hundreds of years."

Lian Chengxue sighed.

"So that's how it is." Han Zhao suddenly realized that the Lingbao was more useful.

Acquired spiritual treasures like the Demon Dragon Blade, which mainly attack and kill, cannot be fully exerted in the general supernatural realm, and it is more than enough to use it in the heavenly and human realm.

Based on the level of the Demon Dragon Blade, if it is converted into a divine weapon, it must be at least Tier [-].

This level of divine weapon can only be used by the existence of the Holy Lord, and it is impossible to pay attention to Han Zhao.

However, Qi Lingxuanyi of Demon Dragon Blade was willing to pay attention to Han Zhao, mainly because of Yan Mahe's relationship.

Later, Xuan Yi's attitude became better, mainly because he thought about following Han Nianxuan in the future, so he truly loyal to the Han family.

All in all, one's own strength is the key.

"Let's go, I'll take you for the rest of the time."

Han Zhao walked out of the cave, released the Sword of Rebirth, magnified it dozens of times, and flew in the sky with the three daughters of the Lian family and the two clones.

Four months later.

Wei State.

The western frontier of Tianzhou, close to Wuhu Mansion in Yunzhou.

Sky Lake City.

Two women in black slim fit clothes, hats, and black veils were walking on the main road in the inner city.

Although passers-by on the road couldn't see the faces of the two women clearly, they could guess that the two women must have good looks from their slender and graceful figures.

Let passers-by can't help but guess whether the two women are sisters, or even twins.

The two women walked to the end of the main road in the inner city, got into a small alley, and rushed to the civilian area in the outer city.

The two women came to a secluded small courtyard in a civilian area, opened their bamboo hats, and revealed their beautiful faces.

As passers-by guessed, the two women are not only sisters, but also look almost exactly the same.

It was Lian Chengyu and Lian Chengbing among the three sisters of the Lian family.

"In such a small town, is it necessary to go out to inquire about information?" Lian Chengyu was a little puzzled. In recent days, Han Zhao often asked her and Sanmei to go out to inquire about information.

The key is that Xiang Chengyun from Corpse Soul Valley relied on the induction of Hao Xing Bow to chase and kill them, instead of sending people.

Moreover, this is the State of Wei, not the State of Qi. Xiang Chengyun has no choice but to send a large number of experts to encircle and suppress him. He can only lead a small number of elites. Otherwise, the family of the State of Wei will definitely oppose the arrogance of Soul Valley in the territory of the State of Wei.


Lian Chengbing pushed open the courtyard door, looked at the elder sister with helpless eyes, and asked, "Eldest sister, do you really not know, or do you pretend you don't know?"

"What?" Lian Chengyu was taken aback.

"Hey." Lian Chengbing pointed to the gate of the inner courtyard.

"Why?" Lian Chengyu was a little confused.

"Go." Lian Chengbing motioned for her to go.

Lian Chengyu didn't know what Sanmei was talking about, so he entered the courtyard and walked outside the gate of the inner courtyard.

"crunch. crunch"

She was about to open the courtyard door when she suddenly heard a strange shaking sound.

Immediately afterwards, there was a suppressed gasp.

"It's the second sister's voice! What's wrong with her in the blue sky? Why is Mr. Han like this?" Lian Chengyu's face turned red.

"Now do you know why?" Lian Chengbing walked over, she looked normal, but her ears were slightly red, obviously her heart was not as calm as her appearance.

"You mean this is not the first time?" Lian Chengyu opened his mouth wide.

"Since last month, almost every day," Liancheng Bing said.

"You mean when we lived in the wild?" Lian Chengyu's eyes widened.

They lived here for half a month, and half a month ago, they had been walking long distances around the border of Wei State, interfering with Xiang Chengyun's tracking.

Lian Chengyu recalled the days when they lived and slept in the open air, and the second sister often went out hunting and exploring the road with Han Zhao.
Although I know the relationship between the two, it is too shocking.

