Chapter 240 [War God Family], Second Nirvana! (medium cup)

Wei State, Cangzhou, Tianxuanzong.

It took Han Zhao another day and night after everyone in the aristocratic family left, and finally integrated the vortex of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into his body.

"It's no wonder that this world does not allow any more supernatural powers to appear."

Han Zhao transformed the aura of heaven and earth he inhaled into his body into mana, and lamented that after achieving supernatural powers, it was completely different from the previous realm.

At this moment, every move of him can attract a lot of spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

As long as he wants to, he can gather the spiritual energy of thousands of miles in one place.

If it is a place with rich aura, it can liquefy the aura under his guidance to form a spiritual pool.

This is the ability of supernatural powers to transform spiritual acupoints.

Han Zhao's mana at this moment is more than ten times higher than that of the same level, directly catching up with the peak Martial God who has completed the third level of supernatural powers, so his ability to touch spiritual acupuncture points is not comparable to that of ordinary supernatural powers.

"Dozens or hundreds of Martial Gods are cultivating in the source world, and they can absorb more spiritual energy than thousands of spirit summoners."

The God of War enlightened the spiritual acupoints, which greatly increased the concentration and utilization of spiritual energy, but also increased the consumption of spiritual energy in the source world.

After Han Zhao initially digested the aura of heaven and earth, he was invited to the Tianxuanzong.

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Han for successfully stepping into the realm of supernatural powers. From now on, you will be transformed into a dragon with golden scales, and you will be free from any worries across the source world." Zhu Yuan stepped forward to congratulate.

"If it weren't for the help of fellow Taoist, I wouldn't be where I am today. I should get closer in the future." Han Zhao laughed.

"Definitely!" Zhu Yuan's face was full of joy. Although he has a violent temper and may not give face to him in general supernatural powers, Han Zhao is an exception, and being able to make friends with him is a huge guarantee.What's more, Han Zhao's personality is very suitable for him.

"Friend Daoist Han." Song Dengyun stepped forward and saluted.

"This is my second senior brother Song Dengyun, and he is currently using the lower realm of the clone projection of "Huang Liang Dream Tribulation Sutra"." Zhu Yuan explained.

"It turned out to be Daoist Song in person, so Han is being polite." Han Zhao cupped his hands in a salute.

"Tianshengdongtian's help this time, Han is very grateful."

"Fellow Daoist Han is serious. For warriors like me, it is a great joy to have another fellow Daoist Han like you." Song Dengyun laughed.

With the supernatural power that Han Zhao showed just now, it is almost difficult to meet opponents in the source world. If he cultivates to the third level of supernatural power, then the whole source world will be his world alone, and it will be no problem to restart the prosperous age of martial arts.

A Martial God who has survived the supernatural catastrophe in the source world will have a clear advantage in the battle for the cave.

What's more, Han Zhao's strength is beyond common sense.

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Han, I will convey your thoughts to Master. As for the matter of establishing a separate orthodoxy in this world, if there is any need for help, my master and apprentice will definitely help." Zhu Yuan said again.

If Han Zhao was still a disciple of the inner sect of Yin Yang Hall before, then if he wanted to establish another orthodox system, he would betray the master sect, betray the heavenly sage, and he would be hunted down endlessly.

However, today is different.

Han Zhao only needs to cultivate for hundreds of years and continuously increase his strength. In the future, it is almost certain that he will win a masterless cave.

The master of the cave sky has a much higher chance of becoming the true king of the cave sky than others. With Han Zhao's qualifications, if he controls the cave sky alone, he has at least a [-]% chance of becoming a celestial being.

He has already transcended, and has the capital to be on an equal footing with Tianshengdong.

"If I have time in the future, I will definitely go to the cave in person to meet the master teacher." Han Zhao said seriously.

"If Fellow Daoist Han goes to the cave, it's best to wait until the third level of supernatural power." Zhu Yuan suddenly sent a voice transmission.

Song Dengyun's expression on the side moved slightly, and he nodded immediately.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist, for reminding me." Han Zhao bowed his hands, and sooner or later he would avenge the Sanqi Palace Master Yan Shuangbai.

