Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 246: A real person cannot be humiliated!The red moon is coming!

Chapter 246: A real person cannot be humiliated!The red moon is coming! (big cup)

PS: This climactic plot can't be finished in one chapter, so it's best to watch it together tomorrow.


Anger Island.

Shui Jingfeng took the middle and high-level members of the gang to the pier, ready to welcome Henry Zhang, the old man of Wujue, Shen Lieshuang, the Ice and Fire Sword Saint, and his disciples.

Help the disciples drive the clippers to inform.

In a short while, I saw a dragon-headed ship with a length of [-] meters and a height of more than three stories, sailing towards the pier quickly, riding the wind and waves.

Standing at the bow are three men dressed in strong clothes. The first one has firm eyebrows and is not angry. He looks about in his early forties. He wears a long knife at his waist. Under the lake-blue strong clothes, he has a bulging and muscular silhouette. .

A pair of long arms hang down naturally, close to the knees, the palms are wide and slender, especially the fingers, which are more than half the length of normal people.

As for the man behind him, there are two young people around 20 years old, who look like disciples of the disciples.

"Sure enough, it's Shen Lieshuang!" Shui Jingfeng looked at the middle-aged man at the bow, his gaze fixed.

From a distance of hundreds of meters, he could feel the power of the small magic power coming from the opponent's body.

When the dragon head ship docked, Shen Lieshuang jumped down, and the power of ice and fire in his body became stronger and stronger.

It's not that the other party took the initiative to release the power of the little supernatural power, and wanted to give him a blow.

Instead, Shui Jingfeng obtained a low-grade water-attribute supernatural power seed. Although he has not cultivated to the three evil realms and cannot condense small supernatural powers, he has completely integrated this water-attribute supernatural power seed into his body, so it is very important for the small supernatural power The induction of power is very keen.

"The Xuanbing Liehuo Knife really deserves its reputation." Shui Jingfeng felt awe-inspiring.

The small supernatural power with dual attributes of ice and fire is extremely powerful, and what is even more difficult is the small supernatural power with dual attributes.

"The old man was shocked by the wind, and he became the acting head of the Nujiao Sect. Brother Shen came from a long distance, so I am sorry for the loss of the old man."

Shui Jingfeng stepped forward and cupped his hands.

Shen Lieshuang cupped his fists and saluted, smiling all over his face: "The leader of the Shui Gang is serious, I hope you will forgive me if I take the liberty to come here."

At this time, the two youths on the bow also flew down.

Shen Lieshuang waved at the two youths, "I haven't seen Shui Gang Master yet."

"Junior Su Wuming." "Junior Yun Yang."

"I've met the water gang leader."

The two young men bowed to Shui Jingfeng, but there was a hint of arrogance in their expressions.

"Sure enough, a hero born a boy!" Shui Jingfeng looked at the two, couldn't help sighing, and looked at Shen Lieshuang.

"Brother Shen's two students must have entered the Grandmaster Realm for many years, right?"

Su Wuming and Yun Yang looked at Shui Jingfeng's amazed expression, with a hint of arrogance in their expressions.

"The Master of the Water Gang is overrated, and the two young disciples are only in the four qi realms." Shen Lieshuang waved his hands, with a slightly complacent smile, his strength is naturally commendable, and his ability as a disciple is even more extraordinary.

"Master, this disciple broke through the five qi realm last month." Yun Yang reminded in a low voice.

"Talking!" Shen Lieshuang reprimanded lightly.

"Yes." Yun Yang withdrew.

"Young leader seems to be in the five qi realm at this age?"

"So strong!"

The Nujiao gang behind Shui Jingfeng whispered, they thought Han Zhao's situation was an exception, but now it seems that they are ignorant.

Su Wuming and Yun Yang held their heads high and held their chests high. After listening too much, they got used to it.

Both of them are 26 years old, one is perfect in four qi, and the other has just broken through to five qi, and they are the most outstanding two under the Wujue sect.

Shui Jingfeng seems to be over seventy years old, but he is just a martial saint in the evil realm.

