Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 234 Nirvana Achievement!Magic Gold Mine!

Chapter 234 Nirvana Achievement!Magic Gold Mine! (Ask for tickets in the middle cup)
A month later.

Wei State Cangzhou.

At the foot of Tianxuanzong Mountain.

Sky Sea City.

After 11 years, Han Zhao came here again.

When I left, all my veins were damaged, and all my skills were lost. After rebuilding, I regained the first evil state.

When he comes again, the Buddha and the devil are one, the ten evil spirits are one, and the combat power of the pseudo-supernatural realm.

This time it was Su Tianqi who met Han Zhao at Tianxuanzong.

"Brother Han, please stay safe."

When Su Tianqi saw Han Zhao's greeting card, he had mixed emotions in his heart, including excitement, amazement, and emotion.

Back then when Han Zhao left, he lost all his energy. See you again today. He has already completed the seven evil spirits, and he is the inner disciple of the Yin Yang Palace.

Every time we meet, Han Zhao seems to make him feel what a real genius is.

"Tianqi, long time no see." Han Zhao said with a smile.

Having not seen him for many years, Su Tianqi seems to have matured a lot, he no longer has the feeling of jumping away from a teenager, and his cultivation has reached the seven evil realms.

"Brother Han, Great Elder, he is currently undergoing retreat for the third time, so he can't see you." Su Tianqi apologized.

"So that's how it is." Han Zhao was taken aback for a moment, not expecting to arrive at the wrong time.

"Brother Han, don't worry, Tianxuanzong and Yinyang Palace are connected with each other, and they are all under the command of Tiansheng Dongtian. Your affairs are our affairs. You can stay on Tianxuan Mountain and cultivate until the opening of Qiantian Palace." Su Tianqi said seriously .

"There are three confidante friends who came with me, they are all envoys, I don't know."

Han Zhao told the truth that this kind of thing cannot be hidden.

"Three confidantes? Brother Han is really amazing! Admire!" Su Tianqi gave a thumbs up.

After he got married to his cousin, he only took in a concubine, and his cousin had a quarrel with him for half a year. Later, he even learned the art of dual cultivation, which almost made him lose his energy.

"?" Han Zhao was taken aback for a moment, wasn't he focusing on the envoy?
"Brother Han, don't worry, as long as you give up the power of the blood in your body, the Tianxuanzong will not reject the children of the Shenbing family, otherwise I am from the Su family, and I will not become a true disciple. Moreover, they are only living in the Tianxuanzong temporarily, and they are not beginners. It's a problem." Su Tianqi replied.

Now, as the eldest true disciple of the Seven Fiends Realm, his status is second only to the Great Elder and the Supreme Elder, and he is on an equal footing with the suzerain. He can completely decide this kind of thing.

"The three of them teamed up to kill the second-rank envoy of Corpse Soul Valley, so I brought them here to take refuge." Han Zhao added.

"What?! Xiang Chengyun was killed by them!" Su Tianqi was shocked. The killing of the second elder of Corpse Soul Valley suddenly spread throughout Dongsheng Continent recently. He didn't expect it to be related to Han Zhao.

"In addition, I have a friend who is being hunted down by the Patriarch of the Bailing Sect. I want to bring her with me." Han Zhao added.

"Sect Master of the Bailing Sect! Yusheng?!" Su Tianqi was stunned, and said in surprise, "Brother Han, that friend of yours is not the last suzerain of the Bailing Sect, Yu Xuanji?"

"Exactly." Han Zhao nodded, "Tianqi, I only want to tell you about this matter. If you don't want to go through this muddy water, please don't disclose this matter."

"Brother Han, what are you talking about? I will never spread this matter to the public." Su Tianqi said seriously, with a cloudy expression on his face.

Han Zhao didn't disturb Su Tianqi's thinking.

After a long time, Su Tianqi gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Han, you take them up the mountain with me and live in my residence. Don't let anyone know about this."

"Aren't you going to report to the higher-ups?" Han Zhao was taken aback.