Said that he would go to Dongtian to visit Yuan Xiyu, it was just a polite way.

After finally being promoted to supernatural powers, he is almost invincible in the source world, how could he leave Xinshou Village!

"Since that's the case, I'll go back to the cave and report to Master." Song Dengyun was about to leave.

"Song Daoyou walk slowly." Han Zhao smiled, and then added: "If Song Daoyou returns to Dongtian, I hope to help Han to visit the two elders of the Zhao family. They had an appointment with Han before and have not returned yet. , I don’t know if I encountered difficulties in the cave.”

"You said Wuji and Wuxiu? Fellow Daoist Han, don't worry, it's my duty as a senior to take care of them." Song Dengyun said seriously.

"Thank you." Han Zhao returned the gift.

After Song Dengyun left, Han Zhao looked at Zhu Yuan beside him, "Han would like to ask Fellow Daoist Zhu for a favor, may I?"

"Fellow Daoist Han, it's okay to say." Zhu Yuan said.

"Han is going to retreat here for a few days to adjust his breathing. I want to ask fellow Taoists to go back to the sea and protect my family for me. After this matter is over, I will bring them here." Han Zhao cupped his hands.

He has accumulated a large amount of magic power and yin energy in his body, which needs to be digested as soon as possible. In addition, the aura of heaven and earth needs to be converted into mana, so he wants to retreat and practice immediately.

It's just that before that, the family should be brought to the side to prevent accidents.

"It's easy to handle, I'll leave now." Zhu Yuan smiled, he thought Han Zhao was going to invite him to kill Bailingzong together!
"Fellow Daoist Han, the Bailing Sect will never let people go easily. Its great mountain protection array was left by its founder Tianfeng Zhenren, who claims to be able to block heaven and man. I think it's better to ask Master for help when I go back, and put pressure on him together." , so that a war can be avoided.”

Zhu Yuan's words were more tactful.

Although Han Zhao's supernatural power is comparable to that of a peak Martial God who is not suppressed by the plane, Bailingzong is also a giant school that has been passed down for thousands of years.

If Han Zhao confronts the tough, he might not be able to please him.

"It's okay, I have my own way." Han Zhao said with a smile, he didn't want to owe too much favor.

"Since Fellow Daoist Han is confident, I can rest assured." Although Zhu Yuan didn't know what method Han Zhao had, seeing him create miracles repeatedly, he stopped talking.

After Zhu Yuan left, Han Zhao approached Su Tianqi who was in the crowd behind him.

"Brother Su."

Han Zhao clasped his hands.

"Brother Han, you really are." Hearing Han Zhao address him like that, Su Tianqi was not polite, with a smile all over his face, he gave a thumbs up in amazement.

He no longer knew what words to use to express the wonder in his heart.

"Based on the friendship between you and me, I will not thank you. This is for you." Han Zhao untied a Xumi bag from his waist and handed it over.

"This is?" Su Tianqi was taken aback, took the Sumeru bag, penetrated into it with spiritual power, and suddenly widened his eyes.

"Junyang bottles! Ten?!"

There are ten Junyang bottles in Xumi's bag.

"Before I entered Qiantian Palace, I said that the "Qiantian Jingqi" and "Tianwai Xuanying" you lack will be supplied to you tenfold. "Han Zhao said with a smile.

"It's too expensive, I can't take it! And I can't use up so much, people around you can use it too." Su Tianqi was embarrassed to take so much.

Su Ningqiu and Liang Yan on the side were hesitant to speak, for a warrior, how could the "Qiantian Jingqi" be enough.

It's just that this is the friendship between Han Zhao and Su Tianqi, so it's not easy for them to interrupt.

"It's okay, I still have a lot of "Dry Sky Essence", it's enough. "Han Zhao told the truth.

Saying that, Han Zhao looked at Liang Yan who was on the side, and took out another Junyang bottle from the Sumeru bag.

"I still want to thank Elder Liang for his help back then. It's a small thing, but it's not a respect."