"I heard from the second sister that double cultivation with Mr. Han will speed up the speed of refining the power of the divine weapon." A shyness flashed in Lian Chengbing's eyes.

"How is this possible? The second sister also believes such nonsense?!" Lian Chengyu was shocked.

"It's true." Lian Chengbing whispered.

"How do you know?" Lian Chengyu said halfway, but when she realized it, her eyes widened.

"I bumped into Mr. Han and Second Sister in the hot spring that time." Lian Chengbing muttered.

"You gave it?" Lian Chengyu blurted out.

"Second Sister pulled me by force. I just..." Lian Chengbing covered his face.

"Good job Han Zhao! You won't even let him go!" Lian Chengyu said in surprise.

The eldest brother is like a father, and the eldest sister is like a mother. Although they are twin sisters, she has always taken care of the two younger sisters as the eldest sister. She never expected that the third sister would be bullied so vaguely.

She suddenly had the feeling that the cabbage at home had been stolen.

"Why didn't you say such a big thing earlier?!" Lian Chengyu grimaced.

"I'm so embarrassed." Lian Chengbing blushed.

"You're ashamed to do it! Also" Lian Chengyu's voice rose an octave, seeing that the third sister's face was flushed, she stopped talking again.

"Mr. Han said that he will be responsible, and after that time, he has always respected my wishes." Lian Chengbing said good things for Han Zhao.

"Hmph! Responsible? I'm afraid he wants to take all three of us sisters away!" Lian Chengyu sneered.

"Sister, didn't you say that the three of us should do everything together?"

Lian Chengbing said suddenly.

"How can this kind of thing be possible?" Lian Chengyu was somewhat lacking in confidence.

She was so angry just now, not entirely because Han Zhao secretly ate her third sister, but because there were some other complicated emotions in it.

"I'd like to see if he can really speed up the speed of refining the power of the divine weapon." Lian Chengyu thought, and led Lian Chengbing to the courtyard.

The two waited for another half an hour before the voice inside completely subsided.

After a while, Han Zhao was neatly dressed and opened the courtyard door refreshed.

Seeing the two girls sitting in the courtyard, he felt a kind of feeling, and immediately smiled:
"Miss Cheng Yu? Cheng Bing. When did you come back?"

"Cheng Bing?" Hearing this address, Lian Chengyu secretly thought that she was careless, and she only discovered such an obvious change.

"Half an hour ago." Lian Chengbing answered truthfully.

At this time, Lian Chengxue with a flushed face came out leaning against the door.

"Elder Sister, Third Sister, have you finished investigating the information so quickly?"

"Hmph!" Lian Chengyu snorted coldly.

"What's the matter, big sister, who messed with you?" Lian Chengxue asked pretending to be puzzled, while looking at the third sister.

"It's all my fault for coming back early!" Lian Chengyu said in a strange way.

Feeling Lian Chengyu's resentment, Han Zhao didn't take the initiative to talk, and let the three sisters have a friendly exchange.

While refining the pure Yin Qi absorbed from Lian Chengxue, he turned his attention to the system panel.

[Luanfeng and Minggong: The third floor can be deduced (58950/100000)]

"The progress has started to slow down." Han Zhao thought to himself.

The effect of double cultivation with Lian Chengxue in the past month has been excellent, surpassing the effect of one year with Lu Yingxuan and Xu Ling.

But I don't know if it's because Lian Chengxue's magical power has been basically refined, since the day before yesterday, the progress of dual cultivation has dropped sharply, and has reached a normal level.

"It looks like..." Han Zhao set his sights on Lian Chengbing.

In order to overcome the immediate difficulties and ensure that the three sisters of the Lian family and Yuniang are not alone, double cultivation is one of the important means to enhance strength.

Anyway, the three sisters are going to be together, so they should be included in the room together.

Before getting married with Lu Yingxuan and Xu Ling in Wai Hai, he also talked about the three daughters.

At most, we won't see each other in the future.

