Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 241 I am invincible under heaven and man!

Chapter 241 I am invincible under heaven and man! (medium cup)
Wutong Mountain in Chu State is a vast mountain range composed of one main peak and 36 secondary peaks.

At the top of its main peak is a sycamore tree that has survived from ancient times to the present. The huge tree crown hangs high in the sky, and the leaves on the branches are bright all year round. It looks like a canopy made of flames from a close look. From a distance, it looks like a phoenix overlooking the sky.

There are 36 secondary peaks surrounding the main peak like stars and moons.

The Bailing Sect, the largest sect in the Chu Kingdom, is located on the main peak of the Wutong Mountain Range.

In the past, except for the main peak of the Wutong Mountains, all other peaks were free to enter and exit.

Especially the twelve outer peaks allow outsiders to enter and admire the sycamore trees above the main peak from a distance.

However, half a month ago, on the main peak, even the true disciples and elders of the sect were not allowed to come and go freely.

The rest of the peaks that originally housed the disciples of the inner and outer sects were also closed.

Those mountain peaks that can be entered by outsiders are also assigned true disciples and elders to sit in command.

The entire Wutong Mountain Range is full of chilling atmosphere.

And all of this stems from the contest between Yusheng, the suzerain of Bailingzong, and Han Zhao, the newly promoted god of war.

Ever since the news of Han Zhao's acceptance of the challenge came out, it swept across Dongsheng Continent in an instant.

The last battle of Tianxuan Mountain was beyond everyone's expectations, and the only spectators were the senior members of the aristocratic family.

But this time, except for many children from aristocratic families who rushed to the outskirts of Wutong Mountains early to wait.

There are also many warriors who are hidden from the world, and they also come here one after another.

In the entire outskirts of the Wutong Mountain Range, there are tens of thousands of warriors plus the children of aristocratic families.

Among warriors, there are so many visceral masters that are usually rare to see.

Ningsha Martial Saints, who are powerful enough to run rampant in a whole country, also accounted for nearly one-tenth of the total number of people.

Almost half of the warriors in Dongsheng Continent rushed to this place, wanting to watch this shocking battle that was rarely seen in hundreds of years.

Although they were only watching the battle from the outermost perimeter, not many warriors whose realm was lower than the master realm dared to come.

Because the aftermath of the great battle of the most powerful might injure them, so the qualification to watch this battle is a height that ordinary warriors can hardly achieve in their lifetime.

"I didn't expect that Han Zhao could attract so many warriors."

A child of an aristocratic family stood on a low slope, looking at a large number of warriors nearby, feeling the power of soaring qi and blood, and the complex emotions of hunger, thirst and fear came from the fragments of the magic weapon in his body.

The qi and blood of warriors are a great tonic for divine weapons, but when a large number of high-level warriors gather together, the bloody blood formed by their qi and blood can greatly wear down the power of divine weapons.

Otherwise, warriors would not have dominated for tens of thousands of years before the Millennium War.

"Yeah, I don't know if I don't see it. Among so many warriors, except for a small number belonging to my family, many others have never seen it."

"There are more than a dozen of the seven evil spirits who are perfect! And they are all hermits. I didn't expect the vitality of warriors to be so tenacious."

The children of other aristocratic families also talked about it.

"With the death of Han Zhao today, the last hope of warriors will be completely wiped out, and these people should give up."

A family member sneered.

Many people echoed their words, but most of them remained silent.

"The Hundred Spirits Formation of the Bailing Sect is known as the number one killing formation in Dongsheng Continent. Under heaven and man, there is almost no way out. But, what if, what if Han Zhao wins?"

At this time, a voice from a family member who was not convinced came from the crowd.

Everyone heard the words, but did not rush to refute.

Because what he said touched the hearts of everyone.

What if Han Zhao wins?
The aristocratic family suppresses warriors, but it does not prevent the children of the aristocratic family from worshiping the strong as well.

Han Zhao rushed to the crown and became a beauty, and broke into the formation of all spirits alone. Even if he died, he would still be a hero.


After an unknown amount of time, everyone looked up to the west.

A white sword light came from the distant sky in an instant, and stopped above the Wutong Mountains.

On the flying sword, a handsome young man in a white robe stood with his hands behind his back.

"It's him, he is Han Zhao!"

After the battle of Tianxuanzong, Han Zhao's appearance has entered the eyes of all the high-level forces.

