Chapter 259 Discussion of Qiantian Palace! (big cup)
At dawn, the morning light is faint.

The mountain range in the center of Nujiao Island.

Right in front of the Nujiao Hall halfway up the mountain, there is a large platform paved with bluestone slabs.

At this moment, a large number of disciples from the outer sect of Qiantian Palace have come here in an orderly manner, getting up early to practice martial arts.

These people are all dressed in standard gray slim fit clothes, and most of them are between the ages of 12 and [-].

The introductory martial arts for the outer sect disciples of Qiantian Palace is Shaking Mountain Boxing. This boxing method is relatively low in difficulty, and it is suitable for those children from poor families to lay the foundation.

The teenagers shouted and waved their fists, sweating against the rising sun.

When everyone felt the qi and blood in their bodies surging, they stopped to rest for a while.

It is said that this Mountain Shaking Fist was originally practiced by Lu Yi, the teacher in charge of the real person, and later improved by the real person in charge. The first three levels were changed to a basic martial art that is very suitable for warriors to strengthen their blood.

"Hey! Idiot."

At this time, at the back of the line, a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, with good features, stretched out his finger and poked the short boy sitting in front of him.

The short boy turned his head, revealing a dark complexion and an ordinary face. If there is anything conspicuous, it is that the boy's eyes are very bright, which makes him look not as honest as his appearance, on the contrary, he is somewhat clever.

"Brother Goud, what's the matter?"

"What a bastard! I want to be called Brother Li. I want to be a joke for others to hear!" The boy with thick eyebrows and big eyes frowned.

His name is Li Feishuang, and his nickname is Goudan, and he came from the same place as the stupid Li Zhu.

It was a small mountain village called Lijia Village, located in the depths of the mountains in the southwestern part of Yunzhou. Except for poverty, there were only endless mountains and forests left.

The names of the children in the village were chosen by the old village head who had studied in his youth, otherwise his name would have to be Li Goudan.

Only once a year when a caravan collects mountain goods enters the mountain, can people outside the village be seen.

Regarding the matter of Qiantian Palace and Master Zhangjiao, the people in Wangjiacun also mentioned it through Sun Lao, a great master of blood training in the caravan.

From Li Feishuang's point of view, Old Sun, who can hold a giant worm hundreds of catties with both hands, is the most powerful martial artist in the world.

But Sun Lao said that there are 3 outer disciples in Qiantian Palace alone, among which there are more than 1 people with his strength.

For Li Feishuang, this was something beyond his little heart's cognition, and his concept of the world was greatly impacted.

So, Li Feishuang, who was only 13 years old, went home and pestered his parents, saying that he would follow the caravan out of the mountains and go to Qiantian Palace to learn martial arts.

His parents naturally disagreed, but they couldn't hold back Li Feishuang.

Of the four sons in the family, Li Feishuang, as the third child, really didn't want to spend his whole life working as a farmer in this small mountain village. His parents thought it over carefully and agreed to his request.

After Li Feishuang got the approval, he found Li Zhu, the fool with whom he had always had a good relationship.

When other children of the same age were still thinking about chasing chickens and teasing dogs, only Li Zhu was like him, yearning for the outside world very much, wanting to step into the rivers and lakes and become a hero admired by everyone.

Later, Li Feishuang and Li Zhu bid farewell to their families, followed the caravan out of Lijia Village, and finally came to the boundary of Yuanchang Mansion.

It's just that the headquarters of the caravan is not in Fucheng, so they have to walk the last part of the road by themselves.

Relying on the five big money given by Mr. Sun, the two children ate, slept and begged all the way, and finally finished the last few hundred miles and arrived at the wharf in Fucheng.

If it is other sects and martial arts halls, they will never accept two beggars, but Qiantian Palace is an exception, as long as they have roots, even the lowest, they will be included in the gate wall.

In fact, Elder Sun is willing to take them out of the mountain because he has tested the bones of the two children in advance, one is inferior and the other is medium.

All the outer disciples of Qiantian Palace are provided with food and accommodation for the first three months of entry, and they can eat as much as they can if they have meat.

If you can't break through the skin training realm after three months, you can only practice at your own expense, or go down the mountain voluntarily.

