Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 255 The peak of supernatural powers, the body of the Great Sun Tathagata!

"System." Han Zhao said silently.

【Collect 30500 units of Heavenly Demon Yin Qi, is it possible to synthesize an entry? 】

[Synthesis once, consume 10000 units of Heavenly Demon Yin Qi, 50000 gold beads or magic gold, and you will definitely get a one-time basic entry 'Life Simulation'. 】

"The price has increased again." Looking at the information on the system panel, Han Zhao knew it clearly.

[Ten consecutive synthesis, in the ten simulations, there must be a fate entry, or a fate upgrade entry. 】

However, he soon noticed an extra line of information behind the simulation, and couldn't help but smile.

If he could upgrade the [Fate's Favor] entry to a Fate entry, then he would be able to use [Replacement Puppet] every three months in the simulation, which was equivalent to an extra life.

This is more effective than any other secret technique. After all, at this level, no one will easily use the trick of killing each other, but he can.

In addition, once the entries such as [True Martial Demon], [Fighting Holy Body], and [Persistent God of War] are upgraded to fate entries, they can immediately increase their combat power.

"I have to find a way to make ten consecutive draws and upgrade the combat entry."

[Consume 20000 units of Omen Yin Qi and 20 spirit crystals to perform a special simulation. 】

[Current balance: 570000 magic gold and 16 spirit crystals. 】

"That real Ling Xiao shouldn't even have 4 spirit crystals."

"For the next simulation, for the sake of "Qiantian Palace", I can only let you die! "Han Zhao looked cold.

"It is necessary to store attribute points. Otherwise, if you only have a realm, you will not be able to choose even if you break through to the realm of heaven and man, or even the realm of a true king in the next simulation."

After recovering, Han Zhao fell into deep thought.

The realm is like a container filled with water. To raise the realm is only to enlarge the vessel, and it has to be filled with water.

Without cultivation base, what would he use to overcome the tribulation?
The realm is selected in the last second, the thunder disaster comes in this second, and the person leaves in the next second.

The realm of heaven, man and true king, the cultivation base of supernatural powers, if he can resist a thunder calamity, he is not bad.

"It seems that we must find a way to win Wuzhudongtian as soon as possible, and add a cultivation base option."

"In this way, in the future, the attribute points only need to be reserved for the innate Thunder Gourd Vine."

"If you want to compete for the Masterless Cave, be on the safe side, at least you must have a perfect cultivation base in the triple realm of supernatural powers."

In fact, there is another way to allow Han Zhao to choose a realm without the option of cultivation.

That is, after taking out the "Qiantian Palace", simulate in the "Qiantian Palace", and then stay in the "Qiantian Palace" without coming out, until the cultivation base is repaired, and then come out to cross the catastrophe.

However, "Qiantian Palace" can shield supernatural powers and catastrophes, but it may not be able to shield heaven and man from catastrophes.He also can't control himself in the simulation and just try it with his life, unless he gets the immersive simulation option.

As for the Heavenly Cave Divine Tribulation, that's even more uncertain.

After all, "Qiantian Palace" is just a pseudo-innate spiritual treasure, and it is not bad to be able to block the supernatural calamity in the source world.

Unless the "Qiantian Palace" is refined into a natal object, and then upgraded to an innate spirit treasure.

The inherent laws of the congenital spirit treasure will definitely be able to shield the catastrophe of heaven and man.

For the next month, Han Zhao stayed in the inner hall of Xuanying Hall for retreat to stabilize his realm.

A month later, Han Zhao left the customs.

The last time he met the three daughters of the Lian family, he handed over the two third-tier magic weapons to the three girls, and helped them devour the magic weapons. After such a long time, they should have swallowed the magic weapons initially.

It's time to collect the demon yin energy.

However, Han Zhao did not leave immediately, but was going to accompany his family first.

After all, he can have many children, but each child has only one childhood.

Han Zhao walked out of the inner hall of Xuanying Hall and walked towards the outer hall.

"I have seen the real headmaster."

When the elders in the hall saw Han Zhao, they saluted respectfully.

