Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 254 Special simulation, supernatural power 3 levels!

Because this matter is more secretive, Han Zhao did not use his true face.

He dressed up in disguise, came to the cross-domain teleportation array in Jukun City of Beiming Island, and teleported directly to the inner sea.

Liangyi Island.

In a tall tower at the southern end, with the falling of a huge beam of light, Han Zhao came to the inner sea millions of miles away in an instant.

"I don't know if Tianshengdongtian has any classics on the arrangement of the teleportation array." Han Zhao looked at the teleportation array under his feet. If he can learn how to arrange the teleportation array, it will be much easier to go back and forth in the future.

"Welcome to Liangyi Island, I am Han Zhenyuan, the head of the outer gate of Yinyang Hall."

Beside the teleportation formation, a thin and handsome middle-aged man with a goatee came forward.

Seeing him and Han Zhenyuan alone in the room, Han Zhao walked out of the teleportation array.

Originally, he changed his appearance into an ordinary-looking middle-aged man, but when he walked out of the teleportation formation, he returned to his original appearance.

"Head of the Han Academy, are you safe?" Han Zhao said with a smile, clasping his hands.

"Han Zhenyuan?!" Han Zhenyuan was startled when he saw that the visitor suddenly changed into Han Zhao's appearance.

His zhenqi protruded out of his body, and before it touched Han Zhao's body, he was pushed away by an invisible force.

"Excuse me, junior." After confirming that the person in front of him was indeed Han Zhao, Han Zhenyuan quickly bowed and saluted.

"I'm here because I have something important to do. Are the two elders of the Zhao family and fellow Taoist Zhu Yuan still in the cave at the top of Tianjie Mountain?" Han Zhao asked.

"Reporting to Master Han, the two Supreme Elders have not returned to the Yinyang Hall since they returned to Tianshengdongtian, but I wish Master Zu to sit in the gate all the time." Han Zhenyuan replied truthfully.

'It seems that they have encountered a lot of trouble in order to help me. Han Zhao thought to himself, the last time Zhu Yuan was asked to help bring back the family members, the Zhao family brothers did not come back, and now it has been nearly two years, and they still have not returned.

"Well, take me to the summit to meet Senior Brother Zhu." Han Zhao changed the topic.

Anyway, the brothers of the Zhao family are Yuan Xiyu's registered disciples, and their lives will definitely not be in danger. Most likely, they were made things difficult by the Sanqi Palace Master for helping him.

This matter is easy to solve. Now that the system has been upgraded, he can directly select the realm in the simulation, and his cultivation speed will increase sharply.

In previous simulations, the civil strife in Tianshengdongtian all broke out when he was 150 years old.

At that time, his strength must be enough to go to the cave to help Yuan Xiyu, and after solving the Sanqi Hall Master Yan Shuangbai, he will compensate the Zhao family brothers.

For those who have helped him, Han Zhao does not say ten times the reward, but several times.

"This is Han Zhenyuan, please." Han Zhenyuan heard the words, pondered for a while, and then bowed.

Han Zhao took the lead and walked towards the outside of the hall. During the walk, he changed his appearance again.

Han Zhenyuan took a look and understood why Han Zhao asked him to lead the way.

He summoned another elder to stay in the Teleportation Hall, and immediately took Han Zhao to Tianjie Mountain in the center of Liangyi Island.

With the leadership of Han Zhenyuan, the head of the outer courtyard, Han Zhao walked unimpededly to the position near the peak of Tianjie Mountain.

Further up, because of the existence of a ban, no one can enter without communication, so Han Zhenyuan stopped.

"Master Han, please excuse me." Han Zhao flipped his right hand, and a pale gold vial appeared in his palm.

He handed over the vial.

"Han Zhenyuan is serious, this is a matter of duty. This junior must keep his mouth shut and will never let others know." Han Zhenyuan waved his hands repeatedly. He guessed that Han Zhao had an extremely important matter, so he deliberately concealed his identity.

"This is "Qian Tian Jing Qi", don't you want it? "Han Zhao seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"What?!" Han Zhenyuan couldn't help being startled, he took the vial with slightly trembling hands, and suddenly felt that the vial didn't feel like a real thing, and the true energy in his body was like rain in a severe drought, and he felt extremely hungry and thirsty. The bottleneck that was originally stuck in the Ersha Realm seemed to be loosened in an instant.

"Thank you Senior Han for your generosity!" Han Zhenyuan bowed deeply and made a big gift.