If it weren't for Han Zhao's name, they wouldn't look down on such a person.

As for the other members of the Nujiao Gang, they don't even pay attention to them, so they are not worth mentioning.

But before coming here, the master told them not to be presumptuous, so they also kept it in mind.

Shui Jingfeng listened to the discussion of the gang members, feeling a little displeased in his heart, with a calm expression on his face, he cupped his hands at Shen Lieshuang and said: "Brother Shen, I don't know where Senior Wujue is now?"

"My teacher just met an old friend on the way, so he got off the boat to catch up with him, and hoped that Master Shui would wait for a while."

Shen Lieshuang showed apology.

"Brother Shen is serious." Shui Jingfeng laughed. This Shen Lieshuang is stronger than the rumors. His teacher, the old man Wujue, is a high-level martial saint who became famous more than a hundred years ago. Now he may have already achieved Qisha Consummation. Where is he? Dare to be dissatisfied.

The group stayed where they were and waited for about a quarter of an hour.


"There are people in the sea!"

A member of the Nu Jiao Gang suddenly pointed in the direction of the sea.

"This is?"

Everyone was shocked, and saw a huge wave more than ten meters high suddenly rising on the calm sea in the distance. On the top of the wave, stood two old men with fluttering clothes.

One of them was dressed in a moon white Taoist robe, with a childlike face and white hair, looking like a fairy.

The other person was dressed in a gray cloth shirt, with wrinkled face and a warm smile on his mouth, like a kind old farmer next door.

The two stood on the top of the waves, as if they were carried by the waves and sent them all the way.

"It's such an exquisite control." Shui Jingfeng sighed, even when the old gang leader was alive, his water-attribute qi could not reach such a degree of harmony.

Two old men flew ashore.

"Master." "I have met Master."

Shen Lieshuang, Su Wuming, and Yun Yang respectfully saluted the old man in the moon white Taoist robe.

"I have seen Senior Wujue." Shui Jingfeng also stepped forward to salute.

Hearing this, the Taoist robed old man clasped his fists and said: "The master of the water gang is serious. You and I are both warriors in the Sha Ning realm. There is no difference between the younger and the younger at the same level. The old man once founded the Wujue sect, and the master of the water gang can be commensurate with his position in the sect."

"Since that's the case, this junior has grown up and met Master Xiao." Shui Jingfeng said respectfully.

In his true qi induction, Henry Zhang has no breath, as if he is integrated with nature, his strength may exceed the perfection of Qisha, and he has already moved towards the stage of pseudo-supernatural powers.

"I don't know who this senior is..." Shui Jingfeng looked at the old man next to Henry Zhang who looked like an old farmer, and the other person had almost no breath, and he was another hidden master.

"Old man Pang Yi, I have met the leader of the water gang." The cloth-clothed old man cupped his hands and smiled.

"Pang Yi?" Shui Jingfeng was taken aback, as if he had never heard of this name.

"Brother Pang's real name is probably not known by many people." Henry Zhang smiled, and explained to Shui Jingfeng: "Everyone in the rivers and lakes calls Brother Pang a poison doctor with thousands of hands. The poison, the old man is bound to be unable to resist."

"So it's Senior Thousand Hands Doctor, disrespect and disrespect!" Shui Jingfeng was startled.

Thousand-Handed Poison Doctor Pang Yi is a hidden master who has been famous for more than 300 years. It is said that he has already passed away, but he is still alive. He is probably [-] years old.

The Tiandu sect he founded occupies a place in Tianzhou, a place full of wealthy families, so one can imagine how profound its heritage is.

"This old man is also the same as Brother Xiao, the leader of the Shui Gang can be regarded as a position in the sect." Pang Yi laughed.

"Sect Master Pang, be polite." Shui Jingfeng said seriously, although he wanted to maintain the majesty of the Nujiao Gang, but in front of these two hidden seniors whose strength far surpassed him, his aura was naturally much lower .