When Han Zhao achieves supernatural powers in the future, he should think more about how to prolong the life of those around him, rather than worrying about the fire in the backyard.

Lian Chengbing noticed Han Zhao's straight eyes, lowered his head silently, and pinched his sleeves.

Lian Chengyu, who was arguing with his second sister, noticed the changes around him. Like an old hen spreading its wings, he hugged Lian Chengbing and glared at Han Zhao.

It's just that Han Zhao looked at him without showing any weakness.

This time, Lian Chengyu was defeated, wilting like an eggplant beaten by frost.

"Eldest sister, don't be afraid! The three of my sisters will definitely win!" Lian Chengxue didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and came in front of Lian Chengyu.

"You still say!" Lian Chengyu stretched out his hand to hit Lian Chengxue.

Da da da!
At this time, there was a rush of footsteps outside the courtyard.

"King Kong" and "Magic Flame" walked in, and immediately turned into two streamers of one gold, one black, and merged into Han Zhao's body.

"The pursuers from Corpse Soul Valley have arrived, and the incarnation has just killed a pseudo-soldier commander of the snake-level ninth-level realm. Let's go!"

Han Zhao said sternly.

"Okay!" The two girls, who were still fighting, said seriously.

After killing the first wave of pursuers, Xiang Chengyun will be able to quickly determine their exact location with the help of the Hao Xing Bow God Soldiers. It will be a bloody battle then.

"Go to Yunzhou City first! Find a friend of mine!"

Han Zhao left Tianhu City with the three daughters, and immediately flew to Yunzhou in the west with the sword of death.

Three days later, Han Zhao rushed to the dense forest hundreds of miles away from Yunzhou City.

After a while, a majestic man who looked to be in his early thirties fell into the forest with his imperial envoy Feijian.

The person who came was Qi Yuntian who was summoned by Han Zhao.

Han Zhao came out from the forest, cupped his fists and saluted.

"Senior Brother Qi, please stay safe."

"Junior Brother Han, it's really you?!" Qi Yuntian was surprised and delighted when he felt the strong fluctuation of Gang Qi around his body.

"The seven evil spirits are consummated! It seems that you, Junior Brother Han, have had a good time in Yinyang Palace these years."

"It's all thanks to senior brother Qi." Han Zhao said with a smile. With the energy of the Qi family, it's normal to know what happened to him in Neihai.

He really regarded Qi Yuntian as a friend, otherwise he would not have thought of contacting him.

"Back then, who would have thought that Junior Brother Han would be able to complete the reconstruction in such a short period of time, and still have the current realm." Qi Yuntian sighed.

With the resource support of his aunt at all costs, he cultivated to the perfection of Qisha, and only completed a re-cultivation last year, in order to increase his chances of winning when dealing with children from other aristocratic families in Qiantian Palace.

Qi Yuntian was really amazed that Han Zhao was able to cultivate to the perfection of Qisha in such a short period of time when all his veins were damaged and all his skills were lost.

It's just that Qi Yuntian is not jealous, but happy for Han Zhao.

Individuals have their own destiny.

One step faster does not mean step by step faster.

Otherwise, he would have already reached the third-turn pseudo-supernatural power realm.

He only compares himself with himself!

"Although I really want to catch up with Senior Brother Qi and have a good time together, but my current situation can't support me to do so, so I can only meet again in the future." Han Zhao smiled apologetically.

"I just sigh that I'm not in the supernatural power realm, otherwise I will definitely help you." Qi Yuntian smiled helplessly, untied a Xumi bag from his waist, and handed it over.

"Thank you." Han Zhao took the sumeru bag and looked inside with his spiritual sense, his expression was startled.

I saw thousands of pieces of magic gold inside, which is enough to buy an ordinary Tier [-] magic weapon.

In the previous simulations, he contacted Qi Qingchan directly, but he didn't give so much money.

It seems that contacting Qi Yuntian first this time is the right thing to do.

