Chapter 248: Everyone Returns!Qiantiangongli! (medium cup)
The cheers that shook the sky lasted for a long time, and finally stopped by coincidence.

Han Zhao glanced at Yu Chongxiao below, and nodded at him.

Yu Chongxiao saluted respectfully, and immediately rose into the air, and said to the warriors below, "Congratulations!"

"Congratulations to Han Zhenren for advancing to supernatural powers, let's celebrate!"

Tens of thousands of warriors below paid homage to Han Zhao above the clouds at the same time as if they had been rehearsed in advance.

Although the disciples of the aristocratic family did not pay homage, they all saluted respectfully and lowered their proud heads in the past.

At this time, Han Zhao had already returned to the Heavenly Palace.

The White Jade Heavenly Palace hanging high in the clouds slowly descends.

With a wave of his sleeves, clusters of light golden mist drifted out from the hall of the White Jade Heavenly Palace.

With the breeze blowing, these pale golden mist drifted downwards, and soon enveloped the Nu Jiao Island with a radius of ten thousand li.

"This is?"

"What a powerful vitality!"

"This is "Dry Sky Essence Qi"! ! ! "

After the warriors inhaled the light golden mist, they immediately felt comfortable all over their bodies. Some warriors who had hidden injuries in their bodies suddenly found that their internal injuries recovered at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye.

Even the high-ranking warriors found signs of loosening the stagnant bottleneck.

And the children of the aristocratic family who had participated in the trial of Qiantian Palace also immediately recognized the pale golden mist as the "Qiantian Essence" they were desperately fighting for.

"Everyone who came here from thousands of miles away to participate in the Qiantian Palace's establishment ceremony, a little "Qiantian essence", and a little bit of the friendship of the landlord, I hope you will not be disgusted. "

Han Zhao sat cross-legged on the Tiangong, and smiled at the people below.

"Thank you, Daoist Han!"

"Han Zhenren Gao Yi!"

Although the warriors below already had guesses in their hearts, they were still shocked by Han Zhao's generosity.

The reason why most of the warriors in Dongshengzhou rushed to Nujiao Island to participate in the ceremony with their families was because they wanted to see Han Zhao's true face, and see what the legendary warrior god who survived the supernatural catastrophe in the source world looked like. Sample.

Secondly, they were also attracted by the grand ceremony of the Qiantian Palace, and wanted to worship under the Martial God's sect.

Of course, the most important thing is that becoming a true disciple of Qiantian Palace can obtain "Qiantian Jingqi".

If there is enough "Qiantian Jingqi", the probability of high-level martial saints achieving false supernatural powers will be greatly increased.

It's just that the warriors are not without concerns. Those who stand high above the clouds are often the same.

The supernatural powers of warriors, military envoys and spirit emissaries of aristocratic families are essentially existences that transcend mortals.

Although Han Zhao is at the supernatural power level of martial arts, he may not be at the supernatural power level of a warrior. He can still exploit and suppress warriors just like a wealthy family to make profits for himself.

The aristocratic family is absolutely willing to pay more to win him over.

However, Han Zhao's generosity at the moment completely dispelled the last doubts in the hearts of the warriors.

A great martial artist who can share all the "Qian Tian Jing Qi" at the ceremony of establishing the clan will never join forces with the aristocratic family and squeeze the warriors together for self-interest.

At this moment, all the warriors present were breathing in the "dry sky essence" floating in the air.

Apart from the sound of breathing, there is no other sound in this space.

"If I knew that I should have squeezed my head, I should have squeezed it in the middle!"

"It's too far away, so I don't get much "Qiantian Jingqi"! "

At this moment, some warriors on the outermost ship of Nujiao Island were extremely annoyed.

As soon as they finished speaking, they found that the light golden mist falling in the sky moved a little towards their position.

"Thank you, Daoist Han!"

The warriors were stunned for a moment, they didn't expect such whispers to be discovered by Han Zhenren, they were overjoyed, but also shivered, and hurriedly paid homage to Han Zhao in the Heavenly Palace.