"I don't know if you come to discuss with me the Nujiao Gang?" Shui Jingfeng changed the subject and asked actively, wanting to confirm the guess in his heart.

Henry Zhang and Pang Yi glanced at each other, both startled.

Seeing this, Shen Lieshuang stepped forward and said: "It seems that the leader of Shui Gang doesn't know about it. There are rumors that three days ago, Han Wushen fought against Bailing Sect's lord Yusheng on the Wutong Mountain in Chu State. In the battle, Yusheng was captured alive.

Now Han Wushen has replaced the ancestor of the Cao family and is known as No.1 in Dongshengzhou.Han Wushen once said that after one month, the Qiantian Palace orthodoxy would be established on Nujiao Island in Yunzhou. "

"What? Is there such a thing?!" Shui Jingfeng's eyes widened.

"Is it really the Young Master?"

"But why don't we know anything about it?"

The other members of the gang were also talking about it.

Seeing that Shui Jingfeng and the others looked bewildered, Shen Lieshuang frowned slightly, and said again:
"Most of the high-ranking fighters in Dongshengzhou are now gathering in the direction of Yuanchang Mansion. I am relatively close to this place. After hearing the news, I came to worship the mountain and find out."

"Maybe Han Wushen forgot to send someone to notify for a while, or the person who came to notify is still on the way." Henry Zhang said.

At the time of the Wutong Mountain battle, he did not go to watch the battle.

Because he has already rebuilt the Seven Evil Realm for the second time, and if he rebuilds it again, it will be the third turn of the pseudo-supernatural power realm.If he went to watch the battle and Han Zhao was defeated and died, he might be targeted by the aristocratic family.

It's just that after learning the news of Han Zhao's victory, Henry Zhang regretted it again.

It would definitely be of great benefit to his cultivation if he came to the scene to watch the battle of the supernatural powers.

So after he got the news, he didn't care about other things, and rushed to Nujiao Island with his disciples, worshiping the mountain first and then talking.

"Maybe." Shui Jingfeng said in disbelief, he was going to send someone to the Qi family's envoy to inquire about the situation and find out the truth.

"No matter what, all distinguished guests will follow me up the mountain to rest for a while, and we should see the result in a few days."

Shui Jingfeng forced a smile, worried that Zhao Zhao would not like the current Nujiao Gang and didn't care about them at all, so he even forgot the notice.

"The old man is bothering you, Master Shui, please!" Henry Zhang clasped his fists and smiled.

A group of people followed Shui Jingfeng to the Nujiao Hall, and entered the hall of the side hall to rest.

Shui Jingfeng came out of the side hall and called a beautiful woman of about 25 six.

"Miss Sizhu, some distinguished guests came to the gang today, you personally choose some smart maids and beauties to greet them, don't neglect them."

"Yes, Chief." Si Zhu bowed and bowed. In 11 years, the little girl who was ignorant and immature has become dignified and capable.

Because Sizhu is Han Zhao's personal maid, after Han Zhao left, she didn't have to serve other people, but was arranged by Shui Jingfeng to train and manage the gang's maids.

After a while, Si Zhu brought in several beautiful maids, and then a dancer.

On that day, Shui Jingfeng entertained the guests in person, and in the evening, he hosted a banquet to entertain everyone.

Two days later, another group of not weak warriors came to worship the mountain.

Shui Jingfeng led the gang to meet him.

When he took a group of people up the mountain, he happened to meet Henry Zhang.

"Brother Li?" Henry Zhang was startled suddenly when he saw an ugly blind old man in the crowd.

Hearing the words, the blind old man tilted his head, his ears moved slightly, and immediately said: "The voice sounds familiar, could it be the Wujue old man from the Wujue sect?"

"Master Xiao knows this senior?" Shui Jingfeng asked.

"Brother Li Feiting Li of Jinglei Sword, 200 years ago, he joined hands with six fellows from the Seven Fiends Realm, and once besieged and killed a first-order envoy of a family. It can be called No. 1 in the Supernatural Realm!" Henry Zhang said seriously.

