Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 231 Evil Realm!King Ming's golden body!

Chapter 231 Ten Evil Realm!King Ming's golden body! (Large cup please order)

Chu country.

Yufeng Prefecture.

This is a state located in the southernmost state of Chu State. In the southeast of Yufeng Prefecture, there is once the highest mountain in Dongshengzhou——Taiyi Peak.

Taiyi Peak used to be the mountain gate of Tianshengzong, the largest sect of martial arts thousands of years ago.

Its altitude is so high that it is said that it can face the wind of the nine heavens at the top of the peak, and it is impossible to climb to the top without supernatural powers.

Therefore, Taiyi Peak is also known as "Pillar of Heaven".

It's a pity that Taiyi Peak was broken in the midst of the Great War between Heaven and Man thousands of years ago, and it is no longer as majestic as it used to be.

However, even if the waist is broken, the entire mountainside of Taiyi Peak is basically above the clouds.

After the war, the Great Qin Empire and Tianshengzong retreated.

The Five Elements, Three Wonders, and Yin-Yang Temples on the mountainside of Taiyi Peak were removed by Da Neng, and the Lingchi was emptied.

The remaining treasures that could not be taken away were also looted by the wealthy family.

So much so that on Taiyi Peak after the war, there were no restrictions.

Today's Taiyi Peak is nothing more than a scenic spot, only for future generations of warriors to look up to.

Moreover, when climbing to the position above the mountainside, one must always be careful of the residual prohibition that does not know when it will appear.

If you are not careful, you may even have your life in danger.

Despite this, there are still legends among mortals that one can see the mighty God of War after climbing to the top of Taiyi Peak.

Every few years, someone will plunge into Taiyi Peak.

Among these people, some are seeking immortality, some are avoiding enemies, and some mortals hide in the mountains to escape the world simply because they cannot survive due to excessive taxes.

It is said that as long as you hide on Taiyi Peak, those dirty things in the old man's mouth will not dare to approach.

From generation to generation, several small and small villages have formed in Taiyi Peak, isolated from the world, like a paradise.

On this day, a clear cry broke the silence at dawn.

The awakened people in the village climbed down from their beds one after another, went outside, looked up at the sky, and saw an ice-blue glare flashing in the gray-white sky, and a wing with ice-blue feathers emerged from the clouds. A corner is exposed above.

"what is that?!"

"A divine bird?"

"so big!"

The villagers turned pale with fright, but the children's eyes were shining brightly, and they jumped and ran to the distance, trying to follow the footprints of the divine bird, but the adults at home grabbed the collar at the back of their necks and pulled back.

And the divine bird that the children talk about is Yu Xuanji who was hunted down by Yu Sheng.


At this moment, she fell headlong into the Tianchi Lake on the mountainside of Taiyi Mountain.

A large amount of lake water was blasted, and then it was frozen into ice by a blast of extreme cold air, and a thick layer of solid ice formed on the entire lake.

Yu Xuanji, who sank into the lake, transformed into a human again.

The cold air condensed into a silver shirt, covering her flawless figure.

She was frowning at this moment, being hunted down by Yusheng, forced to use Tianfeng to transform, which consumed too much mana, and part of Yusheng's Suzaku True Fire remained in her body.

If it wasn't for Yusheng's intention to tease her, she might have been cornered at this moment.

Yu Xuanji clutched her chest, the real fire of Suzaku remaining in her body brought bursts of burning sensations, even with the body protected by the original power of ice and phoenix, she still felt the pain of real fire burning her body.

Fortunately, the zhenqi circulating in her body continuously repaired the meridians burned by Suzaku's real fire, greatly reducing her pain.

"The source of this infuriating energy is the health-preserving formula?" Yu Xuanji was puzzled.

"The sudden burst of power just now is also a health regimen?"

Yu Xuanji felt the zhenqi in his body that was more than ten times stronger than before, and he didn't understand why the health formula broke through out of thin air.

Even if there is such a thing as a breakthrough, she has not fully established the sixth layer of the regimen.