"It's really a big deal!" In the crowd, Cao Xuan, the messenger of the Cao family, stared at the "Qian Tian Jing Qi" that filled the sky, dazed.

They spent more than a month collecting the "Qiantian Essence" in Qiantian Palace, which is less than one percent of what is floating in the sky at this moment.

"That's right." Cao Wuyu, who was breathing deeply, suddenly stopped, and said sadly, "I participated in the Zhongzhou Trial with him back then, just 11 years ago, it seems like a lifetime ago."

Cao Zhengchun, the chief manager of the Cao family who followed the two, was also speechless for a long time. Back then, he followed Cao Xuan and wanted to exchange Han Zhao to join the Cao family with a three-orifice golden pill.

When Han Zhao refused, they all thought that he thought too much of himself.

Now it seems that it is really the sparrow that knows the ambition of Kunpeng.

As a martial artist, Cao Zhengchun was convinced by Han Zhao at this moment.

"The auspicious time has come, and the grand ceremony for the founding of Qiantian Palace begins." Yu Chongxiao said loudly when the day passed.

As soon as Yu Chongxiao finished speaking, there were bursts of Sanskrit sounds above the Heavenly Palace, and a clear cry came from above the clouds.

I saw a huge ice phoenix hundreds of meters high flying from the west, surrounded by spirit birds, like a hundred birds facing the phoenix.

"That's a Phoenix?!"

"And Qingluan! Kunpeng!"

"Five-color peacock! Three-legged Golden Crow?!"

Such a magnificent scene can not help but amaze everyone.

Although high-ranking fighters and masters of aristocratic families can recognize that most of the spirit birds around Bingfeng are virtual images, even if they are virtual images, their mana power is comparable to false supernatural powers.

It was said that Han Zhao had an affair with the previous head of the Bailing Sect. Now that the Qiantian Palace is setting up the sect, Yu Xuanji not only came to congratulate him in person, but also brought so many spirits from heaven and earth. It seems that this is absolutely true.

Bingfeng stopped outside the Baiyu Tiangong, and the heaven and earth spirit birds she brought circled the Tiangong and hovered above the sky.

In a cloud of icy blue light, Bingfeng manifested into a beautiful woman in a silver shirt, it was Yu Xuanji.

"I've met Fellow Daoist Han." Yu Xuanji still had a cool and elegant appearance.

Seeing this, Han Zhao drove a ball of white light and came to Yu Xuanji: "Daoist Xuanji, you're being polite."

Before the Lizong ceremony, he sent someone to send invitations to invite Yu Xuanji to come to the ceremony, but she never replied. Han Zhao thought she would not come, but he did not expect to make a big scene.

Noticing the strong mana fluctuations remaining in the void, Han Zhao's aura seemed to be somewhat similar to what he had been in Bailingzong before, and Yu Xuanji's cold eyes showed a hint of concern.

"Did you fight someone just now?"

Han Zhao waved his sleeve robe lightly, and smiled faintly: "There are evil guests, but I have already killed them."

"En." Yu Xuanji nodded slightly, then looked aside.

At this time, Yan Buhuan came to Yuxuan's machine, saluted Han Zhao respectfully, and said loudly:
"To celebrate the joy of Han Zhenren's advancement of supernatural powers, Bailingzong specially presented five colored peacock feathers, wishing Han Zhenren's infinite supernatural powers and longevity."

Yu Xuanji pointed at the top of the Heavenly Palace, and the lifelike five-color peacock fluttered its wings and circled down. When it was about to fall into the Heavenly Palace, the five-color halo of blue, yellow, red, black, and white flowed. The feathers that turned into five swords fell towards Han Zhao.

Han Zhao waved his sleeve robe, and five three-foot feathers fell into his palm.

"Good weight!"

Han Zhao felt his hand sinking, as if he was holding down five hills, if he hadn't made great achievements in physical training, he might not be able to hold it for a while.

Among the feathers, the power of the five elements circulates and circulates.

"Five-color peacock true blood?" Han Zhao couldn't believe that Yu Xuanji gave such a generous gift.