"Siege and kill the envoy?!" Everyone was shocked.

It is simply a fantasy that the warrior in the Shade Condensation Realm can kill the family's envoy.

"Brother Xiao is serious. Six comrades died one after another in the massacre. Only the old man survived. Compared with Han Wushen, the strength of the old man is not worth mentioning." The blind old man shook his head and sighed.

"Could it be that Brother Li went there in person during the Wutong Mountain battle?" Henry Zhang asked hurriedly.

Li Feiting shook his head.

Henry Zhang looked a little disappointed.

There is no doubt that Han Zhao has become a god of war, his strength is astonishing, but people in the world like to exaggerate, so he wants to know whether Han Zhao is really as powerful as the rumors say, invincible in the world.

"There is a disciple of this old man who is incompetent who happens to be nearby, and he once watched him from a distance." Li Feiting added.

"How?" Henry Zhang was curious.

"Hey, that disciple has just broken through to the Grandmaster Realm, and his realm is not stable. In order to see the battle scene clearly, he had to go to watch the battle within a range of a hundred miles. In the end, his internal organs were injured by the aftermath of Han Wushen's great supernatural power. Now he is recuperating at home."

Li Feiting's words carried a hint of regret.

"The aftermath of the great supernatural power can reach hundreds of miles. How is this possible?!" Henry Zhang was startled, even if he achieved false supernatural powers, the aftermath of the attack may not be able to hurt people a mile away.

Doesn't this mean that Han Zhao's strength is dozens or hundreds of times his strength!
Is there really such a big gap between the Divine Ability Realm and the Concentrating Shade Realm?
"Guys, let's talk in the hall first." Shui Jingfeng suggested seeing the commotion among the gang members.

"Okay. Master Shui, please." Li Feiting said.

A group of people rushed to the side hall of the Nujiao Hall.

As soon as they arrived outside the courtyard of the side hall, they heard a loud noise coming from inside, mixed with faint crying.

A group of people entered the courtyard.

I saw Yun Yang standing in the yard with a gloomy expression, and Su Wuming beside him looked like he was watching a good show.

And a little maid about fifteen or sixteen years old was leaning against Si Zhu's arms, sobbing softly.

Henry Zhang strode forward and asked, "What's going on?!"


Seeing everyone entering, Su Wuming and Yun Yang saluted Henry Zhang respectfully.

"Miss Sizhu, this is?" Shui Jingfeng came to Sizhu and asked in a low voice.

"Returning to Shigong, Senior Brother Yun Yang just pushed this little girl, and she would not let her go and speak rudely." Su Wuming bowed.

"Is that so?" Henry Zhang's face darkened, looking at Yun Yang.

He first came to the Nu Jiao Gang to find an opportunity to make friends with Han Wushen, and before coming, he had to be polite to everyone in the Nu Jiao Gang.

Especially after hearing Li Feiting's report just now, Henry Zhang had a rough expectation of Han Zhao's strength, which changed from admiration to awe.

Although it was just a conflict with a little maid, but the posture must be sufficient, and it must not be justified.

Yunyang glared at Su Wuming, and immediately said: "Returning to Shigong, it is true."

"He lied! They were the ones who spoke ill of the Young Master!" the little girl in Si Zhu's arms cried out.

Henry Zhang said in a deep voice: "Yun Yang! Su Wuming! Is there such a thing?"

"Master, we just said it." Yun Yang wanted to defend himself.

"Shut up!" Henry Zhang snarled and interrupted him.

"They said that the young gang leader was just a mud-legged person, just lucky. I asked them to apologize, but they pushed me and scolded Sizhu sister." The little maid said.

Shui Jingfeng's expression was a little displeased, it's normal for a teenager to be arrogant.

But the two arranged Han Zhao behind their backs and scolded Si Zhu, the nature of the matter was different.

Hearing the words, the other senior members of the Nujiao Gang couldn't help glaring.

"I don't know who this girl is?" Seeing Si Zhu's beauty and seeing Shui Jingfeng's expression was wrong, Henry Zhang stepped forward to ask.