"The Qi family will not confront Corpse Soul Valley. Even if my aunt is willing, the other ancestors of the Qi family will never agree, so there is only so much we can do." Qi Yuntian said seriously.

"Thank you for your kindness, let's see you in Qiantian Palace!" Han Zhao clasped his fists and saluted.

"Junior Brother Han, take care." Qi Yuntian returned the salute.

Han Zhao turned around and ordered Xiangshengjian to leave.

When he completely disappeared into the sky, Qi Yuntian sighed secretly.

At this time, a figure of a woman in green clothes suddenly appeared beside Qi Yuntian out of thin air.

She covered her face with a white veil, revealing only a pair of eyes, but only by a pair of eyes, one can conclude that this woman is the most beautiful in the world, and the bright red flying bird mark between her eyebrows adds a bit of coquettish charm to her temperament charm.

The person who came was Qi Qingchan.

"Aunt." Qi Yuntian noticed Qi Qingchan's arrival and bowed.

"Unfortunately, if he is willing to join the Qi family, I have a reason to make a move." Qi Qingchan said.

"If you do that, you won't be Junior Brother Han." Qi Yuntian sighed.

"That's right." Qi Qingchan nodded.

"Brother Han values ​​love and righteousness, promises a thousand gold. If we help him secretly, is it okay?" Qi Yuntian pondered.

"The woman who was traveling with him killed the envoy of the Xiang family, we can't help him." Qi Qingchan interrupted him.

"He really values ​​love and righteousness, but he is entangled with too many women, and good luck will inevitably lead to good luck."

"I hope Junior Brother Han can escape this disaster." Qi Yuntian looked up at the sky.

"I hope. In this way, you can also get a lot of help in Qiantian Palace. Otherwise, so much magic gold will be wasted." Qi Qingchan said lightly.

"System, recharge."

On the way to find the three sisters of the Lian family, Han Zhao recharged all the magic gold in the Xumi bag into the system.

[Current balance: 7660 magic gold]

[Collect all 6660 prompt fragments, whether to synthesize an entry? 】

[Synthesis once, consume 500 prompt fragments, 300 gold beads or magic gold, and you will definitely get the one-time basic entry 'life simulation'. 】



"Start the simulation."


[One month later, when you arrived in Chu State, Yu Xuanji had already been captured by Bailing Sect Master Yusheng. 】

[Two months later, Xiang Chengyun chased him. 】

【you are dead. 】

"How could this be?" Looking at the simulation results, Zhao Han's expression changed.

"I don't believe it anymore!"

Han Zhao was heartbroken, gritted his teeth and said:

"System! Give me more points! Fill up Yuxuanji!"

Chu country.

south coast.


Above the clouds in the entire coastal area, there were continuous bursts of loud noises.

The large expanse of clouds was dyed red by the flame-like red glow, like a sunset glow.

From time to time, ice-like crystals are sprinkled from above the clouds, and painful Qingming can be vaguely heard.

"Senior Sister! Don't resist, you won't be able to escape!"

At this time, above the clouds, a huge ice phoenix with a wingspan of more than [-] meters galloped in the sky.

And less than a thousand meters above her, there is a firebird four or five times her size, which is constantly spitting out fireballs with a diameter of tens of meters, teasing Bingfeng as if playing a game.

Suddenly, Bingfeng's whole body shook, and an extremely cold force spread out in all directions.

Bingfeng suddenly doubled in size, and ice-blue flames soared into the sky.

"What?" The Firebird above was startled, and flashed past, avoiding the extremely cold flames that seemed to be able to freeze the space.

"What about people?!!"

The fire bird just dodged, and the ice phoenix below disappeared without a trace.

In a ball of red flames, Huo Niao turned into a beautiful woman in a red dress, she was indeed Yu Sheng, the suzerain of Bai Ling Sect.

"Senior Sister, you can't escape." Yu Sheng had a playful smile on his face.

 PS: Post first and change later.Still owes 21000 word updates.

(End of this chapter)

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