"If this matter is reported, the sect is absolutely unwilling to mess with the two behemoths of Bailingzong and Corpse Soul Valley at the same time." Su Tianqi said in a deep voice.

"Then if people from Bailingzong and Corpse Soul Valley chase after you, you will definitely be severely punished." Han Zhaoming explained what Su Tianqi meant, first secretly take people up the mountain, and wait for the enemy to catch up.

At that time, Tianxuanzong would not be able to surrender directly to the two major forces and hand him over because of his face.

If the two major forces really wanted to attack by force, Tianxuanzong's mountain protection array would not be a display.

"That's for later. It's rare for brother Han to ask me for help. I must help with this job." Su Tianqi said solemnly.

"In that case, thank you very much." Han Zhao bowed his hands, as long as he successfully entered Qiantian Palace, Su Tianqi would be guaranteed.

"Brother Han is serious." Su Tianqi returned the salute.

If it wasn't for Han Zhao during the Zhongzhou Trial, he would have died under Cao Wuyu's hands, let alone gaining benefits in the Martial God's Mansion, and his cultivation base would have greatly improved.

"It's not too late, Brother Han, just follow me up the mountain." Su Tianqi said hastily.

"Okay!" Han Zhao summoned the three sisters of the Lian family and Yuniang, asked them to dress up in disguise, and followed Su Tianqi to Tianxuan Mountain quietly.

To the north of Daliang City, Longyuan Mountain is five hundred miles away.

Qi Yuntian used the flying boat spirit weapon to fly over the big lake below and arrived at the main hall of Longyuan Mountain.

At this time, Qi Qingchan's eyes were slightly closed, her heart turned to the sky, and she was sitting on the futon in the middle of the main hall.

"Aunt." Qi Yuntian saluted respectfully.

"Yuntian, why are you here with Xuan Ming to prepare for entering Qiantian Palace?" Qi Qingchan opened her eyes.

"Auntie, Xiang Chengyun, the second elder of Corpse Soul Valley, is dead!" Qi Yuntian said seriously.

"I already know about this." Qi Qingchan said lightly.

"Then..." Qi Yuntian wanted to intercede for Han Zhao. Since he and the three sisters from the Lian family were able to kill the second-tier envoy, it meant that their strength and potential definitely exceeded expectations. The Qi family should help at this time.

"With the help of the Lord Tianyang, the Great Elder of Corpse Soul Valley will be able to return to the source world within half a year." Qi Qingchan interrupted him.

"Then Junior Brother Han, isn't it more dangerous than good?!" Qi Yuntian was startled.

"If you can persuade Han Zhao to give up the three daughters of the Lian family and get rid of the ties, I can secretly help. Speaking of which, he still owes me two conditions." Qi Qingchan frowned slightly, and her tone was a little distressed.

"Junior Brother Han is extremely talented, so why don't you care about Yinyang Palace and Tianshengdongtian?" Qi Yuntian said in a deep voice.

"Heavenly Sage and Cave Heaven are fighting endlessly. The spirit beast bloodlines and martial arts family headed by Sanqi Palace Master will never hope that there will be a peerless genius in the master and apprentice of Yuan Zhangjiao." Qi Qingchan was helpless.

If Tianshengdongtian didn't fight among himself, he would definitely be the one with the strongest overall strength in the world of Nine Great Dongtians.

"Has the dispute between the two factions reached this point?" Qi Yuntian was a little lost. He knew that the heavenly saints were in conflict, but he couldn't even accommodate a genius.

"Han Zhao wants to attack the Supernatural Realm in the Origin Realm. If he succeeds, the pattern of the Heavenly Saint Cave Heaven will change." Qi Qingchan sighed.

If Han Zhao succeeds, it will be a major event that can be recorded in the annals of history for the warriors of Dongshengzhou.

"Even so, they are warriors who belong to the same faction. There are so many unowned caves, why do we have to fight in one cave world?" Qi Yuntian said.