"This is Miss Sizhu, the former personal maid of the Young Gang Master." Shui Jingfeng said.

"What?!" Henry Zhang's eyes narrowed, he thought of the rumors about Han Zhao, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"Master, this disciple knows he's wrong." Seeing that Henry Zhang's expression was wrong, Su Wuming took the lead in admitting his mistake, and he was the one who opened the door just now.

"Disciple knows his mistake." Yun Yang was a little reluctant.

"Stretch out your hand." Henry Zhang sullenly.

"Master?" Yun Yang was taken aback.


Henry Zhang suddenly pulled out the saber of a warrior beside him.

"Stretch out your hand!" Henry Zhang snarled.

"Master?!" Seeing Henry Zhang's seriousness, Yun Yang was instantly frightened.


Just as Yun Yang was about to explain, his right hand broke off from his forearm, and blood spattered.

"Ah!!" Yun Yang clutched his broken arm and let out a shrill scream.He looked in disbelief at the gentle and refined teacher, and couldn't believe that he would do such a trick to him.

"Master?" Su Wuming was also shocked.

"What happened?"

Hearing the screams, Shen Lieshuang, who was drinking tea in the side room, rushed over.

"Yang'er! Who cut off your arm?!"

Seeing that the right arm of her most proud disciple was cut off, Shen Lieshuang was shocked, and quickly sealed his acupuncture point to stop the bleeding.

"Master, save me!" Seeing Henry Zhang's eyes turned to him, Su Wuming hid behind Shen Lieshuang in fright.

He never thought that just a few simple words would lead to such serious consequences.

"Master?!" Shen Lieshuang looked at the gloomy Henry Zhang and the blood-stained long knife in his hand, and was also angry.

"What mistake did Yang'er make? You want to cut off his right arm! All his saber skills are tied to his right hand. You are breaking his way to become a martial artist!"

"Get out of the way!" Henry Zhang raised his knife.

"Master?" Shen Lieshuang was stunned, and sternly said to Su Wuming who was behind him, "What happened?"

"Master, I told Senior Brother Yunyang." Su Wuming was taken aback, and told the whole story truthfully, not daring to hide anything.

"Master! Master! This disciple knows that he is wrong, so don't cut off my arm!"

Su Wuming was so frightened that there was a cry in his voice.

As he spoke, he hurriedly bowed to Si Zhu and the little maid in her arms to apologize.

"I'm the one to die, I'm the one who is cheap! Please forgive me!"

"Shut up!" Henry Zhang saw that he was so unbearable, he stopped him, "If you make a mistake, you will be punished!"

"Master, must it be like this? Can't there be another way of punishment?!" Shen Lieshuang felt that it was absolutely unnecessary to ruin the future of his two genius disciples for the sake of two mere servants.

Cut off the arm, even if it is connected, the future will be greatly affected.

"Master Shui?" Shen Lieshuang looked at Shui Jingfeng, wanting him to smooth things over.

"Actually." Shui Jingfeng was a little embarrassed.


A golden light flickered above the clouds for a moment, and then there was a sound of thunder.

Li Feiting listened to the sound of thunder and felt the thunder aura suddenly active in the void, and said in surprise: "Could it be Han Wushen?!"

"Young leader?!" The senior management of the Nujiao Gang was surprised and delighted, looking up at the sky.

Sizhu's beautiful eyes flickered, she touched her face subconsciously, and straightened her clothes.

A golden sword light rushed out of the clouds.

Everyone saw Jian Guang one moment, and Jian Guang stopped in front of them the next moment.

An elegant man in a green shirt who looked about 30 years old landed in the courtyard surrounded by golden light.

"Pseudo-supernatural powers!" The powerful divine sense of the man in the green shirt swept across the audience, and an amazing possibility emerged in Henry Zhang's mind.

With such a young appearance, even if the other party has good looks, his real age should be under 70 or [-] years old.