"Go." Han Zhao smiled lightly. When he first came to Tianjie Mountain, Han Zhenyuan helped him a little.

After finishing speaking, Han Zhao turned into a golden ray of light, and with a flash of his figure, he merged into the restriction.

The top of the mountain is shrouded in mist and mist, and pavilions and pavilions pop up. White cranes hover above the mist, and occasionally stop and stay on the eaves of the pavilions.

"Use it with all your strength, and its power is no less than that of the Great Formation of All Spirits."

Before, Han Zhao could only feel that this place is full of aura and powerful restraint, but he didn't have an intuitive feeling.

After gaining supernatural powers, he came to the formation again at the top of the peak. Han Zhao's powerful divine sense swept away, and he saw the way of this formation.

The prohibition of the entire peak is connected with Tianjie Mountain as a whole, and it is not triggered.

Han Zhao crushed the messenger jade talisman left by Zhu Yuan.

After a while, the fog cleared, and Zhu Yuan rushed out from the cave.

"Fellow Daoist Han, you kept me waiting!" Zhu Yuan smiled and cupped his hands as soon as he appeared.

"I didn't expect that one retreat would take so long. I hope fellow Taoists forgive me." Han Zhao apologized.

"Huh?!" Zhu Yuan looked Han Zhao up and down, suddenly his face changed, and he said in shock: "Fellow Daoist Han, could it be that you have reached the second level of supernatural powers?!"

"This retreat has yielded a lot, and the foundation was relatively deep before the breakthrough, so I was lucky to break through." Han Zhao nodded.

Previously, the purpose of hiding the realm was to leave a trump card, but now it is not concealed, and naturally it is to enhance one's own value.

Otherwise, even if he has a close relationship with Yamaha, these eight spirit crystals are not so good.

"It's true" Zhu Yuan was at a loss for words for a while. After only two years of being promoted to the Supernatural Realm, he broke through to the Second Stage again. This cannot be explained by deep foundation and amazing talent.

"Fellow Daoist Han, could it be that you are the reincarnation of the true king?" Zhu Yuan couldn't help asking, the second-level supernatural powers who are less than 40 years old are too scary.

"If I say no, will Fellow Daoist Zhu believe it?" Han Zhao smiled, with an air of secretiveness.

"I don't believe it." Zhu Yuan shook his head.

"We'll discuss this matter later. I'm here not only to thank Tian Sheng Dong Tian for his help, but also to discuss cooperation." Han Zhao changed the topic and changed the topic.

"Cooperation?" Zhu Yuan was taken aback.

"I want to have a face-to-face interview with the head teacher, is it possible?" Han Zhao asked again.

"You want to see Master?" Zhu Yuan frowned slightly, "The last time Master came to the source world, he was disturbed by the master of the Sanqi Palace, and he paid a high price. Can you tell me anything important, Fellow Daoist Han? I can do it for you Convey."

"This matter involves fighting against heaven and man and the Holy Lord, so I hope to discuss this matter face to face with the real person in charge."

Han Zhao explained.

"Fight against the Holy Lord and the Heavenly Man?" Zhu Yuan's expression changed slightly. Now that Han Zhao finally broke through the siege of the family, it was time to go into hibernation.

He actually thought of provoking heavenly beings and holy masters. Even though he was so powerful that even the third-order holy master Hongyue Dasheng who came to this world was beheaded by him, once he provoked many holy masters and heavenly beings , then no one can save him.

"Fellow Daoist Han, what do you want to do?!" Zhu Yuan's voice was low.

"I will explain this matter clearly when the head teacher comes in person, or when his incarnation arrives." Han Zhao did not directly explain, after all, the master-student line is up to the head teacher Yuan Xiyu.

"If Master Teacher is sincere in cooperating, please bring some spiritual crystals, and it will be considered that I borrowed them."

Han Zhao took out three jade slips from the Sumeru bag and handed them over: "This is my sincerity."

Zhu Yuan was not too surprised when he heard that Han Zhao wanted to borrow the spirit crystal. After all, Han Zhao only needed to refine the spirit crystal, and he knew how important it was for warriors to understand the rules.

Although the spirit crystal is extremely precious, with Han Zhao's aptitude, the Master Teacher will definitely agree to borrow it.

"This is." Zhu Yuan took the jade slip, his spiritual thoughts penetrated into it, and soon his expression kept changing.

"Ten top martial arts! Longevity formula! Sitting and forgetting the scriptures · Shenyou chapter!"