Han Zhao nodded slightly, then looked at the boy in Taoist robes standing outside the hall, and said, "Tong'er, go and invite Palace Master Yu to come to the inner hall to see me."

"Yes, Master Master." Seeing Han Zhao, the boy at the side immediately bowed and saluted. His expression was faintly agitated, but he restrained his excitement.

These boys were selected by Yu Chongxiao, and they were the most outstanding and clever children in the elder Keqing's family, and they were arranged to be on duty in the outer hall in turn.

They all hope to have the opportunity to be favored by Han Zhao, not to mention the registered disciples, even if they give a few pointers and leave an impression, it will be of great benefit.

Of course, Yu Chongxiao had asked Han Zhao for this kind of behavior in advance, and Han Zhao naturally agreed.

The elders of Keqing in Xuanying Hall joined halfway, not the direct descendants cultivated by Qiantian Palace itself. This move will also allow those elders of Keqing to integrate into the sect faster and increase cohesion.

When the other boy saw Han Zhao, his face showed awe, so his reaction was slow, and he was preempted by his companions. At this moment, he felt a little annoyed.

Seeing him lowering his head, Han Zhao said again: "Tong'er, go and tell Elder Cheng Peng to wait outside the gate of the inner hall."

"Yes, my disciple obeys!" The boy immediately beamed with joy when he received Han Zhao's nomination.

After the boy left, Han Zhao returned to the inner hall and sat cross-legged on the futon.

After a while, there was a sound of footsteps, and a man in a purple robe, wearing a hair crown with white jade cloud pattern on his head, and an arrogance in his brows walked into the inner hall.

It was Yu Chongxiao who came.

"I've met the Master Teacher." Yu Chongxiao saluted respectfully.

"Master Xuanying is excused, please sit down." Han Zhao smiled and motioned him to sit down.

"Yes." Yu Chongxiao came to the futon next to Han Zhao and knelt down.

"I don't know why the head teacher called me here?"

"It's not a big deal, I just want to say whether there are fewer elders who have just entered Xuanying Hall." Han Zhao smiled lightly.

[Current descendants: Han Nianxuan (spiritual body), Han Yan (super class)]

【Current disciples: Ling Feng (Grandmaster), Ling Yun (Grandmaster)】

[Current disciples: Yu Chongxiao (pseudo-supernatural powers), Cheng Peng (Seven Evil Realms·Second Rebuild), Chong Chong (Six Evil Realms)]

[Current bonuses: root bone +235%, comprehension +225%, mana recovery +210%, supernatural power +30%]

There are 20 Keqing elders in the Condensation Realm of Xuanying Hall, which brought him a 120% bonus to roots, comprehension and mana recovery.

In addition, the addition of super root bones and disciples with spirit bodies in the sect brought him a considerable bonus.

It's a pity that among tens of thousands of disciples, only 18 have super root bones, and only three have spirit bodies.

At present, only Yu Chongxiao is in the pseudo-supernatural power realm, which has brought him a 30% supernatural power bonus.

Although there are not so many pseudo-supernatural powers, recruiting more Keqing elders in the condensate state can also fully restore Han Zhao's roots, understanding, and mana, and maximize his combat power.

"When the disciples recruited the elders of Keqing, in order to prevent some of them from acting as spies of the aristocratic family to inquire about the family's information, multiple standards were set.

Those with complicated backgrounds will not be accepted, those with eccentric personalities will not be accepted, those with indeterminate temperament will not be accepted, those with notorious reputation will not be accepted, those with ugly looks will not be accepted, and those with exhausted potential will not be accepted.

After being screened layer by layer, only [-] elders were recruited.Please teach the real person to forgive your sins. "

Yu Chongxiao stood up and pleaded guilty.

"Master Xuanying doesn't have to be like this. I don't blame you. I just feel that the "Qiantian Palace" is just established, and there are not enough middle and high-level warriors. If you include more guest elders, you can also share some chores for you in the early stage.After all, teaching low-level disciples is the most important thing. "Han Zhao smiled lightly.

"The disciple is taught." Yu Chongxiao saluted respectfully.