"Fellow Daoist Han is serious, thank you!" Liang Yan had just entered the third stage of pseudo-supernatural powers. This bottle of "Qiantian Jingqi" was enough to save him decades of hard work, so he accepted it directly without being polite to Han Zhao.

After talking with several people, Han Zhao proposed to retreat here for a few days.

Liang Chengye, the chief elder of Tianxuanzong, directly expressed that he would give up his cave and let Han Zhao retreat to adjust his breath, and at the same time explain the previous things to Han Zhao.

Han Zhao didn't care about it, after all, it was the Lord Sanqi who drove him out of Tianxuanzong, not the elders of Tianxuanzong.

However, Han Zhao did not go to Liang Chengye's cave, but returned to the backyard of Su Tianqi's residence.

[Longevity formula: the seventh layer; can be upgraded; special effects: immortality, innate pure yang, seeding qi technique, decrepitation and muscle regeneration, three points return to vitality, three elements return to one]

[Nirvana True Devil Skill: Third level (0/300000), can be improved; Special effect: Nirvana body · Dacheng; Limit-breaking special effect: One Nirvana]

Han Zhao sat cross-legged on the futon, checking the properties on the system panel.

"It seems that after I am promoted to the supernatural powers, the will of the world can no longer target me like before."

Longevity Jue can already be improved, and there is also Nirvana True Demon Art.

Others may think that he has just broken through to the supernatural power realm, and that what he showed before is his full strength, but as long as he quickly digests the gains from this battle, his combat strength will be able to rise to a higher level.

"There should not be many people like me who have just survived the thunder tribulation and are about to reach the perfection of the first level."

Han Zhao thought to himself, and began to count the gains of this battle.

Murong Hua contributed his whole body of pure white tiger true blood.

If this true blood is completely refined, Han Zhao's White Tiger Totem may be directly upgraded to the level of supernatural powers.

It's just that refining the true blood of the white tiger is a huge project, and it takes a long time to refine the true blood of the white tiger. Han Zhao has no time at present.

He just initially extracted the white tiger's true blood from Murong Hua's corpse, and then took out a palm-sized golden pot, and filled it with the white tiger's true blood.

The inner space of Qiantian Junyang pot is used as a storage space, and it can hold almost anything, even living things can enter it.

Before Han Zhao came out, he asked Qi Ling Taihao to pack weak water weighing tens of millions of catties, preparing to use it to practice "Mountain and River Boundless" into a great supernatural power.

"Another poor ghost!" Han Zhao opened Murong Hua's sumeru bag, and there were only less than a thousand gold beads in it, not to mention spirit treasures, not even spirit weapons.

It seems that all he relies on is his own blood.

Damn it!

"The elder of Corpse Soul Valley is a loyal person." Han Zhao opened Li Shuang's sumeru bag again, and there were thousands of magic gold in it.

Han Zhao took out the Heavenly Demon Puppet Soldier that Li Shuang had broken, and began to absorb the Yin Qi in it, and then began to refine the huge Yin Qi in his body.

It was not until three days later that Han Zhao completely absorbed the yin energy from the fragments of the Heavenly Demon Puppet Soldier.

Afterwards, he took out a dark golden golden pill the size of a broad bean and held it in his palm.

Although the Slaughter King is a monster, he is also a genuine Valkyrie. The magic crystal in his body has been transformed into a supernatural golden elixir after advanced supernatural powers. The pure magic and yin qi contained in it are comparable to the third-level military commander Li Shuang.

The only pity is that the Tiansha King doesn't seem to be dead. Although most of his body was captured by Han Zhao, the supernatural golden core in his body escaped with his spirit, so the Yin Qi hasn't killed Wang Duo yet.

"Huh? Can you still absorb magic energy directly?"

Han Zhao was refining the magic energy in the King of Slaughter King's supernatural power golden elixir, and found that the Nirvana True Demon Art in his body was automatically operating, and the progress began to increase.

Five days later, Han Zhao refined and absorbed all the magic energy in the King of Slaughter King's Supernatural Power Golden Elixir and the remnant body of Tiansha King.

[Nirvana True Demon Skill: Third Level (11000/300000), can be improved]

"Is there only such a small improvement?" Han Zhao looked at the skill data in the attribute column, a little disappointed, but after all, removing impurities is better than nothing.