Although many of the warriors present had never even seen Han Zhao's portrait, none other than the God of War had such a peerless demeanor.

"At the age of 37, he has reached the peak. Even if he saw it with his own eyes, he still couldn't believe it."

Seeing Han Zhao's calm and relaxed appearance, he lowered the escape light outside the main peak, and the warriors who watched were engrossed, and they stimulated their true energy to the extreme, strengthening their five senses.

"This battle will change the situation of Dongsheng Continent. If Han Zhao wins, martial arts will flourish, and if Han Zhao loses, everything will cease."

Even if they couldn't see the battle scene hundreds of miles away, it would be worthwhile to listen to this great battle and imagine the battle scene.

Above the clouds, Cao Mengxuan, Wang Tengyun, Qi Qingchan and other senior officials of the family had already arrived.

"His mana is stronger than it was a month ago!" Cao Mengxuan looked solemnly.

Wang Tengyun's face became more and more gloomy, and he unconsciously put his right hand on the Xumi bag at his waist.

He didn't believe that Han Zhao could survive under the Great Spirit Formation, but he didn't dare to bet.

"Can he win?" Qi Qingchan's eyes flickered, and she couldn't believe her ears when she learned that Han Zhao was going to fight in Bailingzong.

I wanted Han Zhao to help enlighten the spiritual acupoint of Longyuan Mountain, but I didn't expect that he had just passed through the catastrophe of supernatural powers. He didn't seize the time to stabilize his realm, and he would go to the Great Spirit Formation alone for the sake of a confidante. It is really unwise Act of.

Qi Qingchan came here because she wanted to see the result of the war as soon as possible.

Secondly, I also want to find opportunities to help at critical moments.

Since the Battle of Tianxuan Mountain, the old guys in the clan have become ambiguous towards Han Zhao. They neither support nor oppose her friendship with Han Zhao, and let her do things cheaply.

In the end, she also wanted to see with her own eyes how stunning Yu Xuanji, the previous patriarch of the Bailing Sect, was, and could make Han Zhao save her life at all costs.

Han Zhao looked up at the huge sycamore tree that covered the sky and covered the sun, felt the scorching force in the air, and calmly boarded the Bailing Terrace on the mountainside.

When he boarded the big platform, a beautiful woman in Taoist robe appeared. Her face was like a lotus, her eyebrows were like willow leaves, her eyes were like hooks, her bright red lips were raised slightly, and her black hair was pulled into a high bun. The beauty bun and the pearl phoenix crown shone fluorescently in the sunlight.

It was Yusheng.

It's just that Yusheng is no longer wearing a red dress at this time, but is wearing a pure white Taoist robe that symbolizes the suzerain.

She looked at Han Zhao with a hint of surprise and solemnity, and her expression was no longer as playful as before.

In just over two months, the changes in Han Zhao faintly surpassed her accumulation of hundreds of years.

At this time, Yusheng fully believed that the rumors were not exaggerated at all.

Han Zhao looked at Yusheng's lower abdomen, feeling the faintly fused power of extreme cold in her body, and said:

"I am coming."

"You shouldn't have come." Yu Xuanji's voice sounded.

"Han Zhao, I didn't expect you to actually come. Is it worth it just for my senior sister?" Yu Sheng laughed.

"Han is a man, he will do what he says, and he never breaks his word." Han Zhao said lightly.

"You are 41 days late, and you have broken your promise." Yu Xuanji's untimely voice sounded.

"." The corner of Han Zhao's mouth twitched, he didn't do anything like that.

"Senior sister is reminding you that since she has broken her promise once, she won't blame you if she breaks her promise a second time. This makes me, a junior sister, feel jealous!" Yu Sheng covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly.

"Han Zhao, since you are here today, please stay forever!" An old man in a green robe behind Yusheng said coldly.

"You are. Wang Zhan?" Han Zhao recognized the green-robed old man as Wang Zhan, the patriarch of the Wang family who once chased and killed him.

"I thought Wang Tengyun would have the courage to come here in person. I think highly of him."

Han Zhao smiled lightly.

After finishing speaking, Han Zhao mobilized his mana, and an astonishing momentum swept across the platform like a whirlwind.

As soon as Wang Yan was about to speak, he was forced to use his mana to resist by this substantial aura.

The two streams of mana collided head-on, and Wang Yan's body shook violently.

Deng Deng Deng!
Wang Yan retreated three steps in a row before stabilizing his figure.