"Judging people by their appearance is not advisable. As for those who have exhausted their potential, although it is difficult to go further, only people like this can do things for the sect with more heart. Let's relax these two criteria and include fifteen to twenty guest officials. Elder." Han Zhao added another sentence.

Too many people is really not good, mainly for attribute bonus.

"The disciple takes orders." Yu Chongxiao saluted again.

"Qiantian Palace has just been established, and I still have important things to do, so please take care of the matters in the door." Han Zhao smiled and stretched out his hand, motioning Yu Chongxiao to sit down.

Han Zhao is very satisfied with him.

This person is really a talent, in addition to being extremely talented, he is also a good hand at doing things.

In the past two years, he has basically not dealt with the affairs of the door, and Yu Chongxiao did it for him. He did everything in an orderly manner, which saved Han Zhao a lot of trouble.

"Teacher Daoist's words are too serious, everything is a disciple's job." Yu Chongxiao also knew that the Qiantian Palace was supported by Han Zhao alone, so naturally he would not let him be disturbed by trivial matters.

"Go." Han Zhao nodded slightly, indicating that Yu Chongxiao could leave first.

"Disciple retires." Yu Chongxiao bowed respectfully and retreated slowly.

It's just that he just walked to the entrance of the inner hall when he suddenly stopped.

Seeing that Yu Chongxiao was hesitating to speak, Han Zhao asked, "Is there something else to do, Master Xuanying?"

"Disciple has an unfeeling request." Yu Chongxiao returned to Han Zhao.

"But it's okay to say." Han Zhao smiled lightly.

"The disciple wants to bring his wife and children to Qiantian Palace." Yu Chongxiao bowed and saluted.

"It's my negligence. Hall Master Xuanying can go and pick up his family members by himself, and arrange them properly on the Wrath Jiao Island."

Han Zhao agreed.

"Thank you Master Master!" Yu Chongxiao said gratefully, he left Cao's house, but his wife and children did not follow him.Recently, he heard that because of his departure, his wife and children were excluded in the Cao family and depressed, so he wanted to take his wife and children.

"The disciple retire."

Yu Chongxiao bowed and stepped back.

After Yu Chongxiao left, Cheng Peng, who was waiting outside the door, entered the inner hall.

Cheng Peng looks like a five or sixty-year-old long-bearded old man with an ordinary appearance, but he is actually four hundred years old, not far from the 60-year-old limit of the Ningsha Realm.

"I've met the master teacher." Cheng Peng came to stand in front of Han Zhao and saluted.

"You don't need to grow old." Han Zhao raised his hand to help.

Then Cheng Peng raised his head and looked at Han Zhao with a sense of awe in his eyes. Anyone who sees an extremely strong man who is less than one-tenth of his age but whose strength stands at the top of all living beings will do the same .

Han Zhao is a legend!
"I will live a long life this year?" Han Zhao asked with a smile.

"Two out of four hundred disciples this year." Although Cheng Peng didn't know why, he still answered truthfully.

"This seat is about to consummate the elders' meritorious deeds, and one step further is the realm of pseudo-supernatural powers."

Han Zhao said again.

"The teacher's eyes are as bright as a torch, and the disciple has already lost his kung fu for the third time, but now he has just re-cultivated to the Seven Shade Realm, and he has more than forty years of life left. If he wants to achieve success, there is little hope." Cheng Peng said with emotion.

The reason why he joined Qiantian Palace and became the elder Keqing of Xuanying Palace was also to use the spiritual acupoints here to speed up his cultivation and take a gamble to achieve false supernatural powers.

At the same time, he also wanted to become a disciple of the Martial God, a descendant of Fuyin.

"Since that's the case, I will help the elder." With a wave of Han Zhao's sleeve, a cloud of fresh air flew out.

Cheng Peng was startled when he heard the words, and quickly stretched out his hands to catch it.

He saw two elixirs, one golden and one green, fall into his palm. The surface of the two elixirs had seven layers of dense glare, and a strong fragrance floated out.

Just by smelling it, his qi, blood and true qi were quickly activated.

"Extreme medicinal pill?!"