Yu Xuanji nodded slightly: "This is transformed by a drop of true blood left by a five-colored peacock in the realm of heaven and man in ancient times when it crossed the catastrophe."

"It's also one of the eyes of the Myriad Spirit Formation." Yan Buhuan added.

Yu Xuanji gave him a sideways look.

Yan Bu still lowered her head.

Han Zhao was startled when he heard the words, waved his hands and said, "This thing is too expensive, I can't accept it."

"The martial arts will you condense lacks the five-colored peacock's true blood to be able to communicate with spirits. This thing is just right." Yu Xuanji said seriously.

"But. Good! I accept this item." Han Zhao pondered for a moment and decided to accept it.

Martial arts will and warriors are one, the stronger the martial arts will, the easier it is to comprehend the power of rules after reaching the Heavenly Human Realm.For ancient warriors, tempering the will of martial arts is the most important thing.

"Today is the grand ceremony for the founding of Qiantian Palace. Bailingzong wants to form an alliance with Qiantian Palace. I wonder what Master Han wants?" Yu Xuanji changed the topic.

"So, very good!" Han Zhao smiled and nodded.

"Sect Master Yu, please take your seat."

Yu Xuanji drove the Dunguang and flew towards the main hall of Tiangong.

"Let her take the lead! Xuan Ming, hurry up!" Qi Qingchan didn't expect Yu Xuanji to move so fast, and hurriedly urged Qi Xuanming who followed.

After Qi Yuntian turned back from Qiantian Palace, he practiced in seclusion and absorbed the "Qiantian essence", so this time only Qi Xuanming followed.

"Yes, aunt." Hearing this, Qi Xuanming sent the spiritual weapon flying sword to the Tiangong.

"The Qi family congratulates Zhenren Han on his advanced supernatural powers. To celebrate the founding ceremony of the Qiantian Palace, the Qi family will present two hundred catties of the 5000-year-old 'Star Pattern Gold Crystal' as a congratulatory gift."

Qi Xuanming took out a three-foot-square gift box from the Sumeru bag, and offered it with both hands.

"Star pattern gold crystal?!" Han Zhao frowned. This star pattern gold crystal is the top refining material for refining spirit treasures, and it is 5000 years old, enough to be used to refine spirit treasure level alchemy furnaces.

This great gift is not inferior to the drop of five-colored peacock's true blood that Yu Xuanji sent.

Han Zhao saluted Qi Qingchan in the distance.

Yu Chongxiao on the side stepped forward, took the gift, and then went to lure Qi Xuanming and Qi Qingchan into the Heavenly Palace.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a green robe came to Han Zhao's place with a light in his hand, and bowed respectfully: "My envoy, Wang Ming, sent me 3000 gold beads and [-] gold beads to congratulate Han Zhenren on his advanced supernatural powers." Ten elixir plants of the year."

This person is the new first-rank spirit summoner of the Wang family, and he came here under the order of Wang Tengyun.

After witnessing Han Zhao beheading the Holy Lord of the Red Moon with his own eyes, he seemed to regard himself as a junior in front of Han Zhao at this moment, keeping his attitude very low.

"The Wang family has a heart." Han Zhao smiled.

After Wang Ming delivered the sumeru bag to Yu Chongxiao who was beside him, he took out a bigger sumeru bag, and immediately sent a voice transmission to Han Zhao: "This is the 40 magic gold promised by the Wang family."

Seeing this, Han Zhao nodded at Yu Chongxiao.

Yu Chongxiao put away the sumeru bag, raised his hand and said: "Please also invite Wang Daoyou to enter the Heavenly Palace and sit down."

"Thank you Master Han." Wang Ming was overjoyed and saluted again.

Han Zhao's attitude showed that he would not embarrass the Wang family again, so the purpose of this trip was achieved.

After seeing Han Zhao's method of beheading the Great Sage of the Red Moon, he didn't think the Wang family could gain anything if they were enemies with Han Zhao.

After Wang Ming entered the Heavenly Palace, a blue ray of light fell, and a woman in white clothed with a light veil appeared. It was Ji Baiwei.