The key is actually the yin.

"I have practiced so many small supernatural powers, even with the help of "Tianwai Xuanying", it will take a long time to transform them all into great supernatural powers. "

Han Zhao looked inside the dantian, and a fist-sized Martial Dao Golden Elixir was floating on it. Observing with his spiritual sense, he found that the golden pill was exuding black, white, and golden halos.

On the surface of the golden elixir, there are patterns of various colors printed on them, these are the small supernatural powers that Han Zhao cultivated.

"It will take hundreds of years if we want to further develop supernatural powers, let the supernatural powers germinate, and cultivate the Dao tree." Han Zhao thought to himself.

The more small supernatural powers you cultivate, the longer it will take to transform into great supernatural powers, and the more mana you need.

In the same way, the more great supernatural powers there are, the easier it is for the supernatural powers to germinate, cultivate the Dao tree, and understand the power of rules to advance to the realm of heaven and man.

No matter how much Han Zhao opens up, the Heaven-Human Realm will not be able to break through so quickly.

However, the biggest difference between him now and before is that he doesn't need to be afraid of being chased by the aristocratic family, and he has a lot of time to practice.


Han Zhao put his spiritual thoughts into the Sumeru bag, and the original huge mountain-like arm of the Red Moon Holy Lord has become no different from ordinary people. As soon as Han Zhao took it out, an astonishing force of magic weapon and power erupted from it. Yin Qi.

The light of destroying demons was automatically activated, forming a purple shield on Han Zhao's body.

When the extremely strong power and Yin energy of the magic weapon were weakened by the light of the demon, it broke through Han Zhao's protective mana and fell on his body.

However, Han Zhao's physical body at this time has been baptized by thunder, and is extremely resistant to the power of the divine weapon.

Moreover, if the King Kong Immortality skill is cultivated into the golden body of Fudo Ming King, even if he does not actively use it, his physical defense power is comparable to that of a high-level spiritual weapon.

It's just an arm of the Holy Master, and it's not the Holy Lord himself, so it can't hurt him at all.

Han Zhao circulated the vajra mana, stretched out a golden palm, and grabbed the arm of the Holy Lord of the Red Moon.

Like water dripping into a pan of boiling oil, a large amount of pure Yin Qi smoke came out from the arm of the Holy Master Red Moon.

Han Zhao took a deep breath, and the pure smoke of Yin Qi was sucked into his body.

If it were him before he stepped into the realm of supernatural powers, he would never have dared to inhale so much yin energy into his body in one go.

[Nirvana True Demon Skill: Third Level (31800/300000), can be improved]

After refining the demonic energy in his arm, the progress of the Nirvana True Demon Art increased again.

During the few days when Han Zhao retreated to digest the loot, the entire Dongsheng Continent shook.

After the battle of Tianxuan Mountain, Han Zhao's name shocked the world!

Everyone knows that after the Great War of Dongshengzhou thousands of years ago, the world has changed drastically, and it is difficult for warriors to overcome the catastrophe. In this case, once the catastrophe is successfully overcome, it is bound to far surpass the conventional warriors, but no one has a specific concept.

After Han Zhao, everyone has this concept in their minds.

With the power of one person, he killed the two third-level military commanders Li Shuang and Ji Ji, and the second-level spirit caller Mu Ronghua.

In particular, Han Zhao still killed the Killing King and severely injured the Tiansha King when the Holy Lord of the Red Moon shot.

Before that, Han Zhao's name could only appear in the upper middle class of wealthy families at most, unless it was a family that was planning to win over and suppress Han Zhao, only a few high-level powerhouses knew about Han Zhao, and many other families didn't care who Han Zhao was at all.

It's just a well-known warrior, but at the level of military envoy, he is still not as good as a family member.

However, Han Zhao used an overwhelming battle to let everyone know the strength of the Peerless Valkyrie!

Because Cao Mengxuan, known as Dongshengzhou No. 1, and Wang Tengyun, the patriarch of the Wang family, were on the sidelines, so no one questioned the authenticity of this matter.