Zhu Yuan looked at Han Zhao in amazement, what was recorded in the three jade slips were three complete and peerless magic arts.

The Top Ten Martial Arts is a miraculous skill created by Han Zhao after he mastered the martial arts of the Tiansheng Sect.

And the content of the Longevity Jue is impressively the 'Health Preservation Jue' handed down by the True Monarch of Longevity.

It's just that in addition to the first six floors, there is actually a seventh floor. Just looking at the records of this seventh floor, Zhu Yuan feels his scalp tingle, because his cultivation process is extremely complicated, even surpassing Tianshengzong. The 'Three Classics' in Pai Shen Gong.

The key is the records of the exercises. Practicing the seventh layer of Changsheng Jue can prolong life at least 1 years, which is enough to drive the heavens and humans in the Nine Great Caves crazy.

As for the last chapter of Zuowangjing · Shenyou Chapter, it is even more rare to be able to practice divine exercises.

Once you reach the first level, your mental power will double.

After reaching the second level, the mental power will be doubled again on the original basis.

Possessing three or four times the mental power of the same level, leapfrog fighting is definitely as simple as eating and drinking.

And whether it is physically strong or mentally strong, it can help break through the bottleneck.

Because Zhu Yuan has the true blood of Nine Heavens Lei Peng, the real spirit of heaven and earth, his physical body is far superior to the same level. Relying on this bloodline in the supernatural power state, he can enter the state very quickly, but after reaching the supernatural power state, because his spiritual strength cannot keep up with the physical body The speed of growth, but the speed of cultivation slowed down.

If he can master the first level of the Sitting Wangjing·Shenyou Chapter and double his mental power, then the difficulty for him to break through the third level of supernatural powers will be greatly reduced, and at least he can save hundreds of years of hard training.

The key is that Tiansheng Dongtian is the top three caves, and the number of supernatural powers is the largest among the nine caves.

The second level of Zuowangjing · Shenyou Chapter may be extremely difficult to practice, but there is still hope for the first level.

The three martial arts are all of great benefit to the long-term development of Tianshengdongtian.

"I'll go back and inform Master, let him make a decision." Zhu Yuan saw that Han Zhao handed over such a precious exercise, and also guessed that he was going to do something big, so he didn't ask any more questions.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist." Han Zhao bowed his hands. These exercises are naturally extremely precious, but they don't mean much to him. After all, no matter how strong the exercises are, they have to be practiced to be useful.

"I don't know what else Daoist Han needs besides spirit crystals?" Zhu Yuan asked.

Although the spirit crystal is a rare resource that can only be used in the realm of heaven and man, one can be born every year in the heavenly cave, and these three exercises are more precious to the master and apprentice than the spirit crystal to some extent. crystal.

"The more spiritual crystals, the better. As for the others, I want some formation books, preferably with detailed formation methods for cross-domain teleportation formations." Han Zhao said seriously.

"I also invite Fellow Daoist Han to stay in my cave." Zhu Yuan responded, and turned to leave.

"This matter is of great importance, so I would like to wish my fellow Taoists a trip and secretly return from the outer world." Han Zhao added that the movement of the teleportation formation at the top of the peak was too much to be secretive enough.

After all, he was going to deal with heaven and man this time, as long as there was even the slightest possibility of being exposed, he couldn't take any risks.

"Okay!" Zhu Yuan was also very straightforward, since the matter was beyond his decision, he didn't worry about it at all.

Han Zhao waited in Zhu Yuan's cave for a full month and a half.

Zhu Yuan returned to the cave.

But he came alone.

"Could it be that the Master Teacher is involved in something and cannot come here?" Han Zhao asked, and Yuan Xiyu's help to him in the simulation should have been an accident.

"Could Fellow Daoist Han be able to foretell? That's true. After I met with Master to explain the situation, he wanted to send an avatar to the lower realm, but he was entangled by the Sanqi Palace Master, so he couldn't escape."

Zhu Yuan looked surprised, and immediately explained.

Saying that, Zhu Yuan took out a jade box, on which was sealed a silver talisman covered with spirit patterns.

"This is what Master asked me to bring to you."

Han Zhao took the jade box, used his mana, and tore off the talismans on it.


A dilapidated colorful oil-paper umbrella flew out of the jade box and floated in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, the colorful oiled paper umbrella transformed into a boy in Tsing Yi.

