Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 233: Sit and forget!Heaven and man help!

Chapter 233: Sit and forget!Heaven and man help!
It was the day after the five left.

Yusheng rushed to the Tianchi on the mountainside of Taiyi Peak.

"Frozen thousands of miles?"

Yusheng looked at the huge pit beside Tianchi Lake, felt that there was still a great supernatural power remaining, and couldn't help raising his brows.

"Senior Sister, I didn't expect that you still have the energy to use your supernatural powers. I still underestimate you!"

Yusheng muttered to himself, with a somewhat surprised and uncertain expression.

There are also traces of several other strands of mana remaining here.

Among them, the strongest magic power is not much weaker than hers, and it seems to be the power of a magic weapon.

It may be that Yu Xuanji encountered a strong enemy, so he was forced to use his supernatural powers to meet the enemy.

It's just that in her current state, if she really encounters a second-order military envoy, it must be a disaster.

"It seems that I can't play with you anymore." Yu Sheng's face gradually darkened.

Having enough energy to use his supernatural powers shows that Yu Xuanji's Nirvana period has passed at least half of it.

This is by no means the time she expected.

Han Zhao and the other five did not fly far because of the huge mana consumption.

He rested in the deep mountains of Yuanzhou, [-] miles away from Taiyi Peak, and stayed for three days.

The three sisters of the Lian family consumed a lot of mana, and most of the power of the magic weapon was consumed.

Moreover, the three strange spiritual arrows in their bodies did not fully digest the power of the magic spear, so after consuming a huge amount of the power of the magic spear, the power of the magic spear began to riot.

However, with Han Zhao's dual cultivation and recuperation, they finally stabilized the power of the magic weapon in their bodies.

The third daughter was only slightly injured, and it won't be long before she recovers.

Moreover, after killing Xiang Chengyun and Liancheng Jue, they obtained the Haoxing Bow, and assembled a complete set of Tier [-] magic soldiers. They only needed to be approved by the Haoxing Bow to greatly increase their strength.

Although it is impossible to become a second-tier military commander in a short period of time, the power of the three strange spiritual arrows has increased, and all three of them will truly gain the combat power that a first-tier military commander should have.

At that time, the combination of the three alone will be enough to fight against the second-tier commander.

Even against a veteran second-tier envoy like Shangxiang Chengyun, he can protect himself.

Han Zhao avoided fatal injuries because of the use of the entry of "Fortune of Destiny", and the entry of "Fighting Spirit Body" later also played a miraculous effect.

So even though he was seriously injured in the follow-up battle with Xiang Chengyun, his cultivation level went a step further.

After he recovers from his injuries and digests the huge benefits brought about by this battle, he will definitely be able to cultivate to the perfection of the ten evil spirits within a few months.

Before the opening of Qiantian Palace, his two incarnations should also be able to complete the ten evil realms.

In short, compared to the benefits obtained, this point is completely insignificant.

"Half a year! As long as you successfully enter Qiantian Palace and achieve supernatural powers, you will be free from now on!"

Han Zhao only had firmness in his heart.


A strange sound caught Han Zhao's attention.

He followed the prestige, and saw that Yu Xuanji, who was sitting cross-legged on the futon, was filled with cold air, and a large amount of hoarfrost centered on her body, spreading out towards the surroundings.

At this time, Yu Xuanji's fair face was bluish white, his lips were dark purple, and his body was trembling slightly.

"Senior Jade? What's going on?!"

Han Zhao hurriedly stepped forward, ready to check the situation, and within a few steps, he felt an extremely cold force blowing towards his face, the closer he got to Yu Xuanji, the heavier the cold air was.

"Don't come here!" Yu Xuanji suddenly opened his eyes, the original ice blue eyes were a bit dull, and his voice was dry and hoarse, like three or nine days of severe cold.

"My mana is showing signs of getting out of control, back off and stay away from me!"

"How could this be?" Han Zhao was startled.