"You are? Yu Chongxiao?!" Shen Lieshuang looked at the appearance of the man in the blue shirt and exclaimed.

"Yu Chongxiao?!"

"Second on the dry list!"

"Isn't he the son-in-law of the Cao family?"

The second big name on the Qiantian list, everyone is naturally a thunderous ear.

"You recognize me?" Yu Chongxiao glanced at Shen Lieshuang without any impression.Immediately, he cupped his fists and saluted, looking around the field.

"I am Yu Chongxiao, the true disciple of Han Zhenren who is the head teacher of Qiantian Palace. May I ask who is the substitute leader Shui Jingfeng?"

"Old man Shui Jingfeng, I have met senior." Shui Jingfeng hurriedly stepped forward and said respectfully.

"According to the decree of Master Sect Master, I ordered Master Shui to prepare the Qiantian Palace Ceremony before the eighth day of the next lunar month. I will assist in the whole process, and Master Shui just orders." Yu Chongxiao took out a golden sword token and offered it with both hands.

"I don't know who the master teacher is..." Although Shui Jingfeng was already [-]% sure, he still wanted to make a final confirmation.

"Teacher Daoist respects and taboos Shang Han and Xia Zhao, and once served as the young leader of the Nujiao Gang." Yu Chongxiao was a little puzzled, but he still told the truth.

"What a young master!"

The senior management of the Angry Jiao Gang was overjoyed, and a big stone fell from their hearts.

The young gang leader sent such a strong person to notify, so he would naturally remember his old feelings and would not abandon them, the elders of the gang.

"I would like to obey the order of Master Han, and I will do my best to handle this matter well." Shui Jingfeng knelt down on one knee, and took the token of the golden sword with fanaticism.

After Yu Chongxiao presented the golden sword token, he said again: "I don't know Miss Sizhu, where is old Mr. Yanjing? The head teacher asked me to say hello to the two of you for him, are you all right?"

"Oops!" Henry Zhang, Shen Lieshuang, Su Wuming, and Yun Yang all changed their expressions when they heard Yu Chongxiao mention silk and bamboo.

Now they know the true weight of Han Zhao's name.

The orthodoxy of Qiantian Palace has not yet been established, and every true disciple under his command is a fake supernatural power!

Moreover, Yu Chongxiao is the son-in-law of the Cao family, and he can let the behemoth of the Cao family go. It is conceivable that Han Zhao's strength is strong enough to overwhelm all the aristocratic families in the world.

"My lord still remembers me!" Si Zhu's eyes became hot.

"Reporting Yu Zhenzhuan, Mr. Yan is the alchemist in the gang. Because of his advanced age, he has gone to live in seclusion in the mountains west of Fucheng for the elderly." Shui Jingfeng stepped forward to explain, pointing to the silk and bamboo in the courtyard: "As for Miss Sizhu, this is it."

"I've seen Miss Sizhu." Yu Chongxiao bowed to Sizhu.

"Yu Zhenzhuan is polite." Si Zhu wiped away her tears, and bowed in a bow.

"This is?" Yu Chongxiao noticed the broken arm on the ground, and looked at Shui Jingfeng, "But someone came to make trouble?"

"Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! Master Shui Gang" Henry Zhang's complexion changed, and there was a hint of pleading in his expression looking at Shui Jingfeng.

"This matter is true." Shui Jingfeng told the truth, neither concealing nor embellishing.

"Arranging and teaching real people, you should be beheaded!" Yu Chongxiao's expression turned cold. Although he had only spent a short time together, he was already impressed by Han Zhao's supernatural powers and character.

"What?!" Shen Lieshuang was shocked, he thought it was unnecessary to cut off his arm, but Yu Chongxiao actually wanted to kill someone.

"No! Don't!" Su Wuming was so shocked that he tried to escape in a panic.

"Crack crackle crackle!"

A golden arc cut through the void and hit Su Wuming's right arm.

His entire right arm was broken at the root and turned into powder.

"Ah!" Su Wuming yelled terribly, and immediately fell on his back and passed out.

