Life simulation: add entries starting from health preservation skills

Chapter 260 "Qiantian Palace" Appears, Killing and Tribulation Begins!

Chapter 260 "Qiantian Palace" Appears, Killing and Tribulation Begins! (big cup)

Yuanchang Fucheng.

Since the Cao family allocated the entire Yunzhou to Qiantian Palace, the martial arts schools in various places have naturally become the lower courts of Qiantian Palace, and they have continuously sent disciples to Qiantian Palace.

All the disciples who are brushed down on Nujiao Island can go to the Martial Academy to practice at their own expense.

After reaching the standard, they can return to Nujiao Island to participate in the outer sect competition, and those who perform well can enter the inner sect.

If you add the disciples of martial arts schools from all over Yunzhou, the total number of disciples in Qiantian Palace has reached one hundred thousand.

Basically, the martial artist families who have the conditions will try their best to migrate to the boundary of Yunzhou, or send outstanding juniors.

In other state capitals, aristocratic and wealthy families are rampant.

But in Yunzhou, since the rise of Qiantian Palace, many aristocratic families have moved out of Yunzhou.

However, the power of the aristocratic family that cannot be easily moved is much lower-key than before.

The only one that can be the same as before is the Su family, one of the three great families in Yunzhou.

Because the Su family has a Su Tianqi.

At the northernmost end of the martial arts academy in Yuanchang Prefecture, there is a bamboo forest, which was originally the residence of Qin Qingxu, the head of the martial arts academy.

Later, Qin Qingxu took Lu Yingxuan and the others to the outer sea, and the place was vacant.

In the end, because Qin Qingxu entered the Heavenly Sacred Cave, he never turned back.

Today, the first seat of the Martial Academy has been replaced by Zhang Mudie, who is in the [-]st level of Condensation Shade.

With the support of Han Zhao's huge resources, Lu Yi has cultivated to the Five Qi Realm, and is now the head of the Shaking Mountain Academy of the Martial Arts Academy.

And Ji Baiwei lived behind the bamboo forest in Qin Qingxu's former residence.

When passing above the bamboo forest, Han Zhao lowered the escape light at the entrance of the bamboo forest.

The bamboo forest in front of me is very quiet, and the mountains and plains are covered with luxuriant, fresh and green bamboos.

In the early morning, the bamboo forest is still shrouded in a layer of mist, and there are a few crisp birdsong from time to time.The dewdrops on the bamboo leaves look crystal clear under the sunlight.The breeze blew past, the dewdrops fell, and the bamboo leaves swayed, making a subtle rustling sound.

"Reminisce back then."

The familiar scene in front of him reminded Han Zhao of that year.

More than 30 years have passed.

How many 30 years can life have?

Even Han Zhao. It seems that there are countless 30 years.

Thinking of this, Han Zhao no longer had the feeling of lamenting how time flies.

He shook his head, walked quickly through the bamboo forest, and came to a secluded house at the end of the bamboo forest.

Enter the mansion and go straight to the backyard.

Ji Bai slightly turned his back to him.Sitting on a stone bench in the yard.

A head of black and beautiful long hair was braided obliquely, revealing a neck as white as jade and as delicate as silk, like a graceful swan.

The slim white dress clings to her jade back, and the slender waist is tightly grasped, and further down, there is a curved buttocks.

It's hard for anyone to imagine that such a delicate and weak woman is actually a third-level military commander, an extremely strong person who can split mountains and mountains with one blow.

"Big Brother Han!"

Hearing the movement, Ji Bai put down the tea cup in his hand slightly, looked back, and saw that it was Han Zhao who came, and immediately showed a surprised smile.

"Bai Wei." Han Zhao stepped forward and hugged her gently.

In the past 20 years, he spent the least amount of time with Ji Baiwei.

Three days later.

The two came to the front yard.

Ji Bai bid farewell to Han Zhao.

"Brother Han, don't worry, I will definitely try to persuade the ancestors in the clan."

"Just do your best, don't force yourself." Han Zhao nodded.

"En!" Ji Baiwei nodded heavily.

Watching Ji Baiwei's light disappear into the sky, Han Zhao didn't leave in a hurry, but returned to the backyard, and leisurely made tea.

