Chapter 247 Slay the Great Sage! (medium cup)
The huge fist shadows were densely packed, like a big impenetrable net, the sky above the entire Nu Jiao Island was suddenly covered with a layer of shadow, and it became dark in an instant.

Facing the glorious heavenly power, the warriors below felt that they were as small as an ant, and their hearts were cold. They could only place all their hopes on Han Zhao.

"Tips for carving insects."

Han Zhao's voice came from the Heavenly Palace, and the warriors' lost minds suddenly found some comfort at this time.


Almost at the same time, the sound of raging waves appeared above the Baiyu Tiangong.

As the first vortex with a radius of less than one mile appeared out of thin air, one after another vortex spread over the top of the entire Baiyu Tiangong in a very short time, and then quickly connected to the city, forming an incomparably huge mana vortex.

From a distance, it looks like the sky has been pierced, and the water of the Tianhe River pours down.

"Puff puff!"

All over the sky hit the mana vortex, making a dense muffled sound, and then disappeared without a trace.

The mana vortex seemed to have an invisible suction force, and those fist shadows outside its range were also sucked in by it, completely disappearing.

"Hmph!" Seeing Han Zhao lightly catching his move, the Holy Lord of the Red Moon couldn't help snorting coldly.

Seeing that an attack of this level would not work, Holy Master Red Moon directly used divine weapons and stopped probing.


He patted Tianling, and a crimson crescent moon rose from behind his head, filling the sky with red light.


Just being illuminated by this red light, the warrior below felt an overwhelming pressure falling down, his chest was blocked, and his brain was about to explode.

The warriors also had no idea of ​​watching the battle, and sat down cross-legged, using their true energy and strength to protect their bodies, and firmly blocked the erosion of the peripheral vision of the power of the magic weapon.

Only a very small number of highly cultivated martial saints in the Condensation Realm and the children of snake-level aristocratic families can resist the power of the divine soldiers while looking up at the sky and observing the direction of the battle.

Under the infusion of the light of the divine weapon, the originally ferocious demon body of the Red Moon Great Sage shrank a lot.

From an indomitable giant of [-] meters to less than a thousand meters, the power on his body became stronger and stronger as his size shrunk.

A layer of red film-like horny shield formed on the surface of the demon body, completely covering his entire body.


The Great Sage Red Moon jumped down, and hundreds of fists all rushed towards Baiyu Tiangong.

This time it is no longer the shadow of the fist, but the body blessed by the power of the divine weapon.


The fist made bursts of explosions in the space, and strips of black bands remained in the void. These bands were quickly torn apart, revealing dark cracks. Amazing suction.

The power of one blow directly tore apart the space.

Faced with such an attack, Han Zhao in the White Jade Heavenly Palace suddenly flew out surrounded by a golden light.

A golden body of Dharma Aspect with a whole body of red gold emerged, and this Dharma Aspect exuded an astonishing spiritual pressure from its whole body.

As soon as it emerged, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the void poured in like a wave, forming a series of golden spirit patterns on its body surface.

Faxiang's golden body soared against the wind, and soon became as towering as a mountain.

A layer of lavender radiance dyed the whole body of the red golden Dharma-gold body into purple-gold, adding a bit of murderous aura to the originally vast and boundless aura.

The three-headed and six-armed Faxiang golden body originally had his eyes tightly closed, but when faced with the power of the divine soldiers falling down with overwhelming momentum, he suddenly opened his eyes, glared angrily, and turned into Fudo Mingwang!
The six arms were struck out together, the spirit pattern formed by the aura of heaven and earth in the void exploded, and six invisible giant forces shot up into the sky.

With a sound of "boom", purple gold and scarlet light scattered all over the sky, and the Red Moon Great Sage stretched out with all his arms. The terrifying supernatural power that could hit a heavy blow even at the third level of supernatural power was forced back abruptly by Han Zhao.

If it weren't for the suppression of the power of the realm, even if Han Zhao's supernatural power was far superior to the same level, he would never have taken it so easily.

Of course, with just this move, the Great Sage of the Red Moon knew that the rumors did not exaggerate Han Zhao's supernatural powers at all.