"Seven Treasures Umbrella?!" Zhu Yuan turned pale with shock. What Master asked him to hand over to Han Zhao turned out to be fragments of the Innate Spirit Treasure. What kind of trust is this?He didn't even know what Han Zhao was going to do, so he sent out the fragments of the Xiantian Lingbao.

"Hey, I knew that the mana of these three original rules is not so easy to get, and I really have to return it." The boy in Tsing Yi frowned.

Saying that, the boy in Tsing Yi put his hands behind his back and said to Zhu Yuan: "What's the matter with you, junior? Your master will call me fellow Taoist treasure, won't you even salute when you see your uncle?"

"I've met Uncle Bao." Zhu Yuan came back to his senses, and saluted the boy in Tsing Yi respectfully.

"Is this the Xiantian Lingbao?" Han Zhao looked at the boy in Tsing Yi. With the appearance of the other party, the power of the five elements in the void became extremely active, and the power of the five elements in his body seemed to be aroused and resonated.

"Are you the descendant of Yamaha? Your mana is so strong that it is indeed as strong as Yamaha, and I have sensed the power of the five elements in you. Could it be that you have already begun to understand the power of the rules?"

The boy in Tsing Yi turned around and looked Han Zhao up and down, amazed.

"Senior Bao really has sharp eyesight." Han Zhao smiled and cupped his hands.

"Hmm~! You are much more polite than Yamaha! I like you a little bit." The boy in Tsing Yi seemed very satisfied with Han Zhao's attitude, and nodded repeatedly.

"At the beginning, Yuan Xiyu wanted to pass the Seven Treasure Umbrella to Boss Yan, but Boss Yan thought that he was smeared, and he always liked to negotiate conditions, so he returned him later." At this time, Xuan Yi's voice sounded from the bottom of Han Zhao's heart.

"You don't want any fragments of Xiantian Lingbao?!" Han Zhao was taken aback. It seemed that Yuan Xiyu was planning to let Yan Mohe inherit the mantle.

"Seven Treasure Umbrella Fragments are strong in defense, assisting in comprehending the laws of yin and yang of the five elements, and are slightly inferior to me in terms of killing power. Boss Yan had already comprehended the rules of destruction at that time, and he also had Nirvana True Devil Art. This guy." Xuan Yi explained.

"Okay, let's get down to business first." The boy in Tsing Yi waved his sleeves, and two balls of white light flew towards Han Zhao.

One of the balls of white light turned out to be 24 emerald-like rhombic spars, each of which was the size of a thumb, spirit crystals!

As for the other ball of white light, there are two jade slips.

"Teaching the real person, what a great skill!" Han Zhao couldn't help sighing after receiving 24 spirit crystals and two jade slips.

He probed his spiritual thoughts into the jade slips, which contained the layout method of the cross-domain teleportation array, and there was also a large mountain-protecting array that gathered spirits, attacked, and defended in one, called the 'Holy Spirit Array'.

"Let me tell you first, I only have the mana of old man Yuan's three original rules, and I can only protect you three times at most. If the three chances are exhausted, I will return to Tianshengdongtian." The boy in Tsing Yi added.

"I understand." Han Zhao bowed his hands.

The boy in Tsing Yi nodded and turned into a ball of seven-color glazed light, flying into Han Zhao's sleeve.

"." Zhu Yuan was stunned, it was over without saying anything?
"Let me explain this matter to Fellow Daoist Zhu later, and I will leave."

After speaking, Han Zhao left directly.

The less people know about this, the better.

After Han Zhao left Tianjie Mountain, he returned to the outer sea through the cross-domain teleportation array, agreed with Lin Yu to pick them up to Qiantian Palace in a year, and then returned to the inland through the teleportation array on Jukun Island.

"System, recharge the spirit crystal."

Han Zhao returned to the inner hall of Xuanying Hall, ready to start the simulation.

[Current balance: 580000 magic gold and 26 spirit crystals. 】

【Collect 46500 units of Heavenly Demon Yin Qi, is it possible to synthesize an entry? 】

[Synthesis once, consume 6000 units of demonic yin energy, 10000 gold beads or magic gold, and you will definitely get a one-time basic entry 'life simulation'. 】

[Consume 10000 units of Omen Yin Qi and 10 spirit crystals to perform a special simulation. 】

"System, synthesize a one-time basic entry 'life simulation'."

Han Zhao didn't immediately conduct a special simulation, he wanted to see what would happen if he did something to Ling Xiao.

"Start the simulation."

