Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 253 System Upgrade! [Boundary Options]!

Outer sea, Beiming Island.

Inner Sea is the stronghold of warriors for thousands of years, so it can be called as solid as gold.

As for the open sea, the time under the control of warriors is relatively short, so it is more vulnerable to the attacks of witches and monsters in the open sea.

Although there are more high-level warriors in the Inner Sea and more concentrated resources, the top forces of the warriors are all in the Inner Sea, and their classes are relatively solidified.

If you want to go further in the inner sea, you must deal with the Martial God League, the Holy Palace, and the Yinyang Palace.

There are still many unexplored areas in the open sea, with unknown risks, but also more opportunities.

This is the case with Beiming Island, the largest island in the Northern Territory.

The former Beiming Island was taken from the Beast Soul Department of the Witch Clan and the Tianyi Department of the Monster Clan.

Ever since Han Zhao killed the high priest of the Wu clan and let the avatar "King Kong" sneak attack on the blood mosquito, the leader of the Tianyi tribe, causing a civil war between the two clans, Beiming Island has become more and more prosperous in recent years.

It's just that Lin Zhan, the lord of Beiming Island and the No. 13 Dharma Guardian King of the Martial God League, has not returned for a long time, which made many people in the alliance think about Beiming Island.

Because Lin Zhan went to participate in the trial of Qiantian Palace and never returned after a long time, the only possibility is that he is already dead.

Han Zhao came to the outer sea through Tianxuanzong's cross-domain teleportation array, went to Demon God Island to find Lin Yu, and learned about Tianmozong's recent situation from him.

"I was negligent about this matter." Han Zhao pondered.

After he returned to the inland and was promoted to the supernatural power realm, he went back to Liangyi island except to pick up his family members, and he had already forgotten Lin Yu and others.

"Your Majesty's words are serious. Your Majesty showed great power in Dongsheng Continent and killed all the demons to silence. The aristocratic family bowed their heads, and the entire outer sea was shaken. Compared with it, our place is a trivial matter."

Lin Yu knelt on one knee and looked at Han Zhao longingly.

Because Han Zhao left, no one pretended to be Lin Zhan, and it was rumored that Lin Zhan died in the trial of Qiantian Palace, so some people took a fancy to Beiming Island and the magic pool of Demon God Island.

This caused the development momentum of the Tianmo sect to be curbed, and the disciples and elders in the sect were extremely dissatisfied with the high-level officials of the Martial God League, and they were all suffocated.

But only Lin Yu knew that Han Zhao, who was so powerful in Dongshengzhou that even the Holy Lord and the Heavenly Man could not do anything about it, was "Lin Zhan", so he didn't worry about the fate of the Demon Sect at all. Be patient with the elders in everything.

Finally, Han Zhao came back.

"Well, you summon all the disciples in the sect to the Tianmo Palace, and I will be there later. Compared with the cultivation environment of Qiantian Palace, the outer sea is still not as good."

Han Zhao nodded.

"Master?!" Lin Yu was startled: "Master, is he going to take us to Qiantian Palace?"

"Why? Don't you want to?" Han Zhao was surprised. He didn't think that Lin Yu had any reason to refuse. Tianmozong could still keep its original name and go to Qiantian palace by forming an alliance.

"No, I don't think any members of the sect will object to being able to follow the master, and naturally the subordinates will not. It's just that the elders and disciples in the sect all practice magic skills. Although they can also absorb spiritual energy for cultivation, if they give up After entering the Heavenly Demon Pool, I am afraid that the progress of practice will be greatly reduced." Lin Yu was a little worried.

In fact, he would be willing to disband Tianmozong directly and join Qiantian Palace. After all, being able to follow a real warrior god is something warriors dream of.

It's just that without the Heavenly Demon Pond, many people completely lost the opportunity to be promoted to the Condensation Condensation Realm. Those who are too weak will not help Han Zhao at all, and will inevitably be ignored after a long time.

It's not long before Lin Yu broke through the condensed evil state. If he leaves the Tianmochi, it will be difficult for him to cultivate to the three evil states.

Before the Condensation Realm, the root bone is the most important.

After the Condensation Realm, resources and understanding are more important than roots.

"This is easy, just take away the Heavenly Demon Pool." Han Zhao smiled lightly.

