The white light covered the sky and the earth, and the originally clear sky was dyed white.

"Look at the sky!"

"what happened?"

"There is a big Buddha in the cloud?!"

The people in Yunzhou City looked at the sky in amazement. Some people found a golden Buddha looming above the clouds, in the shape of a bhikkhu, sitting in lotus position, wearing a crown of five Buddhas on his head, and his body was decorated with wreaths and jewels.

Soon, fragrant flowers fell from the sky, golden lotuses burst from the ground, and the city of Yunzhou was hundreds of miles away, all performing precious lights, and the sound of Buddhist scriptures pierced the sky.

"Buddha has appeared!"

"Quick pay homage!"

All of a sudden, the people fell to their knees.

Even many warriors bowed down together.

The high-ranking warriors in the city felt the astonishing vision, and they also had expressions of disbelief.

Being able to create such a celestial phenomenon is not a god, it is better than a god.

It's just that the celestial phenomenon lasted for a very short time, and within a dozen or so breaths, it completely disappeared.

As if everything just now was an illusion.

"what happened?"

"It's true that the Buddha has appeared, my leg is healed?!"

"My cough is gone!"

In just a dozen breaths, many people suffering from diseases suddenly found their bodies recovered.

His legs and feet, which had been limping for several years, suddenly became sharper, and he recovered from his cough for many years.

Everyone knelt down one after another and did not get up for a long time.

"Da Ri Tathagata is indeed powerful!"

South of Yunzhou City, in a deep mountain hundreds of miles away, Han Zhao withdrew his magical powers.

"It's just that it consumes too much mana. If you want to exert the strongest power, you may have to wait until the heavenly realm."

Han Zhao thought to himself that when he improved his skills just now, he felt the power of the 'Dari Tathagata Dharmakaya', and his supernatural powers have already touched the level of rules.

With Han Zhao's foundation and background far beyond the realm of supernatural powers, in just a dozen or so breaths, the mana in his body was completely exhausted.

It is conceivable that this dharma body is a super supernatural power that can only be used at the level of heaven and man.

"In this way, you will have more confidence in dealing with Ling Xiao."

Han Zhao showed a pensive look on his face.

Suddenly, a golden fireball with a radius of one foot jumped out of his body, and it exploded to a radius of one foot in a jiffy.

Everything in his cave was burned away by this extremely hot force.

If it wasn't for his magic protection, the clothes he was wearing would have been burned as well.

At this time, the golden fireball burst into dazzling golden light in a very short period of time, and the heat also reached an astonishing intensity.

Han Zhao could clearly feel that the light of the golden fireball was divided into two layers, dark inside and bright outside.

['True Sun Astral', with the improvement of King Kong's indestructibility, its power has been further enhanced, and it has evolved into 'Golden Sun Flame']

[Sun Golden Flame: Zhiyang Zhigang, the original fire of the divine beast of innate fire, the Great Sun Golden Crow.The true fire of the sun, which has evolved into a great success, can burn the world with just one ray. 】

"Brother Han, are you okay?"

Outside the cave, the three sisters of the Lian family rushed over, looking at the golden sun in front of Han Zhao, the three girls were instinctively afraid.

This is restraint from the source of mana.

"It's okay." Han Zhao smiled and took the golden flame of the sun back into his body.

"There was too much movement just now, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go first!"

"Okay." The three daughters of Lian's family were also very straightforward. The movement of Han Zhao's practice just now alarmed people from thousands of miles away, especially since this place is not far from Yunzhou City, maybe there will be local envoys from Yunzhou to check it out. .

Han Zhao waved his sleeve robe, bringing out a golden light, wrapped the three girls into his arms, and flew towards the distant sky with the light.

August eighth.

Han Zhao turned into a golden rainbow and came to the deep sea north of Dongshengzhou.

I saw a flat boat parked on the sea, and an old man in common clothes and a bamboo hat was sitting on the bow, fishing leisurely.

Han Zhao lowered the light and landed on the boat steadily.

"You scared my fish away." The old man lifted off his hat, frowning slightly on his childlike and white-haired face.

"There is an old saying: Grandfather fishes, and those who wish will take the bait." Han Zhao said plainly.