A skill that has not been fully comprehended, it is absolutely impossible to hit it right by accident, let alone have a ten-fold increase.

"It must be Brother Han!" Yu Niang exclaimed in surprise.

"Besides him, there seems to be no one else." Yu Xuanji pondered, this time, she also believed in Yu Niang's judgment.

Because since she was in trouble, except for Han Zhao, no one from the old department has come forward to help her, not even secretly.

"Yu Niang." Yu Xuanji said suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Yuniang was still immersed in the joy of seeing Han Zhao.

"Tell me, was I bad before?" Yu Xuanji's tone was a little low.

"It's a bit fierce." Yuniang paused, as if she was considering her words.

"Even if you think so, other people probably hate me to the core. My current fate can be regarded as my own fault." Yu Xuanji laughed at himself.

"It's not your fault. Those people are too bad. You did it to protect me!"

Yu Niang's tone became extremely firm.

She was born in a remote mountain village in Yuanchang Mansion, Yunzhou, Wei State. Because of the military disaster, her family was destroyed.

In the process of exile, she was discovered by Yu Ningshuang, the "Xuanpo Fairy" of Bailingzong who wandered around, and was brought back to Bailingzong to raise her.

As a result, she accidentally merged with the blood of Bingfeng, and was later accepted by Yu Ningshuang as her own disciple, who was given the name Xuanji and practiced the magical skill of 'Tianfeng Qiwu'.

Every time this method breaks through the realm, it will lead to nirvana once, and the power of the skill will be greatly reduced. After the end of nirvana, the power of the skill will be doubled.

Not long after Yuniang completed her third nirvana, Yu Ningshuang's lifespan was nearing the end of her life, and she could no longer stay in the source realm, so she broke through the realm and ascended to the heaven.

Before ascension, Yu Ningshuang appointed Yuniang as the next suzerain.

As a result, when Yu Ningshuang left, the pure-hearted Yuniang lost her biggest backer, and was suppressed by the high-level officials of Bailingzong who coveted the position of suzerain, and suffered a lot.

In this environment, another personality of Yu Niang awakened and became the real Yu Xuanji.

She used the suzerain imperial order left by Yu Ningshuang and three ten-thousand-year Xuanbing sword symbols to kill an elder who challenged her in public, and since then confirmed the authority of the suzerain.

Everyone was afraid of the other two Ten Thousand Years Xuanbing Sword Talismans under her command, so they surrendered for the time being.

Afterwards, in Yuxuanji, she practiced Tianfeng Qiwu Kungfu to the fourth level and entered the fourth stage of Nirvana. Once she succeeded, she could become a spirit summoner comparable to a Martial God in the Divine Ability Realm. Sneak attack, almost killed.

Since then, Yu Xuanji's temperament has changed drastically, and he has completely secured his position as suzerain by using methods such as wooing and suppressing.

Later, it was proposed to share the positions of the nodes in the heavenly space known only by the suzerain to the elders with outstanding merits.

In the following hundreds of years, under the leadership of Yu Xuanji, Bailingzong's strength has greatly increased, and she has gradually developed a character of being one and only one.

However, at the beginning of the sixth Nirvana, her little junior sister Yu Sheng, who she trusted, used the Ten Thousand Years Black Ice Sword Talisman she had given her to attack her from behind, causing her to suffer heavy injuries and nearly die.

If it weren't for her special physique with two souls in one body, maybe she would have lost her soul in this calamity.

"I've thought about it for a long time these years, and there are some things I did wrong." Yu Xuanji sighed.

"This time it's Han Zhao again, otherwise we might be doomed! I thought we owe each other, but now it seems."

"There's no need to see each other with Big Brother Han." Yuniang said happily, since they are all her family members, what's the difference between you and me.

"After the breakthrough of the health regimen, this pure yang energy can feed back the most yin mana in my body. As long as the remaining Suzaku true fire in my body is cleared, within a few years, I will be able to completely pass the nirvana period and restore the power of the heyday , and even go one step further!"

Yu Xuanji said seriously.