"This..." Lin Yu was about to ask "Can it be done?", but when he thought that Han Zhao had achieved martial arts now, and his supernatural powers were comparable to heaven and man, he held back the sentence.

"You go first, I'll go to the Heavenly Demon Cave." Han Zhao waved his sleeve robe.

"Yes." Lin Yu bowed, and when he looked up, Han Zhao's figure had disappeared.

"Supernatural powers are unpredictable." Lin Yu sighed in his heart. Although Han Zhaoning was very strong when he was in the evil state, he could still perceive a thing or two.

At this time, Han Zhao has the ability of ghosts and gods, which is hard to guess.

"If I can go to Dongsheng Continent with Tianmochi, don't I also have hope to get a glimpse of the realm of pseudo-supernatural powers?"

Fighting spirit was ignited in Lin Yu's heart. Maybe the most correct decision he made in his life was to ask Han Zhao for help.

Han Zhao came back to the Tianmo Cave on the top of Demon God Mountain.

Facing the Dragon-Breaking Stone, which could only be lifted up by the four evil spirits, Han Zhao just flicked his sleeves lightly, bringing up a ball of golden light, and lifted the Dragon-Breaking Stone with ease.

Han Zhao stepped into the cave, and the magic pool in front of him was the same as before.

He stretched out his sleeve robe with his right hand, and a pot of gold appeared in his palm.

As long as you pack away all the water in the magic pool and the magic stones containing Yin energy at the bottom of the pool, and then find a place to place them on Nujiao Island, you can use the power of great supernatural powers to enlighten the magic cave, and let the magic energy in the magic pool surged several times.

Ordinary warriors can't touch the devil's lair, but Han Zhao has the three martial arts of Taoism, Buddha and magic, so this kind of thing is easy for him.

"Fellow Daoist Taihao, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Got it, got it!" Taihao's helpless voice came from the golden pot. Although he was a little bit against Han Zhao's use of his dignified Houtian Lingbao as a storage tool, he also knew that Han Zhao would not let him pretend for no reason. thing.

As soon as his words fell, a golden rainbow burst out of the golden pot, and with a sound of "嗖!", it rushed into the magic pool.


Soon, the water in the magic pool surged and poured continuously into the Qiantian Junyang pot.

However, after Taihao pumped it with all his strength for three days and three nights, the water level of the entire magic pool showed no sign of dropping at all, not even half an inch.

"It's weird!"

Han Zhao frowned.

"Fellow Taoist Taihao, please stop for a moment." Han Zhao ordered Taihao.

The golden pot in mid-air trembled slightly, and stopped absorbing the water from the magic pool.

Han Zhao's whole body was full of demonic energy, and he began to operate the Nirvana True Demon Kung Fu, leaped forward, and entered the demonic pool with a "plop".

In a short time, Han Zhao came to the bottom of the pool at a depth of 400 meters, which was the limit of where he could sneak into when he was in the three evil realms.

Han Zhao used his mana to continue diving, and soon came to the 1000-meter underwater position, which is the deepest point that "Magic Flame" can dive in when it is in the Seven Shade Realm.

In this position, some black crystals floating in the water can be faintly seen, and these black crystals contain a small amount of Yin Qi.

It's just that the current Han Zhao doesn't like this bit of yin, after all, the system's appetite has also changed.

Soon, they dived to 2000 meters, 3000 meters, 4000 meters underwater.

Every time he dived 1000 meters, the pressure Han Zhao felt rose exponentially.

The water of this magic pool is completely different from ordinary sea water, it has a feeling of icy cold that penetrates to the depths of the soul.

When Han Zhao was 8000 meters underwater, he had already used the Vajra Bodyguard to resist the erosion of demonic energy.

When the water is below [-] meters, use the five-color divine light to protect the body.

Finally, we reached 5000 meters below the water.

Han Zhao suddenly felt chills in his heart.

"Is there something ahead that could threaten me?"

The higher the cultivation level, the more I believe in premonitions.

[Continuing to dive may be life-threatening. There are extremely strong fluctuations in the yin energy of the demon at 2000 meters below, and the strength of the mental power emanating from it has exceeded your current limit. 】

A system prompt appears.