"If Han Zhao achieves supernatural powers in the source world, the line of master and apprentice will dominate the battle for the cave in the future. There will definitely be differences within the line of the master of the Sanqi Palace. You say that if you are the master of the Sanqi Palace, Will such a person be allowed to appear?"

Qi Qingchan asked back.

If it were her, she would also take precautions.

The battle for the cave involves the opportunity to become a true king, which is a battle for the great way.

Some people are willing to participate in the Dao, while others want to seize all opportunities to become enlightened.

"Ah..." Qi Yuntian sighed, when he entered the Heavenly Sacred Cave, he might not be able to help himself.

"You are lucky, you have the opportunity to choose." Qi Qingchan said seriously.

When Qi Yuntian heard these words, he felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

The trend of the times, he can not help Han Zhao.

"Crossing the catastrophe in the source world can be said to be ten deaths without life. Even if Han Zhao is a genius who meets once in a thousand years, his chance of successfully crossing the catastrophe is not one in a hundred."

Qi Qingchan's expression returned to calm.

"Go back."


Qi Yuntian bowed and retreated.

"Everyone has to pay the price for their own choices." Qi Qingchan added one last sentence.

Three months passed quietly.

Tianxuan Mountain.

The apse of the Zhenchuan Hall is exclusively in Su Tianqi's small courtyard.

Han Zhao has been cultivating here for three months.

During this period, he returned to the Yin Yang Hall in Neihai, asked Zhao Wuji and Zhao Wuxiu for help, and gave away the four best longevity pills he left behind, in exchange for thousands of gold beads, and then borrowed more than 1000 gold beads. golden beads.

"There are still two months to go before the opening of Qiantian Palace, and the long-cherished wish is about to be fulfilled!"

After three months of subterranean cultivation, just now, "Magic Flame", who has the slowest cultivation progress, has also reached the perfection of the ten evil spirits.

"The next step is to prepare to attack the supernatural powers!"

Han Zhao's cultivation has reached its peak at this moment. At this stage, normal warriors have to go through decades, or even hundreds of years of closed-door training before they can hope to break through the big bottleneck of supernatural powers.

And Han Zhao only needs to enter Qiantian Palace to absorb enough "Qiantian Jingqi" and "Tianwai Xuanying", and then accumulate enough attribute points before Qiantian Palace is about to close, breaking through the bottleneck in one go.

But before that, Han Zhao had to enter the top 72 of the Qiantian Ranking. He was going out to find a lucky man from a wealthy family and kill him.

In addition, it is to obtain enough magic gold and gold beads.

The two brothers Zhao Wuji and Zhao Wuxiu have practiced for many years, and they don't have many gold beads on their bodies, so they promised Han Zhao to go to Tianshengdong to find a way.

Of course, Han Zhao did not put all his hopes on the two of them.

The three sisters of the Lian family told him that Soul Valley had a magic gold mine in the southwest of Hongye Mansion, which was what they had mentioned to Kang at the beginning.

Han Zhao used the gold beads he got from the Zhao brothers to simulate several times. He went to seize the mine, but was delayed by the big formation there, which led to the arrival of the five envoys from Soul Valley.

Although the three sisters from the Lian family went with him, he was still seriously injured and eventually died in Qiantian Palace.

In reality, with the addition of entries, Han Zhao felt that he should be able to escape unscathed.

It's just that he can't take this risk with the three sisters of the Lian family, so he is still thinking of other ways.

[Nirvana True Devil Art: Second level (60000/60000), cannot be promoted; not yet met the promotion condition: supernatural power first stage; can be deduced, deduction progress (0/50000); special effect: Nirvana Body·Advanced]

At this time, Han Zhao turned his attention to the exercise bar.

"System, deduce Nirvana True Demon Art!"

【Attribute points: 70000→20000】

With the rapid reduction of attribute points, the skill bar was blurred for a while.

Han Zhao felt the magic energy in "Magic Flame" expand rapidly.

He quickly released his true energy to prevent the magic energy from overflowing his body.

After a long time, the Nirvana True Demon Kung Fu data in the skill column became clear.

At the same time, a series of system prompts appeared.