"That old ghost's last attack is not weak. It doesn't matter if I was in my prime, but at this moment, the true blood of Tianfeng in the nirvana stage is forcibly activated by the power of the divine weapon, and enters the final stage. Next, Yu Niang will be handed over to you! "

Yu Xuanji finished the last sentence with difficulty, and a group of extremely cold ice flames shot up more than ten feet high.

When the ice flame receded, Yu Xuanji's figure had disappeared, and Yu Niang was lying on the futon with her eyes closed.

Han Zhao hurriedly stepped forward, bearing the cold air. After checking Yuniang's physical condition, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Yu Niang is fine.

It's just that Yu Xuanji's problem is probably not small.

"Brother Han, how is Senior Yu? Yu Niang" Lian Chengxue stepped forward and asked, through this joint fight against the enemy, the three sisters also greatly changed their view of Yu Xuanji.

"Senior Yu doesn't know, Yu Niang is fine, she just fell asleep. Don't worry, she's fine." Han Zhao nodded.

The problem of Yu Xuanji should not be small, but it should be solved by adding points.

"That's good." Lian Chengxue heaved a sigh of relief.

"Hurry up and test the power of refining the divine weapon." Han Zhao smiled.

"Okay." Lian Chengxue replied.Although regaining the Hao Xing Bow, he will no longer be under the control of others, but the consequences of killing Xiang Chengyun are also very serious, even killing the two leaders of Corpse Soul Valley, the opponent will definitely not die endlessly.


Lian Chengxue was walking outside the temporary cave, when Han Zhao suddenly spoke.

"What's wrong?" Lian Chengxue turned her head.

"Come to my cave at night." Han Zhao said seriously.

"Okay." Lian Chengxue's heart skipped a beat.

"You can call them as well." Han Zhao added, because it is necessary to increase the combat power as much as possible now, so the efficiency must be improved.

"Yeah." Lian Chengxue's cheeks warmed slightly, and she whispered: "Third sister should be willing, but I don't know about eldest sister."

Thinking of that scene, Lian Chengxue's heart was full of joy, and after finishing speaking, he trotted away from the cave.

After Lian Chengxue left, the smile on Han Zhao's face gradually faded, and he said in his heart: "System."

[Collect all 10080 prompt fragments, whether to synthesize an entry? 】

[Synthesis once, consume 600 prompt fragments, 500 gold beads or magic gold, and you will definitely get the one-time basic entry 'life simulation'. 】

[Current balance: 160 magic gold]

For the first time, his yin qi reminder fragments reached five figures, and because more than half of the yin qi in the fragment of the second-order magic weapon, the sky demon puppet, had not been absorbed, it was guaranteed to have [-] to [-] simulations.

However, the problem now is that there is not enough money.

Xiang Chengyun's Sumeru only had more than 2000 pieces of magic gold in his bag. It was impossible for him to be so poor as a second-tier commander, which only showed that he didn't bring all the magic gold with him.

"It's a problem that goes back and forth." Han Zhao said helplessly.

This problem occurs every time.

At the very beginning, he had no money and no vibes.

Later, when his strength improved, he was rich but not evil.

Then now there is Yin Qi and no money.

"It would be great to become a Martial God." Han Zhao sighed inwardly.

When he reaches the Supernatural Realm, he will directly loot the forces that have hatred against him.There are Yin Qi, magic gold, and gold beads.

Anyway, the source world can only accommodate warriors of the third level of supernatural powers and those with the blood of spirit beasts.

As for the Holy Master-level powerhouse, he can't show his full strength. As long as he succeeds in crossing the tribulation in the source world, he will be almost invincible, and he doesn't even have to be afraid of the will of the world.

"System, recharge the magic gold."

Han Zhao muttered silently.

【Current Balance: Magic Gold 2600】

"Synthesis, start the simulation." Han Zhao was eager to know the reaction of Corpse Soul Valley after killing Xiang Chengyun, and he didn't care about the entry of ten consecutive draws.