"Huh?" Han Zhao raised his brows. He had already completed the second level of the Zuowangjing·Shenyou Chapter. His mental strength was not to say that it was comparable to a celestial being, but it definitely surpassed the completion of the third level of supernatural powers.

"Can the fluctuation of the demon's yin energy be used for simulation?" Han Zhao asked.

[This energy involves the original energy. After the system absorbs it, there is a 50% probability that it can be used for simulation, and there is an 80% probability that the system can be upgraded. 】

"Upgrade the system?" Han Zhao's eyes lit up.

Han Zhao seemed to have thought of something, and muttered to himself: "There is only an [-]% probability, which is still too low! And the system upgrade is mainly to increase the price, and the service has not seen much better. It is said that I will charge the money. I left other things to you, but you didn't do it either."

[Young and strong don't charge money, the boss is sad. 】

"Forget it, I'll go back." Han Zhao said to himself, and then circulated his mana and swam up.

[Currently using the 'replacement puppet' to avoid fatal damage and directly contact the original energy, the system can quickly complete the upgrade. After the simulation is over, you can get additional options, including but not limited to options such as refreshing entries and obtaining realms. 】

A system prompt appears immediately.

"You should have said it earlier! I like adventure the most!" Han Zhao immediately turned around and plunged into the depths of the magic pool.

Han Zhao's whole body was full of devilish energy, forming a pillar of devilish energy directly under the water.

Accompanied by a flash of dark golden light, a black unicorn grew out of Han Zhao's forehead, and dense golden scales covered his whole body, covered with fine purple-black patterns.

At the same time, a Nirvana Golem more than ten feet tall appeared behind him.

The Demon Dragon Blade also fell into his palm.

Although there is a guarantee of "replacing the puppet", Han Zhao is still very energetic.

"Jie Jie"

When he dived to 7000 meters, Han Zhao suddenly felt a film-like black restraint appeared in front of him, with a chilly demonic aura.

"Hiss!" Han Zhao activated the demon-slaying light of the [True Demon Smash Demon] entry, pierced the restriction with his palm, and then tore it apart.

Behind the black bar is the bottom of the pool, and there is only a palm-sized bronze token lying on the bottom of the pool.

The next moment, a creepy laughter suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Whoosh!" A fist-sized orange light group suddenly flew out, and instantly pierced through Han Zhao's body surface's demon-swinging light, Nirvana Golem, and his golden body that was comparable to Lingbao's hardness.

The triple defense is like paper.

"Ah!" The light group directly entered Han Zhao's body, and then got into his supernatural golden core.

A sharp pain from the depths of his soul made Han Zhao scream.

[Get the token! 】

[Get the token! 】

System prompts keep appearing.

"I didn't expect this seat to be so lucky! I have been trapped for 3 years! I can still meet a saint who has practiced such pure magic skills, no! Are you a human race?"

The cold voice laughed in the depths of Han Zhao's soul.

"Crack!" Han Zhao burned his source and exploded with mana, and the supernatural golden elixir in his dantian was instantly covered with cracks.

"Are you crazy?! Directly blew up the golden core?!!" The orange light group was shocked, even if it is to seize the house, at least resist it first, why is it so fierce when it comes up with the trick of killing each other?

Han Zhao's figure flew out suddenly, and in an instant, he landed in front of the bronze token, and he grabbed the token.

"Hahaha! Death is imminent, but you still return it?" Seeing Han Zhao grabbing the bronze token, the orange light group suddenly turned from worry to joy.

At this time, an extremely cold demonic energy that seemed to be able to freeze the soul poured into Han Zhao's body from the bronze token.

"Recharge me!!!"

Han Zhao roared angrily.

"What is this? How is it possible?!" The orange light group felt that the extremely cold demonic energy had just entered Han Zhao's body, and the next moment it was not under his control and entered Han Zhao's dantian, but disappeared out of thin air, and was shocked.

The next moment, Han Zhao's supernatural golden core exploded, and an astonishing wave of mana erupted from the bottom of the pool. His whole body turned into ashes, and the orange light group also disappeared along with Han Zhao, turning into countless The bright spot of light quickly dimmed.

From the appearance of the orange light group, to Han Zhao getting the bronze token, to Han Zhao self-destructing, the whole process took less than seven seconds.