With a flash of light, Han Zhao appeared in front of Ji Baiwei.

"I've met Immortal Han." Ji Bai smiled slightly, and saluted Han Zhao respectfully.

"It doesn't have to be like this between you and me." Han Zhao smiled.

"I came here today as an envoy of the Ji family to express congratulations from the Ji family." Ji Bai smiled and said, "This is a congratulatory gift from the Ji family. All the martial arts classics."

"So, thank you Bai Wei." Han Zhao personally accepted the congratulatory gift from Ji Baiwei.

When the Tianshengzong and the Great Qin Empire were defeated, these aristocratic families collected many martial arts classics. Now that the Qiantian Palace has just been established, these classics are exactly what Han Zhao needs.

After all, although the martial arts in his body are extremely powerful, they are not suitable for most people to practice, and intermediate martial arts are the most scarce.

"Bai Wei, please." Han Zhao raised his hand to signal Ji Baiwei to enter the Heavenly Palace and take his seat.

"Then thank you, Big Brother Han." Ji Baiwei changed his title and flew into the Heavenly Palace.

The envoys from other families saw such great gifts from Bailingzong, Qi Family, and Ji Family, and suddenly felt that the gifts they had prepared were not enough.

Some aristocratic families who didn't have much contact with Han Zhao originally only wanted to form a good relationship, but they didn't want to curry favor with him.

But after the Holy Lord of the Red Moon was beheaded, they already regretted seeing Han Zhaoguan's strength in the Absolute Origin Realm with their own eyes.

Some people began to modify the gift list on the spot, and at the same time notified the people in the same company to notify the family to increase the gift.

After Ji Baiwei entered the Heavenly Palace, envoys from the five surnames and ten rich families of Wei State arrived and sent congratulatory gifts one after another.

After that came the other Wei family.

"Concubine Su Ningqiu, on behalf of the Su family and Tianxuanzong, presents a congratulatory gift to Han Zhenren." Su Ningqiu flew up to the clouds under the leadership of a middle-aged woman, and sent a congratulatory gift to Han Zhao.

"Thank you." Han Zhao bowed his hands and asked, "Where is Brother Tianqi?"

"Husband received the "Qiantian Jingqi" and retreated to heal his wounds. He wanted to come to participate in the grand ceremony in the near future, but his performance was not complete, so he delayed, so he asked my concubine to come to express my apology to Han Zhenren. "Su Ningqiu said respectfully.

"Brothers and sisters are welcome, as long as Brother Tianqi has time, you can come to Gantian Palace as a guest at any time." Han Zhao smiled, raised his hand and said: "Please take a seat."

"Thank you." Su Ningqiu showed a grateful expression, and immediately bowed.

The envoy of the Su family who followed from the side also quickly saluted.

Now the wealthy families present have all remembered the Su family in Yunzhou.

Even if it is the five surnames and ten rich families, they will keep their minds in the future.

The four major powers in Qi State, besides Corpse Soul Valley, the royal family Jiang Family, Sanyangmen, and Taiyinzong also sent people here one after another.

"I, Murong Tian, ​​on behalf of the Murong family, congratulate Han Zhenren for his advanced supernatural powers. To celebrate the first establishment of the Qiantian Palace, the Murong family presents 30 gold beads as a token of appreciation.

At the same time, Murong's family is willing to give an additional [-] gold beads every year to turn the fight with Han Zhenren into jade. "

When it was the Chu family's turn to send congratulatory gifts, an old man in a brocade robe flew over, with a respectful expression and a very low posture.

Before Han Zhao robbed the Murong family's gold and pearl mine, the Murong family knew it well, after all, no one else could do such a thing.

It's just that they can only take it hard because they are dumb, so how dare they trouble Han Zhao.

"Yes." Hearing this, Han Zhao nodded slightly under the anxious eyes of the old man.

The old man in brocade robe breathed a sigh of relief as if he had been pardoned, and then entered the Heavenly Palace under the leadership of Yu Chongxiao.