Although Yu Sheng, who was affected by Han Zhao's mana, remained motionless, a mana shield with extremely hot power rose from his body.


Just as Han Zhao took a step forward, Yu Xuanji's voice sounded.

"Senior Sister, don't worry, your little lover will take a step first, and he will be with you soon." Yu Sheng laughed loudly, and with a wave of his sleeve robe, the entire Wutong Mountain suddenly rose red.

The golden sunlight fell, was absorbed by the huge sycamore tree, and reflected with the red light rising from the mountain, and finally all accumulated on Yusheng's body.

Although Yusheng said it lightly, she used all her strength when she made a move, and directly launched the Great Formation of All Souls.

At the same time, on the 36 secondary peaks other than the main peak, a huge magic circle lit up, and a beam of mana light shot up into the sky.

A kind of spiritual bird flew out of each beam of light.

Three-legged Golden Crow, Five-Colored Peacock, Youtian Kunpeng, Nine-Heaven Green Luan, Seven-headed Owl
These true spirits of heaven and earth, which have only appeared in legends, appeared one after another above the sky.

Although it was a phantom, the coercion contained in it made the warriors in the distance frightened and lost their ability to resist in an instant.

"Get together!" Yusheng squeezed the formula.

The phantoms of the real spirits of the heavens and the earth surrounded the main peak, casting their innate supernatural powers on Han Zhao one after another.

The real fire of the sun fell first, but the fireball, the size of a human brain, left black scorched marks in the void that seemed to distort even space.

Facing the extremely hot real fire that could distort and distort the space, Han Zhao remained expressionless. He stretched out his index finger, and a faint flame the size of a soybean ignited.

"Go!" Han Zhao stabbed with his finger.

The flames soared into the sky, and with a violent air piercing sound, they rose against the wind. Before hitting the real fire of the sun, it had already become a small sun with a diameter of more than [-] meters.


The real fire of the sun was swallowed by Han Zhao's newly mastered supernatural power "True Sun Gang" like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth, and the two same extremely hot forces consumed mana rapidly.

In the end, the little sun formed by the true sun consumes nearly half of its power, digesting and devouring the true fire of the sun.

"Thank you very much." Han Zhao took the Sun Zhengang back into his body and smiled faintly at Yu Sheng.

Yusheng frowned slightly, and the three-legged Golden Crow ignited the real fire of the sun, turning the whole body into a huge fireball.

Han Zhao saw her repeat her old trick and released the true sun again.

However, the true sun has just left the body.

The five-color peacock flapped its wings, and the five-color feathers on the tail had a halo of light, and the five-color divine light of blue, yellow, red, black, and white swiped down, and the real sun suddenly froze in midair.

At this time, the entire three-legged Golden Crow that turned into the real fire of the sun disappeared in a flash, and appeared on top of Han Zhao's head in an instant, and fell down with a crash.

Han Zhao flapped his left hand behind his back, and on his five outstretched fingers, five colors of blue, yellow, red, black, and white lights appeared.

The three-legged Golden Crow that turned into the real fire of the sun stopped in front of Han Zhao.

Han Zhao sucked in suddenly, and he swallowed the big sun's real fire in one gulp.

Immediately afterwards, Han Zhao soared into the sky, also turning into a five-colored peacock.

The five-color divine light swiped down, and the five-color divine light of the five-color peacock was brushed away.

The originally stagnant sun burst out, hitting the phantom of the five-color peacock and swallowing it instantly.

"Huh?" Yusheng's expression changed slightly. He didn't expect that Han Zhao could also display the five-color divine light, and it was even better than the five-color divine light released by the five-color peacock feathers left by the patriarch.

The five-color peacock blood that Han Zhao once captured was just Kong Yi who had awakened the second bloodline. How could he have such a powerful five-color divine light.


Yusheng used her hand as a knife, and slashed at Han Zhao in the sky.

You Tian Kunpeng's phantom closed its wings, and two cyan lights intersected and fell down.

I saw that the two green lights were less than a hundred meters away from the body, and then disappeared in a flash.

However, Han Zhao instantly dispelled the transformation of the five-color peacock, and his body suddenly shrank.

"The power of space?!" Han Zhao raised his head and looked less than ten meters above the top, where two dark intersecting cracks appeared in the void, and there were bursts of terrifying suction.

It's just the phantom of You Tian Kunpeng, it's really extraordinary that it can cut through the space with one blow.