[Current descendants: Han Nianxuan (spiritual body), Han Yan (spiritual body), Han Shuangning (super class), Han Lianxin (super class), Lian Chengye (demon body)]

[Current disciples: Ling Yun (five evil realm), Lingfeng (four evil realm), Cheng Jiao (three evil realm), Zhao Qiantao (three evil realm), Yu Xuewei (one evil realm), Xu Ting (grandmaster).】

[Current disciples: Yu Chongxiao ([-]-turn pseudo-supernatural power), Cheng Peng (four-turn false supernatural power), Chong Chong (three-turn false supernatural power)]

[Current bonuses: root bone +300%, comprehension +300%, mana recovery +300%, supernatural power +100%]

"At this stage, the strength and entry bonuses have reached the limit, and there is no point in pursuing it any longer."

Han Zhao looked at the addition of the [Martial God Taoism] entry. In 20 years, Qiantian Palace has developed to the limit at this stage.

If you can't bring out the "Qiantian Palace" and reunite with the "Qiantian Junyang Pot" to become a pseudo-innate spiritual treasure, then even after a hundred years, only the eldest daughter Han Nianxuan will be able to make a substantial improvement in her cultivation. up.

But even so, her success rate of surviving the supernatural catastrophe in the source world will not exceed [-]%.

Not to mention others.

This is a limitation and targeting at the world level, no matter how high the talent is, it is useless.

unless hung up.

And Han Zhao's cultivation has reached the peak of the third level of supernatural powers. In addition to improving his skills and strengthening the power of supernatural powers, his mana has almost been raised to the extreme.

So after dozens or hundreds of years, his cultivation level will not be able to improve.

If you can't add more points, it will take at least 200 years to practice the Nirvana True Demon Art to perfection.

There are too many variables in the middle, so he is going to let the "Qiantian Palace" appear in advance, and take the initiative to provoke the murder.

The Holy Lord of the Heavenly Demon Grotto is the food for improving the skills and breaking through the realm of heaven and man.

"Next, we will wait for good news from Yan'er and the others."

Han Zhao sipped his tea calmly.

After 20 years of silence, perhaps these holy masters and heavenly beings have long forgotten the fear he brought.

Just in time, let these people relive the nightmare of that year again.

Half a month later, Ji Baiwei returned from Daliang City, Tianzhou.

The result is not much different from Han Zhao's simulation and expectations.

The Holy Master of the Ji family is still on the sidelines.

Of course, it was mainly because Han Zhao couldn't directly tell him the purpose of this time, and couldn't reveal his strength in advance.

But as long as the Holy Master of the Ji family doesn't resolutely refuse, that's enough.

Another month passed.

Yuanchang Fucheng.

On the square in the center of the inner city, there are two huge stone tablets ten meters high on the left and one on the right. The surface of the tablet is as smooth as a mirror, like two towering glazed pagodas.

Those warriors with strong vitality and improved eyesight would definitely be able to see the monument from top to bottom, full of portraits, and there are shimmering words behind it.

These two steles are the Kylin List and the Qiantian List that spread throughout the state capitals of Dongshengzhou.

At this moment, the stone tablet on the right suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light.

"The Qiantian Ranking has changed again?"

"Who is it?!"

Pedestrians passing by were attracted by this scene and surrounded them one after another.

The warriors standing outside glanced at the huge stone tablet, and saw that the head portrait and text on the last column had changed.

"No. 70! Name: Han Lianxin; Age: 20 years old; Origin: Qiantian Palace; Martial Arts: Top Ten Martial Arts; Realm: One Evil Realm."

"It's Qiantian Palace again!"

"This Han Lianxin seems to be Han Wushen's youngest daughter!"

"A 20-year-old Martial Saint, who can also enter the top [-] of the Qiantian Ranking, is really amazingly talented!"

The surrounding warriors couldn't help sighing, many of them came from the Lower Court of Qiantian Palace in the city.

"Senior Sister Han is a true disciple of the sect, what is even more powerful is her strength."

"It's too exaggerated to kill a snake-level second-level opponent by leapfrogging!"

"What's the matter, look at the 46."

At this time, someone in the crowd reminded.

Everyone looked towards the front of Qiantianbang.

I saw that the No. 40 No. [-] of Qiantian Ranking was Han Shuangning's name, and she was just the double mirror of Ningsha.

Among the people who ranked close to Han Shuangning, the weakest one was also a low-level pseudo-soldier commander at the third level of the snake level, and a child of the spirit beast family who had awakened the second bloodline.

"Did you find out? In the last month, eight of the top ten true disciples of Qiantian Palace have entered the top 72. Han Zhenren's eldest son, Han Yan, is even ranked sixth!"

"What's the matter? Today's world is no longer the world of aristocratic families."

"You Qiantian Palace is carrying the banner of martial arts, how can you tolerate the aristocratic family occupying the Qiantian Ranking!"