"Old man Yuan is really enviable to have such a grandson like you." Reverend Tianyan laughed suddenly, and Han Zhao mocked him since he came, so he shouldn't put on airs.

"Since Headmaster Han asked me to come, there must be something important. The old man has already come, so please tell me frankly."

Immortal Tianyan got up and bowed to Han Zhao.

Seeing that his attitude had changed, Han Zhao returned the salute with a smile, and asked, "I don't know how much the real person knows about the Temple of Reincarnation?"

"The Hall of Reincarnation?" Daoist Tianyan was stunned, "This Hall of Reincarnation is left by the True Monarch of Reincarnation. It is opened once every 600 years. You must seize the Soul Orb as the key to enter. All forces in the source world will open it in the Hall of Reincarnation. At that time, enter it to compete for the "Reincarnation Edict". "

"Headmaster Han is planning to use this "Reincarnation Law" to make a deal with me? "

Master Tianyan looked at Han Zhao suspiciously.

As the celestial being who holds real power in the Nine Great Caves, his life span is just over 2000 years old, and he has at least [-] years to live, so the "reincarnation decree" has limited appeal to him.

"Could it be that Fellow Daoist Qi didn't tell the real person about the shards of the innate spirit treasure?" Han Zhao asked.

"Naturally, Qi Qingchan has already told Yu Ben, but the Hall of Reincarnation has existed for tens of thousands of years, and he has never heard of any innate spirit treasure fragments. Master Han would not think that Ben would believe this Wait for something?" Daoist Tianyan said in a deep voice.

"This matter is what the soul of Changsheng Zhenjun said. It is absolutely true and there is no falsehood." Han Zhao said again.

"Changsheng Zhenjun?!!" Daoist Tianyan's pupils constricted.

When the Yuan Soul Pearl was assembled, he naturally knew what happened in the Hall of Reincarnation as a celestial being.

The identity of the True Monarch of Longevity is doubtful, but the 'Health Preservation Formula' is directed at the Dao of Longevity.

Therefore, Lin Zhan, the successor of the True Monarch of Longevity, naturally received the attention of all major forces.

It's just that after the trial in Qiantian Palace, Lin Zhan disappeared completely, and Han Zhao soared into the sky instead.

The power holders of various forces have also speculated.

Lin Zhan is Han Zhao.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Han Zhao to achieve supernatural powers at the age of 39 and finally kill the Great Sage of the Red Moon.

Some people even think that Han Zhao is the reincarnation of the True Monarch of Longevity.

"Why should I trust you!" Master Tianyan frowned slightly.

"Because I want to give this fragment of the innate spirit treasure to the real person to make a deal." Han Zhao looked calm.

"What?!" Daoist Tianyan was startled. Even though he had become a celestial being, there were not many things in the world that could surprise him, but the innate spirit treasure fragments were obviously not among them.In particular, Han Zhao actually said that he would give him the fragment of the innate spirit treasure. Then this matter has a direct interest with him, so how could he not be moved.

"It seems that your deal is not trivial." Immortal Tianyan quickly calmed down, and took a deep look at Han Zhao.

Even if there is such a fragment of the innate spirit treasure, it may not be so easy to get it, otherwise Han Zhao would not have given it to him.

"It seems that Zhenren has the intention to cooperate." Han Zhao said lightly.

"Although the fragments of Xiantian Lingbao are good, I am afraid that I will be hurt by them." Master Tianyan looked serious, "I wonder what Zhangjiao Han wants Ben Zhenren to do?"

"Changsheng Zhenjun also told Han the secret method of collecting the "Qiantian Palace", so Han wanted this pseudo-innate spiritual treasure as a dojo. "

Han Zhao got straight to the point.

"Pseudo-Innate Spirit Treasure?!" Daoist Tianyan was stunned, "Could it be that the two Houtian Spirit Treasures "Qiantian Junyang Pot" and "Qiantian Palace" are originally one, and together they are a pseudo-Innate Spirit Treasure? "

"Exactly." Han Zhao nodded slightly.

"Do you want to use this fragment of the innate spirit treasure in exchange for Zizaitian not to fight? Not to fight for it when the pseudo-innate spirit treasure is in the world." Tianyan Daoist said tentatively.