Cheng Peng was shocked. With his knowledge, he couldn't recognize what kind of elixirs these two elixirs were, but with such miraculous effects, they were at least high-grade top-quality elixirs.

It is rumored that the head teacher is amazingly talented. Apart from amazing supernatural powers, he also has extremely high attainments in alchemy. Looking at it now, it is really worthy of the name.

"This is the Longevity Pill and the Qianling Ningxu Pill. It can help the Elder to make further progress, and I hope that the Elder will complete his meritorious deeds as soon as possible and achieve false supernatural powers."

Han Zhao explained that this top-grade life-extending pill was the one he had left, and this dry spirit condensing void pill was an advanced version of the high-grade pill, which he had researched in the simulation.On the basis of Buyuan Huixu Dan, a 2000-year-old blood ginseng and a small amount of "dry sky essence" are added.

In terms of refining difficulty, it can barely be regarded as a super-grade elixir, but it is conceivable that the super-grade top-grade elixir is so powerful.

The Qianling Congealing Void Pill is specially used to speed up the completion of the Qisha Consummation Peak Martial Saint's re-cultivation, and it has a miraculous effect on the condensation of mana in the Condensation Realm.

When he was playing with the children, he took the time to refine it.

So he refined a top-quality Qianling Ningxu Pill, which was originally prepared by Han Zhao for Lu Yingxuan.

However, this Chengpeng is only a step away from the realm of false supernatural powers. If he can achieve false supernatural powers in half a year, then the [Martial God Taoism] entry can at least increase Han Zhao's supernatural power by 20% - 40, which is against the follow-up The real Ling Xiao's battle is of great help.

"This, this, this, this!" Cheng Peng was so excited that his body trembled.

"My disciples thank you for your great kindness! From now on, the disciples and the families behind you will be loyal to the real master for generations. This is the oath of heaven. If you violate this oath, you and your family members will surely be punished." , the body and spirit are all destroyed, and there is no place to bury the dead!"

Cheng Peng kowtowed to the ground and made an oath of heaven on the spot.

He couldn't help but have feelings for Han Zhaoming, the longevity pill and the Qianling condensing pill, his achievement of false supernatural powers is just around the corner.

Even in the realm of pseudo-supernatural powers, he can suddenly live longer by hundreds of years, and the family behind him will prosper for hundreds of years because of him as a warrior in the pseudo-supernatural powers.

During this period, if there are one or two up-and-coming juniors, maybe there will be another false supernatural power.

In case of good luck, a supernatural power comes out, and the family is a thousand-year-old martial arts family.

This is the grace of reinvention, and Cheng Peng felt that only by swearing allegiance to the Dao of Heaven can he repay such a generous gift.

"Come on, Mr. Zhang. In the next three months, I will stay in the palace. If Mr. Chang has any difficulties in practicing, you can come here to find me, and strive to achieve false supernatural powers as soon as possible." Han Zhao raised his hand in vain.

Cheng Peng felt a majestic mana gently lift him up.

"Thank you Master Master!" Cheng Peng bowed deeply.

"Go." Han Zhao waved his hand.

"Disciple resigns." Cheng Peng couldn't hide his excitement and confusion. This kind of gift from an expert that only appeared in the scriptures would actually happen to him. When he left the inner hall and returned to the sleeping hall, his brain They are all dumbfounded.

"This may be the only and biggest opportunity in my life, and I must seize it."

Cheng Pengdang was ready to start retreat.

After Cheng Peng left, Han Zhao flew to the Nujiao Island below in Dunguang.

The Nujiao Hall in the center of Nujiao Island has been changed into the True Tradition Hall.

Han Zhao's family members live in the apse near the spiritual cave.

When he came out of retreat, he always had to spend time with his family before talking.

When Han Zhao came to the apse, his consciousness swept away, and he saw two children, Han Nianxuan and Han Yan, who were practicing against each other in the courtyard of the apse.

It was Lu Yi who was in charge of guiding the two of them. Lu Yikao was lying on the rattan chair, eating melon seeds, and pointing out the two children.

Although the two children are only in their early ten years old, but at such a young age, both of them can shake the mountain with style.