[At the age of 37, you, Yu Xuanji and the three sisters from the Lian family teamed up to kill Xiang Chengyun, the second elder of Corpse Soul Valley. 】

[Two months later, Yusheng, the Patriarch of the Bailing Sect, chased after him. 】

[After a fight, you are completely invincible. 】

[At the critical moment, Yu Xuanji wakes up, and directly uses all the power of his blood to hold Yusheng back, letting you and the three sisters of the Lian family get away. 】

[Four months later, Qiantian Palace will open soon. 】

【You are about to go to the Nine Heavens, when the Murong Family's second-rank spirit summoner appears, suddenly attacks and severely injures you. 】

[You entered Qiantian Palace and were besieged by the children of the family. 】

[You killed all directions, killing more than half of the descendants of the aristocratic family. 】

[In the end, you died because of your injuries. 】

"Sure enough." Han Zhao's heart trembled, as Yu Xuanji said, after she used her mana, it was easy for Yu Sheng to come to her.

"There is still time, we can't just sit and wait."

"I need a lot of magic gold and gold beads, so that I can change my life against the sky!"

Han Zhao clenched his fists tightly.

If only he had a strong backer!
However, so far, he has never had a strong enough support, which is why he is so embarrassed when facing those high-level powerful enemies.

"You have to notify the sect!" Han Zhao gritted his teeth. In order to successfully enter Qiantian Palace and achieve supernatural powers, there is nothing to hide about his talent and alchemy.

If you can't overcome the difficulties in front of you, everything is meaningless.

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]


[attribute point +8000]


[At the age of 37, you, Yu Xuanji, and the three sisters from the Lian family killed Xiang Chengyun, the second elder of Corpse Soul Valley. 】


【you are dead. 】


[attribute point +8000]


[attribute point +8000]

Han Zhao directly used up five simulations, preparing to convert attribute points into combat power.

[Zu Wang Sutra·Spiritual Journey Chapter: Second Floor (61000/100000); can be upgraded]

"System, upgrade to the second level of Zaowangjing·Shenyou Chapter!"

【Attribute points: 73000→34000】

[Zu Wang Sutra·Future Journey Chapter: Second Floor (100000/100000); Cannot be upgraded; Cannot be deduced; Special Effects: Refining God, Gathering God]

With the end of the promotion, Han Zhao's spiritual sense was greatly strengthened, and the world changed again before his eyes.

The five senses are strengthened again under the feedback of spiritual power.

His control over the physical body is more detailed.

At the same time, the mana of the incarnation "King Kong" also increases.

[Focus on God: Your spiritual power doubles again, which brings about a special change in your divine thoughts and mana. When you enter the supernatural powers, your small supernatural powers will evolve into great supernatural powers faster, and you will gain additional increase. 】

"The special effect of concentrating the mind will not be very useful for the time being." Han Zhao sighed secretly.

Now there is no "Qiantian Jingqi" and "Tianwai Xuanying", if you attack the supernatural powers, the success rate is very low.

Even if he succeeds, without "Tianwai Xuanying" to accelerate the evolution of small supernatural powers into great supernatural powers, it would not be so easy for him to kill aristocratic families as soon as he entered the realm of martial arts.


Just when Han Zhao had just completed the second level of Zuowangjing, the mountain range he was in was still clear and cloudy the next moment.

Among the dark clouds, golden thunder and lightning gathered directly above Han Zhao's cave.

It has the momentum of black clouds overwhelming the city, and the might of thunder!
However, when Han Zhao walked out of the cave to check the situation, the golden lightning that had gathered just now gradually dissipated.

"Blah blah blah!"

Bean-sized raindrops fell continuously.

"The weather has changed so quickly this day. It was sunny just now!" Looking at the heavy rain pouring down, Han Zhao murmured and re-entered the cave.

"If you want to solve Yusheng, you still have to rely on Yuxuanji." Han Zhao looked at the remaining attribute points and didn't plan to use them on himself.

Many of his skills have been raised to the limit, and unless he breaks the realm, there is almost no room for improvement.

It is not difficult for him to fight fake supernatural powers and first-level military commanders, but if he goes up to a higher level, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

At the age of 37, the combat power he possesses in the Ningsha Realm, I dare not say that there will be no one in the future, but it must be unprecedented.