The scarlet crescent behind the Red Moon Great Sage is a masterpiece of brilliance.

Originally, he just wanted to take advantage of Han Zhao's establishment of the orthodoxy and when Wan Xiu came to congratulate him, he pretended to deal with Han Zhao, and then took the opportunity to wipe out most of the warrior's vitality at once.

In this way, for at least one or two hundred years, there will be a gap between the old and the new warriors, which will greatly delay the day when the martial arts prosperity will come again.

It's just that, as a demon lord, he was already known for his physical strength, but he was absolutely unacceptable to be forced back by a human race using body training exercises.

Under an earth-shattering bang, the Red Moon Great Sage waved thousands of arms, and the majestic force forcefully crushed the void.

Dozens of his arms burst open under the tremendous force, and the cyan blood of the demon and the black devil energy soared into the sky.

However, the Great Sage Red Moon didn't care about his injuries, because the golden body of the Fudo Ming King Faxiang in front of Han Zhao was covered with bruises, six arms were broken at the root, and most of his body was eroded by the power of divine soldiers and demonic energy. The golden spirit pattern quickly dimmed, looking like it was about to collapse.

Even with the supplement of heaven and earth spiritual energy, the golden body of Fudo Myoyo can only recover at a slow speed.

The radiance of the crescent soldier behind the head of the Red Moon Great Sage flowed, and the light of the divine soldier quickly spread all over the body, and the dozens of arms that had just been squeezed by the huge force recovered instantly in the brilliance.

"Junior of the human race, if you want to hold back against me, you are courting death!"

The Great Sage Red Moon sneered, he knew that Han Zhao still had a Nirvana true magic figure that hadn't been dispatched yet.

In the battle of Bailingzong, although they, the holy masters and heavenly beings, did not make a move, all the holy masters and heavenly beings, including the Nine Great Caves, paid attention to the result of the battle.

At this time, the Great Sage of the Red Moon dared to risk the suppression of the power of the realm to let the main body descend, and it was also because of the battle of Bailingzong that all of Han Zhao's trump cards were exposed.

No matter how powerful the magical powers and secret techniques are, as long as you know the details, you can find a way to deal with them.

"As you wish." Han Zhao smiled lightly, and a Nirvana true magic figure with three heads and six arms appeared behind him.

The devilish energy soared into the sky, the devilish energy was massive, but it was not sinister, but extremely pure.

"Being able to cultivate demon skills to such a level, you can be called No. 1 in all ages."

Red Moon Great Sage's expression froze.

He had to admit that even if he was the lord of demons, he couldn't condense such a pure form of true magic.

"Thank you for the compliment." Han Zhao said indifferently, Nirvana's true magic fit together, and Fudo Mingwang's law merged into one.

The power and demon energy that originally affected the recovery of Fudo Mingwang's golden body were also rapidly dissipating.

"Unfortunately, you were born into the wrong race. This seat will send you into reincarnation!" The Red Moon Holy Master was full of murderous aura. If Han Zhao was a demon, he would definitely devote himself to cultivating him.It's a pity that he is a human race or a warrior, so he must die!
"It's hard to say who will die."

While speaking, Han Zhao's golden body of Fudo Ming Wang Dharma Xiang finally recovered completely.

The Buddha and the devil are one body, incarnated as a six-headed and twelve-armed figure holding the sky.

"The ten directions will be destroyed!"

On the half-Buddha, half-demon face, the golden body of the dharma figure with eyes slightly closed opened their eyes in unison.

Han Zhao once again performed the strongest move of the top ten martial arts through the integration of Buddha and demon.


The spiritual energy of heaven and earth in a radius of thousands of miles quickly gathered towards Han Zhao's Dharma image, and the gold and silver spiritual patterns flashed.

However, in the face of such momentum, the Holy Lord of the Red Moon stood still, and the crescent soldier flew high, and as his thousands of arms swung and spun like wheels, the scarlet crescent soldier turned into a As a full moon, the entire sun's rays are covered.

"The red moon is coming!"

Red moonlight replaced daylight.

The body of the Great Sage Red Moon was absorbed into that round of full moon with a whoosh.