[The entry proficiency of 'martial arts wizard' has increased! 】

['Martial arts wizard' entry quality improved! 】

[Wizard of Martial Arts]: Red entry; basic, elementary, intermediate, advanced, and top-level martial arts training speeds are increased by ten times, eight times, six times, four times, and doubled, and the probability of breaking the upper limit is increased by eight times, respectively. Six times, four times, three times, twice (the current entry has reached the upper limit and cannot be increased)

[The proficiency of the entry 'Training the Body to Become a God' has increased! 】

[The quality of the entries of 'Training Body into God' has been improved! 】

[Body training to become a god]: red entry; the limit of body training skills is reduced by [-]%, the pain is reduced by [-]%, and the cultivation qualification is increased by [-] times; when practicing foreign body training skills, some racial differences and restrictions can be ignored.

(Can be upgraded through practice, the upper limit is golden entries)

[Nirvana True Devil Skill: Third level (0/300000), cannot be promoted; not yet satisfied promotion requirements: Supernatural power first stage; Special effect: Nirvana Body · Dacheng; Limit-breaking special effect: Nirvana once]

"Huh?! What's going on?" Han Zhao suddenly discovered mana appeared in the body of "Magic Flame".

[Nirvana Body: Legend has it that the supreme physique that practitioners of magic arts dream of, is a must-have physique for cultivating the body of a true devil. 】

[A Nirvana: The body of Nirvana is complete, and after completing the first Nirvana, you can enter the Nirvana state for a short time; in the Nirvana state, your martial arts, martial arts, secret techniques, true energy, gang energy, small supernatural powers, mana, great supernatural powers, etc., The power is increased by [-]%; the thunder resistance is increased by [-]%. 】

"This completes the first nirvana?!" Han Zhao's eyes widened.

He remembered that it was recorded in the Nirvana True Devil Kungfu that the Nirvana body must be practiced to the third level.

Afterwards, at the time of the third stage of supernatural powers, part of the power will be dissipated, and the first nirvana will be completed.

Only in this way can one enter the state of Nirvana.

Unexpectedly, under the bonus effects of the three major entries of [martial arts wizard], [body training to become a god], and [liver emperor], he could use the nirvana state in advance.

"What a surprise!"

Han Zhao had a little more confidence in his heart.

Just when Han Zhao's Nirvana True Devil Kungfu was deduced to the third level, suddenly dark clouds covered the sun above Tianxuan Mountain, and golden thunder gathered here.

"What's going on? Such a strong sense of oppression!"

At this time, in the cave on the top of Tianxuan Mountain, an old man in purple opened his eyes.

He turned into a ball of green light, flew out of the cave, and looked up at the sky.

"Thunder Tribulation?!"

"Or God's punishment?"

The old man in purple looked shocked.

No matter what kind it is, as long as the tribulation thunder falls, Tianxuan Mountain may suffer serious damage.

The mountain protection array alone cannot compete with the power of heaven and earth.


The robbery cloud came and went quickly, just when the old man in purple felt uneasy, the dark cloud disappeared without a trace in an instant.

at the same time.


In the Sanqi Palace.

Surrounded by fresh air, an old man in white robes with a hazy figure looked in the direction of the source world.

He counted with his fingers, and suddenly felt that the great terror was about to come, so he immediately stopped deducing the secret.

"Could it be that person that Yuan Xiyu had his eye on again? If you want to be the second Yamaha, don't even think about it!"

The white-robed old man's expression sank.

Hastily summoned the dharma guardian elders in the temple who were in the pseudo-supernatural realm.

the next day.

The Elder of the Sanqi Palace Dharma Guardian descended to the Yinyang Palace, and then was sent to the Tianxuanzong through the cross-domain teleportation array of the Liangyi Island, where he questioned the Tianxuanzong Supreme Elder Liang Chengye.

this afternoon.

Liang Chengye summoned Su Tianqi.

When Su Tianqi came to the main hall of the back mountain, he saw Liang Chengye's solemn expression, and a middle-aged man in a golden robe next to him looked indifferent, his heart skipped a beat, and he immediately bowed to salute.