It's just that everything is under Han Zhao's control.

At this moment, a dark blue water drop the size of a grain of rice suddenly fell from the top of Han Zhao's head.

Wang Yan finally made a move at the critical moment.

Facing the seemingly insignificant water droplets, Han Zhao directly performed the Vajra Transformation, turning his whole body into a Vajra body, and punched out with all his strength.

Seeing that Han Zhao didn't dodge or evade, and even hit him hard with his fist, Wang Yan sneered, and a look of pride flashed in his eyes.

Accompanied by an earth-shattering bang, the water drop the size of a grain of rice was blasted out by Han Zhao.

"What?!" Wang Yan exclaimed.

This seemingly insignificant water drop is actually a drop of Nether heavy water that he refined for hundreds of years. It is about the size of a grain of rice but as heavy as a mountain.

As long as there is a little carelessness during the fighting, the body will be smashed by the heavy water of the nether world. Even if the defensive spirit treasure is used, it may not be able to resist this huge force.

However, Han Zhao was able to knock away the Nether Heavy Water, which was as heavy as a mountain, with only his physical body.

Wang Yan's shock didn't last long, and the next moment, a scene that made him tear up happened.

"you dare?!!"

With a flash of Han Zhao's figure, a palm-sized golden pot appeared in his palm. He opened the lid and picked it up, and even swallowed the drop of dark heavy water.

Wang Yan was horrified to find that this drop of ghostly heavy water, which was cultivated with his life, had lost its sense.

Even if it is a Lingbao, it absolutely does not have such power, and it is even more impossible to directly cut off his connection with the divine power.

"Hmph." Han Zhao snorted coldly.

The devilish energy soared into the sky, and black golden scales the size of copper coins suddenly appeared on Han Zhao's original red gold skin.

A pitch-black unicorn protruded from his forehead.

As soon as Han Zhao stretched out his hand, the Dragon Blade fell into his palm.

"Not good!" Wang Yan felt the terrifying power of Han Zhao's demon god. Just one look gave him a sense of fear that he would face the ancient beast directly, as if he would be torn to pieces in the next second.

"What are you waiting for?! Haven't shot yet!!"

Wang Yan let out a roar, dark green mana soared into the sky, and a large tortoise shell-like texture suddenly appeared on his face.

A black tortoiseshell shield with a diameter of one zhang flew out of his body, protecting him behind him.

He didn't use the True Body of the Black Tortoise, because in front of such a killing treasure like the Demon Dragon Blade, being too big would not be conducive to defense.

The Dragon Blade in Han Zhao's hand slashed down.

The aura of heaven and earth in the vicinity violently turbulent for a while, forming dense spiritual lines, which were about to gather into the dragon blade.

However, the phantoms of the heaven and earth spirit birds above screamed in unison, and the huge forbidden light curtain isolated a large amount of heaven and earth spirit energy and kept them out of the formation.

At the same time, behind Han Zhao, two old men with almost identical appearance appeared.

The two of them released two streaks of purple awns, which shot from miraculously tricky angles.

Under the urging of Yusheng, the spiritual bird of heaven and earth above released its great supernatural power again.

Three hundred-meter black awns flew out, but due to the lack of infusion of heaven and earth spiritual energy, the power was obviously insufficient.

The head-on knife was blocked by Wang Zhan with a tortoise shell shield, leaving only a shallow scratch on the shield. With the operation of mana, the scratch disappeared in an instant.

The other two knives were only counteracted by the two purple awns that attacked Han Zhao, and their mana consumed each other.

And Han Zhao didn't resist the supernatural powers released by the heaven and earth spirit birds above, but instead used three-point return to vitality, launched a mana vortex, and disintegrated the great supernatural powers that crashed down.

It's just that after decomposing the power of the great supernatural power, the three-point return to vitality was also exhausted and collapsed.

The dragon blade in Han Zhao's palm trembled violently, and the heaven and earth spiritual energy and patterns outside the forbidden light curtain flashed, constantly impacting on the forbidden light curtain.

"He can't absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the big formation, so take this opportunity and kill him!" Wang Zhan was overjoyed.


Following the roar of a tiger that resounded through the heavens, Murong Jie, who was hidden in the phantom shadows of the heaven and earth spirit birds, struck.

The overwhelming aura of innate sharp gold turned into thousands of sword lights and poured down, as if trying to tear the space apart.