If you don't have the means to make a living, you can work for the Nujiao Gang under Tiangong's command.

The shipping business of the Nujiao Gang covers the entire Changlin River, requiring a large number of sailors.

Li Feishuang and Li Zhu were shocked when they heard this rule.

When they lived in Lijia Village, they could eat meat all year round, and only during festivals.

And being able to follow the boat, the money earned is definitely much more than farming and hunting in the mountains.

For the Daoist Qiantian Palace who established this rule, the two directly enshrined him as a god.

It is said that Zhenren Zhangjiao also came from a humble background, and after he became prosperous, he did not forget to support children from poor families who also came from poor families.

Even the most amiable old village head in the village can't even compare with him.

"Brother Goud, don't call me a fool." Li Zhu said seriously.

"All right, all right, Zhu Zi." Li Feishuang said angrily.

"Okay, Brother Li." Li Zhu chuckled.

"I heard that the three canteens had tiger demon meat buns for dinner last night. Is it true?" Li Feishuang asked in a low voice.

"Yes." Li Zhu nodded.

"Does it taste good?" Li Feishuang swallowed.

"The food in the four canteens is different?" Li Zhu asked doubtfully.

"We eat fox demon meat, which smells like a slut." Li Feishuang frowned.

"The meat of the tiger demon is very bad, and my cheeks are still sore from biting." Li Zhu covered his face.

"If you tell this to your parents and fellow villagers, they probably won't believe it." Li Feishuang said suddenly.

"Yes." Li Zhu sighed: "When I go home in the future, I must set up a longevity tablet for the master teacher."

Li Feishuang nodded heavily in agreement.

"We eat monster meat once a month, and we ate it for the second time yesterday. There is still one month left, and we will be three months old. Zhuzi, do you have any signs of breakthrough?"

"I feel like it's coming soon, it should only be these two days." Li Zhu answered truthfully.

"Congratulations, Zhuzi." Li Feishuang looked happy, but soon became a little sad: "I'm afraid I won't be able to stay."

Li Feishuang clenched his fist tightly, and his nails pierced his palm, leaving deep marks.

"Brother Li, don't be discouraged. I heard that the elder Chuangong is going to teach a magic skill called health preservation formula today. As long as you can develop a sense of qi, you will be able to cover food and lodging for another three months. There is no requirement, maybe you can do it!"

Li Zhu encouraged.

He is a middle-aged man, and if he works hard, he can stay in the outer sect.

But Li Feishuang is inferior at all, whether she can stay or not depends on luck.

"I heard that the real person in charge was once an inferior root, but now he is supernatural, No. 1 in Dongshengzhou. Brother Li, don't give up!" Li Zhu encouraged again.

"Well! It's not time to be discouraged yet!" Li Feishuang regained his fighting spirit.

"The elder Chuan Gong is here!"

While the two were talking, on the steps in front of them, a graceful figure dressed in purple clothes appeared, flashed in succession, easily crossed hundreds of meters like a ghost, and came in front of everyone.

The person who came was about 30 years old, with a slim figure and a good face.

It is indeed the elder of Chuangong, Su Yun, a great master of the four qi masters.

The outer disciples who were resting stood up one after another, looking at Su Yun tensely.

This senior sister, who used to be the real person in charge, had previously accepted a female disciple among the outer disciples. If she was attracted by her, she would directly ascend to the sky.

"According to the usual practice in today's morning class, you should teach the first layer of the Longevity Art to you and other new outer disciples.

The formula of longevity is improved by Master Zhangjiao based on the formula of health preservation passed down by Zhenjun Changsheng.

It is a peerless magical skill that has miraculous effects such as strengthening qi and blood, prolonging life, and increasing the probability of breaking through.

If one can reach the first level, the qi and blood will be doubled, and the probability of breaking through the blood training level will increase greatly.

And it is just around the corner to reach the second level and reach the realm of Qi and blood three times.

If you are lucky enough to practice to the third level, you will probably be able to work hard and become an inner disciple. "

Su Yun said loudly.

"Report to Elder Su, if you can practice to the fourth level, is it true that you can prolong your life for a hundred years as the legend says?" At this time, someone in the crowd boldly asked.