【Name: Yuxuanji·Yu Niang (Bingfeng)】

[Cultivation method: Tianfeng Qiwu Gong, the sixth Nirvana awakening period; anode generates yin; innate supernatural power: frozen thousands of miles]


"System, improve Yu Xuanji's health regimen."

【Attribute points: 34000→20000】


"Very good, continue." Han Zhao said silently.

[The current regimen has reached the limit that Yu Xuanji's body can accept, if she continues to improve, it will lead to the imbalance of mana in her body, the failure of Nirvana, and the destruction of body and spirit. 】

"How did this happen?" Han Zhao looked at the system's prompt and his face changed.

Although the health regimen practiced by Yu Xuanji is also systematically deduced, it is very different from the health regimen possessed by Han Zhao, because there is no increase in entries.

"Now it seems that we can only ask Zongmen for help."

Han Zhao watched the sleeping Yuniang's complexion gradually turn rosy, took out the bedding, let her lie down and rest, and rushed to the cave next door.

at this time.

outside the source world.


In the center of a mountain range that looks like a fairyland on earth, there is a giant peak that soars into the sky.

At the top of this peak, the aura is as real as it is, and the wind of the nine heavens is raging.

And on the top of this mountain, above the clouds, there are actually three halls floating.

One of them looks like a palace made of white jade, like a pagoda, with layers of steps, and there is no end in sight at a glance.

Just when Han Zhao had completed the second level of the Sitting Wangjing·Shenyou Chapter, in front of the observatory facing north of the Tiangong, a middle-aged Taoist man dressed in feathers, wearing a star crown, and holding a whisk opened his eyes.

The divine light in his eyes is introverted, but if you look closely, it is like a river of bright stars.

This person is the Lord of the Heavenly Sacred Cave, Yuan Xiyu, the head teacher of the Heavenly Sacred Sect.

Yuan Xiyu pinched his fingers, faced the southeast direction, and suddenly made a sound of surprise.

"There is such a person who is so lucky but is tabooed by the world? And he has the breath of Maha on his body, why is that so?"

Yuan Xiyu calculated twice again, and the secret was blocked again after a while.

He was about to calculate again, but suddenly felt a great horror coming, as if he would encounter an accident if he continued to calculate.

Thinking of this, Yuan Xiyu immediately stopped deducing the secret.

With a wave of his sleeve, a tattered seven-color oil-paper umbrella flew out and fell under the stargazing platform, transforming into a boy in green clothes.

"Friend Daoist Yuan." The boy in Tsing Yi bowed to Yuan Xiyu after he appeared.

"Fellow Daoist Bao." Yuan Xiyu swung his fly whisk and returned the salute with a smile.

"I don't know what Yuan Daoyou called me for?" said the boy in Tsing Yi.

"Fellow Daoist Bao, please go down to the realm to protect a junior. The karma between this person and my second disciple has not yet been resolved." Yuan Xiyu said.

"Go to the source realm? My body is just a fragment of the innate spirit treasure. After going down to the realm, I'm suppressed by the power of the interface. I'm afraid I can't even match the general supernatural powers."

"It's okay, I'll give you three sources of mana, you just need to protect him well, you don't need to meet the enemy." Yuan Xiyu said again.

"You are really good enough to your second disciple! It's just that someone who has karma with him is worth using the original rules? Haven't you already reached the third level of perfection? Wouldn't doing so make your magic power greatly damaged?" Tsing Yi boy Surprised.

Yuan Xiyu smiled without saying a word.

Seeing this, the boy in Tsing Yi patted his head and said, "Well, I'm not at a loss anyway, as long as you're willing."

"Thank you." Yuan Xiyu cupped his hands.

After speaking, he waved his whisk, and the golden, blue, and white light clusters entered the body of the boy in Tsing Yi.

"Okay, I'll go too!" The boy in Tsing Yi turned into a green light and flew out of the hall.

"go back!"

The boy in Tsing Yi just flew out of the main hall when he suddenly felt a huge force of mana approaching him. The next second, he was shaken back to the main hall and sat down on the ground in a dizzy state.