Compared to when Murong Hua was caught off guard and killed by Han Zhao using the golden body of the immovable king, Murong Jie hid aside and prepared for a long time, and finally brought the killing power of the white tiger blood to the extreme.

The two old men behind Han Zhao also released the soaring Yin Qi, and the two mountain-like golems rose suddenly, and the terrifying cloud gathered, forming two combined Yin Qi vortexes on the top.

Wang Yan sprayed a mouthful of life essence on the tortoise shell shield, and the shield split apart with a crackling sound, turning into 36 sharp sword-like spikes, stabbing at Han Zhao in unison, killing all his The escape route is blocked.

"Tips for carving insects."

Faced with this combined attack, which was enough to severely injure the peak Martial Gods of the third level of supernatural powers, Han Zhao smiled disdainfully. He made a tactic with one hand, and a giant golem hundreds of meters tall suddenly condensed on the surface of his body. The ferocious golem with three heads and six arms was like a demon god. Upright.

The six arms of the golem spread out behind the back like a roc spreading its wings, and under the condensed majestic mana, knives, swords, spears, halberds, bows, and arrows manifested.

The six arms displayed the five martial arts that Han Zhao had mastered.


Han Zhao spit out a sentence lightly.

The golden sword light combined with the white sword light, and swept across the top, and the ten thousand sword lights formed by the innate sharp golden energy turned into dust, as if being wiped away forcefully.

As for the heaven and earth spirit bird whose aura was cut off by the spirit-cutting technique, its supernatural powers were destroyed without attacking themselves, and dissipated abruptly.

The bright silver gun lights covered the sky and the sun, and the 36 sharp sword-like spikes were instantly submerged by countless gun lights.

Three arrows of wind, ice, and thunder were fired at once, and the majestic golem transformed into a divine soldier was directly knocked out several miles away, and crashed into the barrier with a bang.

The killing blow of the four parties was easily resolved by the killing sword, killing the spirit sword, chasing the soul gun, the red dragon halberd, and the three strange spirit arrows.

It takes hundreds of years for ordinary supernatural powers to master one or two unique skills, but Han Zhao can easily use five at the same time.

Wang Yan, Murong Jie, and the two third-rank envoys from the Heavenly Demon Cave, all showed expressions of astonishment.

Han Zhao wounded them with one blow.

Most importantly, he didn't seem to be serious at all.

"Senior Sister, you are right, but this person has the ability to rescue you. I underestimated him." At this time, Yusheng, who was manipulating the phantom of the spirit bird in the Great Formation of Ten Thousand Spirits, sighed.

"What are you going to do?!" Yu Xuanji was startled.

"Don't worry, even if I die, I will take you away with me! Of course, that's not the case yet." Yu Sheng sneered.

Han Zhao combined with the Nirvana method and launched a fierce attack on the four people.

"Yusheng! Don't make a move yet!"

Under Han Zhao's supernatural power, the four of them had little power to fight back, so they hurriedly asked Yusheng for help.

However, Yusheng turned a deaf ear to it, and only controlled the Wanling Formation to assist the four, but did not directly participate in the battle.

The four cursed in their hearts, but there was no time to breathe under Han Zhao's attack, and danger was everywhere for a while.


As the slowest Murong Jie was hit by Han Zhao's Nirvana Appearance with six arms at the same time, breaking the white tiger's real body, the situation changed instantly.

"Yu Sheng!!!"

Wang Yan and the other two third-tier commanders roared unwillingly, and within a hundred breaths, they all died in Han Zhao's hands.

Han Zhao's eyes fell on Yusheng below.

"You are very strong, so strong that you don't seem to be in the realm of supernatural powers." Yu Sheng showed a smile, with a hint of determination in his eyes.

"Under heaven and man, I am invincible, and above heaven and man, I am invincible." Han Zhao pointed the dragon blade in his hand obliquely at Yu Sheng.

"Leave a mystery, this is your last chance."

"You shouldn't, you shouldn't, you shouldn't have entered this Great Formation of Myriad Spirits!"

Yusheng laughed wantonly, and the entire Mount Wutong trembled violently, and phantoms of spiritual birds appeared again among the 36 secondary peaks, including the three-legged golden crow and five-colored peacock that Han Zhao had just swallowed.

The 36 kinds of spiritual birds of heaven and earth flew towards the main peak like a hundred birds facing the phoenix, and finally all of them fell into Yusheng's body.

(End of this chapter)

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