Although all the disciples present were outside disciples who had entered the school for less than three months, some of them had extraordinary backgrounds and aptitudes.

It's just that due to the restrictions of the sect's rules, all introductory disciples, regardless of their aptitude, must start as outer disciples.

The master teacher rose from the humble beginnings and treated the low-level disciples equally. Therefore, these noble people treated the low-born disciples with courtesy and restraint, and almost never suppressed the low-level disciples.

Whether it's out of sincerity or catering to Shangyi, there is only a distinction between high and low cultivation bases in Qiantian Palace, not high or low.

"It's true. Practicing the fourth layer of the Longevity Jue can prolong life at least a hundred years. According to the difference in the quality of the practitioner's own true energy, there is also a difference in the number of years of life extension." Su Yun nodded.

"Then how many people have practiced the Longevity Art to the fourth level?" Someone asked again.

"There are 21 people who have practiced the Longevity Jue to the fourth level and above. However, the only ones who have practiced to the fifth level are the two wives Lu Yingxuan and Xu Ling who are in charge of real people."

Su Yun explained that up to now, she has been relieved of what happened back then, but when she thinks about it occasionally, she still feels a little unreal.

Xu Ling's aptitude is not as good as hers, but 20 years have passed, Xu Ling has now cultivated to the three evil realms, and has practiced the longevity formula to the fifth level.

All of this is obviously due to Han Zhao.

Sometimes, the choice really outweighs the effort.

Of course, if she hadn't studied with Han Zhaoshi and had a close relationship with Xu Ling, she would have made no mistakes in the follow-up choices, and now she might still be struggling to achieve great success.

"Then what level has Elder Su practiced the longevity formula?" All the disciples exclaimed, the difficulty of the longevity formula is too exaggerated.

In the entire Qiantian Palace, there are as many as 21 outer disciples, thousands of inner disciples, hundreds of elders, plus ten true disciples. There are so many people, only [-] of them have practiced the regimen to the fourth level.

However, the two wives who are in charge of the real person can practice to the fifth level, it must be because of the constant guidance of the real person in charge.

"The Secret of Longevity focuses on comprehension. I have only cultivated to the third level of perfection. As for when I will be able to break through to the fourth level, it is not yet known."

Su Yun pondered.

If she can practice the Longevity Art to the fourth level and further strengthen her qi and blood, her hope of becoming a saint will increase a lot.

"What about the Master Teacher?" Suddenly another disciple asked curiously.

"The Secret of Longevity in the sect contains six levels. The real person in charge has practiced at least the sixth level, right?" Su Yun was a little unsure.


All the disciples couldn't help but gasped, especially some disciples from ordinary backgrounds, and only then did they have a general idea of ​​Han Zhao's strength.

The fourth level of the Longevity Art can at least prolong life for a hundred years, so the sixth level can live for more than a thousand years, isn't it no different from a god?
"Okay! The way of martial arts is to be down-to-earth. Remember the formulas of the first level. Many of you are from poor backgrounds. Right now may be the biggest and only chance to change your destiny in your life, so be careful. Sure." Su Yun said in a deep voice.


The disciples said in unison, looking at Su Yun expectantly, waiting for her to read out the formula of the first layer of the formula of longevity.

"The so-called long-lived people, those who fear and think hurt their spirits, and those who are happy, their spirits are scattered and do not hide."

Su Yun spoke eloquently.

"This is the taboo of longevity, long life and long-term vision, why not"

Su Yun recited the formulas and mental methods of the first layer of the Longevity Jue three or four times in succession.

Then let the disciples recite the memory on the spot.

After the disciples recited it repeatedly and made sure to write it down, Su Yun continued: "Next, I will teach you how to find the sense of energy, you must."

Halfway through her words, she suddenly raised her head to look above the clouds.

"what happened?"

A group of outer disciples looked up at the sky, and there was nothing but blue sky and white clouds.

Just when everyone was puzzled.


An eagle's cry came from above the clouds.

I saw a magnificent white eagle swooping down. From a rough look, the wingspan also exceeded 20 meters.

In an instant, it landed on top of everyone's heads.