"Then let's hide for a few years and go to Brother Han when we regain our strength?" Yuniang asked for her opinion.

"Well, that kid caused a lot of trouble. When I recover my strength, I will help him solve it at once." Yu Xuanji nodded.

"Taiyi Peak used to be the mountain gate of Tianshengzong. Although the mountain protection formation has been destroyed, there are still many restrictions left. If Yusheng chases after it, it can delay some time."

two months later.

Han Zhao and the three sisters from the Lian family came to Yufeng Prefecture in the south of Chu State.

Although he fled all the way, Han Zhao's practice did not fall too much.

Basically whenever he has time, he will take advantage of the gap to double cultivate with Lian Chengxue.

In recent days, Lian Chengbing also secretly joined, allowing Han Zhao to absorb more yin energy.

Only Lian Chengyu seemed to acquiesce and did not stop Lian Chengbing's behavior.

"It should be around here! Fly to the southeast!" Han Zhao sat cross-legged on the Sword of Rebirth, and commanded the flying sword of "King Kong" to fly to the southeast.

His cultivation has reached the perfection of the Nine Demons Realm.

As the distance gets closer and the cultivation level improves, the connection between Han Zhao and Yuniang becomes stronger and stronger!

He was sure that Yuniang was somewhere in the southeast of Yufeng Prefecture.

We must meet her as soon as possible.

Otherwise, no matter how you simulate it, it will reduce the number of personnel for the second-level military envoy, Shangxiang Carrier.

And no matter how you escape, you will be caught up within half a year.

Instead of this, it is better to take the initiative to attack, turn passivity into initiative, and find the right time to strike thunderously.

Although this time he met Han Zhao's strongest enemy, his teammates were not weak either.

"If Xiang Chengyun can be successfully killed, even a broken second-tier magic weapon can provide a huge amount of pure Yin Qi. These will become the nourishment for me to attack the supernatural power realm in Qiantian Palace."

Han Zhao's eyes became more determined.

If repeated deduction through simulation, there must be a way to resolve the crisis.

When he comes out of Qiantian Palace, he must let these people know what is the gold content of a martial god!
Han Zhao flew with the three daughters for another day and night, and finally contacted Yuniang thousands of miles away from Taiyi Peak.

"Brother Han, is that you?" Yuniang's surprised voice reached Han Zhao's heart through the blood connection.

"It's me. I'm here to find you." Han Zhao replied.

"Great! Sister Xuanji and I are on Taiyi Peak." Yuniang said quickly.

"Tai Yifeng?! I understand."

Han Zhao remembered that Taiyi Peak used to be the gate of Tianshengzong.

When going out this time, Zhao Wuji and Zhao Wuxiu also mentioned Taiyi Peak, there seems to be a teleportation array here.

It's just that part of it was destroyed when we evacuated, otherwise, the teleportation array here could also be used.

"It's a pity that I'm not a formation master, otherwise I could use the remaining restrictions on Taiyi Peak to fight against the enemy." Han Zhao thought to himself.

Now the remaining restrictions on Taiyi Peak are indistinguishable from friend and foe, anyone who touches them by mistake will be attacked, unless they are a formation master and proficient in the martial arts of Tianshengzong, so they can use Taiyi Peak's restrictions to fight against the enemy.

Han Zhao didn't know anything about formations, and he didn't study formations even once in the simulation, so he didn't have this talent at all.

"I can only try!"

Han Zhao was heartbroken, he couldn't pass this test, and he couldn't learn formations in the simulation, and even if he was given entries related to formation talents, he didn't have time.

The most direct way is to try.

"Let's go, let's go to Taiyi Peak!" Han Zhao took the three Lian family sisters to Taiyi Peak.

After confirming the direction and target location, the four of them immediately maxed out their escape speed.

In less than half an hour, they arrived at the mountain range where Taiyi Peak was located.

The four passed through the clouds and landed on the mountainside of Taiyi Peak.