"To get this innate spirit treasure fragment without any action, the real person is thinking too well! If so, Han can find other people to cooperate." Han Zhao sneered.

"Zi Zai Tian must block at least two celestial beings for Han when the pseudo-innate spirit treasure appears, otherwise, this transaction will be abandoned."

"Block the two celestial beings." Daoist Tianyan's complexion changed for a while, but what Han Zhao said made him believe that there really were fragments of innate spirit treasures in the Hall of Reincarnation.

"As Yuan's grandson, why don't you make this deal with him?" Master Tianyan changed the topic.

"Even if there are no fragments of the Xiantian Lingbao, Master Zhangjiao is willing to help." Han Zhao replied.

"That's right, Old Man Yuan treats his eldest disciple like a treasure, and he naturally treats you as a disciple."

Master Tianyan nodded, believing Han Zhao's words again.

"I need to discuss this matter with my brother before making a decision."

"It should." Han Zhao didn't expect the other party to agree directly.

"Aren't you afraid that I will leak this matter? Duofangdongtian teamed up to capture you?" Daoist Tianyan said suddenly.

"If you real people are willing to sacrifice a few people to go to the underworld with Han, you can join hands." Han Zhao smiled proudly.

"Arrogance!" Master Tianyan snorted coldly.

The boat where the two were standing exploded.

The originally calm sea suddenly raised huge waves hundreds of meters high, pouring down with the force of Mount Tai.

Han Zhao jumped up, his left hand turned into a sword, and his right hand pinched out the fingers of the sword.

The combination of swords and swords.

He resorted to boundless mountains and rivers.

The bright yellow and azure blue mana collided suddenly.

A vortex with a radius of one zhang suddenly appeared in the midst of the monstrous waves, and in an instant, the vortex suddenly multiplied by a thousand times, swallowing the original huge waves.

"Huh?" The expression of the real Tianyan who was standing on the top of the waves changed slightly. Although he just tried to test Han Zhao, what he practiced was the law of water, and he was in the middle of the sea, occupying a geographical advantage. Being suppressed by the power of the realm, he could not exert the full power of the law of water, but it would not be able to directly wipe out the law of water with a single blow by Han Zhao.

Seeing the huge waves turned into a waterspout connecting the sky, Master Tianyan felt the terrifying power inside, and said in surprise: "You also comprehend the power of rules?"

To be able to exert such powerful water-attribute supernatural powers, there must be the power of rules to help.

"The real person really has sharp eyes. Speaking of which, I have to thank the head teacher for the spirit crystal sent by the real person." Han Zhao admitted generously after hearing the words.

"It's no wonder Old Man Yuan values ​​you so much." Daoist Tianyan was stunned.

"Does the real person want to continue to test?" Han Zhao stood on the top of the waterspout, looking down at the real person Tianyan.

"No need, the old man has no conflict of interest with you." Master Tianyan shook his head, and the power of rules around him dissipated instantly.

Han Zhao dispersed his mana, and the waterspout slowly merged into the sea surface. Although the mana fluctuated violently, there was very little movement.

"You do have the qualifications to be arrogant." Daoist Tianyan was also calmed down by Han Zhao's light hand.

"The real person is absurd. Good news for Han and other real people."

Saying that, Han Zhao waved his sleeve robe, and a white ball of light flew towards Master Tianyan.

Master Tianyan frowned, raised his hand, and caught the white light ball.

"This is?"

"A hundred catties of 'Tianwai Xuanying' is considered a meeting gift. "Han Zhao smiled.

"In this case, I will not be polite." Tianyan put away "Tianwai Xuanying", and immediately bowed his hands.


Han Zhao stayed where he was, watching Master Tianyan leave.

On the tenth day of October, the same place.

Han Zhao, who was submerging in the sea and forging his body under high pressure under the sea, felt a powerful mana.


Han Zhao got up from Dunguang and left the sea.

I saw a Kun Dao wearing a moon white robe appeared above the clouds.She wears a Taoist crown on her head, holds a whisk in her hand, and carries a sword on her back.From the appearance, she is only 27 or [-], but the deep wrinkles at the corners of her eyes and the indifferent eyes show that she is much older than she looks.

She looked kind on the outside, but her frowning and tight lips all the time showed that this person was not an easy person.