Before he fell down, he felt a terrifying breath blowing towards his face.

The disciple below suddenly exclaimed.

However, when the white eagle was about to land on the platform, it quickly slowed down and landed slowly.

Even so, when the white eagle's huge wings flapped, it also brought gusts of strong wind, which made the clothes of the disciples in the arena cold, and many people couldn't stand still, and some people were frightened by the terrifying breath and sat down on their buttocks. on the ground.

At this time, the white eagle landed on the platform.

Su Yun's expression changed, she looked at Ying's back: "Nian Xuan?"

Everyone looked intently, only to find a woman dressed in white and wearing a long sword standing on the back of the white eagle, she was actually a stunning beauty.

Han Nianxuan patted the restless white eagle, signaling it to calm down, and immediately bowed to the disciples in the arena, and smiled slightly:
"Senior brothers and sisters, I'm rude. There is a reason for this incident, so I ended up here. If there is any disturbance, the senior sister will apologize to everyone on behalf of Bai Ying."

She looked about twenty years old, with black hair like lacquer, skin like jade, beautiful eyes, and an indescribable charm in every frown and smile.In addition, he is tall, light, and dignified and elegant in words and deeds. It can be said that he is beautiful but not demonic, gorgeous but not vulgar.

All the disciples stared straight at her, and even the female disciples were delighted with her.

"It's Master Zhenchuan!"

"Meet the big sister!"

Soon some disciples recognized the person who came as the head of the ten true disciples, Han Nianxuan, the eldest daughter of the Daoist Master.

The true biography competition is held once every ten years, and the rank and order of the true biography disciples are determined.

Among them, Xu Ting, who ranked last, was also a master of five qi.

In the minds of the disciples of the inner and outer sects, the status of the true disciples is high, and they must be above the elders in the sect, which is the ultimate goal pursued by the disciples.

Because those who can enter the true inheritance will definitely be able to become the elders of the sect in the future.

And when the elders in the sect are young, they may not be able to enter the true biography.

Han Nianxuan jumped up and landed firmly in front of Su Yun, and said with a sweet smile, "I've met Aunt Su."

"Nian Xuan, it's been a while since I saw you."

Su Yun smiled.

"These days Nianxuan has been practicing hard in closed doors, and has hardly been out of the Xuanying Hall." Han Nianxuan stepped forward and hugged Su Yun's arm affectionately.

From childhood to adulthood, except for a few close relatives, it was Su Yun who treated Han Nianxuan the best, so the relationship between the two has always been very good.

"Aunt Su, Daddy has an order to notify all the elders in the family to go to the Xuanying Hall to discuss matters."

Han Nianxuan said again.

"Teacher Daoist has a life? Could it be that something big happened? Then let's go to Xuanying Hall quickly." Su Yun looked solemn.

"Okay." Han Nianxuan nodded.

The two flew onto the white eagle's back.

"You continue to appreciate the true meaning of the Longevity Tactic, and I will come back as soon as I go." Su Yun shouted.

The white eagle fluttered its wings lightly, soared into the sky, and soon flew up to the clouds and disappeared at the end of the sky.

"Is that white eagle just now the demon king? It's too scary!"

"It's definitely the demon king. My ancestor once subdued a snake demon. His strength is comparable to that of a grandmaster, but his aura is less than one tenth of that white eagle's. So I can be sure it is the demon king!"

"Is what you're talking about the point? Isn't the point the big sister?!"

After Su Yun and Han Nianxuan left, after a short period of silence, there was an instant commotion in the arena.

"I really don't know what kind of man is worthy of someone like Senior Sister."

"She has a fairy-like appearance and is so approachable, without any airs."

"If Elder Sister can give me a hug, I am willing to lose ten years of my life!"

"Hmph! I would like to lose 100 years of my life!"

"You are counting the life span of the next life, right?!"

The topic returned to Han Nianxuan.

"Don't dream! Eldest Sister said that you must at least be comparable to a man in charge of a real person to catch her eyes!" Hearing the male disciples talking about Han Nianxuan, the female disciples on the side scoffed unceremoniously.

"Ah?! Isn't that going to be lonely forever?"


Most of the male disciples were silent.