The warriors were a little excited.

In recent years, whether it is the Qilin list or the Qiantian list, only the warriors of Qiantian Palace can compete with the wealthy families.

"Oh? Did you find out that among the top ten true disciples of Qiantian Palace, apart from Xu Ting who is still fifth on the Qilin list, there is one who has not made it to the Qiantian list."

"You mean Han Nianxuan, the eldest daughter of Zhenren Han?"

"That's right, Han Nianxuan is the head of Qiantian Palace's top ten true biographies, if she makes it to the list, she will definitely be able to enter the top ten."

"I think at least the top three!"

"I'm afraid this is not necessarily the case. The children of the top three aristocratic families are all amazingly strong. Unless it is Han Wushen back then, otherwise, it may be difficult..."

Everyone looked at the top position on the unicorn list.

The number one ranked disciple is Li Tianlin, the eldest disciple of Corpse Soul Valley in Qi State.

Back then in Corpse Soul Valley, many elders were beheaded by Han Zhao, and his strength was severely damaged.

Especially after Han Zhao beheaded the Holy Lord of the Red Moon, the Holy Lord of the Valley of Souls returned to the source world in person to sit in the Valley of Souls, just to prevent Han Zhao from coming.

Due to the presence of the Holy Master in Corpse Soul Valley, after these years of dormancy, its strength has recovered rapidly, and a genius has emerged from the Li family line.

At only 32 years old, he has cultivated to the ninth level of the snake level, and has mastered the high-level pseudo-divine weapon, the sky demon puppet. His strength is so strong that he temporarily ranks first in the Qiantian list.

And the second place is Murong Qiu from the Murong family of Chu State, who is so talented that he can directly catch up with Murong Jie and Murong Hua back then.

This makes people have to lament the background of the wealthy family. The Murong family and the Valley of Souls were both severely damaged by Han Zhenren back then. As a result, in just twenty years, the new generation recovered.

On the contrary, it was the disciples of the Cao family who had been at the top of the Qiantian Ranking for several generations. After Cao Xuan stepped down from the rankings, the disciples of the Cao family directly fell out of the top ten.

The highest-ranked son of the Cao family is only No.14.

However, the Qi family, which has always had a relatively harmonious relationship with Qiantian Palace, has a son named Qi Wenxing who has been in the limelight in recent years, ranking third on the Qiantian list, earning back a little face for Wei Guo.

"At the age of 16, Han Nianxuan reached the realm of the Grandmaster of the Five Qis, and ranked third in the Qilin list in one fell swoop, which can be said to be famous all over the world!"

"After so many years, I don't know what level she has cultivated to now?"

The warriors said with emotion.

When Han Nianxuan made her debut back then, she was at the pinnacle that many warriors could hardly reach in their lifetime.

After so many years, she might have become a high-level martial saint long ago.

"Aren't there disciples of Qiantian Palace among you?"

"How far has Han Nianxuan cultivated?"

At this time, a Martial Saint Realm warrior in the crowd looked at the outer disciple in gray robe behind him and asked curiously.

"The previous senior true biography brother was Senior Brother Ling Yun, and it was rumored that he was in the realm of the four evil spirits before. The elder sister can beat her, at least in the realm of the five evil spirits. But this has been several years ago."

One of the handsome young disciples said, although he was wearing the standard clothes of outer disciples, judging by his demeanor, he was from an extraordinary background.

"From this point of view, Han Nianxuan may have already cultivated to the level of the six evil spirits!"

"A 16-year-old master of five qi and a 31-year-old martial sage of six evil spirits, what a terrifying talent!"

"Han Wushen back then, at this age, I'm afraid he doesn't have the strength of Han Nianxuan, right?"

"How can this be compared? Han Wushen came from a humble background, and his father was only a blood-level martial artist. And Han Nianxuan was born as the No.1 daughter of Dongshengzhou. The starting point is different!"

"In my opinion, reincarnation is also a technical job!"

There was a lot of discussion, and many people agreed.

"In my opinion, it's not impossible for Han Nianxuan to be in the Seven Demon Realm."

Someone made a wild guess.

"The Seven Fiends Realm is the last step of the Martial Saint. How can it be so easy to open the Shenbian acupoint in the brain!"

"Even if you start training from the mother's womb, and have Han Wushen devote all your efforts to cultivate it, it won't be so fast!"

"Indeed! He is not a child of an aristocratic family. He is born with a strong bloodline, and he can become stronger without practicing."