"Who stabs someone in the back, doesn't have any face at all," the boy in Tsing Yi cursed, but when he looked up and saw the old man in white robes in front of him, he immediately fell silent.

"Junior brother, what do you want to do?" The old man in white robe looked at Yuan Xiyu who was on the observatory.

"Brother." Yuan Xiyu bowed his hands.

The old man in white robe frowned, "Trying to interfere with the secrets of heaven will not do you any good."

"Senior brother also figured it out, don't you think this person is the man of destiny?" Yuan Xiyu laughed.

"It's not my race, its heart must be different! This person is in the company of demons, damn it!" The old man in white robe snorted coldly and walked away.

"That. Shall I go?" When the old man in white robe left, the boy in Tsing Yi asked cautiously.

"Brother won't let you go, let's forget about it." Yuan Xiyu shook his head slightly.

"Then this original rule..." The boy in Tsing Yi hesitated.

"Since it has been sent, of course it belongs to Fellow Daoist Bao." Yuan Xiyu nodded.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Yuan!" The boy in Tsing Yi was overjoyed, and immediately bowed, turned into a seven-treasure umbrella, and returned to Yuan Xiyu's sleeve.

at the same time.

Behind the mountain, thinking about the cliff.

A young man with a strange and handsome appearance, with a white feather imprint between his eyebrows, is sitting cross-legged on the Siguo Cliff, enduring the scouring of the Nine Heavens Gang Wind.

If Han Zhao were here, he would definitely be able to recognize this person as Zhu Yuan.

"This damned Han Zhao, I won't let him go when I get out!"

The veins on Zhu Yuan's forehead popped up, and he cursed inwardly.

Although he took the initiative to promise to let Han Zhao soak in the spirit pond for three days, he didn't let him drain the spirit pond directly.

As a spirit beast fighter at the second level of supernatural powers, he is naturally not afraid of the nine-day wind, but it is quite uncomfortable to stay here all the time.

What's more, he finally finished his retreat, successfully broke through to the supernatural power level 20, and was about to go to the outer world to kill the Quartet, so that the foreigners could see his strength, but he was fined to face the wall here for [-] years.

"Huh?" At this moment, Zhu Yuan's expression changed slightly, as if he had heard something.


"Don't make a sound."


"As a teacher, I have something to ask you to do."

"Master please show me, the disciple will do his best."

"You go to the outer world, and then go to the source world to help a warrior named Han Zhao."

"What?! Han Zhao!!" Zhu Yuan's eyes widened.


"The disciple obeyed." 〒_〒

Three days in a row.

Han Zhaocai left the cave with the three Lian family sisters.

Han Zhao picked up Yuniang who was still asleep, and took the Sword of Rebirth into the sky.

"Brother Han, where are we going now?" Lian Chengxuefei asked Han Zhao.

"Go to Tianxuanzong!" Han Zhao said seriously.

"Tianxuanzong? Are you going to take Yuniang to the Nanzhan Sea?" Lian Chengyu's eyes darkened. The Nanzhan Sea was suppressed by the Demon Killing Seal, and it was a forbidden zone for the envoys. They couldn't go there.

"No, settle you down first, and then go to Yinyang Hall to bring in reinforcements." Han Zhao said seriously.

Yuniang has the blood of Bingfeng, and now she has no ability to protect herself, so of course she can't take it back to the sea.

The three sisters of the Lian family couldn't go to the outer sea, but they could go to Tianxuanzong to take refuge temporarily.

The Supreme Elder of Tianxuanzong only has pseudo-supernatural powers, and he is no match for the strong enemy who chased and killed Han Zhao, but the mountain protection formation of Tianxuanzong is strong enough, and not ordinary people dare to break into it.

If not, Tianxuanzong would not be able to gain a foothold in Dongshengzhou, where there are many wealthy families.

Han Zhao was going to empty out the elixir stock in Xumi's bag, but he didn't believe that Tianxuanzong would not help.

In addition, the Zhao family brothers in the Yin Yang Palace should be willing to help.

"Worst of all, we need to get more gold beads and magic gold."

(End of this chapter)

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