Three seconds later, Han Zhao's figure suddenly appeared.

"What a terrifying power." Han Zhao was a little scared.

I have never encountered such a strange ability. With only my soul, I can compete with this Martial God at the second level of supernatural powers, and I still have the upper hand.

Sure enough, the world is so big, but he is still very small.

If it wasn't about system upgrades and a puppet robbed, he would never have taken such a risk.

【The system upgrade is complete! 】

At this time, the system prompt information in sight attracted Han Zhao's attention.

I saw that the system panel was filled with gold, radiant and luxurious.

[Consume 10000 units of Omen Yin Qi and 10 spirit crystals to perform a special simulation.You can choose one of the following options to become a fixed option for a particular simulation. 】

[-]. You can obtain the realm in the simulation (not including cultivation)

[-]. You can obtain the cultivation level in the simulation (no more than the current level)

[-]. You can randomly refresh the things that appeared in the simulation (paid)
[-]. After you choose [Option [-]] to get the entry, you can get a chance to refresh or combine three entries into fate words (free of charge)

[-]. You can selectively participate in the simulation process, enter the immersive simulation at key nodes, and control the behavior in the simulation by yourself (the experience cannot exceed the limit of the soul, you can actively end the simulation, and selectively inherit the memory)
"Fuck!" Han Zhao's eyes widened.

Although after achieving supernatural powers, he has become accustomed to maintaining a superior demeanor and cultivating a strong character, but seeing the new options in the system at this moment, he can't calm down instantly.

Any one of these options will allow him to take off in a short time.

Especially one and two.

He is currently majoring in exercises because he cannot improve because of his lack of realm, otherwise, if he spends more attribute points, he will be able to break through to the next level in no time with the Nirvana True Demon Art and Vajra Immortality.

"Oh..." Han Zhao suddenly sighed again.

too difficult!
How to choose this?
He wants it all!

[Recharge the law of origin, you can add a fixed option for special simulations (including but not limited to refining Wuzhudongtian and Xuanyin Tianmo origin)]

The system prompt appears again.

"Great!" Han Zhao suddenly felt that his goal was clear.

Although Xuanyin Tianmo corresponds to the master of the army and is comparable to the real king, he is not an opponent, but he has the hope of snatching the masterless cave.

I didn't expect that the bronze token actually contained the law of origin, and that orange light group might not be comparable to the existence of Xuanyin Tianmo.

It's just that after being seriously injured by his self-destruct just now, and the bronze token was absorbed by the system, the orange light group has completely disappeared.

Of course, it is a fact that he made a lot of money this time.

[Young and strong don't charge money, the boss is sad. 】

Seeing this reminder again, Han Zhao couldn't help but said, "It's really a wise saying!"


"System, I choose 'one' as a fixed option." After thinking for a while, Han Zhao decided to add a realm option.

In this way, as long as he can upgrade to the third level of supernatural powers in the simulation, he can immediately add some improvement skills, which will greatly increase his strength.

"I only have 2 spirit crystals, and they were sent by Yuan Xiyu, and I'm still short of 8! There is no cave, how can I get these 8 spirit crystals?"

After Han Zhao calmed down, his face darkened slightly.

"It seems that no matter what, we can't let go of the real Ling Xiao from Kunlun Heaven." Han Zhao's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and the more he thought about it, the more he thought about it, the more he thought about it, the more he wanted to force him to take a hundred catties of "Tianwai Xuanying" from him!

Thinking of this, Han Zhao informed Lin Yu, and went directly to Neihai, hoping to contact Tiansheng Dongtian through Yinyang Temple.

Speaking of which, he has the inheritance of Yan Mahe, and he can be regarded as half of Yuan Xiyu's disciple. The other party has helped him many times, but he has not yet expressed his gratitude formally.

And Yamaha's entrustment, he is now capable of handling it.

I don't know if it is too much to borrow 8 spirit crystals as a disciple.


PS: This plot was originally written later, but today I wrote [-] words and felt a little boring, so I deleted more than half of it, and first upgraded the system in advance.It's all supernatural, and it's too boring for me to write it myself.Anyway, it’s a bit broken, how cool is it to write! Delete and modify the outline today, and then update the number of words.

(End of this chapter)

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