Even the descendants of the elders enshrined in Xuanying Hall are far behind Han Nianxuan.

As for the real person in charge who is known as No. 1 in Dongshengzhou, it is like a peerless peak whose top cannot be seen at a glance.

Wanting to stand shoulder to shoulder with the real head teacher, they didn't even dare to think about it in their dreams.

"Brother Li, how are you?" Li Zhu, who was behind the crowd, poked Li Feishuang in a daze with his elbow.

"What's the matter? I advise you not to have any unreasonable thoughts about the elder sister! People like us are not worthy of her." Li Feishuang said in a deep voice.He didn't even dare to think about a beauty like Elder Chuangong, let alone a celestial elder sister. His dream was to become a blood-level martial artist, then return to the village to build a big house, and then marry the second girl from the next door as his wife.

"I mean, how is your understanding of the formula of longevity? Who said you are a big sister." Li Zhu took it for granted.

"You boy—!" Li Feishuang made a gesture to hit him.

The inner hall of Xuanying Hall.

Han Zhao sat cross-legged in the first place, closing his eyes and meditating.

A group of elders dressed in purple sat on the futons on both sides of the main seat.

The first person on the left is naturally the master of the Xuanying Palace, Yu Chongxiao, who has turned nine to the pseudo-supernatural power realm.

Afterwards, all the guests in the Xuanying Hall made offerings.

And the first person on the right is Han Nianxuan, the great disciple of True Inheritance.

Followed by the major true disciples and the elders of the inner and outer sects.

The status of true disciples is equivalent to that of the elders in the sect, and the power in some aspects is still higher than that of ordinary elders.

"I called you here today to announce a big event." Han Zhao opened his eyes.

"Please show me the master teacher." Everyone stood up and saluted in unison.

"One thing, starting today, Qiantian Palace temporarily stops recruiting new disciples.

Second, recall all the branch disciples and elders in the prefecture to Nujiao Island.

Three, all the gatekeepers of Qiantian Palace are not allowed to go out without orders. "

Han Zhao said slowly.


"Could it be that a foreign enemy is about to invade?"

As soon as Han Zhao finished speaking, everyone's expression changed.

Although the weakest fighters in the arena were all master-level fighters, they couldn't calm down after hearing Han Zhao's words.

"I have my own plans for this matter, so you don't need to panic." Han Zhao said lightly.

"I will follow the edict of the head teacher."

Everyone agreed in their hearts and said in unison.

Almost all the warriors present here have experienced the Qiantian Palace Ceremony and saw Han Zhao slaying the Red Moon Great Sage with their own eyes.

Among them are many old people who have watched the battle of Bailingzong and the grand ceremony of Qiantian Palace at the same time, so they have a high degree of trust in Han Zhao.

He said don't be afraid, then don't be afraid!
"It's good for everyone to perform their own duties." Han Zhao stood up and waved his sleeve robe: "The top ten true disciples, those who have become saints will stay, and the rest will disperse."

"I'll take my leave." Although everyone was curious about what he was going to say next, they still bowed respectfully and retreated.

At this time, Xu Ting, who had just entered No.10 among the top ten true disciples, was now only in the fifth qi state, with an annoyed expression on his face.

"This is opportunity, but there is also great terror."

Xu Ting retreated unwillingly, and just as he reached the door, Han Zhao's voice came from his ear.

"Students, please remember, thank you Master Teacher for clarifying the confusion." Xu Ting felt awe-inspiring in his heart. Even the Master Master said that there was a great horror, so with his strength, he might be close to death. Thinking of this, he looked relieved and bowed back.

When there were only nine true disciples left in the inner hall, Han Zhao leisurely walked in front of the nine.

Han Nianxuan, Han Yan, Ling Yun, Ling Feng, Cheng Jiao, Han Shuangning, Zhao Qiantao, Han Lianxin, Yu Xuewei.

"There is a secret realm that is about to open, and I want to send you there to retrieve a secret treasure. However, the risk of this trip is not low, so it is up to you to decide whether to go."

Han Zhao said sternly.

Even though Han Nianxuan, a supermodel Eighth Evil Realm Martial Saint, takes the lead, the probability of accidents is not high, and he may not be able to persuade all the wealthy disciples of the aristocratic family by himself.