More people objected.

"Isn't Han Wushen's blood not strong enough?!" Someone argued.

Just as everyone was arguing, the Qiantian List suddenly burst into dazzling golden light.

"What's going on? The list has changed again!"

"Look! No.1 Li Tianlin's name has changed!"

Accompanied by an exclamation, everyone's eyes on the square were focused on the top position of the Qiantian Ranking.

"No way?!"

An astonishing idea suddenly rose in everyone's mind.

"It's Han Nianxuan!!!"

Soon, Li Tianlin's name and image gradually faded until they disappeared completely.

And Han Nianxuan's name appeared.

"No. 31 on the Qiantian Ranking! Name: Han Nianxuan; Age: [-] years old; Origin: Qiantian Palace; Martial Arts: Top Ten Martial Arts, Heavenly Demon Kung Fu, Nirvana True Demon Kung Fu; Realm."

Just now, the martial artist who guessed that Han Nianxuan might have cultivated to the Seven Shade Realm read aloud the text that appeared at the top of the list.

However, when he saw Han Nianxuan's realm, his voice suddenly rose an octave.

"Eight Fiend Realm Consummation??!!!"

Everyone in the field couldn't help but gasped.

Deathly silence!

The warriors in the entire square fell silent.

After a brief silence, the field exploded in an instant.


"The 31-year-old Basha Realm is complete? Is this still a human?!"

"Why is my father not Han Wushen!!"

"Who said just now that Han Nianxuan lost to the top three in the Qiantian Ranking?! Stand up! See what this is?!"

More and more warriors rushed to the square upon hearing the news.

The same thing happened in the capital cities of the various state capitals in Dongshengzhou.

Han Nianxuan's name shook the world!

this afternoon.

Qi country.


Hongye Mansion, the capital of Qi State, the largest mansion of Qi State where Jingtian City, the capital of Qi State, is located.

The Jiang family, the royal family of Qi State, and the headquarters of the three major sects, Soul Valley, Taiyin Sect, and Sanyang Sect.

At this time, a stunning beauty in fluttering white clothes, about twenty years old, was flying a snow-white flying sword across the sky.

In the middle of Feijian, there is also a beautiful girl who looks seventeen or eighteen years old, who is three points similar to that stunning beauty, and she is a sister at first glance.

The scene on the ground retreated rapidly, one could imagine how fast Feijian was flying away.

However, the body of the stunningly beautiful woman continued to overflow with fierce demon energy, accelerated her escape speed, and looked behind her from time to time, as if there was some terrifying existence behind them chasing them.

This person is Han Nianxuan who is in the center of public opinion.

And behind her is the younger sister Han Lianxin.

"It's still careless! You shouldn't have acted rashly." Han Nianxuan sighed in her heart when she noticed the envoy approaching rapidly from behind through her spiritual thoughts.

She knew that this trial was to enter Qiantian Palace, so she thought about solving the powerful enemies of some wealthy families before the opening of Qiantian Palace, so as to avoid being besieged after entering Qiantian Palace.

And Han Lianxin agreed with her, and when Han Nianxuan left Qiantian Palace, he secretly followed behind her.

After Han Nianxuan found out, she took her to the country of Qi.

Anyway, now that she has reached the perfection of the Eight Demons Realm, her strength is incomparable as a military envoy, and she has the supreme treasure of killing and cutting, the Dragon Blade, at her side, so she thinks that protecting Han Lianxin will not be a problem.

So, just yesterday, after some investigation, Han Nianxuan killed Li Tianlin, a disciple of Corpse Soul Valley who was at the top of the Qiantian Ranking, and Han Lianxin killed Xiang Xinrong, a disciple of Corpse Soul Valley who was ranked No.70.

As a result, just as the two were about to leave, an envoy from the Sanyang Sect who had sensed the fluctuations of the battle arrived.

However, after hearing that the two were killed by Li Tianlin and Xiang Xinrong in a fair duel, and that their father was named Han Zhao, the envoy of the Sanyang Sect exchanged a few words and left on the spot.

It's just that before Han Nianxuan and Han Lianxin flew thousands of miles away, they were overtaken by a first-tier soldier in Corpse Soul Valley.

Han Nianxuan used all means, and finally used the magic dragon blade to injure the opponent severely, and then used all her strength to force the flying sword to leave.

It's just that not long after the first-tier commander was defeated, another powerful enemy came after him.