Below the snow line along the white-capped peaks, there is an endless verdant virgin forest. The dense pine trees are like giant umbrellas supporting the sky, and the overlapping branches leak speckled and fragmented shadows of the sun.

The mist-shrouded mountains are like a fairyland on earth.

"This place is really like a blessed land of immortals. I really don't know how grand it was a thousand years ago." Han Zhao couldn't help sighing.

The four continued to walk up the mountainside and came to a mountain wall.

"It's here." According to the blood connection, Yuniang is in the mountain wall.

As soon as Han Zhao finished speaking, the originally solid mountain wall twisted, revealing the entrance of a cave.

At this moment, a stunningly beautiful woman in a silver shirt, with an elegant appearance and skin that is more than snow, came out.

The three sisters of the Lian family stared at each other. Although they had seen Han Zhao's "righteous sister" Yuniang once, her appearance made the three daughters shine in front of their eyes, and felt inferior.

"Senior Yu." Han Zhao quickly changed his words, he didn't expect that it was not Yu Niang who came out to greet him, but Yu Xuanji.

Yu Xuanji glanced at the three sisters of the Lian family behind Han Zhao, and said calmly, "You are quite blessed, and you will bring a few confidante with you wherever you go."

"Senior, I was joking. I came here this time to discuss something important." Han Zhao said seriously.

"Well, come in." Seeing Han Zhao's solemn expression, Yu Xuanji nodded, turned and walked into the cave.

Han Zhao turned his head and winked at the three sisters of the Lian family, and followed them in immediately.

A quarter of an hour later.

Han Zhao briefly told Yu Xuanji about his experience of going to the outer seas, and then got down to business, talking about being chased and killed by Xiang Chengyun.

"Are you saying that you came to me just to let me help you deal with powerful enemies?" Yu Xuanji sat cross-legged on the futon and gave Han Zhao a glance.

"Yes." Han Zhao answered truthfully.

"Do you know that I am being hunted down by my junior sister, her second-order pinnacle spirit summoner, who has the true blood of Suzaku, and her strength is not inferior to mine before Nirvana. Once I make a move, she will confirm my position in a short time. So, are you sure you want me to help?" Yu Xuanji asked.

"Yes." Han Zhao nodded, he still has a lot of attribute points, which can be added to Yu Xuanji when necessary.

"Just because of the three women around you, aren't you afraid of death?" Yu Xuanji frowned slightly. She wanted to say that once she made a move, she would bring Han Zhao and the others to provoke Yu Sheng, who was stronger, but the words came to her mouth Side, but changed the taste.

"Afraid of death." Han Zhao responded, "But there are some things that must be done!"

"Hmph!" Yu Xuanji snorted lightly.

"Brother Han, let's go! There's no need to ask her for help! We can find a way by ourselves, and we can solve Xiang Chengyun as well!"

Her attitude immediately angered Lian Chengxue.

"If there was a way, I wouldn't have found me." Yu Xuanji said with a hint of sarcasm.

"You!" Lian Chengxue was furious.

Lian Chengyu on the side held her back, and whispered to Han Zhao: "Young Master Han, it's understandable for Senior Yu not to help, let's go, at worst I'll accompany you. Can't you improve through dual cultivation?"

Han Zhao raised his hand to interrupt her, smiled at her, and then looked at Yu Xuanji.

"Since the senior is unwilling, then I will not force it and leave."

After speaking, he turned and left, and the three women also followed.

"Wait!" Yu Xuanji suddenly stopped Han Zhao.

Han Zhao stopped and turned to look at her.

"I didn't say I wouldn't help, did I?" Yu Xuanji said lightly.

"Do you think Yuniang will let me stand by?"

"I don't force this matter, and I do too," Han Zhao explained.

"Okay!" Yu Xuanji's voice suddenly rose an octave, "I, Yu Xuanji, have never owed anyone a favor in my life. This time, I owe you."

"Thank you, senior." Han Zhao clasped his fists and saluted.

"You guys have discussed how to deal with the enemy, just let me know, go out now, I'm going to retreat." Yu Xuanji nodded slightly.