"I've seen Reverend Ling Xiao." Han Zhao slapped the opponent, feeling awe-inspiring, this Reverend Ling Xiao's mana is at least twice that of that Reverend Tianyan, at least at the second level of heaven and man.

Master Ling Xiao waved his fly whisk and returned the gift.

"Headmaster Han is polite."

"A real person is here." Han Zhao was about to probe.

"Teacher Han wait a moment." Master Ling Xiao interrupted him by raising his hand.

"What advice does the real person have?" Han Zhao asked.

"I heard that Zhangjiao Han got the whole Xuanying Hall made of "Xuanying outside the sky" from Qiantian Palace, I wonder if this is true? "Really Ling Xiao said.

"It's true." Han Zhao nodded.

"I want to exchange treasures for this Xuanying Palace, what do you think Headmaster Han will do?" Ling Xiao said to himself.

"If the treasure is exciting enough, it can be traded," Han Zhao replied.

"Everyone in the world has said that Headmaster Han loves property! Magic gold, gold beads and other things, Headmaster Han has as much as he wants." Master Ling Xiao smiled faintly.

"What about one billion?" Han Zhao asked.

Master Ling Xiao's smile faltered, and his brows frowned: "Could Headmaster Han be joking?"

"A thousand spirit crystals?" Han Zhao asked again.

"Up to a hundred." Master Ling Xiao said in a deep voice.

"Then the Wuzhu Cave?" Han Zhao asked again.

"Are you entertaining me?!" Master Ling Xiao's face turned cold.

"It's clear that you are entertaining Han!" Han Zhao snorted coldly.

"You don't really think that with the suppression of the power of the realm, I can't do anything to you?" Master Ling Xiao sneered.

At the same time, an astonishing aura emanated from his body and pressed down on Han Zhao.

Faced with this astonishing spiritual pressure, Han Zhao looked at Master Ling Xiao with a half-smile, and a terrifying spiritual pressure was released from him.

With a loud bang, the two spiritual pressures collided in the void, and finally dissipated at the same time. The gust of wind blew away the white clouds hundreds of meters around the two of them in an instant.

"Second level supernatural powers?!" Master Ling Xiao asked with a chill in his heart as he felt Han Zhao's astonishing mana fluctuations.

What she practiced was the law of thunder with extremely powerful killing power. Although she was only perfect at the second level of heaven and man, in terms of attacking power, she was not inferior to the third level of heaven and man.

Han Zhao was able to win against the Great Sage of the Red Moon, although it was because of his amazing supernatural powers, but it was mainly because of his indestructible vajra skills that restrained the power of the demon.

But Ling Xiao asked himself that his mana was also the most masculine and powerful thunder method, and he was not afraid of the indestructible magic of King Kong at all.

As for Han Zhao's magic skills, she will be restrained by her thunder method, so she is full of confidence.

It was a test to ask for a hundred catties of "Tianwai Xuanying" before.

Since Han Zhao gave it, it shows that he is not full of confidence, and dare not offend Kunlun Tian when he offends Heavenly Demon Dongtian.

It's just that the probing just now shocked Ling Xiao.

"Since the real person has no sincerity, then return the one hundred catties of "Tianwai Xuanying" to Han. "Han Zhao said lightly.

"What did you say?!" Master Ling Xiao was furious.

"If you don't have it, you can use spirit crystals to cover it." Han Zhao said again.

"Since that's the case, I will use ten spirit crystals to return you one hundred thousand catties of "Xuanying from the Outsider".That's all right, right? "Realist Ling Xiao's expression was a little pale, and then he waved the dust, and a purple light cluster wrapped ten white jade-like crystals and flew towards Han Zhao.

When Han Zhao saw this, he punched out just when the purple light group was about to approach. The golden fist print suddenly flew out and hit the purple light group.

The purple light group collapsed in an instant, but the ten white jade crystals wrapped in it exploded. The sound of thunder resounded through the void, and hundreds of purple arcs whizzed towards them, forming an airtight grid, and directed at Han Zhao Head down.

Before the golden fist touched the power grid, it was defeated by the terrifying power of thunder and lightning.

Han Zhao pushed flat with his right palm and used the Zixiao seal, a huge thunder handprint supported the falling power grid.