Just when Han Zhao became the focus of discussion, an even more shocking news came:

"On the eighth day of next month, Bailing Sect Patriarch Yu Sheng will fight Han Zhao at the top of Wutong Mountain!"

The warriors who heard the news scolded Yusheng for being shameless. Wutong Mountain is the headquarters of Bailingzong. After ten thousand years of operation, it is as solid as gold.

If Yusheng uses the Bailingzong formation to deal with Han Zhao, whether he can get down the mountain alive is a question.

However, to everyone's surprise, Han Zhao actually accepted the challenge.

As soon as this news came out, even the warriors far away in the Nanzhan sea area were alarmed.

"Has Han Zhao gone crazy? He's going to die!"

Thousands of years ago, the ancestors of the Bailing Sect even used a large formation to kill aliens who had been in the realm of heaven and man.

Although the current Yusheng is far inferior to that patriarch, Han Zhao has just broken through to the realm of supernatural powers, and the gap between heaven and man is even greater.

The outcome of this battle was almost obvious at a glance.

"Han Zhao will pay for his arrogance!"

Many people are not optimistic about the outcome of this battle.

But some people think that Han Zhao dared to fight, so he naturally has his confidence.

"Han Zhao has been the only Martial God in the Origin Realm since a thousand years ago. He has arrogant strength and capital."

"He has just passed the tribulation and has the strength to look down on the Holy Lord and everyone under heaven and man, and he will never seek his own death."

But soon, someone broke out that Han Zhao's challenge was for a woman—Yu Xuanji, the previous patriarch of the Bailing Sect.

It is said that Han Zhao is a romantic person and shows mercy everywhere.

Rumor has it that he and Yu Xuanji had a daughter named Yuniang.

So he acted as a confidante in anger.

The martial artist is worried, fearing that the flame of hope for martial arts will be extinguished.

But the aristocratic family members wished that Han Zhao would die on Wutong Mountain. The aristocratic family had stayed in the clouds for a long time, how could they allow a warrior to challenge their authority.

Now there is only one Han Zhao. If he is not eliminated, sooner or later there will be a second, third, and tenth Han Zhao.

On Tianxuan Mountain, the aristocratic family underestimated the enemy, and they didn't take Han Zhao seriously at all, thinking that they could be manipulated at will.

Now that Han Zhao is going to Wutong Mountain, the family has time to prepare.

This time, Han Zhao must make no return.

Murong Hua's elder brother Murong Jie from the Murong family went to Wutong Mountain in person as soon as he heard the news, and conspired with Yusheng to join forces.

Although the Longevity Sect and the Red Moon Holy Master behind the Jiuyou Mansion did not respond, the Heavenly Demon Cave behind the Corpse Soul Valley sent two third-order peak soldiers to the lower realm.

[Collect all 75800 prompt fragments, whether to synthesize an entry? 】

[Synthesis once, consume 3000 prompt fragments, 5000 gold beads or magic gold, and you will definitely get the one-time basic entry 'life simulation'. 】

[Current balance: 32300 magic gold and 20000 gold beads. 】

"The Wang family didn't come, but the Ji family did."

Han Zhao held a Xumi bag in his hand, and there was a trace of mockery in his eyes.

The one-month period is approaching, and the [-] magic gold promised by Wang Tengyun has not yet been delivered, but the Ji family sent [-] magic gold.

The Ji family envoy conveyed the Ji family's apology to Han Zhao, and said that Ji Ji's death was her own fault, and no one else was to blame.At the same time, the Ji family is willing to allow Ji Baiwei to marry Han Zhao, so that Qin and Jin will be married forever.

"It seems that many people are waiting for the result of this battle."

Han Zhao sneered.

"System, ten consecutive synthesis!"