"The orthodoxy will be established. It is inauspicious to kill people here. Small punishments and big punishments." Yu Chongxiao waved his sleeve robe.

"Thank you Yu Zhenchuan!" Henry Zhang stepped forward to thank him.

Seeing Su Wuming's tragic appearance, Yun Yang, who was originally jealous, felt grateful. Although his arm was broken, at least he could still connect it.

"I" Shen Lieshuang met Yu Chongxiao's glance, and didn't even dare to get angry, and regretted it in her heart. If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have stopped Master from punishing Su Wuming.

Now Su Wuming was completely ruined, but he still saved his life.

Everything is their fault.

Thinking of this, Shen Lieshuang breathed a sigh of relief, and said respectfully: "Thank you, Yu Zhenchuan, for your mercy."

"Go." Yu Chongxiao nodded slightly in response.

"Thank you." Henry Zhang hurriedly greeted the doorman, picked up Yun Yang's severed arm, and then carried Su Wuming away.

The other warriors who looked down upon the strength of the Angry Jiao Gang were also silent at the moment. Under Yu Chongxiao's gaze, they all lowered their heads and put away the last bit of pride in their hearts.

And the faces of the members of the Nu Jiao Gang turned red, and they were so excited that they almost cheered.

Although these masters did not do anything extraordinary when they came to the Nujiao Gang, the sense of superiority in their bones made them disgusted.

Today, it gave them a hard time.

The Nujiao Gang has a relationship with Qiantian Palace and Han Zhao, not to mention walking sideways in Wei State, at least in the whole Yunzhou, no one dares to provoke them.

In just over a dozen days, tens of thousands of warriors and their families rushed into Yuanchang Prefecture to rest temporarily.

As for the low-level martial artists who heard the news and rushed to watch the ceremony, as well as people with good deeds, there were as many as tens of thousands.

This made the originally empty Yuanchang City suddenly lively.

In a very short period of time, all the inns in Yuanchang Prefecture were full, and even the prices of fruits and vegetables doubled.

Some warriors had nowhere to rest, or went to dwelling houses, or camped outside the city.

The gathering of so many warriors at once shocked the city lord. Although he had already got the news from above, he didn't know that the warriors were so fanatical.

Most of the warriors naturally wanted to establish a relationship with Qiantian Palace, but there were still some daring and malicious people who just wanted to take this opportunity to gain some benefits.

So the sudden surge in theft cases in the city caused some commotion.

Thanks to Yunzhou City's transfer of more than 5 Ziyan troops to assist Fucheng in maintaining law and order, the situation was completely stabilized.

"It was the era of the heyday of martial arts thousands of years ago. I'm afraid it wasn't such a grand occasion. It's really unprecedented!"

Standing on the top of the city, the leaders of the martial arts academy couldn't help sighing as they looked at the messy tents outside the city and the streets full of people coming and going in the city.

The month of January is over.

The establishment ceremony will be held in the Nujiao Hall.

With the concerted efforts of tens of thousands of members of the Nujiao Gang, the entire Nujiao Island has been transformed. The Jianghu gang headquarters, which originally had a trace of gangster spirit, is now a paradise on earth full of fairy spirit.

Nu Jiao Island has a radius of tens of thousands of miles, so it is naturally huge, but it also becomes crowded with tens of thousands of warriors gathered at one time.

Fortunately, Yu Chongxiao was deterred by absolute force, so no one dared to make trouble.

Now not only the Nujiao Island, but also a large number of ships are parked around the entire island.

"This Nujiao Island can be regarded as the largest island at the mouth of the Nanzhan Sea. I never expected that there would be such a crowded day."

A young martial artist sitting on the boat sighed.

His strength is low, and he came late, so he can only watch the grand ceremony of Qiantian Palace from a distance on the boat.

It's just that from such a long distance, how can we see the ceremony of the central mountain range of Nujiao Island.

"We can only hope for the final initiation ceremony."