Just relying on divine sense perception, the opponent is at least a second-tier military commander, or even a third-tier military commander, and is invincible!
"Little sister, I'll ask Uncle Xuan Yi to take you, you go!" Han Nianxuan took out the Dragon Blade while fleeing with the flying sword, and handed it to Han Lianxin who was behind him.

"Big sister, how do you fight against the enemy without the Dragon Blade?! I can't go!" Han Lianxin also regretted it at this moment. If she didn't drag her back, the eldest sister would definitely be able to get away.

"No one can leave like this!" Han Nianxuan said anxiously.

"Let's go together! If we want to die, we will die together!" Han Lianxin's expression was stubborn and his tone was firm.

"Jie Jie Jie is really sisterly love!"

Before the person arrives, the sound arrives first.

Suddenly, a gigantic monster with three heads and six arms that was over [-] meters in size descended from the clouds.

The monster giant stretched out six huge arms like houses, and patted the two women below.

The terrifying celestial demon's yin qi descended with a mighty overwhelming power.

"Not good!" Han Nianxuan felt the terrifying spiritual pressure pouring down, her expression changed drastically.

And Han Lianxin behind her was suppressed by this astonishing spiritual pressure and couldn't move. He could only watch the arm of the monster giant statue fall in despair.

"Uncle Xuanyi, help me!" Han Nianxuan gripped the Dragon Blade tightly.

"Dragon Blade?!" The giant demon statue noticed the Dragon Blade in Han Nianxuan's hand, its voice changed suddenly, and even the movement of the six arms fell.

But he reacted quickly.

"Hmph! So what if it's the Dragon Blade?!"

Seemingly becoming angry from embarrassment, the six arms of the giant demon statue suddenly pressed down.

Han Nianxuan poured all the stellar energy in her body into the Dragon Blade, swung it upwards suddenly, and a [-]-meter black awn shot up into the sky.

"Roar~!" The sound of the dragon chant resounded through the sky.

In an instant, Baimi Wumang came to the front of the giant demon statue, turned into a ferocious dragon, and started fighting with the giant monster statue.

Han Nianxuan had consumed most of her qi due to the battle with the envoy, if she hadn't recovered her strength after taking the top grade Huiyuan pill that Han Zhao left for her, she wouldn't be able to swing the knife just now.

Accompanied by an earth-shattering loud noise, the six arms of the demon colossus grabbed the Yanlong and squeezed it violently. The Yanlong burst instantly and disappeared without a trace.

"You two are going back to Corpse Soul Valley by yourself, and you still want us to break your hands and feet and bring them back?"

The demon colossus grinned grinningly.

"Thinking to use us to threaten daddy is delusional!" Han Lianxin said firmly.

"Today's battle is all about death." Han Nianxuan took out the last five top-quality Huiyuan Pills and swallowed them.

"Do you think you are Han Zhao?! Overestimate yourself!!" The giant monster was furious.

A terrifying spiritual pressure rose from his body, and there was an explosion sound in the void.It wasn't until this moment that he made a real move.

Han Nianxuan's face was pale, and she held the dragon blade in front of her.

"If Fellow Daoist Han is really here, how can you allow a small third-level soldier to be presumptuous!" Xuan Yi's voice came out as the black glow flickered in the dragon blade.

"Then you let Han Zhao come out!! You see, I'm afraid." The demon colossus sneered.

"Since you want to see me so much, I'm here."

Suddenly, a calm voice came from the void.

Hearing this sound, the body of the demon colossus trembled violently.


The giant demon statue stretched its divine sense to the extreme, only to find that there was no fourth person in a radius of hundreds of miles.

At this time, a slender and powerful hand stretched out from Han Nianxuan's side, holding her right hand.

"Daddy?!" Han Nianxuan was startled, and turned her head to look, only to see a translucent human figure standing beside her, which looked like Han Zhao.

"Different souls! How dare you pretend to be a ghost!" The giant monster heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Han Zhao's split soul after he appeared.

"Look, that's how the Dragon Blade is used." Han Zhao grasped Han Nianxuan's right hand and lifted it gently.

In an instant, the spiritual energy of the surrounding world fluctuated violently, and a huge spiritual energy vortex appeared in the sky.


The aura of heaven and earth rolled up, green, yellow, red, black, and white, and the power of the five elements formed dense spiritual patterns, and then the two qi of yin and yang and the power of three wonders together engulfed the aura of the five elements and poured into the dragon blade.

Han Nianxuan only felt that the Dragon Blade in her hand trembled violently, and there were bursts of buzzing sounds.

"Wait! Han Zhao!" The giant monster's expression changed suddenly when he saw the majestic aura inspired by Han Zhao's split soul.