When the aristocratic families appeared one by one, the warriors present really felt the power of the aristocratic families.

Dongshengzhou is too big, so big that even a high-ranking martial artist would not be able to walk through it all in his lifetime.

Therefore, even though warriors know that this world belongs to the family, they don't have an intuitive feeling for the number and strength of the family.

But today, seeing the envoys and emissaries of the powerful families come out, they really feel the gap between the power of warriors and the power of aristocratic families.

There may not be ten pseudo-supernatural power level warriors found in the entire Dongsheng Continent. There are hundreds of soldiers in command and spirit summoners present today alone, which is far from the entire power of the family.

Only by seeing the gap with your own eyes can you feel how exaggerated it is for a warrior to stand out.

However, these strong men standing at the top today are just supporting roles.

I am the peak of supernatural powers!

The protagonist is Han Zhao alone.

The aristocratic family lowered their eyebrows!
Only Han Zhao and only Qiantian Palace can bring them a sense of belonging. This is the glory that belongs only to warriors!

"Crack crackle crackle!"

When the aristocratic family finished delivering the congratulatory gifts, there was a thunderous roar above the clouds, and a huge white demon bird hundreds of meters in size galloped towards it at a speed as fast as lightning.

"Han Zhenren, please forgive me for the delay on the way." Zhu Yuanxian turned into a figure and bowed his hands to Han Zhao with a smile.

"Fellow Taoist, I wish you serious words." Han Zhao returned the salute.

"Tianshengdongtian sent two spirit crystals, I wish Fellow Daoist Han advanced supernatural powers." Zhu Yuan looked solemn, and took out a jade box.


"Tianshengdongtian is really generous!"

Hearing the words, the senior members of the aristocratic family present were all shocked.

According to the rumors, this spirit crystal can only appear in Wuzhu Cave. Refining the spirit crystal can help warriors understand the power of rules, which seems to be Yuan Xiyu's instruction.

Tiansheng Dongtian was afraid that Han Zhao would not be able to advance to the Heaven-Human Realm, so he spent all his money!

"Thank you Master Master for me." Han Zhao was also a little moved.

"Definitely." Zhu Yuan smiled.

"Fellow Taoist, please take your seat." Han Zhao said again.

After the warrior forces also delivered all the congratulatory gifts, Yu Chongxiao came to the Heavenly Palace and said in a loud voice: "The Heavenly Palace is established, and I will bestow the treasure book of true disciples."

"True disciple, Ling Feng!"

As Yu Chongxiao's voice fell, a young man in black with a resolute face on Nujiao Island was stunned for a moment.

"calls me?!"

"Brother, it's your name!" the handsome young man in white said hurriedly.

"Who is Ling Feng?"

"Who is so lucky?!"

"To be able to be the true disciple of Qiantian Palace!"

All the warriors were talking about it, and they didn't know who this lucky guy was.

"Teacher, don't come forward to listen to the letter."

Han Zhao's voice reached the ears of Ling Feng and Ling Yun in the crowd, and Ling Feng was startled by his thick and domineering voice.


This is clearly Xiong Ba's voice.

At this moment, Han Zhao of Tiangong waved his sleeve robe.

A stream of fresh air condensed into a cloud and landed in front of Ling Feng below.

Ling Feng stepped onto the clouds and soared into the sky.

"Give the treasure book and jade book!" Yu Chongxiao sang.

A golden certificate of alchemy and a jade tablet flew out of the heavenly palace.

"Just the treasure book and jade book of the true disciple is a high-level spiritual weapon, and it is also forged by "Xuan Ying outside the sky". It contains so much "Qiantian essence", I am afraid that it will be promoted to a spiritual treasure in the future.It makes me want to worship Qiantian Palace! "

Qi Xuanming looked at the Danshu Golden Coupon and couldn't help sighing.


Zhu Yuan on the side went up and gave him a slap.

"You kid, do you want to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors?" Zhu Yuan said cursingly, Qi Xuanming's entry into Tianshengdongtian is also a master-student line, this kid should become the disciple of the second senior brother.