The figure flashes and moves in the courtyard, and the movements are smooth and natural.


After more than a dozen rounds of fighting, Han Nianxuan suddenly punched Han Yan on the shoulder, knocking him back three steps, and sat down firmly on the bluestone slab in the courtyard.

"It doesn't count! Eldest sister, you are cheating!"

Han Yan rubbed his sore shoulder and grinned.

"I don't have one." Han Nianxuan spread her hands, with a fair face and shallow eyebrows, there was a big pair of watery eyes. At this moment, she was rolling around, revealing a sense of wit and mischief.

"It's agreed that you don't need the power of the Bone Refining Realm!" Han Yan was very angry.

"That's my innate supernatural power." Han Nianxuan smiled slyly, spreading her hands with a helpless expression.

"Come again!" Han Yan refused to accept, and stepped forward to fight again.

Not long after, she was knocked down by Han Nianxuan again.

"I won't come anymore!" Han Yan rubbed his butt with tears in his eyes. Obviously, he entered the skin training level only one month later than the eldest sister, but last month the eldest sister suddenly broke through to the bone training level inexplicably, although his strength also increased suddenly , but it is still a little short of bone training.

"It seems that you have been practicing very hard recently." Han Zhao stepped into the courtyard.

"Daddy!" As soon as Han Nianxuan saw Han Zhao, she opened her arms and ran over excitedly.

Han Yan originally wanted to go too, but when Han Zhao picked up the eldest sister, he realized that he was no longer a child, so he stopped, imitating the appearance of an adult, and saluted Han Zhao respectfully, "I have met my father. "

Han Zhao was amused by his little adult appearance, and nodded at him.

"Your kid is finally out." Lu Yi stood up and said with a smile.

"I have met Master." Han Zhao came to Lu Yi.

Both of them are more used to the previous address.

"Hmph!" Seeing Han Nianxuan winking at Han Zhao in his arms, Han Yan turned his face away, and said in a low voice, "Children are the ones who pester father."

Han Yan is young and has an immature face, but his facial features and outline are six to seven points similar to Han Zhao's, but his face has inherited Xu Ling's, round and toot, plus a dimple on the right cheek, which looks It's a cute version of Xiao Han's photo.

"I'm just a child!" Han Nianxuan said with a smile, unmotivated.

Seeing this, Han Zhao squatted down, stretched out his free right hand, and said, "Yan'er, in front of your parents, you can be a child no matter how old you are."

"This..." Han Yan hesitated.

"Are you really not coming?" Han Zhao gestured to get up.

Han Yan ran over immediately.

Han Zhao hugged the two children one on the left and one on the right, and kissed each of them.

late at night.

The back hall wing room.

"Husband, how long will you stay at home this time?" Lu Yingxuan was panting slightly, and it took a long time to recover some physical strength, but Xu Ling, who was at the Grandmaster level, was unbearable and had already fallen into a deep sleep.

"It's about three months. I won't be retreating in the near future. I'm going to do a big thing in the future." Han Zhao replied.

"Go early and come back early, pay attention to safety." Lu Yingxuan didn't ask too much, because he knew that many things Han Zhao did were risky, but unfortunately she was only in the seventh evil realm and couldn't help him.

"Don't worry." Han Zhao gently kissed Lu Yingxuan's cherry lips.

"Hmm~" Lu Yingxuan murmured.

"What's wrong?" Han Zhao was surprised.

"Husband, you should go find sister Xu Ling." Lu Yingxuan blushed.

As a martial artist in the Seven Shade Realm, she still practiced magic skills that greatly strengthened the physical body. As a result, after practicing together with Han Zhao, although her mana became more pure, her lower abdomen was sore and swollen.

"Alas?! There are only exhausted cows, so how can there be plowed fields!" Han Zhao was about to take a rest, but Lu Yingxuan provoked his anger again.

"I've had enough!" Lu Yingxuan shyly said.

"There is no way to say that it is too much to go too far." Han Zhao grabbed Lu Yingxuan's slender and round right leg with his right hand, and lifted her knee up.