At the same time, Han Zhao waved his sleeve robe

Blue, yellow, red, black, and white multi-colored rays of light brushed down.

It's just that the five-color divine light is not brushing towards the grid above his head, but behind him.

At some point, Master Ling Xiao appeared not far behind Han Zhao, holding a dagger that shone with lightning.

At this moment, the short sword that was about to hit Han Zhao's back froze in the void.

"Five-color divine light?!" Master Ling Xiao felt the huge pressure coming from the Lingbao in his hand, and was startled.

"Could it be that you have already begun to comprehend the rules of the five elements in the supernatural power second stage?"

"Although it's a test, you really want to kill Han. If you don't pay more spiritual crystals, Han is not so easy to talk to." Han Zhao's eyes flashed murderous intent.

"It's true that I'm being rude, since that's the case." Master Ling Xiao put away his dagger, swung his whisk, and slapped his head.

But at the next moment, there was a loud thunderclap behind Han Zhao, and six daggers with lightning flashes emerged, turning into purple arcs and shooting towards Han Zhao.

The short sword Lingbao in the hands of Master Ling Xiao is a complete set. She only used one of them to attack Han Zhao just now, in addition to probing him, she also wanted to numb him.

It's just that when Han Zhao faced such an astonishing attack, the corner of his mouth curled up, as if he had expected it.

Han Zhao's whole body was full of devilish energy, and with a flash of black-golden light, his figure suddenly changed.

A black unicorn grows from the forehead, and dense golden scales grow from the whole body, covered with fine purple-black patterns.

At the same time, a Nirvana Golem more than ten feet tall appeared behind him.With a fit and a pounce, Han Zhao instantly turned into a golem.

The golem opened its six arms, and they all grabbed at the five arcs behind them.

"Looking for death!" Master Ling Xiao didn't expect Han Zhao to be so arrogant.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the six arms of the Nirvana Golem grabbed five purple arcs tightly. Under the flash of thunder, the arcs turned into short swords again, and under the stirring of sword energy, the six arms emitted extremely sharp The piercing sound, and finally the dagger cut the flesh and bones.

The next moment, three lightning daggers appeared above Han Zhao's head and under his body, blocking all his escape routes.

There are thirteen handles in this set of Yinlei Son Mother Sword, Master Ling Xiao is holding the mother sword, ready to deal a fatal blow to Han Zhao.

A golden light flashed in front of Han Zhao, and a glaring golden figure of Ming Wang Fa Xiang, also more than ten feet tall, flew out of Han Zhao's body and merged with the Nirvana Golem.

The golden body of the Buddha Demon with six heads and twelve arms appeared, and the two-color mana of black and gold made the void slightly distorted.

"The ten directions will be destroyed!"

"Hmph!" Master Ling Xiao sneered, since she dared to attack Han Zhao, she had already figured out his cards.

Dazzling thunder light bloomed from the mother sword.

At the same time, there was a huge thunderous sound from behind Ling Xiao, and a phantom of a giant lion-like beast appeared.

"Lei Ni?!" Han Zhao exclaimed in surprise, his complexion changed drastically.

Lei Yan behind the real Ling Xiao opened his mouth wide, and hundreds of thunder balls roared towards him, instantly devouring the golden body of Buddha and demon transformed by Han Zhao.

Seeing that Han Zhao's spiritual pressure dropped sharply, mana surged out wildly.

"Now I know, it's already too late." Master Ling Xiao said disdainfully: "It's just a supernatural power, and I want to compete with heaven and man, really"


Master Ling Xiao's voice stopped abruptly.

She looked down at her waist in disbelief, and a black awn flew across her waist, splitting her in two.

A cloud of colorful rays penetrated into her body, constantly destroying her physical body.

"The rules of destruction?! The power of yin and yang of the five elements?! The seven treasure umbrella!!!" Ling Xiao was shocked. He didn't expect Han Zhao to have more backhands than her.

At this time, a boy in Tsing Yi stood behind her expressionlessly, holding a dragon head short blade.

As the boy in Tsing Yi kept waving the short blade of the dragon's head, a series of black awns roared towards him.

"Ah!" Daoist Ling Xiao screamed, his body was completely destroyed by the regular power of the magic dragon blade and the seven treasure umbrella.