As the red full moon spun, a strange fluctuation rippled in the sky.

Although Han Zhao was under the protection of the Dharma Prime Minister's golden body, he still felt chills in his heart, a very familiar feeling!

"This is the power to destroy the rules!" The Dragon Blade flew out of the mysterious spirit battle box behind him and landed in his palm, and Xuan Yi's voice followed.

"Destruction rules?!"

Han Zhao's pupils tightened.

"I didn't expect that the Great Sage of Red Moon would comprehend the power of destroying the rules! His cultivation is probably close to the completion of the third-order holy master. Even if he is suppressed by the power of the realm, he can still exert the power that is infinitely close to the heavenly man. "Xuan Yi's voice was extremely dignified.

"Even if you are suppressed by the power of the boundary, it will be easy for me to kill you."

The indifferent voice of the Red Moon Great Sage came out.

"If you dodge this blow, more than [-]% of the fighters below will die."

Although his voice was not loud, it resounded through everyone's hearts, shaking people's minds and sending chills all over their bodies.


"I don't want to die!"

The words of the Great Sage Red Moon frightened the warriors to death. They came to participate in the grand festival of martial arts, not to die.

Even the children of the aristocratic families who came to participate in the ceremony greeted the eighteen generations of the ancestors of the Red Moon Great Sage. Obviously, the opponent's attack was an indiscriminate attack.

Even a first-level military envoy may not be able to resist such a terrifying power of magic weapon rules, not to mention that their strongest is only the snake level.


As the voice of the Great Sage Red Moon sounded again, there was only the light of the divine weapon covering the sky and the earth, and the red glow occupied everything.

Before the light of the magic soldier fell, the low-level warriors lost their minds and fell on their backs.

At this time, Han Zhao did not choose to dodge, but held up the Dragon Blade to meet the enemy head-on.

In an instant, the spiritual energy of the surrounding world fluctuated violently, and all the spiritual energy gathered by the destruction of the ten directions gathered into the dragon blade.

A huge spiritual vortex appeared in the sky, and the white light pierced a big hole in the red sky formed by the light of the divine soldier.

The aura of heaven and earth suddenly violently turbulent, rolled up, blue, yellow, red, black, white, the power of the five elements formed a dense array of spirit patterns, and then the two qi of yin and yang and the power of three oddities rushed into the dragon blade together with the aura of the five elements. middle.

A black awn soared into the sky, instantly tearing apart the sky formed by the light of the divine soldier.

The next moment, the sky was bright, and all the red lights were absorbed into the red full moon. A new moon-like edge came first, and collided head-on with the destructive rule blade of the magic dragon blade!

The warriors who had lost their minds regained their sanity and looked up.

The two colors of red and black occupied the sky that had just been restored to light, and the whole sky trembled under the earth-shattering loud noise.

When everyone regained their vision, they saw that Han Zhao's body, which was a combination of Buddha and demon, had lost his upper body, and the remaining part was covered with cracks and was constantly collapsing.

And the full moon was still high in the sky.

The two judged each other.

In particular, Han Zhao's originally powerful aura was weakening at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the golden light cluster surrounding his body had completely dissipated like water waves.

"It's over!"

The warriors fell into despair.

"Sure enough, the power of the same rule, the Holy Master is still much stronger than the Supernatural Realm." Han Zhao looked up at Hongyue calmly, his whole body's mana had been completely exhausted by the move just now.

Although [Persistent God of War] replenished his mana in an instant, the remaining power of the rules of destruction was eroding his body, and bursts of severe pain spread throughout his body.

Of course, this bit of pain didn't affect him very much.

"I said before, even if there is power from the realm to suppress it." The voice of the Red Moon Great Sage came from the full moon.

"You talk too much." Han Zhao mentioned the Dragon Blade again.

An undetectable group of white light lit up on the knife body.

Immediately afterwards, this ball of white light illuminated the entire sky in a very short time.


A sky-piercing white sword light lit up, and Han Zhao attached all the demon-slaying light all over his body to it.

The Demon Dragon Blade turned into a ferocious nightmare dragon, surrounded by a white sword light, soaring into the sky.