"What are you doing—"

Three months passed quietly.

Han Zhao is going to go to the three sisters of the Lian family to absorb the yin energy of the demon.

Before leaving to say goodbye, Han Yan was a little disappointed.

Han Zhao called him aside alone.

"Yan'er, what's wrong?"

"Daddy, am I too bad compared to Eldest Sister? Do you like her more?" Han Yan asked in a low voice.

"How come?" Han Zhao was surprised.

"Eldest sister's qualifications are much better than mine, and I will never be able to match her." Han Yan still couldn't cheer up.

"Do you think your father and I are qualified?" Han Zhao changed the topic.

"Daddy is naturally extremely talented, the most powerful person!" Han Yan suddenly raised his voice, his tone was very firm, even though he was a child, he had heard rumors about his father Han Zhao, what Dongshengzhou No. 1, martial arts There are many titles such as the Lord of ZTE.

"Actually, your father and I were just inferior in the beginning, and we only practiced leather at the age of 16. Yan'er is much better than me!" Han Zhao squatted down.

"Really?" Han Yan's eyes widened, greatly shocked.

"Your father, I never lie." Han Zhao was serious.

"That..." Han Yan was taken aback.

"Let me tell you quietly, in fact, you and your sister are the two of you, I am more optimistic about you. Although your aptitude is a little worse than your sister, but dad can see that you are definitely a late bloomer type, as long as you keep going , sooner or later you will be able to surpass your sister." Han Zhao said seriously.

"Really?!" Han Yan was full of joy.

"Of course!" Han Zhao nodded.

"Father, I will never let you down!" Han Yan's eyes seemed to be lit with flames, his fighting spirit was high.

"Well, you can definitely do it. Remember, the most important thing for a person is to compare himself with himself. Today's me is better than yesterday's me, which is the greatest improvement."

Han Zhao encouraged.

Afterwards, he comforted Han Yan again, and then drove the Dunguang away from Nujiao Island.

Han Zhao went to Yunzhou City and found the three sisters of the Lian family.

Afterwards, it took him nearly four months to finally help the three sisters of the Lian family to preliminarily suppress the power of the third-tier magic weapon swallowed in their bodies.

Continuously absorbing the yin qi of the demon, and by the way, double cultivation, his Luanfeng and Minggong broke through from the third floor to the fourth floor without adding points.

Apparently, Han Zhao is surprisingly talented in dual cultivation.

Of course, it should also have something to do with the increase in comprehension brought about by the [Martial God Taoism] entry.


【Collect 131000 units of Heavenly Demon Yin Qi, is it possible to synthesize an entry? 】

[Synthesis once, consume 10000 units of demonic yin energy, 50000 gold beads or magic gold, and you will definitely get a one-time basic entry 'life simulation'. 】

"This time I really squeezed out all the Yin Qi. Next time I want to get so much Yin Qi at once, I'm afraid it will not be so easy."

Han Zhao secretly cursed in his heart.


[Ten consecutive synthesis, in the ten simulations, there must be a fate entry, or a fate upgrade entry. 】

"Start the simulation."



[attribute point +100000]



[attribute point +100000]



[Get 'Fate Upgrade Entry']

[Fate upgrade entry]: One-time advanced entry, which can upgrade non-fate entries to fate entries.

[Nirvana True Devil Art: Fourth Floor (0/600000); can be upgraded]

[King Kong Immortal Art: Sixth Floor (0/800000); can be upgraded]

"System, improve the Vajra Immortality Magical Skill." After pondering for a moment, Han Zhao decided to upgrade the Vajra Indestructible Magical Skill first. After all, although this skill cannot restrain the power of heavenly beings, it can restrain the power of demons, which can be used in subsequent battles.

【Attribute points: 1000000→200000】

[Vajra Immortality Divine Art: Sixth Floor (800000/800000); Cannot be promoted; Not yet met the promotion condition: Heaven and Man triple realm; Special effect: Fudo Mingwang's golden body; Limit-breaking special effect: Dainichi Tathagata's body]

At the moment of ascension, Han Zhao's whole body burst into white light that pierced the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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