"Master Uncle." Qi Xuanming looked at Zhu Yuan helplessly. If it wasn't for his profound skill, the blow just now would have knocked out even his brains.

"Disciple pays homage to Master Master!" Ling Feng fell outside the main hall of Tiangong and bowed deeply to Han Zhao.

Han Zhao nodded slightly, and Ling Feng stood aside.

"The second true disciple, Ling Yun!" Yu Chongxiao said again.

Another burst of clear air condensed into a cloud, bringing Ling Yun to the sky.

Both of them were not particularly outstanding in appearance, but when they put on a white robe full of spiritual light and stood on top of the Heavenly Palace, they immediately looked like immortals.

"The remaining eight true disciples will be determined in the future true disciple competition." Yu Chongxiao said loudly, and immediately came to stand under Han Zhao's seat.

Han Zhao took off the light and flew to the top of Tiangong.

"Today Qiantian Palace was first established. In the next month, the gate of Qiantian Palace will be opened to recruit disciples. Anyone who passes the test can enter my gate.

In order to thank all of you who have traveled thousands of miles, I will give a sermon in the next three days, and you can enter the palace of heaven as much as you like. "

After speaking, the Baiyu Heavenly Palace slowly descended, and finally stopped above the wharf near Nujiao Island.

Including those entry-level martial artists at the level of skin training, all warriors are overjoyed.

Even if you can't succeed in worshiping Qiantian Palace in the end, just listening to the Valkyrie's preaching at close range, it is estimated that you can save ten years of detours.

Although the warriors were full of excitement and excitement, they all entered the Heavenly Palace in an orderly manner and sat cross-legged on the square outside the palace.

When Han Zhao saw that everyone was seated, he began to preach.

"The martial arts that I practiced to achieve supernatural powers is the Vajra Immortality Magic Art, one of the Three Classics, Four Skills and Five Sacred Canons of the Tianshengzong. Later, I practiced the three forms of killing gods, three forms of beheading spirits, and the seal of Zixiao.

Now this seat has integrated all the martial arts he has learned into one, and created his own top ten real skills.Inner strength is the formula of longevity, which was born out of the "health preservation formula" handed down by the True Lord of Longevity. "

When Han Zhao said this, all the high-level people present were shocked, and suddenly thought of an amazing possibility in their hearts.

"External skills are called the top ten martial arts, and there are ten kinds of martial arts. The three forms of killing spirits, the three forms of killing gods, the soul chasing gun, the red dragon halberd, the three spirit arrows, the sky frost fist, the palm of the cloud, the wind god leg, the dragon god claw, Purple Xiaoyin."

"The unity of the inside and the outside is the real power of the top ten."

After listening to Han Zhao's narration, everyone present couldn't help but gasped.

Han Zhao was already a rare genius who was able to cultivate to the perfection of Qisha at the age of 37. He was able to integrate so many exercises in such a short period of time, which is unprecedented and unprecedented.

The children of the aristocratic family finally understood why Han Zhao was so powerful.

"Wu Zhi Dao, starting from the practice of leather realm."

Han Zhao started from the very first level of leather training, and the low-level warriors present were eager to stretch their ears, and all of them were very energetic. They didn't expect Han Zhenren to start from the lowest level. It's really lucky.

Although it was about skin training, the high-ranking warriors listened with great enthusiasm.

When Han Zhao talked about the experience of practicing viscera and condensing evil, all the warriors were mesmerized by it.

The crowd stayed awake for three days and three nights. Even with the "Qian Tian Jing Qi" to supplement the essence, many low-level warriors could not hold on, but no one left the field.

It was probably the only chance they had ever had, the fairest sermon they had ever heard, and all of them were engrossed.

"Wizards! Wizards!" Zhu Yuan couldn't help sighing. He didn't expect Han Zhao's understanding of martial arts to be much more profound than that of the Martial God who has been immersed in martial arts for thousands of years. Listening to him is like listening to a teacher.

After hearing what Han Zhao said, the senior members of the aristocratic family couldn't help sighing sincerely.

They were not wronged.

(End of this chapter)

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