"Valley of Souls and Qiantian Palace are not in conflict with each other now, you can't"

However, Han Zhao simply ignored it.

A black awn soared into the sky, turning into a ferocious dragon with a size of one thousand meters.


There was a dragon chant that seemed to be able to shatter the sky.

The demon colossus was swallowed by the nightmare dragon in one gulp, leaving no bones left.

"Daddy." Han Nianxuan and Han Lianxin's eyes widened.

"too strong!"

They all knew that Han Zhao was No. 1 in Dongshengzhou, and they grew up listening to his reputation.

But never saw him shoot.

When I saw it today, a split soul actually killed the third-rank soldier in seconds with a single blow.

After Han Zhao split his soul and killed the enemy, he waved his sleeve robe to gather the overflowing demonic Yin energy.

But his expression is indeed a little dignified.

"A strong man from the Holy Master Realm is coming, let's go first!"

Saying that, Han Zhao waved his sleeves again, and a golden beam of light surrounded the three of them in an instant, soaring into the sky at a speed dozens of times earlier, and flew towards Yunzhou, Wei State.

In the evening, when the sun is setting and the sky is full of sunset.

Han Zhao's soul has brought Han Nianxuan and Han Lianxin to the Sanghun Gorge at the junction of Wei and Qi.

"Why is it getting dark?!" Han Lianxin exclaimed, and a huge shadow enveloped him.


There was a thunderous sound above the clouds, and a big hand covering the sky wrapped in a purple-black arc suddenly appeared from a very far behind the three of them.

In an instant, as if the sky was falling, the big hand that covered the sky slammed down.

Han Zhao's soul suddenly flew in the opposite direction.

"Ah!" Although Han Lianxin knew that Han Zhao would not abandon her, he was still terrified by the sudden falling of the big hand.

At this time, a golden thunder ball covered with spirit patterns rose from below, and the thunder ball flashed several times before appearing in front of the big hand that covered the sky.

The volume of the golden thunderball expanded rapidly, and finally it directly blasted away the big hand that covered the sky.

Purple arcs flickered all over the sky.

At the same time, there was a groan of pain in the void.

At this time, a young man wearing a moon white Taoist robe appeared in front of Han Nianxuan and Han Lianxin.

"Han Zhao, you dare to kill my gatekeeper of Corpse Soul Valley!" A loud shout came from the void.

"Get out!" Han Zhao looked indifferent.

"You!" The visitor was furious.

"Or die." Han Zhao pinched his hands together.

"You won't be arrogant for long." As the purple-black arc all over the sky receded, the voice gradually faded away.

"Daddy!" After the catastrophe, Han Lianxin, who was still in shock, threw herself into Han Zhao's arms. Only now did she know why her mother and other young mothers said that Daddy was the most attractive man. Today she saw it.

"I've seen daddy." Han Nianxuan was a little moved, and came to Han Zhao and gave a respectful salute.

"It's all my fault that I acted rashly. I almost killed my little sister. Please punish me."

"Daddy! Don't blame elder sister, it's all because of me!" Han Lianxin said hastily.

"For today's matter, just write down the lesson." Han Zhao smiled gently.

"Thank you dad!" The two goddesses relaxed, listening to him, it was like a spring breeze blowing on the face, and the fear was also calmed down.

"Daddy, the Lord of Soul Valley." Han Nianxuan was worried that there would be follow-up actions in Soul Valley.

"Hmph!" Han Zhao's expression turned cold: "Today is different from the past, destiny is in my hands!"

"As for the Valley of Souls, it almost hurt my two beloved daughters, I swear to destroy it!"

When the two daughters Han Nianxuan and Han Lianxin heard the words, their eyes sparkled.

It was really dizzying for the father, who was always as gentle as jade, to burst out with such a murderous intent.

ten days later.

Yunzhou, at the mouth of the Changlin River, Nujiao Island.

Above the clouds, a huge heavenly palace stretches across the sky.

The heavenly palace is shining with golden light, and there is a faint celestial music passed down.

""Giantian Palace" appeared? ! "

"Why so many years in advance?"

"Is this all the movement of Qiantian Palace in the past few days?"

"How did "Qiantian Palace" just appear above Nu Jiao Island? "

"Could it be Han Zhao again?!"

The appearance of "Qiantian Palace" more than 30 years ahead of schedule immediately aroused the shock of various forces. They thought that the abnormal situation of "Qiantian Palace" last time was also related to Han Zhao.

(End of this chapter)

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