"You still have the power to use the power of the rules of destruction with the help of the Houtian Lingbao? But so what?" The Great Sage of the Red Moon sneered.

The red light on the red full moon shone again, as if to disperse the white light.


However, the light of the white blade dispelled the light of the magic weapon released by the red full moon, and hit the red full moon's body in an instant.

"The result is still the same! Ah—! This is the power of nirvana!!!"

Bai Guang approached the body, and the Great Sage of Red Moon suddenly let out an earth-shattering scream.

This knife destroys the rules and adds 5000 years of nirvana power!
It was the first time for Han Zhao to use the Kurong style in the supernatural powers realm.

The nightmare dragon incarnate by the dragon blade hit the red full moon.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, a crack appeared on the red full moon.

The next moment, the red full moon turned into a scarlet crescent again.

The Great Sage of the Red Moon reappeared, but his originally lively and powerful demon body was covered with cuts and bruises, and most of his body exuded a rotten breath.

"Run away!" Seeing the Demon Dragon Blade turned into a Nightmare Dragon and flew back to Han Zhao's hand again, the Red Moon Great Sage showed a look of horror.

One more blow and he might be dead.

The scarlet crescent flew back into the mind of the Great Sage Red Moon, and the next moment, the devilish energy around him shot up into the sky, turning into a huge ray of light, and fled through the air into the distance.

Every time the black light flickers, it will be several miles apart.

"Hmph!" Han Zhao snorted coldly.

The Great Sage Red Moon in the distant black light suddenly stopped as if struck by lightning, and the sound of roaring tigers and dragons rang in his head.

The Baizhang Wumang came in an instant!

The Great Sage of the Red Moon roared furiously up to the sky, waved his giant arm to block, and a suffocating and terrifying aura enveloped the sky.

However, the next moment, purple-gold chains appeared in the void, tightening his figure.

"Ah!" The Red Moon Great Sage who wanted to desperately was suppressed by the power of the realm, and thousands of arms were smashed to pieces by the power of the dragon blade's destructive rules.

In an instant, a huge mountain-like head soared into the sky, surrounded by the red light of a scarlet crescent moon, and disappeared into the void after a few flashes.

"Evil dragon! You don't keep your word!"

The Red Moon Great Sage disappeared completely, and the shrill cry followed.

Han Zhao's figure appeared at the place where the Red Moon Great Sage's body was.

He glanced at the place where the Great Sage Red Moon disappeared for the last time, but didn't chase after him.

Although it was not completely exterminated, most of the monster's strength was in its physical body. Except for the head, the other body parts remained, so it was not so easy to recover.

When Red Moon Great Sage fully recovered his strength, Han Zhao didn't cultivate to the perfection of Heaven and Human Realm, so he was lazy.

[The proficiency of 'Dou Zhan Spirit Body' has increased! 】

['Dou Zhan Spirit Body' quality improved! 】

【Fighting Spirit Body】→【Fighting Holy Body】

[Fighting Holy Physique]: Platinum entry;

The desire to fight is in your blood, you are a born warrior;
At every critical moment of life and death, you have a certain probability of breaking through;

Every time you survive a serious injury, you have a certain probability to have a new understanding of martial arts
(Proficiency upgrade entries can be obtained through battle, golden unlimited entries)
Unexpectedly, this battle allowed [Dou Zhan Spirit Body] to evolve into [Du Zhan Holy Body]. Although the effect seems to have not changed, Han Zhao's little mana has been fully recovered and is still growing.

Originally, it had only been a month for him to break through the second level of supernatural powers, and his realm was not stable. Now not only is his realm completely stable, but he has also taken a big step forward.

The originally somewhat empty body directly surpassed its peak state.

At this time, a dazzling purple light suddenly shot out from Han Zhao's body.

It's like purple air coming from the east, it's indescribable, full of mysterious and powerful aura.

[The proficiency of 'Swinging Demon God' has increased! 】

[The quality of 'Swinging Demon God' has been improved! 】

【Warrior God of War】→【True Martial God】

[Zhenwu Destroying Demons]: Platinum entry; demons are rampant, and the world is suffering.The magic blade of the magic weapon, covering the world.