Han Nianxuan is only 31 years old, and she is already better than Han Zhao at the same age.

But when Han Zhao entered Qiantian Palace, he was already 37 years old, and both his body and incarnation were perfect in the ten evil realms, so he was invincible.

Outside these aristocratic families are afraid of him, and they entered Qiantian Palace. Once Han Yan got the "Qiantian Palace", the situation will be different.

"I'm waiting to go!"

Although everyone was a little surprised, but after looking at each other for a few times, the nine people responded in unison.

"So, very good." Han Zhao nodded slightly, each of these true disciples was loyal enough, and it would be best if they could go together.

Cheng Jiao is the great-great-great-grandson of Cheng Peng, who possesses the spiritual body of Taiyi and possesses both swords and swords.

Zhao Qiantao is the most outstanding descendant of the Zhao family in the Yinyang Palace. Although he is only a super root, his understanding is amazing, and he has practiced the Longevity Art to the fourth level of perfection.

As for Yu Xuewei, she is the daughter of Yu Chongxiao. Her original surname was Cao, but she changed her surname back to Yu after taking her back.The super root bone inherited the blood of the Jiuli War Beast. After becoming a saint, he awakened the yin and yang spirit body. Although it was only a evil realm, he had already obtained the true biography of Yu Chongxiao, and the power of the seal of the gods was amazing.

As for Xu Ting, who was ranked last among the top ten true biographies, he just started practicing martial arts from a grassroots background. He started too late, so he didn't become a saint.


Han Zhao waved his sleeve robe, nine poles and three feet long golden dragon flag flew out of his sleeve, and the sound of dragon chant resounded through the hall.

Nine people stretched out their palms at the same time, and the nine dragon flags were in the palms of the nine people respectively.

"This is the formation flag of the pseudo-Nine Dragons formation. When necessary, you will use Han Yan as the main force to mobilize the formation to fight against the enemy."

Han Zhao explained.

"From today onwards, all of you will stay in the inner hall until you master the method of forming formations and flags before leaving."

"We will follow the edict of the head teacher." The nine people looked solemn.

"This seat will demonstrate first, you have to wait and watch carefully." Han Zhao waved his sleeves, and the golden light suddenly appeared.

The nine dragon flags turned into golden dragons, hovering above the main hall, and an astonishing spiritual pressure filled the void.

Half a month later, Han Zhao left Xuanying Hall, leaving nine people to continue to familiarize themselves with the formation method of the pseudo-Nine Dragons formation.

And he went to Yuanchang Prefecture to look for Ji Baiwei.

The Ji family's attitude is ambiguous, but this time, he needs Ji Baiwei to convey his meaning to the Ji family.

Must stand in line!

The forces behind the Ji family involve Tianmo Dongtian, Zu Wutian, and Miao Chengtian.

If the Ji family wants to stand on the side of the Heavenly Demon Cave this time, Han Zhao will not be able to tolerate the Ji family after this battle.

Twenty years ago, the Ji family wanted Ji Baiwei to give birth to offspring for Han Zhao, and promised that their offspring would inherit the position of Ji family patriarch.

But was rejected by Han Zhao.

The descendants of the two will definitely contain the power of the Ji family's magical soldiers, and there is a holy master of the Ji family who is in the ancestor Wutian. If he is an enemy of Han Zhao, he can use the power of the Ji family's blood to harm the descendants of the two. , so Han Zhao and Ji Baiwei have not conceived children for so many years.

Only when Ji Bai is slightly advanced to the Holy Master can he guarantee that the offspring will not be affected by the blood of the Ji family.

"After Bai Wei, I have to go find Yu Xuanji."

Han Zhao was driving the escape light, thinking to himself.

For so many years, among the close females around him, the only one who didn't get closer to him was Yu Xuanji.

Because of that unexpected experience, Yu Xuanji treated him as if he were away.

Fifteen years ago, it was a retreat to hit the third-order bottleneck. I don't know if it is out now.

"Everything is ready, I am sure to win the "Qiantian Palace", and anyone who stands in my way will die! "

(End of this chapter)

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