At this time, a miniature Lei Ni phantom flew out of the Wumang and the seven-color glow.

In a few flashes, it flew to the distant sky.

At this time, losing the control of Master Ling Xiao, the twelve arcs turned into daggers again, and flew towards Lei Yan together.

"Where to run!"

Han Zhao shouted angrily, and turned into an extremely gorgeous five-color peacock.

I saw his figure tumbling in the void, turning into a raging ray of light, reflecting the entire sky into a sea of ​​five-color light.

His speed suddenly increased several times, and he came first, and soon caught up with Lei Jun Xuying.

"Wait for me!" The boy in Tsing Yi yelled, turned into a tattered oil-paper umbrella, and galloped towards the sky.

The Demon Dragon Blade is also a masterpiece of Wumang, and it turns into a dragon-shaped Xia Guang to chase after it.

"Fellow Daoist Han, beware of fraud!" Xuan Yi yelled.

"Die to me!" Han Zhao caught up with Lei Ni, who was transformed into Ling Xiao, and when his wings flapped, five colors of light poured down.

"Arrogance!" Seeing that Han Zhao didn't come with the Seven Treasure Umbrella and the Dragon Blade, Master Ling Xiao sneered, and a look of color flashed in his eyes.


Lei Yan suddenly burst into purple light, and turned into a long sword of thunder light, soaring straight into the sky.

"Small tricks." Han Zhao smiled disdainfully, and the five-color peacock turned into a roll in mid-air, and once again used the golden body of Buddha and demon.

However, Han Zhao's smile didn't last long before it froze instantly.

The Lightning Sword directly broke through the mountain-like power of the five-color divine light, and the Thunder Spirit Qi in the void was quickly infused, the power of the Lightning Light Sword increased sharply, and the Lightning Spirit Qi in a radius of hundreds of miles turned into light visible to the naked eye Wires rushed into the Thunder Light Sword one after another.


Where the Lei Guang sword passed, the surrounding void twisted for a while, and finally it was torn apart directly, with a look of overwhelming power and overwhelming power.

"Not good!!" Han Zhao's complexion changed wildly, and the golden body of the Buddha and Demon instantly swelled to a size of a thousand meters, and his mana was stimulated to the extreme.

The golden body of the Buddha Demon only resisted for a breath, and a big hole was pierced out.

The golden body of Buddha and demon exploded.

"Oops!" The Seven Treasure Umbrella finally arrived, and it turned into a huge umbrella with a radius of [-] meters. The colorful rays of light continuously poured down, greatly reducing the power of the Lei Guang Long Sword.

However, the lightning sword, which was originally as huge as a mountain, suddenly shrank to less than one meter, and then the sound of thunder and lightning resounded through the sky.


The Lei Guang long sword left a golden space crack in the void, and finally appeared in front of Han Zhao, piercing through his chest.

And Ling Xiao's figure also appeared behind the Lei Guang sword.

"You didn't expect that there is also an incarnation of Lei Yan who has been sacrificed for hundreds of years in this seat. Once you succeed, you will get carried away with complacency. This is the reason for your failure." Ling Xiao said condescendingly.

"The same thing, I will give it to you too." Han Zhao, who lowered his head, raised his head and smiled mockingly, not as frightened as before.

As soon as Han Zhao finished speaking, he turned into a phantom and dissipated.

"Huh?!" Master Ling Xiao felt cold all over his body, feeling a fatal crisis.

Suddenly, bursts of Sanskrit sounds pierced the sky, and precious light suddenly appeared.

Two big hands reaching out from under the sea surface.


The big golden hands closed together, and there was an astonishing explosion in the void.

Real person Ling Xiao felt that a majestic force was approaching, and his body froze.

The fatal crisis caused her to burst out all her magic power, and the thunder light soared into the sky.

The big golden hand that was holding her down burst open.

However, before Master Ling Xiao could escape, he saw the most frightening scene in his life.

Hundreds of giant hands protruding from the sea surface, blocking all escape routes in the entire sky.

A huge golden Buddha covering the sky and the sun rises from the sea.

"Do not--!"

Reverend Ling Xiao's shrill cry came from the golden Buddha's body, and then stopped abruptly.

(End of this chapter)

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