[Get the one-time entry 'Life Simulation'] X10
[Ten consecutive synthesis, in ten simulations, a platinum entry will be produced. 】


[At the age of 37, you shocked the world in the Tianxuan Mountain battle. 】

[The January period has come, you go to Mount Wutong to fight Yusheng. 】

[You easily defeated Yusheng and were about to capture him alive. At the critical moment, the powerful men from the Murong family and the Demon Cave suddenly attacked. 】

[Yusheng launched the Great Formation of All Spirits, besieging you with everyone, and wounding you. 】

【With all your supernatural powers, under the suppression of the big formation, you killed the strong men from the Murong Family and the Heavenly Demon Cave. 】

[However, you were also seriously injured. 】

[In order to save Yu Xuanji, you want to capture Yu Sheng alive. 】

[Yusheng suddenly blew himself up in the end and died with you. 】

"It's not much different from the previous simulation." Han Zhao looked at the information in the simulation with a calm expression.

The Great Formation of All Spirits can block heaven and man. Although it is in the formation, its defense power is greatly reduced, but its killing power is stronger.

"However, what I'm most afraid of now is the power to kill."

Han Zhao sneered.

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]


[attribute point +32000]

"Simulation." Han Zhao muttered silently, and started the second simulation.

[At the age of 37, you shocked the world in the Tianxuan Mountain battle. 】


【you are dead. 】

There was no difference in the result, but Han Zhao didn't care, it was originally simulated for the purpose of brushing out attribute points.


[attribute point +32000]

Seventh simulation.

[At the age of 37, you shocked the world in the Tianxuan Mountain battle. 】


【you are dead. 】

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[[-]. Obtain entry (optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

"Is there an entry?" Han Zhao looked at the entries that appeared in the options.

"Brother, Dad, I have stepped into the realm of supernatural powers and avenged you, so please protect me now!"


【Obtain the entry 'Martial God Family'】

[Martial God Family]: Platinum entry; there are many families of divine soldiers and powerful families of spirit beasts, martial arts are declining, and the strength of a single warrior is limited. Only with your own family of warriors can you truly revive martial arts;

Every time a super root qualification appears in your blood descendants, your root and understanding will increase by 1%-5%;

Every time a spiritual root bone qualification appears in your blood descendants, your root bone, understanding, and mana recovery will increase by 5%-10%;

Every time there is a holy body root bone qualification in your blood descendants, your root bone, understanding, mana recovery, and supernatural power will increase by 15%-30%;

The increase ratio is related to the degree of blood intimacy.

The improvement of your root bone and cultivation level will also increase the root bone and cultivation level of your blood descendants;
Supernatural power level 3, bonus [-]%;

Supernatural power level 6, bonus [-]%;

Supernatural power triple realm, bonus 9%;

(Platinum entry, the quality of the entry can be improved by improving the root bone and cultivation base, the upper limit is blazing gold)
"The family is actually me?" Han Zhao couldn't help being taken aback when he saw the effect of the entry.

This is the first time that the blazing gold entry has appeared.

[Current descendants: Han Nianxuan (spiritual body), Han Yan (super class)]

[Current bonuses: root bone +15%, comprehension +15%, mana recovery +10%]

"The bonus of mana recovery came at the right time." Han Zhao thought to himself.


Han Zhao continued the next three simulations, but no entry appeared.

So he chose all attribute points and prepared to improve his skills.

[Nirvana True Devil Skill: Third level (31800/300000), can be improved; Special effect: Nirvana body · Dacheng; Limit-breaking special effect: One Nirvana]

"System, improve Nirvana true magic skill."

【Attribute points: 288000→19800】

[Nirvana True Devil Skill: Third level (300000/300000), cannot be promoted; not yet satisfied promotion conditions: Divine Ability Triple Realm; Special Effect: Nirvana Body · Dacheng; Limit Breaking Special Effect: One Nirvana, Two Nirvana]

[Second Nirvana: After completing two Nirvana, you can temporarily enter the Nirvana state; in the Nirvana state, your strength will be doubled in a short time, including but not limited to mana and supernatural powers. 】


With the improvement of the skills, Han Zhao suddenly burst out an astonishing aura, but when the aura just left the body, he used his power to absorb it, which prevented it from erupting.

At the same time, Han Zhao's already abundant mana began to rise again.

"Is this the first level of supernatural powers completed?!" Han Zhao felt that the strength of his physical body had further increased after the cultivation method was improved, and he looked up to the sky and laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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