[At the age of 39, you obtained the fragments of the Seven Treasures Umbrella of the Innate Spirit Treasure from Yuan Xiyu, and immediately returned to the inland. 】

[One month later, news came from Cao Mengxuan that Master Ling Xiao expressed his willingness to exchange more "Xuanying from the Outsider" from you. 】

[So you asked Cao Mengxuan to send a message that there are plenty of "Xuanying from the Outsider", but they need to be exchanged with spirit crystals. 】

[In the end, Ling Xiao agreed. 】

[In the second year, on the eighth day of the eighth month, Daoist Tianyan met you at the junction of the source world and the outer world, and he tried to test your strength. 】

[As for your proposal, he said that he would consider it for a while, and then returned to Zizaitian. 】

[On the tenth day of October, Reverend Ling Xiao met you at the junction of Yuanjie and Waitian, and he offered to exchange ten spirit crystals for Xuanying Hall, but you refused on the spot. 】

[After some haggling, a fierce conflict broke out between you. 】

[You used all means to suppress the real Ling Xiao by relying on the home court advantage. 】

[You beheaded Ling Xiao's real body, but he actually mastered a secret technique similar to 'replacing a puppet', diverting fatal damage. 】

[At the critical moment of life and death, Qibao Umbrella blocked the fatal blow for you. 】

[In the end, you destroyed the real body of Ling Xiao, but you were killed by his soul. 】

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

"Three." Han Zhao directly made a choice.

With the end of the selection, memory pictures suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Soon came the scene of him fighting Ling Xiao.

"Young man! You actually destroyed the avatar that this old man has practiced for hundreds of years, die!"

Master Ling Xiao was furious, and thunder blazed into the sky, and the entire sky was filled with the sound of thunder.

At the end of the screen is the scene where Ling Xiao and Han Zhao died together.

"He's good at thunder, he's an incarnation for Jie, and he's also hidden a pseudo-innate spirit treasure with thunder attributes. The strength of this real Ling Xiao is still higher than that of the Holy Lord of the Red Moon!" Han Zhao frowned.

"System, perform a special simulation."

[Start special simulation. 】

[At the age of 39, you obtained the fragments of the Seven Treasures Umbrella of the Innate Spirit Treasure from Yuan Xiyu, and immediately returned to the inland. 】


[You destroyed Ling Xiao’s physical body and took away his storage ring, but you were also hurt by the rules of thunder he mastered. 】

【It took you ten years of cultivation before you recovered from your injury. 】

[110 years old, you have cultivated to the third level of supernatural powers. 】

[110 years old, the Hall of Reincarnation is opened, you enter it, and get the remnants of the Innate Lingbao Reincarnation Mirror and the "Reincarnation Edict". 】

[After leaving the Palace of Reincarnation, various forces attacked. 】


[You asked your grandson Han Miao to take the "Qiantian Junyang Pot" to Qiantian Palace to participate in the trial. 】

[Han Miao successfully brought back the "Qiantian Palace", and the pseudo-innate spirit treasure appeared in the world. 】


[After a great battle, you repelled the Holy Master of the Heavenly Demon Grotto. 】

[Just when you thought you had passed the crisis, Ling Xiao, who repaired his body, and another celestial being descended. 】

[After a bloody battle, Master Ling Xiao blew himself up directly, severely injuring you. 】

[In the end, you died at the hands of another celestial being. 】

"This real Ling Xiao is so strong?!" Han Zhao's expression changed.

It seems that if you want to do it, you have to do it, and you have to find a way to completely kill Ling Xiao in this simulation, so as to deter other celestial beings and holy masters.

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[[-]. Obtain entry (not optional)]

[[-]. Obtain attribute points]

[[-]. Obtain any part of life experience]

[[-]. Obtaining the realm in the simulation (excluding cultivation)]


Han Zhao immediately made a choice.


As soon as the choice was over, an astonishing aura rose from his body. Seeing the aura of heaven and earth gathering around him, Han Zhao immediately dispersed the aura of heaven and earth with his supernatural power.

"The realm has broken through, but the cultivation base has not increased at all." Han Zhao pondered.

[Nirvana True Devil Art: Fourth Floor (0/600000); can be upgraded]

[King Kong Immortal Art: Sixth Floor (0/800000); can be upgraded]

[Longevity formula: the eighth floor (400000/400000); can be upgraded; can be deduced]


The martial art in the system panel has changed from 'non-upgradeable' to 'upgradeable'.

"So what about heaven and man! Don't pretend, I'm driving!"

(End of this chapter)

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