Reflected by the light of the demon, when you face a demon whose realm is lower than your own, the damage of the demon's power to you will be reduced by [-]%;
Reflected by the light of swaying demons, when you face a celestial demon whose realm is equal to your own, the damage caused by the power of celestial demon to you will be reduced by [-]%;

Your supernatural power is increased by [-]% in all aspects.

Reflected by the light of swaying demons, when you face a celestial demon whose realm is higher than your own, the damage caused by the power of celestial demon to you will be reduced by [-]%;
Your supernatural power is increased by [-]% in all aspects.

(The current entry has reached the upper limit and cannot be upgraded)

"The Great Sage Red Moon is really a loyal person!"

Looking at the effect of the improved [True Martial Demon] entry, Han Zhao couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Seeing that he founded the Qiantian Palace orthodoxy, he sent such a great gift.

Han Zhao can only reunite him with his body as soon as possible.

Chi Chi Chi!
With a wave of Han Zhao's sleeve robe, the innate sharp gold energy that filled the sky smashed the remnant body and arms of the Red Moon Great Sage.

Immediately afterwards, he waved his sleeve robe again, and the blood of the demon and a large amount of Yin Qi were sucked into the Qiantian Junyang Pot in his sleeve.

After doing all this, Han Zhao looked into the sky: "Since fellow Taoist is here, why do you need to hide?"

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Han really has amazing supernatural powers, and his divine sense is so strong that he might catch up with heaven and man. I didn't expect that you can't hide this from you!"

A man wrapped in golden armor appeared.

With the appearance of the man in the golden armor, the aura of heaven and earth above the entire Nujiao Island gathered towards him like a whirlpool.

"Heaven and Man?" Han Zhao frowned.

"Fellow Daoist Han really has sharp eyesight." The man in golden armor smiled.

"Do you also want to try Han's supernatural power?" Han Zhao raised the dragon blade in his hand, pointing the blade at the other side.

The man in the golden armor shook his head and said, "You are joking, Fellow Daoist Han. This old man is a casual cultivator, and he is not familiar with the Great Sage of the Red Moon, so why would he become an enemy of Fellow Daoist Han because of him?"

"Do you think I'll believe it?" Han Zhao was expressionless, but his aura was rising.

"Since Fellow Daoist Han doesn't welcome me, I can only leave." The golden armored man shook his head and laughed, and disappeared into the void under Han Zhao's gaze, before disappearing completely.

Seeing the opponent leave, Han Zhao put away the Demon Dragon Blade and flew back to the White Jade Immortal Palace above Nujiao Island.

Deathly silence!

After a brief silence, everyone was boiling!

"Han Zhenren's supernatural powers are unrivaled in the world, and he is invincible in the source world!"

The warriors below looked at Han Zhao above, who looked like a god, and cheered loudly.

Soon everyone shouted in unison:

"Martial God!"

"Martial God!"

"Martial God!"

The warriors roared out with all their qi and strength.

Including those veteran martial saints who have been famous for a long time, everyone's expression is almost crazy.

Under the attention of all the people, Han Zhao actually beheaded a demon lord with a few simple strokes. If it wasn't for another celestial being, the demon lord would be destroyed in body and spirit.

Warriors have survived for thousands of years under the oppression of the aristocratic family, and the appearance of a warrior god is not enough to reverse the weakness of the entire warrior group.

However, all the warriors present today believed from the bottom of their hearts that Han Zhao's appearance would truly lead the warriors back to the top.

The thousand-year-old night of martial arts was slashed by Han Zhao.

When will the warrior stand up?
Just today!

The warriors seemed to want to completely vent their grievances for many years at this moment, and the roaring roar continued for a long time.

This time, Han Zhao did not interrupt.

The children of the aristocratic families who were present suddenly felt a sense of being surrounded by warriors.

Not because of the number of people, but because of the courage.

"It's really a lie to exchange one between heaven and man. He even hides his strength?"

Above the clouds, Qi Qingchan who came to watch the ceremony had a complicated expression.

(End of this chapter)

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