"This..." Han Zhao was taken aback, he still wanted to talk to Yu Niang, but seeing Yu Xuanji closed his eyes, he couldn't say anything more, so he took the three girls out of the cave.

"Big Brother Han!"

He had just stepped out of the cave when he heard a familiar voice behind him.

It was Yuniang who was like the little girl next door.

"Yu Niang." Han Zhao looked happy and went up to meet her.

"This is?!" Lian Chengxue stared at Yuniang whose appearance and temperament had changed drastically.

Lian Chengyu and Lian Chengbing also looked puzzled.

It was the first time for the three women to see Yu Xuanji's transformation.

"No wonder, so he likes this kind." Lian Chengyu looked thoughtfully at the petite Yu Niang wearing Yu Xuanji's slender silver shirt.

"Brother Han, don't blame sister Xuanji, she didn't mean that." Yu Niang explained for Yu Xuanji.

"Senior is willing to help, but it's too late for me to be grateful, how can I blame her?" Han Zhao said seriously.

In order to help, Yu Xuanji died many times in the simulation.

Otherwise, he would not use attribute points on her.

"Actually, Sister Xuanji is very kind to you, look! These are all collected by her in the past few years." Yuniang untied a Xumi bag from her waist and handed it to Han Zhao.

"This is?" Han Zhao was stunned for a moment, took the Sumeru bag, probed inside with his divine sense, and immediately took a deep breath.

"Gold mine!!"

I saw that there was a mountain of gold ore in the sumeru bag, which almost filled the entire sumeru bag.

It can be seen that this is only the limit of Sumeru Bag, not the limit of Yu Xuanji.

If he had so much gold ore in Yuanchang Mansion, those monsters and descendants of aristocratic families, he would probably be able to crush them to death like chickens.

Although the system does not need gold now, gold can still be used as a fee to pay for additional tips.

Last time, he used 100 taels of gold to replace a Tier [-] Holy Master of the Star Pavilion and a Tier [-] magic weapon capable of deducing heavenly secrets.

Although he was only passively using the system for defense, it turns out that as long as the system collects money, it will be real if something happens!
"Help me and thank Senior Yu!" Han Zhao was sincerely grateful.

"Don't worry, sister Xuanji can hear you." Yuniang said with a smile.

'This woman doesn't look unreasonable. '

'It's cold on the outside and hot on the inside, it's a formidable enemy. '

'Tough. '

Seeing this situation, the three sisters of the Lian family had their own thoughts in their hearts.

As we all know, Han Zhao likes money.

This woman's method, although straightforward, is very effective.

It's a pity that the three daughters have used up all the money they brought out from the family over the years, and they haven't saved much magic gold. After all, it took a huge amount of resources to cultivate from the first level of the snake level to the ninth level of the snake level in just a few years .

"Doesn't this mean that I'm the only one who didn't give anything?" Lian Chengyu suddenly realized that even if she really followed Han Zhao together, she was still the eldest sister, and it was impossible for her two younger sisters to ride on her head.

for the next three months.

The five live in harmony—Yu Xuanji is in the cave, Han Zhao is in one, and the three sisters of the Lian family are in one.

At this moment, in Han Zhao's cave.


【You and Xiang Chengyun touched the remaining restriction of Mount Taiyi during the battle and were seriously injured. 】

[After a great battle, you were killed by Xiang Chengyun. 】

"Okay!" Zhao Han shouted excitedly while looking at the information in the simulation.

He used four simulated deaths, and finally found the remaining restriction on Mount Taiyi.

Just now, I used three simulations in a row, and repeatedly confirmed the calculations, which attracted Xiang Chengyun to touch the ban.

He has the existence of a robbing puppet, and in reality he can have an extra life.

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]


[attribute point +6000]

[Attribute point: 120000]

[Vajra Immortal Art: The third layer (50000/50000), can be deduced (3000/30000); Body Dacheng, False Golden Body]

Han Zhao looked at the attribute points he had accumulated and said silently in his heart.