Another martial artist was full of hope that after the ceremony, Qiantian Palace would recruit more disciples, even if he entered Qiantian Palace as a handyman, it would be more powerful than apprenticeship to a master.


While everyone was discussing, there was a sudden humming sound above the clouds.

The glare of gold and white colors penetrated the clouds and filled the sea area.

"Look at the sky!"

Not knowing who spoke first, everyone looked up at the sky.

I saw the aura of heaven and earth in the vicinity quickly gathering above the clouds, surging like a tidal wave.

Under the glare of gold and white, a majestic palace of heaven that cannot be seen at a glance slowly descends from the clouds.

The boundless and vast air is rolling in, as if this Tiangong has existed since ancient times.

The heavenly palace is shining with golden light, and there is a faint sense of fairy music in it.

"My God!"

"what is that?!"

"There is a palace in the sky!"

Everyone looked up at the sky and their eyes widened.

"Is this "Xuanying from outside the sky"? "

Not to mention the low-level warriors, even those high-level warriors all had red eyes.

"The whole palace is "Xuan Ying from the Outsider of Heaven"! ! "Yu Chongxiao's imperial envoy Fei Jian came to the bottom of the Tiangong, looking a little dazed.

No wonder the real person in charge said that the guarantee would allow him to cultivate to rank nine pseudo-supernatural powers.

Originally, he was still thinking that although Nujiao Island is a big place, it is still a bit shabby as the dojo of Qiantian Palace.

Now it seems that poverty really limited his imagination.

With so many "Xuanying from outside the sky", they might be able to practice a great supernatural power before going through the supernatural catastrophe.

"Today, the Taoist lineage of Qiantian Palace will be established, so many comrades came to congratulate, Han is very grateful."

An ethereal voice came from the vast heavenly palace, it was not loud, but it echoed in everyone's ears.

"Meet the real Han!"

Although everyone couldn't see Han Zhao's expression, almost all the warriors bowed in the direction of Tiangong in salute.

Just as everyone was waiting for Han Zhao to appear, a crimson crescent moon suddenly appeared above the sky.

An extremely suppressed breath descended from the sky.

"If you want to establish a moral order, let me see how many people can survive!"

A cold and deep voice suddenly resounded through the sky.

Above the majestic Tiangong, a huge mountain-like palm suddenly fell, with the momentum of Mount Tai, it seemed that it wanted to knock Tiangong down with one palm.


The faces of the warriors all changed, this palm seemed to have the power to destroy the world, and before it fell, everyone felt a burst of fear.

"Puff puff!"

A golden sword light shot out from the White Jade Heavenly Palace. The next moment, this sword light turned into ten, ten into hundreds, and in an instant, more than ten thousand scattered across the entire sky.

Before the big hand that covered the sky touched the Tiangong, it was shot into a sieve by the sword light, and finally smashed into pieces. The power of the magic weapon contained in it was also dissipated without any drop.

"Since Fellow Daoist Hongyue is here, why hide your head and show your tail?" Han Zhao's voice came from the Heavenly Palace.

"A mere junior, you actually want to be equal to me!" A hurricane rose above the clouds, stirring up all the clouds and spiritual energy in the sky.



Tens of thousands of warriors were horrified.

The scene in front of them could almost be called the shadow of their whole life.

A gigantic giant with a height of [-] meters stretched across the sky, and its thousands of arms almost made the sun and the moon dim.

"Red Moon?!"

"The Great Sage of the Red Moon?!"

"Holy Lord!"

At this time, the senior officials of the family who came to participate in the celebration were also shocked.

"Holy Lord Red Moon came to the source world in person?!"

"Is he crazy?"

The upper echelons of the aristocratic family didn't expect the Red Moon Great Sage to be so crazy and to do so.

Isn't he afraid of death?

"Since there are so many villains, Han has no choice but to measure the supernatural powers of fellow Taoists." Han Zhao's calm voice came out of Tiangong.


The multi-armed demon swung ten mountain-like majestic fists, and the shadows of the fists that covered the sky and the sun came crashing down.

(End of this chapter)

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