That night.

Han Zhao received the news of Su Tianqi's retreat.

It was Su Ningqiu who came to inform.

Let him take the three sisters of the Lian family and Yuniang to leave as soon as possible.

"How is brother Tianqi?"

Han Zhao's expression changed slightly.

"I only know that he was summoned by the Supreme Elder, and then retreated directly, and I didn't see him." Su Ningqiu said worriedly.

As she spoke, she took out a golden jade tablet and handed it to Han Zhao.

"Husband asked me to give this to Mr. Han."

Han Zhao took the token and looked at it, his eyes fixed, the word "Qiantian" on the front and "69" on the back.

"This is the Heavenly Order!"

There is still Su Tianqi's true energy imprint inside, as long as Han Zhao removes the true energy imprint, he can inherit Su Tianqi's ranking.

"Please tell Brother Tianqi that what he lacks in "Qiantian Jingqi" and "Tianwai Xuanying", I will supply him tenfold! "

Han Zhao said solemnly.

"Young Master Han, let's leave quickly, otherwise things will change." Su Ningqiu said.

"Farewell." Han Zhao went to inform the three sisters of the Lian family and Yuniang.

A group of five people left Tianxuan Mountain in the dark.

two months later.

The night before the opening of Qiantian Palace.

Han Zhao, the three sisters from the Lian family, and five people including Yuniang came to Hongye Mansion in Taizhou, Qi State.

Head to a heavily guarded mine.

Soon, there was an earth-shattering loud noise.

Purple light filled the sky above the mine, forming a huge translucent shield.

At this time, above the clouds directly above the mine, a young man with a strange and handsome appearance and a white feather imprint between his eyebrows widened his eyes.

"What is this kid doing? He actually stormed the mine in Corpse Soul Valley!"

Zhu Yuan was dumbfounded.

Two months ago, he finally made a long detour from the Outer Realm to the Origin Realm, and then stayed outside Tianxuan Mountain.

I thought that I could wait for Han Zhao to return from Qiantian Palace in peace and bring him back to the inner sea by himself, and the task would be easily completed.

Unexpectedly, Han Zhao left Tianxuan Mountain suddenly.

On the way, he met Yusheng, the suzerain of Bailingzong, who was chasing in the direction of Han Zhao.

If there is no suppression by the power of the plane, Zhu Yuanwen can beat Yusheng.

It's just that under the suppression of the power of the interface, he can't even display half of his strength, so he can only use the only speed advantage that has not been suppressed, and drag Yusheng hard to prevent her from chasing.

However, Han Zhao's behavior at this time is simply courting death.

This is very likely to cause a battle between Tianshengdongtian and Soul Valley.

Behind Corpse Soul Valley are the top three demon caves among the nine caves!
About half a quarter of an hour later, the forbidden purple light of the mine below was dim, and it was about to be broken.

However, Zhu Yuan's face suddenly changed, and he looked to the west.

"Oops! That woman is chasing after me again!"

Zhu Yuan's complexion changed for a while. Although he didn't know why Han Zhao wanted to storm the mine, but at this moment, he had no choice but to help.

"Crack crackle crackle!"

The night sky became golden, and Zhu Yuan transformed into a huge white demon bird hundreds of meters tall, with golden arcs of feathers shining all over his body.

He used his natal supernatural powers to summon nine huge thunder pillars as thick as water tanks, which crashed down and hit the prohibition on the mine head-on.

Accompanied by an earth-shattering bang, the forbidden light on the mine exploded, and was immediately smashed by the thunder column.

"Zhu Yuan?!" Han Zhao below noticed the white demon bird in the sky.

"Don't hurry up and grab the magic gold! I will only give you [-] breaths of time!"

An urgent voice rang in Han Zhao's ear.

"Thank you!" Han Zhao plunged into the mine with a frenzied expression on his face.

 PS: The story of Valkyrie is just finished at the end of the month, if you can't wait, you can watch it together in a few chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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