"System, deduce the third level of King Kong's Indestructible Magical Art."

【Attribute points: 120000→93000】

[King Kong Immortality Magic: Fourth Floor (0/60000), can be improved]

[The entry proficiency of 'martial arts wizard' has increased! 】

【Optimized to the extreme fourth level of the Vajra Immortality Magic Art, the body-training magic skill that is perfectly adapted to you, can cultivate a stronger golden body that far surpasses the creator of the exercise. 】

"Continue, upgrade the Vajra Indestructible Magical Art to the fourth level."

【Attribute points: 93000→33000】

[Vajra Immortality Magical Art: fourth floor (60000/60000), cannot be promoted; not yet met the promotion condition: supernatural power first stage; can be deduced, deduction progress (0/60000); special effect: Arhat Golden Body]

With the end of the ascension, Han Zhao's whole body glowed with golden light.

"This is." The original seven special effects of the exercise became one.

The "Vajra" in his body separated automatically, and his whole body seemed to be dyed with a layer of golden paint. The powerful aura blowing towards his face formed a substantial swirl ripple in the air.

At this time, behind the "King Kong" faintly appeared the phantom of an Arhat that resembled a Dharma image.

【Arhat Golden Body: Double the mana defense of all attributes; increase the resistance to lightning tribulation by [-]%; through supernatural powers and catastrophe tempering, inhale enough spiritual energy, you can evolve into the King Ming Golden Body. 】

"Mana resistance!" Han Zhao's eyes widened.

In this way, the chances of winning are even greater.

"We must break through as soon as possible to further enhance our combat power." Han Zhao's confidence increased greatly.

His cultivation has stagnated for three months in the Nine Shattered Realm, just to wait for "King Kong" and "Magic Flame" to practice together to reach the Nine Shattered Realm.

In this way, after he breaks through the ten evil spirits, the two incarnations will also break through the ten evil spirits at the same time, and they can practice immediately.

Although he relied on the special effect of "Three Purities and One Qi" to drive the two avatars to break through the realm, their evil spirits in the Nine Shade Realm have not been fully accumulated, and their heavenly veins have not been condensed.Forcibly elevating to the realm of ten evil spirits will waste this profound foundation in vain.

[Luanfeng Heming Gong: The third layer can be deduced (78950/100000) Special effects: Harmony of Yin and Yang, Strengthening the foundation and cultivating Yuan, Luanfeng Heming】

"Put harder, maybe even Luanfeng and Minggong can break through together."

Han Zhao looked at the exercise data.

I don't know if Lian Chengyu has figured it out. Recently, he also joined the battlefield of the two younger sisters, which greatly increased his progress in kung fu.

If there were no such scourges, it would not be bad to just practice Luanfeng and Minggong all the time.

two months later.

Wei State.

Yufeng Prefecture.

Not far from the foot of Taiyi Peak, there is a small city with a population of less than [-], but it is considered wealthy.

"Look, is that a dark cloud?"

"What's going on? Why is it getting dark!"

Pedestrians in the city were walking on the road, and suddenly saw a thick dark cloud in the distant sky, approaching the city at an extremely fast speed.

"Look, there's someone up there!"

At this time, someone noticed a middle-aged man with a thin figure and a pale complexion descending from the dark clouds.Behind the middle-aged man was a handsome young man.

"what is that?!"


Behind the middle-aged man, a ferocious demon figure quickly appeared.

As the monster opened its mouth wide, a foul-smelling wind swept across the entire city.


Thick dark clouds covered the entire city, and screams came and went.


A piercing swallowing sound could be heard from the monster's body from time to time.

The whole process lasted less than a quarter of an hour.

Xiang Chengyun's eyes were scarlet, and he snatched the trembling Hao Xing Bow from Lian Chengjue's hand.

"Finally found!"

 PS: I have to go out tomorrow night, so today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow are guaranteed updates.Before the end of this month, I can just finish writing the climax of the Martial God Realm, please rest assured, I can spend more time to relax and polish this plot by writing less. .

(End of this chapter)

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